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ref: 05d13b4a996d7987c7028baf47dc23b9c7d884b7
parent: fea27cab7b93fa0f806ede551a5838f470ca1ed0
parent: c01ed5ba8e23d3fe6a701ff4ed90339758f846a8
author: huili2 <[email protected]>
date: Thu Dec 1 06:23:43 EST 2016

Merge pull request #2614 from ruil2/setoption

    make SetOption():ENCODER_OPTION_SVC_ENCODE_PARAM_BASE work correclty

--- a/codec/encoder/plus/src/welsEncoderExt.cpp
+++ b/codec/encoder/plus/src/welsEncoderExt.cpp
@@ -473,15 +473,15 @@
  *  Force key frame
 int CWelsH264SVCEncoder::ForceIntraFrame (bool bIDR, int iLayerId) {
-  if ( bIDR ) {
+  if (bIDR) {
     if (! (m_pEncContext && m_bInitialFlag)) {
       return 1;
-    ForceCodingIDR(m_pEncContext, iLayerId);
+    ForceCodingIDR (m_pEncContext, iLayerId);
   } else {
     WelsLog (&m_pWelsTrace->m_sLogCtx, WELS_LOG_INFO,
-            "CWelsH264SVCEncoder::ForceIntraFrame(),nothing to do as bIDR set to false");
+             "CWelsH264SVCEncoder::ForceIntraFrame(),nothing to do as bIDR set to false");
   return 0;
@@ -741,6 +741,11 @@
       m_iMaxPicWidth    = iTargetWidth;
       m_iMaxPicHeight   = iTargetHeight;
+    if (sConfig.DetermineTemporalSettings()) {
+      WelsLog (&m_pWelsTrace->m_sLogCtx, WELS_LOG_INFO,
+               "CWelsH264SVCEncoder::SetOption():ENCODER_OPTION_SVC_ENCODE_PARAM_BASE, DetermineTemporalSettings failed!");
+      return cmInitParaError;
+    }
     WelsLog (&m_pWelsTrace->m_sLogCtx, WELS_LOG_INFO,
              "CWelsH264SVCEncoder::SetOption():ENCODER_OPTION_SVC_ENCODE_PARAM_BASE iUsageType = %d,iPicWidth= %d;iPicHeight= %d;iTargetBitrate= %d;fMaxFrameRate=  %.6ff;iRCMode= %d",
@@ -1278,7 +1283,8 @@
   char strFileName[256] = {0};
   const int32_t iDataLength = m_iMaxPicWidth * m_iMaxPicHeight;
-  WelsSnprintf (strFileName, sizeof (strFileName), "pic_in_%dx%d.yuv", m_iMaxPicWidth, m_iMaxPicHeight);// confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage
+  WelsSnprintf (strFileName, sizeof (strFileName), "pic_in_%dx%d.yuv", m_iMaxPicWidth,
+                m_iMaxPicHeight);// confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage
   switch (pSrcPic->iColorFormat) {
   case videoFormatI420:
@@ -1287,8 +1293,8 @@
     if (NULL != pFile) {
       fwrite (pSrcPic->pData[0], sizeof (uint8_t), pSrcPic->iStride[0]*m_iMaxPicHeight, pFile);
-      fwrite (pSrcPic->pData[1], sizeof (uint8_t), pSrcPic->iStride[1]*(m_iMaxPicHeight >> 1), pFile);
-      fwrite (pSrcPic->pData[2], sizeof (uint8_t), pSrcPic->iStride[2]*(m_iMaxPicHeight >> 1), pFile);
+      fwrite (pSrcPic->pData[1], sizeof (uint8_t), pSrcPic->iStride[1] * (m_iMaxPicHeight >> 1), pFile);
+      fwrite (pSrcPic->pData[2], sizeof (uint8_t), pSrcPic->iStride[2] * (m_iMaxPicHeight >> 1), pFile);
       fflush (pFile);
       fclose (pFile);
     } else {
--- a/test/api/encode_options_test.cpp
+++ b/test/api/encode_options_test.cpp
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
   //set a fixed random value
   iRandValue = rand() % 256;
 void EncodeDecodeTestAPIBase::RandomParamExtCombination() {
   param_.iPicWidth  = WelsClip3 ((((rand() % MAX_WIDTH) >> 1)  + 1) << 1, 2, MAX_WIDTH);
@@ -320,6 +319,51 @@
     //to do
     // currently, there are still some error cases even though under condition cmResultSuccess == iResult
     // so need to enhance the validation check for any random value of each variable in ParamExt
+    if (cmResultSuccess == iResult) {
+      InitialEncDec (param_.iPicWidth, param_.iPicHeight);
+      EncodeOneFrame (0);
+      encToDecData (info, len);
+      pData[0] = pData[1] = pData[2] = 0;
+      memset (&dstBufInfo_, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
+      iResult = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, len, pData, &dstBufInfo_);
+      ASSERT_TRUE (iResult == cmResultSuccess);
+      iResult = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (NULL, 0, pData, &dstBufInfo_);
+      ASSERT_TRUE (iResult == cmResultSuccess);
+      EXPECT_EQ (dstBufInfo_.iBufferStatus, 1);
+    }
+  }
+  iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_ERROR;
+  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
+TEST_F (EncodeDecodeTestAPI, SetOptionEncParamBase) {
+  int iSpatialLayerNum = 4;
+  int iWidth       = WelsClip3 ((((rand() % MAX_WIDTH) >> 1)  + 1) << 1, 1 << iSpatialLayerNum, MAX_WIDTH);
+  int iHeight      = WelsClip3 ((((rand() % MAX_HEIGHT) >> 1)  + 1) << 1, 1 << iSpatialLayerNum, MAX_HEIGHT);
+  float fFrameRate = rand() + 0.5f;
+  int iEncFrameNum = WelsClip3 ((rand() % ENCODE_FRAME_NUM) + 1, 1, ENCODE_FRAME_NUM);
+  int iSliceNum        = 1;
+  encoder_->GetDefaultParams (&param_);
+  prepareParamDefault (iSpatialLayerNum, iSliceNum, iWidth, iHeight, fFrameRate, &param_);
+  int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
+  ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
+  int iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
+  rv = encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
+  ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
+  for (int i = 0; i < iEncFrameNum; i++) {
+    int iResult;
+    int len = 0;
+    unsigned char* pData[3] = { NULL };
+    param_.iTargetBitrate     = rand() % BIT_RATE_RANGE;
+    iResult = encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_SVC_ENCODE_PARAM_BASE, &param_);
     if (cmResultSuccess == iResult) {
       InitialEncDec (param_.iPicWidth, param_.iPicHeight);