ref: 8593017d90b2d7df84a70b06f5e6983d40e12e8d
parent: 581f80d934be37eece8c8dae06168d45f5fc2b54
author: qwx <>
date: Fri Aug 11 17:24:55 EDT 2017
nuke rest of ref code and fix wl3d(6) typo
--- a/debug.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +1,0 @@
-#define VIEWTILEX (vw.dx/16)
-#define VIEWTILEY (vw.dy/16)
-s16int maporgx;
-s16int maporgy;
-enum {mapview,tilemapview,actoratview,visview} viewtype;
-s16int DebugKeys (void)
- int esc;
- s16int level,i;
- if (Keyboard[sc_O])
- {
- ViewMap();
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-void OverheadRefresh (void)
- u16int x,y,endx,endy,sx,sy;
- u16int tile;
- endx = maporgx+VIEWTILEX;
- endy = maporgy+VIEWTILEY;
- for (y=maporgy;y<endy;y++)
- for (x=maporgx;x<endx;x++)
- {
- sx = (x-maporgx)*16;
- sy = (y-maporgy)*16;
- switch (viewtype)
- {
-#if 0
- case mapview:
- tile = *(mapsegs[0]+farmapylookup[y]+x);
- break;
- case tilemapview:
- tile = tilemap[x][y];
- break;
- case visview:
- tile = spotvis[x][y];
- break;
- case actoratview:
- tile = (u16int)actorat[x][y];
- break;
- }
- if (tile<MAXWALLTILES)
- LatchDrawTile(sx,sy,tile);
- else
- {
- LatchDrawChar(sx,sy,NUMBERCHARS+((tile&0xf000)>>12));
- LatchDrawChar(sx+8,sy,NUMBERCHARS+((tile&0x0f00)>>8));
- LatchDrawChar(sx,sy+8,NUMBERCHARS+((tile&0x00f0)>>4));
- LatchDrawChar(sx+8,sy+8,NUMBERCHARS+(tile&0x000f));
- }
- }
-void ViewMap (void)
- int button0held;
- viewtype = actoratview;
-// button0held = false;
- maporgx = player->tilex - VIEWTILEX/2;
- if (maporgx<0)
- maporgx = 0;
- if (maporgx>MAPSIZE-VIEWTILEX)
- maporgy = player->tiley - VIEWTILEY/2;
- if (maporgy<0)
- maporgy = 0;
- if (maporgy>MAPSIZE-VIEWTILEY)
- do
- {
-// let user pan around
- PollControls ();
- if (controlx < 0 && maporgx>0)
- maporgx--;
- if (controlx > 0 && maporgx<mapwidth-VIEWTILEX)
- maporgx++;
- if (controly < 0 && maporgy>0)
- maporgy--;
- if (controly > 0 && maporgy<mapheight-VIEWTILEY)
- maporgy++;
-#if 0
- if (c.button0 && !button0held)
- {
- button0held = true;
- viewtype++;
- if (viewtype>visview)
- viewtype = mapview;
- }
- if (!c.button0)
- button0held = false;
- OverheadRefresh ();
- } while (!Keyboard[sc_Escape]);
- IN_ClearKeysDown ();
--- a/def.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +1,0 @@
-#define COLORBORDER(color) asm{mov dx,STATUS_REGISTER_1;in al,dx;\
- mov dx,ATR_INDEX;mov al,ATR_OVERSCAN;out dx,al;mov al,color;out dx,al;\
- mov al,32;out dx,al};
-#define MAPSPOT(x,y,plane) (*(mapsegs[plane]+farmapylookup[y]+x))
-#define MAXWALLTILES 64 // max number of wall tiles
-// tile constants
-#define ICONARROWS 90
-#define PUSHABLETILE 98
-#define EXITTILE 99 // at end of castle
-#define ELEVATORTILE 21
-#define NUMBERCHARS 9
-#define PLAYERSPEED 3000
-#define RUNSPEED 6000
-#define SCREENSEG 0xa000
-#define SCREENBWIDE 80
-#define HEIGHTRATIO 0.50 // also defined in id_mm.c
-#define BORDERCOLOR 3
-#define FLASHCOLOR 5
-#define FLASHTICS 4
-#define Dplr Dmin // player radius
- // to any actor center
-#define NUMLATCHPICS 100
-#define ANGLES 360 // must be divisable by 4
-#define FINEANGLES 3600
-#define ANG90 (FINEANGLES/4)
-#define ANG180 (ANG90*2)
-#define ANG270 (ANG90*3)
-#define ANG360 (ANG90*4)
-#define VANG90 (ANGLES/4)
-#define VANG180 (VANG90*2)
-#define VANG270 (VANG90*3)
-#define VANG360 (VANG90*4)
-#define MAXSCALEHEIGHT 256 // largest scale on largest view
-#define MAXVIEWWIDTH 320
-#define MAPSIZE 64 // maps are 64*64 max
-#define STATUSLINES 40
-#define PAGE1START 0
-#define PIXRADIUS 512
-#define STARTAMMO 8
-#define PORTTILESWIDE 20 // all drawing takes place inside a
-#define SETFONTCOLOR(f,b) fontcolor=f;backcolor=b;
-typedef enum {
- di_north,
- di_east,
- di_south,
- di_west
-} controldir_t;
-typedef enum {
- ac_badobject = -1,
- ac_no,
- ac_yes,
- ac_allways
-} activetype;
-typedef struct statestruct
- int rotate;
- s16int shapenum; // a shapenum of -1 means get from ob->temp1
- s16int tictime;
- void (*think) (),(*action) ();
- struct statestruct *next;
-} statetype;
-typedef struct statstruct
- u8int tilex,tiley;
- u8int *visspot;
- s16int shapenum; // if shapenum == -1 the obj has been removed
- u8int flags;
- u8int item;
-} statobj_t;
-extern u8int far *scalermemory;
-extern s32int focallength;
-extern u16int screenofs;
-extern int startgame;
-extern s16int mouseadjustment;
-extern int ingame,fizzlein;
-extern u16int latchpics[NUMLATCHPICS];
-extern gametype gamestate;
-extern s32int spearx,speary;
-extern u16int spearangle;
-extern int spearflag;
-extern u8int update[UPDATESIZE];
-extern s16int extravbls;
-extern char far *demoptr, far *lastdemoptr;
-extern uchar *demobuffer;
-extern u16int screenloc[3] = {PAGE1START,PAGE2START,PAGE3START};
-extern u16int freelatch; // = FREESTART
-// the door is the last picture before the sprites
-#define SPdoor (PMSpriteStart-8)
-// e.g. sprs-8
-extern s32int lasttimecount;
-extern s32int frameon;
-extern int fizzlein;
-extern u16int wallheight[MAXVIEWWIDTH];
-extern s32int focallength;
-extern s32int mindist;
-// wall optimization variables
-extern s16int lastside; // true for vertical
-extern s32int lastintercept;
-extern s16int lasttilehit;
-extern s16int horizwall[MAXWALLTILES],vertwall[MAXWALLTILES];
-// derived constants
-extern s32int scale;
-extern s32int mindist;
-// refresh variables
-extern s32int postsource;
-extern u16int scx;
-extern u16int postwidth;
-extern dirtype opposite[9];
-extern dirtype diagonal[9][9];
-typedef struct
- u16int codeofs[65];
- u16int width[65];
- u8int code[];
-} t_compscale;
-typedef struct
- u16int leftpix,rightpix;
- u16int dataofs[64];
-// table data after dataofs[rightpix-leftpix+1]
-} t_compshape;
-extern t_compscale _seg *scaledirectory[MAXSCALEHEIGHT+1];
-extern s32int fullscalefarcall[MAXSCALEHEIGHT+1];
-extern u8int bitmasks1[8][8];
-extern u8int bitmasks2[8][8];
-extern u16int wordmasks[8][8];
-extern u8int mapmasks1[4][8];
-extern u8int mapmasks2[4][8];
-extern u8int mapmasks3[4][8];
-extern s16int maxscale,maxscaleshl2;
-extern int insetupscaling;
-extern int running;
-extern u16int plux,pluy; // player coordinates scaled to u16int
-extern s16int anglefrac;
-extern s16int facecount;
-extern u16int doorposition[Ndoor],pwallstate;
-extern u16int pwallstate;
-extern u16int pwallpos; // amount a pushable wall has been moved (0-63)
-extern u16int pwallx,pwally;
-extern s16int pwalldir;
--- a/game.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +1,0 @@
-int ingame,fizzlein;
-u16int latchpics[NUMLATCHPICS];
-#define MAXDEMOSIZE 8192
-void StartDemoRecord (s16int levelnumber)
- MM_GetPtr (&demobuffer,MAXDEMOSIZE);
- MM_SetLock (&demobuffer,true);
- demoptr = (char far *)demobuffer;
- lastdemoptr = demoptr+MAXDEMOSIZE;
- *demoptr = levelnumber;
- demoptr += 4; // leave space for length
- gm.record = true;
-char demoname[13] = "DEMO?.";
-void FinishDemoRecord (void)
- s32int length,level;
- gm.record = false;
- length = demoptr - (char far *)demobuffer;
- demoptr = ((char far *)demobuffer)+1;
- *(u16int far *)demoptr = length;
- CenterWindow(24,3); /* No. */
- PrintY+=6;
- US_Print(" Demo number (0-9):");
- VW_UpdateScreen();
- if (US_LineInput (px,py,str,NULL,true,2,0))
- {
- level = atoi (str);
- if (level>=0 && level<=9)
- {
- demoname[4] = '0'+level;
- CA_WriteFile (demoname,(void far *)demobuffer,length);
- }
- }
- MM_FreePtr (&demobuffer);
-void RecordDemo (void)
- s16int level,esc;
- CenterWindow(26,3); /* No. */
- PrintY+=6;
- CA_CacheGrChunk(STARTFONT);
- fontnumber=0;
- US_Print(" Demo which level(1-10):");
- VW_UpdateScreen();
- VW_FadeIn ();
- esc = !US_LineInput (px,py,str,NULL,true,2,0);
- if (esc)
- return;
- level = atoi (str);
- level--;
- VW_FadeOut ();
-#ifndef SPEAR
- NewGame (GDhard,level/10);
- gamestate.mapon = level%10;
- NewGame (GDhard,0);
- gamestate.mapon = level;
- StartDemoRecord (level);
- view ();
- VW_FadeIn ();
- startgame = false;
- gm.record = true;
- initmap ();
- mapmus ();
- PM_CheckMainMem ();
- fizzlein = true;
- PlayLoop ();
- gm.demo = false;
- stopmus ();
- VW_FadeOut ();
- FinishDemoRecord ();
-#define DEATHROTATE 2
-void GameLoop (void)
- s16int i,xl,yl,xh,yh;
- char num[20];
- int died;
- view ();
- died = false;
- do
- {
- if (!gm.load)
- = gamestate.oldscore;
- hudp();
- startgame = false;
- if (gm.load)
- gm.load = false;
- else
- initmap ();
- ingame = true;
- mapmus ();
- PM_CheckMainMem ();
- if (!died)
- PreloadGraphics ();
- else
- died = false;
- fizzlein = true;
- hudm ();
- PlayLoop ();
- stopmus ();
- ingame = false;
- if (gm.record && gm.φ != ex_warped)
- FinishDemoRecord ();
- if (startgame || gm.load)
- goto restartgame;
- switch (gm.φ)
- {
- case ex_completed:
- case ex_secretlevel:
- break;
- case ex_died:
- return;
- case ex_victorious:
- return;
- }
- } while (1);
--- a/inter.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +1,0 @@
-void Victory (void)
- won();
- IN_Ack();
- VW_FadeOut ();
-#ifndef SPEAR
- EndText();
- EndSpear();
-void CheckHighScore (s32int score,u16int other)
- u16int i,j;
- s16int n;
- HighScore myscore;
- strcpy(,"");
- myscore.score = score;
- myscore.episode = gamestate.episode;
- myscore.completed = other;
- for (i = 0,n = -1;i < MaxScores;i++)
- {
- if
- (
- (myscore.score > Scores[i].score)
- || (
- (myscore.score == Scores[i].score)
- && (myscore.completed > Scores[i].completed)
- )
- )
- {
- for (j = MaxScores;--j > i;)
- Scores[j] = Scores[j - 1];
- Scores[i] = myscore;
- n = i;
- break;
- }
- }
-#ifdef SPEAR
- StartCPMusic (20);
- StartCPMusic (23);
- DrawHighScores ();
- VW_FadeIn ();
- if (n != -1)
- {
- //
- // got a high score
- //
- PrintY = 76 + (16 * n);
-#ifndef SPEAR
- PrintX = 4*8;
- backcolor = BORDCOLOR;
- fontcolor = 15;
- US_LineInput(PrintX,PrintY,Scores[n].name,nil,true,MaxHighName,100);
- PrintX = 16;
- fontnumber = 1;
- VWB_Bar (PrintX-2,PrintY-2,145,15,0x9c);
- VW_UpdateScreen ();
- backcolor = 0x9c;
- fontcolor = 15;
- US_LineInput(PrintX,PrintY,Scores[n].name,nil,true,MaxHighName,130);
- }
- else
- {
- IN_ClearKeysDown ();
- IN_UserInput(500);
- }
--- a/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +1,0 @@
-int startgame;
-s16int mouseadjustment;
-char configname[13]="CONFIG.";
-void ReadConfig(void)
- s16int file;
- SDMode sd;
- SMMode sm;
- SDSMode sds;
- if ( (file = open(configname,O_BINARY | O_RDONLY)) != -1)
- {
- //
- // valid config file
- //
- read(file,Scores,sizeof(HighScore) * MaxScores);
- read(file,&sd,sizeof(sd));
- read(file,&sm,sizeof(sm));
- read(file,&sds,sizeof(sds));
- read(file,&mouseenabled,sizeof(mouseenabled));
- read(file,&joystickenabled,sizeof(joystickenabled));
- read(file,&joypadenabled,sizeof(joypadenabled));
- read(file,&joystickprogressive,sizeof(joystickprogressive));
- read(file,&joystickport,sizeof(joystickport));
- read(file,&dirscan,sizeof(dirscan));
- read(file,&buttonscan,sizeof(buttonscan));
- read(file,&buttonmouse,sizeof(buttonmouse));
- read(file,&buttonjoy,sizeof(buttonjoy));
- read(file,&vw.size,sizeof(vw.size));
- read(file,&mouseadjustment,sizeof(mouseadjustment));
- close(file);
- if (sd == sdm_AdLib && !AdLibPresent && !SoundBlasterPresent)
- {
- sd = sdm_PC;
- sd = smm_Off;
- }
- if ((sds == sds_SoundBlaster && !SoundBlasterPresent) ||
- (sds == sds_SoundSource && !SoundSourcePresent))
- sds = sds_Off;
- if (!MousePresent)
- mouseenabled = false;
- MainMenu[6].active=1;
- }
- else
- {
- //
- // no config file, so select by hardware
- //
- if (SoundBlasterPresent || AdLibPresent)
- {
- sd = sdm_AdLib;
- sm = smm_AdLib;
- }
- else
- {
- sd = sdm_PC;
- sm = smm_Off;
- }
- if (SoundBlasterPresent)
- sds = sds_SoundBlaster;
- else if (SoundSourcePresent)
- sds = sds_SoundSource;
- else
- sds = sds_Off;
- if (MousePresent)
- mouseenabled = true;
- vw.size = 15;
- mouseadjustment=5;
- }
- SD_SetMusicMode (sm);
- SD_SetSoundMode (sd);
- SD_SetDigiDevice (sds);
-void WriteConfig(void)
- s16int file;
- file = open(configname,O_CREAT | O_BINARY | O_WRONLY,
- if (file != -1)
- {
- write(file,Scores,sizeof(HighScore) * MaxScores);
- write(file,&SoundMode,sizeof(SoundMode));
- write(file,&MusicMode,sizeof(MusicMode));
- write(file,&DigiMode,sizeof(DigiMode));
- write(file,&mouseenabled,sizeof(mouseenabled));
- write(file,&joystickenabled,sizeof(joystickenabled));
- write(file,&joypadenabled,sizeof(joypadenabled));
- write(file,&joystickprogressive,sizeof(joystickprogressive));
- write(file,&joystickport,sizeof(joystickport));
- write(file,&dirscan,sizeof(dirscan));
- write(file,&buttonscan,sizeof(buttonscan));
- write(file,&buttonmouse,sizeof(buttonmouse));
- write(file,&buttonjoy,sizeof(buttonjoy));
- write(file,&vw.size,sizeof(vw.size));
- write(file,&mouseadjustment,sizeof(mouseadjustment));
- close(file);
- }
-void DemoLoop (void)
- while (1)
- {
- while (!NoWait)
- {
- PlayDemo(p++);
- if(p >= epis)
- p = dems;
- if (gm.φ == ex_abort)
- break;
- StartCPMusic(INTROSONG);
- }
- VW_FadeOut ();
- if (Keyboard[sc_Tab] && debug)
- RecordDemo ();
- else
- US_ControlPanel (0);
- if (startgame || gm.load)
- {
- GameLoop ();
- VW_FadeOut();
- StartCPMusic(INTROSONG);
- }
- }
--- a/man/6/wl3d
+++ b/man/6/wl3d
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@
.IR bt [1]
.IR dx [1]
.IR dy [1]
-.RI }[ size-4 ]
+.RI }[ size/3-4 ]
The only metadata contained in demo lumps is
--- a/menu.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +1,0 @@
-void CP_ReadThis(void)
- StartCPMusic(0);
- HelpScreens();
- StartCPMusic(MENUSONG);
-s16int CP_CheckQuick(u16int scancode)
- switch(scancode)
- {
- //
- //
- case sc_F7:
- CA_CacheGrChunk(STARTFONT+1);
- WindowH=160;
- if (Confirm(ENDGAMESTR))
- {
- gm.φ = ex_died;
- pickquick = gamestate.lives = 0;
- }
- DrawAllPlayBorder();
- WindowH=200;
- fontnumber=0;
- MainMenu[savegame].active = 0;
- return 1;
- //
- //
- case sc_F8:
- if (SaveGamesAvail[LSItems.curpos] && pickquick)
- {
- CA_CacheGrChunk(STARTFONT+1);
- fontnumber = 1;
- Message("Saving...");
- CP_SaveGame(1);
- fontnumber=0;
- }
- else
- {
- VW_FadeOut ();
- StartCPMusic(MENUSONG);
- pickquick=CP_SaveGame(0);
- IN_ClearKeysDown();
- view ();
- if (!startgame && !gm.load)
- {
- VW_FadeIn ();
- mapmus ();
- }
- if (gm.load)
- gm.φ = ex_abort;
- lasttimecount = TimeCount;
- if (MousePresent)
- Mouse(MDelta); // Clear accumulated mouse movement
- PM_CheckMainMem ();
- }
- return 1;
- //
- //
- case sc_F9:
- if (SaveGamesAvail[LSItems.curpos] && pickquick)
- {
- char string[100]="Load Game called\n\"";
- CA_CacheGrChunk(STARTFONT+1);
- fontnumber = 1;
- strcat(string,SaveGameNames[LSItems.curpos]);
- strcat(string,"\"?");
- if (Confirm(string))
- CP_LoadGame(1);
- DrawAllPlayBorder();
- fontnumber=0;
- }
- else
- {
- VW_FadeOut ();
- StartCPMusic(MENUSONG);
- pickquick=CP_LoadGame(0);
- IN_ClearKeysDown();
- view ();
- if (!startgame && !gm.load)
- {
- VW_FadeIn ();
- mapmus ();
- }
- if (gm.load)
- gm.φ = ex_abort;
- lasttimecount = TimeCount;
- if (MousePresent)
- Mouse(MDelta); // Clear accumulated mouse movement
- PM_CheckMainMem ();
- }
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
--- a/play.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +1,0 @@
-char far *demoptr, far *lastdemoptr;
-uchar *demobuffer;
-void CheckKeys (void)
- s16int i;
- u8int scan;
- u16int temp;
- if (screenfaded || gm.demo) // don't do anything with a faded screen
- return;
- scan = LastScan;
-// pause key weirdness can't be checked as a scan code
- if (Paused)
- {
- bufferofs = displayofs;
- LatchDrawPic (20-4,80-2*8,Ppause);
- SD_MusicOff();
- IN_Ack();
- IN_ClearKeysDown ();
- SD_MusicOn();
- Paused = false;
- if (MousePresent)
- Mouse(MDelta); // Clear accumulated mouse movement
- return;
- }
-// F1-F7/ESC to enter control panel
- if (
- scan == sc_F10 ||
- scan == sc_F9 ||
- scan == sc_F7 ||
- scan == sc_F8) // pop up quit dialog
- {
- ClearMemory ();
- ClearSplitVWB ();
- VW_ScreenToScreen (displayofs,bufferofs,80,160);
- US_ControlPanel(scan);
- DrawAllPlayBorderSides ();
- if (scan == sc_F9)
- mapmus ();
- PM_CheckMainMem ();
- IN_ClearKeysDown();
- return;
- }
- if ( (scan >= sc_F1 && scan <= sc_F9) || scan == sc_Escape)
- {
- stopmus ();
- ClearMemory ();
- VW_FadeOut ();
- US_ControlPanel(scan);
- IN_ClearKeysDown();
- view ();
- if (!startgame && !gm.load)
- {
- VW_FadeIn ();
- mapmus ();
- }
- if (gm.load)
- gm.φ = ex_abort;
- lasttimecount = TimeCount;
- if (MousePresent)
- Mouse(MDelta); // Clear accumulated mouse movement
- PM_CheckMainMem ();
- return;
- }
--- a/text.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,686 +1,0 @@
-#include "WL_DEF.H"
-#pragma hdrstop
-^C<hex digit> Change text color
-^E[enter] End of layout (all pages)
-^G<y>,<x>,<pic>[enter] Draw a graphic and push margins
-^P[enter] start new page, must be the first chars in a layout
-^L<x>,<y>[ENTER] Locate to a specific spot, x in pixels, y in lines
-#define BACKCOLOR 0x11
-#define WORDLIMIT 80
-#define FONTHEIGHT 10
-#define TOPMARGIN 16
-#define BOTTOMMARGIN 32
-#define LEFTMARGIN 16
-#define RIGHTMARGIN 16
-#define PICMARGIN 8
-#define SPACEWIDTH 7
-s16int pagenum,numpages;
-u16int leftmargin[TEXTROWS],rightmargin[TEXTROWS];
-char far *text;
-u16int rowon;
-s16int picx,picy,picnum,picdelay;
-int layoutdone;
-= RipToEOL
-void RipToEOL (void)
- while (*text++ != '\n') // scan to end of line
- ;
-= ParseNumber
-s16int ParseNumber (void)
- char ch;
- char num[80],*numptr;
-// scan until a number is found
- ch = *text;
- while (ch < '0' || ch >'9')
- ch = *++text;
-// copy the number out
- numptr = num;
- do
- {
- *numptr++ = ch;
- ch = *++text;
- } while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9');
- *numptr = 0;
- return atoi (num);
-= ParsePicCommand
-= Call with text pointing just after a ^P
-= Upon exit text points to the start of next line
-void ParsePicCommand (void)
- picy=ParseNumber();
- picx=ParseNumber();
- picnum=ParseNumber();
- RipToEOL ();
-void ParseTimedCommand (void)
- picy=ParseNumber();
- picx=ParseNumber();
- picnum=ParseNumber();
- picdelay=ParseNumber();
- RipToEOL ();
-= TimedPicCommand
-= Call with text pointing just after a ^P
-= Upon exit text points to the start of next line
-void TimedPicCommand (void)
- ParseTimedCommand ();
-// update the screen, and wait for time delay
- VW_UpdateScreen ();
-// wait for time
- TimeCount = 0;
- while (TimeCount < picdelay)
- ;
-// draw pic
- VWB_DrawPic (picx&~7,picy,picnum);
-= HandleCommand
-void HandleCommand (void)
- s16int i,margin,top,bottom;
- s16int picwidth,picheight,picmid;
- switch (toupper(*++text))
- {
- case 'B':
- picy=ParseNumber();
- picx=ParseNumber();
- picwidth=ParseNumber();
- picheight=ParseNumber();
- VWB_Bar(picx,picy,picwidth,picheight,BACKCOLOR);
- RipToEOL();
- break;
- case ';': // comment
- RipToEOL();
- break;
- case 'P': // ^P is start of next page, ^E is end of file
- case 'E':
- layoutdone = true;
- text--; // back up to the '^'
- break;
- case 'C': // ^c<hex digit> changes text color
- i = toupper(*++text);
- if (i>='0' && i<='9')
- fontcolor = i-'0';
- else if (i>='A' && i<='F')
- fontcolor = i-'A'+10;
- fontcolor *= 16;
- i = toupper(*++text);
- if (i>='0' && i<='9')
- fontcolor += i-'0';
- else if (i>='A' && i<='F')
- fontcolor += i-'A'+10;
- text++;
- break;
- case '>':
- px = 160;
- text++;
- break;
- case 'L':
- py=ParseNumber();
- px=ParseNumber();
- while (*text++ != '\n') // scan to end of line
- ;
- break;
- case 'T': // ^Tyyy,xxx,ppp,ttt waits ttt tics, then draws pic
- TimedPicCommand ();
- break;
- case 'G': // ^Gyyy,xxx,ppp draws graphic
- ParsePicCommand ();
- VWB_DrawPic (picx&~7,picy,picnum);
- picwidth = pictable[picnum-STARTPICS].width;
- picheight = pictable[picnum-STARTPICS].height;
- //
- // adjust margins
- //
- picmid = picx + picwidth/2;
- if (picmid > SCREENMID)
- margin = picx-PICMARGIN; // new right margin
- else
- margin = picx+picwidth+PICMARGIN; // new left margin
- if (top<0)
- top = 0;
- bottom = (picy+picheight-TOPMARGIN)/FONTHEIGHT;
- if (bottom>=TEXTROWS)
- bottom = TEXTROWS-1;
- for (i=top;i<=bottom;i++)
- if (picmid > SCREENMID)
- rightmargin[i] = margin;
- else
- leftmargin[i] = margin;
- //
- // adjust this line if needed
- //
- if (px < leftmargin[rowon])
- px = leftmargin[rowon];
- break;
- }
-= NewLine
-void NewLine (void)
- char ch;
- if (++rowon == TEXTROWS)
- {
- //
- // overflowed the page, so skip until next page break
- //
- layoutdone = true;
- do
- {
- if (*text == '^')
- {
- ch = toupper(*(text+1));
- if (ch == 'E' || ch == 'P')
- {
- layoutdone = true;
- return;
- }
- }
- text++;
- } while (1);
- }
- px = leftmargin[rowon];
-= HandleCtrls
-void HandleCtrls (void)
- char ch;
- ch = *text++; // get the character and advance
- if (ch == '\n')
- {
- NewLine ();
- return;
- }
-= HandleWord
-void HandleWord (void)
- char word[WORDLIMIT];
- s16int i,wordindex;
- u16int wwidth,wheight,newpos;
- //
- // copy the next word into [word]
- //
- word[0] = *text++;
- wordindex = 1;
- while (*text>32)
- {
- word[wordindex] = *text++;
- if (++wordindex == WORDLIMIT)
- Quit ("PageLayout: Word limit exceeded");
- }
- word[wordindex] = 0; // stick a null at end for C
- //
- // see if it fits on this line
- //
- VW_MeasurePropString (word,&wwidth,&wheight);
- while (px+wwidth > rightmargin[rowon])
- {
- NewLine ();
- if (layoutdone)
- return; // overflowed page
- }
- //
- // print it
- //
- newpos = px+wwidth;
- VWB_DrawPropString (word);
- px = newpos;
- //
- // suck up any extra spaces
- //
- while (*text == ' ')
- {
- text++;
- }
-= PageLayout
-= Clears the screen, draws the pics on the page, and word wraps the text.
-= Returns a pointer to the terminating command
-void PageLayout (int shownumber)
- s16int i,oldfontcolor;
- char ch;
- oldfontcolor = fontcolor;
- fontcolor = 0;
-// clear the screen
- /* wl. lumps only, never used with spear */
- VWB_Bar (0,0,320,200,BACKCOLOR);
- VWB_DrawPic (0,0,Pbackdrop);
- VWB_DrawPic (0,8,Pbackdrop+1);
- VWB_DrawPic (312,8,Pbackdrop+2);
- VWB_DrawPic (8,176,Pbackdrop+3);
- for (i=0;i<TEXTROWS;i++)
- {
- leftmargin[i] = LEFTMARGIN;
- }
- rowon = 0;
- layoutdone = false;
-// make sure we are starting layout text (^P first command)
- while (*text <= 32)
- text++;
- if (*text != '^' || toupper(*++text) != 'P')
- Quit ("PageLayout: Text not headed with ^P");
- while (*text++ != '\n')
- ;
-// process text stream
- do
- {
- ch = *text;
- if (ch == '^')
- HandleCommand ();
- else
- if (ch == 9)
- {
- px = (px+8)&0xf8;
- text++;
- }
- else if (ch <= 32)
- HandleCtrls ();
- else
- HandleWord ();
- } while (!layoutdone);
- pagenum++;
- if (shownumber)
- {
- strcpy (str,"pg ");
- itoa (pagenum,str2,10);
- strcat (str,str2);
- strcat (str," of ");
- py = 183;
- px = 213;
- itoa (numpages,str2,10);
- strcat (str,str2);
- fontcolor = 0x4f; //12^BACKCOLOR;
- VWB_DrawPropString (str);
- }
- fontcolor = oldfontcolor;
-= BackPage
-= Scans for a previous ^P
-void BackPage (void)
- pagenum--;
- do
- {
- text--;
- if (*text == '^' && toupper(*(text+1)) == 'P')
- return;
- } while (1);
-= CacheLayoutGraphics
-= Scans an entire layout file (until a ^E) marking all graphics used, and
-= counting pages, then caches the graphics in
-void CacheLayoutGraphics (void)
- char far *bombpoint, far *textstart;
- char ch;
- textstart = text;
- bombpoint = text+30000;
- numpages = pagenum = 0;
- do
- {
- if (*text == '^')
- {
- ch = toupper(*++text);
- if (ch == 'P') // start of a page
- numpages++;
- if (ch == 'E') // end of file, so load graphics and return
- {
- CA_CacheMarks ();
- text = textstart;
- return;
- }
- if (ch == 'G') // draw graphic command, so mark graphics
- {
- ParsePicCommand ();
- }
- if (ch == 'T') // timed draw graphic command, so mark graphics
- {
- ParseTimedCommand ();
- }
- }
- else
- text++;
- } while (text<bombpoint);
- Quit ("CacheLayoutGraphics: No ^E to terminate file!");
-= ShowArticle
-void ShowArticle (char far *article)
- u16int oldfontnumber;
- u16int temp;
- int newpage,firstpage;
- text = article;
- oldfontnumber = fontnumber;
- fontnumber = 0;
- VWB_Bar (0,0,320,200,BACKCOLOR);
- CacheLayoutGraphics ();
- newpage = true;
- firstpage = true;
- do
- {
- if (newpage)
- {
- newpage = false;
- PageLayout (true);
- VW_UpdateScreen ();
- if (firstpage)
- {
- VL_FadeIn(0,255,&gamepal,10);
- // VW_FadeIn ()
- firstpage = false;
- }
- }
- LastScan = 0;
- while (!LastScan)
- ;
- switch (LastScan)
- {
- case sc_UpArrow:
- case sc_PgUp:
- case sc_LeftArrow:
- if (pagenum>1)
- {
- BackPage ();
- BackPage ();
- newpage = true;
- }
- break;
- case sc_Enter:
- case sc_DownArrow:
- case sc_PgDn:
- case sc_RightArrow: // the text allready points at next page
- if (pagenum<numpages)
- {
- newpage = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- } while (LastScan != sc_Escape);
- IN_ClearKeysDown ();
- fontnumber = oldfontnumber;
-= HelpScreens
-#ifndef SPEAR
-void HelpScreens (void)
- uchar *layout;
- CA_UpLevel ();
- ShowArticle (Etitpal);
- VW_FadeOut();
- CA_DownLevel ();
-void EndText (void)
- uchar *layout;
- ClearMemory ();
- CA_UpLevel ();
- ShowArticle (epis+gamestate.episode);
- VW_FadeOut();
- IN_ClearKeysDown();
- if (MousePresent)
- Mouse(MDelta); // Clear accumulated mouse movement
- CA_DownLevel ();