shithub: opusfile

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ref: 7aea3cae937971b4ffb87ebcbfc2831e01cc037e
parent: e15e362170fe00bacf915a433bb2fb1c72a24a66
author: Timothy B. Terriberry <[email protected]>
date: Sun Jul 14 13:13:55 EDT 2013

Add a gain control API.

A new op_set_gain_offset() allows the application to provide its own
 offset to the current decoder gain setting, as well as specify what
 offsets should be applied.
The header gain alone is still the default, but the application may
 also request that the track gain be applied, or that neither be

In addition, an op_get_track_gain() function can parse the track
 gain out of a set of comment tags.
This is mainly provided as a convenience for applications that need
 this information, so they don't have to write their own parser.

--- a/include/opusfile.h
+++ b/include/opusfile.h
@@ -433,6 +433,24 @@
 int opus_tags_query_count(const OpusTags *_tags,const char *_tag)
+/**Get the track gain from an R128_TRACK_GAIN tag, if one was specified.
+   This searches for the first R128_TRACK_GAIN tag with a valid signed,
+    16-bit decimal integer value and returns the value.
+   This routine is exposed merely for convenience for applications which wish
+    to do something special with the track gain (i.e., display it).
+   If you simply wish to apply the track gain instead of the header gain, you
+    can use op_set_gain_offset() with an #OP_TRACK_GAIN type and no offset.
+   \param      _tags    An initialized #OpusTags structure.
+   \param[out] _gain_q8 The track gain, in 1/256ths of a dB.
+                        This will lie in the range [-32768,32767], and should
+                         be applied in <em>addition</em> to the header gain.
+                        On error, no value is returned, and the previous
+                         contents remain unchanged.
+   \return 0 on success, or a negative value on error.
+   \retval OP_EFALSE There was no track gain available in the given tags.*/
+int opus_tags_get_track_gain(const OpusTags *_tags,int *_gain_q8)
 /**Clears the #OpusTags structure.
    This should be called on an #OpusTags structure after it is no longer
@@ -1379,6 +1397,39 @@
     supported), you should make sure to check for this error and warn the user
+/**Gain offset type that indicates that the provided offset is relative to the
+    header gain.
+   This is the default.*/
+#define OP_HEADER_GAIN   (0)
+/**Gain offset type that indicates that the provided offset is relative to the
+    R128_TRACK_GAIN value (if any), in addition to the header gain.*/
+#define OP_TRACK_GAIN    (3008)
+/**Gain offset type that indicates that the provided offset should be used as
+    the gain directly, without applying any the header or track gains.*/
+#define OP_ABSOLUTE_GAIN (3009)
+/**Sets the gain to be used for decoded output.
+   By default, the gain in the header is applied with no additional offset.
+   The total gain (including header gain and/or track gain, if applicable, and
+    this offset), will be clamped to [-32768,32767]/256 dB.
+   This is more than enough to saturate or underflow 16-bit PCM.
+   \note The new gain will not be applied to any already buffered, decoded
+    output.
+   This means you cannot change it sample-by-sample, as at best it will be
+    updated packet-by-packet.
+   It is meant for setting a target volume level, rather than applying smooth
+    fades, etc.
+   \param _of             The \c OggOpusFile on which to set the gain offset.
+   \param _gain_type      One of #OP_HEADER_GAIN, #OP_TRACK_GAIN, or
+                           #OP_ABSOLUTE_GAIN.
+   \param _gain_offset_q8 The gain offset to apply, in 1/256ths of a dB.
+   \return 0 on success or a negative value on error.
+   \retval #OP_EINVAL The \a _gain_type was unrecognized.*/
+int op_set_gain_offset(OggOpusFile *_of,
+ int _gain_type,opus_int32 _gain_offset_q8);
 /**Reads more samples from the stream.
    \note Although \a _buf_size must indicate the total number of values that
--- a/src/info.c
+++ b/src/info.c
@@ -288,3 +288,41 @@
   return found;
+int opus_tags_get_track_gain(const OpusTags *_tags,int *_gain_q8){
+  char **comments;
+  int   *comment_lengths;
+  int    ncomments;
+  int    ci;
+  comments=_tags->user_comments;
+  comment_lengths=_tags->comment_lengths;
+  ncomments=_tags->comments;
+  /*Look for the first valid R128_TRACK_GAIN tag and use that.*/
+  for(ci=0;ci<ncomments;ci++){
+    if(comment_lengths[ci]>16
+     &&op_strncasecmp(comments[ci],"R128_TRACK_GAIN=",16)==0){
+      char       *p;
+      opus_int32  gain_q8;
+      int         negative;
+      p=comments[ci]+16;
+      negative=0;
+      if(*p=='-'){
+        negative=-1;
+        p++;
+      }
+      else if(*p=='+')p++;
+      gain_q8=0;
+      while(*p>='0'&&*p<='9'){
+        gain_q8=10*gain_q8+*p-'0';
+        if(gain_q8>32767-negative)break;
+        p++;
+      }
+      /*This didn't look like a signed 16-bit decimal integer.
+        Not a valid R128_TRACK_GAIN tag.*/
+      if(*p!='\0')continue;
+      *_gain_q8=(int)(gain_q8+negative^negative);
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  return OP_FALSE;
--- a/src/internal.h
+++ b/src/internal.h
@@ -215,6 +215,11 @@
   int                od_buffer_pos;
   /*The number of valid samples in the decoded buffer.*/
   int                od_buffer_size;
+  /*The type of gain offset to apply.
+  int                gain_type;
+  /*The offset to apply to the gain.*/
+  opus_int32         gain_offset_q8;
   /*Internal state for soft clipping and dithering float->short output.*/
 #if !defined(OP_FIXED_POINT)
 # if defined(OP_SOFT_CLIP)
--- a/src/opusfile.c
+++ b/src/opusfile.c
@@ -1295,6 +1295,43 @@
   return 0;
+static void op_update_gain(OggOpusFile *_of){
+  OpusHead   *head;
+  opus_int32  gain_q8;
+  int         li;
+  /*If decode isn't ready, then we'll apply the gain when we initialize the
+     decoder.*/
+  if(_of->ready_state<OP_INITSET)return;
+  gain_q8=_of->gain_offset_q8;
+  li=_of->seekable?_of->cur_link:0;
+  head=&_of->links[li].head;
+  /*We don't have to worry about overflow here because the header gain and
+     track gain must lie in the range [-32768,32767], and the user-supplied
+     offset has been pre-clamped to [-98302,98303].*/
+  switch(_of->gain_type){
+    case OP_TRACK_GAIN:{
+      int track_gain_q8;
+      track_gain_q8=0;
+      opus_tags_get_track_gain(&_of->links[li].tags,&track_gain_q8);
+      gain_q8+=track_gain_q8;
+    }
+    /*Fall through.*/
+    case OP_HEADER_GAIN:gain_q8+=head->output_gain;break;
+    case OP_ABSOLUTE_GAIN:break;
+    default:OP_ASSERT(0);
+  }
+  gain_q8=OP_CLAMP(-32768,gain_q8,32767);
+  OP_ASSERT(_of->od!=NULL);
+#if defined(OPUS_SET_GAIN)
+  opus_multistream_decoder_ctl(_of->od,OPUS_SET_GAIN(gain_q8));
+/*A fallback that works with both float and fixed-point is a bunch of work,
+   so just force people to use a sufficiently new version.
+  This is deployed well enough at this point that this shouldn't be a burden.*/
+# error "libopus 1.0.1 or later required"
 static int op_make_decode_ready(OggOpusFile *_of){
   OpusHead *head;
   int       li;
@@ -1326,14 +1363,6 @@
-#if defined(OPUS_SET_GAIN)
-  opus_multistream_decoder_ctl(_of->od,OPUS_SET_GAIN(head->output_gain));
-/*A fallback that works with both float and fixed-point is a bunch of work,
-   so just force people to use a sufficiently new version.
-  This is deployed well enough at this point that this shouldn't be a burden.*/
-# error "libopus 1.0.1 or later required"
@@ -1343,6 +1372,7 @@
      straight play-throughs.*/
+  op_update_gain(_of);
   return 0;
@@ -2513,6 +2543,21 @@
   return op_get_pcm_offset(_of,gp,li);
+int op_set_gain_offset(OggOpusFile *_of,
+ int _gain_type,opus_int32 _gain_offset_q8){
+  if(_gain_type!=OP_HEADER_GAIN&&_gain_type!=OP_TRACK_GAIN
+   &&_gain_type!=OP_ABSOLUTE_GAIN){
+    return OP_EINVAL;
+  }
+  _of->gain_type=_gain_type;
+  /*The sum of header gain and track gain lies in the range [-65536,65534].
+    These bounds allow the offset to set the final value to anywhere in the
+     range [-32768,32767], which is what we'll clamp it to before applying.*/
+  _of->gain_offset_q8=OP_CLAMP(-98302,_gain_offset_q8,98303);
+  op_update_gain(_of);
+  return 0;
 /*Allocate the decoder scratch buffer.