ref: aa16a1b67c240833e1ef29a10ddedd28882bc6c1
parent: e76a8e48037367ac29369d3220cef357383866ed
author: rodri <[email protected]>
date: Wed Mar 6 07:45:48 EST 2024
use the new texture sampler and vertex material definitions. add an mmb menu for texture sampling selection and point light position randomization.
--- a/main.c
+++ b/main.c
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
static int doprof;
static int inception;
static int showhud;
+Color (*tsampler)(Memimage*,Point2);
static int
min(int a, int b)
@@ -124,11 +125,19 @@
gouraudshader(FSparams *sp)
Vertexattr *va;
+ Color c;
va = getvattr(&sp->v, "intensity");
- sp->cbuf[1] *= va->n;
- sp->cbuf[2] *= va->n;
- sp->cbuf[3] *= va->n;
+ if(sp->su->entity->mdl->tex != nil && sp->v.uv.w != 0)
+ c = texture(sp->su->entity->mdl->tex, sp->v.uv, tsampler);
+ else
+ c = Pt3(1,1,1,1);
+ c = mulpt3(c, va->n);
+ sp->cbuf[0] *= c.a;
+ sp->cbuf[1] *= c.b;
+ sp->cbuf[2] *= c.g;
+ sp->cbuf[3] *= c.r;
memfillcolor(sp->frag, *(ulong*)sp->cbuf);
return sp->frag;
@@ -138,11 +147,23 @@
phongvshader(VSparams *sp)
Point3 pos;
+ Color a, d, s;
+ double ss;
sp->v->n = qrotate(sp->v->n, Vec3(0,1,0), θ+fmod(ω*sp->su->uni_time/1e9, 2*PI));
sp->v->p = qrotate(sp->v->p, Vec3(0,1,0), θ+fmod(ω*sp->su->uni_time/1e9, 2*PI));
pos = model2world(sp->su->entity, sp->v->p);
addvattr(sp->v, "pos", VAPoint, &pos);
+ if(sp->v->mtl != nil){
+ a.r = sp->v->mtl->Ka.r; a.g = sp->v->mtl->Ka.g; a.b = sp->v->mtl->Ka.b; a.a = 1;
+ d.r = sp->v->mtl->Kd.r; d.g = sp->v->mtl->Kd.g; d.b = sp->v->mtl->Kd.b; d.a = 1;
+ s.r = sp->v->mtl->Ks.r; s.g = sp->v->mtl->Ks.g; s.b = sp->v->mtl->Ks.b; s.a = 1;
+ ss = sp->v->mtl->Ns;
+ addvattr(sp->v, "ambient", VAPoint, &a);
+ addvattr(sp->v, "diffuse", VAPoint, &d);
+ addvattr(sp->v, "specular", VAPoint, &s);
+ addvattr(sp->v, "shininess", VANumber, &ss);
+ }
return world2clip(maincam, model2world(sp->su->entity, sp->v->p));
@@ -153,27 +174,47 @@
static double Ks = 0.5; /* specular factor */
double Kd; /* diffuse factor */
double spec;
- Color ambient, diffuse, specular;
+ Color ambient, diffuse, specular, tc, c;
Point3 pos, lookdir, lightdir;
+ Material m;
Vertexattr *va;
va = getvattr(&sp->v, "pos");
pos = va->p;
+ va = getvattr(&sp->v, "ambient");
+ m.ambient = va != nil? va->p: Pt3(1,1,1,1);
+ va = getvattr(&sp->v, "diffuse");
+ m.diffuse = va != nil? va->p: Pt3(1,1,1,1);
+ va = getvattr(&sp->v, "specular");
+ m.specular = va != nil? va->p: Pt3(1,1,1,1);
+ va = getvattr(&sp->v, "shininess");
+ m.shininess = va != nil? va->n: 1;
ambient = mulpt3(light.c, Ka);
+ ambient.r *= m.ambient.r; ambient.g *= m.ambient.g; ambient.b *= m.ambient.b; ambient.a *= m.ambient.a;
lightdir = normvec3(subpt3(light.p, pos));
Kd = fmax(0, dotvec3(sp->v.n, lightdir));
diffuse = mulpt3(light.c, Kd);
+ diffuse.r *= m.diffuse.r; diffuse.g *= m.diffuse.g; diffuse.b *= m.diffuse.b; diffuse.a *= m.diffuse.a;
lookdir = normvec3(subpt3(maincam->p, pos));
lightdir = qrotate(lightdir, sp->v.n, PI);
- spec = pow(fmax(0, dotvec3(lookdir, lightdir)), 64);
+ spec = pow(fmax(0, dotvec3(lookdir, lightdir)), m.shininess);
specular = mulpt3(light.c, spec*Ks);
+ specular.r *= m.specular.r; specular.g *= m.specular.g; specular.b *= m.specular.b; specular.a *= m.specular.a;
- sp->cbuf[1] *= fclamp(ambient.b + diffuse.b + specular.b, 0, 1);
- sp->cbuf[2] *= fclamp(ambient.g + diffuse.g + specular.g, 0, 1);
- sp->cbuf[3] *= fclamp(ambient.r + diffuse.r + specular.r, 0, 1);
+ if(sp->su->entity->mdl->tex != nil && sp->v.uv.w != 0)
+ tc = texture(sp->su->entity->mdl->tex, sp->v.uv, tsampler);
+ else
+ tc = Pt3(1,1,1,1);
+ c = addpt3(ambient, addpt3(diffuse, specular));
+ sp->cbuf[0] *= fclamp(c.a*tc.a, 0, 1);
+ sp->cbuf[1] *= fclamp(c.b*tc.b, 0, 1);
+ sp->cbuf[2] *= fclamp(c.g*tc.g, 0, 1);
+ sp->cbuf[3] *= fclamp(c.r*tc.r, 0, 1);
memfillcolor(sp->frag, *(ulong*)sp->cbuf);
return sp->frag;
@@ -320,6 +361,17 @@
Memimage *
identshader(FSparams *sp)
+ Color c;
+ if(sp->su->entity->mdl->tex != nil && sp->v.uv.w != 0)
+ c = texture(sp->su->entity->mdl->tex, sp->v.uv, tsampler);
+ else
+ c = Pt3(1,1,1,1);
+ sp->cbuf[0] *= c.a;
+ sp->cbuf[1] *= c.b;
+ sp->cbuf[2] *= c.g;
+ sp->cbuf[3] *= c.r;
memfillcolor(sp->frag, *(ulong*)sp->cbuf);
return sp->frag;
@@ -416,6 +468,37 @@
+ enum {
+ };
+ static char *items[] = {
+ [MOVELIGHT] "move light",
+ [TSNEAREST] "use nearest sampler",
+ [TSBILINEAR] "use bilinear sampler",
+ nil,
+ };
+ static Menu menu = { .item = items };
+ switch(menuhit(2, mctl, &menu, _screen)){
+ srand(time(0));
+ light.p = Pt3((frand()-0.5)*2000,(frand()-0.5)*2000,(frand()-0.5)*2000,1);
+ break;
+ tsampler = neartexsampler;
+ break;
+ tsampler = bilitexsampler;
+ break;
+ }
+ nbsend(drawc, nil);
static char *
genrmbmenuitem(int idx)
@@ -434,12 +517,14 @@
if(idx < 0)
shader = &shadertab[idx];
- nbsendp(drawc, nil);
+ nbsend(drawc, nil);
+ if((mctl->buttons & 2) != 0)
+ mmb();
if((mctl->buttons & 4) != 0)
if((mctl->buttons & 8) != 0){
@@ -665,6 +750,7 @@
light.p = Pt3(0,100,100,1);
light.c = Pt3(1,1,1,1);
light.type = LIGHT_POINT;
+ tsampler = neartexsampler;
keyc = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 1);
drawc = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 1);