ref: 0eb49d59416030cfa584b9b1e823b31ea854f46a
dir: /maps/VermilionCity.asm/
VermilionCity_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x1aa97a ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 1 ; callbacks dbw 5, UnknownScript_0x1aa97f ; 0x1aa97f UnknownScript_0x1aa97f: ; 0x1aa97f setflag $003a return ; 0x1aa983 TeacherScript_0x1aa983: ; 0x1aa983 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1aaa15 ; 0x1aa986 GrampsScript_0x1aa986: ; 0x1aa986 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1aaa6f ; 0x1aa989 MachopScript_0x1aa989: ; 0x1aa989 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x1aaaca cry MACHOP closetext loadmovesprites earthquake 30 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x1aaae2 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1aa99b SuperNerdScript_0x1aa99b: ; 0x1aa99b jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1aab1a ; 0x1aa99e BigSnorlaxScript_0x1aa99e: ; 0x1aa99e loadfont special $0060 iftrue UnknownScript_0x1aa9ab 2writetext UnknownText_0x1aab64 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1aa9ab UnknownScript_0x1aa9ab: ; 0x1aa9ab 2writetext UnknownText_0x1aab84 pause 15 cry SNORLAX loadmovesprites writecode $3, $a loadpokedata SNORLAX, 50 startbattle disappear $6 setevent EVENT_FOUGHT_SNORLAX returnafterbattle end ; 0x1aa9c2 PokefanMScript_0x1aa9c2: ; 0x1aa9c2 faceplayer loadfont checkevent $00e2 iftrue UnknownScript_0x1aa9f7 checkcode $7 if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0x1aa9ea if_greater_than $d, UnknownScript_0x1aa9e4 if_greater_than $9, UnknownScript_0x1aa9de 2writetext UnknownText_0x1aabc8 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1aa9de UnknownScript_0x1aa9de: ; 0x1aa9de 2writetext UnknownText_0x1aac2b closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1aa9e4 UnknownScript_0x1aa9e4: ; 0x1aa9e4 2writetext UnknownText_0x1aac88 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1aa9ea UnknownScript_0x1aa9ea: ; 0x1aa9ea 2writetext UnknownText_0x1aacf3 keeptextopen verbosegiveitem HP_UP, 1 iffalse UnknownScript_0x1aa9fb setevent $00e2 UnknownScript_0x1aa9f7: ; 0x1aa9f7 2writetext UnknownText_0x1aad4a closetext UnknownScript_0x1aa9fb: ; 0x1aa9fb loadmovesprites end ; 0x1aa9fd MapVermilionCitySignpost0Script: ; 0x1aa9fd jumptext UnknownText_0x1aadb9 ; 0x1aaa00 MapVermilionCitySignpost1Script: ; 0x1aaa00 jumptext UnknownText_0x1aade7 ; 0x1aaa03 MapVermilionCitySignpost2Script: ; 0x1aaa03 jumptext UnknownText_0x1aae28 ; 0x1aaa06 MapVermilionCitySignpost3Script: ; 0x1aaa06 jumptext UnknownText_0x1aae4e ; 0x1aaa09 MapVermilionCitySignpost4Script: ; 0x1aaa09 jumptext UnknownText_0x1aae5e ; 0x1aaa0c MapVermilionCitySignpost5Script: ; 0x1aaa0c jumpstd $0010 ; 0x1aaa0f MapVermilionCitySignpost6Script: ; 0x1aaa0f jumpstd $0011 ; 0x1aaa12 MapVermilionCitySignpostItem7: ; 0x1aaa12 dw $00fc db FULL_HEAL ; 0x1aaa15 UnknownText_0x1aaa15: ; 0x1aaa15 text "VERMILION PORT is" line "KANTO's seaside" cont "gateway." para "Luxury liners from" line "around the world" cont "dock here." done ; 0x1aaa6f UnknownText_0x1aaa6f: ; 0x1aaa6f text "My #MON is" line "preparing the land" cont "for construction." para "But I have no" line "money to start the" cont "project…" done ; 0x1aaaca UnknownText_0x1aaaca: ; 0x1aaaca text "MACHOP: Guooh" line "gogogoh!" done ; 0x1aaae2 UnknownText_0x1aaae2: ; 0x1aaae2 text "A MACHOP is growl-" line "ing while stomping" cont "the ground flat." done ; 0x1aab1a UnknownText_0x1aab1a: ; 0x1aab1a text "There are eight" line "GYMS in KANTO." para "That big building" line "is VERMILION's" cont "#MON GYM." done ; 0x1aab64 UnknownText_0x1aab64: ; 0x1aab64 text "SNORLAX is snoring" line "peacefully…" done ; 0x1aab84 UnknownText_0x1aab84: ; 0x1aab84 text "The #GEAR was" line "placed near the" cont "sleeping SNORLAX…" para "…" para "SNORLAX woke up!" done ; 0x1aabc8 UnknownText_0x1aabc8: ; 0x1aabc8 text "Skilled trainers" line "gather in KANTO." para "GYM LEADERS are" line "especially strong." para "They won't be easy" line "to defeat." done ; 0x1aac2b UnknownText_0x1aac2b: ; 0x1aac2b text "You've started to" line "collect KANTO GYM" cont "BADGES?" para "Don't you agree" line "that the trainers" cont "here are tough?" done ; 0x1aac88 UnknownText_0x1aac88: ; 0x1aac88 text "I guess you'll be" line "finished with your" para "conquest of KANTO" line "GYMS soon." para "Let me know if" line "you get all eight" cont "BADGES." done ; 0x1aacf3 UnknownText_0x1aacf3: ; 0x1aacf3 text "Congratulations!" para "You got all the" line "KANTO GYM BADGES." para "I've got a reward" line "for your efforts." done ; 0x1aad4a UnknownText_0x1aad4a: ; 0x1aad4a text "Having a variety" line "of #MON types" para "should give you an" line "edge in battle." para "I'm sure the KANTO" line "GYM BADGES will" cont "help you." done ; 0x1aadb9 UnknownText_0x1aadb9: ; 0x1aadb9 text "VERMILION CITY" para "The Port of" line "Exquisite Sunsets" done ; 0x1aade7 UnknownText_0x1aade7: ; 0x1aade7 text "VERMILION CITY" line "#MON GYM" cont "LEADER: LT.SURGE" para "The Lightning" line "American" done ; 0x1aae28 UnknownText_0x1aae28: ; 0x1aae28 text "#MON FAN CLUB" para "All #MON Fans" line "Welcome!" done ; 0x1aae4e UnknownText_0x1aae4e: ; 0x1aae4e text "DIGLETT'S CAVE" done ; 0x1aae5e UnknownText_0x1aae5e: ; 0x1aae5e text "VERMILION PORT" line "ENTRANCE" done ; 0x1aae77 VermilionCity_MapEventHeader: ; 0x1aae77 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 10 warp_def $5, $5, 1, GROUP_VERMILION_HOUSE_FISHING_SPEECH_HOUSE, MAP_VERMILION_HOUSE_FISHING_SPEECH_HOUSE warp_def $5, $9, 1, GROUP_VERMILION_POKECENTER_1F, MAP_VERMILION_POKECENTER_1F warp_def $d, $7, 1, GROUP_POKEMON_FAN_CLUB, MAP_POKEMON_FAN_CLUB warp_def $d, $d, 1, GROUP_VERMILION_MAGNET_TRAIN_SPEECH_HOUSE, MAP_VERMILION_MAGNET_TRAIN_SPEECH_HOUSE warp_def $d, $15, 2, GROUP_VERMILION_MART, MAP_VERMILION_MART warp_def $11, $15, 1, GROUP_VERMILION_HOUSE_DIGLETTS_CAVE_SPEECH_HOUSE, MAP_VERMILION_HOUSE_DIGLETTS_CAVE_SPEECH_HOUSE warp_def $13, $a, 1, GROUP_VERMILION_GYM, MAP_VERMILION_GYM warp_def $1f, $13, 1, GROUP_VERMILION_PORT_PASSAGE, MAP_VERMILION_PORT_PASSAGE warp_def $1f, $14, 2, GROUP_VERMILION_PORT_PASSAGE, MAP_VERMILION_PORT_PASSAGE warp_def $7, $22, 1, GROUP_DIGLETTS_CAVE, MAP_DIGLETTS_CAVE ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 8 signpost 3, 25, $0, MapVermilionCitySignpost0Script signpost 19, 5, $0, MapVermilionCitySignpost1Script signpost 13, 5, $0, MapVermilionCitySignpost2Script signpost 9, 33, $0, MapVermilionCitySignpost3Script signpost 15, 27, $0, MapVermilionCitySignpost4Script signpost 5, 10, $0, MapVermilionCitySignpost5Script signpost 13, 22, $0, MapVermilionCitySignpost6Script signpost 19, 12, $7, MapVermilionCitySignpostItem7 ; people-events db 6 person_event SPRITE_TEACHER, 13, 22, $2, $11, 255, 255, $0, 0, TeacherScript_0x1aa983, $ffff person_event SPRITE_GRAMPS, 10, 27, $9, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, GrampsScript_0x1aa986, $ffff person_event SPRITE_MACHOP, 11, 30, $16, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, MachopScript_0x1aa989, $ffff person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 20, 18, $2, $11, 255, 255, $a0, 0, SuperNerdScript_0x1aa99b, $ffff person_event SPRITE_BIG_SNORLAX, 12, 38, $15, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, BigSnorlaxScript_0x1aa99e, $0770 person_event SPRITE_POKEFAN_M, 16, 35, $6, $0, 255, 255, $80, 0, PokefanMScript_0x1aa9c2, $ffff ; 0x1aaf25