shithub: libvpx

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ref: 0907cb6b4c89e6c4081d890f8ffde9115e3d74f4
parent: b59b3241713282d50af2dce6ae5a1f57223ca6b2
author: Dmitry Kovalev <[email protected]>
date: Thu May 22 08:46:22 EDT 2014

Removing unused third-party libraries.

We use libwebm instead of libmkv and nestegg.

Change-Id: I339eae081061c2e3eb8b234f14ae1bc846f85011

--- a/third_party/libmkv/EbmlBufferWriter.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +1,0 @@
-// #include <strmif.h>
-#include "EbmlBufferWriter.h"
-#include "EbmlWriter.h"
-// #include <cassert>
-// #include <limits>
-// #include <malloc.h>  //_alloca
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <wchar.h>
-#include <string.h>
-void Ebml_Write(EbmlGlobal *glob, const void *buffer_in, unsigned long len) {
-  unsigned char *src = glob->buf;
-  src += glob->offset;
-  memcpy(src, buffer_in, len);
-  glob->offset += len;
-static void _Serialize(EbmlGlobal *glob, const unsigned char *p, const unsigned char *q) {
-  while (q != p) {
-    --q;
-    memcpy(&(glob->buf[glob->offset]), q, 1);
-    glob->offset++;
-  }
-void Ebml_Serialize(EbmlGlobal *glob, const void *buffer_in, unsigned long len) {
-  // assert(buf);
-  const unsigned char *const p = (const unsigned char *)(buffer_in);
-  const unsigned char *const q = p + len;
-  _Serialize(glob, p, q);
-void Ebml_StartSubElement(EbmlGlobal *glob, EbmlLoc *ebmlLoc, unsigned long class_id) {
-  Ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
-  ebmlLoc->offset = glob->offset;
-  // todo this is always taking 8 bytes, this may need later optimization
-  unsigned long long unknownLen =  0x01FFFFFFFFFFFFFFLLU;
-  Ebml_Serialize(glob, (void *)&unknownLen, 8); // this is a key that says lenght unknown
-void Ebml_EndSubElement(EbmlGlobal *glob, EbmlLoc *ebmlLoc) {
-  unsigned long long size = glob->offset - ebmlLoc->offset - 8;
-  unsigned long long curOffset = glob->offset;
-  glob->offset = ebmlLoc->offset;
-  size |=  0x0100000000000000LLU;
-  Ebml_Serialize(glob, &size, 8);
-  glob->offset = curOffset;
--- a/third_party/libmkv/EbmlBufferWriter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +1,0 @@
-typedef struct {
-  unsigned long long offset;
-} EbmlLoc;
-typedef struct {
-  unsigned char *buf;
-  unsigned int length;
-  unsigned int offset;
-} EbmlGlobal;
-void Ebml_StartSubElement(EbmlGlobal *glob, EbmlLoc *ebmlLoc, unsigned long class_id);
-void Ebml_EndSubElement(EbmlGlobal *glob,  EbmlLoc *ebmlLoc);
--- a/third_party/libmkv/EbmlIDs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +1,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#ifndef MKV_DEFS_HPP
-#define MKV_DEFS_HPP 1
-/* Commenting out values not available in webm, but available in matroska */
-enum mkv {
-  EBML = 0x1A45DFA3,
-  EBMLVersion = 0x4286,
-  EBMLReadVersion = 0x42F7,
-  EBMLMaxIDLength = 0x42F2,
-  EBMLMaxSizeLength = 0x42F3,
-  DocType = 0x4282,
-  DocTypeVersion = 0x4287,
-  DocTypeReadVersion = 0x4285,
-/* CRC_32 = 0xBF, */
-  Void = 0xEC,
-  SignatureSlot = 0x1B538667,
-  SignatureAlgo = 0x7E8A,
-  SignatureHash = 0x7E9A,
-  SignaturePublicKey = 0x7EA5,
-  Signature = 0x7EB5,
-  SignatureElements = 0x7E5B,
-  SignatureElementList = 0x7E7B,
-  SignedElement = 0x6532,
-  /* segment */
-  Segment = 0x18538067,
-  /* Meta Seek Information */
-  SeekHead = 0x114D9B74,
-  Seek = 0x4DBB,
-  SeekID = 0x53AB,
-  SeekPosition = 0x53AC,
-  /* Segment Information */
-  Info = 0x1549A966,
-/* SegmentUID = 0x73A4, */
-/* SegmentFilename = 0x7384, */
-/* PrevUID = 0x3CB923, */
-/* PrevFilename = 0x3C83AB, */
-/* NextUID = 0x3EB923, */
-/* NextFilename = 0x3E83BB, */
-/* SegmentFamily = 0x4444, */
-/* ChapterTranslate = 0x6924, */
-/* ChapterTranslateEditionUID = 0x69FC, */
-/* ChapterTranslateCodec = 0x69BF, */
-/* ChapterTranslateID = 0x69A5, */
-  TimecodeScale = 0x2AD7B1,
-  Segment_Duration = 0x4489,
-  DateUTC = 0x4461,
-/* Title = 0x7BA9, */
-  MuxingApp = 0x4D80,
-  WritingApp = 0x5741,
-  /* Cluster */
-  Cluster = 0x1F43B675,
-  Timecode = 0xE7,
-/* SilentTracks = 0x5854, */
-/* SilentTrackNumber = 0x58D7, */
-/* Position = 0xA7, */
-  PrevSize = 0xAB,
-  BlockGroup = 0xA0,
-  Block = 0xA1,
-/* BlockVirtual = 0xA2, */
-  BlockAdditions = 0x75A1,
-  BlockMore = 0xA6,
-  BlockAddID = 0xEE,
-  BlockAdditional = 0xA5,
-  BlockDuration = 0x9B,
-/* ReferencePriority = 0xFA, */
-  ReferenceBlock = 0xFB,
-/* ReferenceVirtual = 0xFD, */
-/* CodecState = 0xA4, */
-/* Slices = 0x8E, */
-/* TimeSlice = 0xE8, */
-  LaceNumber = 0xCC,
-/* FrameNumber = 0xCD, */
-/* BlockAdditionID = 0xCB, */
-/* MkvDelay = 0xCE, */
-/* Cluster_Duration = 0xCF, */
-  SimpleBlock = 0xA3,
-/* EncryptedBlock = 0xAF, */
-  /* Track */
-  Tracks = 0x1654AE6B,
-  TrackEntry = 0xAE,
-  TrackNumber = 0xD7,
-  TrackUID = 0x73C5,
-  TrackType = 0x83,
-  FlagEnabled = 0xB9,
-  FlagDefault = 0x88,
-  FlagForced = 0x55AA,
-  FlagLacing = 0x9C,
-/* MinCache = 0x6DE7, */
-/* MaxCache = 0x6DF8, */
-  DefaultDuration = 0x23E383,
-/* TrackTimecodeScale = 0x23314F, */
-/* TrackOffset = 0x537F, */
-  MaxBlockAdditionID = 0x55EE,
-  Name = 0x536E,
-  Language = 0x22B59C,
-  CodecID = 0x86,
-  CodecPrivate = 0x63A2,
-  CodecName = 0x258688,
-/* AttachmentLink = 0x7446, */
-/* CodecSettings = 0x3A9697, */
-/* CodecInfoURL = 0x3B4040, */
-/* CodecDownloadURL = 0x26B240, */
-/* CodecDecodeAll = 0xAA, */
-/* TrackOverlay = 0x6FAB, */
-/* TrackTranslate = 0x6624, */
-/* TrackTranslateEditionUID = 0x66FC, */
-/* TrackTranslateCodec = 0x66BF, */
-/* TrackTranslateTrackID = 0x66A5, */
-  /* video */
-  Video = 0xE0,
-  FlagInterlaced = 0x9A,
-  StereoMode = 0x53B8,
-  AlphaMode = 0x53C0,
-  PixelWidth = 0xB0,
-  PixelHeight = 0xBA,
-  PixelCropBottom = 0x54AA,
-  PixelCropTop = 0x54BB,
-  PixelCropLeft = 0x54CC,
-  PixelCropRight = 0x54DD,
-  DisplayWidth = 0x54B0,
-  DisplayHeight = 0x54BA,
-  DisplayUnit = 0x54B2,
-  AspectRatioType = 0x54B3,
-/* ColourSpace = 0x2EB524, */
-/* GammaValue = 0x2FB523, */
-  FrameRate = 0x2383E3,
-  /* end video */
-  /* audio */
-  Audio = 0xE1,
-  SamplingFrequency = 0xB5,
-  OutputSamplingFrequency = 0x78B5,
-  Channels = 0x9F,
-/* ChannelPositions = 0x7D7B, */
-  BitDepth = 0x6264,
-  /* end audio */
-  /* content encoding */
-/* ContentEncodings = 0x6d80, */
-/* ContentEncoding = 0x6240, */
-/* ContentEncodingOrder = 0x5031, */
-/* ContentEncodingScope = 0x5032, */
-/* ContentEncodingType = 0x5033, */
-/* ContentCompression = 0x5034, */
-/* ContentCompAlgo = 0x4254, */
-/* ContentCompSettings = 0x4255, */
-/* ContentEncryption = 0x5035, */
-/* ContentEncAlgo = 0x47e1, */
-/* ContentEncKeyID = 0x47e2, */
-/* ContentSignature = 0x47e3, */
-/* ContentSigKeyID = 0x47e4, */
-/* ContentSigAlgo = 0x47e5, */
-/* ContentSigHashAlgo = 0x47e6, */
-  /* end content encoding */
-  /* Cueing Data */
-  Cues = 0x1C53BB6B,
-  CuePoint = 0xBB,
-  CueTime = 0xB3,
-  CueTrackPositions = 0xB7,
-  CueTrack = 0xF7,
-  CueClusterPosition = 0xF1,
-  CueBlockNumber = 0x5378
-/* CueCodecState = 0xEA, */
-/* CueReference = 0xDB, */
-/* CueRefTime = 0x96, */
-/* CueRefCluster = 0x97, */
-/* CueRefNumber = 0x535F, */
-/* CueRefCodecState = 0xEB, */
-  /* Attachment */
-/* Attachments = 0x1941A469, */
-/* AttachedFile = 0x61A7, */
-/* FileDescription = 0x467E, */
-/* FileName = 0x466E, */
-/* FileMimeType = 0x4660, */
-/* FileData = 0x465C, */
-/* FileUID = 0x46AE, */
-/* FileReferral = 0x4675, */
-  /* Chapters */
-/* Chapters = 0x1043A770, */
-/* EditionEntry = 0x45B9, */
-/* EditionUID = 0x45BC, */
-/* EditionFlagHidden = 0x45BD, */
-/* EditionFlagDefault = 0x45DB, */
-/* EditionFlagOrdered = 0x45DD, */
-/* ChapterAtom = 0xB6, */
-/* ChapterUID = 0x73C4, */
-/* ChapterTimeStart = 0x91, */
-/* ChapterTimeEnd = 0x92, */
-/* ChapterFlagHidden = 0x98, */
-/* ChapterFlagEnabled = 0x4598, */
-/* ChapterSegmentUID = 0x6E67, */
-/* ChapterSegmentEditionUID = 0x6EBC, */
-/* ChapterPhysicalEquiv = 0x63C3, */
-/* ChapterTrack = 0x8F, */
-/* ChapterTrackNumber = 0x89, */
-/* ChapterDisplay = 0x80, */
-/* ChapString = 0x85, */
-/* ChapLanguage = 0x437C, */
-/* ChapCountry = 0x437E, */
-/* ChapProcess = 0x6944, */
-/* ChapProcessCodecID = 0x6955, */
-/* ChapProcessPrivate = 0x450D, */
-/* ChapProcessCommand = 0x6911, */
-/* ChapProcessTime = 0x6922, */
-/* ChapProcessData = 0x6933, */
-  /* Tagging */
-/* Tags = 0x1254C367, */
-/* Tag = 0x7373, */
-/* Targets = 0x63C0, */
-/* TargetTypeValue = 0x68CA, */
-/* TargetType = 0x63CA, */
-/* Tagging_TrackUID = 0x63C5, */
-/* Tagging_EditionUID = 0x63C9, */
-/* Tagging_ChapterUID = 0x63C4, */
-/* AttachmentUID = 0x63C6, */
-/* SimpleTag = 0x67C8, */
-/* TagName = 0x45A3, */
-/* TagLanguage = 0x447A, */
-/* TagDefault = 0x4484, */
-/* TagString = 0x4487, */
-/* TagBinary = 0x4485, */
--- a/third_party/libmkv/EbmlWriter.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +1,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "EbmlWriter.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <wchar.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#define LITERALU64(n) n
-#define LITERALU64(n) n##LLU
-void Ebml_WriteLen(EbmlGlobal *glob, int64_t val) {
-  /* TODO check and make sure we are not > than 0x0100000000000000LLU */
-  unsigned char size = 8; /* size in bytes to output */
-  /* mask to compare for byte size */
-  int64_t minVal = 0xff;
-  for (size = 1; size < 8; size ++) {
-    if (val < minVal)
-      break;
-    minVal = (minVal << 7);
-  }
-  val |= (((uint64_t)0x80) << ((size - 1) * 7));
-  Ebml_Serialize(glob, (void *) &val, sizeof(val), size);
-void Ebml_WriteString(EbmlGlobal *glob, const char *str) {
-  const size_t size_ = strlen(str);
-  const uint64_t  size = size_;
-  Ebml_WriteLen(glob, size);
-  /* TODO: it's not clear from the spec whether the nul terminator
-   * should be serialized too.  For now we omit the null terminator.
-   */
-  Ebml_Write(glob, str, (unsigned long)size);
-void Ebml_WriteUTF8(EbmlGlobal *glob, const wchar_t *wstr) {
-  const size_t strlen = wcslen(wstr);
-  /* TODO: it's not clear from the spec whether the nul terminator
-   * should be serialized too.  For now we include it.
-   */
-  const uint64_t  size = strlen;
-  Ebml_WriteLen(glob, size);
-  Ebml_Write(glob, wstr, (unsigned long)size);
-void Ebml_WriteID(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id) {
-  int len;
-  if (class_id >= 0x01000000)
-    len = 4;
-  else if (class_id >= 0x00010000)
-    len = 3;
-  else if (class_id >= 0x00000100)
-    len = 2;
-  else
-    len = 1;
-  Ebml_Serialize(glob, (void *)&class_id, sizeof(class_id), len);
-void Ebml_SerializeUnsigned64(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, uint64_t ui) {
-  unsigned char sizeSerialized = 8 | 0x80;
-  Ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
-  Ebml_Serialize(glob, &sizeSerialized, sizeof(sizeSerialized), 1);
-  Ebml_Serialize(glob, &ui, sizeof(ui), 8);
-void Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, unsigned long ui) {
-  unsigned char size = 8; /* size in bytes to output */
-  unsigned char sizeSerialized = 0;
-  unsigned long minVal;
-  Ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
-  minVal = 0x7fLU; /* mask to compare for byte size */
-  for (size = 1; size < 4; size ++) {
-    if (ui < minVal) {
-      break;
-    }
-    minVal <<= 7;
-  }
-  sizeSerialized = 0x80 | size;
-  Ebml_Serialize(glob, &sizeSerialized, sizeof(sizeSerialized), 1);
-  Ebml_Serialize(glob, &ui, sizeof(ui), size);
-/* TODO: perhaps this is a poor name for this id serializer helper function */
-void Ebml_SerializeBinary(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, unsigned long bin) {
-  int size;
-  for (size = 4; size > 1; size--) {
-    if (bin & (unsigned int)0x000000ff << ((size - 1) * 8))
-      break;
-  }
-  Ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
-  Ebml_WriteLen(glob, size);
-  Ebml_WriteID(glob, bin);
-void Ebml_SerializeFloat(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, double d) {
-  unsigned char len = 0x88;
-  Ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
-  Ebml_Serialize(glob, &len, sizeof(len), 1);
-  Ebml_Serialize(glob,  &d, sizeof(d), 8);
-void Ebml_WriteSigned16(EbmlGlobal *glob, short val) {
-  signed long out = ((val & 0x003FFFFF) | 0x00200000) << 8;
-  Ebml_Serialize(glob, &out, sizeof(out), 3);
-void Ebml_SerializeString(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, const char *s) {
-  Ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
-  Ebml_WriteString(glob, s);
-void Ebml_SerializeUTF8(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, wchar_t *s) {
-  Ebml_WriteID(glob,  class_id);
-  Ebml_WriteUTF8(glob,  s);
-void Ebml_SerializeData(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, unsigned char *data, unsigned long data_length) {
-  Ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
-  Ebml_WriteLen(glob, data_length);
-  Ebml_Write(glob,  data, data_length);
-void Ebml_WriteVoid(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long vSize) {
-  unsigned char tmp = 0;
-  unsigned long i = 0;
-  Ebml_WriteID(glob, 0xEC);
-  Ebml_WriteLen(glob, vSize);
-  for (i = 0; i < vSize; i++) {
-    Ebml_Write(glob, &tmp, 1);
-  }
-/* TODO Serialize Date */
--- a/third_party/libmkv/EbmlWriter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +1,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include "vpx/vpx_integer.h"
-/* note: you must define write and serialize functions as well as your own
- *
- * These functions MUST be implemented
- */
-typedef struct EbmlGlobal EbmlGlobal;
-void  Ebml_Serialize(EbmlGlobal *glob, const void *, int, unsigned long);
-void  Ebml_Write(EbmlGlobal *glob, const void *, unsigned long);
-void Ebml_WriteLen(EbmlGlobal *glob, int64_t val);
-void Ebml_WriteString(EbmlGlobal *glob, const char *str);
-void Ebml_WriteUTF8(EbmlGlobal *glob, const wchar_t *wstr);
-void Ebml_WriteID(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id);
-void Ebml_SerializeUnsigned64(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, uint64_t ui);
-void Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, unsigned long ui);
-void Ebml_SerializeBinary(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, unsigned long ui);
-void Ebml_SerializeFloat(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, double d);
-/* TODO make this more generic to signed */
-void Ebml_WriteSigned16(EbmlGlobal *glob, short val);
-void Ebml_SerializeString(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, const char *s);
-void Ebml_SerializeUTF8(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, wchar_t *s);
-void Ebml_SerializeData(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, unsigned char *data, unsigned long data_length);
-void Ebml_WriteVoid(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long vSize);
-/* TODO need date function */
--- a/third_party/libmkv/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +1,0 @@
-FLAGS=-g -Wall
-all: testlibmkv
-#Build Targets
-EbmlWriter.o: EbmlWriter.c EbmlWriter.h
-	$(CC) $(FLAGS) -c EbmlWriter.c
-EbmlBufferWriter.o: EbmlBufferWriter.c EbmlBufferWriter.h
-	$(CC) $(FLAGS) -c EbmlBufferWriter.c
-WebMElement.o: WebMElement.c WebMElement.h
-	$(CC) $(FLAGS) -c WebMElement.c
-testlibmkv.o: testlibmkv.c
-	$(CC) $(FLAGS) -c testlibmkv.c
-testlibmkv: testlibmkv.o WebMElement.o EbmlBufferWriter.o EbmlWriter.o
-	$(LINKER) $(FLAGS) -o testlibmkv testlibmkv.o WebMElement.o EbmlBufferWriter.o EbmlWriter.o
-	rm -rf *.o testlibmkv
--- a/third_party/libmkv/WebMElement.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +1,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
-// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
-// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
-// in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
-// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
-#include "EbmlBufferWriter.h"
-#include "EbmlIDs.h"
-#include "WebMElement.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "vpx/vpx_integer.h"
-#define kVorbisPrivateMaxSize  4000
-void writeHeader(EbmlGlobal *glob) {
-  EbmlLoc start;
-  Ebml_StartSubElement(glob, &start, EBML);
-  Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, EBMLVersion, 1);
-  Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, EBMLReadVersion, 1); // EBML Read Version
-  Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, EBMLMaxIDLength, 4); // EBML Max ID Length
-  Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, EBMLMaxSizeLength, 8); // EBML Max Size Length
-  Ebml_SerializeString(glob, DocType, "webm"); // Doc Type
-  Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, DocTypeVersion, 2); // Doc Type Version
-  Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, DocTypeReadVersion, 2); // Doc Type Read Version
-  Ebml_EndSubElement(glob, &start);
-void writeSimpleBlock(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned char trackNumber, short timeCode,
-                      int isKeyframe, unsigned char lacingFlag, int discardable,
-                      unsigned char *data, unsigned long dataLength) {
-  Ebml_WriteID(glob, SimpleBlock);
-  unsigned long blockLength = 4 + dataLength;
-  blockLength |= 0x10000000; // TODO check length < 0x0FFFFFFFF
-  Ebml_Serialize(glob, &blockLength, sizeof(blockLength), 4);
-  trackNumber |= 0x80;  // TODO check track nubmer < 128
-  Ebml_Write(glob, &trackNumber, 1);
-  // Ebml_WriteSigned16(glob, timeCode,2); //this is 3 bytes
-  Ebml_Serialize(glob, &timeCode, sizeof(timeCode), 2);
-  unsigned char flags = 0x00 | (isKeyframe ? 0x80 : 0x00) | (lacingFlag << 1) | discardable;
-  Ebml_Write(glob, &flags, 1);
-  Ebml_Write(glob, data, dataLength);
-static uint64_t generateTrackID(unsigned int trackNumber) {
-  uint64_t t = time(NULL) * trackNumber;
-  uint64_t r = rand();
-  r = r << 32;
-  r +=  rand();
-  uint64_t rval = t ^ r;
-  return rval;
-void writeVideoTrack(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned int trackNumber,
-                     int flagLacing, const char *codecId,
-                     unsigned int pixelWidth, unsigned int pixelHeight,
-                     double frameRate) {
-  EbmlLoc start;
-  Ebml_StartSubElement(glob, &start, TrackEntry);
-  Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, TrackNumber, trackNumber);
-  uint64_t trackID = generateTrackID(trackNumber);
-  Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, TrackUID, trackID);
-  Ebml_SerializeString(glob, CodecName, "VP8");  // TODO shouldn't be fixed
-  Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, TrackType, 1); // video is always 1
-  Ebml_SerializeString(glob, CodecID, codecId);
-  {
-    EbmlLoc videoStart;
-    Ebml_StartSubElement(glob, &videoStart, Video);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, PixelWidth, pixelWidth);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, PixelHeight, pixelHeight);
-    Ebml_SerializeFloat(glob, FrameRate, frameRate);
-    Ebml_EndSubElement(glob, &videoStart); // Video
-  }
-  Ebml_EndSubElement(glob, &start); // Track Entry
-void writeAudioTrack(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned int trackNumber,
-                     int flagLacing, const char *codecId,
-                     double samplingFrequency, unsigned int channels,
-                     unsigned char *private, unsigned long privateSize) {
-  EbmlLoc start;
-  Ebml_StartSubElement(glob, &start, TrackEntry);
-  Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, TrackNumber, trackNumber);
-  uint64_t trackID = generateTrackID(trackNumber);
-  Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, TrackUID, trackID);
-  Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, TrackType, 2); // audio is always 2
-  // I am using defaults for thesed required fields
-  /*  Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, FlagEnabled, 1);
-      Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, FlagDefault, 1);
-      Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, FlagForced, 1);
-      Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, FlagLacing, flagLacing);*/
-  Ebml_SerializeString(glob, CodecID, codecId);
-  Ebml_SerializeData(glob, CodecPrivate, private, privateSize);
-  Ebml_SerializeString(glob, CodecName, "VORBIS");  // fixed for now
-  {
-    EbmlLoc AudioStart;
-    Ebml_StartSubElement(glob, &AudioStart, Audio);
-    Ebml_SerializeFloat(glob, SamplingFrequency, samplingFrequency);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, Channels, channels);
-    Ebml_EndSubElement(glob, &AudioStart);
-  }
-  Ebml_EndSubElement(glob, &start);
-void writeSegmentInformation(EbmlGlobal *ebml, EbmlLoc *startInfo, unsigned long timeCodeScale, double duration) {
-  Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml, startInfo, Info);
-  Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml, TimecodeScale, timeCodeScale);
-  Ebml_SerializeFloat(ebml, Segment_Duration, duration * 1000.0); // Currently fixed to using milliseconds
-  Ebml_SerializeString(ebml, 0x4D80, "QTmuxingAppLibWebM-0.0.1");
-  Ebml_SerializeString(ebml, 0x5741, "QTwritingAppLibWebM-0.0.1");
-  Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml, startInfo);
-void Mkv_InitializeSegment(Ebml& ebml_out, EbmlLoc& ebmlLoc)
-    Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml_out, ebmlLoc, 0x18538067);
-void Mkv_InitializeSeek(Ebml& ebml_out, EbmlLoc& ebmlLoc)
-    Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml_out, ebmlLoc, 0x114d9b74);
-void Mkv_WriteSeekInformation(Ebml& ebml_out, SeekStruct& seekInformation)
-    EbmlLoc ebmlLoc;
-    Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml_out, ebmlLoc, 0x4dbb);
-    Ebml_SerializeString(ebml_out, 0x53ab, seekInformation.SeekID);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0x53ac, seekInformation.SeekPosition);
-    Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml_out, ebmlLoc);
-void Mkv_WriteSegmentInformation(Ebml& ebml_out, SegmentInformationStruct& segmentInformation)
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0x73a4, segmentInformation.segmentUID);
-    if (segmentInformation.filename != 0)
-        Ebml_SerializeString(ebml_out, 0x7384, segmentInformation.filename);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0x2AD7B1, segmentInformation.TimecodeScale);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0x4489, segmentInformation.Duration);
-    // TODO date
-    Ebml_SerializeWString(ebml_out, 0x4D80, L"MKVMUX");
-    Ebml_SerializeWString(ebml_out, 0x5741, segmentInformation.WritingApp);
-void Mkv_InitializeTrack(Ebml& ebml_out, EbmlLoc& ebmlLoc)
-    Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml_out, ebmlLoc, 0x1654AE6B);
-static void Mkv_WriteGenericTrackData(Ebml& ebml_out, TrackStruct& track)
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0xD7, track.TrackNumber);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0x73C5, track.TrackUID);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0x83, track.TrackType);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0xB9, track.FlagEnabled ? 1 :0);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0x88, track.FlagDefault ? 1 :0);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0x55AA, track.FlagForced ? 1 :0);
-    if (track.Language != 0)
-        Ebml_SerializeString(ebml_out, 0x22B59C, track.Language);
-    if (track.CodecID != 0)
-        Ebml_SerializeString(ebml_out, 0x86, track.CodecID);
-    if (track.CodecPrivate != 0)
-        Ebml_SerializeData(ebml_out, 0x63A2, track.CodecPrivate, track.CodecPrivateLength);
-    if (track.CodecName != 0)
-        Ebml_SerializeWString(ebml_out, 0x258688, track.CodecName);
-void Mkv_WriteVideoTrack(Ebml& ebml_out, TrackStruct & track, VideoTrackStruct& video)
-    EbmlLoc trackHeadLoc, videoHeadLoc;
-    Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml_out, trackHeadLoc, 0xAE);  // start Track
-    Mkv_WriteGenericTrackData(ebml_out, track);
-    Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml_out, videoHeadLoc, 0xE0);  // start Video
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0x9A, video.FlagInterlaced ? 1 :0);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0xB0, video.PixelWidth);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0xBA, video.PixelHeight);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0x54B0, video.PixelDisplayWidth);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0x54BA, video.PixelDisplayHeight);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0x54B2, video.displayUnit);
-    Ebml_SerializeFloat(ebml_out, 0x2383E3, video.FrameRate);
-    Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml_out, videoHeadLoc);
-    Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml_out, trackHeadLoc);
-void Mkv_WriteAudioTrack(Ebml& ebml_out, TrackStruct & track, AudioTrackStruct& video)
-    EbmlLoc trackHeadLoc, audioHeadLoc;
-    Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml_out, trackHeadLoc, 0xAE);
-    Mkv_WriteGenericTrackData(ebml_out, track);
-    Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml_out, audioHeadLoc, 0xE0);  // start Audio
-    Ebml_SerializeFloat(ebml_out, 0xB5, video.SamplingFrequency);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0x9F, video.Channels);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0x6264, video.BitDepth);
-    Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml_out, audioHeadLoc); // end audio
-    Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml_out, trackHeadLoc);
-void Mkv_WriteEbmlClusterHead(Ebml& ebml_out,  EbmlLoc& ebmlLoc, ClusterHeadStruct & clusterHead)
-    Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml_out, ebmlLoc, 0x1F43B675);
-    Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml_out, 0x6264, clusterHead.TimeCode);
-void Mkv_WriteSimpleBlockHead(Ebml& ebml_out,  EbmlLoc& ebmlLoc, SimpleBlockStruct& block)
-    Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml_out, ebmlLoc, 0xA3);
-    Ebml_Write1UInt(ebml_out, block.TrackNumber);
-    Ebml_WriteSigned16(ebml_out,block.TimeCode);
-    unsigned char flags = 0x00 | (block.iskey ? 0x80:0x00) | (block.lacing << 1) | block.discardable;
-    Ebml_Write1UInt(ebml_out, flags);  // TODO this may be the wrong function
-    Ebml_Serialize(ebml_out,, block.dataLength);
-    Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml_out,ebmlLoc);
--- a/third_party/libmkv/WebMElement.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +1,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
-// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
-// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
-// in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
-// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
-#define MKV_CONTEXT_HPP 1
-// these are helper functions
-void writeHeader(EbmlGlobal *ebml);
-void writeSegmentInformation(EbmlGlobal *ebml, EbmlLoc *startInfo,
-                             unsigned long timeCodeScale, double duration);
-// this function is a helper only, it assumes a lot of defaults
-void writeVideoTrack(EbmlGlobal *ebml, unsigned int trackNumber,
-                     int flagLacing, const char *codecId,
-                     unsigned int pixelWidth, unsigned int pixelHeight,
-                     double frameRate);
-void writeAudioTrack(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned int trackNumber,
-                     int flagLacing, const char *codecId,
-                     double samplingFrequency, unsigned int channels,
-                     unsigned char *private, unsigned long privateSize);
-void writeSimpleBlock(EbmlGlobal *ebml, unsigned char trackNumber,
-                      short timeCode, int isKeyframe,
-                      unsigned char lacingFlag, int discardable,
-                      unsigned char *data, unsigned long dataLength);
--- a/third_party/libmkv/testlibmkv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +1,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
-// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
-// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
-// in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
-// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
-#include "EbmlIDs.h"
-#include "EbmlBufferWriter.h"
-#include "WebMElement.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-  // init the datatype we're using for ebml output
-  unsigned char data[8192];
-  EbmlGlobal ebml;
-  ebml.buf = data;
-  ebml.offset = 0;
-  ebml.length = 8192;
-  writeHeader(&ebml);
-  {
-    EbmlLoc startSegment;
-    Ebml_StartSubElement(&ebml, &startSegment, Segment); // segment
-    {
-      // segment info
-      EbmlLoc startInfo;
-      Ebml_StartSubElement(&ebml, &startInfo, Info);
-      Ebml_SerializeString(&ebml, 0x4D80, "muxingAppLibMkv");
-      Ebml_SerializeString(&ebml, 0x5741, "writingAppLibMkv");
-      Ebml_EndSubElement(&ebml, &startInfo);
-    }
-    {
-      EbmlLoc trackStart;
-      Ebml_StartSubElement(&ebml, &trackStart, Tracks);
-      writeVideoTrack(&ebml, 1, 1, "V_MS/VFW/FOURCC", 320, 240, 29.97);
-      // writeAudioTrack(&ebml,2,1, "A_VORBIS", 32000, 1, NULL, 0);
-      Ebml_EndSubElement(&ebml, &trackStart);
-    }
-    {
-      EbmlLoc clusterStart;
-      Ebml_StartSubElement(&ebml, &clusterStart, Cluster); // cluster
-      Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(&ebml, Timecode, 0);
-      unsigned char someData[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
-      writeSimpleBlock(&ebml, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, someData, 4);
-      Ebml_EndSubElement(&ebml, &clusterStart);
-    }    // end cluster
-    Ebml_EndSubElement(&ebml, &startSegment);
-  }
-  // dump ebml stuff to the file
-  FILE *file_out = fopen("test.mkv", "wb");
-  size_t bytesWritten = fwrite(data, 1, ebml.offset, file_out);
-  fclose(file_out);
-  return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/third_party/nestegg/0001-include-paths.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +1,0 @@
-diff --git a/nestegg/halloc/src/halloc.c b/nestegg/halloc/src/halloc.c
-index 5758fc0..837b3ff 100644
---- a/nestegg/halloc/src/halloc.c
-+++ b/nestegg/halloc/src/halloc.c
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- #include <stdlib.h>  /* realloc */
- #include <string.h>  /* memset & co */
--#include "halloc.h"
-+#include "third_party/nestegg/halloc/halloc.h"
- #include "align.h"
- #include "hlist.h"
-diff --git a/nestegg/include/nestegg/nestegg.h b/nestegg/include/nestegg/nestegg.h
-index ff13728..c18d1d3 100644
---- a/nestegg/include/nestegg/nestegg.h
-+++ b/nestegg/include/nestegg/nestegg.h
-@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- #if !defined(NESTEGG_671cac2a_365d_ed69_d7a3_4491d3538d79)
- #define NESTEGG_671cac2a_365d_ed69_d7a3_4491d3538d79
--#include <nestegg/nestegg-stdint.h>
-+#include "vpx/vpx_integer.h"
- #if defined(__cplusplus)
- extern "C" {
-diff --git a/nestegg/src/nestegg.c b/nestegg/src/nestegg.c
-index daf1eed..4fb10e7 100644
---- a/nestegg/src/nestegg.c
-+++ b/nestegg/src/nestegg.c
-@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
--#include "halloc.h"
--#include "nestegg/nestegg.h"
-+#include "third_party/nestegg/halloc/halloc.h"
-+#include "third_party/nestegg/include/nestegg/nestegg.h"
- /* EBML Elements */
- #define ID_EBML                 0x1a45dfa3
--- a/third_party/nestegg/0002-ne_read_simple-uninitialized_variable.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +1,0 @@
-diff --git a/nestegg/src/nestegg.c b/nestegg/src/nestegg.c
-index 4fb10e7..b6bc460 100644
---- a/nestegg/src/nestegg.c
-+++ b/nestegg/src/nestegg.c
-@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ static int
- ne_read_simple(nestegg * ctx, struct ebml_element_desc * desc, size_t length)
- {
-   struct ebml_type * storage;
--  int r;
-+  int r = 0;
-   storage = (struct ebml_type *) (ctx->ancestor->data + desc->offset);
-@@ -968,7 +968,6 @@ ne_read_simple(nestegg * ctx, struct ebml_element_desc * desc, size_t length)
-   case TYPE_MASTER:
-   case TYPE_UNKNOWN:
-     assert(0);
--    r = 0;
-     break;
-   }
--- a/third_party/nestegg/AUTHORS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-Matthew Gregan <[email protected]>
-Steve Workman <[email protected]>
-Paul Adenot <[email protected]>
--- a/third_party/nestegg/INSTALL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,0 @@
-Build instructions for libnestegg
-0. Change directory into the source directory.
-1. Run |autoreconf --install| to generate configure.
-2. Run |./configure| to configure the build.
-3. Run |make| to build.
-4. Run |make check| to run the test suite.
--- a/third_party/nestegg/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,0 @@
-Copyright © 2010 Mozilla Foundation
-Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
-purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
-copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
--- a/third_party/nestegg/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,0 @@
-See INSTALL for build instructions.
-Licensed under an ISC-style license.  See LICENSE for details.
-The source under the halloc/ directory is licensed under a BSD license.  See
-halloc/halloc.h for details.
--- a/third_party/nestegg/README.libvpx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +1,0 @@
-Version: f46223191d8116a36bf299b5b9793fcb798417b1
-License: ISC-style
-License File: LICENSE
-The source under the halloc/ directory is licensed under a BSD license. See
-halloc/halloc.h for details.
-Local Modifications:
-- delete unnecessary docs and build files
-- nestegg/0001-include-paths.diff
-  include path modifications for the libvpx build system
-- 0002-ne_read_simple-uninitialized_variable.diff
-  fixes:
-nestegg.c|975 col 6| warning: ‘r’ may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]
-- add ne_get_uint32 convenience function
-- fix track_number uint64->uint32 warnings
-- fix track_scale double->uint64 warning
-- nestegg_packet_track: fix uint64->uint32 warning
-- ne_read_(string|binary|block): normalize size_t usage
-- ne_parse: normalize size_t usage
-- quiet read related uint64->size_t warnings
-- ne_buffer_read: quiet uint64->size_t warning
--- a/third_party/nestegg/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +1,0 @@
-- Document when read, seek, tell callbacks are used.
-- Add an automated testsuite.
-- Test (and fix, if necessary) support for unknown sizes.
-- Test (and fix, if necessary) support for large files.
-- Read past unknown elements rather than seeking.
-- Try to handle unknown elements with unknown sizes.
-- Formalize handling of default element values.
-- Try to resynchronize stream when read_block fails so that failure to parse
-  a single block can be treated as non-fatal.
-- Make logging more useful to API users.
-- Avoid reparsing Cues and ignore any SeekHead at end of file.
-- Optionally build a Cue index as Clusters are parsed.
-- Support seeking without Cues.
-- Avoid building a list of Clusters as they are parsed and retain only the
-  last one parsed.
-- Add an asynchronous error code to struct nestegg and ensure that API calls
-  continue to fail safely one a fatal error has been returned.
-- Modify parser/data structures to provide a clean separation.  Perhaps the
-  parser should return a generic tree of nodes that a second pass uses to
-  initialize the main data structures.
-- Use pool allocator for all allocations.
--- a/third_party/nestegg/halloc/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +1,0 @@
-halloc 1.2.1
-	Hierarchical memory heap interface - an extension to standard
-	malloc/free interface that simplifies tasks of memory disposal 
-	when allocated structures exhibit hierarchical properties.
-	To build libhalloc.a with GNU tools run
-		make
-	To install in /usr/include and /usr/lib
-		make install
-	To cleanup the build files 
-		make clean
-	halloc-1.2.1
-		* fixed a double-free bug in _set_allocator() as per
-		  Matthew Gregan comments
-		* switched to using NULL instead of 0 where applicable
-	halloc-1.2.0
-		* added missing <string.h> include to halloc.c
-		* improved standard compliance thanks to the feedback
-		  received from Stan Tobias. Two things were fixed -
-		- hblock_t structure no longer uses zero-sized 'data'
-		  array, which happened to be common, but non-standard
-		  extension; 
-		- secondly, added the code to test the behaviour of 
-		  realloc(ptr, 0). Standard allows it NOT to act as
-		  free(), in which case halloc will use its own version
-		  of allocator calling free() when neccessary.
-	halloc-1.1.0
-		* initial public release (rewrite of hhmalloc library)
-Copyright (c) 2004-2010, Alex Pankratov ([email protected]). All rights reserved.
--- a/third_party/nestegg/halloc/halloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +1,0 @@
- *	Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Alex Pankratov. All rights reserved.
- *
- *	Hierarchical memory allocator, 1.2.1
- *
- */
- *	The program is distributed under terms of BSD license. 
- *	You can obtain the copy of the license by visiting:
- *	
- *
- */
-#ifndef _LIBP_HALLOC_H_
-#define _LIBP_HALLOC_H_
-#include <stddef.h>  /* size_t */
- *	Core API
- */
-void * halloc (void * block, size_t len);
-void   hattach(void * block, void * parent);
- *	standard malloc/free api
- */
-void * h_malloc (size_t len);
-void * h_calloc (size_t n, size_t len);
-void * h_realloc(void * p, size_t len);
-void   h_free   (void * p);
-char * h_strdup (const char * str);
- *	the underlying allocator
- */
-typedef void * (* realloc_t)(void * ptr, size_t len);
-extern realloc_t halloc_allocator;
--- a/third_party/nestegg/halloc/src/align.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +1,0 @@
- *	Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Alex Pankratov. All rights reserved.
- *
- *	Hierarchical memory allocator, 1.2.1
- *
- */
- *	The program is distributed under terms of BSD license. 
- *	You can obtain the copy of the license by visiting:
- *	
- *
- */
-#ifndef _LIBP_ALIGN_H_
-#define _LIBP_ALIGN_H_
- *	a type with the most strict alignment requirements
- */
-union max_align
-	char   c;
-	short  s;
-	long   l;
-	int    i;
-	float  f;
-	double d;
-	void * v;
-	void (*q)(void);
-typedef union max_align max_align_t;
--- a/third_party/nestegg/halloc/src/halloc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +1,0 @@
- *	Copyright (c) 2004i-2010 Alex Pankratov. All rights reserved.
- *
- *	Hierarchical memory allocator, 1.2.1
- *
- */
- *	The program is distributed under terms of BSD license. 
- *	You can obtain the copy of the license by visiting:
- *	
- *
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>  /* realloc */
-#include <string.h>  /* memset & co */
-#include "third_party/nestegg/halloc/halloc.h"
-#include "align.h"
-#include "hlist.h"
- *	block control header
- */
-typedef struct hblock
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-#define HH_MAGIC    0x20040518L
-	long          magic;
-	hlist_item_t  siblings; /* 2 pointers */
-	hlist_head_t  children; /* 1 pointer  */
-	max_align_t   data[1];  /* not allocated, see below */
-} hblock_t;
-#define sizeof_hblock offsetof(hblock_t, data)
- *
- */
-realloc_t halloc_allocator = NULL;
-#define allocator halloc_allocator
- *	static methods
- */
-static void _set_allocator(void);
-static void * _realloc(void * ptr, size_t n);
-static int  _relate(hblock_t * b, hblock_t * p);
-static void _free_children(hblock_t * p);
- *	Core API
- */
-void * halloc(void * ptr, size_t len)
-	hblock_t * p;
-	/* set up default allocator */
-	if (! allocator)
-	{
-		_set_allocator();
-		assert(allocator);
-	}
-	/* calloc */
-	if (! ptr)
-	{
-		if (! len)
-			return NULL;
-		p = allocator(0, len + sizeof_hblock);
-		if (! p)
-			return NULL;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-		p->magic = HH_MAGIC;
-		hlist_init(&p->children);
-		hlist_init_item(&p->siblings);
-		return p->data;
-	}
-	p = structof(ptr, hblock_t, data);
-	assert(p->magic == HH_MAGIC);
-	/* realloc */
-	if (len)
-	{
-		p = allocator(p, len + sizeof_hblock);
-		if (! p)
-			return NULL;
-		hlist_relink(&p->siblings);
-		hlist_relink_head(&p->children);
-		return p->data;
-	}
-	/* free */
-	_free_children(p);
-	hlist_del(&p->siblings);
-	allocator(p, 0);
-	return NULL;
-void hattach(void * block, void * parent)
-	hblock_t * b, * p;
-	if (! block)
-	{
-		assert(! parent);
-		return;
-	}
-	/* detach */
-	b = structof(block, hblock_t, data);
-	assert(b->magic == HH_MAGIC);
-	hlist_del(&b->siblings);
-	if (! parent)
-		return;
-	/* attach */
-	p = structof(parent, hblock_t, data);
-	assert(p->magic == HH_MAGIC);
-	/* sanity checks */
-	assert(b != p);          /* trivial */
-	assert(! _relate(p, b)); /* heavy ! */
-	hlist_add(&p->children, &b->siblings);
- *	malloc/free api
- */
-void * h_malloc(size_t len)
-	return halloc(0, len);
-void * h_calloc(size_t n, size_t len)
-	void * ptr = halloc(0, len*=n);
-	return ptr ? memset(ptr, 0, len) : NULL;
-void * h_realloc(void * ptr, size_t len)
-	return halloc(ptr, len);
-void   h_free(void * ptr)
-	halloc(ptr, 0);
-char * h_strdup(const char * str)
-	size_t len = strlen(str);
-	char * ptr = halloc(0, len + 1);
-	return ptr ? (ptr[len] = 0, memcpy(ptr, str, len)) : NULL;
- *	static stuff
- */
-static void _set_allocator(void)
-	void * p;
-	assert(! allocator);
-	/*
-	 *	the purpose of the test below is to check the behaviour
-	 *	of realloc(ptr, 0), which is defined in the standard
-	 *	as an implementation-specific. if it returns zero,
-	 *	then it's equivalent to free(). it can however return
-	 *	non-zero, in which case it cannot be used for freeing
-	 *	memory blocks and we'll need to supply our own version
-	 *
-	 *	Thanks to Stan Tobias for pointing this tricky part out.
-	 */
-	allocator = realloc;
-	if (! (p = malloc(1)))
-		/* hmm */
-		return;
-	if ((p = realloc(p, 0)))
-	{
-		/* realloc cannot be used as free() */
-		allocator = _realloc;
-		free(p);
-	}
-static void * _realloc(void * ptr, size_t n)
-	/*
-	 *	free'ing realloc()
-	 */
-	if (n)
-		return realloc(ptr, n);
-	free(ptr);
-	return NULL;
-static int _relate(hblock_t * b, hblock_t * p)
-	hlist_item_t * i;
-	if (!b || !p)
-		return 0;
-	/* 
-	 *  since there is no 'parent' pointer, which would've allowed
-	 *  O(log(n)) upward traversal, the check must use O(n) downward 
-	 *  iteration of the entire hierarchy; and this can be VERY SLOW
-	 */
-	hlist_for_each(i, &p->children)
-	{
-		hblock_t * q = structof(i, hblock_t, siblings);
-		if (q == b || _relate(b, q))
-			return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static void _free_children(hblock_t * p)
-	hlist_item_t * i, * tmp;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	/*
-	 *	this catches loops in hierarchy with almost zero 
-	 *	overhead (compared to _relate() running time)
-	 */
-	assert(p && p->magic == HH_MAGIC);
-	p->magic = 0; 
-	hlist_for_each_safe(i, tmp, &p->children)
-	{
-		hblock_t * q = structof(i, hblock_t, siblings);
-		_free_children(q);
-		allocator(q, 0);
-	}
--- a/third_party/nestegg/halloc/src/hlist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +1,0 @@
- *	Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Alex Pankratov. All rights reserved.
- *
- *	Hierarchical memory allocator, 1.2.1
- *
- */
- *	The program is distributed under terms of BSD license. 
- *	You can obtain the copy of the license by visiting:
- *	
- *
- */
-#ifndef _LIBP_HLIST_H_
-#define _LIBP_HLIST_H_
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "macros.h"  /* static_inline */
- *	weak double-linked list w/ tail sentinel
- */
-typedef struct hlist_head  hlist_head_t;
-typedef struct hlist_item  hlist_item_t;
- *
- */
-struct hlist_head
-	hlist_item_t * next;
-struct hlist_item
-	hlist_item_t * next;
-	hlist_item_t ** prev;
- *	shared tail sentinel
- */
-struct hlist_item hlist_null;
- *
- */
-#define __hlist_init(h)      { &hlist_null }
-#define __hlist_init_item(i) { &hlist_null, &(i).next }
-static_inline void hlist_init(hlist_head_t * h);
-static_inline void hlist_init_item(hlist_item_t * i);
-/* static_inline void hlist_purge(hlist_head_t * h); */
-/* static_inline bool_t hlist_empty(const hlist_head_t * h); */
-/* static_inline hlist_item_t * hlist_head(const hlist_head_t * h); */
-/* static_inline hlist_item_t * hlist_next(const hlist_item_t * i); */
-/* static_inline hlist_item_t * hlist_prev(const hlist_item_t * i, 
-                                           const hlist_head_t * h); */
-static_inline void hlist_add(hlist_head_t * h, hlist_item_t * i);
-/* static_inline void hlist_add_prev(hlist_item_t * l, hlist_item_t * i); */
-/* static_inline void hlist_add_next(hlist_item_t * l, hlist_item_t * i); */
-static_inline void hlist_del(hlist_item_t * i);
-static_inline void hlist_relink(hlist_item_t * i);
-static_inline void hlist_relink_head(hlist_head_t * h);
-#define hlist_for_each(i, h) \
-	for (i = (h)->next; i != &hlist_null; i = i->next)
-#define hlist_for_each_safe(i, tmp, h) \
-	for (i = (h)->next, tmp = i->next; \
-	     i!= &hlist_null; \
-	     i = tmp, tmp = i->next)
- *	static
- */
-static_inline void hlist_init(hlist_head_t * h)
-	assert(h);
-	h->next = &hlist_null;
-static_inline void hlist_init_item(hlist_item_t * i)
-	assert(i);
-	i->prev = &i->next;
-	i->next = &hlist_null;
-static_inline void hlist_add(hlist_head_t * h, hlist_item_t * i)
-	hlist_item_t * next;
-	assert(h && i);
-	next = i->next = h->next;
-	next->prev = &i->next;
-	h->next = i;
-	i->prev = &h->next;
-static_inline void hlist_del(hlist_item_t * i)
-	hlist_item_t * next;
-	assert(i);
-	next = i->next;
-	next->prev = i->prev;
-	*i->prev = next;
-	hlist_init_item(i);
-static_inline void hlist_relink(hlist_item_t * i)
-	assert(i);
-	*i->prev = i;
-	i->next->prev = &i->next;
-static_inline void hlist_relink_head(hlist_head_t * h)
-	assert(h);
-	h->next->prev = &h->next;
--- a/third_party/nestegg/halloc/src/macros.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +1,0 @@
- *	Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Alex Pankratov. All rights reserved.
- *
- *	Hierarchical memory allocator, 1.2.1
- *
- */
- *	The program is distributed under terms of BSD license. 
- *	You can obtain the copy of the license by visiting:
- *	
- *
- */
-#ifndef _LIBP_MACROS_H_
-#define _LIBP_MACROS_H_
-#include <stddef.h>  /* offsetof */
- 	restore pointer to the structure by a pointer to its field
- */
-#define structof(p,t,f) ((t*)(- (ptrdiff_t) offsetof(t,f) + (char*)(p)))
- *	redefine for the target compiler
- */
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define static_inline static __inline
-#define static_inline static __inline__
--- a/third_party/nestegg/include/nestegg/nestegg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +1,0 @@
- * Copyright © 2010 Mozilla Foundation
- *
- * This program is made available under an ISC-style license.  See the
- * accompanying file LICENSE for details.
- */
-#if !defined(NESTEGG_671cac2a_365d_ed69_d7a3_4491d3538d79)
-#define NESTEGG_671cac2a_365d_ed69_d7a3_4491d3538d79
-#include "vpx/vpx_integer.h"
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-/** @mainpage
-    @section intro Introduction
-    This is the documentation for the <tt>libnestegg</tt> C API.
-    <tt>libnestegg</tt> is a demultiplexing library for <a
-    href="">WebM</a>
-    media files.
-    @section example Example code
-    @code
-    nestegg * demux_ctx;
-    nestegg_init(&demux_ctx, io, NULL);
-    nestegg_packet * pkt;
-    while ((r = nestegg_read_packet(demux_ctx, &pkt)) > 0) {
-      unsigned int track;
-      nestegg_packet_track(pkt, &track);
-      // This example decodes the first track only.
-      if (track == 0) {
-        unsigned int chunk, chunks;
-        nestegg_packet_count(pkt, &chunks);
-        // Decode each chunk of data.
-        for (chunk = 0; chunk < chunks; ++chunk) {
-          unsigned char * data;
-          size_t data_size;
-          nestegg_packet_data(pkt, chunk, &data, &data_size);
-          example_codec_decode(codec_ctx, data, data_size);
-        }
-      }
-      nestegg_free_packet(pkt);
-    }
-    nestegg_destroy(demux_ctx);
-    @endcode
-/** @file
-    The <tt>libnestegg</tt> C API. */
-#define NESTEGG_TRACK_VIDEO 0 /**< Track is of type video. */
-#define NESTEGG_TRACK_AUDIO 1 /**< Track is of type audio. */
-#define NESTEGG_CODEC_VP8    0 /**< Track uses Google On2 VP8 codec. */
-#define NESTEGG_CODEC_VORBIS 1 /**< Track uses Xiph Vorbis codec. */
-#define NESTEGG_CODEC_VP9    2 /**< Track uses Google On2 VP9 codec. */
-#define NESTEGG_CODEC_OPUS   3 /**< Track uses Xiph Opus codec. */
-#define NESTEGG_VIDEO_MONO              0 /**< Track is mono video. */
-#define NESTEGG_VIDEO_STEREO_LEFT_RIGHT 1 /**< Track is side-by-side stereo video.  Left first. */
-#define NESTEGG_VIDEO_STEREO_BOTTOM_TOP 2 /**< Track is top-bottom stereo video.  Right first. */
-#define NESTEGG_VIDEO_STEREO_TOP_BOTTOM 3 /**< Track is top-bottom stereo video.  Left first. */
-#define NESTEGG_VIDEO_STEREO_RIGHT_LEFT 11 /**< Track is side-by-side stereo video.  Right first. */
-#define NESTEGG_SEEK_SET 0 /**< Seek offset relative to beginning of stream. */
-#define NESTEGG_SEEK_CUR 1 /**< Seek offset relative to current position in stream. */
-#define NESTEGG_SEEK_END 2 /**< Seek offset relative to end of stream. */
-#define NESTEGG_LOG_DEBUG    1     /**< Debug level log message. */
-#define NESTEGG_LOG_INFO     10    /**< Informational level log message. */
-#define NESTEGG_LOG_WARNING  100   /**< Warning level log message. */
-#define NESTEGG_LOG_ERROR    1000  /**< Error level log message. */
-#define NESTEGG_LOG_CRITICAL 10000 /**< Critical level log message. */
-typedef struct nestegg nestegg;               /**< Opaque handle referencing the stream state. */
-typedef struct nestegg_packet nestegg_packet; /**< Opaque handle referencing a packet of data. */
-/** User supplied IO context. */
-typedef struct {
-  /** User supplied read callback.
-      @param buffer   Buffer to read data into.
-      @param length   Length of supplied buffer in bytes.
-      @param userdata The #userdata supplied by the user.
-      @retval  1 Read succeeded.
-      @retval  0 End of stream.
-      @retval -1 Error. */
-  int (* read)(void * buffer, size_t length, void * userdata);
-  /** User supplied seek callback.
-      @param offset   Offset within the stream to seek to.
-      @param whence   Seek direction.  One of #NESTEGG_SEEK_SET,
-                      #NESTEGG_SEEK_CUR, or #NESTEGG_SEEK_END.
-      @param userdata The #userdata supplied by the user.
-      @retval  0 Seek succeeded.
-      @retval -1 Error. */
-  int (* seek)(int64_t offset, int whence, void * userdata);
-  /** User supplied tell callback.
-      @param userdata The #userdata supplied by the user.
-      @returns Current position within the stream.
-      @retval -1 Error. */
-  int64_t (* tell)(void * userdata);
-  /** User supplied pointer to be passed to the IO callbacks. */
-  void * userdata;
-} nestegg_io;
-/** Parameters specific to a video track. */
-typedef struct {
-  unsigned int stereo_mode;    /**< Video mode.  One of #NESTEGG_VIDEO_MONO,
-                                    #NESTEGG_VIDEO_STEREO_LEFT_RIGHT,
-                                    #NESTEGG_VIDEO_STEREO_BOTTOM_TOP, or
-                                    #NESTEGG_VIDEO_STEREO_TOP_BOTTOM. */
-  unsigned int width;          /**< Width of the video frame in pixels. */
-  unsigned int height;         /**< Height of the video frame in pixels. */
-  unsigned int display_width;  /**< Display width of the video frame in pixels. */
-  unsigned int display_height; /**< Display height of the video frame in pixels. */
-  unsigned int crop_bottom;    /**< Pixels to crop from the bottom of the frame. */
-  unsigned int crop_top;       /**< Pixels to crop from the top of the frame. */
-  unsigned int crop_left;      /**< Pixels to crop from the left of the frame. */
-  unsigned int crop_right;     /**< Pixels to crop from the right of the frame. */
-} nestegg_video_params;
-/** Parameters specific to an audio track. */
-typedef struct {
-  double rate;           /**< Sampling rate in Hz. */
-  unsigned int channels; /**< Number of audio channels. */
-  unsigned int depth;    /**< Bits per sample. */
-  uint64_t  codec_delay; /**< Nanoseconds that must be discarded from the start. */
-  uint64_t  seek_preroll;/**< Nanoseconds that must be discarded after a seek. */
-} nestegg_audio_params;
-/** Logging callback function pointer. */
-typedef void (* nestegg_log)(nestegg * context, unsigned int severity, char const * format, ...);
-/** Initialize a nestegg context.  During initialization the parser will
-    read forward in the stream processing all elements until the first
-    block of media is reached.  All track metadata has been processed at this point.
-    @param context  Storage for the new nestegg context.  @see nestegg_destroy
-    @param io       User supplied IO context.
-    @param callback Optional logging callback function pointer.  May be NULL.
-    @param max_offset Optional maximum offset to be read. Set -1 to ignore.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_init(nestegg ** context, nestegg_io io, nestegg_log callback, int64_t max_offset);
-/** Destroy a nestegg context and free associated memory.
-    @param context #nestegg context to be freed.  @see nestegg_init */
-void nestegg_destroy(nestegg * context);
-/** Query the duration of the media stream in nanoseconds.
-    @param context  Stream context initialized by #nestegg_init.
-    @param duration Storage for the queried duration.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_duration(nestegg * context, uint64_t * duration);
-/** Query the tstamp scale of the media stream in nanoseconds.
-    Timecodes presented by nestegg have been scaled by this value
-    before presentation to the caller.
-    @param context Stream context initialized by #nestegg_init.
-    @param scale   Storage for the queried scale factor.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_tstamp_scale(nestegg * context, uint64_t * scale);
-/** Query the number of tracks in the media stream.
-    @param context Stream context initialized by #nestegg_init.
-    @param tracks  Storage for the queried track count.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_track_count(nestegg * context, unsigned int * tracks);
-/** Query the start and end offset for a particular cluster.
-    @param context     Stream context initialized by #nestegg_init.
-    @param cluster_num Zero-based cluster number; order they appear in cues.
-    @param max_offset  Optional maximum offset to be read. Set -1 to ignore.
-    @param start_pos   Starting offset of the cluster. -1 means non-existant.
-    @param end_pos     Starting offset of the cluster. -1 means non-existant or
-                       final cluster.
-    @param tstamp      Starting timestamp of the cluster.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_get_cue_point(nestegg * context, unsigned int cluster_num,
-                          int64_t max_offset, int64_t * start_pos,
-                          int64_t * end_pos, uint64_t * tstamp);
-/** Seek to @a offset.  Stream will seek directly to offset.
-    Should be used to seek to the start of a resync point, i.e. cluster; the
-    parser will not be able to understand other offsets.
-    @param context Stream context initialized by #nestegg_init.
-    @param offset  Absolute offset in bytes.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_offset_seek(nestegg * context, uint64_t offset);
-/** Seek @a track to @a tstamp.  Stream seek will terminate at the earliest
-    key point in the stream at or before @a tstamp.  Other tracks in the
-    stream will output packets with unspecified but nearby timestamps.
-    @param context Stream context initialized by #nestegg_init.
-    @param track   Zero based track number.
-    @param tstamp  Absolute timestamp in nanoseconds.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_track_seek(nestegg * context, unsigned int track, uint64_t tstamp);
-/** Query the type specified by @a track.
-    @param context Stream context initialized by #nestegg_init.
-    @param track   Zero based track number.
-    @retval #NESTEGG_TRACK_VIDEO Track type is video.
-    @retval #NESTEGG_TRACK_AUDIO Track type is audio.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_track_type(nestegg * context, unsigned int track);
-/** Query the codec ID specified by @a track.
-    @param context Stream context initialized by #nestegg_init.
-    @param track   Zero based track number.
-    @retval #NESTEGG_CODEC_VP8    Track codec is VP8.
-    @retval #NESTEGG_CODEC_VORBIS Track codec is Vorbis.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_track_codec_id(nestegg * context, unsigned int track);
-/** Query the number of codec initialization chunks for @a track.  Each
-    chunk of data should be passed to the codec initialization functions in
-    the order returned.
-    @param context Stream context initialized by #nestegg_init.
-    @param track   Zero based track number.
-    @param count   Storage for the queried chunk count.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_track_codec_data_count(nestegg * context, unsigned int track,
-                                   unsigned int * count);
-/** Get a pointer to chunk number @a item of codec initialization data for
-    @a track.
-    @param context Stream context initialized by #nestegg_init.
-    @param track   Zero based track number.
-    @param item    Zero based chunk item number.
-    @param data    Storage for the queried data pointer.
-                   The data is owned by the #nestegg context.
-    @param length  Storage for the queried data size.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_track_codec_data(nestegg * context, unsigned int track, unsigned int item,
-                             unsigned char ** data, size_t * length);
-/** Query the video parameters specified by @a track.
-    @param context Stream context initialized by #nestegg_init.
-    @param track   Zero based track number.
-    @param params  Storage for the queried video parameters.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_track_video_params(nestegg * context, unsigned int track,
-                               nestegg_video_params * params);
-/** Query the audio parameters specified by @a track.
-    @param context Stream context initialized by #nestegg_init.
-    @param track   Zero based track number.
-    @param params  Storage for the queried audio parameters.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_track_audio_params(nestegg * context, unsigned int track,
-                               nestegg_audio_params * params);
-/** Read a packet of media data.  A packet consists of one or more chunks of
-    data associated with a single track.  nestegg_read_packet should be
-    called in a loop while the return value is 1 to drive the stream parser
-    forward.  @see nestegg_free_packet
-    @param context Context returned by #nestegg_init.
-    @param packet  Storage for the returned nestegg_packet.
-    @retval  1 Additional packets may be read in subsequent calls.
-    @retval  0 End of stream.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_read_packet(nestegg * context, nestegg_packet ** packet);
-/** Destroy a nestegg_packet and free associated memory.
-    @param packet #nestegg_packet to be freed. @see nestegg_read_packet */
-void nestegg_free_packet(nestegg_packet * packet);
-/** Query the track number of @a packet.
-    @param packet Packet initialized by #nestegg_read_packet.
-    @param track  Storage for the queried zero based track index.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_packet_track(nestegg_packet * packet, unsigned int * track);
-/** Query the time stamp in nanoseconds of @a packet.
-    @param packet Packet initialized by #nestegg_read_packet.
-    @param tstamp Storage for the queried timestamp in nanoseconds.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_packet_tstamp(nestegg_packet * packet, uint64_t * tstamp);
-/** Query the number of data chunks contained in @a packet.
-    @param packet Packet initialized by #nestegg_read_packet.
-    @param count  Storage for the queried timestamp in nanoseconds.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_packet_count(nestegg_packet * packet, unsigned int * count);
-/** Get a pointer to chunk number @a item of packet data.
-    @param packet  Packet initialized by #nestegg_read_packet.
-    @param item    Zero based chunk item number.
-    @param data    Storage for the queried data pointer.
-                   The data is owned by the #nestegg_packet packet.
-    @param length  Storage for the queried data size.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_packet_data(nestegg_packet * packet, unsigned int item,
-                        unsigned char ** data, size_t * length);
-/** Returns discard_padding for given packet
-    @param packet  Packet initialized by #nestegg_read_packet.
-    @param discard_padding pointer to store discard padding in.
-    @retval  0 Success.
-    @retval -1 Error. */
-int nestegg_packet_discard_padding(nestegg_packet * packet,
-                                   int64_t * discard_padding);
-/** Query the presence of cues.
-    @param context  Stream context initialized by #nestegg_init.
-    @retval 0 The media has no cues.
-    @retval 1 The media has cues. */
-int nestegg_has_cues(nestegg * context);
- * Try to determine if the buffer looks like the beginning of a WebM file.
- *
- * @param buffer A buffer containing the beginning of a media file.
- * @param length The size of the buffer.
- * @retval 0 The file is not a WebM file.
- * @retval 1 The file is a WebM file. */
-int nestegg_sniff(unsigned char const * buffer, size_t length);
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-#endif /* NESTEGG_671cac2a_365d_ed69_d7a3_4491d3538d79 */
--- a/third_party/nestegg/src/nestegg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2323 +1,0 @@
- * Copyright © 2010 Mozilla Foundation
- *
- * This program is made available under an ISC-style license.  See the
- * accompanying file LICENSE for details.
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "third_party/nestegg/halloc/halloc.h"
-#include "third_party/nestegg/include/nestegg/nestegg.h"
-/* EBML Elements */
-#define ID_EBML                 0x1a45dfa3
-#define ID_EBML_VERSION         0x4286
-#define ID_EBML_READ_VERSION    0x42f7
-#define ID_EBML_MAX_ID_LENGTH   0x42f2
-#define ID_EBML_MAX_SIZE_LENGTH 0x42f3
-#define ID_DOCTYPE              0x4282
-#define ID_DOCTYPE_VERSION      0x4287
-/* Global Elements */
-#define ID_VOID                 0xec
-#define ID_CRC32                0xbf
-/* WebM Elements */
-#define ID_SEGMENT              0x18538067
-/* Seek Head Elements */
-#define ID_SEEK_HEAD            0x114d9b74
-#define ID_SEEK                 0x4dbb
-#define ID_SEEK_ID              0x53ab
-#define ID_SEEK_POSITION        0x53ac
-/* Info Elements */
-#define ID_INFO                 0x1549a966
-#define ID_TIMECODE_SCALE       0x2ad7b1
-#define ID_DURATION             0x4489
-/* Cluster Elements */
-#define ID_CLUSTER              0x1f43b675
-#define ID_TIMECODE             0xe7
-#define ID_BLOCK_GROUP          0xa0
-#define ID_SIMPLE_BLOCK         0xa3
-/* BlockGroup Elements */
-#define ID_BLOCK                0xa1
-#define ID_BLOCK_DURATION       0x9b
-#define ID_REFERENCE_BLOCK      0xfb
-#define ID_DISCARD_PADDING      0x75a2
-/* Tracks Elements */
-#define ID_TRACKS               0x1654ae6b
-#define ID_TRACK_ENTRY          0xae
-#define ID_TRACK_NUMBER         0xd7
-#define ID_TRACK_UID            0x73c5
-#define ID_TRACK_TYPE           0x83
-#define ID_FLAG_ENABLED         0xb9
-#define ID_FLAG_DEFAULT         0x88
-#define ID_FLAG_LACING          0x9c
-#define ID_TRACK_TIMECODE_SCALE 0x23314f
-#define ID_LANGUAGE             0x22b59c
-#define ID_CODEC_ID             0x86
-#define ID_CODEC_PRIVATE        0x63a2
-#define ID_CODEC_DELAY          0x56aa
-#define ID_SEEK_PREROLL         0x56bb
-/* Video Elements */
-#define ID_VIDEO                0xe0
-#define ID_STEREO_MODE          0x53b8
-#define ID_PIXEL_WIDTH          0xb0
-#define ID_PIXEL_HEIGHT         0xba
-#define ID_PIXEL_CROP_BOTTOM    0x54aa
-#define ID_PIXEL_CROP_TOP       0x54bb
-#define ID_PIXEL_CROP_LEFT      0x54cc
-#define ID_PIXEL_CROP_RIGHT     0x54dd
-#define ID_DISPLAY_WIDTH        0x54b0
-#define ID_DISPLAY_HEIGHT       0x54ba
-/* Audio Elements */
-#define ID_AUDIO                0xe1
-#define ID_CHANNELS             0x9f
-#define ID_BIT_DEPTH            0x6264
-/* Cues Elements */
-#define ID_CUES                 0x1c53bb6b
-#define ID_CUE_POINT            0xbb
-#define ID_CUE_TIME             0xb3
-#define ID_CUE_TRACK            0xf7
-#define ID_CUE_BLOCK_NUMBER     0x5378
-/* EBML Types */
-enum ebml_type_enum {
-#define LIMIT_STRING            (1 << 20)
-#define LIMIT_BINARY            (1 << 24)
-#define LIMIT_BLOCK             (1 << 30)
-#define LIMIT_FRAME             (1 << 28)
-/* Field Flags */
-#define DESC_FLAG_NONE          0
-#define DESC_FLAG_MULTI         (1 << 0)
-#define DESC_FLAG_SUSPEND       (1 << 1)
-#define DESC_FLAG_OFFSET        (1 << 2)
-/* Block Header Flags */
-#define BLOCK_FLAGS_LACING      6
-/* Lacing Constants */
-#define LACING_NONE             0
-#define LACING_XIPH             1
-#define LACING_FIXED            2
-#define LACING_EBML             3
-/* Track Types */
-#define TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO        1
-#define TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO        2
-/* Track IDs */
-#define TRACK_ID_VP8            "V_VP8"
-#define TRACK_ID_VP9            "V_VP9"
-#define TRACK_ID_VORBIS         "A_VORBIS"
-#define TRACK_ID_OPUS           "A_OPUS"
-enum vint_mask {
-struct ebml_binary {
-  unsigned char * data;
-  size_t length;
-struct ebml_list_node {
-  struct ebml_list_node * next;
-  uint64_t id;
-  void * data;
-struct ebml_list {
-  struct ebml_list_node * head;
-  struct ebml_list_node * tail;
-struct ebml_type {
-  union ebml_value {
-    uint64_t u;
-    double f;
-    int64_t i;
-    char * s;
-    struct ebml_binary b;
-  } v;
-  enum ebml_type_enum type;
-  int read;
-/* EBML Definitions */
-struct ebml {
-  struct ebml_type ebml_version;
-  struct ebml_type ebml_read_version;
-  struct ebml_type ebml_max_id_length;
-  struct ebml_type ebml_max_size_length;
-  struct ebml_type doctype;
-  struct ebml_type doctype_version;
-  struct ebml_type doctype_read_version;
-/* Matroksa Definitions */
-struct seek {
-  struct ebml_type id;
-  struct ebml_type position;
-struct seek_head {
-  struct ebml_list seek;
-struct info {
-  struct ebml_type timecode_scale;
-  struct ebml_type duration;
-struct block_group {
-  struct ebml_type duration;
-  struct ebml_type reference_block;
-  struct ebml_type discard_padding;
-struct cluster {
-  struct ebml_type timecode;
-  struct ebml_list block_group;
-struct video {
-  struct ebml_type stereo_mode;
-  struct ebml_type pixel_width;
-  struct ebml_type pixel_height;
-  struct ebml_type pixel_crop_bottom;
-  struct ebml_type pixel_crop_top;
-  struct ebml_type pixel_crop_left;
-  struct ebml_type pixel_crop_right;
-  struct ebml_type display_width;
-  struct ebml_type display_height;
-struct audio {
-  struct ebml_type sampling_frequency;
-  struct ebml_type channels;
-  struct ebml_type bit_depth;
-struct track_entry {
-  struct ebml_type number;
-  struct ebml_type uid;
-  struct ebml_type type;
-  struct ebml_type flag_enabled;
-  struct ebml_type flag_default;
-  struct ebml_type flag_lacing;
-  struct ebml_type track_timecode_scale;
-  struct ebml_type language;
-  struct ebml_type codec_id;
-  struct ebml_type codec_private;
-  struct ebml_type codec_delay;
-  struct ebml_type seek_preroll;
-  struct video video;
-  struct audio audio;
-struct tracks {
-  struct ebml_list track_entry;
-struct cue_track_positions {
-  struct ebml_type track;
-  struct ebml_type cluster_position;
-  struct ebml_type block_number;
-struct cue_point {
-  struct ebml_type time;
-  struct ebml_list cue_track_positions;
-struct cues {
-  struct ebml_list cue_point;
-struct segment {
-  struct ebml_list seek_head;
-  struct info info;
-  struct ebml_list cluster;
-  struct tracks tracks;
-  struct cues cues;
-/* Misc. */
-struct pool_ctx {
-  char dummy;
-struct list_node {
-  struct list_node * previous;
-  struct ebml_element_desc * node;
-  unsigned char * data;
-struct saved_state {
-  int64_t stream_offset;
-  struct list_node * ancestor;
-  uint64_t last_id;
-  uint64_t last_size;
-  int last_valid;
-struct frame {
-  unsigned char * data;
-  size_t length;
-  struct frame * next;
-/* Public (opaque) Structures */
-struct nestegg {
-  nestegg_io * io;
-  nestegg_log log;
-  struct pool_ctx * alloc_pool;
-  uint64_t last_id;
-  uint64_t last_size;
-  int last_valid;
-  struct list_node * ancestor;
-  struct ebml ebml;
-  struct segment segment;
-  int64_t segment_offset;
-  unsigned int track_count;
-struct nestegg_packet {
-  uint64_t track;
-  uint64_t timecode;
-  struct frame * frame;
-  int64_t discard_padding;
-/* Element Descriptor */
-struct ebml_element_desc {
-  char const * name;
-  uint64_t id;
-  enum ebml_type_enum type;
-  size_t offset;
-  unsigned int flags;
-  struct ebml_element_desc * children;
-  size_t size;
-  size_t data_offset;
-  { #ID, ID, TYPE, offsetof(STRUCT, FIELD), DESC_FLAG_NONE, NULL, 0, 0 }
-  { #ID, ID, TYPE, offsetof(STRUCT, FIELD), DESC_FLAG_MULTI, ne_ ## FIELD ## _elements, \
-      sizeof(struct FIELD), 0 }
-  { #ID, ID, TYPE, offsetof(STRUCT, FIELD), DESC_FLAG_OFFSET, ne_ ## FIELD ## _elements, 0, \
-      offsetof(STRUCT, FIELD ## _offset) }
-  { #ID, ID, TYPE, offsetof(STRUCT, FIELD), DESC_FLAG_NONE, ne_ ## FIELD ## _elements, 0, 0 }
-#define E_SUSPEND(ID, TYPE) \
-  { #ID, ID, TYPE, 0, DESC_FLAG_SUSPEND, NULL, 0, 0 }
-#define E_LAST \
-  { NULL, 0, 0, 0, DESC_FLAG_NONE, NULL, 0, 0 }
-/* EBML Element Lists */
-static struct ebml_element_desc ne_ebml_elements[] = {
-  E_FIELD(ID_EBML_VERSION, TYPE_UINT, struct ebml, ebml_version),
-  E_FIELD(ID_EBML_READ_VERSION, TYPE_UINT, struct ebml, ebml_read_version),
-  E_FIELD(ID_EBML_MAX_ID_LENGTH, TYPE_UINT, struct ebml, ebml_max_id_length),
-  E_FIELD(ID_EBML_MAX_SIZE_LENGTH, TYPE_UINT, struct ebml, ebml_max_size_length),
-  E_FIELD(ID_DOCTYPE, TYPE_STRING, struct ebml, doctype),
-  E_FIELD(ID_DOCTYPE_VERSION, TYPE_UINT, struct ebml, doctype_version),
-  E_FIELD(ID_DOCTYPE_READ_VERSION, TYPE_UINT, struct ebml, doctype_read_version),
-/* WebM Element Lists */
-static struct ebml_element_desc ne_seek_elements[] = {
-  E_FIELD(ID_SEEK_ID, TYPE_BINARY, struct seek, id),
-  E_FIELD(ID_SEEK_POSITION, TYPE_UINT, struct seek, position),
-static struct ebml_element_desc ne_seek_head_elements[] = {
-  E_MASTER(ID_SEEK, TYPE_MASTER, struct seek_head, seek),
-static struct ebml_element_desc ne_info_elements[] = {
-  E_FIELD(ID_TIMECODE_SCALE, TYPE_UINT, struct info, timecode_scale),
-  E_FIELD(ID_DURATION, TYPE_FLOAT, struct info, duration),
-static struct ebml_element_desc ne_block_group_elements[] = {
-  E_FIELD(ID_BLOCK_DURATION, TYPE_UINT, struct block_group, duration),
-  E_FIELD(ID_REFERENCE_BLOCK, TYPE_INT, struct block_group, reference_block),
-  E_FIELD(ID_DISCARD_PADDING, TYPE_INT, struct block_group, discard_padding),
-static struct ebml_element_desc ne_cluster_elements[] = {
-  E_FIELD(ID_TIMECODE, TYPE_UINT, struct cluster, timecode),
-  E_MASTER(ID_BLOCK_GROUP, TYPE_MASTER, struct cluster, block_group),
-static struct ebml_element_desc ne_video_elements[] = {
-  E_FIELD(ID_STEREO_MODE, TYPE_UINT, struct video, stereo_mode),
-  E_FIELD(ID_PIXEL_WIDTH, TYPE_UINT, struct video, pixel_width),
-  E_FIELD(ID_PIXEL_HEIGHT, TYPE_UINT, struct video, pixel_height),
-  E_FIELD(ID_PIXEL_CROP_BOTTOM, TYPE_UINT, struct video, pixel_crop_bottom),
-  E_FIELD(ID_PIXEL_CROP_TOP, TYPE_UINT, struct video, pixel_crop_top),
-  E_FIELD(ID_PIXEL_CROP_LEFT, TYPE_UINT, struct video, pixel_crop_left),
-  E_FIELD(ID_PIXEL_CROP_RIGHT, TYPE_UINT, struct video, pixel_crop_right),
-  E_FIELD(ID_DISPLAY_WIDTH, TYPE_UINT, struct video, display_width),
-  E_FIELD(ID_DISPLAY_HEIGHT, TYPE_UINT, struct video, display_height),
-static struct ebml_element_desc ne_audio_elements[] = {
-  E_FIELD(ID_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY, TYPE_FLOAT, struct audio, sampling_frequency),
-  E_FIELD(ID_CHANNELS, TYPE_UINT, struct audio, channels),
-  E_FIELD(ID_BIT_DEPTH, TYPE_UINT, struct audio, bit_depth),
-static struct ebml_element_desc ne_track_entry_elements[] = {
-  E_FIELD(ID_TRACK_NUMBER, TYPE_UINT, struct track_entry, number),
-  E_FIELD(ID_TRACK_UID, TYPE_UINT, struct track_entry, uid),
-  E_FIELD(ID_TRACK_TYPE, TYPE_UINT, struct track_entry, type),
-  E_FIELD(ID_FLAG_ENABLED, TYPE_UINT, struct track_entry, flag_enabled),
-  E_FIELD(ID_FLAG_DEFAULT, TYPE_UINT, struct track_entry, flag_default),
-  E_FIELD(ID_FLAG_LACING, TYPE_UINT, struct track_entry, flag_lacing),
-  E_FIELD(ID_TRACK_TIMECODE_SCALE, TYPE_FLOAT, struct track_entry, track_timecode_scale),
-  E_FIELD(ID_LANGUAGE, TYPE_STRING, struct track_entry, language),
-  E_FIELD(ID_CODEC_ID, TYPE_STRING, struct track_entry, codec_id),
-  E_FIELD(ID_CODEC_PRIVATE, TYPE_BINARY, struct track_entry, codec_private),
-  E_FIELD(ID_CODEC_DELAY, TYPE_UINT, struct track_entry, codec_delay),
-  E_FIELD(ID_SEEK_PREROLL, TYPE_UINT, struct track_entry, seek_preroll),
-  E_SINGLE_MASTER(ID_VIDEO, TYPE_MASTER, struct track_entry, video),
-  E_SINGLE_MASTER(ID_AUDIO, TYPE_MASTER, struct track_entry, audio),
-static struct ebml_element_desc ne_tracks_elements[] = {
-  E_MASTER(ID_TRACK_ENTRY, TYPE_MASTER, struct tracks, track_entry),
-static struct ebml_element_desc ne_cue_track_positions_elements[] = {
-  E_FIELD(ID_CUE_TRACK, TYPE_UINT, struct cue_track_positions, track),
-  E_FIELD(ID_CUE_CLUSTER_POSITION, TYPE_UINT, struct cue_track_positions, cluster_position),
-  E_FIELD(ID_CUE_BLOCK_NUMBER, TYPE_UINT, struct cue_track_positions, block_number),
-static struct ebml_element_desc ne_cue_point_elements[] = {
-  E_FIELD(ID_CUE_TIME, TYPE_UINT, struct cue_point, time),
-  E_MASTER(ID_CUE_TRACK_POSITIONS, TYPE_MASTER, struct cue_point, cue_track_positions),
-static struct ebml_element_desc ne_cues_elements[] = {
-  E_MASTER(ID_CUE_POINT, TYPE_MASTER, struct cues, cue_point),
-static struct ebml_element_desc ne_segment_elements[] = {
-  E_MASTER(ID_SEEK_HEAD, TYPE_MASTER, struct segment, seek_head),
-  E_SINGLE_MASTER(ID_INFO, TYPE_MASTER, struct segment, info),
-  E_MASTER(ID_CLUSTER, TYPE_MASTER, struct segment, cluster),
-  E_SINGLE_MASTER(ID_TRACKS, TYPE_MASTER, struct segment, tracks),
-  E_SINGLE_MASTER(ID_CUES, TYPE_MASTER, struct segment, cues),
-static struct ebml_element_desc ne_top_level_elements[] = {
-#undef E_FIELD
-#undef E_MASTER
-#undef E_SUSPEND
-#undef E_LAST
-static struct pool_ctx *
-  struct pool_ctx * pool;
-  pool = h_malloc(sizeof(*pool));
-  if (!pool)
-    abort();
-  return pool;
-static void
-ne_pool_destroy(struct pool_ctx * pool)
-  h_free(pool);
-static void *
-ne_pool_alloc(size_t size, struct pool_ctx * pool)
-  void * p;
-  p = h_malloc(size);
-  if (!p)
-    abort();
-  hattach(p, pool);
-  memset(p, 0, size);
-  return p;
-static void *
-ne_alloc(size_t size)
-  void * p;
-  p = calloc(1, size);
-  if (!p)
-    abort();
-  return p;
-static int
-ne_io_read(nestegg_io * io, void * buffer, size_t length)
-  return io->read(buffer, length, io->userdata);
-static int
-ne_io_seek(nestegg_io * io, int64_t offset, int whence)
-  return io->seek(offset, whence, io->userdata);
-static int
-ne_io_read_skip(nestegg_io * io, size_t length)
-  size_t get;
-  unsigned char buf[8192];
-  int r = 1;
-  while (length > 0) {
-    get = length < sizeof(buf) ? length : sizeof(buf);
-    r = ne_io_read(io, buf, get);
-    if (r != 1)
-      break;
-    length -= get;
-  }
-  return r;
-static int64_t
-ne_io_tell(nestegg_io * io)
-  return io->tell(io->userdata);
-static int
-ne_bare_read_vint(nestegg_io * io, uint64_t * value, uint64_t * length, enum vint_mask maskflag)
-  int r;
-  unsigned char b;
-  size_t maxlen = 8;
-  unsigned int count = 1, mask = 1 << 7;
-  r = ne_io_read(io, &b, 1);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  while (count < maxlen) {
-    if ((b & mask) != 0)
-      break;
-    mask >>= 1;
-    count += 1;
-  }
-  if (length)
-    *length = count;
-  *value = b;
-  if (maskflag == MASK_FIRST_BIT)
-    *value = b & ~mask;
-  while (--count) {
-    r = ne_io_read(io, &b, 1);
-    if (r != 1)
-      return r;
-    *value <<= 8;
-    *value |= b;
-  }
-  return 1;
-static int
-ne_read_id(nestegg_io * io, uint64_t * value, uint64_t * length)
-  return ne_bare_read_vint(io, value, length, MASK_NONE);
-static int
-ne_read_vint(nestegg_io * io, uint64_t * value, uint64_t * length)
-  return ne_bare_read_vint(io, value, length, MASK_FIRST_BIT);
-static int
-ne_read_svint(nestegg_io * io, int64_t * value, uint64_t * length)
-  int r;
-  uint64_t uvalue;
-  uint64_t ulength;
-  int64_t svint_subtr[] = {
-    0x3f, 0x1fff,
-    0xfffff, 0x7ffffff,
-    0x3ffffffffLL, 0x1ffffffffffLL,
-    0xffffffffffffLL, 0x7fffffffffffffLL
-  };
-  r = ne_bare_read_vint(io, &uvalue, &ulength, MASK_FIRST_BIT);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  *value = uvalue - svint_subtr[ulength - 1];
-  if (length)
-    *length = ulength;
-  return r;
-static int
-ne_read_uint(nestegg_io * io, uint64_t * val, uint64_t length)
-  unsigned char b;
-  int r;
-  if (length == 0 || length > 8)
-    return -1;
-  r = ne_io_read(io, &b, 1);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  *val = b;
-  while (--length) {
-    r = ne_io_read(io, &b, 1);
-    if (r != 1)
-      return r;
-    *val <<= 8;
-    *val |= b;
-  }
-  return 1;
-static int
-ne_read_int(nestegg_io * io, int64_t * val, uint64_t length)
-  int r;
-  uint64_t uval, base;
-  r = ne_read_uint(io, &uval, length);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  if (length < sizeof(int64_t)) {
-    base = 1;
-    base <<= length * 8 - 1;
-    if (uval >= base) {
-        base = 1;
-        base <<= length * 8;
-    } else {
-      base = 0;
-    }
-    *val = uval - base;
-  } else {
-    *val = (int64_t) uval;
-  }
-  return 1;
-static int
-ne_read_float(nestegg_io * io, double * val, uint64_t length)
-  union {
-    uint64_t u;
-    float f;
-    double d;
-  } value;
-  int r;
-  /* Length == 10 not implemented. */
-  if (length != 4 && length != 8)
-    return -1;
-  r = ne_read_uint(io, &value.u, length);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  if (length == 4)
-    *val = value.f;
-  else
-    *val = value.d;
-  return 1;
-static int
-ne_read_string(nestegg * ctx, char ** val, uint64_t length)
-  char * str;
-  int r;
-  const size_t alloc_size = (size_t)length + 1;
-  if (length == 0 || length > LIMIT_STRING)
-    return -1;
-  str = ne_pool_alloc(alloc_size, ctx->alloc_pool);
-  r = ne_io_read(ctx->io, (unsigned char *) str, alloc_size - 1);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  str[alloc_size - 1] = '\0';
-  *val = str;
-  return 1;
-static int
-ne_read_binary(nestegg * ctx, struct ebml_binary * val, uint64_t length)
-  if (length == 0 || length > LIMIT_BINARY)
-    return -1;
-  val->length = (size_t)length;
-  val->data = ne_pool_alloc(val->length, ctx->alloc_pool);
-  return ne_io_read(ctx->io, val->data, val->length);
-static int
-ne_get_uint(struct ebml_type type, uint64_t * value)
-  if (!
-    return -1;
-  assert(type.type == TYPE_UINT);
-  *value = type.v.u;
-  return 0;
-static int
-ne_get_uint32(struct ebml_type type, unsigned int * value)
-  uint64_t v;
-  if (ne_get_uint(type, &v))
-    return -1;
-  assert((unsigned int)v == v);
-  *value = (unsigned int)v;
-  return 0;
-static int
-ne_get_float(struct ebml_type type, double * value)
-  if (!
-    return -1;
-  assert(type.type == TYPE_FLOAT);
-  *value = type.v.f;
-  return 0;
-static int
-ne_get_string(struct ebml_type type, char ** value)
-  if (!
-    return -1;
-  assert(type.type == TYPE_STRING);
-  *value = type.v.s;
-  return 0;
-static int
-ne_get_binary(struct ebml_type type, struct ebml_binary * value)
-  if (!
-    return -1;
-  assert(type.type == TYPE_BINARY);
-  *value = type.v.b;
-  return 0;
-static int
-ne_is_ancestor_element(uint64_t id, struct list_node * ancestor)
-  struct ebml_element_desc * element;
-  for (; ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->previous)
-    for (element = ancestor->node; element->id; ++element)
-      if (element->id == id)
-        return 1;
-  return 0;
-static struct ebml_element_desc *
-ne_find_element(uint64_t id, struct ebml_element_desc * elements)
-  struct ebml_element_desc * element;
-  for (element = elements; element->id; ++element)
-    if (element->id == id)
-      return element;
-  return NULL;
-static void
-ne_ctx_push(nestegg * ctx, struct ebml_element_desc * ancestor, void * data)
-  struct list_node * item;
-  item = ne_alloc(sizeof(*item));
-  item->previous = ctx->ancestor;
-  item->node = ancestor;
-  item->data = data;
-  ctx->ancestor = item;
-static void
-ne_ctx_pop(nestegg * ctx)
-  struct list_node * item;
-  item = ctx->ancestor;
-  ctx->ancestor = item->previous;
-  free(item);
-static int
-ne_ctx_save(nestegg * ctx, struct saved_state * s)
-  s->stream_offset = ne_io_tell(ctx->io);
-  if (s->stream_offset < 0)
-    return -1;
-  s->ancestor = ctx->ancestor;
-  s->last_id = ctx->last_id;
-  s->last_size = ctx->last_size;
-  s->last_valid = ctx->last_valid;
-  return 0;
-static int
-ne_ctx_restore(nestegg * ctx, struct saved_state * s)
-  int r;
-  r = ne_io_seek(ctx->io, s->stream_offset, NESTEGG_SEEK_SET);
-  if (r != 0)
-    return -1;
-  ctx->ancestor = s->ancestor;
-  ctx->last_id = s->last_id;
-  ctx->last_size = s->last_size;
-  ctx->last_valid = s->last_valid;
-  return 0;
-static int
-ne_peek_element(nestegg * ctx, uint64_t * id, uint64_t * size)
-  int r;
-  if (ctx->last_valid) {
-    if (id)
-      *id = ctx->last_id;
-    if (size)
-      *size = ctx->last_size;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  r = ne_read_id(ctx->io, &ctx->last_id, NULL);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  r = ne_read_vint(ctx->io, &ctx->last_size, NULL);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  if (id)
-    *id = ctx->last_id;
-  if (size)
-    *size = ctx->last_size;
-  ctx->last_valid = 1;
-  return 1;
-static int
-ne_read_element(nestegg * ctx, uint64_t * id, uint64_t * size)
-  int r;
-  r = ne_peek_element(ctx, id, size);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  ctx->last_valid = 0;
-  return 1;
-static void
-ne_read_master(nestegg * ctx, struct ebml_element_desc * desc)
-  struct ebml_list * list;
-  struct ebml_list_node * node, * oldtail;
-  assert(desc->type == TYPE_MASTER && desc->flags & DESC_FLAG_MULTI);
-  ctx->log(ctx, NESTEGG_LOG_DEBUG, "multi master element %llx (%s)",
-           desc->id, desc->name);
-  list = (struct ebml_list *) (ctx->ancestor->data + desc->offset);
-  node = ne_pool_alloc(sizeof(*node), ctx->alloc_pool);
-  node->id = desc->id;
-  node->data = ne_pool_alloc(desc->size, ctx->alloc_pool);
-  oldtail = list->tail;
-  if (oldtail)
-    oldtail->next = node;
-  list->tail = node;
-  if (!list->head)
-    list->head = node;
-  ctx->log(ctx, NESTEGG_LOG_DEBUG, " -> using data %p", node->data);
-  ne_ctx_push(ctx, desc->children, node->data);
-static void
-ne_read_single_master(nestegg * ctx, struct ebml_element_desc * desc)
-  assert(desc->type == TYPE_MASTER && !(desc->flags & DESC_FLAG_MULTI));
-  ctx->log(ctx, NESTEGG_LOG_DEBUG, "single master element %llx (%s)",
-           desc->id, desc->name);
-  ctx->log(ctx, NESTEGG_LOG_DEBUG, " -> using data %p (%u)",
-           ctx->ancestor->data + desc->offset, desc->offset);
-  ne_ctx_push(ctx, desc->children, ctx->ancestor->data + desc->offset);
-static int
-ne_read_simple(nestegg * ctx, struct ebml_element_desc * desc, size_t length)
-  struct ebml_type * storage;
-  int r = 0;
-  storage = (struct ebml_type *) (ctx->ancestor->data + desc->offset);
-  if (storage->read) {
-    ctx->log(ctx, NESTEGG_LOG_DEBUG, "element %llx (%s) already read, skipping",
-             desc->id, desc->name);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  storage->type = desc->type;
-  ctx->log(ctx, NESTEGG_LOG_DEBUG, "element %llx (%s) -> %p (%u)",
-           desc->id, desc->name, storage, desc->offset);
-  switch (desc->type) {
-  case TYPE_UINT:
-    r = ne_read_uint(ctx->io, &storage->v.u, length);
-    break;
-  case TYPE_FLOAT:
-    r = ne_read_float(ctx->io, &storage->v.f, length);
-    break;
-  case TYPE_INT:
-    r = ne_read_int(ctx->io, &storage->v.i, length);
-    break;
-  case TYPE_STRING:
-    r = ne_read_string(ctx, &storage->v.s, length);
-    break;
-  case TYPE_BINARY:
-    r = ne_read_binary(ctx, &storage->v.b, length);
-    break;
-  case TYPE_MASTER:
-    assert(0);
-    break;
-  }
-  if (r == 1)
-    storage->read = 1;
-  return r;
-static int
-ne_parse(nestegg * ctx, struct ebml_element_desc * top_level, int64_t max_offset)
-  int r;
-  int64_t * data_offset;
-  uint64_t id, size, peeked_id;
-  struct ebml_element_desc * element;
-  if (!ctx->ancestor)
-    return -1;
-  for (;;) {
-    if (max_offset > 0 && ne_io_tell(ctx->io) >= max_offset) {
-      /* Reached end of offset allowed for parsing - return gracefully */
-      r = 1;
-      break;
-    }
-    r = ne_peek_element(ctx, &id, &size);
-    if (r != 1)
-      break;
-    peeked_id = id;
-    element = ne_find_element(id, ctx->ancestor->node);
-    if (element) {
-      if (element->flags & DESC_FLAG_SUSPEND) {
-        assert(element->type == TYPE_BINARY);
-        ctx->log(ctx, NESTEGG_LOG_DEBUG, "suspend parse at %llx", id);
-        r = 1;
-        break;
-      }
-      r = ne_read_element(ctx, &id, &size);
-      if (r != 1)
-        break;
-      assert(id == peeked_id);
-      if (element->flags & DESC_FLAG_OFFSET) {
-        data_offset = (int64_t *) (ctx->ancestor->data + element->data_offset);
-        *data_offset = ne_io_tell(ctx->io);
-        if (*data_offset < 0) {
-          r = -1;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      if (element->type == TYPE_MASTER) {
-        if (element->flags & DESC_FLAG_MULTI)
-          ne_read_master(ctx, element);
-        else
-          ne_read_single_master(ctx, element);
-        continue;
-      } else {
-        r = ne_read_simple(ctx, element, (size_t)size);
-        if (r < 0)
-          break;
-      }
-    } else if (ne_is_ancestor_element(id, ctx->ancestor->previous)) {
-      ctx->log(ctx, NESTEGG_LOG_DEBUG, "parent element %llx", id);
-      if (top_level && ctx->ancestor->node == top_level) {
-        ctx->log(ctx, NESTEGG_LOG_DEBUG, "*** parse about to back up past top_level");
-        r = 1;
-        break;
-      }
-      ne_ctx_pop(ctx);
-    } else {
-      r = ne_read_element(ctx, &id, &size);
-      if (r != 1)
-        break;
-      if (id != ID_VOID && id != ID_CRC32)
-        ctx->log(ctx, NESTEGG_LOG_DEBUG, "unknown element %llx", id);
-      r = ne_io_read_skip(ctx->io, (size_t)size);
-      if (r != 1)
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (r != 1)
-    while (ctx->ancestor)
-      ne_ctx_pop(ctx);
-  return r;
-static uint64_t
-ne_xiph_lace_value(unsigned char ** np)
-  uint64_t lace;
-  uint64_t value;
-  unsigned char * p = *np;
-  lace = *p++;
-  value = lace;
-  while (lace == 255) {
-    lace = *p++;
-    value += lace;
-  }
-  *np = p;
-  return value;
-static int
-ne_read_xiph_lace_value(nestegg_io * io, uint64_t * value, size_t * consumed)
-  int r;
-  uint64_t lace;
-  r = ne_read_uint(io, &lace, 1);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  *consumed += 1;
-  *value = lace;
-  while (lace == 255) {
-    r = ne_read_uint(io, &lace, 1);
-    if (r != 1)
-      return r;
-    *consumed += 1;
-    *value += lace;
-  }
-  return 1;
-static int
-ne_read_xiph_lacing(nestegg_io * io, size_t block, size_t * read, uint64_t n, uint64_t * sizes)
-  int r;
-  size_t i = 0;
-  uint64_t sum = 0;
-  while (--n) {
-    r = ne_read_xiph_lace_value(io, &sizes[i], read);
-    if (r != 1)
-      return r;
-    sum += sizes[i];
-    i += 1;
-  }
-  if (*read + sum > block)
-    return -1;
-  /* Last frame is the remainder of the block. */
-  sizes[i] = block - *read - sum;
-  return 1;
-static int
-ne_read_ebml_lacing(nestegg_io * io, size_t block, size_t * read, uint64_t n, uint64_t * sizes)
-  int r;
-  uint64_t lace, sum, length;
-  int64_t slace;
-  size_t i = 0;
-  r = ne_read_vint(io, &lace, &length);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  assert(length <= 8);
-  *read += (size_t)length;
-  sizes[i] = lace;
-  sum = sizes[i];
-  i += 1;
-  n -= 1;
-  while (--n) {
-    r = ne_read_svint(io, &slace, &length);
-    if (r != 1)
-      return r;
-    assert(length <= 8);
-    *read += (size_t)length;
-    sizes[i] = sizes[i - 1] + slace;
-    sum += sizes[i];
-    i += 1;
-  }
-  if (*read + sum > block)
-    return -1;
-  /* Last frame is the remainder of the block. */
-  sizes[i] = block - *read - sum;
-  return 1;
-static uint64_t
-ne_get_timecode_scale(nestegg * ctx)
-  uint64_t scale;
-  if (ne_get_uint(ctx->, &scale) != 0)
-    scale = 1000000;
-  return scale;
-static int
-ne_map_track_number_to_index(nestegg * ctx,
-                             unsigned int track_number,
-                             unsigned int * track_index)
-  struct ebml_list_node * node;
-  struct track_entry * t_entry;
-  uint64_t t_number = 0;
-  if (!track_index)
-    return -1;
-  *track_index = 0;
-  if (track_number == 0)
-    return -1;
-  node = ctx->segment.tracks.track_entry.head;
-  while (node) {
-    assert(node->id == ID_TRACK_ENTRY);
-    t_entry = node->data;
-    if (ne_get_uint(t_entry->number, &t_number) != 0)
-      return -1;
-    if (t_number == track_number)
-      return 0;
-    *track_index += 1;
-    node = node->next;
-  }
-  return -1;
-static struct track_entry *
-ne_find_track_entry(nestegg * ctx, unsigned int track)
-  struct ebml_list_node * node;
-  unsigned int tracks = 0;
-  node = ctx->segment.tracks.track_entry.head;
-  while (node) {
-    assert(node->id == ID_TRACK_ENTRY);
-    if (track == tracks)
-      return node->data;
-    tracks += 1;
-    node = node->next;
-  }
-  return NULL;
-static int
-ne_read_block(nestegg * ctx, uint64_t block_id, uint64_t block_size, nestegg_packet ** data)
-  int r;
-  int64_t timecode, abs_timecode;
-  nestegg_packet * pkt;
-  struct cluster * cluster;
-  struct frame * f, * last;
-  struct track_entry * entry;
-  const int track_scale = 1;
-  uint64_t track_number, length, frame_sizes[256], cluster_tc, flags, frames, tc_scale, total;
-  unsigned int i, lacing, track;
-  size_t consumed = 0;
-  *data = NULL;
-  if (block_size > LIMIT_BLOCK)
-    return -1;
-  r = ne_read_vint(ctx->io, &track_number, &length);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  if (track_number == 0 || (unsigned int)track_number != track_number)
-    return -1;
-  assert(length <= 8);
-  consumed += (size_t)length;
-  r = ne_read_int(ctx->io, &timecode, 2);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  consumed += 2;
-  r = ne_read_uint(ctx->io, &flags, 1);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  consumed += 1;
-  frames = 0;
-  /* Flags are different between Block and SimpleBlock, but lacing is
-     encoded the same way. */
-  lacing = (flags & BLOCK_FLAGS_LACING) >> 1;
-  switch (lacing) {
-  case LACING_NONE:
-    frames = 1;
-    break;
-  case LACING_XIPH:
-  case LACING_EBML:
-    r = ne_read_uint(ctx->io, &frames, 1);
-    if (r != 1)
-      return r;
-    consumed += 1;
-    frames += 1;
-  }
-  if (frames > 256)
-    return -1;
-  switch (lacing) {
-  case LACING_NONE:
-    frame_sizes[0] = block_size - consumed;
-    break;
-  case LACING_XIPH:
-    if (frames == 1)
-      return -1;
-    r = ne_read_xiph_lacing(ctx->io, (size_t)block_size, &consumed, frames, frame_sizes);
-    if (r != 1)
-      return r;
-    break;
-    if ((block_size - consumed) % frames)
-      return -1;
-    for (i = 0; i < frames; ++i)
-      frame_sizes[i] = (block_size - consumed) / frames;
-    break;
-  case LACING_EBML:
-    if (frames == 1)
-      return -1;
-    r = ne_read_ebml_lacing(ctx->io, (size_t)block_size, &consumed, frames, frame_sizes);
-    if (r != 1)
-      return r;
-    break;
-  }
-  /* Sanity check unlaced frame sizes against total block size. */
-  total = consumed;
-  for (i = 0; i < frames; ++i)
-    total += frame_sizes[i];
-  if (total > block_size)
-    return -1;
-  if (ne_map_track_number_to_index(ctx, (unsigned int)track_number, &track) != 0)
-    return -1;
-  entry = ne_find_track_entry(ctx, track);
-  if (!entry)
-    return -1;
-  tc_scale = ne_get_timecode_scale(ctx);
-  assert(ctx->segment.cluster.tail->id == ID_CLUSTER);
-  cluster = ctx->segment.cluster.tail->data;
-  if (ne_get_uint(cluster->timecode, &cluster_tc) != 0)
-    return -1;
-  abs_timecode = timecode + cluster_tc;
-  if (abs_timecode < 0)
-    return -1;
-  pkt = ne_alloc(sizeof(*pkt));
-  pkt->track = track;
-  pkt->timecode = abs_timecode * tc_scale * track_scale;
-  ctx->log(ctx, NESTEGG_LOG_DEBUG, "%sblock t %lld pts %f f %llx frames: %llu",
-           block_id == ID_BLOCK ? "" : "simple", pkt->track, pkt->timecode / 1e9, flags, frames);
-  last = NULL;
-  for (i = 0; i < frames; ++i) {
-    if (frame_sizes[i] > LIMIT_FRAME) {
-      nestegg_free_packet(pkt);
-      return -1;
-    }
-    f = ne_alloc(sizeof(*f));
-    f->length = (size_t)frame_sizes[i];
-    f->data = ne_alloc(f->length);
-    r = ne_io_read(ctx->io, f->data, f->length);
-    if (r != 1) {
-      free(f->data);
-      free(f);
-      nestegg_free_packet(pkt);
-      return -1;
-    }
-    if (!last)
-      pkt->frame = f;
-    else
-      last->next = f;
-    last = f;
-  }
-  *data = pkt;
-  return 1;
-static int
-ne_read_discard_padding(nestegg * ctx, nestegg_packet * pkt)
-  int r;
-  uint64_t id, size;
-  struct ebml_element_desc * element;
-  struct ebml_type * storage;
-  r = ne_peek_element(ctx, &id, &size);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  if (id != ID_DISCARD_PADDING)
-    return 1;
-  element = ne_find_element(id, ctx->ancestor->node);
-  if (!element)
-    return 1;
-  assert((size_t)size == size);
-  r = ne_read_simple(ctx, element, (size_t)size);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return r;
-  storage = (struct ebml_type *) (ctx->ancestor->data + element->offset);
-  pkt->discard_padding = storage->v.i;
-  return 1;
-static uint64_t
-ne_buf_read_id(unsigned char const * p, size_t length)
-  uint64_t id = 0;
-  while (length--) {
-    id <<= 8;
-    id |= *p++;
-  }
-  return id;
-static struct seek *
-ne_find_seek_for_id(struct ebml_list_node * seek_head, uint64_t id)
-  struct ebml_list * head;
-  struct ebml_list_node * seek;
-  struct ebml_binary binary_id;
-  struct seek * s;
-  while (seek_head) {
-    assert(seek_head->id == ID_SEEK_HEAD);
-    head = seek_head->data;
-    seek = head->head;
-    while (seek) {
-      assert(seek->id == ID_SEEK);
-      s = seek->data;
-      if (ne_get_binary(s->id, &binary_id) == 0 &&
-          ne_buf_read_id(, binary_id.length) == id)
-        return s;
-      seek = seek->next;
-    }
-    seek_head = seek_head->next;
-  }
-  return NULL;
-static struct cue_track_positions *
-ne_find_cue_position_for_track(nestegg * ctx, struct ebml_list_node * node, unsigned int track)
-  struct cue_track_positions * pos = NULL;
-  unsigned int track_number;
-  unsigned int t;
-  while (node) {
-    assert(node->id == ID_CUE_TRACK_POSITIONS);
-    pos = node->data;
-    if (ne_get_uint32(pos->track, &track_number) != 0)
-      return NULL;
-    if (ne_map_track_number_to_index(ctx, track_number, &t) != 0)
-      return NULL;
-    if (t == track)
-      return pos;
-    node = node->next;
-  }
-  return NULL;
-static struct cue_point *
-ne_find_cue_point_for_tstamp(nestegg * ctx, struct ebml_list_node * cue_point, unsigned int track, uint64_t scale, uint64_t tstamp)
-  uint64_t time;
-  struct cue_point * c, * prev = NULL;
-  while (cue_point) {
-    assert(cue_point->id == ID_CUE_POINT);
-    c = cue_point->data;
-    if (!prev)
-      prev = c;
-    if (ne_get_uint(c->time, &time) == 0 && time * scale > tstamp)
-      break;
-    if (ne_find_cue_position_for_track(ctx, c->cue_track_positions.head, track) != NULL)
-      prev = c;
-    cue_point = cue_point->next;
-  }
-  return prev;
-static int
-ne_is_suspend_element(uint64_t id)
-  if (id == ID_SIMPLE_BLOCK || id == ID_BLOCK)
-    return 1;
-  return 0;
-static void
-ne_null_log_callback(nestegg * ctx, unsigned int severity, char const * fmt, ...)
-  if (ctx && severity && fmt)
-    return;
-static int
-ne_init_cue_points(nestegg * ctx, int64_t max_offset)
-  int r;
-  struct ebml_list_node * node = ctx->segment.cues.cue_point.head;
-  struct seek * found;
-  uint64_t seek_pos, id;
-  struct saved_state state;
-  /* If there are no cues loaded, check for cues element in the seek head
-     and load it. */
-  if (!node) {
-    found = ne_find_seek_for_id(ctx->segment.seek_head.head, ID_CUES);
-    if (!found)
-      return -1;
-    if (ne_get_uint(found->position, &seek_pos) != 0)
-      return -1;
-    /* Save old parser state. */
-    r = ne_ctx_save(ctx, &state);
-    if (r != 0)
-      return -1;
-    /* Seek and set up parser state for segment-level element (Cues). */
-    r = ne_io_seek(ctx->io, ctx->segment_offset + seek_pos, NESTEGG_SEEK_SET);
-    if (r != 0)
-      return -1;
-    ctx->last_valid = 0;
-    r = ne_read_element(ctx, &id, NULL);
-    if (r != 1)
-      return -1;
-    if (id != ID_CUES)
-      return -1;
-    ctx->ancestor = NULL;
-    ne_ctx_push(ctx, ne_top_level_elements, ctx);
-    ne_ctx_push(ctx, ne_segment_elements, &ctx->segment);
-    ne_ctx_push(ctx, ne_cues_elements, &ctx->segment.cues);
-    /* parser will run until end of cues element. */
-    ctx->log(ctx, NESTEGG_LOG_DEBUG, "seek: parsing cue elements");
-    r = ne_parse(ctx, ne_cues_elements, max_offset);
-    while (ctx->ancestor)
-      ne_ctx_pop(ctx);
-    /* Reset parser state to original state and seek back to old position. */
-    if (ne_ctx_restore(ctx, &state) != 0)
-      return -1;
-    if (r < 0)
-      return -1;
-    node = ctx->segment.cues.cue_point.head;
-    if (!node)
-      return -1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-/* Three functions that implement the nestegg_io interface, operating on a
- * sniff_buffer. */
-struct sniff_buffer {
-  unsigned char const * buffer;
-  size_t length;
-  int64_t offset;
-static int
-ne_buffer_read(void * buffer, size_t length, void * user_data)
-  struct sniff_buffer * sb = user_data;
-  int rv = 1;
-  size_t available = sb->length - (size_t)sb->offset;
-  if (available < length)
-    return 0;
-  memcpy(buffer, sb->buffer + sb->offset, length);
-  sb->offset += length;
-  return rv;
-static int
-ne_buffer_seek(int64_t offset, int whence, void * user_data)
-  struct sniff_buffer * sb = user_data;
-  int64_t o = sb->offset;
-  switch(whence) {
-      o = offset;
-      break;
-      o += offset;
-      break;
-      o = sb->length + offset;
-      break;
-  }
-  if (o < 0 || o > (int64_t) sb->length)
-    return -1;
-  sb->offset = o;
-  return 0;
-static int64_t
-ne_buffer_tell(void * user_data)
-  struct sniff_buffer * sb = user_data;
-  return sb->offset;
-static int
-ne_match_webm(nestegg_io io, int64_t max_offset)
-  int r;
-  uint64_t id;
-  char * doctype;
-  nestegg * ctx;
-  if (!( && && io.tell))
-    return -1;
-  ctx = ne_alloc(sizeof(*ctx));
-  ctx->io = ne_alloc(sizeof(*ctx->io));
-  *ctx->io = io;
-  ctx->alloc_pool = ne_pool_init();
-  ctx->log = ne_null_log_callback;
-  r = ne_peek_element(ctx, &id, NULL);
-  if (r != 1) {
-    nestegg_destroy(ctx);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if (id != ID_EBML) {
-    nestegg_destroy(ctx);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  ne_ctx_push(ctx, ne_top_level_elements, ctx);
-  /* we don't check the return value of ne_parse, that might fail because
-   * max_offset is not on a valid element end point. We only want to check
-   * the EBML ID and that the doctype is "webm". */
-  ne_parse(ctx, NULL, max_offset);
-  if (ne_get_string(ctx->ebml.doctype, &doctype) != 0 ||
-      strcmp(doctype, "webm") != 0) {
-    nestegg_destroy(ctx);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  nestegg_destroy(ctx);
-  return 1;
-nestegg_init(nestegg ** context, nestegg_io io, nestegg_log callback, int64_t max_offset)
-  int r;
-  uint64_t id, version, docversion;
-  struct ebml_list_node * track;
-  char * doctype;
-  nestegg * ctx;
-  if (!( && && io.tell))
-    return -1;
-  ctx = ne_alloc(sizeof(*ctx));
-  ctx->io = ne_alloc(sizeof(*ctx->io));
-  *ctx->io = io;
-  ctx->log = callback;
-  ctx->alloc_pool = ne_pool_init();
-  if (!ctx->log)
-    ctx->log = ne_null_log_callback;
-  r = ne_peek_element(ctx, &id, NULL);
-  if (r != 1) {
-    nestegg_destroy(ctx);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  if (id != ID_EBML) {
-    nestegg_destroy(ctx);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  ctx->log(ctx, NESTEGG_LOG_DEBUG, "ctx %p", ctx);
-  ne_ctx_push(ctx, ne_top_level_elements, ctx);
-  r = ne_parse(ctx, NULL, max_offset);
-  if (r != 1) {
-    nestegg_destroy(ctx);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  if (ne_get_uint(ctx->ebml.ebml_read_version, &version) != 0)
-    version = 1;
-  if (version != 1) {
-    nestegg_destroy(ctx);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  if (ne_get_string(ctx->ebml.doctype, &doctype) != 0)
-    doctype = "matroska";
-  if (strcmp(doctype, "webm") != 0) {
-    nestegg_destroy(ctx);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  if (ne_get_uint(ctx->ebml.doctype_read_version, &docversion) != 0)
-    docversion = 1;
-  if (docversion < 1 || docversion > 2) {
-    nestegg_destroy(ctx);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  if (!ctx->segment.tracks.track_entry.head) {
-    nestegg_destroy(ctx);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  track = ctx->segment.tracks.track_entry.head;
-  ctx->track_count = 0;
-  while (track) {
-    ctx->track_count += 1;
-    track = track->next;
-  }
-  *context = ctx;
-  return 0;
-nestegg_destroy(nestegg * ctx)
-  while (ctx->ancestor)
-    ne_ctx_pop(ctx);
-  ne_pool_destroy(ctx->alloc_pool);
-  free(ctx->io);
-  free(ctx);
-nestegg_duration(nestegg * ctx, uint64_t * duration)
-  uint64_t tc_scale;
-  double unscaled_duration;
-  if (ne_get_float(ctx->, &unscaled_duration) != 0)
-    return -1;
-  tc_scale = ne_get_timecode_scale(ctx);
-  *duration = (uint64_t) (unscaled_duration * tc_scale);
-  return 0;
-nestegg_tstamp_scale(nestegg * ctx, uint64_t * scale)
-  *scale = ne_get_timecode_scale(ctx);
-  return 0;
-nestegg_track_count(nestegg * ctx, unsigned int * tracks)
-  *tracks = ctx->track_count;
-  return 0;
-nestegg_get_cue_point(nestegg * ctx, unsigned int cluster_num, int64_t max_offset,
-                      int64_t * start_pos, int64_t * end_pos, uint64_t * tstamp)
-  int range_obtained = 0;
-  unsigned int cluster_count = 0;
-  struct cue_point * cue_point;
-  struct cue_track_positions * pos;
-  uint64_t seek_pos, track_number, tc_scale, time;
-  struct ebml_list_node * cues_node = ctx->segment.cues.cue_point.head;
-  struct ebml_list_node * cue_pos_node = NULL;
-  unsigned int track = 0, track_count = 0, track_index;
-  if (!start_pos || !end_pos || !tstamp)
-    return -1;
-  /* Initialise return values */
-  *start_pos = -1;
-  *end_pos = -1;
-  *tstamp = 0;
-  if (!cues_node) {
-    ne_init_cue_points(ctx, max_offset);
-    cues_node = ctx->segment.cues.cue_point.head;
-    /* Verify cues have been added to context. */
-    if (!cues_node)
-      return -1;
-  }
-  nestegg_track_count(ctx, &track_count);
-  tc_scale = ne_get_timecode_scale(ctx);
-  while (cues_node && !range_obtained) {
-    assert(cues_node->id == ID_CUE_POINT);
-    cue_point = cues_node->data;
-    cue_pos_node = cue_point->cue_track_positions.head;
-    while (cue_pos_node) {
-      assert(cue_pos_node->id == ID_CUE_TRACK_POSITIONS);
-      pos = cue_pos_node->data;
-      for (track = 0; track < track_count; track++) {
-        if (ne_get_uint(pos->track, &track_number) != 0)
-          return -1;
-        if (ne_map_track_number_to_index(ctx, (unsigned int)track_number, &track_index) != 0)
-          return -1;
-        if (track_index == track) {
-          if (ne_get_uint(pos->cluster_position, &seek_pos) != 0)
-            return -1;
-          if (cluster_count == cluster_num) {
-            *start_pos = ctx->segment_offset+seek_pos;
-            if (ne_get_uint(cue_point->time, &time) != 0)
-              return -1;
-            *tstamp = time * tc_scale;
-          } else if (cluster_count == cluster_num+1) {
-            *end_pos = (ctx->segment_offset+seek_pos)-1;
-            range_obtained = 1;
-            break;
-          }
-          cluster_count++;
-        }
-      }
-      cue_pos_node = cue_pos_node->next;
-    }
-    cues_node = cues_node->next;
-  }
-  return 0;
-nestegg_offset_seek(nestegg * ctx, uint64_t offset)
-  int r;
-  /* Seek and set up parser state for segment-level element (Cluster). */
-  r = ne_io_seek(ctx->io, offset, NESTEGG_SEEK_SET);
-  if (r != 0)
-    return -1;
-  ctx->last_valid = 0;
-  while (ctx->ancestor)
-    ne_ctx_pop(ctx);
-  ne_ctx_push(ctx, ne_top_level_elements, ctx);
-  ne_ctx_push(ctx, ne_segment_elements, &ctx->segment);
-  return 0;
-nestegg_track_seek(nestegg * ctx, unsigned int track, uint64_t tstamp)
-  int r;
-  struct cue_point * cue_point;
-  struct cue_track_positions * pos;
-  uint64_t seek_pos, tc_scale;
-  /* If there are no cues loaded, check for cues element in the seek head
-     and load it. */
-  if (!ctx->segment.cues.cue_point.head) {
-    r = ne_init_cue_points(ctx, -1);
-    if (r != 0)
-      return -1;
-  }
-  tc_scale = ne_get_timecode_scale(ctx);
-  cue_point = ne_find_cue_point_for_tstamp(ctx, ctx->segment.cues.cue_point.head,
-                                           track, tc_scale, tstamp);
-  if (!cue_point)
-    return -1;
-  pos = ne_find_cue_position_for_track(ctx, cue_point->cue_track_positions.head, track);
-  if (pos == NULL)
-    return -1;
-  if (ne_get_uint(pos->cluster_position, &seek_pos) != 0)
-    return -1;
-  /* Seek and set up parser state for segment-level element (Cluster). */
-  r = nestegg_offset_seek(ctx, ctx->segment_offset + seek_pos);
-  ctx->log(ctx, NESTEGG_LOG_DEBUG, "seek: parsing cluster elements");
-  r = ne_parse(ctx, NULL, -1);
-  if (r != 1)
-    return -1;
-  if (!ne_is_suspend_element(ctx->last_id))
-    return -1;
-  return 0;
-nestegg_track_type(nestegg * ctx, unsigned int track)
-  struct track_entry * entry;
-  uint64_t type;
-  entry = ne_find_track_entry(ctx, track);
-  if (!entry)
-    return -1;
-  if (ne_get_uint(entry->type, &type) != 0)
-    return -1;
-  if (type & TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO)
-  if (type & TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO)
-  return -1;
-nestegg_track_codec_id(nestegg * ctx, unsigned int track)
-  char * codec_id;
-  struct track_entry * entry;
-  entry = ne_find_track_entry(ctx, track);
-  if (!entry)
-    return -1;
-  if (ne_get_string(entry->codec_id, &codec_id) != 0)
-    return -1;
-  if (strcmp(codec_id, TRACK_ID_VP8) == 0)
-    return NESTEGG_CODEC_VP8;
-  if (strcmp(codec_id, TRACK_ID_VP9) == 0)
-    return NESTEGG_CODEC_VP9;
-  if (strcmp(codec_id, TRACK_ID_VORBIS) == 0)
-  if (strcmp(codec_id, TRACK_ID_OPUS) == 0)
-  return -1;
-nestegg_track_codec_data_count(nestegg * ctx, unsigned int track,
-                               unsigned int * count)
-  struct track_entry * entry;
-  struct ebml_binary codec_private;
-  unsigned char * p;
-  *count = 0;
-  entry = ne_find_track_entry(ctx, track);
-  if (!entry)
-    return -1;
-  if (nestegg_track_codec_id(ctx, track) != NESTEGG_CODEC_VORBIS)
-    return -1;
-  if (ne_get_binary(entry->codec_private, &codec_private) != 0)
-    return -1;
-  if (codec_private.length < 1)
-    return -1;
-  p =;
-  *count = *p + 1;
-  if (*count > 3)
-    return -1;
-  return 0;
-nestegg_track_codec_data(nestegg * ctx, unsigned int track, unsigned int item,
-                         unsigned char ** data, size_t * length)
-  struct track_entry * entry;
-  struct ebml_binary codec_private;
-  uint64_t sizes[3], total;
-  unsigned char * p;
-  unsigned int count, i;
-  *data = NULL;
-  *length = 0;
-  entry = ne_find_track_entry(ctx, track);
-  if (!entry)
-    return -1;
-  if (nestegg_track_codec_id(ctx, track) != NESTEGG_CODEC_VORBIS
-    && nestegg_track_codec_id(ctx, track) != NESTEGG_CODEC_OPUS)
-    return -1;
-  if (ne_get_binary(entry->codec_private, &codec_private) != 0)
-    return -1;
-  if (nestegg_track_codec_id(ctx, track) == NESTEGG_CODEC_VORBIS) {
-      p =;
-      count = *p++ + 1;
-      if (count > 3)
-        return -1;
-      i = 0;
-      total = 0;
-      while (--count) {
-        sizes[i] = ne_xiph_lace_value(&p);
-        total += sizes[i];
-        i += 1;
-      }
-      sizes[i] = codec_private.length - total - (p -;
-      for (i = 0; i < item; ++i) {
-        if (sizes[i] > LIMIT_FRAME)
-          return -1;
-        p += sizes[i];
-      }
-      *data = p;
-      *length = (size_t)sizes[item];
-  } else {
-    *data =;
-    *length = codec_private.length;
-  }
-  return 0;
-nestegg_track_video_params(nestegg * ctx, unsigned int track,
-                           nestegg_video_params * params)
-  struct track_entry * entry;
-  unsigned int value;
-  memset(params, 0, sizeof(*params));
-  entry = ne_find_track_entry(ctx, track);
-  if (!entry)
-    return -1;
-  if (nestegg_track_type(ctx, track) != NESTEGG_TRACK_VIDEO)
-    return -1;
-  value = 0;
-  ne_get_uint32(entry->video.stereo_mode, &value);
-    params->stereo_mode = value;
-  if (ne_get_uint32(entry->video.pixel_width, &value) != 0)
-    return -1;
-  params->width = value;
-  if (ne_get_uint32(entry->video.pixel_height, &value) != 0)
-    return -1;
-  params->height = value;
-  value = 0;
-  ne_get_uint32(entry->video.pixel_crop_bottom, &value);
-  params->crop_bottom = value;
-  value = 0;
-  ne_get_uint32(entry->video.pixel_crop_top, &value);
-  params->crop_top = value;
-  value = 0;
-  ne_get_uint32(entry->video.pixel_crop_left, &value);
-  params->crop_left = value;
-  value = 0;
-  ne_get_uint32(entry->video.pixel_crop_right, &value);
-  params->crop_right = value;
-  value = params->width;
-  ne_get_uint32(entry->video.display_width, &value);
-  params->display_width = value;
-  value = params->height;
-  ne_get_uint32(entry->video.display_height, &value);
-  params->display_height = value;
-  return 0;
-nestegg_track_audio_params(nestegg * ctx, unsigned int track,
-                           nestegg_audio_params * params)
-  struct track_entry * entry;
-  unsigned int value;
-  memset(params, 0, sizeof(*params));
-  entry = ne_find_track_entry(ctx, track);
-  if (!entry)
-    return -1;
-  if (nestegg_track_type(ctx, track) != NESTEGG_TRACK_AUDIO)
-    return -1;
-  params->rate = 8000;
-  ne_get_float(entry->audio.sampling_frequency, &params->rate);
-  value = 1;
-  ne_get_uint32(entry->audio.channels, &value);
-  params->channels = value;
-  value = 16;
-  ne_get_uint32(entry->audio.bit_depth, &value);
-  params->depth = value;
-  value = 0;
-  ne_get_uint32(entry->codec_delay, &value);
-  params->codec_delay = value;
-  value = 0;
-  ne_get_uint32(entry->seek_preroll, &value);
-  params->seek_preroll = value;
-  return 0;
-nestegg_read_packet(nestegg * ctx, nestegg_packet ** pkt)
-  int r;
-  uint64_t id, size;
-  *pkt = NULL;
-  for (;;) {
-    r = ne_peek_element(ctx, &id, &size);
-    if (r != 1)
-      return r;
-    /* Any DESC_FLAG_SUSPEND fields must be handled here. */
-    if (ne_is_suspend_element(id)) {
-      r = ne_read_element(ctx, &id, &size);
-      if (r != 1)
-        return r;
-      /* The only DESC_FLAG_SUSPEND fields are Blocks and SimpleBlocks, which we
-         handle directly. */
-      r = ne_read_block(ctx, id, size, pkt);
-      if (r != 1)
-        return r;
-      r = ne_read_discard_padding(ctx, *pkt);
-      if (r != 1)
-        return r;
-      return r;
-    }
-    r =  ne_parse(ctx, NULL, -1);
-    if (r != 1)
-      return r;
-  }
-  return 1;
-nestegg_free_packet(nestegg_packet * pkt)
-  struct frame * frame;
-  while (pkt->frame) {
-    frame = pkt->frame;
-    pkt->frame = frame->next;
-    free(frame->data);
-    free(frame);
-  }
- free(pkt);
-nestegg_packet_track(nestegg_packet * pkt, unsigned int * track)
-  *track = (unsigned int)pkt->track;
-  return 0;
-nestegg_packet_tstamp(nestegg_packet * pkt, uint64_t * tstamp)
-  *tstamp = pkt->timecode;
-  return 0;
-nestegg_packet_discard_padding(nestegg_packet * pkt, int64_t * discard_padding)
-  *discard_padding = pkt->discard_padding;
-  return 0;
-nestegg_packet_count(nestegg_packet * pkt, unsigned int * count)
-  struct frame * f = pkt->frame;
-  *count = 0;
-  while (f) {
-    *count += 1;
-    f = f->next;
-  }
-  return 0;
-nestegg_packet_data(nestegg_packet * pkt, unsigned int item,
-                    unsigned char ** data, size_t * length)
-  struct frame * f = pkt->frame;
-  unsigned int count = 0;
-  *data = NULL;
-  *length = 0;
-  while (f) {
-    if (count == item) {
-      *data = f->data;
-      *length = f->length;
-      return 0;
-    }
-    count += 1;
-    f = f->next;
-  }
-  return -1;
-nestegg_has_cues(nestegg * ctx)
-  return ctx->segment.cues.cue_point.head ||
-         ne_find_seek_for_id(ctx->segment.seek_head.head, ID_CUES);
-nestegg_sniff(unsigned char const * buffer, size_t length)
-  nestegg_io io;
-  struct sniff_buffer user_data;
-  user_data.buffer = buffer;
-  user_data.length = length;
-  user_data.offset = 0;
- = ne_buffer_read;
- = ne_buffer_seek;
-  io.tell = ne_buffer_tell;
-  io.userdata = &user_data;
-  return ne_match_webm(io, length);
--- a/third_party/nestegg/test/test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +1,0 @@
- * Copyright © 2010 Mozilla Foundation
- *
- * This program is made available under an ISC-style license.  See the
- * accompanying file LICENSE for details.
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "nestegg/nestegg.h"
-#undef DEBUG
-#define SEEK_TEST
-static int
-stdio_read(void * p, size_t length, void * file)
-  size_t r;
-  FILE * fp = file;
-  r = fread(p, length, 1, fp);
-  if (r == 0 && feof(fp))
-    return 0;
-  return r == 0 ? -1 : 1;
-static int
-stdio_seek(int64_t offset, int whence, void * file)
-  FILE * fp = file;
-  return fseek(fp, offset, whence);
-static int64_t
-stdio_tell(void * fp)
-  return ftell(fp);
-static void
-log_callback(nestegg * ctx, unsigned int severity, char const * fmt, ...)
-  va_list ap;
-  char const * sev = NULL;
-#if !defined(DEBUG)
-  if (severity < NESTEGG_LOG_WARNING)
-    return;
-  switch (severity) {
-    sev = "debug:   ";
-    break;
-    sev = "warning: ";
-    break;
-    sev = "critical:";
-    break;
-  default:
-    sev = "unknown: ";
-  }
-  fprintf(stderr, "%p %s ", (void *) ctx, sev);
-  va_start(ap, fmt);
-  vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
-  va_end(ap);
-  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-main(int argc, char * argv[])
-  FILE * fp;
-  int r, type;
-  nestegg * ctx;
-  nestegg_audio_params aparams;
-  nestegg_packet * pkt;
-  nestegg_video_params vparams;
-  size_t length, size;
-  uint64_t duration, tstamp, pkt_tstamp;
-  unsigned char * codec_data, * ptr;
-  unsigned int cnt, i, j, track, tracks, pkt_cnt, pkt_track;
-  unsigned int data_items = 0;
-  nestegg_io io = {
-    stdio_read,
-    stdio_seek,
-    stdio_tell,
-    NULL
-  };
-  if (argc != 2)
-    return EXIT_FAILURE;
-  fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
-  if (!fp)
-    return EXIT_FAILURE;
-  io.userdata = fp;
-  ctx = NULL;
-  r = nestegg_init(&ctx, io, log_callback, -1);
-  if (r != 0)
-    return EXIT_FAILURE;
-  nestegg_track_count(ctx, &tracks);
-  nestegg_duration(ctx, &duration);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-  fprintf(stderr, "media has %u tracks and duration %fs\n", tracks, duration / 1e9);
-  for (i = 0; i < tracks; ++i) {
-    type = nestegg_track_type(ctx, i);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    fprintf(stderr, "track %u: type: %d codec: %d", i,
-            type, nestegg_track_codec_id(ctx, i));
-    nestegg_track_codec_data_count(ctx, i, &data_items);
-    for (j = 0; j < data_items; ++j) {
-      nestegg_track_codec_data(ctx, i, j, &codec_data, &length);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-      fprintf(stderr, " (%p, %u)", codec_data, (unsigned int) length);
-    }
-    if (type == NESTEGG_TRACK_VIDEO) {
-      nestegg_track_video_params(ctx, i, &vparams);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-      fprintf(stderr, " video: %ux%u (d: %ux%u %ux%ux%ux%u)",
-              vparams.width, vparams.height,
-              vparams.display_width, vparams.display_height,
-              vparams.crop_top, vparams.crop_left, vparams.crop_bottom, vparams.crop_right);
-    } else if (type == NESTEGG_TRACK_AUDIO) {
-      nestegg_track_audio_params(ctx, i, &aparams);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-      fprintf(stderr, " audio: %.2fhz %u bit %u channels",
-              aparams.rate, aparams.depth, aparams.channels);
-    }
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-  }
-#if defined(SEEK_TEST)
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-  fprintf(stderr, "seek to middle\n");
-  r = nestegg_track_seek(ctx, 0, duration / 2);
-  if (r == 0) {
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    fprintf(stderr, "middle ");
-    r = nestegg_read_packet(ctx, &pkt);
-    if (r == 1) {
-      nestegg_packet_track(pkt, &track);
-      nestegg_packet_count(pkt, &cnt);
-      nestegg_packet_tstamp(pkt, &tstamp);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-      fprintf(stderr, "* t %u pts %f frames %u\n", track, tstamp / 1e9, cnt);
-      nestegg_free_packet(pkt);
-    } else {
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-      fprintf(stderr, "middle seek failed\n");
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-  fprintf(stderr, "seek to ~end\n");
-  r = nestegg_track_seek(ctx, 0, duration - (duration / 10));
-  if (r == 0) {
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    fprintf(stderr, "end ");
-    r = nestegg_read_packet(ctx, &pkt);
-    if (r == 1) {
-      nestegg_packet_track(pkt, &track);
-      nestegg_packet_count(pkt, &cnt);
-      nestegg_packet_tstamp(pkt, &tstamp);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-      fprintf(stderr, "* t %u pts %f frames %u\n", track, tstamp / 1e9, cnt);
-      nestegg_free_packet(pkt);
-    } else {
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-      fprintf(stderr, "end seek failed\n");
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-  fprintf(stderr, "seek to ~start\n");
-  r = nestegg_track_seek(ctx, 0, duration / 10);
-  if (r == 0) {
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    fprintf(stderr, "start ");
-    r = nestegg_read_packet(ctx, &pkt);
-    if (r == 1) {
-      nestegg_packet_track(pkt, &track);
-      nestegg_packet_count(pkt, &cnt);
-      nestegg_packet_tstamp(pkt, &tstamp);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-      fprintf(stderr, "* t %u pts %f frames %u\n", track, tstamp / 1e9, cnt);
-      nestegg_free_packet(pkt);
-    } else {
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-      fprintf(stderr, "start seek failed\n");
-    }
-  }
-  while (nestegg_read_packet(ctx, &pkt) > 0) {
-    nestegg_packet_track(pkt, &pkt_track);
-    nestegg_packet_count(pkt, &pkt_cnt);
-    nestegg_packet_tstamp(pkt, &pkt_tstamp);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    fprintf(stderr, "t %u pts %f frames %u: ", pkt_track, pkt_tstamp / 1e9, pkt_cnt);
-    for (i = 0; i < pkt_cnt; ++i) {
-      nestegg_packet_data(pkt, i, &ptr, &size);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-      fprintf(stderr, "%u ", (unsigned int) size);
-    }
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-    nestegg_free_packet(pkt);
-  }
-  nestegg_destroy(ctx);
-  fclose(fp);
-  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@
 for f in $(git diff HEAD^ --name-only -M90 --diff-filter=AM); do
   case "$f" in
     third_party/*) continue;;
-    nestegg/*) continue;;
   vpx_style "$f"