ref: 44baefce065e05e276ae4adcec28a4f78fe78d82
dir: /engine/npctrade.asm/
; Trade struct TRADE_DIALOG EQU 0 TRADE_GIVEMON EQU 1 TRADE_GETMON EQU 2 TRADE_NICK EQU 3 TRADE_DVS EQU 14 TRADE_ITEM EQU 16 TRADE_OT_ID EQU 17 TRADE_OT_NAME EQU 19 TRADE_GENDER EQU 30 TRADE_PADDING EQU 31 ; Trade dialogs TRADE_INTRO EQU 0 TRADE_CANCEL EQU 1 TRADE_WRONG EQU 2 TRADE_COMPLETE EQU 3 TRADE_AFTER EQU 4 TRADE_EITHER_GENDER EQU 0 TRADE_MALE_ONLY EQU 1 TRADE_FEMALE_ONLY EQU 2 NPCTrade:: ; fcba8 ld a, e ld [wJumptableIndex], a call Trade_GetDialog ld b, CHECK_FLAG call TradeFlagAction ld a, TRADE_AFTER jr nz, .done ld a, TRADE_INTRO call PrintTradeText call YesNoBox ld a, TRADE_CANCEL jr c, .done ; Select givemon from party ld b, 6 callba SelectTradeOrDaycareMon ld a, TRADE_CANCEL jr c, .done ld e, TRADE_GIVEMON call GetTradeAttribute ld a, [CurPartySpecies] cp [hl] ld a, TRADE_WRONG jr nz, .done call CheckTradeGender ld a, TRADE_WRONG jr c, .done ld b, SET_FLAG call TradeFlagAction ld hl, ConnectLinkCableText call PrintText call DoNPCTrade call .TradeAnimation call GetTradeMonNames ld hl, TradedForText call PrintText call RestartMapMusic ld a, TRADE_COMPLETE .done call PrintTradeText ret ; fcc07 .TradeAnimation: ; fcc07 call DisableSpriteUpdates ld a, [wJumptableIndex] push af ld a, [wcf64] push af predef TradeAnimation pop af ld [wcf64], a pop af ld [wJumptableIndex], a call ReturnToMapWithSpeechTextbox ret ; fcc23 CheckTradeGender: ; fcc23 xor a ld [MonType], a ld e, TRADE_GENDER call GetTradeAttribute ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .matching cp 1 jr z, .check_male callba GetGender jr nz, .not_matching jr .matching .check_male callba GetGender jr z, .not_matching .matching and a ret .not_matching scf ret ; fcc4a TradeFlagAction: ; fcc4a ld hl, wTradeFlags ld a, [wJumptableIndex] ld c, a predef FlagPredef ld a, c and a ret ; fcc59 Trade_GetDialog: ; fcc59 ld e, TRADE_DIALOG call GetTradeAttribute ld a, [hl] ld [wcf64], a ret ; fcc63 DoNPCTrade: ; fcc63 ld e, TRADE_GIVEMON call GetTradeAttribute ld a, [hl] ld [wPlayerTrademonSpecies], a ld e, TRADE_GETMON call GetTradeAttribute ld a, [hl] ld [wOTTrademonSpecies], a ld a, [wPlayerTrademonSpecies] ld de, wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName call GetTradeMonName call CopyTradeName ld a, [wOTTrademonSpecies] ld de, wOTTrademonSpeciesName call GetTradeMonName call CopyTradeName ld hl, PartyMonOT ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call Trade_GetAttributeOfCurrentPartymon ld de, wPlayerTrademonOTName call CopyTradeName ld hl, PlayerName ld de, wPlayerTrademonSenderName call CopyTradeName ld hl, PartyMon1ID ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call Trade_GetAttributeOfCurrentPartymon ld de, wPlayerTrademonID call Trade_CopyTwoBytes ld hl, PartyMon1DVs ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call Trade_GetAttributeOfCurrentPartymon ld de, wPlayerTrademonDVs call Trade_CopyTwoBytes ld hl, PartyMon1Species ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call Trade_GetAttributeOfCurrentPartymon ld b, h ld c, l callba GetCaughtGender ld a, c ld [wPlayerTrademonCaughtData], a ld e, TRADE_DIALOG call GetTradeAttribute ld a, [hl] cp 3 ld a, 1 jr c, .okay ld a, 2 .okay ld [wOTTrademonCaughtData], a ld hl, PartyMon1Level ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call Trade_GetAttributeOfCurrentPartymon ld a, [hl] ld [CurPartyLevel], a ld a, [wOTTrademonSpecies] ld [CurPartySpecies], a xor a ld [MonType], a ld [wPokemonWithdrawDepositParameter], a callab RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox predef TryAddMonToParty ld e, TRADE_DIALOG call GetTradeAttribute ld a, [hl] cp TRADE_COMPLETE ld b, RESET_FLAG jr c, .incomplete ld b, SET_FLAG .incomplete callba SetGiftPartyMonCaughtData ld e, TRADE_NICK call GetTradeAttribute ld de, wOTTrademonNickname call CopyTradeName ld hl, PartyMonNicknames ld bc, PKMN_NAME_LENGTH call Trade_GetAttributeOfLastPartymon ld hl, wOTTrademonNickname call CopyTradeName ld e, TRADE_OT_NAME call GetTradeAttribute push hl ld de, wOTTrademonOTName call CopyTradeName pop hl ld de, wOTTrademonSenderName call CopyTradeName ld hl, PartyMonOT ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call Trade_GetAttributeOfLastPartymon ld hl, wOTTrademonOTName call CopyTradeName ld e, TRADE_DVS call GetTradeAttribute ld de, wOTTrademonDVs call Trade_CopyTwoBytes ld hl, PartyMon1DVs ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call Trade_GetAttributeOfLastPartymon ld hl, wOTTrademonDVs call Trade_CopyTwoBytes ld e, TRADE_OT_ID call GetTradeAttribute ld de, wOTTrademonID + 1 call Trade_CopyTwoBytesReverseEndian ld hl, PartyMon1ID ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call Trade_GetAttributeOfLastPartymon ld hl, wOTTrademonID call Trade_CopyTwoBytes ld e, TRADE_ITEM call GetTradeAttribute push hl ld hl, PartyMon1Item ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call Trade_GetAttributeOfLastPartymon pop hl ld a, [hl] ld [de], a push af push bc push de push hl ld a, [CurPartyMon] push af ld a, [PartyCount] dec a ld [CurPartyMon], a callba ComputeNPCTrademonStats pop af ld [CurPartyMon], a pop hl pop de pop bc pop af ret ; fcdc2 GetTradeAttribute: ; 0xfcdc2 ld d, 0 push de ld a, [wJumptableIndex] and $f swap a ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, NPCTrades add hl, de add hl, de pop de add hl, de ret ; 0xfcdd7 Trade_GetAttributeOfCurrentPartymon: ; fcdd7 ld a, [CurPartyMon] call AddNTimes ret ; fcdde Trade_GetAttributeOfLastPartymon: ; fcdde ld a, [PartyCount] dec a call AddNTimes ld e, l ld d, h ret ; fcde8 GetTradeMonName: ; fcde8 push de ld [wd265], a call GetBasePokemonName ld hl, StringBuffer1 pop de ret ; fcdf4 CopyTradeName: ; fcdf4 ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes ret ; fcdfb Functionfcdfb: ; fcdfb ; unreferenced ld bc, 4 call CopyBytes ld a, "@" ld [de], a ret ; fce05 Functionfce05: ; fce05 ; unreferenced ld bc, 3 call CopyBytes ld a, "@" ld [de], a ret ; fce0f Trade_CopyTwoBytes: ; fce0f ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hl] ld [de], a ret ; fce15 Trade_CopyTwoBytesReverseEndian: ; fce15 ld a, [hli] ld [de], a dec de ld a, [hl] ld [de], a ret ; fce1b GetTradeMonNames: ; fce1b ld e, TRADE_GETMON call GetTradeAttribute ld a, [hl] call GetTradeMonName ld de, StringBuffer2 call CopyTradeName ld e, TRADE_GIVEMON call GetTradeAttribute ld a, [hl] call GetTradeMonName ld de, wMonOrItemNameBuffer call CopyTradeName ld hl, StringBuffer1 .loop ld a, [hli] cp "@" jr nz, .loop dec hl push hl ld e, TRADE_GENDER call GetTradeAttribute ld a, [hl] pop hl and a ret z cp 1 ld a, "♂" jr z, .done ld a, "♀" .done ld [hli], a ld [hl], "@" ret ; fce58 NPCTrades: ; fce58 npctrade: MACRO db \1, \2, \3, \4 ; dialog set, requested mon, offered mon, nickname db \5, \6 ; dvs shift db \6 ; item dw \7 ; OT ID db \8, \9, 0 ; OT name, gender requested ENDM npctrade 0, ABRA, MACHOP, "MUSCLE@@@@@", $37, $66, GOLD_BERRY, 37460, "MIKE@@@@@@@", TRADE_EITHER_GENDER npctrade 0, BELLSPROUT, ONIX, "ROCKY@@@@@@", $96, $66, BITTER_BERRY, 48926, "KYLE@@@@@@@", TRADE_EITHER_GENDER npctrade 1, KRABBY, VOLTORB, "VOLTY@@@@@@", $98, $88, PRZCUREBERRY, 29189, "TIM@@@@@@@@", TRADE_EITHER_GENDER npctrade 3, DRAGONAIR, DODRIO, "DORIS@@@@@@", $77, $66, SMOKE_BALL, 00283, "EMY@@@@@@@@", TRADE_FEMALE_ONLY npctrade 2, HAUNTER, XATU, "PAUL@@@@@@@", $96, $86, MYSTERYBERRY, 15616, "CHRIS@@@@@@", TRADE_EITHER_GENDER npctrade 3, CHANSEY, AERODACTYL, "AEROY@@@@@@", $96, $66, GOLD_BERRY, 26491, "KIM@@@@@@@@", TRADE_EITHER_GENDER npctrade 0, DUGTRIO, MAGNETON, "MAGGIE@@@@@", $96, $66, METAL_COAT, 50082, "FOREST@@@@@", TRADE_EITHER_GENDER ; fcf38 PrintTradeText: ; fcf38 push af call GetTradeMonNames pop af ld bc, 2 * 4 ld hl, TradeTexts call AddNTimes ld a, [wcf64] ld c, a add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call PrintText ret ; fcf53 TradeTexts: ; fcf53 ; intro dw TradeIntroText1 dw TradeIntroText2 dw TradeIntroText3 dw TradeIntroText4 ; cancel dw TradeCancelText1 dw TradeCancelText2 dw TradeCancelText3 dw TradeCancelText4 ; wrong mon dw TradeWrongText1 dw TradeWrongText2 dw TradeWrongText3 dw TradeWrongText4 ; completed dw TradeCompleteText1 dw TradeCompleteText2 dw TradeCompleteText3 dw TradeCompleteText4 ; after dw TradeAfterText1 dw TradeAfterText2 dw TradeAfterText3 dw TradeAfterText4 ; fcf7b ConnectLinkCableText: ; 0xfcf7b ; OK, connect the Game Link Cable. text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd407 db "@" ; 0xfcf80 TradedForText: ; 0xfcf80 ; traded givemon for getmon text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd429 start_asm ld de, MUSIC_NONE call PlayMusic call DelayFrame ld hl, .done ret .done ; sound_dex_fanfare_80_109 ; interpret_data text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd445 db "@" ; 0xfcf97 TradeIntroText1: ; 0xfcf97 ; I collect #MON. Do you have @ ? Want to trade it for my @ ? text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd449 db "@" ; 0xfcf9c TradeCancelText1: ; 0xfcf9c ; You don't want to trade? Aww… text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd48c db "@" ; 0xfcfa1 TradeWrongText1: ; 0xfcfa1 ; Huh? That's not @ . What a letdown… text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd4aa db "@" ; 0xfcfa6 TradeCompleteText1: ; 0xfcfa6 ; Yay! I got myself @ ! Thanks! text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd4d2 db "@" ; 0xfcfab TradeAfterText1: ; 0xfcfab ; Hi, how's my old @ doing? text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd4f4 db "@" ; 0xfcfb0 TradeIntroText2: TradeIntroText3: ; 0xfcfb0 ; Hi, I'm looking for this #MON. If you have @ , would you trade it for my @ ? text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd512 db "@" ; 0xfcfb5 TradeCancelText2: TradeCancelText3: ; 0xfcfb5 ; You don't have one either? Gee, that's really disappointing… text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd565 db "@" ; 0xfcfba TradeWrongText2: TradeWrongText3: ; 0xfcfba ; You don't have @ ? That's too bad, then. text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd5a1 db "@" ; 0xfcfbf TradeCompleteText2: ; 0xfcfbf ; Great! Thank you! I finally got @ . text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd5cc db "@" ; 0xfcfc4 TradeAfterText2: ; 0xfcfc4 ; Hi! The @ you traded me is doing great! text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd5f4 db "@" ; 0xfcfc9 TradeIntroText4: ; 0xfcfc9 ; 's cute, but I don't have it. Do you have @ ? Want to trade it for my @ ? text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd621 db "@" ; 0xfcfce TradeCancelText4: ; 0xfcfce ; You don't want to trade? Oh, darn… text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd673 db "@" ; 0xfcfd3 TradeWrongText4: ; 0xfcfd3 ; That's not @ . Please trade with me if you get one. text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd696 db "@" ; 0xfcfd8 TradeCompleteText4: ; 0xfcfd8 ; Wow! Thank you! I always wanted @ ! text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd6cd db "@" ; 0xfcfdd TradeAfterText4: ; 0xfcfdd ; How is that @ I traded you doing? Your @ 's so cute! text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd6f5 db "@" ; 0xfcfe2 TradeCompleteText3: ; 0xfcfe2 ; Uh? What happened? text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd731 db "@" ; 0xfcfe7 TradeAfterText3: ; 0xfcfe7 ; Trading is so odd… I still have a lot to learn about it. text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd745 db "@" ; 0xfcfec