Map triggers and label some addresses in bank 0.
Get rid of static rom addresses in home/text.asm.
Unown words and Magikarp measurement graphics
Red/Blue Pokemon constant order.
Mom (DST, money) and daycare text.
Finish off SGB and CGB code and data.
Split up pack graphics and point to them.
Split up emote images and dump emote pointers.
A couple bank 5 incbins incl emote pointers
Unknown item lists and TM/HM text.
Battle hud party status graphics.
Decoration attributes and menus.
Decoration menus and a couple broken function calls.
Misc bank 9 and text command $14 data.
Assorted strings, tilemaps and menudata in bank 9.
Consumable items and trainer card badge oam data.
Restore byte padding to trainer backpics.
Get rid of the last bank A incbin.
Unused item mappings and roaming maps.
Map macros because maps are bananas
Fix a party menu action comment.
Trade tilemaps and an unreferenced function.
Disassemble a jump table related to trading.
Trainer card gym leader and badge graphics.
Dummy player object and incbinned data.
OTPartyMon1HP instead of PartyMon1HP - PartyMon1 + OtPartyMon1
Partymon structs for opponent and player parties.
wContestMon in Bug Catching Contest rankings.
Use a partymon struct macro in wram.asm.
Address comments for footprints.
gfx/misc/town_map.lz is actually padded
Some incbinned data related to Cut.
Whirlpool and fishing scripts and text.
More field move scripts and text.
Use labels in audio/sfx_pointers.asm
Use labels in audio/cry_pointers.asm
Include cries and sound effects in audio.asm
Empty cry headers (for slots 252-255).
Redump music for whitespace formatting changes
preprocessor: import commands `sound` and `noise`
Bump pokemontools for fixed audio dumps
Move includes into object bases instead of their version wrappers.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'kanzure/master' into nuke-globals
Merge pull request #229 from yenatch/nuke-globals
Merge remote-tracking branch 'kanzure/master' into nuke-globals
Use globals to implicitly define labels before passing them into BANK().
Merge pull request #228 from yenatch/nuke-globals
Move remaining constants into constants/{misc,pokemon_data}_constants.asm
Move rst constants into macros.asm
Clean up variable usage in the makefile.
Use :: to export labels between objects.
Merge pull request #227 from yenatch/master
preprocessor: actually call update_globals()
Merge remote-tracking branch 'kanzure/master'
MBC3 constants in some RTC-related functions
Assorted text and labels in banks 5 and A
Merge pull request #225 from froggestspirit/master
fixed bank 39 pointers, options menu commentary
Merge pull request #224 from yenatch/moves
use constants for berserk gene, kings rock, scope lens effects
explicitly define type categories
recomment hidden power calculation
move type constants into constants/type_constants.asm