Merge pull request #787 from sijchen/fme_merge97
Merge pull request #785 from mstorsjo/fix-me-test
Merge pull request #786 from mstorsjo/use-proper-types
Merge pull request #782 from mstorsjo/fix-msvc-warning
Merge pull request #783 from mstorsjo/win64-clobber
Use the proper type in function parameters instead of void pointers
Take the test of TestHorizontalSearch_SSE41 into use
Properly limit the range for the random target motion vectors
Limit the ME scanning range to 16 pixels from the end of the buffer
Merge pull request #779 from zhilwang/intraSad
Properly back up and restore XMM registers on win64 in WelsSampleSadFour4x4_sse2
Merge pull request #780 from sijchen/md_merge25
Merge pull request #784 from mstorsjo/renamed-lib
Use the new library name in the android sample projects
Use $(PROJECT_NAME) in the android .so name
Rename the DLL definition file according to what the output DLL is named
Use $(PROJECT_NAME) for naming the DLL import library as well
add scrolling skip function pointers in MD
Don't compare a boolean to an integer
Merge pull request #761 from sijchen/md_merge31
Merge pull request #778 from ethanhugg/rename
Parameterize the project name and change it to openh264
Merge pull request #775 from mstorsjo/stub-binaries-target
Add a stub makefile target for binaries
Merge pull request #767 from mstorsjo/avoid-conflicting-msvc-options
Merge pull request #766 from mstorsjo/reduce-msvc-runtime-flags
Merge pull request #771 from huili2/newseqorder_prefixerror_bugfix
Merge pull request #772 from lyao2/scrollingUT
fix new sequence&EC order, and prefix parse bug
Merge pull request #769 from ruil2/enc_screen_1
fix the issue that long term reference frame is disable for screen
Merge pull request #768 from ruil2/enc_param
Merge pull request #765 from lyao2/scrollingUT
Merge pull request #764 from dongzha/Deblock
Merge pull request #763 from huili2/ec_bug_fix
use the parameters set by app instead of the default values
Merge pull request #762 from huili2/ec_ut_bugfix
Only use the -Gm option in desktop debug MSVC builds
Don't build all object files with -ZW, only the one that needs it
Merge pull request #759 from mstorsjo/deblock-neon-transpose
Merge pull request #755 from licaiguo/refine-pNzc
Merge pull request #751 from huili2/NewSeq_replace_I
Do full register loads instead of single-lane loads in DeblockLumaEq4H_neon
Merge pull request #750 from mstorsjo/deblocking-neon-cpu-features
Merge pull request #749 from mstorsjo/dos-newlines
Merge pull request #748 from huili2/newSeq_bugfix
Merge pull request #745 from lyao2/scrollingUT
Check for WELS_CPU_NEON before calling DeblockingBSCalcEnc_neon
Remove dos newlines in the android java code
Merge pull request #738 from mstorsjo/gnu-aarch64
Merge pull request #747 from ganyangbbl/resolution_issue
Merge pull request #746 from huili2/IDR_bugfix
Merge pull request #742 from huili2/ec_ut_copy
Merge pull request #732 from licaiguo/forJS
Merge pull request #744 from huili2/ec_IdrLoss
Merge pull request #743 from huili2/ec_refidx_return
Merge pull request #741 from varunbpatil/ref_frames
Merge pull request #740 from licaiguo/test
Fix calculation of num ref frames
Merge pull request #737 from mstorsjo/make-aarch64
Merge pull request #736 from licaiguo/update-gitignore
Merge pull request #735 from mstorsjo/cleanup-mess
Merge pull request #734 from dongzha/MC_ARM64
Add Motion Compehension ARM64 Neon Code
Add macros for the non-standard mov.16b/mov.8b/ext.16b/ext.8b
Use the correct ext syntax in the gnu version of macros
Use a plain "ret" instead of "ret lr"
Add correct arguments to the gnu version of UNPACK_FILTER_SINGLE_TAG_16BITS
Add \() to macro arguments to separate the argument from the following .8h or similar
Remove .syntax unified from the aarch64 common header
Add support for building the arm64 assembly in
Regenerate makefiles to include the new arm64 assembly files
Exclude the new arm64 include file
Add support for arm64 assembly source files in
Rename the makefile variable for arm assembly sources
Fix the indentation of a line in
Merge pull request #733 from dongzha/ExpandPic_ARM64
Remove .orig files left over from running astyle
Remove the executable bit from source files
Add expand picture support for ARM64 NEON
update .gitignore to ignore *.orig
prevent from return if ref_idx is error