ref: 6cce67350186d4a0c37766eb5534e76adaad5a48
dir: /engine/fish.asm/
Fish: ; 92402 ; Using a fishing rod. ; Fish for monsters with rod e in encounter group d. ; Return monster e at level d. push af push bc push hl ld b, e call GetFishGroupIndex ld hl, FishGroups rept 7 add hl, de endr call .Fish pop hl pop bc pop af ret ; 9241a .Fish: ; 9241a ; Fish for monsters with rod b from encounter data in FishGroup at hl. ; Return monster e at level d. call Random cp [hl] jr nc, .no_bite ; Get encounter data by rod: ; 0: Old ; 1: Good ; 2: Super inc hl ld e, b ld d, 0 add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; Compare the encounter chance to select a Pokemon. call Random .loop cp [hl] jr z, .ok jr c, .ok inc hl inc hl inc hl jr .loop .ok inc hl ; Species 0 reads from a time-based encounter table. ld a, [hli] ld d, a and a call z, .TimeEncounter ld e, [hl] ret .no_bite ld de, 0 ret .TimeEncounter: ; The level byte is repurposed as the index for the new table. ld e, [hl] ld d, 0 ld hl, TimeFishGroups rept 4 add hl, de endr ld a, [TimeOfDay] and 3 cp NITE jr c, .time_species inc hl inc hl .time_species ld d, [hl] inc hl ret ; 9245b GetFishGroupIndex: ; 9245b ; Return the index of fishgroup d in de. push hl ld hl, DailyFlags bit 2, [hl] pop hl jr z, .done ld a, d cp FISHGROUP_QWILFISH jr z, .qwilfish cp FISHGROUP_REMORAID jr z, .remoraid .done dec d ld e, d ld d, 0 ret .qwilfish ld a, [wFishingSwarmFlag] cp FISHSWARM_QWILFISH jr nz, .done ld d, FISHGROUP_QWILFISH_SWARM jr .done .remoraid ld a, [wFishingSwarmFlag] cp FISHSWARM_REMORAID jr nz, .done ld d, FISHGROUP_REMORAID_SWARM jr .done ; 92488 INCLUDE "data/wild/fish.asm"