ref: 62dd7a8bae55741c76ac20aa1a3c6db0341589f8
dir: /maps/TeamRocketBaseB3F.asm/
const_value set 2 const TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_LANCE const TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_ROCKET1 const TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_MOLTRES const TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_ROCKET_GIRL const TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_ROCKET2 const TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_SCIENTIST1 const TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_SCIENTIST2 const TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_ROCKET3 const TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_SILVER const TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_POKE_BALL1 const TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_POKE_BALL2 const TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_POKE_BALL3 const TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_POKE_BALL4 const TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_POKE_BALL5 TeamRocketBaseB3F_MapScriptHeader: .MapTriggers: db 4 maptrigger .LanceGetsPassword maptrigger .DummyTrigger1 maptrigger .DummyTrigger2 maptrigger .DummyTrigger3 .MapCallbacks: db 1 dbw MAPCALLBACK_TILES, .CheckGiovanniDoor .LanceGetsPassword: priorityjump LanceGetPasswordScript end .DummyTrigger1: end .DummyTrigger2: end .DummyTrigger3: end .CheckGiovanniDoor: checkevent EVENT_OPENED_DOOR_TO_GIOVANNIS_OFFICE iftrue .OpenSesame return .OpenSesame: changeblock $a, $8, $7 return LanceGetPasswordScript: spriteface PLAYER, LEFT pause 5 spriteface TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_MOLTRES, RIGHT pause 20 applymovement TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_LANCE, MovementData_0x6e12a opentext writetext LanceGetPasswordText waitbutton closetext applymovement TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_LANCE, MovementData_0x6e12c disappear TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_LANCE dotrigger $1 end RocketBaseRival: spriteface PLAYER, LEFT showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, PLAYER, 15 special Special_FadeOutMusic appear TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_SILVER applymovement TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_SILVER, RocketBaseRivalEnterMovement spriteface PLAYER, LEFT playmusic MUSIC_RIVAL_ENCOUNTER opentext writetext RocketBaseRivalText waitbutton closetext playsound SFX_TACKLE applymovement PLAYER, RocketBaseRivalShovesPlayerMovement applymovement TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_SILVER, RocketBaseRivalLeaveMovement disappear TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_SILVER dotrigger $2 special RestartMapMusic end RocketScript_0x6e048: jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x6e235 UnknownScript_0x6e04b: applymovement PLAYER, MovementData_0x6e133 jump UnknownScript_0x6e056 UnknownScript_0x6e052: applymovement PLAYER, MovementData_0x6e13a UnknownScript_0x6e056: pause 30 showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_ROCKET1, 15 playmusic MUSIC_ROCKET_ENCOUNTER spriteface TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_ROCKET1, DOWN opentext writetext UnknownText_0x6e400 waitbutton closetext applymovement TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_ROCKET1, MovementData_0x6e142 winlosstext UnknownText_0x6e511, 0 setlasttalked TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_ROCKET1 loadtrainer EXECUTIVEM, EXECUTIVEM_4 startbattle reloadmapafterbattle setevent EVENT_BEAT_ROCKET_EXECUTIVEM_4 opentext writetext UnknownText_0x6e548 waitbutton closetext applymovement TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_ROCKET1, MovementData_0x6e144 playsound SFX_TACKLE applymovement TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_ROCKET1, MovementData_0x6e147 disappear TEAMROCKETBASEB3F_ROCKET1 dotrigger $3 end RocketBaseMurkrow: opentext writetext RocketBaseMurkrowText waitbutton closetext setevent EVENT_LEARNED_HAIL_GIOVANNI end SlowpokeTailGrunt: trainer EVENT_BEAT_ROCKET_GRUNTF_5, GRUNTF, GRUNTF_5, GruntF5SeenText, GruntF5BeatenText, 0, GruntF5Script GruntF5Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext GruntF5AfterBattleText waitbutton closetext setevent EVENT_LEARNED_SLOWPOKETAIL end RaticateTailGrunt: trainer EVENT_BEAT_ROCKET_GRUNTM_28, GRUNTM, GRUNTM_28, GruntM28SeenText, GruntM28BeatenText, 0, GruntM28Script GruntM28Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext GruntM28AfterBattleText waitbutton closetext setevent EVENT_LEARNED_RATICATE_TAIL end TrainerScientistRoss: trainer EVENT_BEAT_SCIENTIST_ROSS, SCIENTIST, ROSS, ScientistRossSeenText, ScientistRossBeatenText, 0, ScientistRossScript ScientistRossScript: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext ScientistRossAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerScientistMitch: trainer EVENT_BEAT_SCIENTIST_MITCH, SCIENTIST, MITCH, ScientistMitchSeenText, ScientistMitchBeatenText, 0, ScientistMitchScript ScientistMitchScript: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext ScientistMitchAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TeamRocketBaseB3FLockedDoor: dw EVENT_OPENED_DOOR_TO_GIOVANNIS_OFFICE, .Script .Script: opentext checkevent EVENT_LEARNED_SLOWPOKETAIL iffalse .NeedsPassword checkevent EVENT_LEARNED_RATICATE_TAIL iffalse .NeedsPassword jump .OpenSesame .NeedsPassword: writetext UnknownText_0x6e970 waitbutton closetext end .OpenSesame: writetext UnknownText_0x6e9a3 waitbutton playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR changeblock $a, $8, $7 reloadmappart closetext setevent EVENT_OPENED_DOOR_TO_GIOVANNIS_OFFICE waitsfx end TeamRocketBaseB3FOathScript: jumpstd teamrocketoath TeamRocketBaseB3FProtein: itemball PROTEIN TeamRocketBaseB3FXSpecial: itemball X_SPECIAL TeamRocketBaseB3FFullHeal: itemball FULL_HEAL TeamRocketBaseB3FIceHeal: itemball ICE_HEAL TeamRocketBaseB3FUltraBall: itemball ULTRA_BALL MovementData_0x6e12a: step RIGHT step_end MovementData_0x6e12c: step DOWN step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step_end MovementData_0x6e133: step UP step UP step UP step LEFT step LEFT turn_head UP step_end MovementData_0x6e13a: step UP step UP step LEFT step UP step LEFT step LEFT turn_head UP step_end MovementData_0x6e142: step DOWN step_end MovementData_0x6e144: big_step RIGHT big_step RIGHT step_end MovementData_0x6e147: fix_facing fast_jump_step LEFT remove_fixed_facing step_sleep 8 step_sleep 8 slow_step RIGHT big_step DOWN big_step DOWN big_step DOWN big_step RIGHT big_step DOWN big_step DOWN big_step DOWN big_step LEFT big_step LEFT big_step LEFT big_step LEFT big_step LEFT big_step UP big_step UP big_step UP big_step UP big_step UP big_step UP big_step UP big_step UP big_step LEFT big_step LEFT step_end RocketBaseRivalEnterMovement: step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step_end RocketBaseRivalLeaveMovement: step LEFT step LEFT step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP step_end RocketBaseRivalShovesPlayerMovement: fix_facing big_step RIGHT remove_fixed_facing step_end LanceGetPasswordText: text "LANCE: It takes" line "two passwords to" para "get into the" line "boss's quarters." para "Those passwords" line "are known only to" cont "a few ROCKETS." para "That ROCKET there" line "very graciously" cont "told me so." para "<PLAY_G>, let's go" line "get the passwords." done UnknownText_0x6e235: text "Urrggh… The guy" line "in the cape is" cont "incredibly tough…" done RocketBaseRivalText: text "…" para "Didn't I tell you" line "that I was going" para "to destroy TEAM" line "ROCKET?" para "…Tell me, who was" line "the guy in the" para "cape who used" line "dragon #MON?" para "My #MON were no" line "match at all." para "I don't care that" line "I lost. I can beat" para "him by getting" line "stronger #MON." para "It's what he said" line "that bothers me…" para "He told me that" line "I don't love and" para "trust my #MON" line "enough." para "I'm furious that I" line "lost to a bleeding" cont "heart like him." para "…Humph! I don't" line "have the time for" cont "the likes of you!" done UnknownText_0x6e400: text "What? Who are you?" line "This is the office" para "of our leader," line "GIOVANNI." para "Since disbanding" line "TEAM ROCKET three" para "years ago, he has" line "been in training." para "But we're certain" line "he will be back" para "some day to assume" line "command again." para "That's why we're" line "standing guard." para "I won't let any-" line "one disturb this" cont "place!" done UnknownText_0x6e511: text "I… I couldn't do a" line "thing…" para "GIOVANNI, please" line "forgive me…" done UnknownText_0x6e548: text "No, I can't let" line "this affect me." para "I have to inform" line "the others…" done RocketBaseMurkrowText: text "MURKROW: The" line "password is…" para "HAIL GIOVANNI." done GruntF5SeenText: text "Do I know the" line "password?" para "Maybe." para "But no weakling's" line "going to get it!" done GruntF5BeatenText: text "All right. Stop." line "I'll tell you." done GruntF5AfterBattleText: text "The password to" line "the boss's room is" para "SLOWPOKETAIL." para "But it's useless" line "unless you have" cont "two passwords." done GruntM28SeenText: text "Hyuck-hyuck-hyuck!" para "You're challenging" line "me to a battle?" para "Hah! You're nuts," line "but you have guts!" para "I like that!" para "If you can beat" line "me, I'll tell you" para "a password to the" line "boss's room!" done GruntM28BeatenText: text "Hyuck-hyuck-hyuck!" line "You're good!" done GruntM28AfterBattleText: text "Hyuck-hyuck-hyuck!" para "The password to" line "the boss's room…" para "Uh…, I think it is" line "RATICATE TAIL." done ScientistRossSeenText: text "I used to work for" line "SILPH, but now I" para "run research for" line "TEAM ROCKET." para "A meddlesome child" line "like you needs to" cont "be punished." done ScientistRossBeatenText: text "A mere tactical" line "error cost me…" done ScientistRossAfterBattleText: text "A radio signal" line "that drives #-" cont "MON mad…" para "My experiment is a" line "complete success." para "My promotion is" line "assured. This loss" para "means absolutely" line "nothing." done ScientistMitchSeenText: text "I don't care that" line "#MON are hurt" cont "by our experiment." done ScientistMitchBeatenText: text "Thinking is my" line "strong suit, not" cont "battling." done ScientistMitchAfterBattleText: text "If we turn up the" line "power of our radio" para "signal for broad-" line "cast nationwide…" para "The very thought" line "excites me!" done UnknownText_0x6e970: text "The door's closed…" para "It needs two" line "passwords to open." done UnknownText_0x6e9a3: text "The door's closed…" para "<PLAYER> entered" line "the two passwords." para "The door opened!" done TeamRocketBaseB3F_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 4 warp_def $2, $3, 2, TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B2F warp_def $2, $1b, 3, TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B2F warp_def $6, $3, 4, TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B2F warp_def $e, $1b, 5, TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B2F .XYTriggers: db 3 xy_trigger 2, $8, $a, UnknownScript_0x6e04b xy_trigger 2, $8, $b, UnknownScript_0x6e052 xy_trigger 1, $a, $8, RocketBaseRival .Signposts: db 10 signpost 9, 10, SIGNPOST_IFNOTSET, TeamRocketBaseB3FLockedDoor signpost 9, 11, SIGNPOST_IFNOTSET, TeamRocketBaseB3FLockedDoor signpost 1, 10, SIGNPOST_READ, TeamRocketBaseB3FOathScript signpost 1, 11, SIGNPOST_READ, TeamRocketBaseB3FOathScript signpost 1, 12, SIGNPOST_READ, TeamRocketBaseB3FOathScript signpost 1, 13, SIGNPOST_READ, TeamRocketBaseB3FOathScript signpost 13, 4, SIGNPOST_READ, TeamRocketBaseB3FOathScript signpost 13, 5, SIGNPOST_READ, TeamRocketBaseB3FOathScript signpost 13, 6, SIGNPOST_READ, TeamRocketBaseB3FOathScript signpost 13, 7, SIGNPOST_READ, TeamRocketBaseB3FOathScript .PersonEvents: db 14 person_event SPRITE_LANCE, 14, 25, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, LanceGetPasswordScript, EVENT_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B3F_LANCE_PASSWORDS person_event SPRITE_ROCKET, 3, 8, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_UP, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ObjectEvent, EVENT_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B3F_EXECUTIVE person_event SPRITE_MOLTRES, 2, 7, SPRITEMOVEDATA_POKEMON, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, RocketBaseMurkrow, EVENT_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_POPULATION person_event SPRITE_ROCKET_GIRL, 7, 21, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_UP, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, PERSONTYPE_TRAINER, 0, SlowpokeTailGrunt, EVENT_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_POPULATION person_event SPRITE_ROCKET, 14, 5, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_FAST, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_TRAINER, 3, RaticateTailGrunt, EVENT_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_POPULATION person_event SPRITE_SCIENTIST, 11, 23, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_UP, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, PERSONTYPE_TRAINER, 0, TrainerScientistRoss, EVENT_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_POPULATION person_event SPRITE_SCIENTIST, 15, 11, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, PERSONTYPE_TRAINER, 3, TrainerScientistMitch, EVENT_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_POPULATION person_event SPRITE_ROCKET, 14, 24, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, RocketScript_0x6e048, EVENT_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_POPULATION person_event SPRITE_SILVER, 5, 4, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ObjectEvent, EVENT_RIVAL_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE person_event SPRITE_POKE_BALL, 12, 1, SPRITEMOVEDATA_ITEM_TREE, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_ITEMBALL, 0, TeamRocketBaseB3FProtein, EVENT_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B3F_PROTEIN person_event SPRITE_POKE_BALL, 12, 3, SPRITEMOVEDATA_ITEM_TREE, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_ITEMBALL, 0, TeamRocketBaseB3FXSpecial, EVENT_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B3F_X_SPECIAL person_event SPRITE_POKE_BALL, 9, 28, SPRITEMOVEDATA_ITEM_TREE, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_ITEMBALL, 0, TeamRocketBaseB3FFullHeal, EVENT_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B3F_FULL_HEAL person_event SPRITE_POKE_BALL, 2, 17, SPRITEMOVEDATA_ITEM_TREE, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_ITEMBALL, 0, TeamRocketBaseB3FIceHeal, EVENT_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B3F_ICE_HEAL person_event SPRITE_POKE_BALL, 10, 14, SPRITEMOVEDATA_ITEM_TREE, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_ITEMBALL, 0, TeamRocketBaseB3FUltraBall, EVENT_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B3F_ULTRA_BALL