shithub: openh264

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ref: 21c6cb7fe6724082d76dbb285a9b1ac8a8241ea9
parent: 0724f616c7ce609de56ea1662c5223b2c19f39fd
author: [email protected] <[email protected]>
date: Wed Mar 1 06:36:05 EST 2017

add function and test for CWelsList from CWelsCircleQueue, plan to remove CWelsCircleQueue since the two are alike

--- a/codec/common/inc/WelsList.h
+++ b/codec/common/inc/WelsList.h
@@ -66,8 +66,15 @@
     m_pLast = NULL;
   ~CWelsList() {
-    if (m_pCurrentList)
+    if (m_pCurrentList) {
       free (m_pCurrentList);
+      m_pCurrentList = NULL;
+    }
+    m_pCurrentList = NULL;
+    m_pFirst = NULL;
+    m_pCurrent = NULL;
+    m_pLast = NULL;
   int32_t size() {
@@ -75,6 +82,10 @@
   bool push_back (TNodeType* pNode) {
+    if (!pNode) {
+      return false;
+    }
     if (NULL == m_pCurrentList) {
       m_pCurrentList = static_cast<SNode<TNodeType>*> (malloc (m_iMaxNodeCount * sizeof (SNode<TNodeType>)));
       if (NULL == m_pCurrentList) {
@@ -160,6 +171,34 @@
     return false;
+  bool findNode (TNodeType* pNodeTarget) {
+    if ((m_iCurrentNodeCount > 0) && pNodeTarget) {
+      SNode<TNodeType>* pNode = m_pFirst;
+      while (pNode) {
+        if (pNode->pPointer == pNodeTarget) {
+          return true;
+        }
+        pNode = pNode->pNextNode;
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  TNodeType* getNode (int iNodeIdx) {
+    if ((iNodeIdx > m_iCurrentNodeCount - 1) || (0 == m_iCurrentNodeCount)) {
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    SNode<TNodeType>* pNode = m_pFirst;
+    for (int i = 0; i < iNodeIdx; i++) {
+      if (pNode->pNextNode) {
+        pNode = pNode->pNextNode;
+      } else {
+        return NULL;
+      }
+    }
+    return pNode->pPointer;
+  }
   bool ExpandList() {
     SNode<TNodeType>* tmpCurrentList = static_cast<SNode<TNodeType>*> (malloc (m_iMaxNodeCount * 2 * sizeof (
@@ -213,6 +252,7 @@
     m_pLast = & (m_pCurrentList[m_iMaxNodeCount - 1]);
+ private:
   int32_t m_iCurrentNodeCount;
   int32_t m_iMaxNodeCount;
   SNode<TNodeType>* m_pCurrentList;
@@ -220,6 +260,22 @@
   SNode<TNodeType>* m_pLast;
   SNode<TNodeType>* m_pCurrent;
+template<typename TNodeType>
+class CWelsNonDuplicatedList : public CWelsList<TNodeType> {
+ public:
+  bool push_back (TNodeType* pNode) {
+    if (0 != this->size()) {
+      if ((NULL != pNode) && (this->findNode (pNode))) {      //not checking NULL for easier testing
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return CWelsList<TNodeType>::push_back (pNode);
+  }
--- a/test/common/CWelsListTest.cpp
+++ b/test/common/CWelsListTest.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
 #include "WelsList.h"
+#include "WelsTaskThread.h"
 using namespace WelsCommon;
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
       EXPECT_TRUE (i == cTestList.size()) << "before push size=" << cTestList.size() ;
-      cTestList.push_back (pPointer);
+      EXPECT_TRUE (cTestList.push_back (pPointer));
     EXPECT_TRUE (10 == cTestList.size()) << "after push size=" << cTestList.size() ;
@@ -37,6 +38,25 @@
+TEST (CWelsList, CWelsList_Null) {
+  CWelsList<int> cTestList;
+  int a = 0;
+  int* pPointer = &a;
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cTestList.push_back (pPointer));
+  pPointer = NULL;
+  EXPECT_FALSE (cTestList.push_back (pPointer));
+  EXPECT_FALSE (cTestList.findNode (pPointer));
+  pPointer = &a;
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cTestList.findNode (pPointer));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cTestList.push_back (pPointer));
 TEST (CWelsList, CWelsListExpand) {
   CWelsList<int> cTestList;
   int a = 0;
@@ -220,3 +240,162 @@
   EXPECT_TRUE (0 == cTestList.size());
+TEST (CWelsNonDuplicatedList, CWelsNonDuplicatedList) {
+  int32_t a, b, c;
+  CWelsNonDuplicatedList<int32_t> cNonDuplicatedIntList;
+  int32_t* pObject1 = &a;
+  int32_t* pObject2 = &b;
+  int32_t* pObject3 = &c;
+  //initial adding
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cNonDuplicatedIntList.push_back (pObject1));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cNonDuplicatedIntList.push_back (pObject2));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cNonDuplicatedIntList.push_back (pObject3));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (3 == cNonDuplicatedIntList.size());
+  //try failed adding
+  EXPECT_FALSE (cNonDuplicatedIntList.push_back (pObject3));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (3 == cNonDuplicatedIntList.size());
+  //try pop
+  EXPECT_TRUE (pObject1 == cNonDuplicatedIntList.begin());
+  cNonDuplicatedIntList.pop_front();
+  EXPECT_TRUE (2 == cNonDuplicatedIntList.size());
+  //try what currently in
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cNonDuplicatedIntList.findNode (pObject2));
+  EXPECT_FALSE (cNonDuplicatedIntList.push_back (pObject2));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cNonDuplicatedIntList.findNode (pObject3));
+  EXPECT_FALSE (cNonDuplicatedIntList.push_back (pObject3));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (2 == cNonDuplicatedIntList.size());
+  //add back
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cNonDuplicatedIntList.push_back (pObject1));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (3 == cNonDuplicatedIntList.size());
+  //another pop
+  EXPECT_TRUE (pObject2 == cNonDuplicatedIntList.begin());
+  cNonDuplicatedIntList.pop_front();
+  cNonDuplicatedIntList.pop_front();
+  EXPECT_TRUE (1 == cNonDuplicatedIntList.size());
+  EXPECT_FALSE (cNonDuplicatedIntList.push_back (pObject1));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (1 == cNonDuplicatedIntList.size());
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cNonDuplicatedIntList.push_back (pObject3));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (2 == cNonDuplicatedIntList.size());
+  //clean-up
+  while (NULL != cNonDuplicatedIntList.begin()) {
+    cNonDuplicatedIntList.pop_front();
+  }
+  EXPECT_TRUE (0 == cNonDuplicatedIntList.size());
+#ifndef __APPLE__
+TEST (CWelsNonDuplicatedList, CWelsNonDuplicatedListOnThread) {
+  CWelsNonDuplicatedList<CWelsTaskThread> cThreadList;
+  CWelsTaskThread* pTaskThread1 = new CWelsTaskThread (NULL); //this initialization seemed making prob on osx?
+  EXPECT_TRUE (NULL != pTaskThread1);
+  CWelsTaskThread* pTaskThread2 = new CWelsTaskThread (NULL);
+  EXPECT_TRUE (NULL != pTaskThread2);
+  CWelsTaskThread* pTaskThread3 = new CWelsTaskThread (NULL);
+  EXPECT_TRUE (NULL != pTaskThread3);
+  //initial adding
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cThreadList.push_back (pTaskThread1));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cThreadList.push_back (pTaskThread2));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cThreadList.push_back (pTaskThread3));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (3 == cThreadList.size());
+  //try failed adding
+  EXPECT_FALSE (cThreadList.push_back (pTaskThread3));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (3 == cThreadList.size());
+  //try pop
+  EXPECT_TRUE (pTaskThread1 == cThreadList.begin());
+  cThreadList.pop_front();
+  EXPECT_TRUE (2 == cThreadList.size());
+  //try what currently in
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cThreadList.findNode (pTaskThread2));
+  EXPECT_FALSE (cThreadList.push_back (pTaskThread2));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cThreadList.findNode (pTaskThread3));
+  EXPECT_FALSE (cThreadList.push_back (pTaskThread3));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (2 == cThreadList.size());
+  //add back
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cThreadList.push_back (pTaskThread1));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (3 == cThreadList.size());
+  //another pop
+  EXPECT_TRUE (pTaskThread2 == cThreadList.begin());
+  cThreadList.pop_front();
+  cThreadList.pop_front();
+  EXPECT_TRUE (1 == cThreadList.size());
+  EXPECT_FALSE (cThreadList.push_back (pTaskThread1));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (1 == cThreadList.size());
+  EXPECT_TRUE (cThreadList.push_back (pTaskThread3));
+  EXPECT_TRUE (2 == cThreadList.size());
+  //clean-up
+  while (NULL != cThreadList.begin()) {
+    cThreadList.pop_front();
+  }
+  EXPECT_TRUE (0 == cThreadList.size());
+  delete pTaskThread1;
+  delete pTaskThread2;
+  delete pTaskThread3;
+TEST (CWelsList, CWelsListReadWithIdx) {
+  CWelsList<int32_t> cThreadList;
+  const int kiIncreaseNum = (rand() % 1000) + 1;
+  const int kiDecreaseNum = rand() % kiIncreaseNum;
+  int32_t* pInput = static_cast<int32_t*> (malloc (kiIncreaseNum * 10 * sizeof (int32_t)));
+  if (!pInput) {
+    return;
+  }
+  for (int32_t i = 0; i < kiIncreaseNum * 10; i++) {
+    pInput[i] = i;
+  }
+  for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
+    const int iBias = j * (kiIncreaseNum - kiDecreaseNum);
+    for (int i = 0; i < kiIncreaseNum; i++) {
+      cThreadList.push_back (&pInput[i + kiIncreaseNum * j]);
+    }
+    EXPECT_TRUE (kiIncreaseNum + iBias == cThreadList.size()) << "after push size=" <<
+        cThreadList.size() ;
+    EXPECT_TRUE ((kiDecreaseNum * j) == * (cThreadList.begin()));
+    for (int i = 0; i < kiIncreaseNum; i++) {
+      EXPECT_TRUE ((i + kiIncreaseNum * j) == * (cThreadList.getNode (i + iBias)));
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < cThreadList.size(); i++) {
+      EXPECT_TRUE ((i + kiDecreaseNum * j) == * (cThreadList.getNode (i)));
+    }
+    for (int i = kiDecreaseNum; i > 0; i--) {
+      cThreadList.pop_front();
+    }
+    EXPECT_TRUE ((j + 1) * (kiIncreaseNum - kiDecreaseNum) == cThreadList.size()) << "after pop size=" <<
+        cThreadList.size() ;
+    EXPECT_TRUE ((kiDecreaseNum * (j + 1)) == * (cThreadList.begin()));
+  }
+  //clean-up
+  while (NULL != cThreadList.begin()) {
+    cThreadList.pop_front();
+  }
+  EXPECT_TRUE (0 == cThreadList.size());
+  free (pInput);