ref: c53fa30afa573aa16715f46a379cf8e8d5d5e8a6
dir: /cc2/arch/qbe/code.c/
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */ static char sccsid[] = "@(#) ./cc2/arch/qbe/code.c"; #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <cstd.h> #include "arch.h" #include "../../../inc/cc.h" #include "../../cc2.h" #define ADDR_LEN (INTIDENTSIZ+64) static void binary(void), unary(void), store(void), jmp(void), ret(void), branch(void), call(void), ecall(void), param(void), alloc(void), form2local(void), ldir(void), vastart(void), vaarg(void); static struct opdata { void (*fun)(void); char *txt; char letter; } optbl [] = { [ASLDSB] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "loadsb", .letter = 'w'}, [ASLDUB] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "loadub", .letter = 'w'}, [ASLDSH] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "loadsh", .letter = 'w'}, [ASLDUH] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "loaduh", .letter = 'w'}, [ASLDSW] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "loadsw", .letter = 'w'}, [ASLDUW] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "loaduw", .letter = 'w'}, [ASLDL] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "loadl", .letter = 'l'}, [ASLDS] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "loads", .letter = 's'}, [ASLDD] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "loadd", .letter = 'd'}, [ASCOPYB] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "copy", .letter = 'b'}, [ASCOPYH] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "copy", .letter = 'h'}, [ASCOPYW] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "copy", .letter = 'w'}, [ASCOPYL] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "copy", .letter = 'l'}, [ASCOPYS] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "copy", .letter = 's'}, [ASCOPYD] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "copy", .letter = 'd'}, [ASSTB] = {.fun = store, .txt = "store", .letter = 'b'}, [ASSTH] = {.fun = store, .txt = "store", .letter = 'h'}, [ASSTW] = {.fun = store, .txt = "store", .letter = 'w'}, [ASSTL] = {.fun = store, .txt = "store", .letter = 'l'}, [ASSTM] = {.fun = ldir}, [ASSTS] = {.fun = store, .txt = "store", .letter = 's'}, [ASSTD] = {.fun = store, .txt = "store", .letter = 'd'}, [ASADDW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "add", .letter = 'w'}, [ASSUBW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "sub", .letter = 'w'}, [ASMULW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "mul", .letter = 'w'}, [ASMODW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "rem", .letter = 'w'}, [ASUMODW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "urem", .letter = 'w'}, [ASDIVW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "div", .letter = 'w'}, [ASUDIVW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "udiv", .letter = 'w'}, [ASSHLW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "shl", .letter = 'w'}, [ASSHRW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "sar", .letter = 'w'}, [ASUSHRW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "shr", .letter = 'w'}, [ASLTW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "csltw", .letter = 'w'}, [ASULTW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cultw", .letter = 'w'}, [ASGTW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "csgtw", .letter = 'w'}, [ASUGTW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cugtw", .letter = 'w'}, [ASLEW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cslew", .letter = 'w'}, [ASULEW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "culew", .letter = 'w'}, [ASGEW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "csgew", .letter = 'w'}, [ASUGEW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cugew", .letter = 'w'}, [ASEQW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "ceqw", .letter = 'w'}, [ASNEW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cnew", .letter = 'w'}, [ASBANDW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "and", .letter = 'w'}, [ASBORW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "or", .letter = 'w'}, [ASBXORW] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "xor", .letter = 'w'}, [ASADDL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "add", .letter = 'l'}, [ASSUBL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "sub", .letter = 'l'}, [ASMULL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "mul", .letter = 'l'}, [ASMODL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "rem", .letter = 'l'}, [ASUMODL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "urem", .letter = 'l'}, [ASDIVL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "div", .letter = 'l'}, [ASUDIVL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "udiv", .letter = 'l'}, [ASSHLL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "shl", .letter = 'l'}, [ASSHRL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "sar", .letter = 'l'}, [ASUSHRL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "shr", .letter = 'l'}, [ASLTL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "csltl", .letter = 'w'}, [ASULTL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cultl", .letter = 'w'}, [ASGTL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "csgtl", .letter = 'w'}, [ASUGTL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cugtl", .letter = 'w'}, [ASLEL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cslel", .letter = 'w'}, [ASULEL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "culel", .letter = 'w'}, [ASGEL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "csgel", .letter = 'w'}, [ASUGEL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cugel", .letter = 'w'}, [ASEQL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "ceql", .letter = 'w'}, [ASNEL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cnel", .letter = 'w'}, [ASBANDL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "and", .letter = 'l'}, [ASBORL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "or", .letter = 'l'}, [ASBXORL] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "xor", .letter = 'l'}, [ASADDS] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "add", .letter = 's'}, [ASSUBS] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "sub", .letter = 's'}, [ASMULS] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "mul", .letter = 's'}, [ASDIVS] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "div", .letter = 's'}, [ASLTS] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "clts", .letter = 'w'}, [ASGTS] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cgts", .letter = 'w'}, [ASLES] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cles", .letter = 'w'}, [ASGES] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cges", .letter = 'w'}, [ASEQS] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "ceqs", .letter = 'w'}, [ASNES] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cnes", .letter = 'w'}, [ASADDD] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "add", .letter = 'd'}, [ASSUBD] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "sub", .letter = 'd'}, [ASMULD] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "mul", .letter = 'd'}, [ASDIVD] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "div", .letter = 'd'}, [ASLTD] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cltd", .letter = 'w'}, [ASGTD] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cgtd", .letter = 'w'}, [ASLED] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cled", .letter = 'w'}, [ASGED] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cged", .letter = 'w'}, [ASEQD] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "ceqd", .letter = 'w'}, [ASNED] = {.fun = binary, .txt = "cned", .letter = 'w'}, [ASEXTBW] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "extsb", .letter = 'w'}, [ASUEXTBW]= {.fun = unary, .txt = "extub", .letter = 'w'}, [ASEXTBL] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "extsb", .letter = 'l'}, [ASUEXTBL]= {.fun = unary, .txt = "extub", .letter = 'l'}, [ASEXTHW] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "extsh", .letter = 'w'}, [ASUEXTHW]= {.fun = unary, .txt = "extuh", .letter = 'w'}, [ASEXTWL] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "extsw", .letter = 'l'}, [ASUEXTWL]= {.fun = unary, .txt = "extuw", .letter = 'l'}, [ASSTOL] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "stosi", .letter = 'l'}, [ASSTOW] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "stosi", .letter = 'w'}, [ASDTOL] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "dtosi", .letter = 'l'}, [ASDTOW] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "dtosi", .letter = 'w'}, [ASSWTOD] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "swtof", .letter = 'd'}, [ASSWTOS] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "swtof", .letter = 's'}, [ASSLTOD] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "sltof", .letter = 'd'}, [ASSLTOS] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "sltof", .letter = 's'}, [ASEXTS] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "exts", .letter = 'd'}, [ASTRUNCD] = {.fun = unary, .txt = "truncd", .letter = 's'}, [ASBRANCH] = {.fun = branch}, [ASJMP] = {.fun = jmp}, [ASRET] = {.fun = ret}, [ASCALL] = {.fun = call}, [ASCALLE] = {.fun = ecall, .txt = ")"}, [ASCALLEX] = {.fun = ecall, .txt = ", ...)"}, [ASPAR] = {.fun = param, .txt = "%s %s, "}, [ASPARE] = {.fun = param, .txt = "%s %s"}, [ASALLOC] = {.fun = alloc}, [ASFORM] = {.fun = form2local}, [ASVSTAR] = {.fun = vastart}, [ASVARG] = {.fun = vaarg}, }; static char buff[ADDR_LEN]; /* * : is for user-defined Aggregate Types * $ is for globals (represented by a pointer) * % is for function-scope temporaries * @ is for block labels */ static char sigil(Symbol *sym) { switch (sym->kind) { case SEXTRN: case SGLOB: case SPRIV: case SLOCAL: return '$'; case SAUTO: case STMP: return '%'; case SLABEL: return '@'; default: abort(); } } static char * symname(Symbol *sym) { char c = sigil(sym); if (sym->name) { switch (sym->kind) { case SEXTRN: case SGLOB: sprintf(buff, "%c%s", c, sym->name); return buff; case SLOCAL: case SPRIV: case SAUTO: sprintf(buff, "%c%s.%u", c, sym->name, sym->id); return buff; default: abort(); } } sprintf(buff, "%c.%u", c, sym->numid); return buff; } static void emitconst(Node *np) { switch (np->type.size) { case 1: printf("%d", (int) np->u.i & 0xFF); break; case 2: printf("%d", (int) np->u.i & 0xFFFF); break; case 4: printf("%ld", (long) np->u.i & 0xFFFFFFFF); break; case 8: printf("%lld", (long long) np->u.i & 0xFFFFFFFF); break; default: abort(); } } static void emittree(Node *np) { if (!np) return; switch (np->op) { case OSTRING: printf("\"%s\"", np->u.s); free(np->u.s); np->u.s = NULL; break; case OCONST: emitconst(np); break; case OADDR: emittree(np->left); break; case OMEM: fputs(symname(np->u.sym), stdout); break; default: emittree(np->left); printf(" %c ", np->op); emittree(np->right); break; } } static char * size2asm(Type *tp) { if (tp->flags & STRF) { return "b"; } else if (tp->flags & INTF) { switch (tp->size) { case 1: return "b"; case 2: return "h"; case 4: return "w"; case 8: return "l"; } } else if (tp->flags & FLOATF) { if (tp->size == 4) return "s"; else if (tp->size == 8) return "d"; } abort(); } void defglobal(Symbol *sym) { if (sym->kind == SEXTRN) return; if (sym->kind == SGLOB) fputs("export ", stdout); printf("data %s = {\n", symname(sym)); if (sym->type.flags & INITF) return; printf("\tz\t%lu\n}\n", sym->type.size); } void defpar(Symbol *sym) { sym->type.flags |= PARF; } void defvar(Symbol *sym) { if (sym->kind == SREG) sym->kind = SAUTO; } void data(Node *np) { printf("\t%s\t", size2asm(&np->type)); emittree(np); putchar(','); putchar('\n'); } static char * size2stack(Type *tp) { if (tp->flags & INTF) { switch (tp->size) { case 1: case 2: case 4: return "w"; case 8: return "l"; } } else if (tp->flags & FLOATF) { if (tp->size == 4) return "s"; else if (tp->size == 8) return "d"; } else if (tp->size == 0) { return "w"; } abort(); } void writeout(void) { Symbol *p; Type *tp; char *sep, *name; int haslabel = 0; if (!curfun) return; if (curfun->kind == SGLOB) fputs("export ", stdout); printf("function %s %s(", size2stack(&curfun->rtype), symname(curfun)); /* declare formal parameters */ for (sep = "", p = locals; p; p = p->next, sep = ",") { if ((p->type.flags & PARF) == 0) break; printf("%s%s %s.val", sep, size2stack(&p->type), symname(p)); } printf("%s)\n{\n", (curfun->type.flags&ELLIPS) ? ", ..." : ""); /* emit assembler instructions */ for (pc = prog; pc; pc = pc->next) { if (pc->label) { haslabel = 1; printf("%s\n", symname(pc->label)); } if (!pc->op) continue; if (pc->flags&BBENTRY && !haslabel) printf("%s\n", symname(newlabel())); (*optbl[pc->op].fun)(); if (!pc->label) haslabel = 0; } puts("}"); } static char * addr2txt(Addr *a) { switch (a->kind) { case SCONST: sprintf(buff, "%llu", (unsigned long long) a->u.i); return buff; case SAUTO: case SLABEL: case STMP: case SGLOB: case SEXTRN: case SPRIV: case SLOCAL: return symname(a->u.sym); default: abort(); } } static void binary(void) { struct opdata *p = &optbl[pc->op]; char to[ADDR_LEN], from1[ADDR_LEN], from2[ADDR_LEN]; strcpy(to, addr2txt(&pc->to)); strcpy(from1, addr2txt(&pc->from1)); strcpy(from2, addr2txt(&pc->from2)); printf("\t%s =%c\t%s\t%s,%s\n", to, p->letter, p->txt, from1, from2); } static void ldir(void) { struct opdata *p = &optbl[pc->op]; char to[ADDR_LEN], from[ADDR_LEN]; /* TODO: what type do we use for the size? */ /* TODO: it is pending */ } static void store(void) { struct opdata *p = &optbl[pc->op]; char to[ADDR_LEN], from[ADDR_LEN]; strcpy(to, addr2txt(&pc->to)); strcpy(from, addr2txt(&pc->from1)); printf("\t\t%s%c\t%s,%s\n", p->txt, p->letter, from, to); } static void unary(void) { struct opdata *p = &optbl[pc->op]; char to[ADDR_LEN], from[ADDR_LEN]; strcpy(to, addr2txt(&pc->to)); strcpy(from, addr2txt(&pc->from1)); printf("\t%s =%c\t%s\t%s\n", to, p->letter, p->txt, from); } static void call(void) { struct opdata *p = &optbl[pc->op]; char to[ADDR_LEN], from[ADDR_LEN]; Symbol *sym = pc->to.u.sym; strcpy(to, addr2txt(&pc->to)); strcpy(from, addr2txt(&pc->from1)); printf("\t%s =%s\tcall\t%s(", to, size2stack(&sym->type), from); } static void param(void) { Symbol *sym = pc->from2.u.sym; printf(optbl[pc->op].txt, size2stack(&sym->type), addr2txt(&pc->from1)); } static void ecall(void) { struct opdata *p = &optbl[pc->op]; puts(p->txt); } static void ret(void) { if (pc->from1.kind == SNONE) puts("\t\tret"); else printf("\t\tret\t%s\n", addr2txt(&pc->from1)); } static void jmp(void) { printf("\t\tjmp\t%s\n", addr2txt(&pc->from1)); } static void branch(void) { char to[ADDR_LEN], from1[ADDR_LEN], from2[ADDR_LEN]; strcpy(to, addr2txt(&pc->to)); strcpy(from1, addr2txt(&pc->from1)); strcpy(from2, addr2txt(&pc->from2)); printf("\t\tjnz\t%s,%s,%s\n", to, from1, from2); } static void vastart(void) { printf("\t\tvastart %s\n", addr2txt(&pc->from1)); } static void vaarg(void) { Symbol *sym = pc->to.u.sym; Type *tp = &sym->type; char to[ADDR_LEN], from[ADDR_LEN]; strcpy(to, addr2txt(&pc->to)); strcpy(from, addr2txt(&pc->from1)); printf("\t\t%s =%s vaarg %s\n", to, size2asm(tp), from); } static void alloc(void) { Symbol *sym = pc->to.u.sym; Type *tp = &sym->type; extern Type ptrtype; printf("\t%s =%s\talloc%lu\t%lu\n", symname(sym), size2asm(&ptrtype), tp->align+3 & ~3, tp->size); } static void form2local(void) { Symbol *sym = pc->to.u.sym; Type *tp = &sym->type; char *name = symname(sym); printf("\t\tstore%s\t%s.val,%s\n", size2asm(tp), name, name); } void endinit(void) { puts("}"); } void getbblocks(void) { Inst *i; if (!prog) return; prog->flags |= BBENTRY; for (pc = prog; pc; pc = pc->next) { switch (pc->op) { case ASBRANCH: i = pc->from2.u.sym->u.inst; i->flags |= BBENTRY; case ASJMP: i = pc->from1.u.sym->u.inst; i->flags |= BBENTRY; case ASRET: if (pc->next) pc->next->flags |= BBENTRY; break; } } }