ref: 023cfdbb051ea5184ebc7fa329db3ca43f1ca23e
dir: /maps/GoldenrodFlowerShop.asm/
GoldenrodFlowerShop_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x5535b ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 0 ; 0x5535d TeacherScript_0x5535d: ; 0x5535d checkevent EVENT_FOUGHT_SUDOWOODO iftrue UnknownScript_0x5538f checkevent EVENT_GOT_SQUIRTBOTTLE iftrue UnknownScript_0x55399 checkevent $00b9 iffalse UnknownScript_0x5539f checkevent $00ba iffalse UnknownScript_0x5538f checkflag $001d iffalse UnknownScript_0x5539c faceplayer loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x554c2 keeptextopen verbosegiveitem SQUIRTBOTTLE, 1 setevent EVENT_GOT_SQUIRTBOTTLE loadmovesprites setevent $0769 clearevent $0768 end ; 0x5538f UnknownScript_0x5538f: ; 0x5538f spriteface $2, $2 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x5552e closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x55399 UnknownScript_0x55399: ; 0x55399 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x5550d ; 0x5539c UnknownScript_0x5539c: ; 0x5539c jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x55463 ; 0x5539f UnknownScript_0x5539f: ; 0x5539f jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x553d4 ; 0x553a2 LassScript_0x553a2: ; 0x553a2 faceplayer loadfont checkevent EVENT_FOUGHT_SUDOWOODO iftrue UnknownScript_0x553c5 checkevent EVENT_GOT_SQUIRTBOTTLE iftrue UnknownScript_0x553bf 2writetext UnknownText_0x55561 closetext loadmovesprites setevent $00ba setevent $0768 clearevent $0769 end ; 0x553bf UnknownScript_0x553bf: ; 0x553bf 2writetext UnknownText_0x555e6 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x553c5 UnknownScript_0x553c5: ; 0x553c5 2writetext UnknownText_0x55604 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x553cb UnknownScript_0x553cb: ; 0x553cb jumpstd $0002 ; 0x553ce UnknownScript_0x553ce: ; 0x553ce jumpstd $0003 ; 0x553d1 UnknownScript_0x553d1: ; 0x553d1 jumpstd $000c ; 0x553d4 UnknownText_0x553d4: ; 0x553d4 text "Have you seen that" line "wiggly tree that's" para "growing on ROUTE" line "36?" para "My little sister" line "got all excited" para "and went to see" line "it…" para "I'm worried… Isn't" line "it dangerous?" done ; 0x55463 UnknownText_0x55463: ; 0x55463 text "Do you want to" line "borrow the water" para "bottle too?" line "I don't want you" para "doing anything" line "dangerous with it." done ; 0x554c2 UnknownText_0x554c2: ; 0x554c2 text "Oh, you're better" line "than WHITNEY…" para "You'll be OK," line "then. Here's the" cont "SQUIRTBOTTLE!" done ; 0x5550d UnknownText_0x5550d: ; 0x5550d text "Don't do anything" line "too dangerous!" done ; 0x5552e UnknownText_0x5552e: ; 0x5552e text "Lalala lalalala." line "Have plenty of" cont "water, my lovely!" done ; 0x55561 UnknownText_0x55561: ; 0x55561 text "When I told my sis" line "about the jiggly" para "tree, she told me" line "it's dangerous." para "If I beat WHITNEY," line "I wonder if she'll" para "lend me her water" line "bottle…" done ; 0x555e6 UnknownText_0x555e6: ; 0x555e6 text "Wow, you beat" line "WHITNEY? Cool!" done ; 0x55604 UnknownText_0x55604: ; 0x55604 text "So it really was a" line "#MON!" done ; 0x5561e GoldenrodFlowerShop_MapEventHeader: ; 0x5561e ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 2 warp_def $7, $2, 6, GROUP_GOLDENROD_CITY, MAP_GOLDENROD_CITY warp_def $7, $3, 6, GROUP_GOLDENROD_CITY, MAP_GOLDENROD_CITY ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 0 ; people-events db 2 person_event SPRITE_TEACHER, 8, 6, $9, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, TeacherScript_0x5535d, $ffff person_event SPRITE_LASS, 10, 9, $2, $11, 255, 255, $90, 0, LassScript_0x553a2, $0768 ; 0x55648