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ref: 93f8eb1b3674be0a257c11d75198b8c163b1f0c2
parent: 11e7bab1406c7f39c9b195367ecb5e36ddf3d472
author: qwx <[email protected]>
date: Sat Oct 14 23:54:53 EDT 2023

libdraw: remove untouched

--- a/sys/src/libdraw/alloc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-allocimage(Display *d, Rectangle r, ulong chan, int repl, ulong col)
-	Image *i;
-	i = _allocimage(nil, d, r, chan, repl, col, 0, 0);
-	if(i != nil)
-		setmalloctag(i, getcallerpc(&d));
-	return i;
-_allocimage(Image *ai, Display *d, Rectangle r, ulong chan, int repl, ulong col, int screenid, int refresh)
-	uchar *a;
-	char *err;
-	Image *i;
-	Rectangle clipr;
-	int id;
-	int depth;
-	err = nil;
-	i = nil;
-	if(badrect(r)){
-		werrstr("bad rectangle");
-		return nil;
-	}
-	if(chan == 0){
-		werrstr("bad channel descriptor");
-		return nil;
-	}
-	depth = chantodepth(chan);
-	if(depth == 0){
-		err = "bad channel descriptor";
-    Error:
-		if(err != nil)
-			werrstr("allocimage: %s", err);
-		else
-			werrstr("allocimage: %r");
-		free(i);
-		return nil;
-	}
-	a = bufimage(d, 1+4+4+1+4+1+4*4+4*4+4);
-	if(a == nil)
-		goto Error;
-	d->imageid++;
-	id = d->imageid;
-	a[0] = 'b';
-	BPLONG(a+1, id);
-	BPLONG(a+5, screenid);
-	a[9] = refresh;
-	BPLONG(a+10, chan);
-	a[14] = repl;
-	BPLONG(a+15, r.min.x);
-	BPLONG(a+19, r.min.y);
-	BPLONG(a+23, r.max.x);
-	BPLONG(a+27, r.max.y);
-	if(repl)
-		/* huge but not infinite, so various offsets will leave it huge, not overflow */
-		clipr = Rect(-0x3FFFFFFF, -0x3FFFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFFF);
-	else
-		clipr = r;
-	BPLONG(a+31, clipr.min.x);
-	BPLONG(a+35, clipr.min.y);
-	BPLONG(a+39, clipr.max.x);
-	BPLONG(a+43, clipr.max.y);
-	BPLONG(a+47, col);
-	if(ai != nil)
-		i = ai;
-	else{
-		i = malloc(sizeof(Image));
-		if(i == nil){
-			a = bufimage(d, 1+4);
-			if(a != nil){
-				a[0] = 'f';
-				BPLONG(a+1, id);
-				flushimage(d, 0);
-			}
-			goto Error;
-		}
-	}
-	i->display = d;
-	i->id = id;
-	i->depth = depth;
-	i->chan = chan;
-	i->r = r;
-	i->clipr = clipr;
-	i->repl = repl;
-	i->screen = nil;
-	i->next = nil;
-	return i;
-namedimage(Display *d, char *name)
-	uchar *a;
-	char *err, buf[12*12+1];
-	Image *i;
-	int id, n;
-	ulong chan;
-	err = nil;
-	i = nil;
-	n = strlen(name);
-	if(n >= 256){
-		err = "name too long";
-    Error:
-		if(err != nil)
-			werrstr("namedimage: %s", err);
-		else
-			werrstr("namedimage: %r");
-		free(i);
-		return nil;
-	}
-	/* flush pending data so we don't get error allocating the image */
-	flushimage(d, 0);
-	a = bufimage(d, 1+4+1+n);
-	if(a == nil)
-		goto Error;
-	d->imageid++;
-	id = d->imageid;
-	a[0] = 'n';
-	BPLONG(a+1, id);
-	a[5] = n;
-	memmove(a+6, name, n);
-	if(flushimage(d, 0) < 0)
-		goto Error;
-	if(pread(d->ctlfd, buf, sizeof buf, 0) < 12*12)
-		goto Error;
-	buf[12*12] = '\0';
-	i = malloc(sizeof(Image));
-	if(i == nil){
-	Error1:
-		a = bufimage(d, 1+4);
-		if(a != nil){
-			a[0] = 'f';
-			BPLONG(a+1, id);
-			flushimage(d, 0);
-		}
-		goto Error;
-	}
-	i->display = d;
-	i->id = id;
-	if((chan=strtochan(buf+2*12))==0){
-		werrstr("bad channel '%.12s' from devdraw", buf+2*12);
-		goto Error1;
-	}
-	i->chan = chan;
-	i->depth = chantodepth(chan);
-	i->repl = atoi(buf+3*12);
-	i->r.min.x = atoi(buf+4*12);
-	i->r.min.y = atoi(buf+5*12);
-	i->r.max.x = atoi(buf+6*12);
-	i->r.max.y = atoi(buf+7*12);
-	i->clipr.min.x = atoi(buf+8*12);
-	i->clipr.min.y = atoi(buf+9*12);
-	i->clipr.max.x = atoi(buf+10*12);
-	i->clipr.max.y = atoi(buf+11*12);
-	i->screen = nil;
-	i->next = nil;
-	return i;
-nameimage(Image *i, char *name, int in)
-	uchar *a;
-	int n;
-	n = strlen(name);
-	a = bufimage(i->display, 1+4+1+1+n);
-	if(a == nil)
-		return 0;
-	a[0] = 'N';
-	BPLONG(a+1, i->id);
-	a[5] = in;
-	a[6] = n;
-	memmove(a+7, name, n);
-	if(flushimage(i->display, 0) < 0)
-		return 0;
-	return 1;
-_freeimage1(Image *i)
-	uchar *a;
-	Display *d;
-	Image *w;
-	if(i == nil || i->display == nil)
-		return 0;
-	d = i->display;
-	if(i->screen != nil){
-		w = d->windows;
-		if(w == i)
-			d->windows = i->next;
-		else
-			while(w != nil){
-				if(w->next == i){
-					w->next = i->next;
-					break;
-				}
-				w = w->next;
-			}
-	}
-	a = bufimage(d, 1+4);
-	if(a == nil)
-		return -1;
-	a[0] = 'f';
-	BPLONG(a+1, i->id);
-	return 0;
-freeimage(Image *i)
-	int ret;
-	ret = _freeimage1(i);
-	free(i);
-	return ret;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/allocimagemix.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-allocimagemix(Display *d, ulong color1, ulong color3)
-	Image *t, *b;
-	static Image *qmask;
-	if(qmask == nil)
-		qmask = allocimage(d, Rect(0,0,1,1), GREY8, 1, 0x3F3F3FFF);
-	if(d->screenimage->depth <= 8){	/* create a 2×2 texture */
-		t = allocimage(d, Rect(0,0,1,1), d->screenimage->chan, 0, color1);
-		if(t == nil)
-			return nil;
-		b = allocimage(d, Rect(0,0,2,2), d->screenimage->chan, 1, color3);
-		if(b == nil){
-			freeimage(t);
-			return nil;
-		}
-		draw(b, Rect(0,0,1,1), t, nil, ZP);
-		freeimage(t);
-		return b;
-	}else{	/* use a solid color, blended using alpha */
-		t = allocimage(d, Rect(0,0,1,1), d->screenimage->chan, 1, color1);
-		if(t == nil)
-			return nil;
-		b = allocimage(d, Rect(0,0,1,1), d->screenimage->chan, 1, color3);
-		if(b == nil){
-			freeimage(t);
-			return nil;
-		}
-		draw(b, b->r, t, qmask, ZP);
-		freeimage(t);
-		return b;
-	}
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/arith.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-Pt(int x, int y)
-	Point p;
-	p.x = x;
-	p.y = y;
-	return p;
-Rect(int x, int y, int bx, int by)
-	Rectangle r;
-	r.min.x = x;
-	r.min.y = y;
-	r.max.x = bx;
-	r.max.y = by;
-	return r;
-Rpt(Point min, Point max)
-	Rectangle r;
-	r.min = min;
-	r.max = max;
-	return r;
-addpt(Point a, Point b)
-	a.x += b.x;
-	a.y += b.y;
-	return a;
-subpt(Point a, Point b)
-	a.x -= b.x;
-	a.y -= b.y;
-	return a;
-insetrect(Rectangle r, int n)
-	r.min.x += n;
-	r.min.y += n;
-	r.max.x -= n;
-	r.max.y -= n;
-	return r;
-divpt(Point a, int b)
-	a.x /= b;
-	a.y /= b;
-	return a;
-mulpt(Point a, int b)
-	a.x *= b;
-	a.y *= b;
-	return a;
-rectsubpt(Rectangle r, Point p)
-	r.min.x -= p.x;
-	r.min.y -= p.y;
-	r.max.x -= p.x;
-	r.max.y -= p.y;
-	return r;
-rectaddpt(Rectangle r, Point p)
-	r.min.x += p.x;
-	r.min.y += p.y;
-	r.max.x += p.x;
-	r.max.y += p.y;
-	return r;
-eqpt(Point p, Point q)
-	return p.x==q.x && p.y==q.y;
-eqrect(Rectangle r, Rectangle s)
-	return r.min.x==s.min.x && r.max.x==s.max.x &&
-	       r.min.y==s.min.y && r.max.y==s.max.y;
-rectXrect(Rectangle r, Rectangle s)
-	return r.min.x<s.max.x && s.min.x<r.max.x &&
-	       r.min.y<s.max.y && s.min.y<r.max.y;
-rectinrect(Rectangle r, Rectangle s)
-	return s.min.x<=r.min.x && r.max.x<=s.max.x && s.min.y<=r.min.y && r.max.y<=s.max.y;
-ptinrect(Point p, Rectangle r)
-	return p.x>=r.min.x && p.x<r.max.x &&
-	       p.y>=r.min.y && p.y<r.max.y;
-canonrect(Rectangle r)
-	int t;
-	if (r.max.x < r.min.x) {
-		t = r.min.x;
-		r.min.x = r.max.x;
-		r.max.x = t;
-	}
-	if (r.max.y < r.min.y) {
-		t = r.min.y;
-		r.min.y = r.max.y;
-		r.max.y = t;
-	}
-	return r;
-combinerect(Rectangle *r1, Rectangle r2)
-	if(r1->min.x > r2.min.x)
-		r1->min.x = r2.min.x;
-	if(r1->min.y > r2.min.y)
-		r1->min.y = r2.min.y;
-	if(r1->max.x < r2.max.x)
-		r1->max.x = r2.max.x;
-	if(r1->max.y < r2.max.y)
-		r1->max.y = r2.max.y;
-ulong drawld2chan[] = {
-	GREY1,
-	GREY2,
-	GREY4,
-	CMAP8,
-setalpha(ulong color, uchar alpha)
-	int red, green, blue;
-	red = (color >> 3*8) & 0xFF;
-	green = (color >> 2*8) & 0xFF;
-	blue = (color >> 1*8) & 0xFF;
-	/* ignore incoming alpha */
-	red = (red * alpha)/255;
-	green = (green * alpha)/255;
-	blue = (blue * alpha)/255;
-	return (red<<3*8) | (green<<2*8) | (blue<<1*8) | (alpha<<0*8);
-Point	ZP;
-Rectangle ZR;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/badrect.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
- * check for zero, negative size or insanely huge rectangle.
- */
-badrect(Rectangle r)
-	int x, y;
-	uint z;
-	x = Dx(r);
-	y = Dy(r);
-	if(x > 0 && y > 0){
-		z = x*y;
-		if(z/x == y && z < 0x10000000)
-			return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/bezier.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-#define	PINC	32		/* realloc granularity */
-typedef struct Plist Plist;
-struct Plist
-	Point *p;
-	int np;			/* -1 if malloc/realloc failed */
-static void
-appendpt(Plist *l, Point p)
-	if(l->np == -1)
-		return;
-	if(l->np == 0)
-		l->p = malloc(PINC*sizeof(Point));
-	else if(l->np%PINC == 0)
-		l->p = realloc(l->p, (l->np+PINC)*sizeof(Point));
-	if(l->p == 0){
-		l->np = -1;
-		return;
-	}
-	l->p[l->np++] = p;
-static int
-normsq(Point p)
-	return p.x*p.x+p.y*p.y;
-static int
-psdist(Point p, Point a, Point b)
-	int num, den;
-	p = subpt(p, a);
-	b = subpt(b, a);
-	num = p.x*b.x + p.y*b.y;
-	if(num <= 0)
-		return normsq(p);
-	den = normsq(b);
-	if(num >= den)
-		return normsq(subpt(b, p));
-	return normsq(subpt(divpt(mulpt(b, num), den), p));
- * Convert cubic Bezier curve control points to polyline
- * vertices.  Leaves the last vertex off, so you can continue
- * with another curve.
- */
-static void
-bpts1(Plist *l, Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, int scale)
-	Point p01, p12, p23, p012, p123, p0123;
-	Point tp0, tp1, tp2, tp3;
-	tp0=divpt(p0, scale);
-	tp1=divpt(p1, scale);
-	tp2=divpt(p2, scale);
-	tp3=divpt(p3, scale);
-	if(psdist(tp1, tp0, tp3)<=1 && psdist(tp2, tp0, tp3)<=1){
-		appendpt(l, tp0);
-		appendpt(l, tp1);
-		appendpt(l, tp2);
-	}
-	else{
-		/*
-		 * if scale factor is getting too big for comfort,
-		 * rescale now & concede the rounding error
-		 */
-		if(scale>(1<<12)){
-			p0=tp0;
-			p1=tp1;
-			p2=tp2;
-			p3=tp3;
-			scale=1;
-		}
-		p01=addpt(p0, p1);
-		p12=addpt(p1, p2);
-		p23=addpt(p2, p3);
-		p012=addpt(p01, p12);
-		p123=addpt(p12, p23);
-		p0123=addpt(p012, p123);
-		bpts1(l, mulpt(p0, 8), mulpt(p01, 4), mulpt(p012, 2), p0123, scale*8);
-		bpts1(l, p0123, mulpt(p123, 2), mulpt(p23, 4), mulpt(p3, 8), scale*8);
-	}
-static void
-bpts(Plist *l, Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
-	bpts1(l, p0, p1, p2, p3, 1);
-static void
-_bezierpts(Plist *l, Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
-	bpts(l, p0, p1, p2, p3);
-	appendpt(l, p3);
-bezierpts(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point **pp)
-	Plist l;
-	l.p = nil;
- = 0;
-	_bezierpts(&l, p0, p1, p2, p3);
-	*pp = l.p;
-	return;
-static void
-_bezsplinepts(Plist *l, Point *pt, int npt)
-	Point *p, *ep;
-	Point a, b, c, d;
-	int periodic;
-	if(npt<3)
-		return;
-	ep = &pt[npt-3];
-	periodic = eqpt(pt[0], ep[2]);
-	if(periodic){
-		a = divpt(addpt(ep[1], pt[0]), 2);
-		b = divpt(addpt(ep[1], mulpt(pt[0], 5)), 6);
-		c = divpt(addpt(mulpt(pt[0], 5), pt[1]), 6);
-		d = divpt(addpt(pt[0], pt[1]), 2);
-		bpts(l, a, b, c, d);
-	}
-	for(p=pt; p<=ep; p++){
-		if(p==pt && !periodic){
-			a = p[0];
-			b = divpt(addpt(p[0], mulpt(p[1], 2)), 3);
-		}
-		else{
-			a = divpt(addpt(p[0], p[1]), 2);
-			b = divpt(addpt(p[0], mulpt(p[1], 5)), 6);
-		}
-		if(p==ep && !periodic){
-			c = divpt(addpt(mulpt(p[1], 2), p[2]), 3);
-			d = p[2];
-		}
-		else{
-			c = divpt(addpt(mulpt(p[1], 5), p[2]), 6);
-			d = divpt(addpt(p[1], p[2]), 2);
-		}
-		bpts(l, a, b, c, d);
-	}
-	appendpt(l, d);
-bezsplinepts(Point *pt, int npt, Point **pp)
-	Plist l;
- = 0;
-	l.p = nil;
-	_bezsplinepts(&l, pt, npt);
-	*pp  = l.p;
-	return;
-bezier(Image *dst, Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, int end0, int end1, int radius, Image *src, Point sp)
-	return bezierop(dst, p0, p1, p2, p3, end0, end1, radius, src, sp, SoverD);
-bezierop(Image *dst, Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, int end0, int end1, int radius, Image *src, Point sp, Drawop op)
-	Plist l;
- = 0;
-	_bezierpts(&l, p0, p1, p2, p3);
-	if( == -1)
-		return 0;
-	if( != 0){
-		polyop(dst, l.p,, end0, end1, radius, src, addpt(subpt(sp, p0), l.p[0]), op);
-		free(l.p);
-	}
-	return 1;
-bezspline(Image *dst, Point *pt, int npt, int end0, int end1, int radius, Image *src, Point sp)
-	return bezsplineop(dst, pt, npt, end0, end1, radius, src, sp, SoverD);
-bezsplineop(Image *dst, Point *pt, int npt, int end0, int end1, int radius, Image *src, Point sp, Drawop op)
-	Plist l;
- = 0;
-	_bezsplinepts(&l, pt, npt);
-	if(
-		return 0;
-	if( != 0){
-		polyop(dst, l.p,, end0, end1, radius, src, addpt(subpt(sp, pt[0]), l.p[0]), op);
-		free(l.p);
-	}
-	return 1;
-fillbezier(Image *dst, Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, int w, Image *src, Point sp)
-	return fillbezierop(dst, p0, p1, p2, p3, w, src, sp, SoverD);
-fillbezierop(Image *dst, Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, int w, Image *src, Point sp, Drawop op)
-	Plist l;
- = 0;
-	_bezierpts(&l, p0, p1, p2, p3);
-	if( == -1)
-		return 0;
-	if( != 0){
-		fillpolyop(dst, l.p,, w, src, addpt(subpt(sp, p0), l.p[0]), op);
-		free(l.p);
-	}
-	return 1;
-fillbezspline(Image *dst, Point *pt, int npt, int w, Image *src, Point sp)
-	return fillbezsplineop(dst, pt, npt, w, src, sp, SoverD);
-fillbezsplineop(Image *dst, Point *pt, int npt, int w, Image *src, Point sp, Drawop op)
-	Plist l;
- = 0;
-	_bezsplinepts(&l, pt, npt);
-	if( == -1)
-		return 0;
-	if( > 0){
-		fillpolyop(dst, l.p,, w, src, addpt(subpt(sp, pt[0]), l.p[0]), op);
-		free(l.p);
-	}
-	return 1;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/border.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-borderop(Image *im, Rectangle r, int i, Image *color, Point sp, Drawop op)
-	if(i < 0){
-		r = insetrect(r, i);
-		sp = addpt(sp, Pt(i,i));
-		i = -i;
-	}
-	drawop(im, Rect(r.min.x, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.min.y+i),
-		color, nil, sp, op);
-	drawop(im, Rect(r.min.x, r.max.y-i, r.max.x, r.max.y),
-		color, nil, Pt(sp.x, sp.y+Dy(r)-i), op);
-	drawop(im, Rect(r.min.x, r.min.y+i, r.min.x+i, r.max.y-i),
-		color, nil, Pt(sp.x, sp.y+i), op);
-	drawop(im, Rect(r.max.x-i, r.min.y+i, r.max.x, r.max.y-i),
-		color, nil, Pt(sp.x+Dx(r)-i, sp.y+i), op);
-border(Image *im, Rectangle r, int i, Image *color, Point sp)
-	borderop(im, r, i, color, sp, SoverD);
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/buildfont.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-static char*
-skip(char *s)
-	while(*s==' ' || *s=='\n' || *s=='\t')
-		s++;
-	return s;
-buildfont(Display *d, char *buf, char *name)
-	Font *fnt;
-	Cachefont *c, **sub;
-	char *s, *t;
-	ulong min, max;
-	int offset;
-	char badform[] = "bad font format: number expected (char position %d)";
-	s = buf;
-	fnt = malloc(sizeof(Font));
-	if(fnt == nil)
-		return nil;
-	memset(fnt, 0, sizeof(Font));
-	fnt->display = d;
-	fnt->name = strdup(name);
-	fnt->ncache = NFCACHE+NFLOOK;
-	fnt->nsubf = NFSUBF;
-	fnt->cache = malloc(fnt->ncache * sizeof(fnt->cache[0]));
-	fnt->subf = malloc(fnt->nsubf * sizeof(fnt->subf[0]));
-	if(fnt->name==nil || fnt->cache==nil || fnt->subf==nil){
-    Err2:
-		free(fnt->name);
-		free(fnt->cache);
-		free(fnt->subf);
-		free(fnt->sub);
-		free(fnt);
-		return nil;
-	}
-	fnt->height = strtol(s, &s, 0);
-	s = skip(s);
-	fnt->ascent = strtol(s, &s, 0);
-	s = skip(s);
-	if(fnt->height<=0 || fnt->ascent<=0){
-		werrstr("bad height or ascent in font file");
-		goto Err2;
-	}
-	fnt->width = 0;
-	fnt->nsub = 0;
-	fnt->sub = nil;
-	memset(fnt->subf, 0, fnt->nsubf * sizeof(fnt->subf[0]));
-	memset(fnt->cache, 0, fnt->ncache*sizeof(fnt->cache[0]));
-	fnt->age = 1;
-	do{
-		/* must be looking at a number now */
-		if(*s<'0' || '9'<*s){
-			werrstr(badform, s-buf);
-			goto Err3;
-		}
-		min = strtol(s, &s, 0);
-		s = skip(s);
-		/* must be looking at a number now */
-		if(*s<'0' || '9'<*s){
-			werrstr(badform, s-buf);
-			goto Err3;
-		}
-		max = strtol(s, &s, 0);
-		s = skip(s);
-		if(*s==0 || min>Runemax || max>Runemax || min>max){
-			werrstr("illegal subfont range");
-    Err3:
-			freefont(fnt);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		t = s;
-		offset = strtol(s, &t, 0);
-		if(t>s && (*t==' ' || *t=='\t' || *t=='\n'))
-			s = skip(t);
-		else
-			offset = 0;
-		sub = realloc(fnt->sub, (fnt->nsub+1)*sizeof(Cachefont*));
-		if(sub == nil)
-			goto Err3;
-		fnt->sub = sub;
-		c = malloc(sizeof(Cachefont));
-		if(c == nil)
-			goto Err3;
-		c->min = min;
-		c->max = max;
-		c->offset = offset;
-		t = s;
-		while(*s && *s!=' ' && *s!='\n' && *s!='\t')
-			s++;
-		*s++ = 0;
-		c->subfontname = nil;
-		c->name = strdup(t);
-		if(c->name == nil){
-			free(c);
-			goto Err3;
-		}
-		sub[fnt->nsub++] = c;
-		s = skip(s);
-	}while(*s);
-	return fnt;
-freefont(Font *f)
-	int i;
-	Cachefont *c;
-	Subfont *s;
-	if(f == nil)
-		return;
-	for(i=0; i<f->nsub; i++){
-		c = f->sub[i];
-		free(c->subfontname);
-		free(c->name);
-		free(c);
-	}
-	for(i=0; i<f->nsubf; i++){
-		s = f->subf[i].f;
-		if(s != nil){
-			if(f->display == nil || s != f->display->defaultsubfont)
-				freesubfont(s);
-		}
-	}
-	freeimage(f->cacheimage);
-	free(f->name);
-	free(f->cache);
-	free(f->subf);
-	free(f->sub);
-	free(f);
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/bytesperline.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-unitsperline(Rectangle r, int d, int bitsperunit)
-	ulong l, t;
-	if(d <= 0 || d > 32)	/* being called wrong.  d is image depth. */
-		abort();
-	if(r.min.x >= 0){
-		l = (r.max.x*d+bitsperunit-1)/bitsperunit;
-		l -= (r.min.x*d)/bitsperunit;
-	}else{			/* make positive before divide */
-		t = (-r.min.x*d+bitsperunit-1)/bitsperunit;
-		l = t+(r.max.x*d+bitsperunit-1)/bitsperunit;
-	}
-	return l;
-wordsperline(Rectangle r, int d)
-	return unitsperline(r, d, 8*sizeof(ulong));
-bytesperline(Rectangle r, int d)
-	return unitsperline(r, d, 8);
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/chan.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-static char channames[] = "rgbkamx";
-chantostr(char *buf, ulong cc)
-	ulong c, rc;
-	char *p;
-	if(chantodepth(cc) == 0)
-		return nil;
-	/* reverse the channel descriptor so we can easily generate the string in the right order */
-	rc = 0;
-	for(c=cc; c; c>>=8){
-		rc <<= 8;
-		rc |= c&0xFF;
-	}
-	p = buf;
-	for(c=rc; c; c>>=8) {
-		*p++ = channames[TYPE(c)];
-		*p++ = '0'+NBITS(c);
-	}
-	*p = 0;
-	return buf;
-/* avoid pulling in ctype when using with drawterm etc. */
-static int
-isspace(char c)
-	return c==' ' || c== '\t' || c=='\r' || c=='\n';
-strtochan(char *s)
-	char *p, *q;
-	ulong c;
-	int t, n, d;
-	c = 0;
-	d = 0;
-	p=s;
-	while(*p && isspace(*p))
-		p++;
-	while(*p && !isspace(*p)){
-		if((q = strchr(channames, p[0])) == nil) 
-			return 0;
-		t = q-channames;
-		if(p[1] < '0' || p[1] > '9')
-			return 0;
-		n = p[1]-'0';
-		d += n;
-		c = (c<<8) | __DC(t, n);
-		p += 2;
-	}
-	if(d==0 || (d>8 && d%8) || (d<8 && 8%d))
-		return 0;
-	return c;
-chantodepth(ulong c)
-	int n;
-	for(n=0; c; c>>=8){
-		if(TYPE(c) >= NChan || NBITS(c) > 8 || NBITS(c) <= 0)
-			return 0;
-		n += NBITS(c);
-	}
-	if(n==0 || (n>8 && n%8) || (n<8 && 8%n))
-		return 0;
-	return n;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/cloadimage.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-cloadimage(Image *i, Rectangle r, uchar *data, int ndata)
-	int m, nb, miny, maxy, ncblock;
-	uchar *a;
-	if(!rectinrect(r, i->r)){
-		werrstr("cloadimage: bad rectangle");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	miny = r.min.y;
-	m = 0;
-	ncblock = _compblocksize(r, i->depth);
-	while(miny != r.max.y){
-		maxy = atoi((char*)data+0*12);
-		nb = atoi((char*)data+1*12);
-		if(maxy<=miny || r.max.y<maxy){
-			werrstr("cloadimage: bad maxy %d", maxy);
-			return -1;
-		}
-		data += 2*12;
-		ndata -= 2*12;
-		m += 2*12;
-		if(nb<=0 || ncblock<nb || nb>ndata){
-			werrstr("cloadimage: bad count %d", nb);
-			return -1;
-		}
-		a = bufimage(i->display, 21+nb);
-		if(a == nil)
-			return -1;
-		a[0] = 'Y';
-		BPLONG(a+1, i->id);
-		BPLONG(a+5, r.min.x);
-		BPLONG(a+9, miny);
-		BPLONG(a+13, r.max.x);
-		BPLONG(a+17, maxy);
-		memmove(a+21, data, nb);
-		miny = maxy;
-		data += nb;
-		ndata += nb;
-		m += nb;
-	}
-	return m;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/computil.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
- * compressed data are seuences of byte codes.  
- * if the first byte b has the 0x80 bit set, the next (b^0x80)+1 bytes
- * are data.  otherwise, it's two bytes specifying a previous string to repeat.
- */
-_twiddlecompressed(uchar *buf, int n)
-	uchar *ebuf;
-	int j, k, c;
-	ebuf = buf+n;
-	while(buf < ebuf){
-		c = *buf++;
-		if(c >= 128){
-			k = c-128+1;
-			for(j=0; j<k; j++, buf++)
-				*buf ^= 0xFF;
-		}else
-			buf++;
-	}
-_compblocksize(Rectangle r, int depth)
-	int bpl;
-	bpl = bytesperline(r, depth);
-	bpl = 2*bpl;	/* add plenty extra for blocking, etc. */
-	if(bpl < NCBLOCK)
-		return NCBLOCK;
-	return bpl;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/creadimage.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-Image *
-creadimage(Display *d, int fd, int dolock)
-	char hdr[5*12+1];
-	Rectangle r;
-	int m, nb, miny, maxy, new, ldepth, ncblock;
-	uchar *buf, *a;
-	Image *i;
-	ulong chan;
-	if(readn(fd, hdr, 5*12) != 5*12)
-		return nil;
-	/*
-	 * distinguish new channel descriptor from old ldepth.
-	 * channel descriptors have letters as well as numbers,
-	 * while ldepths are a single digit formatted as %-11d.
-	 */
-	new = 0;
-	for(m=0; m<10; m++){
-		if(hdr[m] != ' '){
-			new = 1;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if(hdr[11] != ' '){
-		werrstr("creadimage: bad format");
-		return nil;
-	}
-	if(new){
-		hdr[11] = '\0';
-		if((chan = strtochan(hdr)) == 0){
-			werrstr("creadimage: bad channel string %s", hdr);
-			return nil;
-		}
-	}else{
-		ldepth = ((int)hdr[10])-'0';
-		if(ldepth<0 || ldepth>3){
-			werrstr("creadimage: bad ldepth %d", ldepth);
-			return nil;
-		}
-		chan = drawld2chan[ldepth];
-	}
-	r.min.x=atoi(hdr+1*12);
-	r.min.y=atoi(hdr+2*12);
-	r.max.x=atoi(hdr+3*12);
-	r.max.y=atoi(hdr+4*12);
-	if(r.min.x>r.max.x || r.min.y>r.max.y){
-		werrstr("creadimage: bad rectangle");
-		return nil;
-	}
-	if(d != nil){
-		if(dolock)
-			lockdisplay(d);
-		i = allocimage(d, r, chan, 0, 0);
-		if(dolock)
-			unlockdisplay(d);
-		if(i == nil)
-			return nil;
-	}else{
-		i = mallocz(sizeof(Image), 1);
-		if(i == nil)
-			return nil;
-	}
-	setmalloctag(i, getcallerpc(&d));
-	ncblock = _compblocksize(r, chantodepth(chan));
-	buf = malloc(ncblock);
-	if(buf == nil)
-		goto Errout;
-	miny = r.min.y;
-	while(miny != r.max.y){
-		if(readn(fd, hdr, 2*12) != 2*12){
-		Errout:
-			if(dolock)
-				lockdisplay(d);
-		Erroutlock:
-			freeimage(i);
-			if(dolock)
-				unlockdisplay(d);
-			free(buf);
-			return nil;
-		}
-		maxy = atoi(hdr+0*12);
-		nb = atoi(hdr+1*12);
-		if(maxy<=miny || r.max.y<maxy){
-			werrstr("creadimage: bad maxy %d", maxy);
-			goto Errout;
-		}
-		if(nb<=0 || ncblock<nb){
-			werrstr("creadimage: bad count %d", nb);
-			goto Errout;
-		}
-		if(readn(fd, buf, nb)!=nb)
-			goto Errout;
-		if(d != nil){
-			if(dolock)
-				lockdisplay(d);
-			a = bufimage(i->display, 21+nb);
-			if(a == nil)
-				goto Erroutlock;
-			a[0] = 'Y';
-			BPLONG(a+1, i->id);
-			BPLONG(a+5, r.min.x);
-			BPLONG(a+9, miny);
-			BPLONG(a+13, r.max.x);
-			BPLONG(a+17, maxy);
-			if(!new)	/* old image: flip the data bits */
-				_twiddlecompressed(buf, nb);
-			memmove(a+21, buf, nb);
-			if(dolock)
-				unlockdisplay(d);
-		}
-		miny = maxy;
-	}
-	free(buf);
-	return i;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/debug.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-drawsetdebug(int v)
-	uchar *a;
-	a = bufimage(display, 1+1);
-	if(a == nil){
-		fprint(2, "drawsetdebug: %r\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	a[0] = 'D';
-	a[1] = v;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/defont.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
- * vga/vga00, in uncompressed form
- */
-defontdata[] =
-int	sizeofdefont = sizeof defontdata;
-_unpackinfo(Fontchar *fc, uchar *p, int n)
-	int j;
-	for(j=0;  j<=n;  j++){
-		fc->x = p[0]|(p[1]<<8);
-		fc->top = p[2];
-		fc->bottom = p[3];
-		fc->left = p[4];
-		fc->width = p[5];
-		fc++;
-		p += 6;
-	}
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/draw.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-_setdrawop(Display *d, Drawop op)
-	uchar *a;
-	if(op != SoverD){
-		a = bufimage(d, 1+1);
-		if(a == nil)
-			return;
-		a[0] = 'O';
-		a[1] = op;
-	}
-static void
-draw1(Image *dst, Rectangle *r, Image *src, Point *p0, Image *mask, Point *p1, Drawop op)
-	uchar *a;
-	_setdrawop(dst->display, op);
-	a = bufimage(dst->display, 1+4+4+4+4*4+2*4+2*4);
-	if(a == nil)
-		return;
-	if(src == nil)
-		src = dst->display->black;
-	if(mask == nil)
-		mask = dst->display->opaque;
-	a[0] = 'd';
-	BPLONG(a+1, dst->id);
-	BPLONG(a+5, src->id);
-	BPLONG(a+9, mask->id);
-	BPLONG(a+13, r->min.x);
-	BPLONG(a+17, r->min.y);
-	BPLONG(a+21, r->max.x);
-	BPLONG(a+25, r->max.y);
-	BPLONG(a+29, p0->x);
-	BPLONG(a+33, p0->y);
-	BPLONG(a+37, p1->x);
-	BPLONG(a+41, p1->y);
-draw(Image *dst, Rectangle r, Image *src, Image *mask, Point p1)
-	draw1(dst, &r, src, &p1, mask, &p1, SoverD);
-drawop(Image *dst, Rectangle r, Image *src, Image *mask, Point p1, Drawop op)
-	draw1(dst, &r, src, &p1, mask, &p1, op);
-gendraw(Image *dst, Rectangle r, Image *src, Point p0, Image *mask, Point p1)
-	draw1(dst, &r, src, &p0, mask, &p1, SoverD);
-gendrawop(Image *dst, Rectangle r, Image *src, Point p0, Image *mask, Point p1, Drawop op)
-	draw1(dst, &r, src, &p0, mask, &p1, op);
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/drawrepl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-drawreplxy(int min, int max, int x)
-	int sx;
-	sx = (x-min)%(max-min);
-	if(sx < 0)
-		sx += max-min;
-	return sx+min;
-drawrepl(Rectangle r, Point p)
-	p.x = drawreplxy(r.min.x, r.max.x, p.x);
-	p.y = drawreplxy(r.min.y, r.max.y, p.y);
-	return p;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/egetrect.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-#include <cursor.h>
-#include <event.h>
-#define	W	Borderwidth
-static Image *tmp[4];
-static Image *red;
-static Cursor sweep={
-	{-7, -7},
-	{0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0x07,
-	 0xE0, 0x07, 0xE0, 0x07, 0xE3, 0xF7, 0xE3, 0xF7,
-	 0xE3, 0xE7, 0xE3, 0xF7, 0xE3, 0xFF, 0xE3, 0x7F,
-	 0xE0, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,},
-	{0x00, 0x00, 0x7F, 0xFE, 0x40, 0x02, 0x40, 0x02,
-	 0x40, 0x02, 0x40, 0x02, 0x40, 0x02, 0x41, 0xE2,
-	 0x41, 0xC2, 0x41, 0xE2, 0x41, 0x72, 0x40, 0x38,
-	 0x40, 0x1C, 0x40, 0x0E, 0x7F, 0xE6, 0x00, 0x00,}
-brects(Rectangle r, Rectangle rp[4])
-	if(Dx(r) < 2*W)
-		r.max.x = r.min.x+2*W;
-	if(Dy(r) < 2*W)
-		r.max.y = r.min.y+2*W;
-	rp[0] = Rect(r.min.x, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.min.y+W);
-	rp[1] = Rect(r.min.x, r.max.y-W, r.max.x, r.max.y);
-	rp[2] = Rect(r.min.x, r.min.y+W, r.min.x+W, r.max.y-W);
-	rp[3] = Rect(r.max.x-W, r.min.y+W, r.max.x, r.max.y-W);
-egetrect(int but, Mouse *m)
-	Rectangle r, rc;
-	but = 1<<(but-1);
-	esetcursor(&sweep);
-	while(m->buttons)
-		*m = emouse();
-	while(!(m->buttons & but)){
-		*m = emouse();
-		if(m->buttons & (7^but))
-			goto Return;
-	}
-	r.min = m->xy;
-	r.max = m->xy;
-	do{
-		rc = canonrect(r);
-		edrawgetrect(rc, 1);
-		*m = emouse();
-		edrawgetrect(rc, 0);
-		r.max = m->xy;
-	}while(m->buttons == but);
-    Return:
-	esetcursor(0);
-	if(m->buttons & (7^but)){
-		rc.min.x = rc.max.x = 0;
-		rc.min.y = rc.max.y = 0;
-		while(m->buttons)
-			*m = emouse();
-	}
-	return rc;
-	freeimage(tmp[0]);
-	freeimage(tmp[1]);
-	freeimage(tmp[2]);
-	freeimage(tmp[3]);
-	freeimage(red);
-	tmp[0] = tmp[1] = tmp[2] = tmp[3] = red = nil;
-edrawgetrect(Rectangle rc, int up)
-	int i;
-	Rectangle r, rects[4];
-	if(up && tmp[0]!=nil)
-		if(Dx(tmp[0]->r)<Dx(rc) || Dy(tmp[2]->r)<Dy(rc))
-			freetmp();
-	if(tmp[0] == 0){
-		r = Rect(0, 0, Dx(screen->r), W);
-		tmp[0] = allocimage(display, r, screen->chan, 0, -1);
-		tmp[1] = allocimage(display, r, screen->chan, 0, -1);
-		r = Rect(0, 0, W, Dy(screen->r));
-		tmp[2] = allocimage(display, r, screen->chan, 0, -1);
-		tmp[3] = allocimage(display, r, screen->chan, 0, -1);
-		red = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, DRed);
-		if(tmp[0]==0 || tmp[1]==0 || tmp[2]==0 || tmp[3]==0 || red==0)
-			drawerror(display, "getrect: allocimage failed");
-	}
-	brects(rc, rects);
-	if(!up){
-		for(i=0; i<4; i++)
-			draw(screen, rects[i], tmp[i], nil, ZP);
-		return;
-	}
-	for(i=0; i<4; i++){
-		draw(tmp[i], Rect(0, 0, Dx(rects[i]), Dy(rects[i])), screen, nil, rects[i].min);
-		draw(screen, rects[i], red, nil, ZP);
-	}
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/ellipse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-doellipse(int cmd, Image *dst, Point *c, int xr, int yr, int thick, Image *src, Point *sp, int alpha, int phi, Drawop op)
-	uchar *a;
-	_setdrawop(dst->display, op);
-	a = bufimage(dst->display, 1+4+4+2*4+4+4+4+2*4+2*4);
-	if(a == nil){
-		fprint(2, "image ellipse: %r\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	a[0] = cmd;
-	BPLONG(a+1, dst->id);
-	BPLONG(a+5, src->id);
-	BPLONG(a+9, c->x);
-	BPLONG(a+13, c->y);
-	BPLONG(a+17, xr);
-	BPLONG(a+21, yr);
-	BPLONG(a+25, thick);
-	BPLONG(a+29, sp->x);
-	BPLONG(a+33, sp->y);
-	BPLONG(a+37, alpha);
-	BPLONG(a+41, phi);
-ellipse(Image *dst, Point c, int a, int b, int thick, Image *src, Point sp)
-	doellipse('e', dst, &c, a, b, thick, src, &sp, 0, 0, SoverD);
-ellipseop(Image *dst, Point c, int a, int b, int thick, Image *src, Point sp, Drawop op)
-	doellipse('e', dst, &c, a, b, thick, src, &sp, 0, 0, op);
-fillellipse(Image *dst, Point c, int a, int b, Image *src, Point sp)
-	doellipse('E', dst, &c, a, b, 0, src, &sp, 0, 0, SoverD);
-fillellipseop(Image *dst, Point c, int a, int b, Image *src, Point sp, Drawop op)
-	doellipse('E', dst, &c, a, b, 0, src, &sp, 0, 0, op);
-arc(Image *dst, Point c, int a, int b, int thick, Image *src, Point sp, int alpha, int phi)
-	alpha |= 1<<31;
-	doellipse('e', dst, &c, a, b, thick, src, &sp, alpha, phi, SoverD);
-arcop(Image *dst, Point c, int a, int b, int thick, Image *src, Point sp, int alpha, int phi, Drawop op)
-	alpha |= 1<<31;
-	doellipse('e', dst, &c, a, b, thick, src, &sp, alpha, phi, op);
-fillarc(Image *dst, Point c, int a, int b, Image *src, Point sp, int alpha, int phi)
-	alpha |= 1<<31;
-	doellipse('E', dst, &c, a, b, 0, src, &sp, alpha, phi, SoverD);
-fillarcop(Image *dst, Point c, int a, int b, Image *src, Point sp, int alpha, int phi, Drawop op)
-	alpha |= 1<<31;
-	doellipse('E', dst, &c, a, b, 0, src, &sp, alpha, phi, op);
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/event.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-#include <cursor.h>
-#include <event.h>
-typedef struct	Slave Slave;
-typedef struct	Ebuf Ebuf;
-struct Slave
-	int	pid;
-	Ebuf	*head;		/* queue of messages for this descriptor */
-	Ebuf	*tail;
-	int	(*fn)(int, Event*, uchar*, int);
-struct Ebuf
-	Ebuf	*next;
-	int	n;		/* number of bytes in buf */
-	uchar	buf[EMAXMSG];
-static	Slave	eslave[MAXSLAVE];
-static	int	Skeyboard = -1;
-static	int	Smouse = -1;
-static	int	Stimer = -1;
-static	int	logfid;
-static	int	nslave;
-static	int	parentpid;
-static	int	epipe[2];
-static	int	eforkslave(ulong);
-static	void	extract(void);
-static	void	ekill(void);
-static	int	enote(void *, char *);
-static	int	mousefd;
-static	int	cursorfd;
-ebread(Slave *s)
-	Ebuf *eb;
-	while((eb = s->head) == 0)
-		extract();
-	s->head = eb->next;
-	if(s->head == 0)
-		s->tail = 0;
-	return eb;
-event(Event *e)
-	return eread(~0UL, e);
-eread(ulong keys, Event *e)
-	Ebuf *eb;
-	int i, id;
-	if(keys == 0)
-		return 0;
-	for(;;){
-		for(i=0; i<nslave; i++)
-			if((keys & (1<<i)) && eslave[i].head){
-				id = 1<<i;
-				if(i == Smouse)
-					e->mouse = emouse();
-				else if(i == Skeyboard)
-					e->kbdc = ekbd();
-				else if(i == Stimer)
-					eslave[i].head = 0;
-				else{
-					eb = ebread(&eslave[i]);
-					e->n = eb->n;
-					if(eslave[i].fn)
-						id = (*eslave[i].fn)(id, e, eb->buf, eb->n);
-					else
-						memmove(e->data, eb->buf, eb->n);
-					free(eb);
-				}
-				return id;
-			}
-		extract();
-	}
-	if(Smouse < 0)
-		drawerror(display, "events: mouse not initialized");
-	return ecanread(Emouse);
-	if(Skeyboard < 0)
-		drawerror(display, "events: keyboard not initialzed");
-	return ecanread(Ekeyboard);
-ecanread(ulong keys)
-	Dir *d;
-	int i;
-	ulong l;
-	for(;;){
-		for(i=0; i<nslave; i++)
-			if((keys & (1<<i)) && eslave[i].head)
-				return 1;
-		d = dirfstat(epipe[0]);
-		if(d == nil)
-			drawerror(display, "events: ecanread stat error");
-		l = d->length;
-		free(d);
-		if(l == 0)
-			return 0;
-		extract();
-	}
-estartfn(ulong key, int fd, int n, int (*fn)(int, Event*, uchar*, int))
-	char buf[EMAXMSG+1];
-	int i, r;
-	if(fd < 0)
-		drawerror(display, "events: bad file descriptor");
-	if(n <= 0 || n > EMAXMSG)
-		n = EMAXMSG;
-	i = eforkslave(key);
-	if(i < MAXSLAVE){
-		eslave[i].fn = fn;
-		return 1<<i;
-	}
-	buf[0] = i - MAXSLAVE;
-	while((r = read(fd, buf+1, n))>0)
-		if(write(epipe[1], buf, r+1)!=r+1)
-			break;
-	buf[0] = MAXSLAVE;
-	write(epipe[1], buf, 1);
-	_exits(0);
-	return 0;
-estart(ulong key, int fd, int n)
-	return estartfn(key, fd, n, nil);
-etimer(ulong key, int n)
-	char t[2];
-	if(Stimer != -1)
-		drawerror(display, "events: timer started twice");
-	Stimer = eforkslave(key);
-	if(Stimer < MAXSLAVE)
-		return 1<<Stimer;
-	if(n <= 0)
-		n = 1000;
-	t[0] = t[1] = Stimer - MAXSLAVE;
-	do
-		sleep(n);
-	while(write(epipe[1], t, 2) == 2);
-	t[0] = MAXSLAVE;
-	write(epipe[1], t, 1);
-	_exits(0);
-	return 0;
-static void
-ekeyslave(int fd)
-	Rune r;
-	char t[1+UTFmax], k[10];
-	int kr, kn, w;
-	if(eforkslave(Ekeyboard) < MAXSLAVE)
-		return;
-	kn = 0;
-	t[0] = Skeyboard;
-	for(;;){
-		while(!fullrune(k, kn)){
-			kr = read(fd, k+kn, sizeof k - kn);
-			if(kr <= 0)
-				goto breakout;
-			kn += kr;
-		}
-		w = chartorune(&r, k);
-		kn -= w;
-		memmove(t+1, k, w);
-		memmove(k, &k[w], kn);
-		if(write(epipe[1], t, sizeof(t)) != sizeof(t))
-			break;
-	}
-	t[0] = MAXSLAVE;
-	write(epipe[1], t, 1);
-	_exits(0);
-einit(ulong keys)
-	int ctl, fd;
-	char buf[256];
-	parentpid = getpid();
-	if(pipe(epipe) < 0)
-		drawerror(display, "events: einit pipe");
-	atexit(ekill);
-	atnotify(enote, 1);
-	snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%s/mouse", display->devdir);
-	mousefd = open(buf, ORDWR|OCEXEC);
-	if(mousefd < 0)
-		drawerror(display, "einit: can't open mouse\n");
-	snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%s/cursor", display->devdir);
-	cursorfd = open(buf, ORDWR|OCEXEC);
-	if(cursorfd < 0)
-		drawerror(display, "einit: can't open cursor\n");
-	if(keys&Ekeyboard){
-		snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%s/cons", display->devdir);
-		fd = open(buf, OREAD);
-		if(fd < 0)
-			drawerror(display, "events: can't open console");
-		snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%s/consctl", display->devdir);
-		ctl = open("/dev/consctl", OWRITE|OCEXEC);
-		if(ctl < 0)
-			drawerror(display, "events: can't open consctl");
-		write(ctl, "rawon", 5);
-		for(Skeyboard=0; Ekeyboard & ~(1<<Skeyboard); Skeyboard++)
-			;
-		ekeyslave(fd);
-	}
-	if(keys&Emouse){
-		estart(Emouse, mousefd, 1+4*12);
-		for(Smouse=0; Emouse & ~(1<<Smouse); Smouse++)
-			;
-	}
-static void
-	Slave *s;
-	Ebuf *eb;
-	int i, n;
-	uchar ebuf[EMAXMSG+1];
-	/* avoid generating a message if there's nothing to show. */
-	/* this test isn't perfect, though; could do flushimage(display, 0) then call extract */
-	/* also: make sure we don't interfere if we're multiprocessing the display */
-	if(display->locking){
-		/* if locking is being done by program, this means it can't depend on automatic flush in emouse() etc. */
-		if(canqlock(&display->qlock)){
-			if(display->bufp > display->buf)
-				flushimage(display, 1);
-			unlockdisplay(display);
-		}
-	}else
-		if(display->bufp > display->buf)
-			flushimage(display, 1);
-	if((n=read(epipe[0], ebuf, EMAXMSG+1)) < 0
-	|| ebuf[0] >= MAXSLAVE)
-		drawerror(display, "eof on event pipe");
-	if(n == 0)
-		goto loop;
-	i = ebuf[0];
-	if(i >= nslave || n <= 1)
-		drawerror(display, "events: protocol error: short read");
-	s = &eslave[i];
-	if(i == Stimer){
-		s->head = (Ebuf *)1;
-		return;
-	}
-	if(i == Skeyboard && n != (1+UTFmax))
-		drawerror(display, "events: protocol error: keyboard");
-	if(i == Smouse){
-		if(n < 1+1+2*12)
-			drawerror(display, "events: protocol error: mouse");
-		if(ebuf[1] == 'r')
-			eresized(1);
-		/* squash extraneous mouse events */
-		if((eb=s->tail) && memcmp(eb->buf+1+2*12, ebuf+1+1+2*12, 12)==0){
-			memmove(eb->buf, &ebuf[1], n - 1);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	/* try to save space by only allocating as much buffer as we need */
-	eb = malloc(sizeof(*eb) - sizeof(eb->buf) + n - 1);
-	if(eb == 0)
-		drawerror(display, "events: protocol error 4");
-	eb->n = n - 1;
-	memmove(eb->buf, &ebuf[1], n - 1);
-	eb->next = 0;
-	if(s->head)
-		s->tail->next = eb;
-	else
-		s->head = eb;
-	s->tail = eb;
-static int
-eforkslave(ulong key)
-	int i, pid;
-	for(i=0; i<MAXSLAVE; i++)
-		if((key & ~(1<<i)) == 0 && eslave[i].pid == 0){
-			if(nslave <= i)
-				nslave = i + 1;
-			/*
-			 * share the file descriptors so the last child
-			 * out closes all connections to the window server.
-			 */
-			switch(pid = rfork(RFPROC)){
-			case 0:
-				return MAXSLAVE+i;
-			case -1:
-				fprint(2, "events: fork error\n");
-				exits("fork");
-			}
-			eslave[i].pid = pid;
-			eslave[i].head = eslave[i].tail = 0;
-			return i;
-		}
-	drawerror(display, "events: bad slave assignment");
-	return 0;
-static int
-enote(void*, char *s)
-	int i, pid;
-	if(strncmp(s, "sys:", 4) == 0 || strcmp(s, "alarm") == 0)
-		return 0;
-	pid = getpid();
-	for(i=0; i<nslave; i++)
-		if(pid == eslave[i].pid)
-			return 1;
-	if(pid != parentpid)
-		return 0;
-	exits("killed");
-	return 1;
-static void
-	int i, pid;
-	pid = getpid();
-	for(i=0; i<nslave; i++){
-		if(eslave[i].pid == 0 || pid == eslave[i].pid)
-			continue;	/* don't kill myself */
-		postnote(PNPROC, eslave[i].pid, "die");
-	}
-	Mouse m;
-	Ebuf *eb;
-	static int lastb;
-	int b;
-	if(Smouse < 0)
-		drawerror(display, "events: mouse not initialized");
-	for(;;){
-		eb = ebread(&eslave[Smouse]);
-		b = atoi((char*)eb->buf+1+2*12);
-		if(b != lastb || !ecanmouse())
-			break;
-		free(eb);	/* drop queued mouse events */
-	}
-	lastb = b;
-	m.buttons = b;
-	m.xy.x = atoi((char*)eb->buf+1+0*12);
-	m.xy.y = atoi((char*)eb->buf+1+1*12);
-	m.msec = (ulong)atoll((char*)eb->buf+1+3*12);
-	if (logfid)
-		fprint(logfid, "b: %d xy: %P\n", m.buttons, m.xy);
-	free(eb);
-	return m;
-	Ebuf *eb;
-	Rune r;
-	if(Skeyboard < 0)
-		drawerror(display, "events: keyboard not initialzed");
-	eb = ebread(&eslave[Skeyboard]);
-	chartorune(&r, (char*)eb->buf);
-	free(eb);
-	return r;
-emoveto(Point pt)
-	char buf[2*12+2];
-	int n;
-	n = sprint(buf, "m%d %d", pt.x, pt.y);
-	write(mousefd, buf, n);
-esetcursor(Cursor *c)
-	uchar curs[2*4+2*2*16];
-	if(c == 0)
-		write(cursorfd, curs, 0);
-	else{
-		BPLONG(curs+0*4, c->offset.x);
-		BPLONG(curs+1*4, c->offset.y);
-		memmove(curs+2*4, c->clr, 2*2*16);
-		write(cursorfd, curs, sizeof curs);
-	}
-ereadmouse(Mouse *m)
-	int n;
-	char buf[128];
-	do{
-		n = read(mousefd, buf, sizeof(buf));
-		if(n < 0)	/* probably interrupted */
-			return -1;
-		n = eatomouse(m, buf, n);
-	}while(n == 0);
-	return n;
-eatomouse(Mouse *m, char *buf, int n)
-	if(n != 1+4*12){
-		werrstr("eatomouse: bad count");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if(buf[0] == 'r')
-		eresized(1);
-	m->xy.x = atoi(buf+1+0*12);
-	m->xy.y = atoi(buf+1+1*12);
-	m->buttons = atoi(buf+1+2*12);
-	m->msec = (ulong)atoll(buf+1+3*12);
-	return n;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/fmt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-Rfmt(Fmt *f)
-	Rectangle r;
-	r = va_arg(f->args, Rectangle);
-	return fmtprint(f, "%P %P", r.min, r.max);
-Pfmt(Fmt *f)
-	Point p;
-	p = va_arg(f->args, Point);
-	return fmtprint(f, "[%d %d]", p.x, p.y);
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/font.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-static int	fontresize(Font*, int, int, int);
-#define	PJW	0	/* use NUL==pjw for invisible characters */
-/* return number of translated cache indices, 0 must retry, -1 on error */
-cachechars(Font *f, char **ss, Rune **rr, ushort *cp, int max, int *wp, char **subfontname)
-	int i, j, h, w, rw, wid, nc;
-	char *sp;
-	Rune r, *rp, vr;
-	ulong a;
-	Cacheinfo *c, *tc, *ec;
-	if(ss){
-		sp = *ss;
-		rp = L"";
-	}else{
-		sp = "";
-		rp = *rr;
-	}
-	wid = 0;
-	*subfontname = nil;
-	for(i=0; i<max && (*sp || *rp); sp+=w, rp+=rw){
-		if(ss){
-			r = *(uchar*)sp;
-			if(r < Runeself)
-				w = 1;
-			else{
-				w = chartorune(&vr, sp);
-				r = vr;
-			}
-			rw = 0;
-		}else{
-			r = *rp;
-			w = 0;
-			rw = 1;
-		}
-		a = ~0;
-		h = (17 * (uint)r) & (f->ncache-NFLOOK-1);
-		c = &f->cache[h];
-		tc = c;
-		ec = c+NFLOOK;
-		while(c < ec){
-			if(c->value==r && c->age)
-				goto Found;
-			if(c->age < a){
-				a = c->age;
-				tc = c;
-			}
-			c++;
-			h++;
-		}
-		/* Not found; use oldest entry */
-		c = tc;
-		h = tc - f->cache;
-		if(a && (f->age-a)<500){	/* kicking out too recent; resize */
-			nc = 2*(f->ncache-NFLOOK) + NFLOOK;
-			if(nc <= MAXFCACHE){
-				if(i == 0)
-					fontresize(f, f->width, nc, f->maxdepth);
-				/* else flush first; retry will resize */
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if(i > 0 && c->age == f->age)	/* flush pending string output */
-			break;
-		j = loadchar(f, r, c, h, i, subfontname);
-		if(j <= 0){
-			if(j < 0 || i > 0)	/* flush output or retry */ 
-				break;
-			return -1;		/* stop retrying */
-		}
-	    Found:
-		wid += c->width;
-		c->age = f->age;
-		cp[i] = h;
-		i++;
-	}
-	if(ss)
-		*ss = sp;
-	else
-		*rr = rp;
-	*wp = wid;
-	return i;
-agefont(Font *f)
-	Cacheinfo *c, *ec;
-	Cachesubf *s, *es;
-	f->age++;
-	if(f->age == 65536){
-		/*
-		 * Renormalize ages
-		 */
-		c = f->cache;
-		ec = c+f->ncache;
-		while(c < ec){
-			if(c->age){
-				c->age >>= 2;
-				c->age++;
-			}
-			c++;
-		}
-		s = f->subf;
-		es = s+f->nsubf;
-		while(s < es){
-			if(s->age){
-				if(s->age<SUBFAGE && s->cf->name != nil){
-					/* clean up */
-					if(f->display == nil || s->f != f->display->defaultsubfont)
-						freesubfont(s->f);
-					s->cf = nil;
-					s->f = nil;
-					s->age = 0;
-				}else{
-					s->age >>= 2;
-					s->age++;
-				}
-			}
-			s++;
-		}
-		f->age = (65536>>2) + 1;
-	}
-static Subfont*
-cf2subfont(Cachefont *cf, Font *f)
-	int depth;
-	char *name;
-	Subfont *sf;
-	name = cf->subfontname;
-	if(name == nil){
-		if(f->display != nil && f->display->screenimage != nil)
-			depth = f->display->screenimage->depth;
-		else
-			depth = 8;
-		name = subfontname(cf->name, f->name, depth);
-		if(name == nil)
-			return nil;
-		cf->subfontname = name;
-	}
-	sf = lookupsubfont(f->display, name);
-	return sf;
-/* return 1 if load succeeded, 0 if failed, -1 if must retry */
-loadchar(Font *f, Rune r, Cacheinfo *c, int h, int noflush, char **subfontname)
-	int i, oi, wid, top, bottom;
-	Rune pic;
-	Fontchar *fi;
-	Cachefont *cf;
-	Cachesubf *subf, *of;
-	uchar *b;
-	pic = r;
-    Again:
-	for(i=0; i<f->nsub; i++){
-		cf = f->sub[i];
-		if(cf->min<=pic && pic<=cf->max)
-			goto Found;
-	}
-    TryPJW:
-	if(pic != PJW){
-		pic = PJW;
-		goto Again;
-	}
-	return 0;
-    Found:
-	/*
-	 * Choose exact or oldest
-	 */
-	oi = 0;
-	subf = &f->subf[0];
-	for(i=0; i<f->nsubf; i++){
-		if(cf == subf->cf)
-			goto Found2;
-		if(subf->age < f->subf[oi].age)
-			oi = i;
-		subf++;
-	}
-	subf = &f->subf[oi];
-	if(subf->f){
-		if(f->age-subf->age>SUBFAGE || f->nsubf>MAXSUBF){
-    Toss:
-			/* ancient data; toss */
-			freesubfont(subf->f);
-			subf->cf = nil;
-			subf->f = nil;
-			subf->age = 0;
-		}else{				/* too recent; grow instead */
-			of = f->subf;
-			f->subf = realloc(of, (f->nsubf+DSUBF)*sizeof *subf);
-			if(f->subf == nil){
-				f->subf = of;
-				goto Toss;
-			}
-			subf = &f->subf[f->nsubf];
-			memset(subf, 0, DSUBF*sizeof *subf);
-			f->nsubf += DSUBF;
-		}
-	}
-	subf->age = 0;
-	subf->cf = nil;
-	subf->f = cf2subfont(cf, f);
-	if(subf->f == nil){
-		if(cf->subfontname == nil)
-			goto TryPJW;
-		*subfontname = cf->subfontname;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	subf->cf = cf;
-	if(subf->f->ascent > f->ascent && f->display){
-		/* should print something? this is a mistake in the font file */
-		/* must prevent c->top from going negative when loading cache */
-		Image *b;
-		int d, t;
-		d = subf->f->ascent - f->ascent;
-		b = subf->f->bits;
-		draw(b, b->r, b, nil, addpt(b->r.min, Pt(0, d)));
-		draw(b, Rect(b->r.min.x, b->r.max.y-d, b->r.max.x, b->r.max.y), f->display->black, nil, b->r.min);
-		for(i=0; i<subf->f->n; i++){
-			t = subf->f->info[i].top-d;
-			if(t < 0)
-				t = 0;
-			subf->f->info[i].top = t;
-			t = subf->f->info[i].bottom-d;
-			if(t < 0)
-				t = 0;
-			subf->f->info[i].bottom = t;
-		}
-		subf->f->ascent = f->ascent;
-	}
-    Found2:
-	subf->age = f->age;
-	/* possible overflow here, but works out okay */
-	pic += cf->offset;
-	pic -= cf->min;
-	if(pic >= subf->f->n)
-		goto TryPJW;
-	fi = &subf->f->info[pic];
-	if(fi->width == 0)
-		goto TryPJW;
-	wid = (fi+1)->x - fi->x;
-	if(f->width < wid || f->width == 0 || f->maxdepth < subf->f->bits->depth
-	|| (f->display != nil && f->cacheimage == nil)){
-		/*
-		 * Flush, free, reload (easier than reformatting f->b)
-		 */
-		if(noflush)
-			return -1;
-		if(f->width < wid)
-			f->width = wid;
-		if(f->maxdepth < subf->f->bits->depth)
-			f->maxdepth = subf->f->bits->depth;
-		if(fontresize(f, f->width, f->ncache, f->maxdepth) <= 0)
-			return -1;
-		/* c is still valid as didn't reallocate f->cache */
-	}
-	c->value = r;
-	c->width = fi->width;
-	c->x = h*f->width;
-	c->left = fi->left;
-	if(f->display == nil)
-		return 1;
-	b = bufimage(f->display, 37);
-	if(b == nil)
-		return 0;
-	top = fi->top + (f->ascent-subf->f->ascent);
-	bottom = fi->bottom + (f->ascent-subf->f->ascent);
-	b[0] = 'l';
-	BPLONG(b+1, f->cacheimage->id);
-	BPLONG(b+5, subf->f->bits->id);
-	BPSHORT(b+9, h);
-	BPLONG(b+11, c->x);
-	BPLONG(b+15, top);
-	BPLONG(b+19, c->x+wid);
-	BPLONG(b+23, bottom);
-	BPLONG(b+27, fi->x);
-	BPLONG(b+31, fi->top);
-	b[35] = fi->left;
-	b[36] = fi->width;
-	return 1;
-/* returns whether resize succeeded && f->cache is unchanged */
-static int
-fontresize(Font *f, int wid, int ncache, int depth)
-	Cacheinfo *i;
-	int ret;
-	Image *new;
-	uchar *b;
-	Display *d;
-	ret = 0;
-	if(depth <= 0)
-		depth = 1;
-	if(wid <= 0)
-		wid = 1;
-	d = f->display;
-	if(d == nil)
-		goto Nodisplay;
-	new = allocimage(d, Rect(0, 0, ncache*wid, f->height), CHAN1(CGrey, depth), 0, 0);
-	if(new == nil){
-		fprint(2, "font cache resize failed: %r\n");
-		goto Return;
-	}
-	b = bufimage(d, 1+4+4+1);
-	if(b == nil){
-		freeimage(new);
-		goto Return;
-	}
-	b[0] = 'i';
-	BPLONG(b+1, new->id);
-	BPLONG(b+5, ncache);
-	b[9] = f->ascent;
-	freeimage(f->cacheimage);
-	f->cacheimage = new;
-    Nodisplay:
-	f->width = wid;
-	f->maxdepth = depth;
-	ret = 1;
-	if(f->ncache != ncache){
-		i = malloc(ncache*sizeof f->cache[0]);
-		if(i != nil){
-			ret = 0;
-			free(f->cache);
-			f->ncache = ncache;
-			f->cache = i;
-		}
-		/* else just wipe the cache clean and things will be ok */
-	}
-    Return:
-	memset(f->cache, 0, f->ncache*sizeof f->cache[0]);
-	return ret;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/freesubfont.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-freesubfont(Subfont *f)
-	if(f == nil || --f->ref)
-		return;
-	uninstallsubfont(f);
-	free(f->name);
-	free(f->info);	/* note: f->info must have been malloc'ed! */
-	freeimage(f->bits);
-	free(f);
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/getdefont.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-getdefont(Display *d)
-	char *hdr, *p;
-	int n;
-	Fontchar *fc;
-	Subfont *f;
-	int ld;
-	Rectangle r;
-	Image *i;
-	/*
-	 * make sure data is word-aligned.  this is true with Plan 9 compilers
-	 * but not in general.  the byte order is right because the data is
-	 * declared as char*, not ulong*.
-	 */
-	p = (char*)defontdata;
-	n = (int)(uvlong)p & 3;				/* stupid ape */
-	if(n != 0){
-		memmove(p+(4-n), p, sizeofdefont-n);
-		p += 4-n;
-	}
-	ld = atoi(p+0*12);
-	r.min.x = atoi(p+1*12);
-	r.min.y = atoi(p+2*12);
-	r.max.x = atoi(p+3*12);
-	r.max.y = atoi(p+4*12);
-	i = allocimage(d, r, drawld2chan[ld], 0, 0);
-	if(i == 0)
-		return 0;
-	p += 5*12;
-	n = loadimage(i, r, (uchar*)p, (defontdata+sizeofdefont)-(uchar*)p);
-	if(n < 0){
-		freeimage(i);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	hdr = p+n;
-	n = atoi(hdr);
-	p = hdr+3*12;
-	fc = malloc(sizeof(Fontchar)*(n+1));
-	if(fc == 0){
-		freeimage(i);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	_unpackinfo(fc, (uchar*)p, n);
-	f = allocsubfont("*default*", n, atoi(hdr+12), atoi(hdr+24), fc, i);
-	if(f == 0){
-		freeimage(i);
-		free(fc);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return f;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/getrect.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-#include <thread.h>
-#include <cursor.h>
-#include <mouse.h>
-#define	W	Borderwidth
-static Image *tmp[4];
-static Image *red;
-static Cursor sweep={
-	{-7, -7},
-	{0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0x07,
-	 0xE0, 0x07, 0xE0, 0x07, 0xE3, 0xF7, 0xE3, 0xF7,
-	 0xE3, 0xE7, 0xE3, 0xF7, 0xE3, 0xFF, 0xE3, 0x7F,
-	 0xE0, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,},
-	{0x00, 0x00, 0x7F, 0xFE, 0x40, 0x02, 0x40, 0x02,
-	 0x40, 0x02, 0x40, 0x02, 0x40, 0x02, 0x41, 0xE2,
-	 0x41, 0xC2, 0x41, 0xE2, 0x41, 0x72, 0x40, 0x38,
-	 0x40, 0x1C, 0x40, 0x0E, 0x7F, 0xE6, 0x00, 0x00,}
-brects(Rectangle r, Rectangle rp[4])
-	if(Dx(r) < 2*W)
-		r.max.x = r.min.x+2*W;
-	if(Dy(r) < 2*W)
-		r.max.y = r.min.y+2*W;
-	rp[0] = Rect(r.min.x, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.min.y+W);
-	rp[1] = Rect(r.min.x, r.max.y-W, r.max.x, r.max.y);
-	rp[2] = Rect(r.min.x, r.min.y+W, r.min.x+W, r.max.y-W);
-	rp[3] = Rect(r.max.x-W, r.min.y+W, r.max.x, r.max.y-W);
-getrect(int but, Mousectl *mc)
-	Rectangle r, rc;
-	but = 1<<(but-1);
-	setcursor(mc, &sweep);
-	while(mc->buttons)
-		readmouse(mc);
-	while(!(mc->buttons & but)){
-		readmouse(mc);
-		if(mc->buttons & (7^but))
-			goto Return;
-	}
-	r.min = mc->xy;
-	r.max = mc->xy;
-	do{
-		rc = canonrect(r);
-		drawgetrect(rc, 1);
-		readmouse(mc);
-		drawgetrect(rc, 0);
-		r.max = mc->xy;
-	}while(mc->buttons == but);
-    Return:
-	setcursor(mc, nil);
-	if(mc->buttons & (7^but)){
-		rc.min.x = rc.max.x = 0;
-		rc.min.y = rc.max.y = 0;
-		while(mc->buttons)
-			readmouse(mc);
-	}
-	return rc;
-	freeimage(tmp[0]);
-	freeimage(tmp[1]);
-	freeimage(tmp[2]);
-	freeimage(tmp[3]);
-	freeimage(red);
-	tmp[0] = tmp[1] = tmp[2] = tmp[3] = red = nil;
-max(int a, int b)
-	if(a > b)
-		return a;
-	return b;
-drawgetrect(Rectangle rc, int up)
-	int i;
-	Rectangle r, rects[4];
-	/*
-	 * BUG: if for some reason we have two of these going on at once
-	 * when we must grow the tmp buffers, we lose data.  Also if tmp
-	 * is unallocated and we ask to restore the screen, it would be nice
-	 * to complain, but we silently make a mess.
-	 */
-	if(up && tmp[0]!=nil)
-		if(Dx(tmp[0]->r)<Dx(rc) || Dy(tmp[2]->r)<Dy(rc))
-			freetmp();
-	if(tmp[0] == 0){
-		r = Rect(0, 0, max(Dx(display->screenimage->r), Dx(rc)), W);
-		tmp[0] = allocimage(display, r, screen->chan, 0, -1);
-		tmp[1] = allocimage(display, r, screen->chan, 0, -1);
-		r = Rect(0, 0, W, max(Dy(display->screenimage->r), Dy(rc)));
-		tmp[2] = allocimage(display, r, screen->chan, 0, -1);
-		tmp[3] = allocimage(display, r, screen->chan, 0, -1);
-		red = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, DRed);
-		if(tmp[0]==0 || tmp[1]==0 || tmp[2]==0 || tmp[3]==0 || red==0){
-			freetmp();
-			drawerror(display, "getrect: allocimage failed");
-		}
-	}
-	brects(rc, rects);
-	if(!up){
-		for(i=0; i<4; i++)
-			draw(screen, rects[i], tmp[i], nil, ZP);
-		return;
-	}
-	for(i=0; i<4; i++){
-		draw(tmp[i], Rect(0, 0, Dx(rects[i]), Dy(rects[i])), screen, nil, rects[i].min);
-		draw(screen, rects[i], red, nil, ZP);
-	}
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/getsubfont.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
- * Default version: treat as file name
- */
-_getsubfont(Display *d, char *name)
-	int dolock, fd;
-	Subfont *f;
-	/*
-	 * unlock display so i/o happens with display released, unless
-	 * user is doing his own locking, in which case this could break things.
-	 * _getsubfont is called only from string.c and stringwidth.c,
-	 * which are known to be safe to have this done.
-	 */
-	dolock = d != nil && d->locking == 0;
-	if(dolock)
-		unlockdisplay(d);
-	fd = open(name, OREAD|OCEXEC);
-	if(fd < 0) {
-		fprint(2, "getsubfont: can't open %s: %r\n", name);
-		f = nil;
-	} else {
-		f = readsubfont(d, name, fd, dolock);
-		if(f == nil)
-			fprint(2, "getsubfont: can't read %s: %r\n", name);
-		close(fd);
-	}
-	if(dolock)
-		lockdisplay(d);
-	return f;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/icossin.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +1,0 @@
-#include	<u.h>
-#include	<libc.h>
-#include	<draw.h>
- * Integer sine and cosine for integral degree argument.
- * Tables computed by (sin,cos)(PI*d/180).
- */
-static short sinus[91] = {
-	0,	/* 0 */
-	18,	/* 1 */
-	36,	/* 2 */
-	54,	/* 3 */
-	71,	/* 4 */
-	89,	/* 5 */
-	107,	/* 6 */
-	125,	/* 7 */
-	143,	/* 8 */
-	160,	/* 9 */
-	178,	/* 10 */
-	195,	/* 11 */
-	213,	/* 12 */
-	230,	/* 13 */
-	248,	/* 14 */
-	265,	/* 15 */
-	282,	/* 16 */
-	299,	/* 17 */
-	316,	/* 18 */
-	333,	/* 19 */
-	350,	/* 20 */
-	367,	/* 21 */
-	384,	/* 22 */
-	400,	/* 23 */
-	416,	/* 24 */
-	433,	/* 25 */
-	449,	/* 26 */
-	465,	/* 27 */
-	481,	/* 28 */
-	496,	/* 29 */
-	512,	/* 30 */
-	527,	/* 31 */
-	543,	/* 32 */
-	558,	/* 33 */
-	573,	/* 34 */
-	587,	/* 35 */
-	602,	/* 36 */
-	616,	/* 37 */
-	630,	/* 38 */
-	644,	/* 39 */
-	658,	/* 40 */
-	672,	/* 41 */
-	685,	/* 42 */
-	698,	/* 43 */
-	711,	/* 44 */
-	724,	/* 45 */
-	737,	/* 46 */
-	749,	/* 47 */
-	761,	/* 48 */
-	773,	/* 49 */
-	784,	/* 50 */
-	796,	/* 51 */
-	807,	/* 52 */
-	818,	/* 53 */
-	828,	/* 54 */
-	839,	/* 55 */
-	849,	/* 56 */
-	859,	/* 57 */
-	868,	/* 58 */
-	878,	/* 59 */
-	887,	/* 60 */
-	896,	/* 61 */
-	904,	/* 62 */
-	912,	/* 63 */
-	920,	/* 64 */
-	928,	/* 65 */
-	935,	/* 66 */
-	943,	/* 67 */
-	949,	/* 68 */
-	956,	/* 69 */
-	962,	/* 70 */
-	968,	/* 71 */
-	974,	/* 72 */
-	979,	/* 73 */
-	984,	/* 74 */
-	989,	/* 75 */
-	994,	/* 76 */
-	998,	/* 77 */
-	1002,	/* 78 */
-	1005,	/* 79 */
-	1008,	/* 80 */
-	1011,	/* 81 */
-	1014,	/* 82 */
-	1016,	/* 83 */
-	1018,	/* 84 */
-	1020,	/* 85 */
-	1022,	/* 86 */
-	1023,	/* 87 */
-	1023,	/* 88 */
-	1024,	/* 89 */
-	1024,	/* 90 */
-icossin(int deg, int *cosp, int *sinp)
-	int sinsign, cossign;
-	short *stp, *ctp;
-	deg %= 360;
-	if(deg < 0)
-		deg += 360;
-	sinsign = 1;
-	cossign = 1;
-	stp = 0;
-	ctp = 0;
-	switch(deg/90){
-	case 2:
-		sinsign = -1;
-		cossign = -1;
-		deg -= 180;
-		/* fall through */
-	case 0:
-		stp = &sinus[deg];
-		ctp = &sinus[90-deg];
-		break;
-	case 3:
-		sinsign = -1;
-		cossign = -1;
-		deg -= 180;
-		/* fall through */
-	case 1:
-		deg = 180-deg;
-		cossign = -cossign;
-		stp = &sinus[deg];
-		ctp = &sinus[90-deg];
-		break;
-	}
-	*sinp = sinsign*stp[0];
-	*cosp = cossign*ctp[0];
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/icossin2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +1,0 @@
-#include	<u.h>
-#include	<libc.h>
-#include	<draw.h>
- * Sine and Cosine of arctangents, calculated by 
- *   (sin(atan(index/100.0))*1024.+0.5)
- *   (cos(atan(index/100.0))*1024.+0.5)
- * To use, get rational tangent between 0<=tan<=1, scale by 100,
- * and look up sin and cos, and use linear interpolation.  divide by 1024.
- * Maximum error is 0.0020.  Without linear interpolation, it's 0.010.
- */
-short sinus[] = {
-	0,	/* 0.00 */
-	10,	/* 0.01 */
-	20,	/* 0.02 */
-	31,	/* 0.03 */
-	41,	/* 0.04 */
-	51,	/* 0.05 */
-	61,	/* 0.06 */
-	72,	/* 0.07 */
-	82,	/* 0.08 */
-	92,	/* 0.09 */
-	102,	/* 0.10 */
-	112,	/* 0.11 */
-	122,	/* 0.12 */
-	132,	/* 0.13 */
-	142,	/* 0.14 */
-	152,	/* 0.15 */
-	162,	/* 0.16 */
-	172,	/* 0.17 */
-	181,	/* 0.18 */
-	191,	/* 0.19 */
-	201,	/* 0.20 */
-	210,	/* 0.21 */
-	220,	/* 0.22 */
-	230,	/* 0.23 */
-	239,	/* 0.24 */
-	248,	/* 0.25 */
-	258,	/* 0.26 */
-	267,	/* 0.27 */
-	276,	/* 0.28 */
-	285,	/* 0.29 */
-	294,	/* 0.30 */
-	303,	/* 0.31 */
-	312,	/* 0.32 */
-	321,	/* 0.33 */
-	330,	/* 0.34 */
-	338,	/* 0.35 */
-	347,	/* 0.36 */
-	355,	/* 0.37 */
-	364,	/* 0.38 */
-	372,	/* 0.39 */
-	380,	/* 0.40 */
-	388,	/* 0.41 */
-	397,	/* 0.42 */
-	405,	/* 0.43 */
-	412,	/* 0.44 */
-	420,	/* 0.45 */
-	428,	/* 0.46 */
-	436,	/* 0.47 */
-	443,	/* 0.48 */
-	451,	/* 0.49 */
-	458,	/* 0.50 */
-	465,	/* 0.51 */
-	472,	/* 0.52 */
-	480,	/* 0.53 */
-	487,	/* 0.54 */
-	493,	/* 0.55 */
-	500,	/* 0.56 */
-	507,	/* 0.57 */
-	514,	/* 0.58 */
-	520,	/* 0.59 */
-	527,	/* 0.60 */
-	533,	/* 0.61 */
-	540,	/* 0.62 */
-	546,	/* 0.63 */
-	552,	/* 0.64 */
-	558,	/* 0.65 */
-	564,	/* 0.66 */
-	570,	/* 0.67 */
-	576,	/* 0.68 */
-	582,	/* 0.69 */
-	587,	/* 0.70 */
-	593,	/* 0.71 */
-	598,	/* 0.72 */
-	604,	/* 0.73 */
-	609,	/* 0.74 */
-	614,	/* 0.75 */
-	620,	/* 0.76 */
-	625,	/* 0.77 */
-	630,	/* 0.78 */
-	635,	/* 0.79 */
-	640,	/* 0.80 */
-	645,	/* 0.81 */
-	649,	/* 0.82 */
-	654,	/* 0.83 */
-	659,	/* 0.84 */
-	663,	/* 0.85 */
-	668,	/* 0.86 */
-	672,	/* 0.87 */
-	676,	/* 0.88 */
-	681,	/* 0.89 */
-	685,	/* 0.90 */
-	689,	/* 0.91 */
-	693,	/* 0.92 */
-	697,	/* 0.93 */
-	701,	/* 0.94 */
-	705,	/* 0.95 */
-	709,	/* 0.96 */
-	713,	/* 0.97 */
-	717,	/* 0.98 */
-	720,	/* 0.99 */
-	724,	/* 1.00 */
-	728,	/* 1.01 */
-short cosinus[] = {
-	1024,	/* 0.00 */
-	1024,	/* 0.01 */
-	1024,	/* 0.02 */
-	1024,	/* 0.03 */
-	1023,	/* 0.04 */
-	1023,	/* 0.05 */
-	1022,	/* 0.06 */
-	1022,	/* 0.07 */
-	1021,	/* 0.08 */
-	1020,	/* 0.09 */
-	1019,	/* 0.10 */
-	1018,	/* 0.11 */
-	1017,	/* 0.12 */
-	1015,	/* 0.13 */
-	1014,	/* 0.14 */
-	1013,	/* 0.15 */
-	1011,	/* 0.16 */
-	1010,	/* 0.17 */
-	1008,	/* 0.18 */
-	1006,	/* 0.19 */
-	1004,	/* 0.20 */
-	1002,	/* 0.21 */
-	1000,	/* 0.22 */
-	998,	/* 0.23 */
-	996,	/* 0.24 */
-	993,	/* 0.25 */
-	991,	/* 0.26 */
-	989,	/* 0.27 */
-	986,	/* 0.28 */
-	983,	/* 0.29 */
-	981,	/* 0.30 */
-	978,	/* 0.31 */
-	975,	/* 0.32 */
-	972,	/* 0.33 */
-	969,	/* 0.34 */
-	967,	/* 0.35 */
-	963,	/* 0.36 */
-	960,	/* 0.37 */
-	957,	/* 0.38 */
-	954,	/* 0.39 */
-	951,	/* 0.40 */
-	947,	/* 0.41 */
-	944,	/* 0.42 */
-	941,	/* 0.43 */
-	937,	/* 0.44 */
-	934,	/* 0.45 */
-	930,	/* 0.46 */
-	927,	/* 0.47 */
-	923,	/* 0.48 */
-	920,	/* 0.49 */
-	916,	/* 0.50 */
-	912,	/* 0.51 */
-	909,	/* 0.52 */
-	905,	/* 0.53 */
-	901,	/* 0.54 */
-	897,	/* 0.55 */
-	893,	/* 0.56 */
-	890,	/* 0.57 */
-	886,	/* 0.58 */
-	882,	/* 0.59 */
-	878,	/* 0.60 */
-	874,	/* 0.61 */
-	870,	/* 0.62 */
-	866,	/* 0.63 */
-	862,	/* 0.64 */
-	859,	/* 0.65 */
-	855,	/* 0.66 */
-	851,	/* 0.67 */
-	847,	/* 0.68 */
-	843,	/* 0.69 */
-	839,	/* 0.70 */
-	835,	/* 0.71 */
-	831,	/* 0.72 */
-	827,	/* 0.73 */
-	823,	/* 0.74 */
-	819,	/* 0.75 */
-	815,	/* 0.76 */
-	811,	/* 0.77 */
-	807,	/* 0.78 */
-	804,	/* 0.79 */
-	800,	/* 0.80 */
-	796,	/* 0.81 */
-	792,	/* 0.82 */
-	788,	/* 0.83 */
-	784,	/* 0.84 */
-	780,	/* 0.85 */
-	776,	/* 0.86 */
-	773,	/* 0.87 */
-	769,	/* 0.88 */
-	765,	/* 0.89 */
-	761,	/* 0.90 */
-	757,	/* 0.91 */
-	754,	/* 0.92 */
-	750,	/* 0.93 */
-	746,	/* 0.94 */
-	742,	/* 0.95 */
-	739,	/* 0.96 */
-	735,	/* 0.97 */
-	731,	/* 0.98 */
-	728,	/* 0.99 */
-	724,	/* 1.00 */
-	720,	/* 1.01 */
-icossin2(int x, int y, int *cosp, int *sinp)
-	int sinsign, cossign, tan, tan10, rem;
-	short *stp, *ctp;
-	if(x == 0){
-		if(y >= 0)
-			*sinp = ICOSSCALE, *cosp = 0;
-		else
-			*sinp = -ICOSSCALE, *cosp = 0;
-		return;
-	}
-	sinsign = cossign = 1;
-	if(x < 0){
-		cossign = -1;
-		x = -x;
-	}
-	if(y < 0){
-		sinsign = -1;
-		y = -y;
-	}
-	if(y > x){
-		tan = 1000*x/y;
-		tan10 = tan/10;
-		stp = &cosinus[tan10];
-		ctp = &sinus[tan10];
-	}else{
-		tan = 1000*y/x;
-		tan10 = tan/10;
-		stp = &sinus[tan10];
-		ctp = &cosinus[tan10];
-	}
-	rem = tan-(tan10*10);
-	*sinp = sinsign*(stp[0]+(stp[1]-stp[0])*rem/10);
-	*cosp = cossign*(ctp[0]+(ctp[1]-ctp[0])*rem/10);
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/init.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-Display	*display;
-Font	*font;
-Image	*screen;
-static char deffontname[] = "*default*";
-Screen	*_screen;
-int	debuglockdisplay = 0;
-static void _closedisplay(Display*, int);
-/* note handler */
-static void
-	Display *d;
-	d = display;
-	if(d != nil){
-		display = nil;
-		_closedisplay(d, 1);
-	}
-geninitdraw(char *devdir, void(*error)(Display*, char*), char *fontname, char *label, char *windir, int ref)
-	int fd, n;
-	Subfont *df;
-	char buf[128];
-	display = initdisplay(devdir, windir, error);
-	if(display == nil)
-		return -1;
-	/*
-	 * Set up default font
-	 */
-	df = getdefont(display);
-	display->defaultsubfont = df;
-	if(df == nil){
-    Error:
-		closedisplay(display);
-		display = nil;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if(fontname == nil){
-		fd = open("/env/font", OREAD|OCEXEC);
-		if(fd >= 0){
-			n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
-			if(n>0 && n<sizeof buf-1){
-				buf[n] = 0;
-				fontname = buf;
-			}
-			close(fd);
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Build fonts with caches==depth of screen, for speed.
-	 * If conversion were faster, we'd use 0 and save memory.
-	 */
-	if(fontname == nil){
-		snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%d %d\n0 %d\t%s\n", df->height, df->ascent,
-			df->n-1, deffontname);
-//BUG: Need something better for this	installsubfont("*default*", df);
-		font = buildfont(display, buf, deffontname);
-		if(font == nil)
-			goto Error;
-	}else{
-		font = openfont(display, fontname);	/* BUG: grey fonts */
-		if(font == nil)
-			goto Error;
-	}
-	display->defaultfont = font;
-	/*
-	 * Write label; ignore errors (we might not be running under rio)
-	 */
-	if(label != nil){
-		snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%s/label", display->windir);
-		fd = open(buf, OREAD|OCEXEC);
-		if(fd >= 0){
-			read(fd, display->oldlabel, (sizeof display->oldlabel)-1);
-			close(fd);
-			fd = create(buf, OWRITE|OCEXEC, 0666);
-			if(fd >= 0){
-				write(fd, label, strlen(label));
-				close(fd);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%s/winname", display->windir);
-	if(gengetwindow(display, buf, &screen, &_screen, ref) < 0)
-		goto Error;
-	atexit(drawshutdown);
-	return 1;
-initdraw(void(*error)(Display*, char*), char *fontname, char *label)
-	static char dev[] = "/dev";
-	return geninitdraw(dev, error, fontname, label, dev, Refnone);
- * Attach, or possibly reattach, to window.
- * If reattaching, maintain value of screen pointer.
- */
-gengetwindow(Display *d, char *winname, Image **winp, Screen **scrp, int ref)
-	int n, fd;
-	char buf[64+1], obuf[64+1];
-	Image *image;
-	Rectangle r;
-	obuf[0] = 0;
-	fd = open(winname, OREAD|OCEXEC);
-	if(fd<0 || (n=read(fd, buf, sizeof buf-1))<=0){
-		if(fd >= 0) close(fd);
-		strcpy(buf, "noborder");
-		image = d->image;
-	}else{
-		close(fd);
-		buf[n] = '\0';
-		image = namedimage(d, buf);
-		if(image == nil){
-			/*
-			 * theres a race where the winname can change after
-			 * we read it, so keep trying as long as the name
-			 * keeps changing.
-			 */
-			if(strcmp(buf, obuf) != 0){
-				strcpy(obuf, buf);
-				goto retry;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if(*winp != nil){
-		_freeimage1(*winp);
-		if((*scrp)->image != d->image)
-			freeimage((*scrp)->image);
-		freescreen(*scrp);
-		*scrp = nil;
-	}
-	if(image == nil){
-		*winp = nil;
-		d->screenimage = nil;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	d->screenimage = image;
-	*scrp = allocscreen(image, d->white, 0);
-	if(*scrp == nil){
-		*winp = nil;
-		d->screenimage = nil;
-		if(image != d->image)
-			freeimage(image);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	r = image->r;
-	if(strncmp(buf, "noborder", 8) != 0)
-		r = insetrect(r, Borderwidth);
-	*winp = _allocwindow(*winp, *scrp, r, ref, DWhite);
-	if(*winp == nil){
-		freescreen(*scrp);
-		*scrp = nil;
-		d->screenimage = nil;
-		if(image != d->image)
-			freeimage(image);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	d->screenimage = *winp;
-	return 1;
-getwindow(Display *d, int ref)
-	char winname[128];
-	snprint(winname, sizeof winname, "%s/winname", d->windir);
-	return gengetwindow(d, winname, &screen, &_screen, ref);
-#define	NINFO	12*12
-initdisplay(char *dev, char *win, void(*error)(Display*, char*))
-	char buf[128], info[NINFO+1], *t, isnew;
-	int n, datafd, ctlfd, reffd;
-	Display *disp;
-	Dir *dir;
-	Image *image;
-	fmtinstall('P', Pfmt);
-	fmtinstall('R', Rfmt);
-	if(dev == nil)
-		dev = "/dev";
-	if(win == nil)
-		win = "/dev";
-	if(strlen(dev)>sizeof buf-25 || strlen(win)>sizeof buf-25){
-		werrstr("initdisplay: directory name too long");
-		return nil;
-	}
-	t = strdup(win);
-	if(t == nil)
-		return nil;
-	sprint(buf, "%s/draw/new", dev);
-	ctlfd = open(buf, ORDWR|OCEXEC);
-	if(ctlfd < 0){
-    Error1:
-		free(t);
-		werrstr("initdisplay: %s: %r", buf);
-		return nil;
-	}
-	if((n=read(ctlfd, info, sizeof info)) < 12){
-    Error2:
-		close(ctlfd);
-		goto Error1;
-	}
-	if(n==NINFO+1)
-		n = NINFO;
-	info[n] = '\0';
-	isnew = 0;
-	if(n < NINFO)	/* this will do for now, we need something better here */
-		isnew = 1;
-	sprint(buf, "%s/draw/%d/data", dev, atoi(info+0*12));
-	datafd = open(buf, ORDWR|OCEXEC);
-	if(datafd < 0)
-		goto Error2;
-	sprint(buf, "%s/draw/%d/refresh", dev, atoi(info+0*12));
-	reffd = open(buf, OREAD|OCEXEC);
-	if(reffd < 0){
-    Error3:
-		close(datafd);
-		goto Error2;
-	}
-	disp = mallocz(sizeof(Display), 1);
-	if(disp == nil){
-    Error4:
-		close(reffd);
-		goto Error3;
-	}
-	image = nil;
-	if(0){
-    Error5:
-		free(image);
-		free(disp);
-		goto Error4;
-	}
-	if(n >= NINFO){
-		image = mallocz(sizeof(Image), 1);
-		if(image == nil)
-			goto Error5;
-		image->display = disp;
-		image->id = 0;
-		image->chan = strtochan(info+2*12);
-		image->depth = chantodepth(image->chan);
-		image->repl = atoi(info+3*12);
-		image->r.min.x = atoi(info+4*12);
-		image->r.min.y = atoi(info+5*12);
-		image->r.max.x = atoi(info+6*12);
-		image->r.max.y = atoi(info+7*12);
-		image->clipr.min.x = atoi(info+8*12);
-		image->clipr.min.y = atoi(info+9*12);
-		image->clipr.max.x = atoi(info+10*12);
-		image->clipr.max.y = atoi(info+11*12);
-	}
-	disp->_isnewdisplay = isnew;
-	disp->bufsize = iounit(datafd);
-	if(disp->bufsize <= 0)
-		disp->bufsize = 8000;
-	if(disp->bufsize < 512){
-		werrstr("iounit %d too small", disp->bufsize);
-		goto Error5;
-	}
-	disp->buf = malloc(disp->bufsize+5);	/* +5 for flush message */
-	if(disp->buf == nil)
-		goto Error5;
-	disp->image = image;
-	disp->dirno = atoi(info+0*12);
-	disp->fd = datafd;
-	disp->ctlfd = ctlfd;
-	disp->reffd = reffd;
-	disp->bufp = disp->buf;
-	disp->error = error;
-	disp->windir = t;
-	disp->devdir = strdup(dev);
-	qlock(&disp->qlock);
-	disp->white = allocimage(disp, Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), GREY1, 1, DWhite);
-	disp->black = allocimage(disp, Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), GREY1, 1, DBlack);
-	if(disp->white == nil || disp->black == nil){
-		free(disp->devdir);
-		free(disp->white);
-		free(disp->black);
-		goto Error5;
-	}
-	disp->opaque = disp->white;
-	disp->transparent = disp->black;
-	dir = dirfstat(ctlfd);
-	if(dir!=nil && dir->type=='i'){
-		disp->local = 1;
-		disp->dataqid = dir->qid.path;
-	}
-	if(dir!=nil && dir->qid.vers==1)	/* other way to tell */
-		disp->_isnewdisplay = 1;
-	free(dir);
-	return disp;
- * Call with d unlocked.
- * Note that disp->defaultfont and defaultsubfont are not freed here.
- */
-closedisplay(Display *disp)
-	_closedisplay(disp, 0);
-static void
-_closedisplay(Display *disp, int isshutdown)
-	int fd;
-	char buf[128];
-	if(disp == nil)
-		return;
-	if(disp == display)
-		display = nil;
-	if(disp->oldlabel[0]){
-		snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%s/label", disp->windir);
-		fd = open(buf, OWRITE|OCEXEC);
-		if(fd >= 0){
-			write(fd, disp->oldlabel, strlen(disp->oldlabel));
-			close(fd);
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * if we're shutting down, don't free all the resources.
-	 * if other procs are getting shot down by notes too,
-	 * one might get shot down while holding the malloc lock.
-	 * just let the kernel clean things up when we exit.
-	 */
-	if(isshutdown)
-		return;
-	free(disp->devdir);
-	free(disp->windir);
-	freeimage(disp->white);
-	freeimage(disp->black);
-	close(disp->fd);
-	close(disp->ctlfd);
-	/* should cause refresh slave to shut down */
-	close(disp->reffd);
-	qunlock(&disp->qlock);
-	free(disp);
-lockdisplay(Display *disp)
-	if(debuglockdisplay){
-		/* avoid busy looping; it's rare we collide anyway */
-		while(!canqlock(&disp->qlock))
-			sleep(1000);
-	}else
-		qlock(&disp->qlock);
-unlockdisplay(Display *disp)
-	qunlock(&disp->qlock);
-drawerror(Display *d, char *s)
-	char err[ERRMAX];
-	if(d != nil && d->error != nil)
-		(*d->error)(d, s);
-	else{
-		errstr(err, sizeof err);
-		fprint(2, "draw: %s: %s\n", s, err);
-		exits(s);
-	}
-doflush(Display *d)
-	int n;
-	n = d->bufp-d->buf;
-	if(n <= 0)
-		return 1;
-	if(write(d->fd, d->buf, n) != n){
-		d->bufp = d->buf;	/* might as well; chance of continuing */
-		return -1;
-	}
-	d->bufp = d->buf;
-	return 1;
-flushimage(Display *d, int visible)
-	if(d == nil)
-		return 0;
-	if(visible){
-		*d->bufp++ = 'v';	/* five bytes always reserved for this */
-		if(d->_isnewdisplay){
-			BPLONG(d->bufp, d->screenimage->id);
-			d->bufp += 4;
-		}
-	}
-	return doflush(d);
-bufimage(Display *d, int n)
-	uchar *p;
-	if(n<0 || n>d->bufsize){
-		werrstr("bad count in bufimage");
-		return nil;
-	}
-	if(d->bufp+n > d->buf+d->bufsize)
-		if(doflush(d) < 0)
-			return nil;
-	p = d->bufp;
-	d->bufp += n;
-	return p;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/keyboard.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-#include <thread.h>
-#include <keyboard.h>
-closekeyboard(Keyboardctl *kc)
-	if(kc == nil)
-		return;
-	close(kc->ctlfd);
-	close(kc->consfd);
-	kc->consfd = kc->ctlfd = -1;
-	threadint(kc->pid);
-_ioproc(void *arg)
-	int m, n, nerr;
-	char buf[20];
-	Rune r;
-	Keyboardctl *kc;
-	kc = arg;
-	threadsetname("kbdproc");
-	n = 0;
-	nerr = 0;
-	while(kc->consfd >= 0){
-		m = read(kc->consfd, buf+n, sizeof buf-n);
-		if(m <= 0){
-			yield();	/* if error is due to exiting, we'll exit here */
-			if(kc->consfd < 0)
-				break;
-			fprint(2, "keyboard: short read: %r\n");
-			if(m<0 || ++nerr>10)
-				threadexits("read error");
-			continue;
-		}
-		nerr = 0;
-		n += m;
-		while(n>0 && fullrune(buf, n)){
-			m = chartorune(&r, buf);
-			n -= m;
-			memmove(buf, buf+m, n);
-			if(send(kc->c, &r) < 0)
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	chanfree(kc->c);
-	free(kc->file);
-	free(kc);
-initkeyboard(char *file)
-	Keyboardctl *kc;
-	char *t;
-	kc = mallocz(sizeof(Keyboardctl), 1);
-	if(kc == nil)
-		return nil;
-	if(file == nil)
-		file = "/dev/cons";
-	kc->file = strdup(file);
-	kc->consfd = open(file, ORDWR|OCEXEC);
-	t = malloc(strlen(file)+16);
-	if(kc->consfd<0 || t==nil){
-		free(kc);
-		return nil;
-	}
-	sprint(t, "%sctl", file);
-	kc->ctlfd = open(t, OWRITE|OCEXEC);
-	if(kc->ctlfd < 0){
-		fprint(2, "initkeyboard: can't open %s: %r\n", t);
-		close(kc->consfd);
-		free(t);
-		goto Error1;
-	}
-	if(ctlkeyboard(kc, "rawon") < 0){
-		fprint(2, "initkeyboard: can't turn on raw mode on %s: %r\n", t);
-		close(kc->ctlfd);
-		goto Error2;
-	}
-	free(t);
-	kc->c = chancreate(sizeof(Rune), 20);
-	kc->pid = proccreate(_ioproc, kc, 4096);
-	return kc;
-ctlkeyboard(Keyboardctl *kc, char *m)
-	return write(kc->ctlfd, m, strlen(m));
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/line.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-line(Image *dst, Point p0, Point p1, int end0, int end1, int radius, Image *src, Point sp)
-	lineop(dst, p0, p1, end0, end1, radius, src, sp, SoverD);
-lineop(Image *dst, Point p0, Point p1, int end0, int end1, int radius, Image *src, Point sp, Drawop op)
-	uchar *a;
-	_setdrawop(dst->display, op);
-	a = bufimage(dst->display, 1+4+2*4+2*4+4+4+4+4+2*4);
-	if(a == nil){
-		fprint(2, "image line: %r\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	a[0] = 'L';
-	BPLONG(a+1, dst->id);
-	BPLONG(a+5, p0.x);
-	BPLONG(a+9, p0.y);
-	BPLONG(a+13, p1.x);
-	BPLONG(a+17, p1.y);
-	BPLONG(a+21, end0);
-	BPLONG(a+25, end1);
-	BPLONG(a+29, radius);
-	BPLONG(a+33, src->id);
-	BPLONG(a+37, sp.x);
-	BPLONG(a+41, sp.y);
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/loadimage.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-loadimage(Image *i, Rectangle r, uchar *data, int ndata)
-	long dx, dy;
-	int n, bpl;
-	uchar *a;
-	int chunk;
-	chunk = i->display->bufsize - 64;
-	if(!rectinrect(r, i->r)){
-		werrstr("loadimage: bad rectangle");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	bpl = bytesperline(r, i->depth);
-	n = bpl*Dy(r);
-	if(n > ndata){
-		werrstr("loadimage: insufficient data");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	ndata = 0;
-	while(r.max.y > r.min.y){
-		dy = Dy(r);
-		dx = Dx(r);
-		if(dy*bpl > chunk)
-			dy = chunk/bpl;
-		if(dy <= 0){
-			dy = 1;
-			dx = ((chunk*dx)/bpl) & ~7;
-			n = bytesperline(Rect(r.min.x, r.min.y, r.min.x+dx, r.min.y+dy), i->depth);
-			if(loadimage(i, Rect(r.min.x+dx, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.min.y+dy), data+n, bpl-n) < 0)
-				return -1;
-		} else
-			n = dy*bpl;
-		a = bufimage(i->display, 21+n);
-		if(a == nil){
-			werrstr("loadimage: %r");
-			return -1;
-		}
-		a[0] = 'y';
-		BPLONG(a+1, i->id);
-		BPLONG(a+5, r.min.x);
-		BPLONG(a+9, r.min.y);
-		BPLONG(a+13, r.min.x+dx);
-		BPLONG(a+17, r.min.y+dy);
-		memmove(a+21, data, n);
-		ndata += dy*bpl;
-		data += dy*bpl;
-		r.min.y += dy;
-	}
-	return ndata;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +1,0 @@
-!include "..\mkconfig.nmk"
-!include "..\$(SYSHOST)\mkhost"
-!include "..\$(OBJDIR)\makefile"
-	alloc.$O\
-	arith.$O\
-	bezier.$O\
-	buildfont.$O\
-	bytesperline.$O\
-	creadimage.$O\
-	cursor.$O\
-	defont.$O\
-	draw.$O\
-	ellipse.$O\
-	font.$O\
-	freesubfont.$O\
-	getsubfont.$O\
-	init.$O\
-	line.$O\
-	loadimage.$O\
-	mkfont.$O\
-	openfont.$O\
-	poly.$O\
-	readimage.$O\
-	readsubfont.$O\
-	rectclip.$O\
-	replclipr.$O\
-	rgb.$O\
-	string.$O\
-	stringsubfont.$O\
-	stringwidth.$O\
-	subfont.$O\
-	subfontcache.$O\
-	subfontname.$O\
-	unloadimage.$O\
-	window.$O\
-	writeimage.$O\
-	../include/memimage.h
-!include <..\$(SYSTARG)\mksyslib.nmk>
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/mkfont.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
- * Cobble fake font using existing subfont
- */
-mkfont(Subfont *subfont, Rune min)
-	Font *font;
-	Cachefont *c;
-	font = malloc(sizeof(Font));
-	if(font == nil)
-		return nil;
-	memset(font, 0, sizeof(Font));
-	font->display = subfont->bits->display;
-	font->name = strdup("<synthetic>");
-	font->ncache = NFCACHE+NFLOOK;
-	font->nsubf = NFSUBF;
-	font->cache = malloc(font->ncache * sizeof(font->cache[0]));
-	font->subf = malloc(font->nsubf * sizeof(font->subf[0]));
-	if(font->name==nil || font->cache==nil || font->subf==nil){
-    Err:
-		free(font->name);
-		free(font->cache);
-		free(font->subf);
-		free(font->sub);
-		free(font);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	memset(font->cache, 0, font->ncache*sizeof(font->cache[0]));
-	memset(font->subf, 0, font->nsubf*sizeof(font->subf[0]));
-	font->height = subfont->height;
-	font->ascent = subfont->ascent;
-	font->age = 1;
-	font->sub = malloc(sizeof(Cachefont*));
-	if(font->sub == nil)
-		goto Err;
-	c = malloc(sizeof(Cachefont));
-	if(c == nil)
-		goto Err;
-	font->nsub = 1;
-	font->sub[0] = c;
-	c->min = min;
-	c->max = min+subfont->n-1;
-	c->offset = 0;
-	c->name = nil;	/* noticed by agefont() */
-	c->subfontname = nil;
-	font->subf[0].age = 0;
-	font->subf[0].cf = c;
-	font->subf[0].f = subfont;
-	return font;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/mouse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-#include <thread.h>
-#include <cursor.h>
-#include <mouse.h>
-moveto(Mousectl *m, Point pt)
-	fprint(m->mfd, "m%d %d", pt.x, pt.y);
-	m->xy = pt;
-closemouse(Mousectl *mc)
-	if(mc == nil)
-		return;
-	close(mc->mfd);
-	close(mc->cfd);
-	mc->mfd = mc->cfd = -1;
-	threadint(mc->pid);
-readmouse(Mousectl *mc)
-	if(mc->image){
-		Display *d = mc->image->display;
-		if(d->bufp > d->buf)
-			flushimage(d, 1);
-	}
-	if(recv(mc->c, &mc->Mouse) < 0){
-		fprint(2, "readmouse: %r\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-_ioproc(void *arg)
-	int n, nerr, one;
-	char buf[1+5*12];
-	Mouse m;
-	Mousectl *mc;
-	mc = arg;
-	threadsetname("mouseproc");
-	memset(&m, 0, sizeof m);
-	nerr = 0;
-	while(mc->mfd >= 0){
-		n = read(mc->mfd, buf, sizeof buf);
-		if(n != 1+4*12){
-			yield();	/* if error is due to exiting, we'll exit here */
-			if(mc->mfd < 0)
-				break;
-			fprint(2, "mouse: bad count %d not 49: %r\n", n);
-			if(n<0 || ++nerr>10)
-				threadexits("read error");
-			continue;
-		}
-		nerr = 0;
-		switch(buf[0]){
-		case 'r':
-			one = 1;
-			if(nbsend(mc->resizec, &one) < 0)
-				continue;
-			/* fall through */
-		case 'm':
-			m.xy.x = atoi(buf+1+0*12);
-			m.xy.y = atoi(buf+1+1*12);
-			m.buttons = atoi(buf+1+2*12);
-			m.msec = (ulong)atoll(buf+1+3*12);
-			if(send(mc->c, &m) < 0)
-				continue;
-			/*
-			 * mc->Mouse is updated after send so it doesn't have wrong value if we block during send.
-			 * This means that programs should receive into mc->Mouse (see readmouse() above) if
-			 * they want full synchrony.
-			 */
-			mc->Mouse = m;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	free(mc->file);
-	chanfree(mc->c);
-	chanfree(mc->resizec);
-	free(mc);
-initmouse(char *file, Image *i)
-	Mousectl *mc;
-	char *t, *sl;
-	mc = mallocz(sizeof(Mousectl), 1);
-	if(file == nil)
-		file = "/dev/mouse";
-	mc->file = strdup(file);
-	mc->mfd = open(file, ORDWR|OCEXEC);
-	if(mc->mfd < 0){
-		free(mc);
-		return nil;
-	}
-	t = malloc(strlen(file)+16);
-	if (t == nil) {
-		close(mc->mfd);
-		free(mc);
-		return nil;
-	}
-	strcpy(t, file);
-	sl = utfrrune(t, '/');
-	if(sl)
-		strcpy(sl, "/cursor");
-	else
-		strcpy(t, "/dev/cursor");
-	mc->cfd = open(t, ORDWR|OCEXEC);
-	free(t);
-	mc->image = i;
-	mc->c = chancreate(sizeof(Mouse), 0);
-	mc->resizec = chancreate(sizeof(int), 1);
-	mc->pid = proccreate(_ioproc, mc, 4096);
-	return mc;
-setcursor(Mousectl *mc, Cursor *c)
-	char curs[2*4+2*2*16];
-	if(c == nil)
-		write(mc->cfd, curs, 0);
-	else{
-		BPLONG(curs+0*4, c->offset.x);
-		BPLONG(curs+1*4, c->offset.y);
-		memmove(curs+2*4, c->clr, 2*2*16);
-		write(mc->cfd, curs, sizeof curs);
-	}
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/newwindow.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-/* Connect us to new window, if possible */
-newwindow(char *str)
-	int fd;
-	char *wsys;
-	char buf[256];
-	wsys = getenv("wsys");
-	if(wsys == nil)
-		return -1;
-	fd = open(wsys, ORDWR);
-	if(fd < 0){
-		free(wsys);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	rfork(RFNAMEG);
-	unmount(wsys, "/dev");	/* drop reference to old window */
-	free(wsys);
-	if(str)
-		snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "new %s", str);
-	else
-		strcpy(buf, "new");
-	if(mount(fd, -1, "/mnt/wsys", MREPL, buf) == -1){
-		if(mount(fd, -1, "/dev", MBEFORE, buf) == -1){
-			close(fd);
-			return -1;
-		}
-	} else {
-		if(bind("/mnt/wsys", "/dev", MBEFORE) == -1)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	return 0;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/openfont.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-static char*
-readfile(char *name)
-	enum { HUNK = 8*1024, };
-	int f, n, r;
-	char *s, *p;
-	n = 0;
-	r = -1;
-	if((s = malloc(HUNK)) != nil){
-		if((f = open(name, OREAD|OCEXEC)) >= 0){
-			while((r = read(f, s+n, HUNK)) > 0){
-				n += r;
-				r = -1;
-				if((p = realloc(s, n+HUNK)) == nil)
-					break;
-				s = p;
-			}
-			close(f);
-		}
-	}
-	if(r < 0 || (p = realloc(s, n+1)) == nil){
-		free(s);
-		return nil;
-	}
-	p[n] = 0;
-	return p;
-openfont(Display *d, char *name)
-	Font *fnt;
-	char *buf;
-	if((buf = readfile(name)) == nil){
-		werrstr("openfont: %r");
-		return nil;
-	}
-	fnt = buildfont(d, buf, name);
-	free(buf);
-	return fnt;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/poly.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-addcoord(uchar *p, int oldx, int newx)
-	int dx;
-	dx = newx-oldx;
-	/* does dx fit in 7 signed bits? */
-	if((unsigned)(dx - -0x40) <= 0x7F)
-		*p++ = dx&0x7F;
-	else{
-		*p++ = 0x80 | (newx&0x7F);
-		*p++ = newx>>7;
-		*p++ = newx>>15;
-	}
-	return p;
-dopoly(int cmd, Image *dst, Point *pp, int np, int end0, int end1, int radius, Image *src, Point *sp, Drawop op)
-	uchar *a, *t, *u;
-	int i, ox, oy;
-	if(np == 0)
-		return;
-	t = malloc(np*2*3);
-	if(t == nil)
-		return;
-	u = t;
-	ox = oy = 0;
-	for(i=0; i<np; i++){
-		u = addcoord(u, ox, pp[i].x);
-		ox = pp[i].x;
-		u = addcoord(u, oy, pp[i].y);
-		oy = pp[i].y;
-	}
-	_setdrawop(dst->display, op);
-	a = bufimage(dst->display, 1+4+2+4+4+4+4+2*4+(u-t));
-	if(a == nil){
-		free(t);
-		fprint(2, "image poly: %r\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	a[0] = cmd;
-	BPLONG(a+1, dst->id);
-	BPSHORT(a+5, np-1);
-	BPLONG(a+7, end0);
-	BPLONG(a+11, end1);
-	BPLONG(a+15, radius);
-	BPLONG(a+19, src->id);
-	BPLONG(a+23, sp->x);
-	BPLONG(a+27, sp->y);
-	memmove(a+31, t, u-t);
-	free(t);
-poly(Image *dst, Point *p, int np, int end0, int end1, int radius, Image *src, Point sp)
-	dopoly('p', dst, p, np, end0, end1, radius, src, &sp, SoverD);
-polyop(Image *dst, Point *p, int np, int end0, int end1, int radius, Image *src, Point sp, Drawop op)
-	dopoly('p', dst, p, np, end0, end1, radius, src, &sp, op);
-fillpoly(Image *dst, Point *p, int np, int wind, Image *src, Point sp)
-	dopoly('P', dst, p, np, wind, 0, 0, src, &sp, SoverD);
-fillpolyop(Image *dst, Point *p, int np, int wind, Image *src, Point sp, Drawop op)
-	dopoly('P', dst, p, np, wind, 0, 0, src, &sp, op);
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/readcolmap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-#include <bio.h>
-static ulong
-getval(char **p)
-	ulong v;
-	char *q;
-	v = strtoul(*p, &q, 0);
-	v |= v<<8;
-	v |= v<<16;
-	*p = q;
-	return v;
-readcolmap(Display *d, RGB *colmap)
-	int i;
-	char *p, *q;
-	Biobuf *b;
-	char buf[128];
-	USED(screen);
-	sprint(buf, "/dev/draw/%d/colormap", d->dirno);
-	b = Bopen(buf, OREAD|OCEXEC);
-	if(b == nil)
-		drawerror(d, "rdcolmap: can't open colormap device");
-	for(;;) {
-		p = Brdline(b, '\n');
-		if(p == 0)
-			break;
-		i = strtoul(p, &q, 0);
-		if(i < 0 || i > 255) {
-			fprint(2, "rdcolmap: bad index\n");
-			exits("bad");
-		}
-		p = q;
-		colmap[255-i].red = getval(&p);
-		colmap[255-i].green = getval(&p);
-		colmap[255-i].blue = getval(&p);
-	}
-	Bterm(b);
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/readsubfont.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-readsubfonti(Display*d, char *name, int fd, Image *ai, int dolock)
-	char hdr[3*12+4+1];
-	int n;
-	uchar *p;
-	Fontchar *fc;
-	Subfont *f;
-	Image *i;
-	i = ai;
-	if(i == nil){
-		i = readimage(d, fd, dolock);
-		if(i == nil)
-			return nil;
-	}
-	p = nil;
-	if(readn(fd, hdr, 3*12) != 3*12){
-		werrstr("readsubfont: header read error: %r");
-		goto Err;
-	}
-	n = atoi(hdr);
-	if(n <= 0 || n > 0x7fff){
-		werrstr("readsubfont: bad fontchar count %d", n);
-		goto Err;
-	}
-	p = malloc(6*(n+1));
-	if(p == nil)
-		goto Err;
-	if(readn(fd, p, 6*(n+1)) != 6*(n+1)){
-		werrstr("readsubfont: fontchar read error: %r");
-		goto Err;
-	}
-	fc = malloc(sizeof(Fontchar)*(n+1));
-	if(fc == nil)
-		goto Err;
-	_unpackinfo(fc, p, n);
-	if(dolock)
-		lockdisplay(d);
-	f = allocsubfont(name, n, atoi(hdr+12), atoi(hdr+24), fc, i);
-	if(dolock)
-		unlockdisplay(d);
-	if(f == nil){
-		free(fc);
-		goto Err;
-	}
-	free(p);
-	return f;
-	if(ai == nil)
-		freeimage(i);
-	free(p);
-	return nil;
-readsubfont(Display *d, char *name, int fd, int dolock)
-	return readsubfonti(d, name, fd, nil, dolock);
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/readtheme.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-#include <bio.h>
-readtheme(Theme *col, int ncol, char *file)
-	int i;
-	char *s, *v[3];
-	Biobuf *bf;
-	if(col == nil || ncol <= 0){
-		werrstr("no color to hand");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	for(i=0; i<ncol; i++)
-		if(col[i].name == nil){
-			werrstr("invalid color at index %d", i);
-			return -1;
-		}
-	if(file == nil)
-		file = "/dev/theme";
-	if((bf = Bopen(file, OREAD)) == nil)
-		return -1;
-	while((s = Brdline(bf, '\n')) != nil){
-		s[Blinelen(bf)-1] = 0;
-		if(tokenize(s, v, nelem(v)) <= 0)
-			continue;
-		for(i=0; i<ncol; i++)
-			if(strcmp(v[0], col[i].name) == 0)
-				col[i].c = strtoul(v[1], nil, 16)<<8 | 0xff;
-	}
-	Bterm(bf);
-	return 0;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/rectclip.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-rectclip(Rectangle *rp, Rectangle b)		/* first by reference, second by value */
-	Rectangle *bp = &b;
-	/*
-	 * Expand rectXrect() in line for speed
-	 */
-	if((rp->min.x<bp->max.x && bp->min.x<rp->max.x &&
-	    rp->min.y<bp->max.y && bp->min.y<rp->max.y)==0)
-		return 0;
-	/* They must overlap */
-	if(rp->min.x < bp->min.x)
-		rp->min.x = bp->min.x;
-	if(rp->min.y < bp->min.y)
-		rp->min.y = bp->min.y;
-	if(rp->max.x > bp->max.x)
-		rp->max.x = bp->max.x;
-	if(rp->max.y > bp->max.y)
-		rp->max.y = bp->max.y;
-	return 1;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/replclipr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-replclipr(Image *i, int repl, Rectangle clipr)
-	uchar *b;
-	b = bufimage(i->display, 22);
-	if(b == nil){
-		fprint(2, "replclipr: %r\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	b[0] = 'c';
-	BPLONG(b+1, i->id);
-	repl = repl!=0;
-	b[5] = repl;
-	BPLONG(b+6, clipr.min.x);
-	BPLONG(b+10, clipr.min.y);
-	BPLONG(b+14, clipr.max.x);
-	BPLONG(b+18, clipr.max.y);
-	i->repl = repl;
-	i->clipr = clipr;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/rgb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
- * This original version, although fast and a true inverse of
- * cmap2rgb, in the sense that rgb2cmap(cmap2rgb(c))
- * returned the original color, does a terrible job for RGB
- * triples that do not appear in the color map, so it has been
- * replaced by the much slower version below, that loops
- * over the color map looking for the nearest point in RGB
- * space.  There is no visual psychology reason for that
- * criterion, but it's easy to implement and the results are
- * far more pleasing. 
- *
-rgb2cmap(int cr, int cg, int cb)
-	int r, g, b, v, cv;
-	if(cr < 0)
-		cr = 0;
-	else if(cr > 255)
-		cr = 255;
-	if(cg < 0)
-		cg = 0;
-	else if(cg > 255)
-		cg = 255;
-	if(cb < 0)
-		cb = 0;
-	else if(cb > 255)
-		cb = 255;
-	r = cr>>6;
-	g = cg>>6;
-	b = cb>>6;
-	cv = cr;
-	if(cg > cv)
-		cv = cg;
-	if(cb > cv)
-		cv = cb;
-	v = (cv>>4)&3;
-	return ((((r<<2)+v)<<4)+(((g<<2)+b+v-r)&15));
-rgb2cmap(int cr, int cg, int cb)
-	int i, r, g, b, sq;
-	ulong rgb;
-	int best, bestsq;
-	best = 0;
-	bestsq = 0x7FFFFFFF;
-	for(i=0; i<256; i++){
-		rgb = cmap2rgb(i);
-		r = (rgb>>16) & 0xFF;
-		g = (rgb>>8) & 0xFF;
-		b = (rgb>>0) & 0xFF;
-		sq = (r-cr)*(r-cr)+(g-cg)*(g-cg)+(b-cb)*(b-cb);
-		if(sq < bestsq){
-			bestsq = sq;
-			best = i;
-		}
-	}
-	return best;
-cmap2rgb(int c)
-	int j, num, den, r, g, b, v, rgb;
-	r = c>>6;
-	v = (c>>4)&3;
-	j = (c-v+r)&15;
-	g = j>>2;
-	b = j&3;
-	den=r;
-	if(g>den)
-		den=g;
-	if(b>den)
-		den=b;
-	if(den==0) {
-		v *= 17;
-		rgb = (v<<16)|(v<<8)|v;
-	}
-	else{
-		num=17*(4*den+v);
-		rgb = ((r*num/den)<<16)|((g*num/den)<<8)|(b*num/den);
-	}
-	return rgb;
-cmap2rgba(int c)
-	return (cmap2rgb(c)<<8)|0xFF;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/scroll.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-mousescrollsize(int maxlines)
-	static int lines, pcnt;
-	char *mss;
-	if(lines == 0 && pcnt == 0){
-		mss = getenv("mousescrollsize");
-		if(mss){
-			if(strchr(mss, '%') != nil)
-				pcnt = atof(mss);
-			else
-				lines = atoi(mss);
-			free(mss);
-		}
-		if(lines == 0 && pcnt == 0)
-			lines = 1;
-		if(pcnt>=100)
-			pcnt = 100;
-	}
-	if(lines)
-		return lines;
-	return pcnt * maxlines/100.0;	
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/string.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-	Max = 100
-string(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, char *s)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, s, nil, 1<<24, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, SoverD);
-stringop(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, char *s, Drawop op)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, s, nil, 1<<24, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, op);
-stringn(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, char *s, int len)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, s, nil, len, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, SoverD);
-stringnop(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, char *s, int len, Drawop op)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, s, nil, len, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, op);
-runestring(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, Rune *r)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, nil, r, 1<<24, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, SoverD);
-runestringop(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, Rune *r, Drawop op)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, nil, r, 1<<24, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, op);
-runestringn(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, Rune *r, int len)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, nil, r, len, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, SoverD);
-runestringnop(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, Rune *r, int len, Drawop op)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, nil, r, len, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, op);
-_string(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, char *s, Rune *r, int len, Rectangle clipr, Image *bg, Point bgp, Drawop op)
-	int m, n, wid, max, try;
-	ushort cbuf[Max], *c, *ec;
-	uchar *b;
-	char *subfontname;
-	char **sptr;
-	Rune **rptr, rune;
-	Subfont *sf;
-	if(s == nil){
-		s = "";
-		sptr = nil;
-	}else
-		sptr = &s;
-	if(r == nil){
-		r = (Rune*) L"";
-		rptr = nil;
-	}else
-		rptr = &r;
-	subfontname = nil;
-	sf = nil;
-	try = 0;
-	while((*s || *r) && len > 0){
-		max = Max;
-		if(len < max)
-			max = len;
-		if(subfontname){
-			freesubfont(sf);
-			if((sf=_getsubfont(f->display, subfontname)) == nil){
-				if(f->display->defaultfont == nil || f->display->defaultfont == f)
-					break;
-				f = f->display->defaultfont;
-			}
-		}
-		if((n = cachechars(f, sptr, rptr, cbuf, max, &wid, &subfontname)) <= 0){
-			if(n == 0){
-				if(++try > 10)
-					break;
-				continue;
-			}
-			if(*r)
-				r++;
-			else
-				s += chartorune(&rune, s);
-			len--;
-			continue;
-		}
-		try = 0;
-		_setdrawop(dst->display, op);
-		m = 47+2*n;
-		if(bg)
-			m += 4+2*4;
-		b = bufimage(dst->display, m);
-		if(b == nil){
-			fprint(2, "string: %r\n");
-			break;
-		}
-		if(bg)
-			b[0] = 'x';
-		else
-			b[0] = 's';
-		BPLONG(b+1, dst->id);
-		BPLONG(b+5, src->id);
-		BPLONG(b+9, f->cacheimage->id);
-		BPLONG(b+13, pt.x);
-		BPLONG(b+17, pt.y+f->ascent);
-		BPLONG(b+21, clipr.min.x);
-		BPLONG(b+25, clipr.min.y);
-		BPLONG(b+29, clipr.max.x);
-		BPLONG(b+33, clipr.max.y);
-		BPLONG(b+37, sp.x);
-		BPLONG(b+41, sp.y);
-		BPSHORT(b+45, n);
-		b += 47;
-		if(bg){
-			BPLONG(b, bg->id);
-			BPLONG(b+4, bgp.x);
-			BPLONG(b+8, bgp.y);
-			b += 12;
-		}
-		ec = &cbuf[n];
-		for(c=cbuf; c<ec; c++, b+=2)
-			BPSHORT(b, *c);
-		pt.x += wid;
-		bgp.x += wid;
-		agefont(f);
-		len -= n;
-	}
-	freesubfont(sf);
-	return pt;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/stringbg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-stringbg(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, char *s, Image *bg, Point bgp)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, s, nil, 1<<24, dst->clipr, bg, bgp, SoverD);
-stringbgop(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, char *s, Image *bg, Point bgp, int op)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, s, nil, 1<<24, dst->clipr, bg, bgp, op);
-stringnbg(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, char *s, int len, Image *bg, Point bgp)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, s, nil, len, dst->clipr, bg, bgp, SoverD);
-stringnbgop(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, char *s, int len, Image *bg, Point bgp, int op)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, s, nil, len, dst->clipr, bg, bgp, op);
-runestringbg(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, Rune *r, Image *bg, Point bgp)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, nil, r, 1<<24, dst->clipr, bg, bgp, SoverD);
-runestringbgop(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, Rune *r, Image *bg, Point bgp, int op)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, nil, r, 1<<24, dst->clipr, bg, bgp, op);
-runestringnbg(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, Rune *r, int len, Image *bg, Point bgp)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, nil, r, len, dst->clipr, bg, bgp, SoverD);
-runestringnbgop(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, Rune *r, int len, Image *bg, Point bgp, int op)
-	return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, nil, r, len, dst->clipr, bg, bgp, op);
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/stringsubfont.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-stringsubfont(Image *b, Point p, Image *color, Subfont *f, char *cs)
-	int w, width;
-	uchar *s;
-	Rune c;
-	Fontchar *i;
-	s = (uchar*)cs;
-	for(; c=*s; p.x+=width){
-		width = 0;
-		if(c < Runeself)
-			s++;
-		else{
-			w = chartorune(&c, (char*)s);
-			if(w == 0){
-				s++;
-				continue;
-			}
-			s += w;
-		}
-		if(c >= f->n)
-			continue;
-		i = f->info+c;
-		width = i->width;
-		draw(b, Rect(p.x+i->left, p.y+i->top, p.x+i->left+(i[1].x-i[0].x), p.y+i->bottom),
-			color, f->bits, Pt(i->x, i->top));
-	}
-	return p;
-strsubfontwidth(Subfont *f, char *cs)
-	Rune c;
-	Point p;
-	uchar *s;
-	Fontchar *i;
-	int w, width;
-	p = Pt(0, f->height);
-	s = (uchar*)cs;
-	for(; c=*s; p.x+=width){
-		width = 0;
-		if(c < Runeself)
-			s++;
-		else{
-			w = chartorune(&c, (char*)s);
-			if(w == 0){
-				s++;
-				continue;
-			}
-			s += w;
-		}
-		if(c >= f->n)
-			continue;
-		i = f->info+c;
-		width = i->width;
-	}
-	return p;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/stringwidth.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-_stringnwidth(Font *f, char *s, Rune *r, int len)
-	int wid, twid, n, max, try;
-	enum { Max = 64 };
-	ushort cbuf[Max];
-	Rune rune, **rptr;
-	char *subfontname, **sptr;
-	Subfont *sf;
-	if(s == nil){
-		s = "";
-		sptr = nil;
-	}else
-		sptr = &s;
-	if(r == nil){
-		r = L"";
-		rptr = nil;
-	}else
-		rptr = &r;
-	subfontname = nil;
-	sf = nil;
-	twid = 0;
-	try = 0;
-	while((*s || *r) && len > 0){
-		max = Max;
-		if(len < max)
-			max = len;
-		if(subfontname){
-			freesubfont(sf);
-			if((sf=_getsubfont(f->display, subfontname)) == nil){
-				if(f->display == nil || f->display->defaultfont == nil || f->display->defaultfont == f)
-					break;
-				f = f->display->defaultfont;
-			}
-		}
-		if((n = cachechars(f, sptr, rptr, cbuf, max, &wid, &subfontname)) <= 0){
-			if(n == 0){
-				if(++try > 10)
-					break;
-				continue;
-			}
-			if(*r)
-				r++;
-			else
-				s += chartorune(&rune, s);
-			len--;
-			continue;
-		}
-		try = 0;
-		agefont(f);
-		twid += wid;
-		len -= n;
-	}
-	freesubfont(sf);
-	return twid;
-stringnwidth(Font *f, char *s, int len)
-	return _stringnwidth(f, s, nil, len);
-stringwidth(Font *f, char *s)
-	return _stringnwidth(f, s, nil, 1<<24);
-stringsize(Font *f, char *s)
-	return Pt(_stringnwidth(f, s, nil, 1<<24), f->height);
-runestringnwidth(Font *f, Rune *r, int len)
-	return _stringnwidth(f, nil, r, len);
-runestringwidth(Font *f, Rune *r)
-	return _stringnwidth(f, nil, r, 1<<24);
-runestringsize(Font *f, Rune *r)
-	return Pt(_stringnwidth(f, nil, r, 1<<24), f->height);
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/subfont.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-allocsubfont(char *name, int n, int height, int ascent, Fontchar *info, Image *i)
-	Subfont *f;
-	assert(height != 0 /* allocsubfont */);
-	f = malloc(sizeof(Subfont));
-	if(f == nil)
-		return nil;
-	f->n = n;
-	f->height = height;
-	f->ascent = ascent;
-	f->info = info;
-	f->bits = i;
-	f->ref = 1;
-	if(name){
-		f->name = strdup(name);
-		if(f->name == nil){
-			free(f);
-			return nil;
-		}
-		installsubfont(name, f);
-	}else
-		f->name = nil;
-	return f;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/subfontcache.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
- * Easy versions of the cache routines; may be substituted by fancier ones for other purposes
- */
-static char	*lastname;
-static Subfont	*lastsubfont;
-lookupsubfont(Display *d, char *name)
-	if(d && strcmp(name, "*default*") == 0)
-		return d->defaultsubfont;
-	if(lastname && strcmp(name, lastname)==0)
-	if(d==lastsubfont->bits->display){
-		lastsubfont->ref++;
-		return lastsubfont;
-	}
-	return 0;
-installsubfont(char *name, Subfont *subfont)
-	free(lastname);
-	lastname = strdup(name);
-	lastsubfont = subfont;	/* notice we don't free the old one; that's your business */
-uninstallsubfont(Subfont *subfont)
-	if(subfont == lastsubfont){
-		free(lastname);
-		lastname = 0;
-		lastsubfont = 0;
-	}
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/subfontname.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
- * Default version: convert to file name
- */
-subfontname(char *cfname, char *fname, int maxdepth)
-	char *t, *u, *tmp1, *tmp2;
-	int i;
-	t = strdup(cfname);  /* t is the return string */
-	if(strcmp(cfname, "*default*") == 0)
-		return t;
-	if(t[0] != '/'){
-		tmp2 = strdup(fname);
-		u = utfrrune(tmp2, '/');
-		if(u)
-			u[0] = 0;
-		else
-			strcpy(tmp2, ".");
-		tmp1 = smprint("%s/%s", tmp2, t);
-		free(tmp2);
-		free(t);
-		t = tmp1;
-	}
-	if(maxdepth > 8)
-		maxdepth = 8;
-	for(i=3; i>=0; i--){
-		if((1<<i) > maxdepth)
-			continue;
-		/* try i-bit grey */
-		tmp2 = smprint("%s.%d", t, i);
-		if(access(tmp2, AREAD) == 0) {
-			free(t);
-			return tmp2;
-		}
-		free(tmp2);
-	}
-	/* try default */
-	if(access(t, AREAD) == 0)
-		return t;
-	free(t);
-	return nil;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-main(int argc, char **argv)
-		print("%dn", wordsperline(Rect(atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]), atoi(argv[4])), atoi(argv[5])));
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/unloadimage.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-unloadimage(Image *i, Rectangle r, uchar *data, int ndata)
-	int bpl, n, chunk, dx, dy;
-	uchar *a, *start;
-	Display *d;
-	if(!rectinrect(r, i->r)){
-		werrstr("unloadimage: bad rectangle");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	bpl = bytesperline(r, i->depth);
-	if(ndata < bpl*Dy(r)){
-		werrstr("unloadimage: buffer too small");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	start = data;
-	d = i->display;
-	chunk = d->bufsize;
-	flushimage(d, 0);	/* make sure subsequent flush is for us only */
-	while(r.min.y < r.max.y){
-		dx = Dx(r);
-		dy = chunk/bpl;
-		if(dy <= 0){
-			dy = 1;
-			dx = ((chunk*dx)/bpl) & ~7;
-			n = bytesperline(Rect(r.min.x, r.min.y, r.min.x+dx, r.min.y+dy), i->depth);
-			if(unloadimage(i, Rect(r.min.x+dx, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.min.y+dy), data+n, bpl-n) < 0)
-				return -1;
-		} else {
-			if(dy > Dy(r))
-				dy = Dy(r);
-			n = bpl*dy;
-		}
-		a = bufimage(d, 1+4+4*4);
-		if(a == nil){
-			werrstr("unloadimage: %r");
-			return -1;
-		}
-		a[0] = 'r';
-		BPLONG(a+1, i->id);
-		BPLONG(a+5, r.min.x);
-		BPLONG(a+9, r.min.y);
-		BPLONG(a+13, r.min.x+dx);
-		BPLONG(a+17, r.min.y+dy);
-		if(flushimage(d, 0) < 0)
-			return -1;
-		if(read(d->fd, data, n) < 0)
-			return -1;
-		data += bpl*dy;
-		r.min.y += dy;
-	}
-	return data - start;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/window.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-typedef struct Memimage Memimage;
-static int	screenid;
-allocscreen(Image *image, Image *fill, int public)
-	uchar *a;
-	Screen *s;
-	int id, try;
-	Display *d;
-	d = image->display;
-	if(d != fill->display){
-		werrstr("allocscreen: image and fill on different displays");
-		return nil;
-	}
-	s = malloc(sizeof(Screen));
-	if(s == nil)
-		return nil;
-	if(!screenid)
-		screenid = getpid();
-	for(try=0; try<25; try++){
-		/* loop until find a free id */
-		a = bufimage(d, 1+4+4+4+1);
-		if(a == nil)
-			break;
-		id = ++screenid & 0xffff;	/* old devdraw bug */
-		a[0] = 'A';
-		BPLONG(a+1, id);
-		BPLONG(a+5, image->id);
-		BPLONG(a+9, fill->id);
-		a[13] = public;
-		if(flushimage(d, 0) != -1)
-			goto Found;
-	}
-	free(s);
-	return nil;
-    Found:
-	s->display = d;
-	s->id = id;
-	s->image = image;
-	assert(s->image != nil && s->image->chan != 0);
-	s->fill = fill;
-	return s;
-publicscreen(Display *d, int id, ulong chan)
-	uchar *a;
-	Screen *s;
-	s = malloc(sizeof(Screen));
-	if(s == nil)
-		return nil;
-	a = bufimage(d, 1+4+4);
-	if(a == nil){
-		free(s);
-		return nil;
-	}
-	a[0] = 'S';
-	BPLONG(a+1, id);
-	BPLONG(a+5, chan);
-	if(flushimage(d, 0) < 0)
-		goto Error;
-	s->display = d;
-	s->id = id;
-	s->image = nil;
-	s->fill = nil;
-	return s;
-freescreen(Screen *s)
-	uchar *a;
-	Display *d;
-	if(s == nil)
-		return 0;
-	d = s->display;
-	a = bufimage(d, 1+4);
-	if(a == nil){
-		free(s);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	a[0] = 'F';
-	BPLONG(a+1, s->id);
-	free(s);
-	return 1;
-allocwindow(Screen *s, Rectangle r, int ref, ulong col)
-	return _allocwindow(nil, s, r, ref, col);
-_allocwindow(Image *i, Screen *s, Rectangle r, int ref, ulong col)
-	Display *d;
-	d = s->display;
-	i = _allocimage(i, d, r, d->screenimage->chan, 0, col, s->id, ref);
-	if(i == nil)
-		return nil;
-	i->screen = s;
-	i->next = s->display->windows;
-	s->display->windows = i;
-	return i;
-topbottom(Image **w, int n, int top)
-	int i;
-	uchar *b;
-	Display *d;
-	if(n < 0){
-    Ridiculous:
-		fprint(2, "top/bottom: ridiculous number of windows\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	if(n == 0)
-		return;
-	if(n > (w[0]->display->bufsize-100)/4)
-		goto Ridiculous;
-	/*
-	 * this used to check that all images were on the same screen.
-	 * we don't know the screen associated with images we acquired
-	 * by name.  instead, check that all images are on the same display.
-	 * the display will check that they are all on the same screen.
-	 */
-	d = w[0]->display;
-	for(i=1; i<n; i++)
-		if(w[i]->display != d){
-			fprint(2, "top/bottom: windows not on same screen\n");
-			return;
-		}
-	if(n==0)
-		return;
-	b = bufimage(d, 1+1+2+4*n);
-	if(b == nil)
-		return;
-	b[0] = 't';
-	b[1] = top;
-	BPSHORT(b+2, n);
-	for(i=0; i<n; i++)
-		BPLONG(b+4+4*i, w[i]->id);
-bottomwindow(Image *w)
-	if(w->screen != nil)
-		topbottom(&w, 1, 0);
-topwindow(Image *w)
-	if(w->screen != nil)
-		topbottom(&w, 1, 1);
-bottomnwindows(Image **w, int n)
-	topbottom(w, n, 0);
-topnwindows(Image **w, int n)
-	topbottom(w, n, 1);
-originwindow(Image *w, Point log, Point scr)
-	uchar *b;
-	Point delta;
-	b = bufimage(w->display, 1+4+2*4+2*4);
-	if(b == nil)
-		return 0;
-	b[0] = 'o';
-	BPLONG(b+1, w->id);
-	BPLONG(b+5, log.x);
-	BPLONG(b+9, log.y);
-	BPLONG(b+13, scr.x);
-	BPLONG(b+17, scr.y);
-	delta = subpt(log, w->r.min);
-	w->r = rectaddpt(w->r, delta);
-	w->clipr = rectaddpt(w->clipr, delta);
-	return 1;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/writecolmap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
- * This code (and the devdraw interface) will have to change
- * if we ever get bitmaps with ldepth > 3, because the
- * colormap will have to be written in chunks
- */
-writecolmap(Display *d, RGB *m)
-	int i, n, fd;
-	char buf[64], *t;
-	ulong r, g, b;
-	sprint(buf, "/dev/draw/%d/colormap", d->dirno);
-	fd = open(buf, OWRITE|OCEXEC);
-	if(fd < 0)
-		drawerror(d, "writecolmap: open colormap failed");
-	t = malloc(8192);
-	if (t == nil)
-		drawerror(d, "writecolmap: no memory");
-	n = 0;
-	for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
-		r = m[i].red>>24;
-		g = m[i].green>>24;
-		b = m[i].blue>>24;
-		n += sprint(t+n, "%d %lud %lud %lud\n", 255-i, r, g, b);
-	}
-	i = write(fd, t, n);
-	free(t);
-	close(fd);
-	if(i != n)
-		drawerror(d, "writecolmap: bad write");
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/writeimage.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-#define	HSHIFT	3	/* HSHIFT==5 runs slightly faster, but hash table is 64x bigger */
-#define	NHASH	(1<<(HSHIFT*NMATCH))
-#define	HMASK	(NHASH-1)
-#define	hupdate(h, c)	((((h)<<HSHIFT)^(c))&HMASK)
-typedef struct Hlist Hlist;
-struct Hlist{
-	uchar *s;
-	Hlist *next, *prev;
-writeimage(int fd, Image *i, int dolock)
-	uchar *outbuf, *outp, *eout;		/* encoded data, pointer, end */
-	uchar *loutp;				/* start of encoded line */
-	Hlist *hash;				/* heads of hash chains of past strings */
-	Hlist *chain, *hp;			/* hash chain members, pointer */
-	Hlist *cp;				/* next Hlist to fall out of window */
-	int h;					/* hash value */
-	uchar *line, *eline;			/* input line, end pointer */
-	uchar *data, *edata;			/* input buffer, end pointer */
-	ulong n;				/* length of input buffer */
-	ulong nb;				/* # of bytes returned by unloadimage */
-	int bpl;				/* input line length */
-	int offs, runlen;			/* offset, length of consumed data */
-	uchar dumpbuf[NDUMP];			/* dump accumulator */
-	int ndump;				/* length of dump accumulator */
-	int miny, dy;				/* y values while unloading input */
-	int chunk, ncblock;
-	Rectangle r;
-	uchar *p, *q, *s, *es, *t;
-	char hdr[11+5*12+1];
-	char cbuf[20];
-	chunk = i->display->bufsize - 32;	/* a little room for header */
-	r = i->r;
-	bpl = bytesperline(r, i->depth);
-	ncblock = _compblocksize(r, i->depth);
-	if(ncblock > chunk){
-		sprint(hdr, "%11s %11d %11d %11d %11d ",
-			chantostr(cbuf, i->chan), r.min.x, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.max.y);
-		if(write(fd, hdr, 5*12) != 5*12)
-			return -1;
-		data = malloc(bpl);
-		for(miny = r.min.y; miny != r.max.y; miny++){
-			if(dolock)
-				lockdisplay(i->display);
-			nb = unloadimage(i, Rect(r.min.x, miny, r.max.x, miny+1), data, bpl);
-			if(dolock)
-				unlockdisplay(i->display);
-			if(nb != bpl)
-				goto ErrOut0;
-			if(write(fd, data, nb) != nb)
-				goto ErrOut0;
-		}
-		free(data);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	n = Dy(r)*bpl;
-	data = malloc(n);
-	if(data == 0){
-	ErrOut0:
-		free(data);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	for(miny = r.min.y; miny != r.max.y; miny += dy){
-		dy = r.max.y-miny;
-		if(dy*bpl > chunk)
-			dy = chunk/bpl;
-		if(dy <= 0)
-			dy = 1;
-		if(dolock)
-			lockdisplay(i->display);
-		nb = unloadimage(i, Rect(r.min.x, miny, r.max.x, miny+dy),
-			data+(miny-r.min.y)*bpl, dy*bpl);
-		if(dolock)
-			unlockdisplay(i->display);
-		if(nb != dy*bpl)
-			goto ErrOut0;
-	}
-	outbuf = malloc(ncblock);
-	hash = malloc(NHASH*sizeof(Hlist));
-	chain = malloc(NMEM*sizeof(Hlist));
-	if(outbuf == 0 || hash == 0 || chain == 0){
-	ErrOut:
-		free(outbuf);
-		free(hash);
-		free(chain);
-		goto ErrOut0;
-	}
-	sprint(hdr, "compressed\n%11s %11d %11d %11d %11d ",
-		chantostr(cbuf, i->chan), r.min.x, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.max.y);
-	if(write(fd, hdr, 11+5*12) != 11+5*12)
-		goto ErrOut;
-	edata = data+n;
-	eout = outbuf+ncblock;
-	line = data;
-	r.max.y = r.min.y;
-	while(line != edata){
-		memset(hash, 0, NHASH*sizeof(Hlist));
-		memset(chain, 0, NMEM*sizeof(Hlist));
-		cp = chain;
-		h = 0;
-		outp = outbuf;
-		for(n = 0; n != NMATCH; n++)
-			h = hupdate(h, line[n]);
-		loutp = outbuf;
-		while(line != edata){
-			ndump = 0;
-			eline = line+bpl;
-			for(p = line; p != eline; ){
-				if(eline-p < NRUN)
-					es = eline;
-				else
-					es = p+NRUN;
-				q = 0;
-				runlen = 0;
-				for(hp = hash[h].next; hp; hp = hp->next){
-					s = p + runlen;
-					if(s >= es)
-						continue;
-					t = hp->s + runlen;
-					for(; s >= p; s--)
-						if(*s != *t--)
-							goto matchloop;
-					t += runlen+2;
-					s += runlen+2;
-					for(; s < es; s++)
-						if(*s != *t++)
-							break;
-					n = s-p;
-					if(n > runlen){
-						runlen = n;
-						q = hp->s;
-						if(n == NRUN)
-							break;
-					}
-			matchloop: ;
-				}
-				if(runlen < NMATCH){
-					if(ndump == NDUMP){
-						if(eout-outp < ndump+1)
-							goto Bfull;
-						*outp++ = ndump-1+128;
-						memmove(outp, dumpbuf, ndump);
-						outp += ndump;
-						ndump = 0;
-					}
-					dumpbuf[ndump++] = *p;
-					runlen = 1;
-				}
-				else{
-					if(ndump != 0){
-						if(eout-outp < ndump+1)
-							goto Bfull;
-						*outp++ = ndump-1+128;
-						memmove(outp, dumpbuf, ndump);
-						outp += ndump;
-						ndump = 0;
-					}
-					offs = p-q-1;
-					if(eout-outp < 2)
-						goto Bfull;
-					*outp++ = ((runlen-NMATCH)<<2) + (offs>>8);
-					*outp++ = offs&255;
-				}
-				for(q = p+runlen; p != q; p++){
-					if(cp->prev)
-						cp->prev->next = 0;
-					cp->next = hash[h].next;
-					cp->prev = &hash[h];
-					if(cp->next)
-						cp->next->prev = cp;
-					cp->prev->next = cp;
-					cp->s = p;
-					if(++cp == &chain[NMEM])
-						cp = chain;
-					if(edata-p > NMATCH)
-						h = hupdate(h, p[NMATCH]);
-				}
-			}
-			if(ndump != 0){
-				if(eout-outp < ndump+1)
-					goto Bfull;
-				*outp++ = ndump-1+128;
-				memmove(outp, dumpbuf, ndump);
-				outp += ndump;
-			}
-			line = eline;
-			loutp = outp;
-			r.max.y++;
-		}
-	Bfull:
-		if(loutp == outbuf)
-			goto ErrOut;
-		n = loutp-outbuf;
-		sprint(hdr, "%11d %11ld ", r.max.y, n);
-		write(fd, hdr, 2*12);
-		write(fd, outbuf, n);
-		r.min.y = r.max.y;
-	}
-	free(data);
-	free(outbuf);
-	free(hash);
-	free(chain);
-	return 0;
--- a/sys/src/libdraw/writesubfont.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-packinfo(Fontchar *fc, uchar *p, int n)
-	int j;
-	for(j=0;  j<=n;  j++){
-		p[0] = fc->x;
-		p[1] = fc->x>>8;
-		p[2] = fc->top;
-		p[3] = fc->bottom;
-		p[4] = fc->left;
-		p[5] = fc->width;
-		fc++;
-		p += 6;
-	}
-writesubfont(int fd, Subfont *f)
-	char hdr[3*12+1];
-	uchar *data;
-	int nb;
-	sprint(hdr, "%11d %11d %11d ", f->n, f->height, f->ascent);
-	if(write(fd, hdr, 3*12) != 3*12){
-   Err:
-		werrstr("writesubfont: bad write: %r");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	nb = 6*(f->n+1);
-	data = malloc(nb);
-	if(data == nil)
-		return -1;
-	packinfo(f->info, data, f->n);
-	if(write(fd, data, nb) != nb)
-		goto Err;
-	free(data);
-	return 0;