remove newlines from guessed macro names in preprocessor
revert '_' prefix to some macro_names
revert PeopleEvent to use better-looking asm output
add two filler bytes to MapEventHeader asm output
gah forgot a file to let preprocessor import macros
preprocessor support for macros
add map/group constants into constants.asm
add DataByteWordMacro for the preprocessor
add param_types to Signpost
change Signpost to extend Command and set byte_type in a few places
break up the for loop in into separate functions
only strip comments when a semicolon appears on the line
skip lines wth no quotes in
better comment handling in
return to using warp_def, signpost, person_event macros
probably a bad idea - don't use macros inside event headers
don't delete tempt_opt_table in gbz80disasm
fix MapHeader size and TextScript asm output
fix dbw error in MapScriptHeader and add ending newline
dump scripting macros into script_macros.asm
update last_address in MapScriptHeader to get asm output working again
run main.asm through the line spacing logic once
oops, make MapScriptHeader and others show up again
better asm output newline logic
fix bad placement of MapScriptHeader_0x70000 in asm
split up insertion and dumping in Asm
attempts to stop a recursion limit error
remove duplicate incbins in asm output
awful newline rules in asm output
prevent scripts from appearing in MapScriptHeader.to_asm output
fix MapEventHeader asm formatting
remove duplicates from Asm output
TrainerFragments pointing to 0x26ef should be ignored
insertion of asm dependencies
fix bug parsing INCBIN lines
probably right insertion routine for Asm
Incbin.split method similar to split_incbin_line_into_three
improve to_asm output (newlines)
fix some bugs in get_dependencies and to_asm
flatten a list of dependencies into one giant list
improve TrainerFragment.to_asm
better get_dependencies and MapEventHeader.to_asm
improvements to global to_asm
replace $4000 with end-of-bank calculations
switch from "r" to "rb" when reading the ROM for Microsoft Windows users
create maps directory if necessary
Merge pull request #4 from yenatch/document_some_asm
expanding wram labels / modifying name convention
add encoding to
move Script.parse_old into its own file
Merge pull request #3 from cnelsonsic/master
Move some data back to avoid a circular import.
Merge branch 'move-data-to-files' from cnelsonsic
Move a bunch of constant data into separate files.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Fixing whitespace for real this time.
clarifying move structure comment
Merge pull request #1 from cnelsonsic/master
insert the first map header (manually)
to_asm adds a label and end text
better asm output for MapScriptHeader
fix SecondMapHeader asm output
restrict what shows up in script_parse_table
keep track of these headers in globals
fix MapScriptHeader parsing
MapHeader parsing looks correct
add the old parsers back in for testing
corrections to almost make things run
MapHeader parsing and to_asm
better code for MapScriptHeader
skeleton for PeopleEvent class
start moving signpost into a class