shithub: femtolisp

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ref: 6c67645815fbc073b43286f144046d2396fb7804
parent: 91da922a22ed83f60bbc33d48e31de47349ac467
author: Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir <[email protected]>
date: Fri Mar 10 15:09:56 EST 2023

remove attic/ and tiny/

--- a/attic/s.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +1,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-struct _b {
-    char a;
-    short b:9;
-struct _bb {
-    char a;
-    int :0;
-    int b:10;
-    int :0;
-    int b0:10;
-    int :0;
-    int b1:10;
-    int :0;
-    int b2:10;
-    int :0;
-    int b4:30;
-    char c;
-union _cc {
-    struct {
-        char a;
-        int b:1;   // bit 8
-        int b1:1;  // bit 9
-        int b2:24; // bits 32..55
-        char c;
-    };
-    unsigned long long ull;
-union _cc2 {
-    struct {
-        char a;
-        int b:24;   // bit 8
-        int b1:1;
-        int b2:1;
-        char c;
-    };
-    unsigned long long ull;
-union _dd {
-    struct {
-        int a0:10;
-        int a1:10;
-        int a2:10;
-        int a3:10;
-        int a4:10;
-    };
-    struct {
-        unsigned long long ull;
-    };
-struct _ee {
-    short s:9;
-    short j:9;
-    char c;
-typedef long long int int64_t;
-typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t;
-typedef int int32_t;
-typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
-typedef short int16_t;
-typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
-typedef char int8_t;
-typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
-#define lomask(type,n) (type)((((type)1)<<(n))-1)
-uint64_t get_u_bitfield(char *ptr, int typesz, int boffs, int blen)
-    uint64_t i8;
-    uint32_t i4;
-    uint16_t i2;
-    uint8_t i1;
-    switch (typesz) {
-    case 8:
-        i8 = *(uint64_t*)ptr;
-        return (i8>>boffs) & lomask(uint64_t,blen);
-    case 4:
-        i4 = *(uint32_t*)ptr;
-        return (i4>>boffs) & lomask(uint32_t,blen);
-    case 2:
-        i2 = *(uint16_t*)ptr;
-        return (i2>>boffs) & lomask(uint16_t,blen);
-    case 1:
-        i1 = *(uint8_t*)ptr;
-        return (i1>>boffs) & lomask(uint8_t,blen);
-    }
-    //error
-    return 0;
-int64_t get_s_bitfield(char *ptr, int typesz, int boffs, int blen)
-    int64_t i8;
-    int32_t i4;
-    int16_t i2;
-    int8_t i1;
-    switch (typesz) {
-    case 8:
-        i8 = *(int64_t*)ptr;
-        return (i8<<(64-boffs-blen))>>(64-blen);
-    case 4:
-        i4 = *(int32_t*)ptr;
-        return (i4<<(32-boffs-blen))>>(32-blen);
-    case 2:
-        i2 = *(int16_t*)ptr;
-        return (i2<<(16-boffs-blen))>>(16-blen);
-    case 1:
-        i1 = *(int8_t*)ptr;
-        return (i1<<(8-boffs-blen))>>(8-blen);
-    }
-    //error
-    return 0;
-void set_bitfield(char *ptr, int typesz, int boffs, int blen, uint64_t v)
-    uint64_t i8, m8;
-    uint32_t i4, m4;
-    uint16_t i2, m2;
-    uint8_t i1, m1;
-    switch (typesz) {
-    case 8:
-        m8 = lomask(uint64_t,blen)<<boffs;
-        i8 = *(uint64_t*)ptr;
-        *(uint64_t*)ptr = (i8&~m8) | ((v<<boffs)&m8);
-        break;
-    case 4:
-        m4 = lomask(uint32_t,blen)<<boffs;
-        i4 = *(uint32_t*)ptr;
-        *(uint32_t*)ptr = (i4&~m4) | ((v<<boffs)&m4);
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        m2 = lomask(uint16_t,blen)<<boffs;
-        i2 = *(uint16_t*)ptr;
-        *(uint16_t*)ptr = (i2&~m2) | ((v<<boffs)&m2);
-        break;
-    case 1:
-        m1 = lomask(uint8_t,blen)<<boffs;
-        i1 = *(uint8_t*)ptr;
-        *(uint8_t*)ptr = (i1&~m1) | ((v<<boffs)&m1);
-        break;
-    }
-int main()
-    union _cc2 c;
-    union _dd d;
-    printf("%d\n", sizeof(struct _b));
-    printf("%d\n", sizeof(d));
-    //printf("%d\n\n", sizeof(struct _bb));
-    //printf("%d\n", (char*)&b.b - (char*)&b);
-    //printf("%d\n", (char*)&b.c - (char*)&b);
-    //printf("%d\n", (char*)&b.e - (char*)&b);
-    c.ull = 0;
-    d.ull = 0;
-    //d.ull2 = 0;
-    d.a0 = d.a1 = d.a2 = d.a3 = d.a4 = 1;
-    printf("0x%016llx\n", d.ull);
-    unsigned long long m = 1;
-    int bn = 0;
-    while (m) {
-        if (d.ull & m)
-            printf("bit %d set\n", bn);
-        bn++;
-        m<<=1;
-    }
-    //printf("%016x\n", d.ull2);
-    c.a = 1;
-    c.b = 1;
-    c.c = 1;
-    printf("0x%016llx\n", c.ull);
-    bn=0;m=1;
-    while (m) {
-        if (c.ull & m)
-            printf("bit %d set\n", bn);
-        bn++;
-        m<<=1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-  offset/alignment rules for bit fields:
-  - alignment for whole struct is still the most strict of any of the
-    named types, regardless of bit fields. (i.e. just take the bit field
-    widths away and compute struct alignment normally)
-  - a bit field cannot cross a word boundary of its declared type
-  - otherwise pack bit fields as tightly as possible
- */
--- a/attic/scrap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +1,0 @@
-// code to relocate cons chains iteratively
-    pcdr = &cdr_(nc);
-    while (iscons(d)) {
-        if (car_(d) == FWD) {
-            *pcdr = cdr_(d);
-            return first;
-        }
-        *pcdr = nc = mk_cons();
-        a = car_(d);   v = cdr_(d);
-        car_(d) = FWD; cdr_(d) = nc;
-        car_(nc) = relocate(a);
-        pcdr = &cdr_(nc);
-        d = v;
-    }
-    *pcdr = d;
-  f = *rest;
-  *rest = NIL;
-  while (iscons(f)) {   // nreverse!
-      v = cdr_(f);
-      cdr_(f) = *rest;
-      *rest = f;
-      f = v;
-  }*/
-int favailable(FILE *f)
-    fd_set set;
-    struct timeval tv = {0, 0};
-    int fd = fileno(f);
-    FD_ZERO(&set);
-    FD_SET(fd, &set);
-    return (select(fd+1, &set, NULL, NULL, &tv)!=0);
-static void print_env(value_t *penv)
-    printf("<[ ");
-    while (issymbol(*penv) && *penv!=NIL) {
-        print(stdout, *penv, 0);
-        printf(" ");
-        penv++;
-        print(stdout, *penv, 0);
-        printf(" ");
-        penv++;
-    }
-    printf("] ");
-    print(stdout, *penv, 0);
-    printf(">\n");
-                    PUSH(NIL);
-                    PUSH(NIL);
-                    value_t *rest = &Stack[SP-1];
-                    // build list of rest arguments
-                    // we have to build it forwards, which is tricky
-                    while (iscons(v)) {
-                        v = eval(car_(v));
-                        PUSH(v);
-                        v = cons_(&Stack[SP-1], &NIL);
-                        POP();
-                        if (iscons(*rest))
-                            cdr_(*rest) = v;
-                        else
-                            Stack[SP-2] = v;
-                        *rest = v;
-                        v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-                    }
-                    POP();
-                    // this version uses collective allocation. about 7-10%
-                    // faster for lists with > 2 elements, but uses more
-                    // stack space
-                    i = SP;
-                    while (iscons(v)) {
-                        v = eval(car_(v));
-                        PUSH(v);
-                        v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-                    }
-                    if ((int)SP==i) {
-                        PUSH(NIL);
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        e = v = cons_reserve(nargs=(SP-i));
-                        for(; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                            car_(v) = Stack[i];
-                            v = cdr_(v);
-                        }
-                        POPN(nargs);
-                        PUSH(e);
-                    }
-value_t list_to_vector(value_t l)
-    value_t v;
-    size_t n = llength(l), i=0;
-    v = alloc_vector(n, 0);
-    while (iscons(l)) {
-        vector_elt(v,i) = car_(l);
-        i++;
-        l = cdr_(l);
-    }
-    return v;
--- a/attic/scrap.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +1,0 @@
-; -*- scheme -*-
-; (try expr
-;      (catch (type-error e) . exprs)
-;      (catch (io-error e) . exprs)
-;      (catch (e) . exprs)
-;      (finally . exprs))
-(define-macro (try expr . forms)
-  (let* ((e        (gensym))
-         (reraised (gensym))
-         (final (f-body (cdr (or (assq 'finally forms) '(())))))
-         (catches (filter (lambda (f) (eq (car f) 'catch)) forms))
-         (catchblock `(cond
-                       ,.(map (lambda (catc)
-                                (let* ((specific (cdr (cadr catc)))
-                                       (extype   (caadr catc))
-                                       (var      (if specific (car specific)
-                                                   extype))
-                                       (todo     (cddr catc)))
-                                  `(,(if specific
-					 ; exception matching logic
-                                         `(or (eq ,e ',extype)
-                                              (and (pair? ,e)
-                                                   (eq (car ,e)
-                                                       ',extype)))
-					 #t); (catch (e) ...), match anything
-                                    (let ((,var ,e)) (begin ,@todo)))))
-                              catches)
-                       (#t (raise ,e))))) ; no matches, reraise
-    (if final
-        (if catches
-            ; form with both catch and finally
-            `(prog1 (trycatch ,expr
-                              (lambda (,e)
-                                (trycatch ,catchblock
-                                          (lambda (,reraised)
-                                            (begin ,final
-                                                   (raise ,reraised))))))
-               ,final)
-          ; finally only; same as unwind-protect
-          `(prog1 (trycatch ,expr (lambda (,e)
-                                    (begin ,final (raise ,e))))
-             ,final))
-      ; catch, no finally
-      `(trycatch ,expr (lambda (,e) ,catchblock)))))
-; setf
-; expands (setf (place x ...) v) to (mutator (f x ...) v)
-; (mutator (identity x ...) v) is interpreted as (mutator x ... v)
-(set! *setf-place-list*
-       ; place   mutator  f
-      '((car     rplaca   identity)
-        (cdr     rplacd   identity)
-        (caar    rplaca   car)
-        (cadr    rplaca   cdr)
-        (cdar    rplacd   car)
-        (cddr    rplacd   cdr)
-        (caaar   rplaca   caar)
-        (caadr   rplaca   cadr)
-        (cadar   rplaca   cdar)
-        (caddr   rplaca   cddr)
-        (cdaar   rplacd   caar)
-        (cdadr   rplacd   cadr)
-        (cddar   rplacd   cdar)
-        (cdddr   rplacd   cddr)
-        (list-ref rplaca  nthcdr)
-        (get     put!     identity)
-        (aref    aset!    identity)
-        (symbol-syntax    set-syntax!        identity)))
-(define (setf-place-mutator place val)
-  (if (symbol? place)
-      (list 'set! place val)
-    (let ((mutator (assq (car place) *setf-place-list*)))
-      (if (null? mutator)
-          (error "setf: unknown place " (car place))
-	  (if (eq (caddr mutator) 'identity)
-	      (cons (cadr mutator) (append (cdr place) (list val)))
-	      (list (cadr mutator)
-		    (cons (caddr mutator) (cdr place))
-		    val))))))
-(define-macro (setf . args)
-  (f-body
-   ((label setf-
-           (lambda (args)
-             (if (null? args)
-                 ()
-               (cons (setf-place-mutator (car args) (cadr args))
-                     (setf- (cddr args))))))
-    args)))
-(define-macro (labels binds . body)
-  (cons (list 'lambda (map car binds)
-              (f-body
-	       (nconc (map (lambda (b)
-			     (list 'set! (car b) (cons 'lambda (cdr b))))
-			   binds)
-		      body)))
-        (map (lambda (x) #f) binds)))
-  (define (evalhead e env)
-    (if (and (symbol? e)
-	     (or (constant? e)
-		 (and (not (memq e env))
-		      (bound? e)
-		      (builtin? (eval e)))))
-	(eval e)
-	e))
--- a/tiny/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +1,0 @@
-FREEBSD-GE-10 = $(shell test `uname` = FreeBSD -a `uname -r | cut -d. -f1` -ge 10 && echo YES)
-CC = $(if $(FREEBSD-GE-10),clang,gcc)
-NAME = lisp
-SRC = $(NAME).c
-FLAGS = -Wall -Wextra
-SHIPFLAGS = -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer $(FLAGS)
-default: release
-debug: $(SRC)
-release: $(SRC)
-	rm -f $(EXENAME)
--- a/tiny/eval1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +1,0 @@
-value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv)
-    value_t f, v, bind, headsym, asym, labl=0, *pv, *argsyms, *body, *lenv;
-    value_t *rest;
-    cons_t *c;
-    symbol_t *sym;
-    uint32_t saveSP;
-    int i, nargs, noeval=0;
-    number_t s, n;
-    if (issymbol(e)) {
-        sym = (symbol_t*)ptr(e);
-        if (sym->constant != UNBOUND) return sym->constant;
-        v = *penv;
-        while (iscons(v)) {
-            bind = car_(v);
-            if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e)
-                return cdr_(bind);
-            v = cdr_(v);
-        }
-        if ((v = sym->binding) == UNBOUND)
-            lerror("eval: error: variable %s has no value\n", sym->name);
-        return v;
-    }
-    if ((unsigned)(char*)&nargs < (unsigned)stack_bottom || SP>=(N_STACK-100))
-        lerror("eval: error: stack overflow\n");
-    saveSP = SP;
-    PUSH(e);
-    f = eval(car_(e), penv);
-    if (isbuiltin(f)) {
-        // handle builtin function
-        if (!isspecial(f)) {
-            // evaluate argument list, placing arguments on stack
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            while (iscons(v)) {
-                v = eval(car_(v), penv);
-                PUSH(v);
-                v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            }
-        }
-    apply_builtin:
-        nargs = SP - saveSP - 1;
-        switch (intval(f)) {
-        // special forms
-        case F_QUOTE:
-            v = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            if (!iscons(v))
-                lerror("quote: error: expected argument\n");
-            v = car_(v);
-            break;
-        case F_MACRO:
-        case F_LAMBDA:
-            v = Stack[saveSP];
-            if (*penv != NIL) {
-                // build a closure (lambda args body . env)
-                v = cdr_(v);
-                PUSH(car(v));
-                argsyms = &Stack[SP-1];
-                PUSH(car(cdr_(v)));
-                body = &Stack[SP-1];
-                v = cons_(intval(f)==F_LAMBDA ? &LAMBDA : &MACRO,
-                          cons(argsyms, cons(body, penv)));
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_LABEL:
-            v = Stack[saveSP];
-            if (*penv != NIL) {
-                v = cdr_(v);
-                PUSH(car(v));        // name
-                pv = &Stack[SP-1];
-                PUSH(car(cdr_(v)));  // function
-                body = &Stack[SP-1];
-                *body = eval(*body, penv);  // evaluate lambda
-                v = cons_(&LABEL, cons(pv, cons(body, &NIL)));
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_IF:
-            v = car(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]));
-            if (eval(v, penv) != NIL)
-                v = car(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])));
-            else
-                v = car(cdr(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]))));
-            v = eval(v, penv);
-            break;
-        case F_COND:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                c = tocons(car_(*pv), "cond");
-                if ((v=eval(c->car, penv)) != NIL) {
-                    *pv = cdr_(car_(*pv));
-                    // evaluate body forms
-                    while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                        v = eval(car_(*pv), penv);
-                        *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_AND:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = T;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) == NIL)
-                    break;
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_OR:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) != NIL)
-                    break;
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_WHILE:
-            PUSH(car(cdr(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]))));
-            body = &Stack[SP-1];
-            Stack[saveSP] = car_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]));
-            value_t *cond = &Stack[saveSP];
-            PUSH(NIL); pv = &Stack[SP-1];
-            while (eval(*cond, penv) != NIL)
-                *pv = eval(*body, penv);
-            v = *pv;
-            break;
-        case F_PROGN:
-            // return last arg
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                v = eval(car_(*pv), penv);
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        // ordinary functions
-        case F_SET:
-            argcount("set", nargs, 2);
-            e = Stack[SP-2];
-            v = *penv;
-            while (iscons(v)) {
-                bind = car_(v);
-                if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e) {
-                    cdr_(bind) = (v=Stack[SP-1]);
-                    SP=saveSP; return v;
-                }
-                v = cdr_(v);
-            }
-            tosymbol(e, "set")->binding = (v=Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_BOUNDP:
-            argcount("boundp", nargs, 1);
-            if (tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "boundp")->binding == UNBOUND)
-                v = NIL;
-            else
-                v = T;
-            break;
-        case F_EQ:
-            argcount("eq", nargs, 2);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-2] == Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_CONS:
-            argcount("cons", nargs, 2);
-            v = mk_cons();
-            car_(v) = Stack[SP-2];
-            cdr_(v) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_CAR:
-            argcount("car", nargs, 1);
-            v = car(Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_CDR:
-            argcount("cdr", nargs, 1);
-            v = cdr(Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_RPLACA:
-            argcount("rplaca", nargs, 2);
-            car(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_RPLACD:
-            argcount("rplacd", nargs, 2);
-            cdr(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_ATOM:
-            argcount("atom", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((!iscons(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_SYMBOLP:
-            argcount("symbolp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((issymbol(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_NUMBERP:
-            argcount("numberp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((isnumber(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_ADD:
-            s = 0;
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "+");
-                s += n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_SUB:
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("-: error: too few arguments\n");
-            i = saveSP+1;
-            s = (nargs==1) ? 0 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "-");
-            for (; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "-");
-                s -= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_MUL:
-            s = 1;
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "*");
-                s *= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_DIV:
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("/: error: too few arguments\n");
-            i = saveSP+1;
-            s = (nargs==1) ? 1 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "/");
-            for (; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "/");
-                if (n == 0)
-                    lerror("/: error: division by zero\n");
-                s /= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_LT:
-            argcount("<", nargs, 2);
-            if (tonumber(Stack[SP-2],"<") < tonumber(Stack[SP-1],"<"))
-                v = T;
-            else
-                v = NIL;
-            break;
-        case F_NOT:
-            argcount("not", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-1] == NIL) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_EVAL:
-            argcount("eval", nargs, 1);
-            v = eval(Stack[SP-1], &NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_PRINT:
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++)
-                print(stdout, v=Stack[i]);
-            break;
-        case F_READ:
-            argcount("read", nargs, 0);
-            v = read_sexpr(stdin);
-            break;
-        case F_LOAD:
-            argcount("load", nargs, 1);
-            v = load_file(tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "load")->name);
-            break;
-        case F_PROG1:
-            // return first arg
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("prog1: error: too few arguments\n");
-            v = Stack[saveSP+1];
-            break;
-        case F_APPLY:
-            // unpack a list onto the stack
-            argcount("apply", nargs, 2);
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = Stack[SP-1];  // second arg is new arglist
-            f = Stack[SP-2];            // first arg is new function
-            POPN(2);                    // pop apply's args
-            if (isbuiltin(f)) {
-                if (isspecial(f))
-                    lerror("apply: error: cannot apply special operator "
-                           "%s\n", builtin_names[intval(f)]);
-                while (iscons(v)) {
-                    PUSH(car_(v));
-                    v = cdr_(v);
-                }
-                goto apply_builtin;
-            }
-            noeval = 1;
-            goto apply_lambda;
-        }
-        SP = saveSP;
-        return v;
-    }
-    else {
-        v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-    }
- apply_lambda:
-    if (iscons(f)) {
-        headsym = car_(f);
-        if (headsym == LABEL) {
-            // (label name (lambda ...)) behaves the same as the lambda
-            // alone, except with name bound to the whole label expression
-            labl = f;
-            f = car(cdr(cdr_(labl)));
-            headsym = car(f);
-        }
-        // apply lambda or macro expression
-        PUSH(cdr(cdr(cdr_(f))));
-        lenv = &Stack[SP-1];
-        PUSH(car_(cdr_(f)));
-        argsyms = &Stack[SP-1];
-        PUSH(car_(cdr_(cdr_(f))));
-        body = &Stack[SP-1];
-        if (labl) {
-            // add label binding to environment
-            PUSH(labl);
-            PUSH(car_(cdr_(labl)));
-            *lenv = cons_(cons(&Stack[SP-1], &Stack[SP-2]), lenv);
-            POPN(3);
-            v = Stack[saveSP]; // refetch arglist
-        }
-        if (headsym == MACRO)
-            noeval = 1;
-        else if (headsym != LAMBDA)
-            lerror("apply: error: head must be lambda, macro, or label\n");
-        // build a calling environment for the lambda
-        // the environment is the argument binds on top of the captured
-        // environment
-        while (iscons(v)) {
-            // bind args
-            if (!iscons(*argsyms)) {
-                if (*argsyms == NIL)
-                    lerror("apply: error: too many arguments\n");
-                break;
-            }
-            asym = car_(*argsyms);
-            if (!issymbol(asym))
-                lerror("apply: error: formal argument not a symbol\n");
-            v = car_(v);
-            if (!noeval) v = eval(v, penv);
-            PUSH(v);
-            *lenv = cons_(cons(&asym, &Stack[SP-1]), lenv);
-            POPN(2);
-            *argsyms = cdr_(*argsyms);
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-        }
-        if (*argsyms != NIL) {
-            if (issymbol(*argsyms)) {
-                if (noeval) {
-                    *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[saveSP]), lenv);
-                }
-                else {
-                    PUSH(NIL);
-                    PUSH(NIL);
-                    rest = &Stack[SP-1];
-                    // build list of rest arguments
-                    // we have to build it forwards, which is tricky
-                    while (iscons(v)) {
-                        v = eval(car_(v), penv);
-                        PUSH(v);
-                        v = cons_(&Stack[SP-1], &NIL);
-                        POP();
-                        if (iscons(*rest))
-                            cdr_(*rest) = v;
-                        else
-                            Stack[SP-2] = v;
-                        *rest = v;
-                        v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-                    }
-                    *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[SP-2]), lenv);
-                }
-            }
-            else if (iscons(*argsyms)) {
-                lerror("apply: error: too few arguments\n");
-            }
-        }
-        SP = saveSP;  // free temporary stack space
-        PUSH(*lenv);  // preserve environment on stack
-        lenv = &Stack[SP-1];
-        v = eval(*body, lenv);
-        POP();
-        // macro: evaluate expansion in the calling environment
-        if (headsym == MACRO)
-            return eval(v, penv);
-        return v;
-    }
-    type_error("apply", "function", f);
-    return NIL;
--- a/tiny/eval2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +1,0 @@
-value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv)
-    value_t f, v, bind, headsym, asym, labl=0, *pv, *argsyms, *body, *lenv;
-    value_t *rest;
-    cons_t *c;
-    symbol_t *sym;
-    uint32_t saveSP;
-    int i, nargs, noeval=0;
-    number_t s, n;
-    if (issymbol(e)) {
-        sym = (symbol_t*)ptr(e);
-        if (sym->constant != UNBOUND) return sym->constant;
-        v = *penv;
-        while (iscons(v)) {
-            bind = car_(v);
-            if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e)
-                return cdr_(bind);
-            v = cdr_(v);
-        }
-        if ((v = sym->binding) == UNBOUND)
-            lerror("eval: error: variable %s has no value\n", sym->name);
-        return v;
-    }
-    if ((unsigned)(char*)&nargs < (unsigned)stack_bottom || SP>=(N_STACK-100))
-        lerror("eval: error: stack overflow\n");
-    saveSP = SP;
-    PUSH(e);
-    f = eval(car_(e), penv);
-    if (isbuiltin(f)) {
-        // handle builtin function
-        if (!isspecial(f)) {
-            // evaluate argument list, placing arguments on stack
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            while (iscons(v)) {
-                v = eval(car_(v), penv);
-                PUSH(v);
-                v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            }
-        }
-    apply_builtin:
-        nargs = SP - saveSP - 1;
-        switch (intval(f)) {
-        // special forms
-        case F_QUOTE:
-            v = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            if (!iscons(v))
-                lerror("quote: error: expected argument\n");
-            v = car_(v);
-            break;
-        case F_MACRO:
-        case F_LAMBDA:
-            v = Stack[saveSP];
-            if (*penv != NIL) {
-                // build a closure (lambda args body . env)
-                v = cdr_(v);
-                PUSH(car(v));
-                argsyms = &Stack[SP-1];
-                PUSH(car(cdr_(v)));
-                body = &Stack[SP-1];
-                v = cons_(intval(f)==F_LAMBDA ? &LAMBDA : &MACRO,
-                          cons(argsyms, cons(body, penv)));
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_LABEL:
-            v = Stack[saveSP];
-            if (*penv != NIL) {
-                v = cdr_(v);
-                PUSH(car(v));        // name
-                pv = &Stack[SP-1];
-                PUSH(car(cdr_(v)));  // function
-                body = &Stack[SP-1];
-                *body = eval(*body, penv);  // evaluate lambda
-                v = cons_(&LABEL, cons(pv, cons(body, &NIL)));
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_IF:
-            v = car(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]));
-            if (eval(v, penv) != NIL)
-                v = car(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])));
-            else
-                v = car(cdr(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]))));
-            v = eval(v, penv);
-            break;
-        case F_COND:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                c = tocons(car_(*pv), "cond");
-                if ((v=eval(c->car, penv)) != NIL) {
-                    *pv = cdr_(car_(*pv));
-                    // evaluate body forms
-                    while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                        v = eval(car_(*pv), penv);
-                        *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_AND:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = T;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) == NIL)
-                    break;
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_OR:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) != NIL)
-                    break;
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_WHILE:
-            PUSH(car(cdr(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]))));
-            body = &Stack[SP-1];
-            Stack[saveSP] = car_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]));
-            value_t *cond = &Stack[saveSP];
-            PUSH(NIL); pv = &Stack[SP-1];
-            while (eval(*cond, penv) != NIL)
-                *pv = eval(*body, penv);
-            v = *pv;
-            break;
-        case F_PROGN:
-            // return last arg
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                v = eval(car_(*pv), penv);
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        // ordinary functions
-        case F_SET:
-            argcount("set", nargs, 2);
-            e = Stack[SP-2];
-            v = *penv;
-            while (iscons(v)) {
-                bind = car_(v);
-                if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e) {
-                    cdr_(bind) = (v=Stack[SP-1]);
-                    SP=saveSP; return v;
-                }
-                v = cdr_(v);
-            }
-            tosymbol(e, "set")->binding = (v=Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_BOUNDP:
-            argcount("boundp", nargs, 1);
-            if (tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "boundp")->binding == UNBOUND)
-                v = NIL;
-            else
-                v = T;
-            break;
-        case F_EQ:
-            argcount("eq", nargs, 2);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-2] == Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_CONS:
-            argcount("cons", nargs, 2);
-            v = mk_cons();
-            car_(v) = Stack[SP-2];
-            cdr_(v) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_CAR:
-            argcount("car", nargs, 1);
-            v = car(Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_CDR:
-            argcount("cdr", nargs, 1);
-            v = cdr(Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_RPLACA:
-            argcount("rplaca", nargs, 2);
-            car(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_RPLACD:
-            argcount("rplacd", nargs, 2);
-            cdr(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_ATOM:
-            argcount("atom", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((!iscons(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_CONSP:
-            argcount("consp", nargs, 1);
-            v = (iscons(Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_SYMBOLP:
-            argcount("symbolp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((issymbol(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_NUMBERP:
-            argcount("numberp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((isnumber(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_ADD:
-            s = 0;
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "+");
-                s += n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_SUB:
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("-: error: too few arguments\n");
-            i = saveSP+1;
-            s = (nargs==1) ? 0 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "-");
-            for (; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "-");
-                s -= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_MUL:
-            s = 1;
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "*");
-                s *= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_DIV:
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("/: error: too few arguments\n");
-            i = saveSP+1;
-            s = (nargs==1) ? 1 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "/");
-            for (; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "/");
-                if (n == 0)
-                    lerror("/: error: division by zero\n");
-                s /= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_LT:
-            argcount("<", nargs, 2);
-            if (tonumber(Stack[SP-2],"<") < tonumber(Stack[SP-1],"<"))
-                v = T;
-            else
-                v = NIL;
-            break;
-        case F_NOT:
-            argcount("not", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-1] == NIL) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_EVAL:
-            argcount("eval", nargs, 1);
-            v = eval(Stack[SP-1], &NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_PRINT:
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++)
-                print(stdout, v=Stack[i], 0);
-            fprintf(stdout, "\n");
-            break;
-        case F_PRINC:
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++)
-                print(stdout, v=Stack[i], 1);
-            break;
-        case F_READ:
-            argcount("read", nargs, 0);
-            v = read_sexpr(stdin);
-            break;
-        case F_LOAD:
-            argcount("load", nargs, 1);
-            v = load_file(tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "load")->name);
-            break;
-        case F_EXIT:
-            exit(0);
-            break;
-        case F_ERROR:
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++)
-                print(stderr, Stack[i], 1);
-            lerror("\n");
-            break;
-        case F_PROG1:
-            // return first arg
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("prog1: error: too few arguments\n");
-            v = Stack[saveSP+1];
-            break;
-        case F_APPLY:
-            // unpack a list onto the stack
-            argcount("apply", nargs, 2);
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = Stack[SP-1];  // second arg is new arglist
-            f = Stack[SP-2];            // first arg is new function
-            POPN(2);                    // pop apply's args
-            if (isbuiltin(f)) {
-                if (isspecial(f))
-                    lerror("apply: error: cannot apply special operator "
-                           "%s\n", builtin_names[intval(f)]);
-                while (iscons(v)) {
-                    PUSH(car_(v));
-                    v = cdr_(v);
-                }
-                goto apply_builtin;
-            }
-            noeval = 1;
-            goto apply_lambda;
-        }
-        SP = saveSP;
-        return v;
-    }
-    else {
-        v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-    }
- apply_lambda:
-    if (iscons(f)) {
-        headsym = car_(f);
-        if (headsym == LABEL) {
-            // (label name (lambda ...)) behaves the same as the lambda
-            // alone, except with name bound to the whole label expression
-            labl = f;
-            f = car(cdr(cdr_(labl)));
-            headsym = car(f);
-        }
-        // apply lambda or macro expression
-        PUSH(cdr(cdr(cdr_(f))));
-        lenv = &Stack[SP-1];
-        PUSH(car_(cdr_(f)));
-        argsyms = &Stack[SP-1];
-        PUSH(car_(cdr_(cdr_(f))));
-        body = &Stack[SP-1];
-        if (labl) {
-            // add label binding to environment
-            PUSH(labl);
-            PUSH(car_(cdr_(labl)));
-            *lenv = cons_(cons(&Stack[SP-1], &Stack[SP-2]), lenv);
-            POPN(3);
-            v = Stack[saveSP]; // refetch arglist
-        }
-        if (headsym == MACRO)
-            noeval = 1;
-        else if (headsym != LAMBDA)
-            lerror("apply: error: head must be lambda, macro, or label\n");
-        // build a calling environment for the lambda
-        // the environment is the argument binds on top of the captured
-        // environment
-        while (iscons(v)) {
-            // bind args
-            if (!iscons(*argsyms)) {
-                if (*argsyms == NIL)
-                    lerror("apply: error: too many arguments\n");
-                break;
-            }
-            asym = car_(*argsyms);
-            if (!issymbol(asym))
-                lerror("apply: error: formal argument not a symbol\n");
-            v = car_(v);
-            if (!noeval) v = eval(v, penv);
-            PUSH(v);
-            *lenv = cons_(cons(&asym, &Stack[SP-1]), lenv);
-            POPN(2);
-            *argsyms = cdr_(*argsyms);
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-        }
-        if (*argsyms != NIL) {
-            if (issymbol(*argsyms)) {
-                if (noeval) {
-                    *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[saveSP]), lenv);
-                }
-                else {
-                    PUSH(NIL);
-                    PUSH(NIL);
-                    rest = &Stack[SP-1];
-                    // build list of rest arguments
-                    // we have to build it forwards, which is tricky
-                    while (iscons(v)) {
-                        v = eval(car_(v), penv);
-                        PUSH(v);
-                        v = cons_(&Stack[SP-1], &NIL);
-                        POP();
-                        if (iscons(*rest))
-                            cdr_(*rest) = v;
-                        else
-                            Stack[SP-2] = v;
-                        *rest = v;
-                        v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-                    }
-                    *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[SP-2]), lenv);
-                }
-            }
-            else if (iscons(*argsyms)) {
-                lerror("apply: error: too few arguments\n");
-            }
-        }
-        SP = saveSP;  // free temporary stack space
-        PUSH(*lenv);  // preserve environment on stack
-        lenv = &Stack[SP-1];
-        v = eval(*body, lenv);
-        POP();
-        // macro: evaluate expansion in the calling environment
-        if (headsym == MACRO)
-            return eval(v, penv);
-        return v;
-    }
-    type_error("apply", "function", f);
-    return NIL;
--- a/tiny/evalt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,443 +1,0 @@
-value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv)
-    value_t f, v, bind, headsym, asym, labl=0, *pv, *argsyms, *body, *lenv;
-    value_t *rest;
-    cons_t *c;
-    symbol_t *sym;
-    uint32_t saveSP;
-    int i, nargs, noeval=0;
-    number_t s, n;
- eval_top:
-    if (issymbol(e)) {
-        sym = (symbol_t*)ptr(e);
-        if (sym->constant != UNBOUND) return sym->constant;
-        v = *penv;
-        while (iscons(v)) {
-            bind = car_(v);
-            if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e)
-                return cdr_(bind);
-            v = cdr_(v);
-        }
-        if ((v = sym->binding) == UNBOUND)
-            lerror("eval: error: variable %s has no value\n", sym->name);
-        return v;
-    }
-    if ((unsigned)(char*)&nargs < (unsigned)stack_bottom || SP>=(N_STACK-100))
-        lerror("eval: error: stack overflow\n");
-    saveSP = SP;
-    PUSH(e);
-    PUSH(*penv);
-    f = eval(car_(e), penv);
-    *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-    if (isbuiltin(f)) {
-        // handle builtin function
-        if (!isspecial(f)) {
-            // evaluate argument list, placing arguments on stack
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            while (iscons(v)) {
-                v = eval(car_(v), penv);
-                *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                PUSH(v);
-                v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            }
-        }
-    apply_builtin:
-        nargs = SP - saveSP - 2;
-        switch (intval(f)) {
-        // special forms
-        case F_QUOTE:
-            v = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            if (!iscons(v))
-                lerror("quote: error: expected argument\n");
-            v = car_(v);
-            break;
-        case F_MACRO:
-        case F_LAMBDA:
-            v = Stack[saveSP];
-            if (*penv != NIL) {
-                // build a closure (lambda args body . env)
-                v = cdr_(v);
-                PUSH(car(v));
-                argsyms = &Stack[SP-1];
-                PUSH(car(cdr_(v)));
-                body = &Stack[SP-1];
-                v = cons_(intval(f)==F_LAMBDA ? &LAMBDA : &MACRO,
-                          cons(argsyms, cons(body, penv)));
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_LABEL:
-            v = Stack[saveSP];
-            if (*penv != NIL) {
-                v = cdr_(v);
-                PUSH(car(v));        // name
-                pv = &Stack[SP-1];
-                PUSH(car(cdr_(v)));  // function
-                body = &Stack[SP-1];
-                *body = eval(*body, penv);  // evaluate lambda
-                v = cons_(&LABEL, cons(pv, cons(body, &NIL)));
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_IF:
-            v = car(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]));
-            if (eval(v, penv) != NIL)
-                v = car(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])));
-            else
-                v = car(cdr(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]))));
-            tail_eval(v, Stack[saveSP+1]);
-            break;
-        case F_COND:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                c = tocons(car_(*pv), "cond");
-                v = eval(c->car, penv);
-                *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                if (v != NIL) {
-                    *pv = cdr_(car_(*pv));
-                    // evaluate body forms
-                    if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                        while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                            v = eval(car_(*pv), penv);
-                            *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                            *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                        }
-                        tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_AND:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = T;
-            if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                    if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) == NIL) {
-                        SP = saveSP; return NIL;
-                    }
-                    *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                    *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                }
-                tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_OR:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                    if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) != NIL) {
-                        SP = saveSP; return v;
-                    }
-                    *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                    *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                }
-                tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_WHILE:
-            PUSH(car(cdr(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]))));
-            body = &Stack[SP-1];
-            Stack[saveSP] = car_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]));
-            value_t *cond = &Stack[saveSP];
-            PUSH(NIL); pv = &Stack[SP-1];
-            while (eval(*cond, penv) != NIL) {
-                *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                *pv = eval(*body, penv);
-                *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-            }
-            v = *pv;
-            break;
-        case F_PROGN:
-            // return last arg
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                    v = eval(car_(*pv), penv);
-                    *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                    *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                }
-                tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv);
-            }
-            break;
-        // ordinary functions
-        case F_SET:
-            argcount("set", nargs, 2);
-            e = Stack[SP-2];
-            v = *penv;
-            while (iscons(v)) {
-                bind = car_(v);
-                if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e) {
-                    cdr_(bind) = (v=Stack[SP-1]);
-                    SP=saveSP; return v;
-                }
-                v = cdr_(v);
-            }
-            tosymbol(e, "set")->binding = (v=Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_BOUNDP:
-            argcount("boundp", nargs, 1);
-            if (tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "boundp")->binding == UNBOUND)
-                v = NIL;
-            else
-                v = T;
-            break;
-        case F_EQ:
-            argcount("eq", nargs, 2);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-2] == Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_CONS:
-            argcount("cons", nargs, 2);
-            v = mk_cons();
-            car_(v) = Stack[SP-2];
-            cdr_(v) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_CAR:
-            argcount("car", nargs, 1);
-            v = car(Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_CDR:
-            argcount("cdr", nargs, 1);
-            v = cdr(Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_RPLACA:
-            argcount("rplaca", nargs, 2);
-            car(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_RPLACD:
-            argcount("rplacd", nargs, 2);
-            cdr(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_ATOM:
-            argcount("atom", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((!iscons(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_CONSP:
-            argcount("consp", nargs, 1);
-            v = (iscons(Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_SYMBOLP:
-            argcount("symbolp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((issymbol(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_NUMBERP:
-            argcount("numberp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((isnumber(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_ADD:
-            s = 0;
-            for (i=saveSP+2; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "+");
-                s += n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_SUB:
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("-: error: too few arguments\n");
-            i = saveSP+2;
-            s = (nargs==1) ? 0 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "-");
-            for (; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "-");
-                s -= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_MUL:
-            s = 1;
-            for (i=saveSP+2; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "*");
-                s *= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_DIV:
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("/: error: too few arguments\n");
-            i = saveSP+2;
-            s = (nargs==1) ? 1 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "/");
-            for (; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "/");
-                if (n == 0)
-                    lerror("/: error: division by zero\n");
-                s /= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_LT:
-            argcount("<", nargs, 2);
-            if (tonumber(Stack[SP-2],"<") < tonumber(Stack[SP-1],"<"))
-                v = T;
-            else
-                v = NIL;
-            break;
-        case F_NOT:
-            argcount("not", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-1] == NIL) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_EVAL:
-            argcount("eval", nargs, 1);
-            v = Stack[SP-1];
-            tail_eval(v, NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_PRINT:
-            for (i=saveSP+2; i < (int)SP; i++)
-                print(stdout, v=Stack[i], 0);
-            fprintf(stdout, "\n");
-            break;
-        case F_PRINC:
-            for (i=saveSP+2; i < (int)SP; i++)
-                print(stdout, v=Stack[i], 1);
-            break;
-        case F_READ:
-            argcount("read", nargs, 0);
-            v = read_sexpr(stdin);
-            break;
-        case F_LOAD:
-            argcount("load", nargs, 1);
-            v = load_file(tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "load")->name);
-            break;
-        case F_EXIT:
-            exit(0);
-            break;
-        case F_ERROR:
-            for (i=saveSP+2; i < (int)SP; i++)
-                print(stderr, Stack[i], 1);
-            lerror("\n");
-            break;
-        case F_PROG1:
-            // return first arg
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("prog1: error: too few arguments\n");
-            v = Stack[saveSP+2];
-            break;
-        case F_APPLY:
-            argcount("apply", nargs, 2);
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = Stack[SP-1];  // second arg is new arglist
-            f = Stack[SP-2];            // first arg is new function
-            POPN(2);                    // pop apply's args
-            if (isbuiltin(f)) {
-                if (isspecial(f))
-                    lerror("apply: error: cannot apply special operator "
-                           "%s\n", builtin_names[intval(f)]);
-                // unpack arglist onto the stack
-                while (iscons(v)) {
-                    PUSH(car_(v));
-                    v = cdr_(v);
-                }
-                goto apply_builtin;
-            }
-            noeval = 1;
-            goto apply_lambda;
-        }
-        SP = saveSP;
-        return v;
-    }
-    else {
-        v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-    }
- apply_lambda:
-    if (iscons(f)) {
-        headsym = car_(f);
-        if (headsym == LABEL) {
-            // (label name (lambda ...)) behaves the same as the lambda
-            // alone, except with name bound to the whole label expression
-            labl = f;
-            f = car(cdr(cdr_(labl)));
-            headsym = car(f);
-        }
-        // apply lambda or macro expression
-        PUSH(cdr(cdr(cdr_(f))));
-        lenv = &Stack[SP-1];
-        PUSH(car_(cdr_(f)));
-        argsyms = &Stack[SP-1];
-        PUSH(car_(cdr_(cdr_(f))));
-        body = &Stack[SP-1];
-        if (labl) {
-            // add label binding to environment
-            PUSH(labl);
-            PUSH(car_(cdr_(labl)));
-            *lenv = cons_(cons(&Stack[SP-1], &Stack[SP-2]), lenv);
-            POPN(3);
-            v = Stack[saveSP]; // refetch arglist
-        }
-        if (headsym == MACRO)
-            noeval = 1;
-        else if (headsym != LAMBDA)
-            lerror("apply: error: head must be lambda, macro, or label\n");
-        // build a calling environment for the lambda
-        // the environment is the argument binds on top of the captured
-        // environment
-        while (iscons(v)) {
-            // bind args
-            if (!iscons(*argsyms)) {
-                if (*argsyms == NIL)
-                    lerror("apply: error: too many arguments\n");
-                break;
-            }
-            asym = car_(*argsyms);
-            if (!issymbol(asym))
-                lerror("apply: error: formal argument not a symbol\n");
-            v = car_(v);
-            if (!noeval) {
-                v = eval(v, penv);
-                *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-            }
-            PUSH(v);
-            *lenv = cons_(cons(&asym, &Stack[SP-1]), lenv);
-            POPN(2);
-            *argsyms = cdr_(*argsyms);
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-        }
-        if (*argsyms != NIL) {
-            if (issymbol(*argsyms)) {
-                if (noeval) {
-                    *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[saveSP]), lenv);
-                }
-                else {
-                    PUSH(NIL);
-                    PUSH(NIL);
-                    rest = &Stack[SP-1];
-                    // build list of rest arguments
-                    // we have to build it forwards, which is tricky
-                    while (iscons(v)) {
-                        v = eval(car_(v), penv);
-                        *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                        PUSH(v);
-                        v = cons_(&Stack[SP-1], &NIL);
-                        POP();
-                        if (iscons(*rest))
-                            cdr_(*rest) = v;
-                        else
-                            Stack[SP-2] = v;
-                        *rest = v;
-                        v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-                    }
-                    *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[SP-2]), lenv);
-                }
-            }
-            else if (iscons(*argsyms)) {
-                lerror("apply: error: too few arguments\n");
-            }
-        }
-        noeval = 0;
-        // macro: evaluate expansion in the calling environment
-        if (headsym == MACRO) {
-            SP = saveSP;
-            PUSH(*lenv);
-            lenv = &Stack[SP-1];
-            v = eval(*body, lenv);
-            tail_eval(v, *penv);
-        }
-        else {
-            tail_eval(*body, *lenv);
-        }
-        // not reached
-    }
-    type_error("apply", "function", f);
-    return NIL;
--- a/tiny/flutils.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +1,0 @@
-uint32_t *bitvector_resize(uint32_t *b, size_t n)
-    uint32_t *p;
-    size_t sz = ((n+31)>>5) * 4;
-    p = realloc(b, sz);
-    if (p == NULL) return NULL;
-    memset(p, 0, sz);
-    return p;
-uint32_t *mk_bitvector(size_t n)
-    return bitvector_resize(NULL, n);
-void bitvector_set(uint32_t *b, uint32_t n, uint32_t c)
-    if (c)
-        b[n>>5] |= (1<<(n&31));
-    else
-        b[n>>5] &= ~(1<<(n&31));
-uint32_t bitvector_get(uint32_t *b, uint32_t n)
-    return b[n>>5] & (1<<(n&31));
-typedef struct {
-    size_t n, maxsize;
-    unsigned long *items;
-} ltable_t;
-void ltable_init(ltable_t *t, size_t n)
-    t->n = 0;
-    t->maxsize = n;
-    t->items = (unsigned long*)malloc(n * sizeof(unsigned long));
-void ltable_clear(ltable_t *t)
-    t->n = 0;
-void ltable_insert(ltable_t *t, unsigned long item)
-    unsigned long *p;
-    if (t->n == t->maxsize) {
-        p = realloc(t->items, (t->maxsize*2)*sizeof(unsigned long));
-        if (p == NULL) return;
-        t->items = p;
-        t->maxsize *= 2;
-    }
-    t->items[t->n++] = item;
-#define NOTFOUND ((int)-1)
-int ltable_lookup(ltable_t *t, unsigned long item)
-    int i;
-    for(i=0; i < (int)t->n; i++)
-        if (t->items[i] == item)
-            return i;
-    return NOTFOUND;
-void ltable_adjoin(ltable_t *t, unsigned long item)
-    if (ltable_lookup(t, item) == NOTFOUND)
-        ltable_insert(t, item);
-static const uint32_t offsetsFromUTF8[6] = {
-    0x00000000UL, 0x00003080UL, 0x000E2080UL,
-    0x03C82080UL, 0xFA082080UL, 0x82082080UL
-static const char trailingBytesForUTF8[256] = {
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-    1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
-    2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5
-int u8_seqlen(const char c)
-    return trailingBytesForUTF8[(unsigned int)(unsigned char)c] + 1;
-#define UEOF ((uint32_t)EOF)
-uint32_t u8_fgetc(FILE *f)
-    int amt=0, sz, c;
-    uint32_t ch=0;
-    c = fgetc(f);
-    if (c == EOF)
-        return UEOF;
-    ch = (uint32_t)c;
-    amt = sz = u8_seqlen(ch);
-    while (--amt) {
-        ch <<= 6;
-        c = fgetc(f);
-        if (c == EOF)
-            return UEOF;
-        ch += (uint32_t)c;
-    }
-    ch -= offsetsFromUTF8[sz-1];
-    return ch;
--- a/tiny/lisp-nontail.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,978 +1,0 @@
-  femtoLisp
-  a minimal interpreter for a minimal lisp dialect
-  this lisp dialect uses lexical scope and self-evaluating lambda.
-  it supports 30-bit integers, symbols, conses, and full macros.
-  it is case-sensitive.
-  it features a simple compacting copying garbage collector.
-  it uses a Scheme-style evaluation rule where any expression may appear in
-    head position as long as it evaluates to a function.
-  it uses Scheme-style varargs (dotted formal argument lists)
-  lambdas can have only 1 body expression; use (progn ...) for multiple
-    expressions. this is due to the closure representation
-    (lambda args body . env)
-  by Jeff Bezanson
-  Public Domain
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#define NUM_FORMAT "%" PRIdPTR
-typedef intptr_t number_t;
-typedef uintptr_t value_t;
-typedef struct {
-    value_t car;
-    value_t cdr;
-} cons_t;
-typedef struct _symbol_t {
-    value_t binding;   // global value binding
-    value_t constant;  // constant binding (used only for builtins)
-    struct _symbol_t *left;
-    struct _symbol_t *right;
-    char name[1];
-} symbol_t;
-#define TAG_NUM      0x0
-#define TAG_BUILTIN  0x1
-#define TAG_SYM      0x2
-#define TAG_CONS     0x3
-#define UNBOUND      ((value_t)TAG_SYM) // an invalid symbol pointer
-#define tag(x) ((x)&0x3)
-#define ptr(x) ((void*)((x)&(~(value_t)0x3)))
-#define tagptr(p,t) (((value_t)(p)) | (t))
-#define number(x) ((value_t)((x)<<2))
-#define numval(x)  (((number_t)(x))>>2)
-#define intval(x)  (((int)(x))>>2)
-#define builtin(n) tagptr((((int)n)<<2), TAG_BUILTIN)
-#define iscons(x)    (tag(x) == TAG_CONS)
-#define issymbol(x)  (tag(x) == TAG_SYM)
-#define isnumber(x)  (tag(x) == TAG_NUM)
-#define isbuiltin(x) (tag(x) == TAG_BUILTIN)
-// functions ending in _ are unsafe, faster versions
-#define car_(v) (((cons_t*)ptr(v))->car)
-#define cdr_(v) (((cons_t*)ptr(v))->cdr)
-#define car(v)  (tocons((v),"car")->car)
-#define cdr(v)  (tocons((v),"cdr")->cdr)
-#define set(s, v)  (((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->binding = (v))
-#define setc(s, v) (((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->constant = (v))
-enum {
-    // special forms
-    F_PROGN,
-    // functions
-#define isspecial(v) (intval(v) <= (int)F_PROGN)
-static char *builtin_names[] =
-    { "quote", "cond", "if", "and", "or", "while", "lambda", "macro", "label",
-      "progn", "eq", "atom", "cons", "car", "cdr", "read", "eval", "print",
-      "set", "not", "load", "symbolp", "numberp", "+", "-", "*", "/", "<",
-      "prog1", "apply", "rplaca", "rplacd", "boundp" };
-static char *stack_bottom;
-#define PROCESS_STACK_SIZE (2*1024*1024)
-#define N_STACK 49152
-static value_t Stack[N_STACK];
-static uint32_t SP = 0;
-#define PUSH(v) (Stack[SP++] = (v))
-#define POP()   (Stack[--SP])
-#define POPN(n) (SP-=(n))
-value_t read_sexpr(FILE *f);
-void print(FILE *f, value_t v);
-value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv);
-value_t load_file(char *fname);
-// error utilities ------------------------------------------------------------
-jmp_buf toplevel;
-void lerror(char *format, ...)
-    va_list args;
-    va_start(args, format);
-    vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
-    va_end(args);
-    longjmp(toplevel, 1);
-void type_error(char *fname, char *expected, value_t got)
-    fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: expected %s, got ", fname, expected);
-    print(stderr, got); lerror("\n");
-// safe cast operators --------------------------------------------------------
-#define SAFECAST_OP(type,ctype,cnvt)                                          \
-ctype to##type(value_t v, char *fname)                                        \
-{                                                                             \
-    if (is##type(v))                                                          \
-        return (ctype)cnvt(v);                                                \
-    type_error(fname, #type, v);                                              \
-    return (ctype)0;                                                          \
-SAFECAST_OP(cons,  cons_t*,  ptr)
-SAFECAST_OP(number,number_t, numval)
-// symbol table ---------------------------------------------------------------
-static symbol_t *symtab = NULL;
-static symbol_t *mk_symbol(char *str)
-    symbol_t *sym;
-    sym = (symbol_t*)malloc(sizeof(symbol_t) + strlen(str));
-    sym->left = sym->right = NULL;
-    sym->constant = sym->binding = UNBOUND;
-    strcpy(&sym->name[0], str);
-    return sym;
-static symbol_t **symtab_lookup(symbol_t **ptree, char *str)
-    int x;
-    while(*ptree != NULL) {
-        x = strcmp(str, (*ptree)->name);
-        if (x == 0)
-            return ptree;
-        if (x < 0)
-            ptree = &(*ptree)->left;
-        else
-            ptree = &(*ptree)->right;
-    }
-    return ptree;
-value_t symbol(char *str)
-    symbol_t **pnode;
-    pnode = symtab_lookup(&symtab, str);
-    if (*pnode == NULL)
-        *pnode = mk_symbol(str);
-    return tagptr(*pnode, TAG_SYM);
-// initialization -------------------------------------------------------------
-static unsigned char *fromspace;
-static unsigned char *tospace;
-static unsigned char *curheap;
-static unsigned char *lim;
-static uint32_t heapsize = 64*1024;//bytes
-void lisp_init(void)
-    int i;
-    fromspace = malloc(heapsize);
-    tospace   = malloc(heapsize);
-    curheap = fromspace;
-    lim = curheap+heapsize-sizeof(cons_t);
-    NIL = symbol("nil"); setc(NIL, NIL);
-    T   = symbol("t");   setc(T,   T);
-    LAMBDA = symbol("lambda");
-    MACRO = symbol("macro");
-    LABEL = symbol("label");
-    QUOTE = symbol("quote");
-    for (i=0; i < (int)N_BUILTINS; i++)
-        setc(symbol(builtin_names[i]), builtin(i));
-    setc(symbol("princ"), builtin(F_PRINT));
-// conses ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-void gc(void);
-static value_t mk_cons(void)
-    cons_t *c;
-    if (curheap > lim)
-        gc();
-    c = (cons_t*)curheap;
-    curheap += sizeof(cons_t);
-    return tagptr(c, TAG_CONS);
-static value_t cons_(value_t *pcar, value_t *pcdr)
-    value_t c = mk_cons();
-    car_(c) = *pcar; cdr_(c) = *pcdr;
-    return c;
-value_t *cons(value_t *pcar, value_t *pcdr)
-    value_t c = mk_cons();
-    car_(c) = *pcar; cdr_(c) = *pcdr;
-    PUSH(c);
-    return &Stack[SP-1];
-// collector ------------------------------------------------------------------
-static value_t relocate(value_t v)
-    value_t a, d, nc;
-    if (!iscons(v))
-        return v;
-    if (car_(v) == UNBOUND)
-        return cdr_(v);
-    nc = mk_cons();
-    a = car_(v);   d = cdr_(v);
-    car_(v) = UNBOUND; cdr_(v) = nc;
-    car_(nc) = relocate(a);
-    cdr_(nc) = relocate(d);
-    return nc;
-static void trace_globals(symbol_t *root)
-    while (root != NULL) {
-        root->binding = relocate(root->binding);
-        trace_globals(root->left);
-        root = root->right;
-    }
-void gc(void)
-    static int grew = 0;
-    unsigned char *temp;
-    uint32_t i;
-    curheap = tospace;
-    lim = curheap+heapsize-sizeof(cons_t);
-    for (i=0; i < SP; i++)
-        Stack[i] = relocate(Stack[i]);
-    trace_globals(symtab);
-    printf("gc found %d/%d live conses\n", (curheap-tospace)/8, heapsize/8);
-    temp = tospace;
-    tospace = fromspace;
-    fromspace = temp;
-    // if we're using > 80% of the space, resize tospace so we have
-    // more space to fill next time. if we grew tospace last time,
-    // grow the other half of the heap this time to catch up.
-    if (grew || ((lim-curheap) < (int)(heapsize/5))) {
-        temp = realloc(tospace, grew ? heapsize : heapsize*2);
-        if (temp == NULL)
-            lerror("out of memory\n");
-        tospace = temp;
-        if (!grew)
-            heapsize*=2;
-        grew = !grew;
-    }
-    if (curheap > lim)  // all data was live
-        gc();
-// read -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-enum {
-static int symchar(char c)
-    static char *special = "()';\\|";
-    return (!isspace(c) && !strchr(special, c));
-static uint32_t toktype = TOK_NONE;
-static value_t tokval;
-static char buf[256];
-static char nextchar(FILE *f)
-    char c;
-    int ch;
-    do {
-        ch = fgetc(f);
-        if (ch == EOF)
-            return 0;
-        c = (char)ch;
-        if (c == ';') {
-            // single-line comment
-            do {
-                ch = fgetc(f);
-                if (ch == EOF)
-                    return 0;
-            } while ((char)ch != '\n');
-            c = (char)ch;
-        }
-    } while (isspace(c));
-    return c;
-static void take(void)
-    toktype = TOK_NONE;
-static void accumchar(char c, int *pi)
-    buf[(*pi)++] = c;
-    if (*pi >= (int)(sizeof(buf)-1))
-        lerror("read: error: token too long\n");
-static int read_token(FILE *f, char c)
-    int i=0, ch, escaped=0;
-    ungetc(c, f);
-    while (1) {
-        ch = fgetc(f);
-        if (ch == EOF)
-            goto terminate;
-        c = (char)ch;
-        if (c == '|') {
-            escaped = !escaped;
-        }
-        else if (c == '\\') {
-            ch = fgetc(f);
-            if (ch == EOF)
-                goto terminate;
-            accumchar((char)ch, &i);
-        }
-        else if (!escaped && !symchar(c)) {
-            break;
-        }
-        else {
-            accumchar(c, &i);
-        }
-    }
-    ungetc(c, f);
- terminate:
-    buf[i++] = '\0';
-    return i;
-static uint32_t peek(FILE *f)
-    char c, *end;
-    number_t x;
-    if (toktype != TOK_NONE)
-        return toktype;
-    c = nextchar(f);
-    if (feof(f)) return TOK_NONE;
-    if (c == '(') {
-        toktype = TOK_OPEN;
-    }
-    else if (c == ')') {
-        toktype = TOK_CLOSE;
-    }
-    else if (c == '\'') {
-        toktype = TOK_QUOTE;
-    }
-    else if (isdigit(c) || c=='-') {
-        read_token(f, c);
-        if (buf[0] == '-' && !isdigit(buf[1])) {
-            toktype = TOK_SYM;
-            tokval = symbol(buf);
-        }
-        else {
-            x = strtol(buf, &end, 10);
-            if (*end != '\0')
-                lerror("read: error: invalid integer constant\n");
-            toktype = TOK_NUM;
-            tokval = number(x);
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        read_token(f, c);
-        if (!strcmp(buf, ".")) {
-            toktype = TOK_DOT;
-        }
-        else {
-            toktype = TOK_SYM;
-            tokval = symbol(buf);
-        }
-    }
-    return toktype;
-// build a list of conses. this is complicated by the fact that all conses
-// can move whenever a new cons is allocated. we have to refer to every cons
-// through a handle to a relocatable pointer (i.e. a pointer on the stack).
-static void read_list(FILE *f, value_t *pval)
-    value_t c, *pc;
-    uint32_t t;
-    PUSH(NIL);
-    pc = &Stack[SP-1];  // to keep track of current cons cell
-    t = peek(f);
-    while (t != TOK_CLOSE) {
-        if (feof(f))
-            lerror("read: error: unexpected end of input\n");
-        c = mk_cons(); car_(c) = cdr_(c) = NIL;
-        if (iscons(*pc))
-            cdr_(*pc) = c;
-        else
-            *pval = c;
-        *pc = c;
-        c = read_sexpr(f);  // must be on separate lines due to undefined
-        car_(*pc) = c;      // evaluation order
-        t = peek(f);
-        if (t == TOK_DOT) {
-            take();
-            c = read_sexpr(f);
-            cdr_(*pc) = c;
-            t = peek(f);
-            if (feof(f))
-                lerror("read: error: unexpected end of input\n");
-            if (t != TOK_CLOSE)
-                lerror("read: error: expected ')'\n");
-        }
-    }
-    take();
-    POP();
-value_t read_sexpr(FILE *f)
-    value_t v;
-    switch (peek(f)) {
-    case TOK_CLOSE:
-        take();
-        lerror("read: error: unexpected ')'\n");
-    case TOK_DOT:
-        take();
-        lerror("read: error: unexpected '.'\n");
-    case TOK_SYM:
-    case TOK_NUM:
-        take();
-        return tokval;
-    case TOK_QUOTE:
-        take();
-        v = read_sexpr(f);
-        PUSH(v);
-        v = cons_(&QUOTE, cons(&Stack[SP-1], &NIL));
-        POPN(2);
-        return v;
-    case TOK_OPEN:
-        take();
-        PUSH(NIL);
-        read_list(f, &Stack[SP-1]);
-        return POP();
-    }
-    return NIL;
-// print ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-void print(FILE *f, value_t v)
-    value_t cd;
-    switch (tag(v)) {
-    case TAG_NUM: fprintf(f, NUM_FORMAT, numval(v)); break;
-    case TAG_SYM: fprintf(f, "%s", ((symbol_t*)ptr(v))->name); break;
-    case TAG_BUILTIN: fprintf(f, "#<builtin %s>",
-                              builtin_names[intval(v)]); break;
-    case TAG_CONS:
-        fprintf(f, "(");
-        while (1) {
-            print(f, car_(v));
-            cd = cdr_(v);
-            if (!iscons(cd)) {
-                if (cd != NIL) {
-                    fprintf(f, " . ");
-                    print(f, cd);
-                }
-                fprintf(f, ")");
-                break;
-            }
-            fprintf(f, " ");
-            v = cd;
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-// eval -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-static inline void argcount(char *fname, int nargs, int c)
-    if (nargs != c)
-        lerror("%s: error: too %s arguments\n", fname, nargs<c ? "few":"many");
-#define eval(e, env) ((tag(e)<0x2) ? (e) : eval_sexpr((e),env))
-value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv)
-    value_t f, v, bind, headsym, asym, labl=0, *pv, *argsyms, *body, *lenv;
-    value_t *rest;
-    cons_t *c;
-    symbol_t *sym;
-    uint32_t saveSP;
-    int i, nargs, noeval=0;
-    number_t s, n;
-    if (issymbol(e)) {
-        sym = (symbol_t*)ptr(e);
-        if (sym->constant != UNBOUND) return sym->constant;
-        v = *penv;
-        while (iscons(v)) {
-            bind = car_(v);
-            if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e)
-                return cdr_(bind);
-            v = cdr_(v);
-        }
-        if ((v = sym->binding) == UNBOUND)
-            lerror("eval: error: variable %s has no value\n", sym->name);
-        return v;
-    }
-    if ((unsigned)(char*)&nargs < (unsigned)stack_bottom || SP>=(N_STACK-100))
-        lerror("eval: error: stack overflow\n");
-    saveSP = SP;
-    PUSH(e);
-    f = eval(car_(e), penv);
-    if (isbuiltin(f)) {
-        // handle builtin function
-        if (!isspecial(f)) {
-            // evaluate argument list, placing arguments on stack
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            while (iscons(v)) {
-                v = eval(car_(v), penv);
-                PUSH(v);
-                v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            }
-        }
-    apply_builtin:
-        nargs = SP - saveSP - 1;
-        switch (intval(f)) {
-        // special forms
-        case F_QUOTE:
-            v = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            if (!iscons(v))
-                lerror("quote: error: expected argument\n");
-            v = car_(v);
-            break;
-        case F_MACRO:
-        case F_LAMBDA:
-            v = Stack[saveSP];
-            if (*penv != NIL) {
-                // build a closure (lambda args body . env)
-                v = cdr_(v);
-                PUSH(car(v));
-                argsyms = &Stack[SP-1];
-                PUSH(car(cdr_(v)));
-                body = &Stack[SP-1];
-                v = cons_(intval(f)==F_LAMBDA ? &LAMBDA : &MACRO,
-                          cons(argsyms, cons(body, penv)));
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_LABEL:
-            v = Stack[saveSP];
-            if (*penv != NIL) {
-                v = cdr_(v);
-                PUSH(car(v));        // name
-                pv = &Stack[SP-1];
-                PUSH(car(cdr_(v)));  // function
-                body = &Stack[SP-1];
-                *body = eval(*body, penv);  // evaluate lambda
-                v = cons_(&LABEL, cons(pv, cons(body, &NIL)));
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_IF:
-            v = car(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]));
-            if (eval(v, penv) != NIL)
-                v = car(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])));
-            else
-                v = car(cdr(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]))));
-            v = eval(v, penv);
-            break;
-        case F_COND:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                c = tocons(car_(*pv), "cond");
-                if ((v=eval(c->car, penv)) != NIL) {
-                    *pv = cdr_(car_(*pv));
-                    // evaluate body forms
-                    while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                        v = eval(car_(*pv), penv);
-                        *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_AND:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = T;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) == NIL)
-                    break;
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_OR:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) != NIL)
-                    break;
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_WHILE:
-            PUSH(car(cdr(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]))));
-            body = &Stack[SP-1];
-            Stack[saveSP] = car_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]));
-            value_t *cond = &Stack[saveSP];
-            PUSH(NIL); pv = &Stack[SP-1];
-            while (eval(*cond, penv) != NIL)
-                *pv = eval(*body, penv);
-            v = *pv;
-            break;
-        case F_PROGN:
-            // return last arg
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                v = eval(car_(*pv), penv);
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        // ordinary functions
-        case F_SET:
-            argcount("set", nargs, 2);
-            e = Stack[SP-2];
-            v = *penv;
-            while (iscons(v)) {
-                bind = car_(v);
-                if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e) {
-                    cdr_(bind) = (v=Stack[SP-1]);
-                    SP=saveSP; return v;
-                }
-                v = cdr_(v);
-            }
-            tosymbol(e, "set")->binding = (v=Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_BOUNDP:
-            argcount("boundp", nargs, 1);
-            if (tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "boundp")->binding == UNBOUND)
-                v = NIL;
-            else
-                v = T;
-            break;
-        case F_EQ:
-            argcount("eq", nargs, 2);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-2] == Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_CONS:
-            argcount("cons", nargs, 2);
-            v = mk_cons();
-            car_(v) = Stack[SP-2];
-            cdr_(v) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_CAR:
-            argcount("car", nargs, 1);
-            v = car(Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_CDR:
-            argcount("cdr", nargs, 1);
-            v = cdr(Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_RPLACA:
-            argcount("rplaca", nargs, 2);
-            car(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_RPLACD:
-            argcount("rplacd", nargs, 2);
-            cdr(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_ATOM:
-            argcount("atom", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((!iscons(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_SYMBOLP:
-            argcount("symbolp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((issymbol(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_NUMBERP:
-            argcount("numberp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((isnumber(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_ADD:
-            s = 0;
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "+");
-                s += n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_SUB:
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("-: error: too few arguments\n");
-            i = saveSP+1;
-            s = (nargs==1) ? 0 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "-");
-            for (; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "-");
-                s -= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_MUL:
-            s = 1;
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "*");
-                s *= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_DIV:
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("/: error: too few arguments\n");
-            i = saveSP+1;
-            s = (nargs==1) ? 1 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "/");
-            for (; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "/");
-                if (n == 0)
-                    lerror("/: error: division by zero\n");
-                s /= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_LT:
-            argcount("<", nargs, 2);
-            if (tonumber(Stack[SP-2],"<") < tonumber(Stack[SP-1],"<"))
-                v = T;
-            else
-                v = NIL;
-            break;
-        case F_NOT:
-            argcount("not", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-1] == NIL) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_EVAL:
-            argcount("eval", nargs, 1);
-            v = eval(Stack[SP-1], &NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_PRINT:
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++)
-                print(stdout, v=Stack[i]);
-            break;
-        case F_READ:
-            argcount("read", nargs, 0);
-            v = read_sexpr(stdin);
-            break;
-        case F_LOAD:
-            argcount("load", nargs, 1);
-            v = load_file(tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "load")->name);
-            break;
-        case F_PROG1:
-            // return first arg
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("prog1: error: too few arguments\n");
-            v = Stack[saveSP+1];
-            break;
-        case F_APPLY:
-            // unpack a list onto the stack
-            argcount("apply", nargs, 2);
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = Stack[SP-1];  // second arg is new arglist
-            f = Stack[SP-2];            // first arg is new function
-            POPN(2);                    // pop apply's args
-            if (isbuiltin(f)) {
-                if (isspecial(f))
-                    lerror("apply: error: cannot apply special operator "
-                           "%s\n", builtin_names[intval(f)]);
-                while (iscons(v)) {
-                    PUSH(car_(v));
-                    v = cdr_(v);
-                }
-                goto apply_builtin;
-            }
-            noeval = 1;
-            goto apply_lambda;
-        }
-        SP = saveSP;
-        return v;
-    }
-    else {
-        v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-    }
- apply_lambda:
-    if (iscons(f)) {
-        headsym = car_(f);
-        if (headsym == LABEL) {
-            // (label name (lambda ...)) behaves the same as the lambda
-            // alone, except with name bound to the whole label expression
-            labl = f;
-            f = car(cdr(cdr_(labl)));
-            headsym = car(f);
-        }
-        // apply lambda or macro expression
-        PUSH(cdr(cdr(cdr_(f))));
-        lenv = &Stack[SP-1];
-        PUSH(car_(cdr_(f)));
-        argsyms = &Stack[SP-1];
-        PUSH(car_(cdr_(cdr_(f))));
-        body = &Stack[SP-1];
-        if (labl) {
-            // add label binding to environment
-            PUSH(labl);
-            PUSH(car_(cdr_(labl)));
-            *lenv = cons_(cons(&Stack[SP-1], &Stack[SP-2]), lenv);
-            POPN(3);
-            v = Stack[saveSP]; // refetch arglist
-        }
-        if (headsym == MACRO)
-            noeval = 1;
-        else if (headsym != LAMBDA)
-            lerror("apply: error: head must be lambda, macro, or label\n");
-        // build a calling environment for the lambda
-        // the environment is the argument binds on top of the captured
-        // environment
-        while (iscons(v)) {
-            // bind args
-            if (!iscons(*argsyms)) {
-                if (*argsyms == NIL)
-                    lerror("apply: error: too many arguments\n");
-                break;
-            }
-            asym = car_(*argsyms);
-            if (!issymbol(asym))
-                lerror("apply: error: formal argument not a symbol\n");
-            v = car_(v);
-            if (!noeval) v = eval(v, penv);
-            PUSH(v);
-            *lenv = cons_(cons(&asym, &Stack[SP-1]), lenv);
-            POPN(2);
-            *argsyms = cdr_(*argsyms);
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-        }
-        if (*argsyms != NIL) {
-            if (issymbol(*argsyms)) {
-                if (noeval) {
-                    *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[saveSP]), lenv);
-                }
-                else {
-                    PUSH(NIL);
-                    PUSH(NIL);
-                    rest = &Stack[SP-1];
-                    // build list of rest arguments
-                    // we have to build it forwards, which is tricky
-                    while (iscons(v)) {
-                        v = eval(car_(v), penv);
-                        PUSH(v);
-                        v = cons_(&Stack[SP-1], &NIL);
-                        POP();
-                        if (iscons(*rest))
-                            cdr_(*rest) = v;
-                        else
-                            Stack[SP-2] = v;
-                        *rest = v;
-                        v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-                    }
-                    *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[SP-2]), lenv);
-                }
-            }
-            else if (iscons(*argsyms)) {
-                lerror("apply: error: too few arguments\n");
-            }
-        }
-        SP = saveSP;  // free temporary stack space
-        PUSH(*lenv);  // preserve environment on stack
-        lenv = &Stack[SP-1];
-        v = eval(*body, lenv);
-        POP();
-        // macro: evaluate expansion in the calling environment
-        if (headsym == MACRO)
-            return eval(v, penv);
-        return v;
-    }
-    type_error("apply", "function", f);
-    return NIL;
-// repl -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-static char *infile = NULL;
-value_t load_file(char *fname)
-    value_t e, v=NIL;
-    char *lastfile = infile;
-    FILE *f = fopen(fname, "r");
-    infile = fname;
-    if (f == NULL) lerror("file not found\n");
-    while (1) {
-        e = read_sexpr(f);
-        if (feof(f)) break;
-        v = eval(e, &NIL);
-    }
-    infile = lastfile;
-    fclose(f);
-    return v;
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-    value_t v;
-    stack_bottom = ((char*)&v) - PROCESS_STACK_SIZE;
-    lisp_init();
-    if (setjmp(toplevel)) {
-        SP = 0;
-        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-        if (infile) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "error loading file \"%s\"\n", infile);
-            infile = NULL;
-        }
-        goto repl;
-    }
-    load_file("system.lsp");
-    if (argc > 1) { load_file(argv[1]); return 0; }
-    printf("Welcome to femtoLisp ----------------------------------------------------------\n");
- repl:
-    while (1) {
-        printf("> ");
-        v = read_sexpr(stdin);
-        if (feof(stdin)) break;
-        print(stdout, v=eval(v, &NIL));
-        set(symbol("that"), v);
-        printf("\n\n");
-    }
-    return 0;
--- a/tiny/lisp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1032 +1,0 @@
-  femtoLisp
-  a minimal interpreter for a minimal lisp dialect
-  this lisp dialect uses lexical scope and self-evaluating lambda.
-  it supports 30-bit integers, symbols, conses, and full macros.
-  it is case-sensitive.
-  it features a simple compacting copying garbage collector.
-  it uses a Scheme-style evaluation rule where any expression may appear in
-    head position as long as it evaluates to a function.
-  it uses Scheme-style varargs (dotted formal argument lists)
-  lambdas can have only 1 body expression; use (progn ...) for multiple
-    expressions. this is due to the closure representation
-    (lambda args body . env)
-  by Jeff Bezanson
-  Public Domain
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#define NUM_FORMAT "%" PRIdPTR
-typedef intptr_t number_t;
-typedef uintptr_t value_t;
-typedef struct {
-    value_t car;
-    value_t cdr;
-} cons_t;
-typedef struct _symbol_t {
-    value_t binding;   // global value binding
-    value_t constant;  // constant binding (used only for builtins)
-    struct _symbol_t *left;
-    struct _symbol_t *right;
-    char name[1];
-} symbol_t;
-#define TAG_NUM      0x0
-#define TAG_BUILTIN  0x1
-#define TAG_SYM      0x2
-#define TAG_CONS     0x3
-#define UNBOUND      ((value_t)TAG_SYM) // an invalid symbol pointer
-#define tag(x) ((x)&0x3)
-#define ptr(x) ((void*)((x)&(~(value_t)0x3)))
-#define tagptr(p,t) (((value_t)(p)) | (t))
-#define number(x) ((value_t)((x)<<2))
-#define numval(x)  (((number_t)(x))>>2)
-#define intval(x)  (((int)(x))>>2)
-#define builtin(n) tagptr((((int)n)<<2), TAG_BUILTIN)
-#define iscons(x)    (tag(x) == TAG_CONS)
-#define issymbol(x)  (tag(x) == TAG_SYM)
-#define isnumber(x)  (tag(x) == TAG_NUM)
-#define isbuiltin(x) (tag(x) == TAG_BUILTIN)
-// functions ending in _ are unsafe, faster versions
-#define car_(v) (((cons_t*)ptr(v))->car)
-#define cdr_(v) (((cons_t*)ptr(v))->cdr)
-#define car(v)  (tocons((v),"car")->car)
-#define cdr(v)  (tocons((v),"cdr")->cdr)
-#define set(s, v)  (((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->binding = (v))
-#define setc(s, v) (((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->constant = (v))
-enum {
-    // special forms
-    F_PROGN,
-    // functions
-#define isspecial(v) (intval(v) <= (int)F_PROGN)
-static char *builtin_names[] =
-    { "quote", "cond", "if", "and", "or", "while", "lambda", "macro", "label",
-      "progn", "eq", "atom", "cons", "car", "cdr", "read", "eval", "print",
-      "set", "not", "load", "symbolp", "numberp", "+", "-", "*", "/", "<",
-      "prog1", "apply", "rplaca", "rplacd", "boundp" };
-static char *stack_bottom;
-#define PROCESS_STACK_SIZE (2*1024*1024)
-#define N_STACK 49152
-static value_t Stack[N_STACK];
-static uint32_t SP = 0;
-#define PUSH(v) (Stack[SP++] = (v))
-#define POP()   (Stack[--SP])
-#define POPN(n) (SP-=(n))
-value_t read_sexpr(FILE *f);
-void print(FILE *f, value_t v);
-value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv);
-value_t load_file(char *fname);
-// error utilities ------------------------------------------------------------
-jmp_buf toplevel;
-void lerror(char *format, ...)
-    va_list args;
-    va_start(args, format);
-    vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
-    va_end(args);
-    longjmp(toplevel, 1);
-void type_error(char *fname, char *expected, value_t got)
-    fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: expected %s, got ", fname, expected);
-    print(stderr, got); lerror("\n");
-// safe cast operators --------------------------------------------------------
-#define SAFECAST_OP(type,ctype,cnvt)                                          \
-ctype to##type(value_t v, char *fname)                                        \
-{                                                                             \
-    if (is##type(v))                                                          \
-        return (ctype)cnvt(v);                                                \
-    type_error(fname, #type, v);                                              \
-    return (ctype)0;                                                          \
-SAFECAST_OP(cons,  cons_t*,  ptr)
-SAFECAST_OP(number,number_t, numval)
-// symbol table ---------------------------------------------------------------
-static symbol_t *symtab = NULL;
-static symbol_t *mk_symbol(char *str)
-    symbol_t *sym;
-    sym = (symbol_t*)malloc(sizeof(symbol_t) + strlen(str));
-    sym->left = sym->right = NULL;
-    sym->constant = sym->binding = UNBOUND;
-    strcpy(&sym->name[0], str);
-    return sym;
-static symbol_t **symtab_lookup(symbol_t **ptree, char *str)
-    int x;
-    while(*ptree != NULL) {
-        x = strcmp(str, (*ptree)->name);
-        if (x == 0)
-            return ptree;
-        if (x < 0)
-            ptree = &(*ptree)->left;
-        else
-            ptree = &(*ptree)->right;
-    }
-    return ptree;
-value_t symbol(char *str)
-    symbol_t **pnode;
-    pnode = symtab_lookup(&symtab, str);
-    if (*pnode == NULL)
-        *pnode = mk_symbol(str);
-    return tagptr(*pnode, TAG_SYM);
-// initialization -------------------------------------------------------------
-static unsigned char *fromspace;
-static unsigned char *tospace;
-static unsigned char *curheap;
-static unsigned char *lim;
-static uint32_t heapsize = 64*1024;//bytes
-void lisp_init(void)
-    int i;
-    fromspace = malloc(heapsize);
-    tospace   = malloc(heapsize);
-    curheap = fromspace;
-    lim = curheap+heapsize-sizeof(cons_t);
-    NIL = symbol("nil"); setc(NIL, NIL);
-    T   = symbol("t");   setc(T,   T);
-    LAMBDA = symbol("lambda");
-    MACRO = symbol("macro");
-    LABEL = symbol("label");
-    QUOTE = symbol("quote");
-    for (i=0; i < (int)N_BUILTINS; i++)
-        setc(symbol(builtin_names[i]), builtin(i));
-    setc(symbol("princ"), builtin(F_PRINT));
-// conses ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-void gc(void);
-static value_t mk_cons(void)
-    cons_t *c;
-    if (curheap > lim)
-        gc();
-    c = (cons_t*)curheap;
-    curheap += sizeof(cons_t);
-    return tagptr(c, TAG_CONS);
-static value_t cons_(value_t *pcar, value_t *pcdr)
-    value_t c = mk_cons();
-    car_(c) = *pcar; cdr_(c) = *pcdr;
-    return c;
-value_t *cons(value_t *pcar, value_t *pcdr)
-    value_t c = mk_cons();
-    car_(c) = *pcar; cdr_(c) = *pcdr;
-    PUSH(c);
-    return &Stack[SP-1];
-// collector ------------------------------------------------------------------
-static value_t relocate(value_t v)
-    value_t a, d, nc;
-    if (!iscons(v))
-        return v;
-    if (car_(v) == UNBOUND)
-        return cdr_(v);
-    nc = mk_cons();
-    a = car_(v);   d = cdr_(v);
-    car_(v) = UNBOUND; cdr_(v) = nc;
-    car_(nc) = relocate(a);
-    cdr_(nc) = relocate(d);
-    return nc;
-static void trace_globals(symbol_t *root)
-    while (root != NULL) {
-        root->binding = relocate(root->binding);
-        trace_globals(root->left);
-        root = root->right;
-    }
-void gc(void)
-    static int grew = 0;
-    unsigned char *temp;
-    uint32_t i;
-    curheap = tospace;
-    lim = curheap+heapsize-sizeof(cons_t);
-    for (i=0; i < SP; i++)
-        Stack[i] = relocate(Stack[i]);
-    trace_globals(symtab);
-    printf("gc found %d/%d live conses\n", (curheap-tospace)/8, heapsize/8);
-    temp = tospace;
-    tospace = fromspace;
-    fromspace = temp;
-    // if we're using > 80% of the space, resize tospace so we have
-    // more space to fill next time. if we grew tospace last time,
-    // grow the other half of the heap this time to catch up.
-    if (grew || ((lim-curheap) < (int)(heapsize/5))) {
-        temp = realloc(tospace, grew ? heapsize : heapsize*2);
-        if (temp == NULL)
-            lerror("out of memory\n");
-        tospace = temp;
-        if (!grew)
-            heapsize*=2;
-        grew = !grew;
-    }
-    if (curheap > lim)  // all data was live
-        gc();
-// read -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-enum {
-static int symchar(char c)
-    static char *special = "()';\\|";
-    return (!isspace(c) && !strchr(special, c));
-static uint32_t toktype = TOK_NONE;
-static value_t tokval;
-static char buf[256];
-static char nextchar(FILE *f)
-    char c;
-    int ch;
-    do {
-        ch = fgetc(f);
-        if (ch == EOF)
-            return 0;
-        c = (char)ch;
-        if (c == ';') {
-            // single-line comment
-            do {
-                ch = fgetc(f);
-                if (ch == EOF)
-                    return 0;
-            } while ((char)ch != '\n');
-            c = (char)ch;
-        }
-    } while (isspace(c));
-    return c;
-static void take(void)
-    toktype = TOK_NONE;
-static void accumchar(char c, int *pi)
-    buf[(*pi)++] = c;
-    if (*pi >= (int)(sizeof(buf)-1))
-        lerror("read: error: token too long\n");
-// return: 1 for dot token, 0 for symbol
-static int read_token(FILE *f, char c)
-    int i=0, ch, escaped=0, dot=(c=='.'), totread=0;
-    ungetc(c, f);
-    while (1) {
-        ch = fgetc(f); totread++;
-        if (ch == EOF)
-            goto terminate;
-        c = (char)ch;
-        if (c == '|') {
-            escaped = !escaped;
-        }
-        else if (c == '\\') {
-            ch = fgetc(f);
-            if (ch == EOF)
-                goto terminate;
-            accumchar((char)ch, &i);
-        }
-        else if (!escaped && !symchar(c)) {
-            break;
-        }
-        else {
-            accumchar(c, &i);
-        }
-    }
-    ungetc(c, f);
- terminate:
-    buf[i++] = '\0';
-    return (dot && (totread==2));
-static uint32_t peek(FILE *f)
-    char c, *end;
-    number_t x;
-    if (toktype != TOK_NONE)
-        return toktype;
-    c = nextchar(f);
-    if (feof(f)) return TOK_NONE;
-    if (c == '(') {
-        toktype = TOK_OPEN;
-    }
-    else if (c == ')') {
-        toktype = TOK_CLOSE;
-    }
-    else if (c == '\'') {
-        toktype = TOK_QUOTE;
-    }
-    else if (isdigit(c) || c=='-' || c=='+') {
-        read_token(f, c);
-        x = strtol(buf, &end, 0);
-        if (*end != '\0') {
-            toktype = TOK_SYM;
-            tokval = symbol(buf);
-        }
-        else {
-            toktype = TOK_NUM;
-            tokval = number(x);
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        if (read_token(f, c)) {
-            toktype = TOK_DOT;
-        }
-        else {
-            toktype = TOK_SYM;
-            tokval = symbol(buf);
-        }
-    }
-    return toktype;
-// build a list of conses. this is complicated by the fact that all conses
-// can move whenever a new cons is allocated. we have to refer to every cons
-// through a handle to a relocatable pointer (i.e. a pointer on the stack).
-static void read_list(FILE *f, value_t *pval)
-    value_t c, *pc;
-    uint32_t t;
-    PUSH(NIL);
-    pc = &Stack[SP-1];  // to keep track of current cons cell
-    t = peek(f);
-    while (t != TOK_CLOSE) {
-        if (feof(f))
-            lerror("read: error: unexpected end of input\n");
-        c = mk_cons(); car_(c) = cdr_(c) = NIL;
-        if (iscons(*pc))
-            cdr_(*pc) = c;
-        else
-            *pval = c;
-        *pc = c;
-        c = read_sexpr(f);  // must be on separate lines due to undefined
-        car_(*pc) = c;      // evaluation order
-        t = peek(f);
-        if (t == TOK_DOT) {
-            take();
-            c = read_sexpr(f);
-            cdr_(*pc) = c;
-            t = peek(f);
-            if (feof(f))
-                lerror("read: error: unexpected end of input\n");
-            if (t != TOK_CLOSE)
-                lerror("read: error: expected ')'\n");
-        }
-    }
-    take();
-    POP();
-value_t read_sexpr(FILE *f)
-    value_t v;
-    switch (peek(f)) {
-    case TOK_CLOSE:
-        take();
-        lerror("read: error: unexpected ')'\n");
-    case TOK_DOT:
-        take();
-        lerror("read: error: unexpected '.'\n");
-    case TOK_SYM:
-    case TOK_NUM:
-        take();
-        return tokval;
-    case TOK_QUOTE:
-        take();
-        v = read_sexpr(f);
-        PUSH(v);
-        v = cons_(&QUOTE, cons(&Stack[SP-1], &NIL));
-        POPN(2);
-        return v;
-    case TOK_OPEN:
-        take();
-        PUSH(NIL);
-        read_list(f, &Stack[SP-1]);
-        return POP();
-    }
-    return NIL;
-// print ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-void print(FILE *f, value_t v)
-    value_t cd;
-    switch (tag(v)) {
-    case TAG_NUM: fprintf(f, NUM_FORMAT, numval(v)); break;
-    case TAG_SYM: fprintf(f, "%s", ((symbol_t*)ptr(v))->name); break;
-    case TAG_BUILTIN: fprintf(f, "#<builtin %s>",
-                              builtin_names[intval(v)]); break;
-    case TAG_CONS:
-        fprintf(f, "(");
-        while (1) {
-            print(f, car_(v));
-            cd = cdr_(v);
-            if (!iscons(cd)) {
-                if (cd != NIL) {
-                    fprintf(f, " . ");
-                    print(f, cd);
-                }
-                fprintf(f, ")");
-                break;
-            }
-            fprintf(f, " ");
-            v = cd;
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-// eval -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-static inline void argcount(char *fname, int nargs, int c)
-    if (nargs != c)
-        lerror("%s: error: too %s arguments\n", fname, nargs<c ? "few":"many");
-#define eval(e, env) ((tag(e)<0x2) ? (e) : eval_sexpr((e),env))
-#define tail_eval(xpr, env) do { SP = saveSP;  \
-    if (tag(xpr)<0x2) { return (xpr); } \
-    else { e=(xpr); *penv=(env); goto eval_top; } } while (0)
-value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv)
-    value_t f, v, bind, headsym, asym, labl=0, *pv, *argsyms, *body, *lenv;
-    value_t *rest;
-    cons_t *c;
-    symbol_t *sym;
-    uint32_t saveSP;
-    int i, nargs, noeval=0;
-    number_t s, n;
- eval_top:
-    if (issymbol(e)) {
-        sym = (symbol_t*)ptr(e);
-        if (sym->constant != UNBOUND) return sym->constant;
-        v = *penv;
-        while (iscons(v)) {
-            bind = car_(v);
-            if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e)
-                return cdr_(bind);
-            v = cdr_(v);
-        }
-        if ((v = sym->binding) == UNBOUND)
-            lerror("eval: error: variable %s has no value\n", sym->name);
-        return v;
-    }
-    if ((unsigned long)(char*)&nargs < (unsigned long)stack_bottom || SP>=(N_STACK-100))
-        lerror("eval: error: stack overflow\n");
-    saveSP = SP;
-    PUSH(e);
-    PUSH(*penv);
-    f = eval(car_(e), penv);
-    *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-    if (isbuiltin(f)) {
-        // handle builtin function
-        if (!isspecial(f)) {
-            // evaluate argument list, placing arguments on stack
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            while (iscons(v)) {
-                v = eval(car_(v), penv);
-                *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                PUSH(v);
-                v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            }
-        }
-    apply_builtin:
-        nargs = SP - saveSP - 2;
-        switch (intval(f)) {
-        // special forms
-        case F_QUOTE:
-            v = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            if (!iscons(v))
-                lerror("quote: error: expected argument\n");
-            v = car_(v);
-            break;
-        case F_MACRO:
-        case F_LAMBDA:
-            v = Stack[saveSP];
-            if (*penv != NIL) {
-                // build a closure (lambda args body . env)
-                v = cdr_(v);
-                PUSH(car(v));
-                argsyms = &Stack[SP-1];
-                PUSH(car(cdr_(v)));
-                body = &Stack[SP-1];
-                v = cons_(intval(f)==F_LAMBDA ? &LAMBDA : &MACRO,
-                          cons(argsyms, cons(body, penv)));
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_LABEL:
-            v = Stack[saveSP];
-            if (*penv != NIL) {
-                v = cdr_(v);
-                PUSH(car(v));        // name
-                pv = &Stack[SP-1];
-                PUSH(car(cdr_(v)));  // function
-                body = &Stack[SP-1];
-                *body = eval(*body, penv);  // evaluate lambda
-                v = cons_(&LABEL, cons(pv, cons(body, &NIL)));
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_IF:
-            v = car(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]));
-            if (eval(v, penv) != NIL)
-                v = car(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])));
-            else
-                v = car(cdr(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]))));
-            tail_eval(v, Stack[saveSP+1]);
-            break;
-        case F_COND:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                c = tocons(car_(*pv), "cond");
-                v = eval(c->car, penv);
-                *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                if (v != NIL) {
-                    *pv = cdr_(car_(*pv));
-                    // evaluate body forms
-                    if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                        while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                            v = eval(car_(*pv), penv);
-                            *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                            *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                        }
-                        tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_AND:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = T;
-            if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                    if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) == NIL) {
-                        SP = saveSP; return NIL;
-                    }
-                    *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                    *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                }
-                tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_OR:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                    if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) != NIL) {
-                        SP = saveSP; return v;
-                    }
-                    *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                    *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                }
-                tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_WHILE:
-            PUSH(cdr(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])));
-            body = &Stack[SP-1];
-            PUSH(*body);
-            Stack[saveSP] = car_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]));
-            value_t *cond = &Stack[saveSP];
-            PUSH(NIL);
-            pv = &Stack[SP-1];
-            while (eval(*cond, penv) != NIL) {
-                *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                *body = Stack[SP-2];
-                while (iscons(*body)) {
-                    *pv = eval(car_(*body), penv);
-                    *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                    *body = cdr_(*body);
-                }
-            }
-            v = *pv;
-            break;
-        case F_PROGN:
-            // return last arg
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                    v = eval(car_(*pv), penv);
-                    *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                    *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                }
-                tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv);
-            }
-            break;
-        // ordinary functions
-        case F_SET:
-            argcount("set", nargs, 2);
-            e = Stack[SP-2];
-            v = *penv;
-            while (iscons(v)) {
-                bind = car_(v);
-                if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e) {
-                    cdr_(bind) = (v=Stack[SP-1]);
-                    SP=saveSP; return v;
-                }
-                v = cdr_(v);
-            }
-            tosymbol(e, "set")->binding = (v=Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_BOUNDP:
-            argcount("boundp", nargs, 1);
-            sym = tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "boundp");
-            if (sym->binding == UNBOUND && sym->constant == UNBOUND)
-                v = NIL;
-            else
-                v = T;
-            break;
-        case F_EQ:
-            argcount("eq", nargs, 2);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-2] == Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_CONS:
-            argcount("cons", nargs, 2);
-            v = mk_cons();
-            car_(v) = Stack[SP-2];
-            cdr_(v) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_CAR:
-            argcount("car", nargs, 1);
-            v = car(Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_CDR:
-            argcount("cdr", nargs, 1);
-            v = cdr(Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_RPLACA:
-            argcount("rplaca", nargs, 2);
-            car(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_RPLACD:
-            argcount("rplacd", nargs, 2);
-            cdr(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_ATOM:
-            argcount("atom", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((!iscons(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_SYMBOLP:
-            argcount("symbolp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((issymbol(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_NUMBERP:
-            argcount("numberp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((isnumber(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_ADD:
-            s = 0;
-            for (i=saveSP+2; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "+");
-                s += n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_SUB:
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("-: error: too few arguments\n");
-            i = saveSP+2;
-            s = (nargs==1) ? 0 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "-");
-            for (; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "-");
-                s -= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_MUL:
-            s = 1;
-            for (i=saveSP+2; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "*");
-                s *= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_DIV:
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("/: error: too few arguments\n");
-            i = saveSP+2;
-            s = (nargs==1) ? 1 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "/");
-            for (; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "/");
-                if (n == 0)
-                    lerror("/: error: division by zero\n");
-                s /= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_LT:
-            argcount("<", nargs, 2);
-            if (tonumber(Stack[SP-2],"<") < tonumber(Stack[SP-1],"<"))
-                v = T;
-            else
-                v = NIL;
-            break;
-        case F_NOT:
-            argcount("not", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-1] == NIL) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_EVAL:
-            argcount("eval", nargs, 1);
-            v = Stack[SP-1];
-            tail_eval(v, NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_PRINT:
-            for (i=saveSP+2; i < (int)SP; i++)
-                print(stdout, v=Stack[i]);
-            break;
-        case F_READ:
-            argcount("read", nargs, 0);
-            v = read_sexpr(stdin);
-            break;
-        case F_LOAD:
-            argcount("load", nargs, 1);
-            v = load_file(tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "load")->name);
-            break;
-        case F_PROG1:
-            // return first arg
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("prog1: error: too few arguments\n");
-            v = Stack[saveSP+2];
-            break;
-        case F_APPLY:
-            argcount("apply", nargs, 2);
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = Stack[SP-1];  // second arg is new arglist
-            f = Stack[SP-2];            // first arg is new function
-            POPN(2);                    // pop apply's args
-            if (isbuiltin(f)) {
-                if (isspecial(f))
-                    lerror("apply: error: cannot apply special operator "
-                           "%s\n", builtin_names[intval(f)]);
-                // unpack arglist onto the stack
-                while (iscons(v)) {
-                    PUSH(car_(v));
-                    v = cdr_(v);
-                }
-                goto apply_builtin;
-            }
-            noeval = 1;
-            goto apply_lambda;
-        }
-        SP = saveSP;
-        return v;
-    }
-    else {
-        v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-    }
- apply_lambda:
-    if (iscons(f)) {
-        headsym = car_(f);
-        if (headsym == LABEL) {
-            // (label name (lambda ...)) behaves the same as the lambda
-            // alone, except with name bound to the whole label expression
-            labl = f;
-            f = car(cdr(cdr_(labl)));
-            headsym = car(f);
-        }
-        // apply lambda or macro expression
-        PUSH(cdr(cdr(cdr_(f))));
-        lenv = &Stack[SP-1];
-        PUSH(car_(cdr_(f)));
-        argsyms = &Stack[SP-1];
-        PUSH(car_(cdr_(cdr_(f))));
-        body = &Stack[SP-1];
-        if (labl) {
-            // add label binding to environment
-            PUSH(labl);
-            PUSH(car_(cdr_(labl)));
-            *lenv = cons_(cons(&Stack[SP-1], &Stack[SP-2]), lenv);
-            POPN(3);
-            v = Stack[saveSP]; // refetch arglist
-        }
-        if (headsym == MACRO)
-            noeval = 1;
-        else if (headsym != LAMBDA)
-            lerror("apply: error: head must be lambda, macro, or label\n");
-        // build a calling environment for the lambda
-        // the environment is the argument binds on top of the captured
-        // environment
-        while (iscons(v)) {
-            // bind args
-            if (!iscons(*argsyms)) {
-                if (*argsyms == NIL)
-                    lerror("apply: error: too many arguments\n");
-                break;
-            }
-            asym = car_(*argsyms);
-            if (!issymbol(asym))
-                lerror("apply: error: formal argument not a symbol\n");
-            v = car_(v);
-            if (!noeval) {
-                v = eval(v, penv);
-                *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-            }
-            PUSH(v);
-            *lenv = cons_(cons(&asym, &Stack[SP-1]), lenv);
-            POPN(2);
-            *argsyms = cdr_(*argsyms);
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-        }
-        if (*argsyms != NIL) {
-            if (issymbol(*argsyms)) {
-                if (noeval) {
-                    *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[saveSP]), lenv);
-                }
-                else {
-                    PUSH(NIL);
-                    PUSH(NIL);
-                    rest = &Stack[SP-1];
-                    // build list of rest arguments
-                    // we have to build it forwards, which is tricky
-                    while (iscons(v)) {
-                        v = eval(car_(v), penv);
-                        *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                        PUSH(v);
-                        v = cons_(&Stack[SP-1], &NIL);
-                        POP();
-                        if (iscons(*rest))
-                            cdr_(*rest) = v;
-                        else
-                            Stack[SP-2] = v;
-                        *rest = v;
-                        v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-                    }
-                    *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[SP-2]), lenv);
-                }
-            }
-            else if (iscons(*argsyms)) {
-                lerror("apply: error: too few arguments\n");
-            }
-        }
-        noeval = 0;
-        // macro: evaluate expansion in the calling environment
-        if (headsym == MACRO) {
-            SP = saveSP;
-            PUSH(*lenv);
-            lenv = &Stack[SP-1];
-            v = eval(*body, lenv);
-            tail_eval(v, *penv);
-        }
-        else {
-            tail_eval(*body, *lenv);
-        }
-        // not reached
-    }
-    type_error("apply", "function", f);
-    return NIL;
-// repl -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-static char *infile = NULL;
-value_t toplevel_eval(value_t expr)
-    value_t v;
-    uint32_t saveSP = SP;
-    PUSH(NIL);
-    v = eval(expr, &Stack[SP-1]);
-    SP = saveSP;
-    return v;
-value_t load_file(char *fname)
-    value_t e, v=NIL;
-    char *lastfile = infile;
-    FILE *f = fopen(fname, "r");
-    infile = fname;
-    if (f == NULL) lerror("file not found\n");
-    while (1) {
-        e = read_sexpr(f);
-        if (feof(f)) break;
-        v = toplevel_eval(e);
-    }
-    infile = lastfile;
-    fclose(f);
-    return v;
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-    value_t v;
-    stack_bottom = ((char*)&v) - PROCESS_STACK_SIZE;
-    lisp_init();
-    if (setjmp(toplevel)) {
-        SP = 0;
-        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-        if (infile) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "error loading file \"%s\"\n", infile);
-            infile = NULL;
-        }
-        goto repl;
-    }
-    load_file("system.lsp");
-    if (argc > 1) { load_file(argv[1]); return 0; }
-    printf("Welcome to femtoLisp ----------------------------------------------------------\n");
- repl:
-    while (1) {
-        printf("> ");
-        v = read_sexpr(stdin);
-        if (feof(stdin)) break;
-        print(stdout, v=toplevel_eval(v));
-        set(symbol("that"), v);
-        printf("\n\n");
-    }
-    return 0;
--- a/tiny/lisp2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1437 +1,0 @@
-  femtoLisp
-  a minimal interpreter for a minimal lisp dialect
-  this lisp dialect uses lexical scope and self-evaluating lambda.
-  it supports 30-bit integers, symbols, conses, and full macros.
-  it is case-sensitive.
-  it features a simple compacting copying garbage collector.
-  it uses a Scheme-style evaluation rule where any expression may appear in
-    head position as long as it evaluates to a function.
-  it uses Scheme-style varargs (dotted formal argument lists)
-  lambdas can have only 1 body expression; use (progn ...) for multiple
-    expressions. this is due to the closure representation
-    (lambda args body . env)
-  This is a fork of femtoLisp with advanced reading and printing facilities:
-  * circular structure can be printed and read
-  * #. read macro for eval-when-read and correctly printing builtins
-  * read macros for backquote
-  * symbol character-escaping printer
-  * new print algorithm
-     1. traverse & tag all conses to be printed. when you encounter a cons
-        that is already tagged, add it to a table to give it a #n# index
-     2. untag a cons when printing it. if cons is in the table, print
-        "#n=" before it in the car, " . #n=" in the cdr. if cons is in the
-        table but already untagged, print #n# in car or " . #n#" in the cdr.
-  * read macros for #n# and #n= using the same kind of table
-    * also need a table of read labels to translate from input indexes to
-      normalized indexes (0 for first label, 1 for next, etc.)
-  * read macro #. for eval-when-read. use for printing builtins, e.g. "#.eq"
-  The value of this extra complexity, and what makes this fork worthy of
-  the femtoLisp brand, is that the interpreter is fully "closed" in the
-  sense that all representable values can be read and printed.
-  by Jeff Bezanson
-  Public Domain
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#define NUM_FORMAT "%" PRIdPTR
-typedef intptr_t number_t;
-typedef uintptr_t value_t;
-typedef struct {
-    value_t car;
-    value_t cdr;
-} cons_t;
-typedef struct _symbol_t {
-    value_t binding;   // global value binding
-    value_t constant;  // constant binding (used only for builtins)
-    struct _symbol_t *left;
-    struct _symbol_t *right;
-    char name[1];
-} symbol_t;
-#define TAG_NUM      0x0
-#define TAG_BUILTIN  0x1
-#define TAG_SYM      0x2
-#define TAG_CONS     0x3
-#define UNBOUND      ((value_t)TAG_SYM) // an invalid symbol pointer
-#define tag(x) ((x)&0x3)
-#define ptr(x) ((void*)((x)&(~(value_t)0x3)))
-#define tagptr(p,t) (((value_t)(p)) | (t))
-#define number(x) ((value_t)((x)<<2))
-#define numval(x)  (((number_t)(x))>>2)
-#define intval(x)  (((int)(x))>>2)
-#define builtin(n) tagptr((((int)n)<<2), TAG_BUILTIN)
-#define iscons(x)    (tag(x) == TAG_CONS)
-#define issymbol(x)  (tag(x) == TAG_SYM)
-#define isnumber(x)  (tag(x) == TAG_NUM)
-#define isbuiltin(x) (tag(x) == TAG_BUILTIN)
-// functions ending in _ are unsafe, faster versions
-#define car_(v) (((cons_t*)ptr(v))->car)
-#define cdr_(v) (((cons_t*)ptr(v))->cdr)
-#define car(v)  (tocons((v),"car")->car)
-#define cdr(v)  (tocons((v),"cdr")->cdr)
-#define set(s, v)  (((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->binding = (v))
-#define setc(s, v) (((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->constant = (v))
-enum {
-    // special forms
-    F_PROGN,
-    // functions
-#define isspecial(v) (intval(v) <= (number_t)F_PROGN)
-static char *builtin_names[] =
-    { "quote", "cond", "if", "and", "or", "while", "lambda", "macro", "label",
-      "progn",
-      "eq", "atom", "cons", "car", "cdr", "read", "eval", "print",
-      "set", "not", "load", "symbolp", "numberp", "+", "-", "*", "/", "<",
-      "prog1", "apply", "rplaca", "rplacd", "boundp", "error", "exit", "princ",
-      "consp", "assoc" };
-static char *stack_bottom;
-#define PROCESS_STACK_SIZE (2*1024*1024)
-#define N_STACK 98304
-static value_t Stack[N_STACK];
-static uint32_t SP = 0;
-#define PUSH(v) (Stack[SP++] = (v))
-#define POP()   (Stack[--SP])
-#define POPN(n) (SP-=(n))
-value_t read_sexpr(FILE *f);
-void print(FILE *f, value_t v, int princ);
-value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv, int tail, uint32_t envend);
-value_t load_file(char *fname);
-value_t toplevel_eval(value_t expr);
-#include "flutils.c"
-typedef struct _readstate_t {
-    ltable_t labels;
-    ltable_t exprs;
-    struct _readstate_t *prev;
-} readstate_t;
-static readstate_t *readstate = NULL;
-// error utilities ------------------------------------------------------------
-jmp_buf toplevel;
-void lerror(char *format, ...)
-    va_list args;
-    va_start(args, format);
-    while (readstate) {
-        free(readstate->labels.items);
-        free(readstate->exprs.items);
-        readstate = readstate->prev;
-    }
-    vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
-    va_end(args);
-    longjmp(toplevel, 1);
-void type_error(char *fname, char *expected, value_t got)
-    fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: expected %s, got ", fname, expected);
-    print(stderr, got, 0); lerror("\n");
-// safe cast operators --------------------------------------------------------
-#define SAFECAST_OP(type,ctype,cnvt)                                          \
-ctype to##type(value_t v, char *fname)                                        \
-{                                                                             \
-    if (is##type(v))                                                          \
-        return (ctype)cnvt(v);                                                \
-    type_error(fname, #type, v);                                              \
-    return (ctype)0;                                                          \
-SAFECAST_OP(cons,  cons_t*,  ptr)
-SAFECAST_OP(number,number_t, numval)
-// symbol table ---------------------------------------------------------------
-static symbol_t *symtab = NULL;
-static symbol_t *mk_symbol(char *str)
-    symbol_t *sym;
-    sym = (symbol_t*)malloc(sizeof(symbol_t) + strlen(str));
-    sym->left = sym->right = NULL;
-    sym->constant = sym->binding = UNBOUND;
-    strcpy(&sym->name[0], str);
-    return sym;
-static symbol_t **symtab_lookup(symbol_t **ptree, char *str)
-    int x;
-    while(*ptree != NULL) {
-        x = strcmp(str, (*ptree)->name);
-        if (x == 0)
-            return ptree;
-        if (x < 0)
-            ptree = &(*ptree)->left;
-        else
-            ptree = &(*ptree)->right;
-    }
-    return ptree;
-value_t symbol(char *str)
-    symbol_t **pnode;
-    pnode = symtab_lookup(&symtab, str);
-    if (*pnode == NULL)
-        *pnode = mk_symbol(str);
-    return tagptr(*pnode, TAG_SYM);
-// initialization -------------------------------------------------------------
-static unsigned char *fromspace;
-static unsigned char *tospace;
-static unsigned char *curheap;
-static unsigned char *lim;
-static uint32_t heapsize = 128*1024;//bytes
-static uint32_t *consflags;
-static ltable_t printconses;
-void lisp_init(void)
-    int i;
-    fromspace = malloc(heapsize);
-    tospace   = malloc(heapsize);
-    curheap = fromspace;
-    lim = curheap+heapsize-sizeof(cons_t);
-    consflags = mk_bitvector(heapsize/sizeof(cons_t));
-    ltable_init(&printconses, 32);
-    NIL = symbol("nil"); setc(NIL, NIL);
-    T   = symbol("t");   setc(T,   T);
-    LAMBDA = symbol("lambda");
-    MACRO = symbol("macro");
-    LABEL = symbol("label");
-    QUOTE = symbol("quote");
-    BACKQUOTE = symbol("backquote");
-    COMMA = symbol("*comma*");
-    COMMAAT = symbol("*comma-at*");
-    COMMADOT = symbol("*comma-dot*");
-    for (i=0; i < (int)N_BUILTINS; i++)
-        setc(symbol(builtin_names[i]), builtin(i));
-// conses ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-void gc(int mustgrow);
-static value_t mk_cons(void)
-    cons_t *c;
-    if (curheap > lim)
-        gc(0);
-    c = (cons_t*)curheap;
-    curheap += sizeof(cons_t);
-    return tagptr(c, TAG_CONS);
-// allocate n consecutive conses
-static value_t cons_reserve(int n)
-    cons_t *first;
-    n--;
-    if ((cons_t*)curheap > ((cons_t*)lim)-n) {
-        gc(0);
-        while ((cons_t*)curheap > ((cons_t*)lim)-n) {
-            gc(1);
-        }
-    }
-    first = (cons_t*)curheap;
-    curheap += ((n+1)*sizeof(cons_t));
-    return tagptr(first, TAG_CONS);
-#define cons_index(c)  (((cons_t*)ptr(c))-((cons_t*)fromspace))
-#define ismarked(c)    bitvector_get(consflags, cons_index(c))
-#define mark_cons(c)   bitvector_set(consflags, cons_index(c), 1)
-#define unmark_cons(c) bitvector_set(consflags, cons_index(c), 0)
-// collector ------------------------------------------------------------------
-static value_t relocate(value_t v)
-    value_t a, d, nc, first, *pcdr;
-    if (!iscons(v))
-        return v;
-    // iterative implementation allows arbitrarily long cons chains
-    pcdr = &first;
-    do {
-        if ((a=car_(v)) == UNBOUND) {
-            *pcdr = cdr_(v);
-            return first;
-        }
-        *pcdr = nc = mk_cons();
-        d = cdr_(v);
-        car_(v) = UNBOUND; cdr_(v) = nc;
-        car_(nc) = relocate(a);
-        pcdr = &cdr_(nc);
-        v = d;
-    } while (iscons(v));
-    *pcdr = d;
-    return first;
-static void trace_globals(symbol_t *root)
-    while (root != NULL) {
-        root->binding = relocate(root->binding);
-        trace_globals(root->left);
-        root = root->right;
-    }
-void gc(int mustgrow)
-    static int grew = 0;
-    void *temp;
-    uint32_t i;
-    readstate_t *rs;
-    curheap = tospace;
-    lim = curheap+heapsize-sizeof(cons_t);
-    for (i=0; i < SP; i++)
-        Stack[i] = relocate(Stack[i]);
-    trace_globals(symtab);
-    rs = readstate;
-    while (rs) {
-        for(i=0; i < rs->exprs.n; i++)
-            rs->exprs.items[i] = relocate(rs->exprs.items[i]);
-        rs = rs->prev;
-    }
-    printf("gc found %d/%d live conses\n",
-           (curheap-tospace)/sizeof(cons_t), heapsize/sizeof(cons_t));
-    temp = tospace;
-    tospace = fromspace;
-    fromspace = temp;
-    // if we're using > 80% of the space, resize tospace so we have
-    // more space to fill next time. if we grew tospace last time,
-    // grow the other half of the heap this time to catch up.
-    if (grew || ((lim-curheap) < (int)(heapsize/5)) || mustgrow) {
-        temp = realloc(tospace, grew ? heapsize : heapsize*2);
-        if (temp == NULL)
-            lerror("out of memory\n");
-        tospace = temp;
-        if (!grew) {
-            heapsize*=2;
-        }
-        else {
-            temp = bitvector_resize(consflags, heapsize/sizeof(cons_t));
-            if (temp == NULL)
-                lerror("out of memory\n");
-            consflags = (uint32_t*)temp;
-        }
-        grew = !grew;
-    }
-    if (curheap > lim)  // all data was live
-        gc(0);
-// read -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-enum {
-// defines which characters are ordinary symbol characters.
-// the only exception is '.', which is an ordinary symbol character
-// unless it is the only character in the symbol.
-static int symchar(char c)
-    static char *special = "()';`,\\|";
-    return (!isspace(c) && !strchr(special, c));
-static uint32_t toktype = TOK_NONE;
-static value_t tokval;
-static char buf[256];
-static char nextchar(FILE *f)
-    int ch;
-    char c;
-    do {
-        ch = fgetc(f);
-        if (ch == EOF)
-            return 0;
-        c = (char)ch;
-        if (c == ';') {
-            // single-line comment
-            do {
-                ch = fgetc(f);
-                if (ch == EOF)
-                    return 0;
-            } while ((char)ch != '\n');
-            c = (char)ch;
-        }
-    } while (isspace(c));
-    return c;
-static void take(void)
-    toktype = TOK_NONE;
-static void accumchar(char c, int *pi)
-    buf[(*pi)++] = c;
-    if (*pi >= (int)(sizeof(buf)-1))
-        lerror("read: error: token too long\n");
-// return: 1 for dot token, 0 for symbol
-static int read_token(FILE *f, char c, int digits)
-    int i=0, ch, escaped=0, dot=(c=='.'), totread=0;
-    ungetc(c, f);
-    while (1) {
-        ch = fgetc(f); totread++;
-        if (ch == EOF)
-            goto terminate;
-        c = (char)ch;
-        if (c == '|') {
-            escaped = !escaped;
-        }
-        else if (c == '\\') {
-            ch = fgetc(f);
-            if (ch == EOF)
-                goto terminate;
-            accumchar((char)ch, &i);
-        }
-        else if (!escaped && !(symchar(c) && (!digits || isdigit(c)))) {
-            break;
-        }
-        else {
-            accumchar(c, &i);
-        }
-    }
-    ungetc(c, f);
- terminate:
-    buf[i++] = '\0';
-    return (dot && (totread==2));
-static uint32_t peek(FILE *f)
-    char c, *end;
-    number_t x;
-    int ch;
-    if (toktype != TOK_NONE)
-        return toktype;
-    c = nextchar(f);
-    if (feof(f)) return TOK_NONE;
-    if (c == '(') {
-        toktype = TOK_OPEN;
-    }
-    else if (c == ')') {
-        toktype = TOK_CLOSE;
-    }
-    else if (c == '\'') {
-        toktype = TOK_QUOTE;
-    }
-    else if (c == '`') {
-        toktype = TOK_BQ;
-    }
-    else if (c == '#') {
-        ch = fgetc(f);
-        if (ch == EOF)
-            lerror("read: error: invalid read macro\n");
-        if ((char)ch == '.') {
-            toktype = TOK_SHARPDOT;
-        }
-        else if ((char)ch == '\'') {
-            toktype = TOK_SHARPQUOTE;
-        }
-        else if ((char)ch == '\\') {
-            uint32_t cval = u8_fgetc(f);
-            toktype = TOK_NUM;
-            tokval = number(cval);
-        }
-        else if (isdigit((char)ch)) {
-            read_token(f, (char)ch, 1);
-            c = (char)fgetc(f);
-            if (c == '#')
-                toktype = TOK_BACKREF;
-            else if (c == '=')
-                toktype = TOK_LABEL;
-            else
-                lerror("read: error: invalid label\n");
-            x = strtol(buf, &end, 10);
-            tokval = number(x);
-        }
-        else {
-            lerror("read: error: unknown read macro\n");
-        }
-    }
-    else if (c == ',') {
-        toktype = TOK_COMMA;
-        ch = fgetc(f);
-        if (ch == EOF)
-            return toktype;
-        if ((char)ch == '@')
-            toktype = TOK_COMMAAT;
-        else if ((char)ch == '.')
-            toktype = TOK_COMMADOT;
-        else
-            ungetc((char)ch, f);
-    }
-    else if (isdigit(c) || c=='-' || c=='+') {
-        read_token(f, c, 0);
-        x = strtol(buf, &end, 0);
-        if (*end != '\0') {
-            toktype = TOK_SYM;
-            tokval = symbol(buf);
-        }
-        else {
-            toktype = TOK_NUM;
-            tokval = number(x);
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        if (read_token(f, c, 0)) {
-            toktype = TOK_DOT;
-        }
-        else {
-            toktype = TOK_SYM;
-            tokval = symbol(buf);
-        }
-    }
-    return toktype;
-static value_t do_read_sexpr(FILE *f, int fixup);
-// build a list of conses. this is complicated by the fact that all conses
-// can move whenever a new cons is allocated. we have to refer to every cons
-// through a handle to a relocatable pointer (i.e. a pointer on the stack).
-static void read_list(FILE *f, value_t *pval, int fixup)
-    value_t c, *pc;
-    uint32_t t;
-    PUSH(NIL);
-    pc = &Stack[SP-1];  // to keep track of current cons cell
-    t = peek(f);
-    while (t != TOK_CLOSE) {
-        if (feof(f))
-            lerror("read: error: unexpected end of input\n");
-        c = mk_cons(); car_(c) = cdr_(c) = NIL;
-        if (iscons(*pc)) {
-            cdr_(*pc) = c;
-        }
-        else {
-            *pval = c;
-            if (fixup != -1)
-                readstate->exprs.items[fixup] = c;
-        }
-        *pc = c;
-        c = do_read_sexpr(f,-1);  // must be on separate lines due to undefined
-        car_(*pc) = c;            // evaluation order
-        t = peek(f);
-        if (t == TOK_DOT) {
-            take();
-            c = do_read_sexpr(f,-1);
-            cdr_(*pc) = c;
-            t = peek(f);
-            if (feof(f))
-                lerror("read: error: unexpected end of input\n");
-            if (t != TOK_CLOSE)
-                lerror("read: error: expected ')'\n");
-        }
-    }
-    take();
-    POP();
-// fixup is the index of the label we'd like to fix up with this read
-static value_t do_read_sexpr(FILE *f, int fixup)
-    value_t v, *head;
-    uint32_t t, l;
-    int i;
-    t = peek(f);
-    take();
-    switch (t) {
-    case TOK_CLOSE:
-        lerror("read: error: unexpected ')'\n");
-    case TOK_DOT:
-        lerror("read: error: unexpected '.'\n");
-    case TOK_SYM:
-    case TOK_NUM:
-        return tokval;
-    case TOK_COMMA:
-        head = &COMMA; goto listwith;
-    case TOK_COMMAAT:
-        head = &COMMAAT; goto listwith;
-    case TOK_COMMADOT:
-        head = &COMMADOT; goto listwith;
-    case TOK_BQ:
-        head = &BACKQUOTE; goto listwith;
-    case TOK_QUOTE:
-        head = &QUOTE;
-    listwith:
-        v = cons_reserve(2);
-        car_(v) = *head;
-        cdr_(v) = tagptr(((cons_t*)ptr(v))+1, TAG_CONS);
-        car_(cdr_(v)) = cdr_(cdr_(v)) = NIL;
-        PUSH(v);
-        if (fixup != -1)
-            readstate->exprs.items[fixup] = v;
-        v = do_read_sexpr(f,-1);
-        car_(cdr_(Stack[SP-1])) = v;
-        return POP();
-        // femtoLisp doesn't need symbol-function, so #' does nothing
-        return do_read_sexpr(f, fixup);
-    case TOK_OPEN:
-        PUSH(NIL);
-        read_list(f, &Stack[SP-1], fixup);
-        return POP();
-    case TOK_SHARPDOT:
-        // eval-when-read
-        // evaluated expressions can refer to existing backreferences, but they
-        // cannot see pending labels. in other words:
-        // (... #2=#.#0# ... )    OK
-        // (... #2=#.(#2#) ... )  DO NOT WANT
-        v = do_read_sexpr(f,-1);
-        return toplevel_eval(v);
-    case TOK_LABEL:
-        // create backreference label
-        l = numval(tokval);
-        if (ltable_lookup(&readstate->labels, l) != NOTFOUND)
-            lerror("read: error: label %d redefined\n", l);
-        ltable_insert(&readstate->labels, l);
-        i = readstate->exprs.n;
-        ltable_insert(&readstate->exprs, UNBOUND);
-        v = do_read_sexpr(f,i);
-        readstate->exprs.items[i] = v;
-        return v;
-    case TOK_BACKREF:
-        // look up backreference
-        l = numval(tokval);
-        i = ltable_lookup(&readstate->labels, l);
-        if (i == NOTFOUND || i >= (int)readstate->exprs.n ||
-            readstate->exprs.items[i] == UNBOUND)
-            lerror("read: error: undefined label %d\n", l);
-        return readstate->exprs.items[i];
-    }
-    return NIL;
-value_t read_sexpr(FILE *f)
-    value_t v;
-    readstate_t state;
-    state.prev = readstate;
-    ltable_init(&state.labels, 16);
-    ltable_init(&state.exprs, 16);
-    readstate = &state;
-    v = do_read_sexpr(f, -1);
-    readstate = state.prev;
-    free(state.labels.items);
-    free(state.exprs.items);
-    return v;
-// print ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-static void print_traverse(value_t v)
-    while (iscons(v)) {
-        if (ismarked(v)) {
-            ltable_adjoin(&printconses, v);
-            return;
-        }
-        mark_cons(v);
-        print_traverse(car_(v));
-        v = cdr_(v);
-    }
-static void print_symbol(FILE *f, char *name)
-    int i, escape=0, charescape=0;
-    if (name[0] == '\0') {
-        fprintf(f, "||");
-        return;
-    }
-    if (name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '\0') {
-        fprintf(f, "|.|");
-        return;
-    }
-    if (name[0] == '#')
-        escape = 1;
-    i=0;
-    while (name[i]) {
-        if (!symchar(name[i])) {
-            escape = 1;
-            if (name[i]=='|' || name[i]=='\\') {
-                charescape = 1;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        i++;
-    }
-    if (escape) {
-        if (charescape) {
-            fprintf(f, "|");
-            i=0;
-            while (name[i]) {
-                if (name[i]=='|' || name[i]=='\\')
-                    fprintf(f, "\\%c", name[i]);
-                else
-                    fprintf(f, "%c", name[i]);
-                i++;
-            }
-            fprintf(f, "|");
-        }
-        else {
-            fprintf(f, "|%s|", name);
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        fprintf(f, "%s", name);
-    }
-static void do_print(FILE *f, value_t v, int princ)
-    value_t cd;
-    int label;
-    char *name;
-    switch (tag(v)) {
-    case TAG_NUM: fprintf(f, NUM_FORMAT, numval(v)); break;
-    case TAG_SYM:
-        name = ((symbol_t*)ptr(v))->name;
-        if (princ)
-            fprintf(f, "%s", name);
-        else
-            print_symbol(f, name);
-        break;
-    case TAG_BUILTIN: fprintf(f, "#.%s", builtin_names[intval(v)]); break;
-    case TAG_CONS:
-        if ((label=ltable_lookup(&printconses,v)) != NOTFOUND) {
-            if (!ismarked(v)) {
-                fprintf(f, "#%d#", label);
-                return;
-            }
-            fprintf(f, "#%d=", label);
-        }
-        fprintf(f, "(");
-        while (1) {
-            unmark_cons(v);
-            do_print(f, car_(v), princ);
-            cd = cdr_(v);
-            if (!iscons(cd)) {
-                if (cd != NIL) {
-                    fprintf(f, " . ");
-                    do_print(f, cd, princ);
-                }
-                fprintf(f, ")");
-                break;
-            }
-            else {
-                if ((label=ltable_lookup(&printconses,cd)) != NOTFOUND) {
-                    fprintf(f, " . ");
-                    do_print(f, cd, princ);
-                    fprintf(f, ")");
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            fprintf(f, " ");
-            v = cd;
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-void print(FILE *f, value_t v, int princ)
-    ltable_clear(&printconses);
-    print_traverse(v);
-    do_print(f, v, princ);
-// eval -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-static inline void argcount(char *fname, int nargs, int c)
-    if (nargs != c)
-        lerror("%s: error: too %s arguments\n", fname, nargs<c ? "few":"many");
-// return a cons element of v whose car is item
-static value_t assoc(value_t item, value_t v)
-    value_t bind;
-    while (iscons(v)) {
-        bind = car_(v);
-        if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == item)
-            return bind;
-        v = cdr_(v);
-    }
-    return NIL;
-#define eval(e)         ((tag(e)<0x2) ? (e) : eval_sexpr((e),penv,0,envend))
-#define topeval(e, env) ((tag(e)<0x2) ? (e) : eval_sexpr((e),env,1,SP))
-#define tail_eval(xpr) do { SP = saveSP;  \
-    if (tag(xpr)<0x2) { return (xpr); } \
-    else { e=(xpr); goto eval_top; } } while (0)
-/* stack setup on entry:
-  n     n+1   ...
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- | SYM | VAL | SYM | VAL | CLO |     |     |     |
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
-  ^                             ^                      ^
-  |                             |                      |
-  penv                          envend                 SP (who knows where)
- sym is an argument name and val is its binding. CLO is a closed-up
- environment list (which can be empty, i.e. NIL).
- CLO is always there, but there might be zero SYM/VAL pairs.
- if tail==1, you are allowed (indeed encouraged) to overwrite this
- environment, otherwise you have to put any new environment on the top
- of the stack.
-value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv, int tail, uint32_t envend)
-    value_t f, v, headsym, asym, *pv, *argsyms, *body, *lenv, *argenv;
-    cons_t *c;
-    symbol_t *sym;
-    uint32_t saveSP;
-    int i, nargs, noeval=0;
-    number_t s, n;
- eval_top:
-    if (issymbol(e)) {
-        sym = (symbol_t*)ptr(e);
-        if (sym->constant != UNBOUND) return sym->constant;
-        while (issymbol(*penv)) {   // 1. try lookup in argument env
-            if (*penv == NIL)
-                goto get_global;
-            if (*penv == e)
-                return penv[1];
-            penv+=2;
-        }
-        if ((v=assoc(e,*penv)) != NIL)  // 2. closure env
-            return cdr_(v);
-    get_global:
-        if ((v = sym->binding) == UNBOUND)   // 3. global env
-            lerror("eval: error: variable %s has no value\n", sym->name);
-        return v;
-    }
-    if ((unsigned)(char*)&nargs < (unsigned)stack_bottom || SP>=(N_STACK-100))
-        lerror("eval: error: stack overflow\n");
-    saveSP = SP;
-    PUSH(e);
-    v = car_(e);
-    if (tag(v)<0x2) f = v;
-    else if (issymbol(v) && (f=((symbol_t*)ptr(v))->constant)!=UNBOUND) ;
-    else f = eval_sexpr(v, penv, 0, envend);
-    if (isbuiltin(f)) {
-        // handle builtin function
-        if (!isspecial(f)) {
-            // evaluate argument list, placing arguments on stack
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            while (iscons(v)) {
-                v = eval(car_(v));
-                PUSH(v);
-                v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            }
-        }
-    apply_builtin:
-        nargs = SP - saveSP - 1;
-        switch (intval(f)) {
-        // special forms
-        case F_QUOTE:
-            v = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            if (!iscons(v)) lerror("quote: error: expected argument\n");
-            v = car_(v);
-            break;
-        case F_MACRO:
-        case F_LAMBDA:
-            // build a closure (lambda args body . env)
-            if (issymbol(*penv) && *penv != NIL) {
-                // cons up and save temporary environment
-                PUSH(Stack[envend-1]); // passed-in CLOENV
-                // find out how many new conses we need
-                nargs = ((int)(&Stack[envend] - penv - 1))>>1;
-                if (nargs) {
-                    lenv = penv;
-                    Stack[SP-1] = cons_reserve(nargs*2);
-                    c = (cons_t*)ptr(Stack[SP-1]);
-                    while (1) {
-                        c->car = tagptr(c+1, TAG_CONS);
-                        (c+1)->car = penv[0];
-                        (c+1)->cdr = penv[1];
-                        nargs--;
-                        if (nargs==0) break;
-                        penv+=2;
-                        c->cdr = tagptr(c+2, TAG_CONS);
-                        c += 2;
-                    }
-                    // final cdr points to existing cloenv
-                    c->cdr = Stack[envend-1];
-                    // environment representation changed; install
-                    // the new representation so everybody can see it
-                    *lenv = Stack[SP-1];
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                PUSH(*penv); // env has already been captured; share
-            }
-            v = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            PUSH(car(v));
-            PUSH(car(cdr_(v)));
-            c = (cons_t*)ptr(v=cons_reserve(3));
-            c->car = (intval(f)==F_LAMBDA ? LAMBDA : MACRO);
-            c->cdr = tagptr(c+1, TAG_CONS); c++;
-            c->car = Stack[SP-2]; //argsyms
-            c->cdr = tagptr(c+1, TAG_CONS); c++;
-            c->car = Stack[SP-1]; //body
-            c->cdr = Stack[SP-3]; //env
-            break;
-        case F_LABEL:
-            // the syntax of label is (label name (lambda args body))
-            // nothing else is guaranteed to work
-            v = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            PUSH(car(v));
-            PUSH(car(cdr_(v)));
-            body = &Stack[SP-1];
-            *body = eval(*body);  // evaluate lambda
-            c = (cons_t*)ptr(cons_reserve(2));
-            c->car = Stack[SP-2]; // name
-            c->cdr = v = *body; c++;
-            c->car = tagptr(c-1, TAG_CONS);
-            f = cdr(cdr(v));
-            c->cdr = cdr(f);
-            // add (name . fn) to front of function's environment
-            cdr_(f) = tagptr(c, TAG_CONS);
-            break;
-        case F_IF:
-            v = car(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]));
-            if (eval(v) != NIL)
-                v = car(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])));
-            else
-                v = car(cdr(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]))));
-            tail_eval(v);
-            break;
-        case F_COND:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                c = tocons(car_(*pv), "cond");
-                v = eval(c->car);
-                if (v != NIL) {
-                    *pv = cdr_(car_(*pv));
-                    // evaluate body forms
-                    if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                        while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                            v = eval(car_(*pv));
-                            *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                        }
-                        tail_eval(car_(*pv));
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_AND:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = T;
-            if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                    if ((v=eval(car_(*pv))) == NIL) {
-                        SP = saveSP; return NIL;
-                    }
-                    *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                }
-                tail_eval(car_(*pv));
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_OR:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                    if ((v=eval(car_(*pv))) != NIL) {
-                        SP = saveSP; return v;
-                    }
-                    *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                }
-                tail_eval(car_(*pv));
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_WHILE:
-            PUSH(cdr(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])));
-            body = &Stack[SP-1];
-            PUSH(*body);
-            Stack[saveSP] = car_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]));
-            value_t *cond = &Stack[saveSP];
-            PUSH(NIL);
-            pv = &Stack[SP-1];
-            while (eval(*cond) != NIL) {
-                *body = Stack[SP-2];
-                while (iscons(*body)) {
-                    *pv = eval(car_(*body));
-                    *body = cdr_(*body);
-                }
-            }
-            v = *pv;
-            break;
-        case F_PROGN:
-            // return last arg
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                    v = eval(car_(*pv));
-                    *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                }
-                tail_eval(car_(*pv));
-            }
-            break;
-        // ordinary functions
-        case F_SET:
-            argcount("set", nargs, 2);
-            e = Stack[SP-2];
-            while (issymbol(*penv)) {
-                if (*penv == NIL)
-                    goto set_global;
-                if (*penv == e) {
-                    penv[1] = Stack[SP-1];
-                    SP=saveSP; return penv[1];
-                }
-                penv+=2;
-            }
-            if ((v=assoc(e,*penv)) != NIL) {
-                cdr_(v) = (e=Stack[SP-1]);
-                SP=saveSP; return e;
-            }
-        set_global:
-            tosymbol(e, "set")->binding = (v=Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_BOUNDP:
-            argcount("boundp", nargs, 1);
-            sym = tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "boundp");
-            if (sym->binding == UNBOUND && sym->constant == UNBOUND)
-                v = NIL;
-            else
-                v = T;
-            break;
-        case F_EQ:
-            argcount("eq", nargs, 2);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-2] == Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_CONS:
-            argcount("cons", nargs, 2);
-            v = mk_cons();
-            car_(v) = Stack[SP-2];
-            cdr_(v) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_CAR:
-            argcount("car", nargs, 1);
-            v = car(Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_CDR:
-            argcount("cdr", nargs, 1);
-            v = cdr(Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_RPLACA:
-            argcount("rplaca", nargs, 2);
-            car(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_RPLACD:
-            argcount("rplacd", nargs, 2);
-            cdr(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_ATOM:
-            argcount("atom", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((!iscons(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_CONSP:
-            argcount("consp", nargs, 1);
-            v = (iscons(Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_SYMBOLP:
-            argcount("symbolp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((issymbol(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_NUMBERP:
-            argcount("numberp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((isnumber(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_ADD:
-            s = 0;
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "+");
-                s += n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_SUB:
-            if (nargs < 1) lerror("-: error: too few arguments\n");
-            i = saveSP+1;
-            s = (nargs==1) ? 0 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "-");
-            for (; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "-");
-                s -= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_MUL:
-            s = 1;
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "*");
-                s *= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_DIV:
-            if (nargs < 1) lerror("/: error: too few arguments\n");
-            i = saveSP+1;
-            s = (nargs==1) ? 1 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "/");
-            for (; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "/");
-                if (n == 0) lerror("/: error: division by zero\n");
-                s /= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_LT:
-            argcount("<", nargs, 2);
-            // this implements generic comparison for all atoms
-            // strange comparisons (for example with builtins) are resolved
-            // arbitrarily but consistently.
-            // ordering: number < builtin < symbol < cons
-            if (tag(Stack[SP-2]) != tag(Stack[SP-1])) {
-                v = (tag(Stack[SP-2]) < tag(Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
-            }
-            else {
-                switch (tag(Stack[SP-2])) {
-                case TAG_NUM:
-                    v = (numval(Stack[SP-2]) < numval(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL;
-                    break;
-                case TAG_SYM:
-                    v = (strcmp(((symbol_t*)ptr(Stack[SP-2]))->name,
-                                ((symbol_t*)ptr(Stack[SP-1]))->name) < 0) ?
-                        T : NIL;
-                    break;
-                case TAG_BUILTIN:
-                    v = (intval(Stack[SP-2]) < intval(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL;
-                    break;
-                case TAG_CONS:
-                    lerror("<: error: expected atom\n");
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_NOT:
-            argcount("not", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-1] == NIL) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_EVAL:
-            argcount("eval", nargs, 1);
-            v = Stack[SP-1];
-            if (tag(v)<0x2) { SP=saveSP; return v; }
-            if (tail) {
-                *penv = NIL;
-                envend = SP = (uint32_t)(penv-&Stack[0]) + 1;
-                e=v; goto eval_top;
-            }
-            else {
-                PUSH(NIL);
-                v = eval_sexpr(v, &Stack[SP-1], 1, SP);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_PRINT:
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++)
-                print(stdout, v=Stack[i], 0);
-            fprintf(stdout, "\n");
-            break;
-        case F_PRINC:
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++)
-                print(stdout, v=Stack[i], 1);
-            break;
-        case F_READ:
-            argcount("read", nargs, 0);
-            v = read_sexpr(stdin);
-            break;
-        case F_LOAD:
-            argcount("load", nargs, 1);
-            v = load_file(tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "load")->name);
-            break;
-        case F_EXIT:
-            exit(0);
-            break;
-        case F_ERROR:
-            for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++)
-                print(stderr, Stack[i], 1);
-            lerror("\n");
-            break;
-        case F_PROG1:
-            // return first arg
-            if (nargs < 1) lerror("prog1: error: too few arguments\n");
-            v = Stack[saveSP+1];
-            break;
-        case F_ASSOC:
-            argcount("assoc", nargs, 2);
-            v = assoc(Stack[SP-2], Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_APPLY:
-            argcount("apply", nargs, 2);
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = Stack[SP-1];  // second arg is new arglist
-            f = Stack[SP-2];            // first arg is new function
-            POPN(2);                    // pop apply's args
-            if (isbuiltin(f)) {
-                if (isspecial(f))
-                    lerror("apply: error: cannot apply special operator "
-                           "%s\n", builtin_names[intval(f)]);
-                // unpack arglist onto the stack
-                while (iscons(v)) {
-                    PUSH(car_(v));
-                    v = cdr_(v);
-                }
-                goto apply_builtin;
-            }
-            noeval = 1;
-            goto apply_lambda;
-        }
-        SP = saveSP;
-        return v;
-    }
-    else {
-        v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-    }
- apply_lambda:
-    if (iscons(f)) {
-        headsym = car_(f);
-        // apply lambda or macro expression
-        PUSH(cdr(cdr_(f)));
-        PUSH(car_(cdr_(f)));
-        argsyms = &Stack[SP-1];
-        argenv = &Stack[SP];  // argument environment starts now
-        if (headsym == MACRO)
-            noeval = 1;
-        //else if (headsym != LAMBDA)
-        //    lerror("apply: error: head must be lambda, macro, or label\n");
-        // build a calling environment for the lambda
-        // the environment is the argument binds on top of the captured
-        // environment
-        while (iscons(v)) {
-            // bind args
-            if (!iscons(*argsyms)) {
-                if (*argsyms == NIL)
-                    lerror("apply: error: too many arguments\n");
-                break;
-            }
-            asym = car_(*argsyms);
-            if (asym==NIL || iscons(asym))
-                lerror("apply: error: invalid formal argument\n");
-            v = car_(v);
-            if (!noeval) {
-                v = eval(v);
-            }
-            PUSH(asym);
-            PUSH(v);
-            *argsyms = cdr_(*argsyms);
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-        }
-        if (*argsyms != NIL) {
-            if (issymbol(*argsyms)) {
-                PUSH(*argsyms);
-                if (noeval) {
-                    PUSH(Stack[saveSP]);
-                }
-                else {
-                    // this version uses collective allocation. about 7-10%
-                    // faster for lists with > 2 elements, but uses more
-                    // stack space
-                    PUSH(NIL);
-                    i = SP;
-                    while (iscons(Stack[saveSP])) {
-                        PUSH(eval(car_(Stack[saveSP])));
-                        Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-                    }
-                    nargs = SP-i;
-                    if (nargs) {
-                        Stack[i-1] = cons_reserve(nargs);
-                        c = (cons_t*)ptr(Stack[i-1]);
-                        for(; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                            c->car = Stack[i];
-                            c->cdr = tagptr(c+1, TAG_CONS);
-                            c++;
-                        }
-                        (c-1)->cdr = NIL;
-                        POPN(nargs);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else if (iscons(*argsyms)) {
-                lerror("apply: error: too few arguments\n");
-            }
-        }
-        noeval = 0;
-        lenv = &Stack[saveSP+1];
-        PUSH(cdr(*lenv)); // add cloenv to new environment
-        e = car_(Stack[saveSP+1]);
-        // macro: evaluate expansion in the calling environment
-        if (headsym == MACRO) {
-            if (tag(e)<0x2) ;
-            else e = eval_sexpr(e, argenv, 1, SP);
-            SP = saveSP;
-            if (tag(e)<0x2) return(e);
-            goto eval_top;
-        }
-        else {
-            if (tag(e)<0x2) { SP=saveSP; return(e); }
-            if (tail) {
-                // ok to overwrite environment
-                nargs = (int)(&Stack[SP] - argenv);
-                for(i=0; i < nargs; i++)
-                    penv[i] = argenv[i];
-                envend = SP = (uint32_t)((penv+nargs) - &Stack[0]);
-                goto eval_top;
-            }
-            else {
-                v = eval_sexpr(e, argenv, 1, SP);
-                SP = saveSP;
-                return v;
-            }
-        }
-        // not reached
-    }
-    type_error("apply", "function", f);
-    return NIL;
-// repl -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-static char *infile = NULL;
-value_t toplevel_eval(value_t expr)
-    value_t v;
-    uint32_t saveSP = SP;
-    PUSH(NIL);
-    v = topeval(expr, &Stack[SP-1]);
-    SP = saveSP;
-    return v;
-value_t load_file(char *fname)
-    value_t e, v=NIL;
-    char *lastfile = infile;
-    FILE *f = fopen(fname, "r");
-    infile = fname;
-    if (f == NULL) lerror("file not found\n");
-    while (1) {
-        e = read_sexpr(f);
-        if (feof(f)) break;
-        v = toplevel_eval(e);
-    }
-    infile = lastfile;
-    fclose(f);
-    return v;
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-    value_t v;
-    stack_bottom = ((char*)&v) - PROCESS_STACK_SIZE;
-    lisp_init();
-    if (setjmp(toplevel)) {
-        SP = 0;
-        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-        if (infile) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "error loading file \"%s\"\n", infile);
-            infile = NULL;
-        }
-        goto repl;
-    }
-    load_file("system.lsp");
-    if (argc > 1) { load_file(argv[1]); return 0; }
-    printf(";  _                   \n");
-    printf("; |_ _ _ |_ _ |  . _ _ 2\n");
-    printf("; | (-||||_(_)|__|_)|_)\n");
-    printf(";-------------------|----------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
- repl:
-    while (1) {
-        printf("> ");
-        v = read_sexpr(stdin);
-        if (feof(stdin)) break;
-        print(stdout, v=toplevel_eval(v), 0);
-        set(symbol("that"), v);
-        printf("\n\n");
-    }
-    return 0;
--- a/tiny/lispf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1045 +1,0 @@
-  femtoLisp
-  a minimal interpreter for a minimal lisp dialect
-  this lisp dialect uses lexical scope and self-evaluating lambda.
-  it supports 30-bit integers, symbols, conses, and full macros.
-  it is case-sensitive.
-  it features a simple compacting copying garbage collector.
-  it uses a Scheme-style evaluation rule where any expression may appear in
-    head position as long as it evaluates to a function.
-  it uses Scheme-style varargs (dotted formal argument lists)
-  lambdas can have only 1 body expression; use (progn ...) for multiple
-    expressions. this is due to the closure representation
-    (lambda args body . env)
-  lispf is a fork that provides an #ifdef FLOAT option to use single-precision
-  floating point numbers instead of integers, albeit with even less precision
-  than usual---only 21 significant mantissa bits!
-  it is now also being used to test a tail-recursive evaluator.
-  by Jeff Bezanson
-  Public Domain
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#ifdef FLOAT
-#define NUM_FORMAT "%f"
-typedef float number_t;
-#define NUM_FORMAT "%" PRIdPTR
-typedef intptr_t number_t;
-typedef uintptr_t value_t;
-typedef struct {
-    value_t car;
-    value_t cdr;
-} cons_t;
-typedef struct _symbol_t {
-    value_t binding;   // global value binding
-    value_t constant;  // constant binding (used only for builtins)
-    struct _symbol_t *left;
-    struct _symbol_t *right;
-    char name[1];
-} symbol_t;
-#define TAG_NUM      0x0
-#define TAG_BUILTIN  0x1
-#define TAG_SYM      0x2
-#define TAG_CONS     0x3
-#define UNBOUND      ((value_t)TAG_SYM) // an invalid symbol pointer
-#define tag(x) ((x)&0x3)
-#define ptr(x) ((void*)((x)&(~(value_t)0x3)))
-#define tagptr(p,t) (((value_t)(p)) | (t))
-#ifdef FLOAT
-#define number(x) ((*(value_t*)&(x))&~0x3)
-#define numval(x)  (*(number_t*)&(x))
-extern float strtof(const char *nptr, char **endptr);
-#define strtonum(s, e) strtof(s, e)
-#define number(x) ((value_t)((x)<<2))
-#define numval(x)  (((number_t)(x))>>2)
-#define strtonum(s, e) strtol(s, e, 10)
-#define intval(x)  (((int)(x))>>2)
-#define builtin(n) tagptr((((int)n)<<2), TAG_BUILTIN)
-#define iscons(x)    (tag(x) == TAG_CONS)
-#define issymbol(x)  (tag(x) == TAG_SYM)
-#define isnumber(x)  (tag(x) == TAG_NUM)
-#define isbuiltin(x) (tag(x) == TAG_BUILTIN)
-// functions ending in _ are unsafe, faster versions
-#define car_(v) (((cons_t*)ptr(v))->car)
-#define cdr_(v) (((cons_t*)ptr(v))->cdr)
-#define car(v)  (tocons((v),"car")->car)
-#define cdr(v)  (tocons((v),"cdr")->cdr)
-#define set(s, v)  (((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->binding = (v))
-#define setc(s, v) (((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->constant = (v))
-enum {
-    // special forms
-    F_PROGN,
-    // functions
-#define isspecial(v) (intval(v) <= (int)F_PROGN)
-static char *builtin_names[] =
-    { "quote", "cond", "if", "and", "or", "while", "lambda", "macro", "label",
-      "progn", "eq", "atom", "cons", "car", "cdr", "read", "eval", "print",
-      "set", "not", "load", "symbolp", "numberp", "+", "-", "*", "/", "<",
-      "prog1", "apply", "rplaca", "rplacd", "boundp" };
-static char *stack_bottom;
-#define PROCESS_STACK_SIZE (2*1024*1024)
-#define N_STACK 49152
-static value_t Stack[N_STACK];
-static uint32_t SP = 0;
-#define PUSH(v) (Stack[SP++] = (v))
-#define POP()   (Stack[--SP])
-#define POPN(n) (SP-=(n))
-value_t read_sexpr(FILE *f);
-void print(FILE *f, value_t v);
-value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv);
-value_t load_file(char *fname);
-// error utilities ------------------------------------------------------------
-jmp_buf toplevel;
-void lerror(char *format, ...)
-    va_list args;
-    va_start(args, format);
-    vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
-    va_end(args);
-    longjmp(toplevel, 1);
-void type_error(char *fname, char *expected, value_t got)
-    fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: expected %s, got ", fname, expected);
-    print(stderr, got); lerror("\n");
-// safe cast operators --------------------------------------------------------
-#define SAFECAST_OP(type,ctype,cnvt)                                          \
-ctype to##type(value_t v, char *fname)                                        \
-{                                                                             \
-    if (is##type(v))                                                          \
-        return (ctype)cnvt(v);                                                \
-    type_error(fname, #type, v);                                              \
-    return (ctype)0;                                                          \
-SAFECAST_OP(cons,  cons_t*,  ptr)
-SAFECAST_OP(number,number_t, numval)
-// symbol table ---------------------------------------------------------------
-static symbol_t *symtab = NULL;
-static symbol_t *mk_symbol(char *str)
-    symbol_t *sym;
-    sym = (symbol_t*)malloc(sizeof(symbol_t) + strlen(str));
-    sym->left = sym->right = NULL;
-    sym->constant = sym->binding = UNBOUND;
-    strcpy(&sym->name[0], str);
-    return sym;
-static symbol_t **symtab_lookup(symbol_t **ptree, char *str)
-    int x;
-    while(*ptree != NULL) {
-        x = strcmp(str, (*ptree)->name);
-        if (x == 0)
-            return ptree;
-        if (x < 0)
-            ptree = &(*ptree)->left;
-        else
-            ptree = &(*ptree)->right;
-    }
-    return ptree;
-value_t symbol(char *str)
-    symbol_t **pnode;
-    pnode = symtab_lookup(&symtab, str);
-    if (*pnode == NULL)
-        *pnode = mk_symbol(str);
-    return tagptr(*pnode, TAG_SYM);
-// initialization -------------------------------------------------------------
-static unsigned char *fromspace;
-static unsigned char *tospace;
-static unsigned char *curheap;
-static unsigned char *lim;
-static uint32_t heapsize = 64*1024;//bytes
-void lisp_init(void)
-    int i;
-    fromspace = malloc(heapsize);
-    tospace   = malloc(heapsize);
-    curheap = fromspace;
-    lim = curheap+heapsize-sizeof(cons_t);
-    NIL = symbol("nil"); setc(NIL, NIL);
-    T   = symbol("t");   setc(T,   T);
-    LAMBDA = symbol("lambda");
-    MACRO = symbol("macro");
-    LABEL = symbol("label");
-    QUOTE = symbol("quote");
-    for (i=0; i < (int)N_BUILTINS; i++)
-        setc(symbol(builtin_names[i]), builtin(i));
-    setc(symbol("princ"), builtin(F_PRINT));
-// conses ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-void gc(void);
-static value_t mk_cons(void)
-    cons_t *c;
-    if (curheap > lim)
-        gc();
-    c = (cons_t*)curheap;
-    curheap += sizeof(cons_t);
-    return tagptr(c, TAG_CONS);
-static value_t cons_(value_t *pcar, value_t *pcdr)
-    value_t c = mk_cons();
-    car_(c) = *pcar; cdr_(c) = *pcdr;
-    return c;
-value_t *cons(value_t *pcar, value_t *pcdr)
-    value_t c = mk_cons();
-    car_(c) = *pcar; cdr_(c) = *pcdr;
-    PUSH(c);
-    return &Stack[SP-1];
-// collector ------------------------------------------------------------------
-static value_t relocate(value_t v)
-    value_t a, d, nc;
-    if (!iscons(v))
-        return v;
-    if (car_(v) == UNBOUND)
-        return cdr_(v);
-    nc = mk_cons(); car_(nc) = NIL;
-    a = car_(v);   d = cdr_(v);
-    car_(v) = UNBOUND; cdr_(v) = nc;
-    car_(nc) = relocate(a);
-    cdr_(nc) = relocate(d);
-    return nc;
-static void trace_globals(symbol_t *root)
-    while (root != NULL) {
-        root->binding = relocate(root->binding);
-        trace_globals(root->left);
-        root = root->right;
-    }
-void gc(void)
-    static int grew = 0;
-    unsigned char *temp;
-    uint32_t i;
-    curheap = tospace;
-    lim = curheap+heapsize-sizeof(cons_t);
-    for (i=0; i < SP; i++)
-        Stack[i] = relocate(Stack[i]);
-    trace_globals(symtab);
-    printf("gc found %d/%d live conses\n", (curheap-tospace)/8, heapsize/8);
-    temp = tospace;
-    tospace = fromspace;
-    fromspace = temp;
-    // if we're using > 80% of the space, resize tospace so we have
-    // more space to fill next time. if we grew tospace last time,
-    // grow the other half of the heap this time to catch up.
-    if (grew || ((lim-curheap) < (int)(heapsize/5))) {
-        temp = realloc(tospace, grew ? heapsize : heapsize*2);
-        if (temp == NULL)
-            lerror("out of memory\n");
-        tospace = temp;
-        if (!grew)
-            heapsize*=2;
-        grew = !grew;
-    }
-    if (curheap > lim)  // all data was live
-        gc();
-// read -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-enum {
-static int symchar(char c)
-    static char *special = "()';\\|";
-    return (!isspace(c) && !strchr(special, c));
-static uint32_t toktype = TOK_NONE;
-static value_t tokval;
-static char buf[256];
-static char nextchar(FILE *f)
-    char c;
-    int ch;
-    do {
-        ch = fgetc(f);
-        if (ch == EOF)
-            return 0;
-        c = (char)ch;
-        if (c == ';') {
-            // single-line comment
-            do {
-                ch = fgetc(f);
-                if (ch == EOF)
-                    return 0;
-            } while ((char)ch != '\n');
-            c = (char)ch;
-        }
-    } while (isspace(c));
-    return c;
-static void take(void)
-    toktype = TOK_NONE;
-static void accumchar(char c, int *pi)
-    buf[(*pi)++] = c;
-    if (*pi >= (int)(sizeof(buf)-1))
-        lerror("read: error: token too long\n");
-static int read_token(FILE *f, char c)
-    int i=0, ch, escaped=0;
-    ungetc(c, f);
-    while (1) {
-        ch = fgetc(f);
-        if (ch == EOF)
-            goto terminate;
-        c = (char)ch;
-        if (c == '|') {
-            escaped = !escaped;
-        }
-        else if (c == '\\') {
-            ch = fgetc(f);
-            if (ch == EOF)
-                goto terminate;
-            accumchar((char)ch, &i);
-        }
-        else if (!escaped && !symchar(c)) {
-            break;
-        }
-        else {
-            accumchar(c, &i);
-        }
-    }
-    ungetc(c, f);
- terminate:
-    buf[i++] = '\0';
-    return i;
-static uint32_t peek(FILE *f)
-    char c, *end;
-    number_t x;
-    if (toktype != TOK_NONE)
-        return toktype;
-    c = nextchar(f);
-    if (feof(f)) return TOK_NONE;
-    if (c == '(') {
-        toktype = TOK_OPEN;
-    }
-    else if (c == ')') {
-        toktype = TOK_CLOSE;
-    }
-    else if (c == '\'') {
-        toktype = TOK_QUOTE;
-    }
-    else if (isdigit(c) || c=='-') {
-        read_token(f, c);
-        if (buf[0] == '-' && !isdigit(buf[1])) {
-            toktype = TOK_SYM;
-            tokval = symbol(buf);
-        }
-        else {
-            x = strtonum(buf, &end);
-            if (*end != '\0')
-                lerror("read: error: invalid constant\n");
-            toktype = TOK_NUM;
-            tokval = number(x);
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        read_token(f, c);
-        if (!strcmp(buf, ".")) {
-            toktype = TOK_DOT;
-        }
-        else {
-            toktype = TOK_SYM;
-            tokval = symbol(buf);
-        }
-    }
-    return toktype;
-// build a list of conses. this is complicated by the fact that all conses
-// can move whenever a new cons is allocated. we have to refer to every cons
-// through a handle to a relocatable pointer (i.e. a pointer on the stack).
-static void read_list(FILE *f, value_t *pval)
-    value_t c, *pc;
-    uint32_t t;
-    PUSH(NIL);
-    pc = &Stack[SP-1];  // to keep track of current cons cell
-    t = peek(f);
-    while (t != TOK_CLOSE) {
-        if (feof(f))
-            lerror("read: error: unexpected end of input\n");
-        c = mk_cons(); car_(c) = cdr_(c) = NIL;
-        if (iscons(*pc))
-            cdr_(*pc) = c;
-        else
-            *pval = c;
-        *pc = c;
-        c = read_sexpr(f);  // must be on separate lines due to undefined
-        car_(*pc) = c;      // evaluation order
-        t = peek(f);
-        if (t == TOK_DOT) {
-            take();
-            c = read_sexpr(f);
-            cdr_(*pc) = c;
-            t = peek(f);
-            if (feof(f))
-                lerror("read: error: unexpected end of input\n");
-            if (t != TOK_CLOSE)
-                lerror("read: error: expected ')'\n");
-        }
-    }
-    take();
-    POP();
-value_t read_sexpr(FILE *f)
-    value_t v;
-    switch (peek(f)) {
-    case TOK_CLOSE:
-        take();
-        lerror("read: error: unexpected ')'\n");
-    case TOK_DOT:
-        take();
-        lerror("read: error: unexpected '.'\n");
-    case TOK_SYM:
-    case TOK_NUM:
-        take();
-        return tokval;
-    case TOK_QUOTE:
-        take();
-        v = read_sexpr(f);
-        PUSH(v);
-        v = cons_(&QUOTE, cons(&Stack[SP-1], &NIL));
-        POPN(2);
-        return v;
-    case TOK_OPEN:
-        take();
-        PUSH(NIL);
-        read_list(f, &Stack[SP-1]);
-        return POP();
-    }
-    return NIL;
-// print ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-void print(FILE *f, value_t v)
-    value_t cd;
-    switch (tag(v)) {
-    case TAG_NUM: fprintf(f, NUM_FORMAT, numval(v)); break;
-    case TAG_SYM: fprintf(f, "%s", ((symbol_t*)ptr(v))->name); break;
-    case TAG_BUILTIN: fprintf(f, "#<builtin %s>",
-                              builtin_names[intval(v)]); break;
-    case TAG_CONS:
-        fprintf(f, "(");
-        while (1) {
-            print(f, car_(v));
-            cd = cdr_(v);
-            if (!iscons(cd)) {
-                if (cd != NIL) {
-                    fprintf(f, " . ");
-                    print(f, cd);
-                }
-                fprintf(f, ")");
-                break;
-            }
-            fprintf(f, " ");
-            v = cd;
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-// eval -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-static inline void argcount(char *fname, int nargs, int c)
-    if (nargs != c)
-        lerror("%s: error: too %s arguments\n", fname, nargs<c ? "few":"many");
-#define eval(e, penv) ((tag(e)<0x2) ? (e) : eval_sexpr((e),penv))
-#define tail_eval(xpr, env) do { SP = saveSP;  \
-    if (tag(xpr)<0x2) { return (xpr); } \
-    else { e=(xpr); *penv=(env); goto eval_top; } } while (0)
-value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv)
-    value_t f, v, bind, headsym, asym, labl=0, *pv, *argsyms, *body, *lenv;
-    value_t *rest;
-    cons_t *c;
-    symbol_t *sym;
-    uint32_t saveSP;
-    int i, nargs, noeval=0;
-    number_t s, n;
- eval_top:
-    if (issymbol(e)) {
-        sym = (symbol_t*)ptr(e);
-        if (sym->constant != UNBOUND) return sym->constant;
-        v = *penv;
-        while (iscons(v)) {
-            bind = car_(v);
-            if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e)
-                return cdr_(bind);
-            v = cdr_(v);
-        }
-        if ((v = sym->binding) == UNBOUND)
-            lerror("eval: error: variable %s has no value\n", sym->name);
-        return v;
-    }
-    if ((unsigned)(char*)&nargs < (unsigned)stack_bottom || SP>=(N_STACK-100))
-        lerror("eval: error: stack overflow\n");
-    saveSP = SP;
-    PUSH(e);
-    PUSH(*penv);
-    f = eval(car_(e), penv);
-    *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-    if (isbuiltin(f)) {
-        // handle builtin function
-        if (!isspecial(f)) {
-            // evaluate argument list, placing arguments on stack
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            while (iscons(v)) {
-                v = eval(car_(v), penv);
-                *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                PUSH(v);
-                v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            }
-        }
-    apply_builtin:
-        nargs = SP - saveSP - 2;
-        switch (intval(f)) {
-        // special forms
-        case F_QUOTE:
-            v = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            if (!iscons(v))
-                lerror("quote: error: expected argument\n");
-            v = car_(v);
-            break;
-        case F_MACRO:
-        case F_LAMBDA:
-            v = Stack[saveSP];
-            if (*penv != NIL) {
-                // build a closure (lambda args body . env)
-                v = cdr_(v);
-                PUSH(car(v));
-                argsyms = &Stack[SP-1];
-                PUSH(car(cdr_(v)));
-                body = &Stack[SP-1];
-                v = cons_(intval(f)==F_LAMBDA ? &LAMBDA : &MACRO,
-                          cons(argsyms, cons(body, penv)));
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_LABEL:
-            v = Stack[saveSP];
-            if (*penv != NIL) {
-                v = cdr_(v);
-                PUSH(car(v));        // name
-                pv = &Stack[SP-1];
-                PUSH(car(cdr_(v)));  // function
-                body = &Stack[SP-1];
-                *body = eval(*body, penv);  // evaluate lambda
-                v = cons_(&LABEL, cons(pv, cons(body, &NIL)));
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_IF:
-            v = car(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]));
-            if (eval(v, penv) != NIL)
-                v = car(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])));
-            else
-                v = car(cdr(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]))));
-            tail_eval(v, Stack[saveSP+1]);
-            break;
-        case F_COND:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            while (iscons(*pv)) {
-                c = tocons(car_(*pv), "cond");
-                v = eval(c->car, penv);
-                *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                if (v != NIL) {
-                    *pv = cdr_(car_(*pv));
-                    // evaluate body forms
-                    if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                        while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                            v = eval(car_(*pv), penv);
-                            *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                            *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                        }
-                        tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_AND:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = T;
-            if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                    if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) == NIL) {
-                        SP = saveSP; return NIL;
-                    }
-                    *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                    *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                }
-                tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_OR:
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                    if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) != NIL) {
-                        SP = saveSP; return v;
-                    }
-                    *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                    *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                }
-                tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv);
-            }
-            break;
-        case F_WHILE:
-            PUSH(car(cdr(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]))));
-            body = &Stack[SP-1];
-            Stack[saveSP] = car_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]));
-            value_t *cond = &Stack[saveSP];
-            PUSH(NIL); pv = &Stack[SP-1];
-            while (eval(*cond, penv) != NIL) {
-                *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                *pv = eval(*body, penv);
-                *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-            }
-            v = *pv;
-            break;
-        case F_PROGN:
-            // return last arg
-            Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
-            if (iscons(*pv)) {
-                while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                    v = eval(car_(*pv), penv);
-                    *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                    *pv = cdr_(*pv);
-                }
-                tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv);
-            }
-            break;
-        // ordinary functions
-        case F_SET:
-            argcount("set", nargs, 2);
-            e = Stack[SP-2];
-            v = *penv;
-            while (iscons(v)) {
-                bind = car_(v);
-                if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e) {
-                    cdr_(bind) = (v=Stack[SP-1]);
-                    SP=saveSP; return v;
-                }
-                v = cdr_(v);
-            }
-            tosymbol(e, "set")->binding = (v=Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_BOUNDP:
-            argcount("boundp", nargs, 1);
-            if (tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "boundp")->binding == UNBOUND)
-                v = NIL;
-            else
-                v = T;
-            break;
-        case F_EQ:
-            argcount("eq", nargs, 2);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-2] == Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_CONS:
-            argcount("cons", nargs, 2);
-            v = mk_cons();
-            car_(v) = Stack[SP-2];
-            cdr_(v) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_CAR:
-            argcount("car", nargs, 1);
-            v = car(Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_CDR:
-            argcount("cdr", nargs, 1);
-            v = cdr(Stack[SP-1]);
-            break;
-        case F_RPLACA:
-            argcount("rplaca", nargs, 2);
-            car(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_RPLACD:
-            argcount("rplacd", nargs, 2);
-            cdr(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
-            break;
-        case F_ATOM:
-            argcount("atom", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((!iscons(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_SYMBOLP:
-            argcount("symbolp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((issymbol(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_NUMBERP:
-            argcount("numberp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((isnumber(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_ADD:
-            s = 0;
-            for (i=saveSP+2; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "+");
-                s += n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_SUB:
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("-: error: too few arguments\n");
-            i = saveSP+2;
-            s = (nargs==1) ? 0 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "-");
-            for (; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "-");
-                s -= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_MUL:
-            s = 1;
-            for (i=saveSP+2; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "*");
-                s *= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_DIV:
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("/: error: too few arguments\n");
-            i = saveSP+2;
-            s = (nargs==1) ? 1 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "/");
-            for (; i < (int)SP; i++) {
-                n = tonumber(Stack[i], "/");
-                if (n == 0)
-                    lerror("/: error: division by zero\n");
-                s /= n;
-            }
-            v = number(s);
-            break;
-        case F_LT:
-            argcount("<", nargs, 2);
-            if (tonumber(Stack[SP-2],"<") < tonumber(Stack[SP-1],"<"))
-                v = T;
-            else
-                v = NIL;
-            break;
-        case F_NOT:
-            argcount("not", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-1] == NIL) ? T : NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_EVAL:
-            argcount("eval", nargs, 1);
-            v = Stack[SP-1];
-            tail_eval(v, NIL);
-            break;
-        case F_PRINT:
-            for (i=saveSP+2; i < (int)SP; i++)
-                print(stdout, v=Stack[i]);
-            break;
-        case F_READ:
-            argcount("read", nargs, 0);
-            v = read_sexpr(stdin);
-            break;
-        case F_LOAD:
-            argcount("load", nargs, 1);
-            v = load_file(tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "load")->name);
-            break;
-        case F_PROG1:
-            // return first arg
-            if (nargs < 1)
-                lerror("prog1: error: too few arguments\n");
-            v = Stack[saveSP+2];
-            break;
-        case F_APPLY:
-            argcount("apply", nargs, 2);
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = Stack[SP-1];  // second arg is new arglist
-            f = Stack[SP-2];            // first arg is new function
-            POPN(2);                    // pop apply's args
-            if (isbuiltin(f)) {
-                if (isspecial(f))
-                    lerror("apply: error: cannot apply special operator "
-                           "%s\n", builtin_names[intval(f)]);
-                // unpack arglist onto the stack
-                while (iscons(v)) {
-                    PUSH(car_(v));
-                    v = cdr_(v);
-                }
-                goto apply_builtin;
-            }
-            noeval = 1;
-            goto apply_lambda;
-        }
-        SP = saveSP;
-        return v;
-    }
-    else {
-        v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-    }
- apply_lambda:
-    if (iscons(f)) {
-        headsym = car_(f);
-        if (headsym == LABEL) {
-            // (label name (lambda ...)) behaves the same as the lambda
-            // alone, except with name bound to the whole label expression
-            labl = f;
-            f = car(cdr(cdr_(labl)));
-            headsym = car(f);
-        }
-        // apply lambda or macro expression
-        PUSH(cdr(cdr(cdr_(f))));
-        lenv = &Stack[SP-1];
-        PUSH(car_(cdr_(f)));
-        argsyms = &Stack[SP-1];
-        PUSH(car_(cdr_(cdr_(f))));
-        body = &Stack[SP-1];
-        if (labl) {
-            // add label binding to environment
-            PUSH(labl);
-            PUSH(car_(cdr_(labl)));
-            *lenv = cons_(cons(&Stack[SP-1], &Stack[SP-2]), lenv);
-            POPN(3);
-            v = Stack[saveSP]; // refetch arglist
-        }
-        if (headsym == MACRO)
-            noeval = 1;
-        else if (headsym != LAMBDA)
-            lerror("apply: error: head must be lambda, macro, or label\n");
-        // build a calling environment for the lambda
-        // the environment is the argument binds on top of the captured
-        // environment
-        while (iscons(v)) {
-            // bind args
-            if (!iscons(*argsyms)) {
-                if (*argsyms == NIL)
-                    lerror("apply: error: too many arguments\n");
-                break;
-            }
-            asym = car_(*argsyms);
-            if (!issymbol(asym))
-                lerror("apply: error: formal argument not a symbol\n");
-            v = car_(v);
-            if (!noeval) {
-                v = eval(v, penv);
-                *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-            }
-            PUSH(v);
-            *lenv = cons_(cons(&asym, &Stack[SP-1]), lenv);
-            POPN(2);
-            *argsyms = cdr_(*argsyms);
-            v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-        }
-        if (*argsyms != NIL) {
-            if (issymbol(*argsyms)) {
-                if (noeval) {
-                    *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[saveSP]), lenv);
-                }
-                else {
-                    PUSH(NIL);
-                    PUSH(NIL);
-                    rest = &Stack[SP-1];
-                    // build list of rest arguments
-                    // we have to build it forwards, which is tricky
-                    while (iscons(v)) {
-                        v = eval(car_(v), penv);
-                        *penv = Stack[saveSP+1];
-                        PUSH(v);
-                        v = cons_(&Stack[SP-1], &NIL);
-                        POP();
-                        if (iscons(*rest))
-                            cdr_(*rest) = v;
-                        else
-                            Stack[SP-2] = v;
-                        *rest = v;
-                        v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-                    }
-                    *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[SP-2]), lenv);
-                }
-            }
-            else if (iscons(*argsyms)) {
-                lerror("apply: error: too few arguments\n");
-            }
-        }
-        noeval = 0;
-        // macro: evaluate expansion in the calling environment
-        if (headsym == MACRO) {
-            SP = saveSP;
-            PUSH(*lenv);
-            lenv = &Stack[SP-1];
-            v = eval(*body, lenv);
-            tail_eval(v, *penv);
-        }
-        else {
-            tail_eval(*body, *lenv);
-        }
-        // not reached
-    }
-    type_error("apply", "function", f);
-    return NIL;
-// repl -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-static char *infile = NULL;
-value_t toplevel_eval(value_t expr)
-    value_t v;
-    PUSH(NIL);
-    v = eval(expr, &Stack[SP-1]);
-    POP();
-    return v;
-value_t load_file(char *fname)
-    value_t e, v=NIL;
-    char *lastfile = infile;
-    FILE *f = fopen(fname, "r");
-    infile = fname;
-    if (f == NULL) lerror("file not found\n");
-    while (1) {
-        e = read_sexpr(f);
-        if (feof(f)) break;
-        v = toplevel_eval(e);
-    }
-    infile = lastfile;
-    fclose(f);
-    return v;
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-    value_t v;
-    stack_bottom = ((char*)&v) - PROCESS_STACK_SIZE;
-    lisp_init();
-    if (setjmp(toplevel)) {
-        SP = 0;
-        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-        if (infile) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "error loading file \"%s\"\n", infile);
-            infile = NULL;
-        }
-        goto repl;
-    }
-    load_file("system.lsp");
-    if (argc > 1) { load_file(argv[1]); return 0; }
-    printf("Welcome to femtoLisp ----------------------------------------------------------\n");
- repl:
-    while (1) {
-        printf("> ");
-        v = read_sexpr(stdin);
-        if (feof(stdin)) break;
-        print(stdout, v=toplevel_eval(v));
-        set(symbol("that"), v);
-        printf("\n\n");
-    }
-    return 0;
--- a/tiny/system.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +1,0 @@
-; femtoLisp standard library
-; by Jeff Bezanson
-; Public Domain
-(set 'list (lambda args args))
-(set 'setq (macro (name val)
-                  (list set (list quote name) val)))
-(setq sp '| |)
-(setq nl '|
-; convert a sequence of body statements to a single expression.
-; this allows define, defun, defmacro, let, etc. to contain multiple
-; body expressions as in Common Lisp.
-(setq f-body (lambda (e)
-               (cond ((atom e)        e)
-                     ((eq (cdr e) ()) (car e))
-                     (t               (cons progn e)))))
-(setq defmacro
-      (macro (name args . body)
-             (list 'setq name (list 'macro args (f-body body)))))
-; support both CL defun and Scheme-style define
-(defmacro defun (name args . body)
-  (list 'setq name (list 'lambda args (f-body body))))
-(defmacro define (name . body)
-  (if (symbolp name)
-      (list 'setq name (car body))
-    (cons 'defun (cons (car name) (cons (cdr name) body)))))
-(defun identity (x) x)
-(setq null not)
-(defun consp (x) (not (atom x)))
-(defun map (f lst)
-  (if (atom lst) lst
-    (cons (f (car lst)) (map f (cdr lst)))))
-(defmacro let (binds . body)
-  (cons (list 'lambda (map car binds) (f-body body))
-        (map cadr binds)))
-(defun nconc lsts
-  (cond ((null lsts) ())
-        ((null (cdr lsts)) (car lsts))
-        (t ((lambda (l d) (if (null l) d
-                            (prog1 l
-                              (while (consp (cdr l)) (set 'l (cdr l)))
-                              (rplacd l d))))
-            (car lsts) (apply nconc (cdr lsts))))))
-(defun append lsts
-  (cond ((null lsts) ())
-        ((null (cdr lsts)) (car lsts))
-        (t ((label append2 (lambda (l d)
-                             (if (null l) d
-                               (cons (car l)
-                                     (append2 (cdr l) d)))))
-            (car lsts) (apply append (cdr lsts))))))
-(defun member (item lst)
-  (cond ((atom lst) ())
-        ((eq (car lst) item) lst)
-        (t (member item (cdr lst)))))
-(defun macrop (e) (and (consp e) (eq (car e) 'macro) e))
-(defun macrocallp (e) (and (symbolp (car e))
-                           (boundp (car e))
-                           (macrop (eval (car e)))))
-(defun macroapply (m args) (apply (cons 'lambda (cdr m)) args))
-(defun macroexpand-1 (e)
-  (if (atom e) e
-    (let ((f (macrocallp e)))
-      (if f (macroapply f (cdr e))
-        e))))
-; convert to proper list, i.e. remove "dots", and append
-(defun append.2 (l tail)
-  (cond ((null l)  tail)
-        ((atom l)  (cons l tail))
-        (t         (cons (car l) (append.2 (cdr l) tail)))))
-(defun macroexpand (e)
-  ((label mexpand
-          (lambda (e env f)
-            (progn
-              (while (and (consp e)
-                          (not (member (car e) env))
-                          (set 'f (macrocallp e)))
-                (set 'e (macroapply f (cdr e))))
-              (if (and (consp e)
-                       (not (or (eq (car e) 'quote)
-                                (eq (car e)  quote))))
-                  (let ((newenv
-                         (if (and (or (eq (car e) 'lambda) (eq (car e) 'macro))
-                                  (consp (cdr e)))
-                             (append.2 (cadr e) env)
-                           env)))
-                    (map (lambda (x) (mexpand x newenv nil)) e))
-                e))))
-   e nil nil))
-; uncomment this to macroexpand functions at definition time.
-; makes typical code ~25% faster, but only works for defun expressions
-; at the top level.
-;(defmacro defun (name args . body)
-;  (list 'setq name (list 'lambda args (macroexpand (f-body body)))))
-; same thing for macros. enabled by default because macros are usually
-; defined at the top level.
-(defmacro defmacro (name args . body)
-  (list 'setq name (list 'macro args (macroexpand (f-body body)))))
-(setq =   eq)
-(setq eql eq)
-(define (/= a b) (not (eq a b)))
-(define != /=)
-(define (>  a b) (< b a))
-(define (<= a b) (not (< b a)))
-(define (>= a b) (not (< a b)))
-(define (mod x y) (- x (* (/ x y) y)))
-(define (abs x)   (if (< x 0) (- x) x))
-(define (truncate x) x)
-(setq K prog1)  ; K combinator ;)
-(define (funcall f . args) (apply f args))
-(define (symbol-function sym) (eval sym))
-(define (symbol-value    sym) (eval sym))
-(define (caar x) (car (car x)))
-(define (cadr x) (car (cdr x)))
-(define (cdar x) (cdr (car x)))
-(define (cddr x) (cdr (cdr x)))
-(define (caaar x) (car (car (car x))))
-(define (caadr x) (car (car (cdr x))))
-(define (cadar x) (car (cdr (car x))))
-(define (caddr x) (car (cdr (cdr x))))
-(define (cdaar x) (cdr (car (car x))))
-(define (cdadr x) (cdr (car (cdr x))))
-(define (cddar x) (cdr (cdr (car x))))
-(define (cdddr x) (cdr (cdr (cdr x))))
-(define (equal a b)
-  (if (and (consp a) (consp b))
-      (and (equal (car a) (car b))
-           (equal (cdr a) (cdr b)))
-    (eq a b)))
-; compare imposes an ordering on all values. yields -1 for a<b,
-; 0 for a==b, and 1 for a>b. lists are compared up to the first
-; point of difference.
-(defun compare (a b)
-  (cond ((eq a b) 0)
-        ((or (atom a) (atom b)) (if (< a b) -1 1))
-        (t (let ((c (compare (car a) (car b))))
-             (if (not (eq c 0))
-                 c
-               (compare (cdr a) (cdr b)))))))
-(defun every (pred lst)
-  (or (atom lst)
-      (and (pred (car lst))
-           (every pred (cdr lst)))))
-(defun any (pred lst)
-  (and (consp lst)
-       (or (pred (car lst))
-           (any pred (cdr lst)))))
-(defun listp (a) (or (eq a ()) (consp a)))
-(defun length (l)
-  (if (null l) 0
-    (+ 1 (length (cdr l)))))
-(defun nthcdr (n lst)
-  (if (<= n 0) lst
-    (nthcdr (- n 1) (cdr lst))))
-(defun list-ref (lst n)
-  (car (nthcdr n lst)))
-(defun list* l
-  (if (atom (cdr l))
-      (car l)
-    (cons (car l) (apply list* (cdr l)))))
-(defun nlist* l
-  (if (atom (cdr l))
-      (car l)
-    (rplacd l (apply nlist* (cdr l)))))
-(defun lastcdr (l)
-  (if (atom l) l
-    (lastcdr (cdr l))))
-(defun last (l)
-  (cond ((atom l)        l)
-        ((atom (cdr l))  l)
-        (t               (last (cdr l)))))
-(defun map! (f lst)
-  (prog1 lst
-    (while (consp lst)
-      (rplaca lst (f (car lst)))
-      (set 'lst (cdr lst)))))
-(defun mapcar (f . lsts)
-  ((label mapcar-
-          (lambda (lsts)
-            (cond ((null lsts) (f))
-                  ((atom (car lsts)) (car lsts))
-                  (t (cons (apply f (map car lsts))
-                           (mapcar- (map cdr lsts)))))))
-   lsts))
-(defun transpose (M) (apply mapcar (cons list M)))
-(defun filter (pred lst)
-  (cond ((null lst) ())
-        ((not (pred (car lst))) (filter pred (cdr lst)))
-        (t (cons (car lst) (filter pred (cdr lst))))))
-(define (foldr f zero lst)
-  (if (null lst) zero
-    (f (car lst) (foldr f zero (cdr lst)))))
-(define (foldl f zero lst)
-  (if (null lst) zero
-    (foldl f (f (car lst) zero) (cdr lst))))
-(define (reverse lst) (foldl cons nil lst))
-(define (reduce0 f zero lst)
-  (if (null lst) zero
-    (reduce0 f (f zero (car lst)) (cdr lst))))
-(defun reduce (f lst)
-  (reduce0 f (car lst) (cdr lst)))
-(define (copy-list l) (map identity l))
-(define (copy-tree l)
-  (if (atom l) l
-    (cons (copy-tree (car l))
-          (copy-tree (cdr l)))))
-(define (assoc item lst)
-  (cond ((atom lst) ())
-        ((eq (caar lst) item) (car lst))
-        (t (assoc item (cdr lst)))))
-(define (nreverse l)
-  (let ((prev nil))
-    (while (consp l)
-      (set 'l (prog1 (cdr l)
-                (rplacd l (prog1 prev
-                            (set 'prev l))))))
-    prev))
-(defmacro let* (binds . body)
-  (cons (list 'lambda (map car binds)
-              (cons progn
-                    (nconc (map (lambda (b) (cons 'setq b)) binds)
-                           body)))
-        (map (lambda (x) nil) binds)))
-(defmacro labels (binds . body)
-  (cons (list 'lambda (map car binds)
-              (cons progn
-                    (nconc (map (lambda (b)
-                                  (list 'setq (car b) (cons 'lambda (cdr b))))
-                                binds)
-                           body)))
-        (map (lambda (x) nil) binds)))
-(defmacro when   (c . body) (list if c (f-body body) nil))
-(defmacro unless (c . body) (list if c nil (f-body body)))
-(defmacro dotimes (var . body)
-  (let ((v (car var))
-        (cnt (cadr var)))
-    (list 'let (list (list v 0))
-          (list while (list < v cnt)
-                (list prog1 (f-body body) (list 'setq v (list + v 1)))))))
-(defun map-int (f n)
-  (let ((acc nil))
-    (dotimes (i n)
-      (setq acc (cons (f i) acc)))
-    (nreverse acc)))
-; property lists
-(setq *plists* nil)
-(defun symbol-plist (sym)
-  (cdr (or (assoc sym *plists*) '(()))))
-(defun set-symbol-plist (sym lst)
-  (let ((p (assoc sym *plists*)))
-    (if (null p)  ; sym has no plist yet
-        (setq *plists* (cons (cons sym lst) *plists*))
-      (rplacd p lst))))
-(defun get (sym prop)
-  (let ((pl (symbol-plist sym)))
-    (if pl
-        (let ((pr (member prop pl)))
-          (if pr (cadr pr) nil))
-      nil)))
-(defun put (sym prop val)
-  (let ((p (assoc sym *plists*)))
-    (if (null p)  ; sym has no plist yet
-        (setq *plists* (cons (list sym prop val) *plists*))
-      (let ((pr (member prop p)))
-        (if (null pr)  ; sym doesn't have this property yet
-            (rplacd p (cons prop (cons val (cdr p))))
-          (rplaca (cdr pr) val)))))
-  val)
-; setf
-; expands (setf (place x ...) v) to (mutator (f x ...) v)
-; (mutator (identity x ...) v) is interpreted as (mutator x ... v)
-(setq *setf-place-list*
-       ; place   mutator  f
-      '((car     rplaca   identity)
-        (cdr     rplacd   identity)
-        (caar    rplaca   car)
-        (cadr    rplaca   cdr)
-        (cdar    rplacd   car)
-        (cddr    rplacd   cdr)
-        (caaar   rplaca   caar)
-        (caadr   rplaca   cadr)
-        (cadar   rplaca   cdar)
-        (caddr   rplaca   cddr)
-        (cdaar   rplacd   caar)
-        (cdadr   rplacd   cadr)
-        (cddar   rplacd   cdar)
-        (cdddr   rplacd   cddr)
-        (get     put      identity)
-        (aref    aset     identity)
-        (symbol-function   set                identity)
-        (symbol-value      set                identity)
-        (symbol-plist      set-symbol-plist   identity)))
-(defun setf-place-mutator (place val)
-  (if (symbolp place)
-      (list 'setq place val)
-    (let ((mutator (assoc (car place) *setf-place-list*)))
-      (if (null mutator)
-          (error '|setf: error: unknown place | (car place))
-        (if (eq (caddr mutator) 'identity)
-            (cons (cadr mutator) (append (cdr place) (list val)))
-          (list (cadr mutator)
-                (cons (caddr mutator) (cdr place))
-                val))))))
-(defmacro setf args
-  (f-body
-   ((label setf-
-           (lambda (args)
-             (if (null args)
-                 nil
-               (cons (setf-place-mutator (car args) (cadr args))
-                     (setf- (cddr args))))))
-    args)))
-(defun revappend (l1 l2) (nconc (reverse l1) l2))
-(defun nreconc   (l1 l2) (nconc (nreverse l1) l2))
-(defun builtinp (x)
-  (and (atom x)
-       (not (symbolp x))
-       (not (numberp x))))
-(defun self-evaluating-p (x)
-  (or (eq x nil)
-      (eq x t)
-      (and (atom x)
-           (not (symbolp x)))))
-; backquote
-(defmacro backquote (x) (bq-process x))
-(defun splice-form-p (x)
-  (or (and (consp x) (or (eq (car x) '*comma-at*)
-                         (eq (car x) '*comma-dot*)))
-      (eq x '*comma*)))
-(defun bq-process (x)
-  (cond ((self-evaluating-p x)        x)
-        ((atom x)                     (list quote x))
-        ((eq (car x) 'backquote)      (bq-process (bq-process (cadr x))))
-        ((eq (car x) '*comma*)        (cadr x))
-        ((not (any splice-form-p x))
-         (let ((lc    (lastcdr x))
-               (forms (map bq-bracket1 x)))
-           (if (null lc)
-               (cons 'list forms)
-             (nconc (cons 'nlist* forms) (list (bq-process lc))))))
-        (t (let ((p x) (q '()))
-             (while (and (consp p)
-                         (not (eq (car p) '*comma*)))
-               (setq q (cons (bq-bracket (car p)) q))
-               (setq p (cdr p)))
-             (cons 'nconc
-                   (cond ((consp p) (nreconc q (list (cadr p))))
-                         ((null p)  (nreverse q))
-                         (t         (nreconc q (list (bq-process p))))))))))
-(defun bq-bracket (x)
-  (cond ((atom x)                   (list cons (bq-process x) nil))
-        ((eq (car x) '*comma*)      (list cons (cadr x)       nil))
-        ((eq (car x) '*comma-at*)   (list 'copy-list (cadr x)))
-        ((eq (car x) '*comma-dot*)  (cadr x))
-        (t                          (list cons (bq-process x) nil))))
-; bracket without splicing
-(defun bq-bracket1 (x)
-  (if (and (consp x) (eq (car x) '*comma*))
-      (cadr x)
-    (bq-process x)))