ref: 5f60cc24cf0935c4908151f0462e67a08d59558d
dir: /engine/events/overworld.asm/
FieldMoveJumptableReset: xor a ld hl, wBuffer1 ld bc, 7 call ByteFill ret FieldMoveJumptable: ld a, [wBuffer1] rst JumpTable ld [wBuffer1], a bit 7, a jr nz, .okay and a ret .okay and $7f scf ret GetPartyNick: ; write wCurPartyMon nickname to wStringBuffer1-3 ld hl, wPartyMonNicknames ld a, BOXMON ld [wMonType], a ld a, [wCurPartyMon] call GetNick call CopyName1 ; copy text from wStringBuffer2 to wStringBuffer3 ld de, wStringBuffer2 ld hl, wStringBuffer3 call CopyName2 ret CheckEngineFlag: ; Check engine flag de ; Return carry if flag is not set ld b, CHECK_FLAG farcall EngineFlagAction ld a, c and a jr nz, .isset scf ret .isset xor a ret CheckBadge: ; Check engine flag a (ENGINE_ZEPHYRBADGE thru ENGINE_EARTHBADGE) ; Display "Badge required" text and return carry if the badge is not owned call CheckEngineFlag ret nc ld hl, .BadgeRequiredText call MenuTextBoxBackup ; push text to queue scf ret .BadgeRequiredText: ; Sorry! A new BADGE ; is required. text_far _BadgeRequiredText text_end CheckPartyMove: ; Check if a monster in your party has move d. ld e, 0 xor a ld [wCurPartyMon], a .loop ld c, e ld b, 0 ld hl, wPartySpecies add hl, bc ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .no cp -1 jr z, .no cp EGG jr z, .next ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH ld hl, wPartyMon1Moves ld a, e call AddNTimes ld b, NUM_MOVES .check ld a, [hli] cp d jr z, .yes dec b jr nz, .check .next inc e jr .loop .yes ld a, e ld [wCurPartyMon], a ; which mon has the move xor a ret .no scf ret FieldMoveFailed: ld hl, .CantUseHere call MenuTextBoxBackup ret .CantUseHere: ; Can't use that here. text_far UnknownText_0x1c05c8 text_end CutFunction: call FieldMoveJumptableReset .loop ld hl, .Jumptable call FieldMoveJumptable jr nc, .loop and $7f ld [wFieldMoveSucceeded], a ret .Jumptable: dw .CheckAble dw .DoCut dw .FailCut .CheckAble: ld de, ENGINE_HIVEBADGE call CheckBadge jr c, .nohivebadge call CheckMapForSomethingToCut jr c, .nothingtocut ld a, $1 ret .nohivebadge ld a, $80 ret .nothingtocut ld a, $2 ret .DoCut: ld hl, Script_CutFromMenu call QueueScript ld a, $81 ret .FailCut: ld hl, Text_NothingToCut call MenuTextBoxBackup ld a, $80 ret Text_UsedCut: ; used CUT! text_far UnknownText_0x1c05dd text_end Text_NothingToCut: ; There's nothing to CUT here. text_far UnknownText_0x1c05ec text_end CheckMapForSomethingToCut: ; Does the collision data of the facing tile permit cutting? call GetFacingTileCoord ld c, a push de farcall CheckCutCollision pop de jr nc, .fail ; Get the location of the current block in wOverworldMapBlocks. call GetBlockLocation ld c, [hl] ; See if that block contains something that can be cut. push hl ld hl, CutTreeBlockPointers call CheckOverworldTileArrays pop hl jr nc, .fail ; Back up the wOverworldMapBlocks address to wBuffer3 ld a, l ld [wBuffer3], a ld a, h ld [wBuffer4], a ; Back up the replacement tile to wBuffer5 ld a, b ld [wBuffer5], a ; Back up the animation index to wBuffer6 ld a, c ld [wBuffer6], a xor a ret .fail scf ret Script_CutFromMenu: reloadmappart special UpdateTimePals Script_Cut: callasm GetPartyNick writetext Text_UsedCut reloadmappart callasm CutDownTreeOrGrass closetext end CutDownTreeOrGrass: ld hl, wBuffer3 ; OverworldMapTile ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [wBuffer5] ; ReplacementTile ld [hl], a xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a call OverworldTextModeSwitch call UpdateSprites call DelayFrame ld a, [wBuffer6] ; Animation type ld e, a farcall OWCutAnimation call BufferScreen call GetMovementPermissions call UpdateSprites call DelayFrame call LoadStandardFont ret CheckOverworldTileArrays: ; Input: c contains the tile you're facing ; Output: Replacement tile in b and effect on wild encounters in c, plus carry set. ; Carry is not set if the facing tile cannot be replaced, or if the tileset ; does not contain a tile you can replace. ; Dictionary lookup for pointer to tile replacement table push bc ld a, [wMapTileset] ld de, 3 call IsInArray pop bc jr nc, .nope ; Load the pointer inc hl ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; Look up the tile you're facing ld de, 3 ld a, c call IsInArray jr nc, .nope ; Load the replacement to b inc hl ld b, [hl] ; Load the animation type parameter to c inc hl ld c, [hl] scf ret .nope xor a ret INCLUDE "data/events/field_move_blocks.asm" OWFlash: call .CheckUseFlash and $7f ld [wFieldMoveSucceeded], a ret .CheckUseFlash: ; Flash ld de, ENGINE_ZEPHYRBADGE farcall CheckBadge jr c, .nozephyrbadge push hl farcall SpecialAerodactylChamber pop hl jr c, .useflash ld a, [wTimeOfDayPalset] cp %11111111 ; 3, 3, 3, 3 jr nz, .notadarkcave .useflash call UseFlash ld a, $81 ret .notadarkcave call FieldMoveFailed ld a, $80 ret .nozephyrbadge ld a, $80 ret UseFlash: ld hl, Script_UseFlash jp QueueScript Script_UseFlash: reloadmappart special UpdateTimePals writetext UnknownText_0xc8f3 callasm BlindingFlash closetext end UnknownText_0xc8f3: text_far UnknownText_0x1c0609 text_asm call WaitSFX ld de, SFX_FLASH call PlaySFX call WaitSFX ld hl, .BlankText ret .BlankText: text_end SurfFunction: call FieldMoveJumptableReset .loop ld hl, .Jumptable call FieldMoveJumptable jr nc, .loop and $7f ld [wFieldMoveSucceeded], a ret .Jumptable: dw .TrySurf dw .DoSurf dw .FailSurf dw .AlreadySurfing .TrySurf: ld de, ENGINE_FOGBADGE call CheckBadge jr c, .asm_c956 ld hl, wBikeFlags bit BIKEFLAGS_ALWAYS_ON_BIKE_F, [hl] jr nz, .cannotsurf ld a, [wPlayerState] cp PLAYER_SURF jr z, .alreadyfail cp PLAYER_SURF_PIKA jr z, .alreadyfail call GetFacingTileCoord call GetTileCollision cp WATERTILE jr nz, .cannotsurf call CheckDirection jr c, .cannotsurf farcall CheckFacingObject jr c, .cannotsurf ld a, $1 ret .asm_c956 ld a, $80 ret .alreadyfail ld a, $3 ret .cannotsurf ld a, $2 ret .DoSurf: call GetSurfType ld [wBuffer2], a call GetPartyNick ld hl, SurfFromMenuScript call QueueScript ld a, $81 ret .FailSurf: ld hl, CantSurfText call MenuTextBoxBackup ld a, $80 ret .AlreadySurfing: ld hl, AlreadySurfingText call MenuTextBoxBackup ld a, $80 ret SurfFromMenuScript: special UpdateTimePals UsedSurfScript: writetext UsedSurfText ; "used SURF!" waitbutton closetext callasm .empty_fn ; empty function copybytetovar wBuffer2 writevarcode VAR_MOVEMENT special ReplaceKrisSprite special PlayMapMusic ; step into the water (slow_step DIR, step_end) special SurfStartStep applymovement PLAYER, wMovementBuffer end .empty_fn farcall StubbedTrainerRankings_Surf ret UsedSurfText: text_far _UsedSurfText text_end CantSurfText: text_far _CantSurfText text_end AlreadySurfingText: text_far _AlreadySurfingText text_end GetSurfType: ; Surfing on Pikachu uses an alternate sprite. ; This is done by using a separate movement type. ld a, [wCurPartyMon] ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, wPartySpecies add hl, de ld a, [hl] cp PIKACHU ld a, PLAYER_SURF_PIKA ret z ld a, PLAYER_SURF ret CheckDirection: ; Return carry if a tile permission prevents you ; from moving in the direction you're facing. ; Get player direction ld a, [wPlayerDirection] and %00001100 ; bits 2 and 3 contain direction rrca rrca ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, .Directions add hl, de ; Can you walk in this direction? ld a, [wTilePermissions] and [hl] jr nz, .quit xor a ret .quit scf ret .Directions: db FACE_DOWN db FACE_UP db FACE_LEFT db FACE_RIGHT TrySurfOW:: ; Checking a tile in the overworld. ; Return carry if fail is allowed. ; Don't ask to surf if already fail. ld a, [wPlayerState] cp PLAYER_SURF_PIKA jr z, .quit cp PLAYER_SURF jr z, .quit ; Must be facing water. ld a, [wEngineBuffer1] call GetTileCollision cp WATERTILE jr nz, .quit ; Check tile permissions. call CheckDirection jr c, .quit ld de, ENGINE_FOGBADGE call CheckEngineFlag jr c, .quit ld d, SURF call CheckPartyMove jr c, .quit ld hl, wBikeFlags bit BIKEFLAGS_ALWAYS_ON_BIKE_F, [hl] jr nz, .quit call GetSurfType ld [wBuffer2], a call GetPartyNick ld a, BANK(AskSurfScript) ld hl, AskSurfScript call CallScript scf ret .quit xor a ret AskSurfScript: opentext writetext AskSurfText yesorno iftrue UsedSurfScript closetext end AskSurfText: ; The water is calm. Want to SURF? text_far _AskSurfText text_end FlyFunction: call FieldMoveJumptableReset .loop ld hl, .Jumptable call FieldMoveJumptable jr nc, .loop and $7f ld [wFieldMoveSucceeded], a ret .Jumptable: dw .TryFly dw .DoFly dw .FailFly .TryFly: ; Fly ld de, ENGINE_STORMBADGE call CheckBadge jr c, .nostormbadge call GetMapEnvironment call CheckOutdoorMap jr z, .outdoors jr .indoors .outdoors xor a ldh [hMapAnims], a call LoadStandardMenuHeader call ClearSprites farcall _FlyMap ld a, e cp -1 jr z, .illegal cp NUM_SPAWNS jr nc, .illegal ld [wDefaultSpawnpoint], a call CloseWindow ld a, $1 ret .nostormbadge ld a, $82 ret .indoors ld a, $2 ret .illegal call CloseWindow call WaitBGMap ld a, $80 ret .DoFly: ld hl, .FlyScript call QueueScript ld a, $81 ret .FailFly: call FieldMoveFailed ld a, $82 ret .FlyScript: reloadmappart callasm HideSprites special UpdateTimePals callasm FlyFromAnim farscall Script_AbortBugContest special WarpToSpawnPoint callasm DelayLoadingNewSprites writecode VAR_MOVEMENT, PLAYER_NORMAL newloadmap MAPSETUP_FLY callasm FlyToAnim special WaitSFX callasm .ReturnFromFly end .ReturnFromFly: farcall Function561d call DelayFrame call ReplaceKrisSprite farcall LoadOverworldFont ret WaterfallFunction: call .TryWaterfall and $7f ld [wFieldMoveSucceeded], a ret .TryWaterfall: ; Waterfall ld de, ENGINE_RISINGBADGE farcall CheckBadge ld a, $80 ret c call CheckMapCanWaterfall jr c, .failed ld hl, Script_WaterfallFromMenu call QueueScript ld a, $81 ret .failed call FieldMoveFailed ld a, $80 ret CheckMapCanWaterfall: ld a, [wPlayerDirection] and $c cp FACE_UP jr nz, .failed ld a, [wTileUp] call CheckWaterfallTile jr nz, .failed xor a ret .failed scf ret Script_WaterfallFromMenu: reloadmappart special UpdateTimePals Script_UsedWaterfall: callasm GetPartyNick writetext .Text_UsedWaterfall waitbutton closetext playsound SFX_BUBBLEBEAM .loop applymovement PLAYER, .WaterfallStep callasm .CheckContinueWaterfall iffalse .loop end .CheckContinueWaterfall: xor a ld [wScriptVar], a ld a, [wPlayerStandingTile] call CheckWaterfallTile ret z farcall StubbedTrainerRankings_Waterfall ld a, $1 ld [wScriptVar], a ret .WaterfallStep: turn_waterfall UP step_end .Text_UsedWaterfall: ; used WATERFALL! text_far UnknownText_0x1c068e text_end TryWaterfallOW:: ld d, WATERFALL call CheckPartyMove jr c, .failed ld de, ENGINE_RISINGBADGE call CheckEngineFlag jr c, .failed call CheckMapCanWaterfall jr c, .failed ld a, BANK(Script_AskWaterfall) ld hl, Script_AskWaterfall call CallScript scf ret .failed ld a, BANK(Script_CantDoWaterfall) ld hl, Script_CantDoWaterfall call CallScript scf ret Script_CantDoWaterfall: jumptext .Text_CantDoWaterfall .Text_CantDoWaterfall: ; Wow, it's a huge waterfall. text_far UnknownText_0x1c06a3 text_end Script_AskWaterfall: opentext writetext .AskUseWaterfall yesorno iftrue Script_UsedWaterfall closetext end .AskUseWaterfall: ; Do you want to use WATERFALL? text_far UnknownText_0x1c06bf text_end EscapeRopeFunction: call FieldMoveJumptableReset ld a, $1 jr dig_incave DigFunction: call FieldMoveJumptableReset ld a, $2 dig_incave ld [wBuffer2], a .loop ld hl, .DigTable call FieldMoveJumptable jr nc, .loop and $7f ld [wFieldMoveSucceeded], a ret .DigTable: dw .CheckCanDig dw .DoDig dw .FailDig .CheckCanDig: call GetMapEnvironment cp CAVE jr z, .incave cp DUNGEON jr z, .incave .fail ld a, $2 ret .incave ld hl, wDigWarpNumber ld a, [hli] and a jr z, .fail ld a, [hli] and a jr z, .fail ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .fail ld a, $1 ret .DoDig: ld hl, wDigWarpNumber ld de, wNextWarp ld bc, 3 call CopyBytes call GetPartyNick ld a, [wBuffer2] cp $2 jr nz, .escaperope ld hl, .UsedDigScript call QueueScript ld a, $81 ret .escaperope farcall SpecialKabutoChamber ld hl, .UsedEscapeRopeScript call QueueScript ld a, $81 ret .FailDig: ld a, [wBuffer2] cp $2 jr nz, .failescaperope ld hl, .Text_CantUseHere call MenuTextBox call WaitPressAorB_BlinkCursor call CloseWindow .failescaperope ld a, $80 ret .Text_UsedDig: ; used DIG! text_far UnknownText_0x1c06de text_end .Text_UsedEscapeRope: ; used an ESCAPE ROPE. text_far UnknownText_0x1c06ed text_end .Text_CantUseHere: ; Can't use that here. text_far UnknownText_0x1c0705 text_end .UsedEscapeRopeScript: reloadmappart special UpdateTimePals writetext .Text_UsedEscapeRope jump .UsedDigOrEscapeRopeScript .UsedDigScript: reloadmappart special UpdateTimePals writetext .Text_UsedDig .UsedDigOrEscapeRopeScript: waitbutton closetext playsound SFX_WARP_TO applymovement PLAYER, .DigOut farscall Script_AbortBugContest special WarpToSpawnPoint writecode VAR_MOVEMENT, PLAYER_NORMAL newloadmap MAPSETUP_DOOR playsound SFX_WARP_FROM applymovement PLAYER, .DigReturn end .DigOut: step_dig 32 hide_object step_end .DigReturn: show_object return_dig 32 step_end TeleportFunction: call FieldMoveJumptableReset .loop ld hl, .Jumptable call FieldMoveJumptable jr nc, .loop and $7f ld [wFieldMoveSucceeded], a ret .Jumptable: dw .TryTeleport dw .DoTeleport dw .FailTeleport .TryTeleport: call GetMapEnvironment call CheckOutdoorMap jr z, .CheckIfSpawnPoint jr .nope .CheckIfSpawnPoint: ld a, [wLastSpawnMapGroup] ld d, a ld a, [wLastSpawnMapNumber] ld e, a farcall IsSpawnPoint jr nc, .nope ld a, c ld [wDefaultSpawnpoint], a ld a, $1 ret .nope ld a, $2 ret .DoTeleport: call GetPartyNick ld hl, .TeleportScript call QueueScript ld a, $81 ret .FailTeleport: ld hl, .Text_CantUseHere call MenuTextBoxBackup ld a, $80 ret .Text_ReturnToLastMonCenter: ; Return to the last #MON CENTER. text_far UnknownText_0x1c071a text_end .Text_CantUseHere: ; Can't use that here. text_far UnknownText_0x1c073b text_end .TeleportScript: reloadmappart special UpdateTimePals writetext .Text_ReturnToLastMonCenter pause 60 reloadmappart closetext playsound SFX_WARP_TO applymovement PLAYER, .TeleportFrom farscall Script_AbortBugContest special WarpToSpawnPoint writecode VAR_MOVEMENT, PLAYER_NORMAL newloadmap MAPSETUP_TELEPORT playsound SFX_WARP_FROM applymovement PLAYER, .TeleportTo end .TeleportFrom: teleport_from step_end .TeleportTo: teleport_to step_end StrengthFunction: call .TryStrength and $7f ld [wFieldMoveSucceeded], a ret .TryStrength: ; Strength ld de, ENGINE_PLAINBADGE call CheckBadge jr c, .Failed jr .UseStrength .Unreferenced_AlreadyUsing: ld hl, .JumpText call MenuTextBoxBackup ld a, $80 ret .JumpText: text_far UnknownText_0x1c0751 text_end .Failed: ld a, $80 ret .UseStrength: ld hl, Script_StrengthFromMenu call QueueScript ld a, $81 ret SetStrengthFlag: ld hl, wBikeFlags set BIKEFLAGS_STRENGTH_ACTIVE_F, [hl] ld a, [wCurPartyMon] ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, wPartySpecies add hl, de ld a, [hl] ld [wBuffer6], a call GetPartyNick ret Script_StrengthFromMenu: reloadmappart special UpdateTimePals Script_UsedStrength: callasm SetStrengthFlag writetext .UsedStrength copybytetovar wBuffer6 cry 0 pause 3 writetext .StrengthAllowedItToMoveBoulders closetext end .UsedStrength: text_far UnknownText_0x1c0774 text_end .StrengthAllowedItToMoveBoulders: text_far UnknownText_0x1c0788 text_end AskStrengthScript: callasm TryStrengthOW iffalse .AskStrength ifequal $1, .DontMeetRequirements jump .AlreadyUsedStrength .DontMeetRequirements: jumptext UnknownText_0xcd73 .AlreadyUsedStrength: jumptext UnknownText_0xcd6e .AskStrength: opentext writetext UnknownText_0xcd69 yesorno iftrue Script_UsedStrength closetext end UnknownText_0xcd69: ; A #MON may be able to move this. Want to use STRENGTH? text_far UnknownText_0x1c07a0 text_end UnknownText_0xcd6e: ; Boulders may now be moved! text_far UnknownText_0x1c07d8 text_end UnknownText_0xcd73: ; A #MON may be able to move this. text_far UnknownText_0x1c07f4 text_end TryStrengthOW: ld d, STRENGTH call CheckPartyMove jr c, .nope ld de, ENGINE_PLAINBADGE call CheckEngineFlag jr c, .nope ld hl, wBikeFlags bit BIKEFLAGS_STRENGTH_ACTIVE_F, [hl] jr z, .already_using ld a, 2 jr .done .nope ld a, 1 jr .done .already_using xor a jr .done .done ld [wScriptVar], a ret WhirlpoolFunction: call FieldMoveJumptableReset .loop ld hl, Jumptable_cdae call FieldMoveJumptable jr nc, .loop and $7f ld [wFieldMoveSucceeded], a ret Jumptable_cdae: dw .TryWhirlpool dw .DoWhirlpool dw .FailWhirlpool .TryWhirlpool: ld de, ENGINE_GLACIERBADGE call CheckBadge jr c, .noglacierbadge call TryWhirlpoolMenu jr c, .failed ld a, $1 ret .failed ld a, $2 ret .noglacierbadge ld a, $80 ret .DoWhirlpool: ld hl, Script_WhirlpoolFromMenu call QueueScript ld a, $81 ret .FailWhirlpool: call FieldMoveFailed ld a, $80 ret Text_UsedWhirlpool: ; used WHIRLPOOL! text_far UnknownText_0x1c0816 text_end TryWhirlpoolMenu: call GetFacingTileCoord ld c, a push de call CheckWhirlpoolTile pop de jr c, .failed call GetBlockLocation ld c, [hl] push hl ld hl, WhirlpoolBlockPointers call CheckOverworldTileArrays pop hl jr nc, .failed ld a, l ld [wBuffer3], a ld a, h ld [wBuffer4], a ld a, b ld [wBuffer5], a ld a, c ld [wBuffer6], a xor a ret .failed scf ret Script_WhirlpoolFromMenu: reloadmappart special UpdateTimePals Script_UsedWhirlpool: callasm GetPartyNick writetext Text_UsedWhirlpool reloadmappart callasm DisappearWhirlpool closetext end DisappearWhirlpool: ld hl, wBuffer3 ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [wBuffer5] ld [hl], a xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a call OverworldTextModeSwitch ld a, [wBuffer6] ld e, a farcall PlayWhirlpoolSound call BufferScreen call GetMovementPermissions ret TryWhirlpoolOW:: ld d, WHIRLPOOL call CheckPartyMove jr c, .failed ld de, ENGINE_GLACIERBADGE call CheckEngineFlag jr c, .failed call TryWhirlpoolMenu jr c, .failed ld a, BANK(Script_AskWhirlpoolOW) ld hl, Script_AskWhirlpoolOW call CallScript scf ret .failed ld a, BANK(Script_MightyWhirlpool) ld hl, Script_MightyWhirlpool call CallScript scf ret Script_MightyWhirlpool: jumptext .MightyWhirlpoolText .MightyWhirlpoolText: text_far UnknownText_0x1c082b text_end Script_AskWhirlpoolOW: opentext writetext UnknownText_0xce78 yesorno iftrue Script_UsedWhirlpool closetext end UnknownText_0xce78: text_far UnknownText_0x1c0864 text_end HeadbuttFunction: call TryHeadbuttFromMenu and $7f ld [wFieldMoveSucceeded], a ret TryHeadbuttFromMenu: call GetFacingTileCoord call CheckHeadbuttTreeTile jr nz, .no_tree ld hl, HeadbuttFromMenuScript call QueueScript ld a, $81 ret .no_tree call FieldMoveFailed ld a, $80 ret UnknownText_0xce9d: ; did a HEADBUTT! text_far UnknownText_0x1c0897 text_end UnknownText_0xcea2: ; Nope. Nothing… text_far UnknownText_0x1c08ac text_end HeadbuttFromMenuScript: reloadmappart special UpdateTimePals HeadbuttScript: callasm GetPartyNick writetext UnknownText_0xce9d reloadmappart callasm ShakeHeadbuttTree callasm TreeMonEncounter iffalse .no_battle closetext randomwildmon startbattle reloadmapafterbattle end .no_battle writetext UnknownText_0xcea2 waitbutton closetext end TryHeadbuttOW:: ld d, HEADBUTT call CheckPartyMove jr c, .no ld a, BANK(AskHeadbuttScript) ld hl, AskHeadbuttScript call CallScript scf ret .no xor a ret AskHeadbuttScript: opentext writetext UnknownText_0xcee6 yesorno iftrue HeadbuttScript closetext end UnknownText_0xcee6: ; A #MON could be in this tree. Want to HEADBUTT it? text_far UnknownText_0x1c08bc text_end RockSmashFunction: call TryRockSmashFromMenu and $7f ld [wFieldMoveSucceeded], a ret TryRockSmashFromMenu: call GetFacingObject jr c, .no_rock ld a, d cp $18 jr nz, .no_rock ld hl, RockSmashFromMenuScript call QueueScript ld a, $81 ret .no_rock call FieldMoveFailed ld a, $80 ret GetFacingObject: farcall CheckFacingObject jr nc, .fail ldh a, [hObjectStructIndexBuffer] call GetObjectStruct ld hl, OBJECT_MAP_OBJECT_INDEX add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ldh [hLastTalked], a call GetMapObject ld hl, MAPOBJECT_MOVEMENT add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld d, a and a ret .fail scf ret RockSmashFromMenuScript: reloadmappart special UpdateTimePals RockSmashScript: callasm GetPartyNick writetext UnknownText_0xcf58 closetext special WaitSFX playsound SFX_STRENGTH earthquake 84 applymovement2 MovementData_0xcf55 disappear -2 callasm RockMonEncounter copybytetovar wTempWildMonSpecies iffalse .done randomwildmon startbattle reloadmapafterbattle .done end MovementData_0xcf55: rock_smash 10 step_end UnknownText_0xcf58: text_far UnknownText_0x1c08f0 text_end AskRockSmashScript: callasm HasRockSmash ifequal 1, .no opentext writetext UnknownText_0xcf77 yesorno iftrue RockSmashScript closetext end .no jumptext UnknownText_0xcf72 UnknownText_0xcf72: ; Maybe a #MON can break this. text_far UnknownText_0x1c0906 text_end UnknownText_0xcf77: ; This rock looks breakable. Want to use ROCK SMASH? text_far UnknownText_0x1c0924 text_end HasRockSmash: ld d, ROCK_SMASH call CheckPartyMove jr nc, .yes .no ld a, 1 jr .done .yes xor a jr .done .done ld [wScriptVar], a ret FishFunction: ld a, e push af call FieldMoveJumptableReset pop af ld [wBuffer2], a .loop ld hl, .FishTable call FieldMoveJumptable jr nc, .loop and $7f ld [wFieldMoveSucceeded], a ret .FishTable: dw .TryFish dw .FishNoBite dw .FishGotSomething dw .FailFish dw .FishNoFish .TryFish: ld a, [wPlayerState] cp PLAYER_SURF jr z, .fail cp PLAYER_SURF_PIKA jr z, .fail call GetFacingTileCoord call GetTileCollision cp WATERTILE jr z, .facingwater .fail ld a, $3 ret .facingwater call GetFishingGroup and a jr nz, .goodtofish ld a, $4 ret .goodtofish ld d, a ld a, [wBuffer2] ld e, a farcall Fish ld a, d and a jr z, .nonibble ld [wTempWildMonSpecies], a ld a, e ld [wCurPartyLevel], a ld a, BATTLETYPE_FISH ld [wBattleType], a ld a, $2 ret .nonibble ld a, $1 ret .FailFish: ld a, $80 ret .FishGotSomething: ld a, $1 ld [wBuffer6], a ld hl, Script_GotABite call QueueScript ld a, $81 ret .FishNoBite: ld a, $2 ld [wBuffer6], a ld hl, Script_NotEvenANibble call QueueScript ld a, $81 ret .FishNoFish: ld a, $0 ld [wBuffer6], a ld hl, Script_NotEvenANibble2 call QueueScript ld a, $81 ret Script_NotEvenANibble: scall Script_FishCastRod writetext UnknownText_0xd0a9 jump Script_NotEvenANibble_FallThrough Script_NotEvenANibble2: scall Script_FishCastRod writetext UnknownText_0xd0a9 Script_NotEvenANibble_FallThrough: loademote EMOTE_SHADOW callasm PutTheRodAway closetext end Script_GotABite: scall Script_FishCastRod callasm Fishing_CheckFacingUp iffalse .NotFacingUp applymovement PLAYER, .Movement_FacingUp jump .FightTheHookedPokemon .NotFacingUp: applymovement PLAYER, .Movement_NotFacingUp .FightTheHookedPokemon: pause 40 applymovement PLAYER, .Movement_RestoreRod writetext UnknownText_0xd0a4 callasm PutTheRodAway closetext randomwildmon startbattle reloadmapafterbattle end .Movement_NotFacingUp: fish_got_bite fish_got_bite fish_got_bite fish_got_bite show_emote step_end .Movement_FacingUp: fish_got_bite fish_got_bite fish_got_bite fish_got_bite step_sleep 1 show_emote step_end .Movement_RestoreRod: hide_emote fish_cast_rod step_end Fishing_CheckFacingUp: ld a, [wPlayerDirection] and $c cp OW_UP ld a, $1 jr z, .up xor a .up ld [wScriptVar], a ret Script_FishCastRod: reloadmappart loadvar hBGMapMode, $0 special UpdateTimePals loademote EMOTE_ROD callasm LoadFishingGFX loademote EMOTE_SHOCK applymovement PLAYER, MovementData_0xd093 pause 40 end MovementData_0xd093: fish_cast_rod step_end PutTheRodAway: xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a ld a, $1 ld [wPlayerAction], a call UpdateSprites call ReplaceKrisSprite ret UnknownText_0xd0a4: ; Oh! A bite! text_far UnknownText_0x1c0958 text_end UnknownText_0xd0a9: ; Not even a nibble! text_far UnknownText_0x1c0965 text_end UnknownText_0xd0ae: ; unused ; Looks like there's nothing here. text_far UnknownText_0x1c0979 text_end BikeFunction: call .TryBike and $7f ld [wFieldMoveSucceeded], a ret .TryBike: call .CheckEnvironment jr c, .CannotUseBike ld a, [wPlayerState] cp PLAYER_NORMAL jr z, .GetOnBike cp PLAYER_BIKE jr z, .GetOffBike jr .CannotUseBike .GetOnBike: ld hl, Script_GetOnBike ld de, Script_GetOnBike_Register call .CheckIfRegistered call QueueScript xor a ld [wMusicFade], a ld de, MUSIC_NONE call PlayMusic call DelayFrame call MaxVolume ld de, MUSIC_BICYCLE ld a, e ld [wMapMusic], a call PlayMusic ld a, $1 ret .GetOffBike: ld hl, wBikeFlags bit BIKEFLAGS_ALWAYS_ON_BIKE_F, [hl] jr nz, .CantGetOffBike ld hl, Script_GetOffBike ld de, Script_GetOffBike_Register call .CheckIfRegistered ld a, BANK(Script_GetOffBike) jr .done .CantGetOffBike: ld hl, Script_CantGetOffBike jr .done .CannotUseBike: ld a, $0 ret .done call QueueScript ld a, $1 ret .CheckIfRegistered: ld a, [wUsingItemWithSelect] and a ret z ld h, d ld l, e ret .CheckEnvironment: call GetMapEnvironment call CheckOutdoorMap jr z, .ok cp CAVE jr z, .ok cp GATE jr z, .ok jr .nope .ok call GetPlayerStandingTile and WALLTILE | WATERTILE ; can't use our bike in a wall or on water jr nz, .nope xor a ret .nope scf ret Script_GetOnBike: reloadmappart special UpdateTimePals writecode VAR_MOVEMENT, PLAYER_BIKE writetext GotOnTheBikeText waitbutton closetext special ReplaceKrisSprite end Script_GetOnBike_Register: writecode VAR_MOVEMENT, PLAYER_BIKE closetext special ReplaceKrisSprite end ; unused nop ret Script_GetOffBike: reloadmappart special UpdateTimePals writecode VAR_MOVEMENT, PLAYER_NORMAL writetext GotOffTheBikeText waitbutton FinishGettingOffBike: closetext special ReplaceKrisSprite special PlayMapMusic end Script_GetOffBike_Register: writecode VAR_MOVEMENT, PLAYER_NORMAL jump FinishGettingOffBike Script_CantGetOffBike: writetext .CantGetOffBikeText waitbutton closetext end .CantGetOffBikeText: ; You can't get off here! text_far UnknownText_0x1c099a text_end GotOnTheBikeText: ; got on the @ . text_far UnknownText_0x1c09b2 text_end GotOffTheBikeText: ; got off the @ . text_far UnknownText_0x1c09c7 text_end TryCutOW:: ld d, CUT call CheckPartyMove jr c, .cant_cut ld de, ENGINE_HIVEBADGE call CheckEngineFlag jr c, .cant_cut ld a, BANK(AskCutScript) ld hl, AskCutScript call CallScript scf ret .cant_cut ld a, BANK(CantCutScript) ld hl, CantCutScript call CallScript scf ret AskCutScript: opentext writetext UnknownText_0xd1c8 yesorno iffalse .script_d1b8 callasm .CheckMap iftrue Script_Cut .script_d1b8 closetext end .CheckMap: xor a ld [wScriptVar], a call CheckMapForSomethingToCut ret c ld a, TRUE ld [wScriptVar], a ret UnknownText_0xd1c8: text_far UnknownText_0x1c09dd text_end CantCutScript: jumptext UnknownText_0xd1d0 UnknownText_0xd1d0: text_far UnknownText_0x1c0a05 text_end