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ref: ee65a81ee5b0112ba4480619ca672c569fb28b45
parent: 1c8789198373a52da9e80dc9b2b1ee2b67af61c4
author: Peter Mikkelsen <[email protected]>
date: Fri Jul 16 10:19:24 EDT 2021

Add character input/output

--- a/builtins.c
+++ b/builtins.c
@@ -56,6 +56,10 @@
 int compareterms(Term *, Term *);
@@ -157,6 +161,14 @@
 		return builtinatomlength;
 	if(Match(L"atom_codes", 2))
 		return builtinatomcodes;
+	if(Match(L"get_char", 2))
+		return builtingetchar;
+	if(Match(L"peek_char", 2))
+		return builtinpeekchar;
+	if(Match(L"put_char", 2))
+		return builtinputchar;
+	if(Match(L"char_code", 2))
+		return builtincharcode;
 	return nil;
@@ -1282,4 +1294,113 @@
 		Term *realatom = mkatom(buf);
 		return unify(atom, realatom, bindings);
\ No newline at end of file
+builtingetchar(Term *goal, Binding **bindings, Module *module)
+	USED(module);
+	Term *s = goal->children;
+	Term *ch = s->next;
+	if(s->tag == VariableTerm)
+		Throw(instantiationerror());
+	if(ch->tag != VariableTerm && !(ch->tag == AtomTerm && runestrlen(ch->text) == 1))
+		Throw(typeerror(L"in_character", ch));
+	if(s->tag != IntegerTerm && s->tag != AtomTerm)
+		Throw(domainerror(L"stream_or_alias", s));
+	if(!isopenstream(s))
+		Throw(existenceerror(L"stream", s));
+	if(isoutputstream(s))
+		Throw(permissionerror(L"input", L"stream", s));
+	if(isbinarystream(s))
+		Throw(permissionerror(L"input", L"binary_stream", s));
+	Rune r = getchar(s);
+	Term *realch;
+	if(r == Beof)
+		realch = mkatom(L"end_of_file");
+	else
+		realch = mkatom(runesmprint("%C", r));
+	return unify(ch, realch, bindings);
+builtinpeekchar(Term *goal, Binding **bindings, Module *module)
+	USED(module);
+	Term *s = goal->children;
+	Term *ch = s->next;
+	if(s->tag == VariableTerm)
+		Throw(instantiationerror());
+	if(ch->tag != VariableTerm && !(ch->tag == AtomTerm && runestrlen(ch->text) == 1))
+		Throw(typeerror(L"in_character", ch));
+	if(s->tag != IntegerTerm && s->tag != AtomTerm)
+		Throw(domainerror(L"stream_or_alias", s));
+	if(!isopenstream(s))
+		Throw(existenceerror(L"stream", s));
+	if(isoutputstream(s))
+		Throw(permissionerror(L"input", L"stream", s));
+	if(isbinarystream(s))
+		Throw(permissionerror(L"input", L"binary_stream", s));
+	Rune r = peekchar(s);
+	Term *realch;
+	if(r == Beof)
+		realch = mkatom(L"end_of_file");
+	else
+		realch = mkatom(runesmprint("%C", r));
+	return unify(ch, realch, bindings);
+builtinputchar(Term *goal, Binding **bindings, Module *module)
+	USED(module);
+	USED(bindings);
+	Term *s = goal->children;
+	Term *ch = s->next;
+	if(s->tag == VariableTerm || ch->tag == VariableTerm)
+		Throw(instantiationerror());
+	if(ch->tag != AtomTerm || runestrlen(ch->text) != 1)
+		Throw(typeerror(L"character", ch));
+	if(s->tag != IntegerTerm && s->tag != AtomTerm)
+		Throw(domainerror(L"stream_or_alias", s));
+	if(!isopenstream(s))
+		Throw(existenceerror(L"stream", s));
+	if(!isoutputstream(s))
+		Throw(permissionerror(L"output", L"stream", s));
+	if(isbinarystream(s))
+		Throw(permissionerror(L"output", L"binary_stream", s));
+	putchar(s, ch->text[0]);
+	return 1;
+builtincharcode(Term *goal, Binding **bindings, Module *module)
+	USED(module);
+	Term *ch = goal->children;
+	Term *code = ch->next;
+	if(ch->tag == VariableTerm && code->tag == VariableTerm)
+		Throw(instantiationerror());
+	if(ch->tag != VariableTerm && !(ch->tag == AtomTerm && runestrlen(ch->text) == 1))
+		Throw(typeerror(L"character", ch));
+	if(code->tag != VariableTerm && code->tag != IntegerTerm)
+		Throw(typeerror(L"integer", code));
+	if(code->ival < 0)
+		Throw(representationerror(L"character_code"));
+	if(ch->tag == VariableTerm){
+		Term *realch = mkatom(runesmprint("%C", (Rune)code->ival));
+		return unify(ch, realch, bindings);
+	}else{
+		Term *realcode = mkinteger(ch->text[0]);
+		return unify(code, realcode, bindings);
+	}
--- a/fns.h
+++ b/fns.h
@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@
 int isbinarystream(Term *);
 int readterm(Term *, Term **);
 void writeterm(Term *, Term *, Term *, Module *);
+Rune getchar(Term *);
+Rune peekchar(Term *);
+void putchar(Term *, Rune);
 /* module.c */
 void initmodules(void);
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -217,10 +217,6 @@
 write_canonical(S, Term) :-
 	write_term(S, Term, [quoted(true), ignore_ops(true)]).
-nl :-
-	write_term('
-', []).
 % Arithmetic comparisons defined in terms of >=. This is not the most effective way,
 % but it is fine for now.
@@ -501,3 +497,55 @@
 	atom_codes(A2, Codes2).
 atom_concat(A1, A2, A3) :-
+% Character input/output
+get_char(Char) :-
+	current_input(S),
+	get_char(S, Char).
+get_code(Code) :-
+	current_input(S),
+	get_code(S, Code).
+get_code(S, Code) :-
+	get_char(S, Char),
+	( Char = end_of_file
+	-> Code = -1
+	; char_code(Char, Code)
+	).
+peek_char(Char) :-
+	current_input(S),
+	peek_char(S, Char).
+peek_code(Code) :-
+	current_input(S),
+	peek_code(S, Code).
+peek_code(S, Code) :-
+	peek_char(S, Char),
+	( Char = end_of_file
+	-> Code = -1
+	; char_code(Char, Code)
+	).
+put_char(Char) :-
+	current_output(S),
+	put_char(S, Char).
+put_code(Code) :-
+	current_output(S),
+	put_code(S, Code).
+put_code(S, Code) :-
+	char_code(Char, Code),
+	put_char(S, Char).
+nl :-
+	current_output(S),
+	nl(S).
+nl(S) :-
+	put_char(S, '
+'). % This should really be \n
--- a/streams.c
+++ b/streams.c
@@ -283,3 +283,26 @@
 	return s;
+getchar(Term *t)
+	Stream *s = getstream(t);
+	return Bgetrune(s->bio);
+peekchar(Term *t)
+	Stream *s = getstream(t);
+	Rune r = Bgetrune(s->bio);
+	Bungetrune(s->bio);
+	return r;
+putchar(Term *t, Rune r)
+	Stream *s = getstream(t);
+	Bprint(s->bio, "%C", r);
+	Bflush(s->bio);
\ No newline at end of file