shithub: pprolog

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ref: c85de58a2047c4858825d03977e490db6168fbe3
parent: 43f65cbe02b3a2512c3a797862196d693b3a9f11
author: Peter Mikkelsen <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jul 22 20:50:18 EDT 2021

Simplify parsing a bit, and make sure the prolog loader calls read_term with the correct module to pick up the correct operators

--- a/builtins.c
+++ b/builtins.c
@@ -893,7 +893,6 @@
 builtinreadterm(Term *goal, Binding **bindings, Module *module)
-	USED(module);
 	Term *stream = goal->children;
 	Term *term = stream->next;
@@ -911,7 +910,7 @@
 		Throw(permissionerror(L"input", L"binary_stream", stream));
 	Term *realterm;
-	int error = readterm(stream, &realterm);
+	int error = readterm(stream, &realterm, module);
@@ -942,7 +941,7 @@
 		varsnames = varsandnames(uniquevars);
 		singlevars = singletons(allvars);
 	Term *op;
 	for(op = options; op->tag == CompoundTerm; op = op->children->next){
 		Term *opkey = op->children->children;
--- a/eval.c
+++ b/eval.c
@@ -66,6 +66,17 @@
 					name = prettyprint(goal, 0, 0, 0, nil);
 					arity = 0;
+				print("Didn't find predicate %S in module %S\n", prettyprint(goal, 0, 0, 0, nil), module->name);
+				Predicate *p;
+				for(p = module->predicates; p != nil; p = p->next)
+					print("Available in %S: %S/%d\n", module->name, p->name, p->arity);
+				Module *sysmod;
+				if(systemmoduleloaded)
+					sysmod = getmodule(L"system");
+				else
+					sysmod = getmodule(L"user");
+				for(p = sysmod->predicates; p != nil; p = p->next)
+					print("Available in %S: %S/%d\n", sysmod->name, p->name, p->arity);
 				case UnknownError:
 					procedure = mkatom(name);
--- a/fns.h
+++ b/fns.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* parser.c */
-Term *parse(int, Biobuf *, int);
+Term *parse(Biobuf *, Module *);
 /* prettyprint.c */
 Rune *prettyprint(Term *, int, int, int, Module *);
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 int istextstream(Term *);
 int isbinarystream(Term *);
 int canreposition(Term *);
-int readterm(Term *, Term **);
+int readterm(Term *, Term **, Module *);
 void writeterm(Term *, Term *, Term *, Module *);
 Rune getchar(Term *);
 Rune peekchar(Term *);
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -55,17 +55,21 @@
 read_and_handle_terms(Stream, Module0, Module) :-
-	( read_one_term(Stream, Term, Singles)
+	( read_one_term(Stream, Term, Module0, Singles)
 	-> handle_term(Term, Singles, Module0, Module1),
 	   read_and_handle_terms(Stream, Module1, Module)
 	; Module = Module0
-read_one_term(Stream, Term, Singles) :-
+read_one_term(Stream, Term, Module0, Singles) :-
 	peek_char(Stream, NextCh),
 	NextCh \= end_of_file,
-	read_term(Stream, Term, [singletons(Singletons)]),
+	( Module0 == system
+	-> read_term(Stream, Term, [singletons(Singletons)])
+	; Module0:read_term(Stream, Term, [singletons(Singletons)]) 
+	% For all other modules than system use Mod:read_term, to use the correct operators
+	),
 	singleton_names(Singletons, Singles).
 whitespace(' ').
--- a/module.c
+++ b/module.c
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 #include "dat.h"
 #include "fns.h"
+void handleopdirective(Term *, Module *);
@@ -22,24 +24,25 @@
 addtousermod(char *file)
-	int fd = open(file, OREAD);
-	if(fd < 0)
+	Biobuf *bio = Bopen(file, OREAD);
+	if(bio == nil)
 		return 0;
 	Module *usermodule = getmodule(L"user");
-	Term *terms = parse(fd, nil, 0);
-	if(terms == nil)
-		return 0;
 	Predicate *currentpred = nil;
 	Term *t;
-	for(t = terms; t != nil; t = t->next){
+	while(t = parse(bio, usermodule)){
 		Clause *cl = gmalloc(sizeof(Clause));
 		int arity;
 		cl->clausenr = 0;
 		cl->next = nil;
-		if(t->tag == CompoundTerm && runestrcmp(t->text, L":-") == 0 && t->arity == 2){
+		if(t->tag == CompoundTerm && runestrcmp(t->text, L":-") == 0 && t->arity == 1){
+			Term *body = t->children;
+			if(runestrcmp(body->text, L"op") == 0 && body->arity == 3)
+				handleopdirective(body->children, usermodule);
+			continue;
+		}else if(t->tag == CompoundTerm && runestrcmp(t->text, L":-") == 0 && t->arity == 2){
 			cl->head = t->children;
 			cl->body = t->children->next;
@@ -66,6 +69,8 @@
 			currentpred->clauses = appendclause(currentpred->clauses, cl);
 	usermodule->predicates = appendpredicate(currentpred, usermodule->predicates);
+	Bterm(bio);
 	return 1;
@@ -185,4 +190,43 @@
 	op->spelling = spelling;
 	op->next = mod->operators[level-1];
 	mod->operators[level-1] = op;
+handleopdirective(Term *args, Module *mod)
+	Term *levelt = args;
+	Term *typet = levelt->next;
+	Term *opt = typet->next;
+	if(levelt->tag == IntegerTerm 
+	    && levelt->ival >= 0 
+	    && levelt->ival <= PrecedenceLevels
+	    && typet->tag == AtomTerm
+	    && opt->tag == AtomTerm){
+		int level = levelt->ival;
+		Rune *spelling = opt->text;
+		int type = 0;
+		if(runestrcmp(typet->text, L"xf") == 0)
+			type = Xf;
+		else if(runestrcmp(typet->text, L"yf") == 0)
+			type = Yf;
+		else if(runestrcmp(typet->text, L"xfx") == 0)
+			type = Xfx;
+		else if(runestrcmp(typet->text, L"xfy") == 0)
+			type = Xfy;
+		else if(runestrcmp(typet->text, L"yfx") == 0)
+			type = Yfx;
+		else if(runestrcmp(typet->text, L"fy") == 0)
+			type = Fy;
+		else if(runestrcmp(typet->text, L"fx") == 0)
+			type = Fx;
+		if(type != 0){
+			addoperator(level, type, spelling, mod);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	print("Malformed op directive with level=%S, type=%S, op=%S\n",
+		prettyprint(levelt, 0, 0, 0, mod),
+		prettyprint(typet, 0, 0, 0, mod),
+		prettyprint(opt, 0, 0, 0, mod));
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/parser.c
+++ b/parser.c
@@ -52,68 +52,33 @@
 Term *parseoperators(Term *);
 void match(int);
 void syntaxerror_parser(char *);
-Term *prologtext(int);
-void handlemoduledirective(Term *);
-void handleopdirective(Term *);
+Term *parseterm(void);
 Term *
-parse(int fd, Biobuf *bio, int querymode)
+parse(Biobuf *bio, Module *mod)
-	if(bio == nil){
-		fd = dup(fd, -1);
-		parsein = Bfdopen(fd, OREAD);
-		if(parsein == nil){
-			print("Could not open file\n");
-			return nil;
-		}
-	}else
-		parsein = bio;
+	parsein = bio;
+	currentmod = mod;
-	currentmod = getmodule(L"user");
-	Term *result = prologtext(querymode);
-	if(querymode && result){
+	Term *result = parseterm();
+	if(result){
 		result = copyterm(result, &clausenr);
-	if(!bio)
-		Bterm(parsein);
 	return result;
 Term *
-prologtext(int querymode)
 	if(lookahead.tag == EofTok)
 		return nil;
 	Term *t = fullterm(AtomTok, L".", nil);
-	if(lookahead.tag == AtomTok && runestrcmp(lookahead.text, L".") == 0){
-		if(!querymode)
-			match(AtomTok);
-	}else
-		syntaxerror_parser("prologtext");
+	if(lookahead.tag != AtomTok || runestrcmp(lookahead.text, L".") != 0)
+		syntaxerror_parser("parseterm");
-	if(querymode)
-		return t;
-	if(t->tag == CompoundTerm && runestrcmp(t->text, L":-") == 0 && t->arity == 1){
-		Term *body = t->children;
-		if(runestrcmp(body->text, L"op") == 0 && body->arity == 3)
-			handleopdirective(body->children);
-		t = prologtext(querymode);
-	}else if(t->tag == CompoundTerm && runestrcmp(t->text, L":-") == 0 && t->arity == 2){
-		t->next = prologtext(querymode);
-	}else if(t->tag == AtomTerm || t->tag == CompoundTerm){
-		t->next = prologtext(querymode);
-	}else{
-		print("Expected directive or clause as toplevel\n");
-		syntaxerror_parser("prologtext");
-	}
 	return t;
@@ -572,42 +537,3 @@
 	print("Syntax error: Unexpected %d (%S) token in %s\n", lookahead.tag, lookahead.text, where);
 	exits("syntax error");
-handleopdirective(Term *args)
-	Term *levelt = args;
-	Term *typet = levelt->next;
-	Term *opt = typet->next;
-	if(levelt->tag == IntegerTerm 
-	    && levelt->ival >= 0 
-	    && levelt->ival <= PrecedenceLevels
-	    && typet->tag == AtomTerm
-	    && opt->tag == AtomTerm){
-		int level = levelt->ival;
-		Rune *spelling = opt->text;
-		int type = 0;
-		if(runestrcmp(typet->text, L"xf") == 0)
-			type = Xf;
-		else if(runestrcmp(typet->text, L"yf") == 0)
-			type = Yf;
-		else if(runestrcmp(typet->text, L"xfx") == 0)
-			type = Xfx;
-		else if(runestrcmp(typet->text, L"xfy") == 0)
-			type = Xfy;
-		else if(runestrcmp(typet->text, L"yfx") == 0)
-			type = Yfx;
-		else if(runestrcmp(typet->text, L"fy") == 0)
-			type = Fy;
-		else if(runestrcmp(typet->text, L"fx") == 0)
-			type = Fx;
-		if(type != 0){
-			addoperator(level, type, spelling, currentmod);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	print("Malformed op directive with level=%S, type=%S, op=%S\n",
-		prettyprint(levelt, 0, 0, 0, currentmod),
-		prettyprint(typet, 0, 0, 0, currentmod),
-		prettyprint(opt, 0, 0, 0, currentmod));
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/streams.c
+++ b/streams.c
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
-readterm(Term *stream, Term **term)
+readterm(Term *stream, Term **term, Module *mod)
 	Stream *s = getstream(stream);
 	if(s == nil){
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
 		*term = existenceerror(L"stream", stream);
 		return 1;
-	*term = parse(0, s->bio, 1);
+	*term = parse(s->bio, mod);
 	return 0;