ref: bc914e674b0220b98a79fe8ee5329b7bd1b7257d
dir: /js-lex.c/
#include "js.h" #include "js-parse.h" static int syntaxerror(js_State *J, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; fprintf(stderr, "syntax error: line %d: ", J->yyline); va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return TK_ERROR; } #define nelem(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof (a)[0]) static const char *keywords[] = { "break", "case", "catch", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "false", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "in", "instanceof", "new", "null", "return", "switch", "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "var", "void", "while", "with", }; static const char *futurewords[] = { "class", "const", "enum", "export", "extends", "import", "super", }; static const char *strictfuturewords[] = { "implements", "interface", "let", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "static", "yield", }; static inline int findword(const char *s, const char **list, int num) { int l = 0; int r = num - 1; while (l <= r) { int m = (l + r) >> 1; int c = strcmp(s, list[m]); if (c < 0) r = m - 1; else if (c > 0) l = m + 1; else return m; } return -1; } static inline int findkeyword(js_State *J, const char *s) { int i = findword(s, keywords, nelem(keywords)); if (i >= 0) return TK_BREAK + i; /* first keyword + i */ if (findword(s, futurewords, nelem(futurewords)) >= 0) return syntaxerror(J, "'%s' is a future reserved word", s); if (J->strict && findword(s, strictfuturewords, nelem(strictfuturewords)) >= 0) return syntaxerror(J, "'%s' is a strict mode future reserved word", s); return TK_IDENTIFIER; } #define GET() (*(*sp)++) #define UNGET() ((*sp)--) #define PEEK() (**sp) #define NEXT() ((*sp)++) #define NEXTPEEK() (NEXT(), PEEK()) #define LOOK(x) (PEEK() == x ? (NEXT(), 1) : 0) static void textinit(js_State *J) { if (!J->yytext) { J->yycap = 4096; J->yytext = malloc(J->yycap); } J->yylen = 0; } static inline void textpush(js_State *J, int c) { if (J->yylen >= J->yycap) { J->yycap = J->yycap * 2; J->yytext = realloc(J->yytext, J->yycap); } J->yytext[J->yylen++] = c; } static inline void textend(js_State *J) { textpush(J, 0); } static inline int iswhite(int c) { return c == 0x9 || c == 0xB || c == 0xC || c == 0x20 || c == 0xA0; } static inline int isnewline(c) { return c == 0xA || c == 0xD || c == 0x2028 || c == 0x2029; } static inline int isidentifierstart(int c) { return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '$' || c == '_'; } static inline int isidentifierpart(int c) { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || isidentifierstart(c); } static inline int isdec(int c) { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); } static inline int ishex(int c) { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'); } static inline int tohex(int c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 0xA; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return c - 'A' + 0xA; return 0; } static inline void lexlinecomment(const char **sp) { int c = PEEK(); while (c && !isnewline(c)) { c = NEXTPEEK(); } } static inline int lexcomment(const char **sp) { while (1) { int c = GET(); if (c == '*') { while (c == '*') c = GET(); if (c == '/') return 0; } else if (c == 0) { return -1; } } } static inline double lexhex(const char **sp) { double n = 0; int c = PEEK(); while (ishex(c)) { n = n * 16 + tohex(c); c = NEXTPEEK(); } return n; } static inline double lexinteger(const char **sp) { double n = 0; int c = PEEK(); while (isdec(c)) { n = n * 10 + (c - '0'); c = NEXTPEEK(); } return n; } static inline double lexfraction(const char **sp) { double n = 0; double d = 1; int c = PEEK(); while (isdec(c)) { n = n * 10 + (c - '0'); d = d * 10; c = NEXTPEEK(); } return n / d; } static inline double lexexponent(const char **sp) { if (LOOK('e') || LOOK('E')) { if (LOOK('-')) return -lexinteger(sp); else if (LOOK('+')) return lexinteger(sp); else return lexinteger(sp); } return 0; } static inline int lexnumber(js_State *J, const char **sp) { double n; if ((*sp)[0] == '0' && ((*sp)[1] == 'x' || (*sp)[1] == 'X')) { *sp += 2; if (!ishex(PEEK())) return syntaxerror(J, "0x not followed by hexademical digit"); J->yynumber = lexhex(sp); return TK_NUMBER; } if ((*sp)[0] == '0' && isdec((*sp)[1])) return syntaxerror(J, "number with leading zero"); n = lexinteger(sp); if (LOOK('.')) n += lexfraction(sp); n *= pow(10, lexexponent(sp)); if (isidentifierstart(PEEK())) return syntaxerror(J, "number with letter suffix"); J->yynumber = n; return TK_NUMBER; } static inline int lexescape(js_State *J, const char **sp) { int c = GET(); int x = 0; if (isnewline(c)) { if (c == '\r' && PEEK() == '\n') NEXT(); return 0; } switch (c) { case 'u': if (!ishex(PEEK())) return 1; else x |= NEXTPEEK() << 12; if (!ishex(PEEK())) return 1; else x |= NEXTPEEK() << 8; if (!ishex(PEEK())) return 1; else x |= NEXTPEEK() << 4; if (!ishex(PEEK())) return 1; else x |= NEXTPEEK(); textpush(J, x); break; case 'x': if (!ishex(PEEK())) return 1; else x |= NEXTPEEK() << 4; if (!ishex(PEEK())) return 1; else x |= NEXTPEEK(); textpush(J, x); break; case '0': textpush(J, 0); break; case '\\': textpush(J, '\\'); break; case '\'': textpush(J, '\''); break; case '"': textpush(J, '"'); break; case 'b': textpush(J, '\b'); break; case 'f': textpush(J, '\f'); break; case 'n': textpush(J, '\n'); break; case 'r': textpush(J, '\r'); break; case 't': textpush(J, '\t'); break; case 'v': textpush(J, '\v'); break; default: textpush(J, c); break; } return 0; } static inline int lexstring(js_State *J, const char **sp, int q) { int c = GET(); textinit(J); while (c != q) { if (c == 0 || isnewline(c)) return syntaxerror(J, "string not terminated"); if (c == '\\') { if (lexescape(J, sp)) return syntaxerror(J, "malformed escape sequence"); } else { textpush(J, c); } c = GET(); } textend(J); return TK_STRING; } /* the ugliest language wart ever... */ static int isregexpcontext(int last) { switch (last) { case ']': case ')': case TK_IDENTIFIER: case TK_NUMBER: case TK_STRING: case TK_FALSE: case TK_NULL: case TK_THIS: case TK_TRUE: return 0; default: return 1; } } static int lexregexp(js_State *J, const char **sp) { int c; textinit(J); /* regexp body */ c = GET(); while (c != '/') { if (c == 0 || isnewline(c)) { return syntaxerror(J, "regular expression not terminated"); } else if (c == '\\') { textpush(J, c); c = GET(); if (c == 0 || isnewline(c)) return syntaxerror(J, "regular expression not terminated"); textpush(J, c); c = GET(); } else { textpush(J, c); c = GET(); } } textend(J); /* regexp flags */ J->yyflags.g = J->yyflags.i = J->yyflags.m = 0; c = PEEK(); while (isidentifierpart(c)) { if (c == 'g') J->yyflags.g ++; else if (c == 'i') J->yyflags.i ++; else if (c == 'm') J->yyflags.m ++; else return syntaxerror(J, "illegal flag in regular expression: %c", c); c = NEXTPEEK(); } if (J->yyflags.g > 1 || J->yyflags.i > 1 || J->yyflags.m > 1) return syntaxerror(J, "duplicated flag in regular expression"); return TK_REGEXP; } /* simple "return [no Line Terminator here] ..." contexts */ static inline int isnlthcontext(int last) { switch (last) { case TK_BREAK: case TK_CONTINUE: case TK_RETURN: case TK_THROW: return 1; default: return 0; } } static int lex(js_State *J, const char **sp) { J->newline = 0; while (1) { int c = GET(); while (iswhite(c)) c = GET(); if (isnewline(c)) { /* consume CR LF as one unit */ if (c == '\r' && PEEK() == '\n') NEXT(); J->yyline++; J->newline = 1; if (isnlthcontext(J->lasttoken)) return ';'; continue; } if (c == '/') { if (LOOK('/')) { lexlinecomment(sp); continue; } else if (LOOK('*')) { if (lexcomment(sp)) return syntaxerror(J, "multi-line comment not terminated"); continue; } else if (isregexpcontext(J->lasttoken)) { return lexregexp(J, sp); } else if (LOOK('=')) { return TK_DIV_ASS; } else { return '/'; } } if (isidentifierstart(c)) { textinit(J); textpush(J, c); c = PEEK(); while (isidentifierpart(c)) { textpush(J, c); c = NEXTPEEK(); } textend(J); return findkeyword(J, J->yytext); } if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { UNGET(); return lexnumber(J, sp); } switch (c) { case '(': case ')': case ',': case ':': case ';': case '?': case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}': case '~': return c; case '\'': case '"': return lexstring(J, sp, c); case '.': if (isdec(PEEK())) { UNGET(); return lexnumber(J, sp); } return '.'; case '<': if (LOOK('<')) { if (LOOK('=')) return TK_SHL_ASS; return TK_SHL; } if (LOOK('=')) return TK_LE; return '<'; case '>': if (LOOK('>')) { if (LOOK('>')) { if (LOOK('=')) return TK_USHR_ASS; return TK_USHR; } if (LOOK('=')) return TK_SHR_ASS; return TK_SHR; } if (LOOK('=')) return TK_GE; return '>'; case '=': if (LOOK('=')) { if (LOOK('=')) return TK_EQ3; return TK_EQ; } return '='; case '!': if (LOOK('=')) { if (LOOK('=')) return TK_NE3; return TK_NE; } return '!'; case '+': if (LOOK('+')) return J->newline ? TK_INC : TK_NLTH_INC; if (LOOK('=')) return TK_ADD_ASS; return '+'; case '-': if (LOOK('-')) return J->newline ? TK_DEC : TK_NLTH_DEC; if (LOOK('=')) return TK_SUB_ASS; return '-'; case '*': if (LOOK('=')) return TK_MUL_ASS; return '*'; case '%': if (LOOK('=')) return TK_MOD_ASS; return '%'; case '&': if (LOOK('&')) return TK_AND; if (LOOK('=')) return TK_AND_ASS; return '&'; case '|': if (LOOK('|')) return TK_OR; if (LOOK('=')) return TK_OR_ASS; return '|'; case '^': if (LOOK('=')) return TK_XOR_ASS; return '^'; case 0: return 0; /* EOF */ } if (c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7E) return syntaxerror(J, "unexpected character: '%c'", c); return syntaxerror(J, "unexpected character: \\u%04X", c); } } void jsP_initlex(js_State *J, const char *source) { J->yysource = source; J->yyline = 1; J->lasttoken = 0; } int jsP_lex(js_State *J) { int t = lex(J, &J->yysource); // TODO: move yytext/yynumber into jsP_lval J->lasttoken = t; return t; }