ref: 1ad6eb865750ec1c626341f349228919364cb552
dir: /flow.c/
#include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "symbol.h" #include "tokens.h" #include "syntax.h" #include "sizes.h" static struct node *stmt(void); static unsigned char blocks[NR_BLOCK]; static unsigned char *blockp = blocks; static struct symbol *curfun; static void push(register unsigned char b) { if (blockp == &blocks[NR_BLOCK]) error("Too much nesting levels"); *blockp++ = b; } static void pop(void) { assert(blockp >= blocks); --blockp; } static struct symbol* newlabel(struct symbol *sym, char *s) { switch (sym->ns) { case NS_LABEL: error("label '%s' already defined", yytext); case NS_ANY: sym->ns = NS_LABEL; break; default: lookup(s, NS_LABEL); } insert(sym, CTX_FUNC); return sym; } static struct node * _goto(void) { register struct node *np; register struct symbol *sym; expect(GOTO); expect(IDEN); sym = yyval.sym; if (sym->ns != NS_LABEL) sym = newlabel(sym, yytext); np = node1(OGOTO, nodesym(sym)); expect(';'); return np; } static struct node * _while(void) { register struct node *cond, *np; expect(WHILE); expect('('); cond = expr(); expect(')'); push(OWHILE); np = node2(OWHILE, cond, stmt()); pop(); return np; } static struct node * _do(void) { register struct node *cond, *body, *np; expect(DO); body = stmt(); expect(WHILE); expect('('); cond = expr(); expect(')'); expect(';'); push(ODO); np = node2(ODO, body, cond); pop(); return np; } static struct node * _for(void) { register struct node *exp1, *exp2, *exp3; struct node *np; expect(FOR); expect('('); exp1 = expr(); expect(';'); exp2 = expr(); expect(';'); exp3 = expr(); expect(')'); push(OFOR); np = node2(OFOR, node3(OFEXP, exp1, exp2, exp3), stmt()); pop(); return np; } static struct node * _if(void) { register struct node *cond, *body; expect(IF); expect('('); cond = expr(); expect(')'); body = stmt(); return node3(OIF, cond, body, (accept(ELSE)) ? stmt() : NULL); } static struct node * _switch(void) { register struct node *cond, *np; expect(SWITCH); expect('('); cond = expr(); expect(')'); push(OSWITCH); np = node2(OSWITCH, cond, stmt()); pop(); return np; } static struct node * label(void) { register struct symbol *sym = yyval.sym; sym = newlabel(sym, yytext); next(), next(); /* skip IDEN and ':' */ return node2(OLABEL, nodesym(sym), stmt()); } static struct node * _break(void) { expect(BREAK); expect(';'); if (blockp == blocks) error("break statement not within loop or switch"); return node1(OBREAK, NULL); } static struct node * _continue(void) { register unsigned char *bp; expect(CONTINUE); expect(';'); for (bp = blocks; bp < blockp && *bp == OSWITCH; ++bp) ; /* nothing */ if (bp == blockp) error("continue statement not within loop"); return node1(OCONT, NULL); } static struct node * _return(void) { register struct node *np; expect(RETURN); np = expr(); expect(';'); return node1(ORETURN, np); } static struct node * _case(void) { register unsigned char *bp; register struct node *np, *exp; expect(CASE); exp = expr(); /* TODO: check if exp is constant */ /* TODO: Check if the type is correct */ for (bp = blocks; bp < blockp && *bp != OSWITCH; ++bp) ; /* nothing */ if (bp == blockp) error("case statement not within switch"); np = node1(OCASE, exp); expect(':'); return np; } static struct node * _default(void) { register unsigned char *bp; expect(DEFAULT); for (bp = blocks; bp < blockp && *bp != OSWITCH; ++bp) ; /* nothing */ if (bp == blockp) error("default statement not within switch"); expect(':'); return node1(ODEFAULT, NULL); } static struct node * compound(void) { register struct node *np = nodecomp(); expect('{'); new_ctx(); while (decl()) /* nothing */; while (!accept('}')) addstmt(np, stmt()); del_ctx(); return np; } static struct node * stmt(void) { register struct node *np; switch (yytoken) { case '{': return compound(); case SWITCH: return _switch(); case IF: return _if(); case FOR: return _for(); case DO: return _do(); case WHILE: return _while(); case CONTINUE: return _continue(); case BREAK: return _break(); case RETURN: return _return(); case GOTO: return _goto(); case CASE: return _case(); case DEFAULT: return _default(); case IDEN: if (ahead(':')) return label(); } np = expr(); expect(';'); return np; } void function(register struct symbol *sym) { register struct node *np; curfun = sym; np = node2(OFTN, nodesym(sym), compound()); prtree(np); putchar('\n'); freesyms(); }