shithub: pokecrystal

ref: 7203e9d2cc757a95bac02ec019ffa094f516c9dd
dir: /text/phone/extra.asm/

View raw version

UnknownText_0x64000: ; 0x64000
	text "I hate having to"
	line "hang up on you!"

	para "Call you later!"
; 0x64032

UnknownText_0x64032: ; 0x64032
	text "<PLAY_G>, have you"
	line "heard?"

	line "TOWER has been"

	para "taken over by TEAM"
	line "ROCKET!"

	para "…Um… What's TEAM"
	line "ROCKET?"
; 0x64099

UnknownText_0x64099: ; 0x64099
	text "<PLAY_G>, I heard!"

	para "You defeated that"
	line "WHITNEY?"

	para "It makes me proud"
	line "to be your friend!"
; 0x640e6

UnknownText_0x640e6: ; 0x640e6
	text "Hey, I heard about"
	line "you!"

	para "You saved that"
	line "#MON at the"

	para "LIGHTHOUSE, didn't"
	line "you?"

	para "<PLAY_G>, I wish"
	line "you'd come see me"

	para "when I'm sick in"
	line "bed with a cold!"
; 0x6416d

UnknownText_0x6416d: ; 0x6416d
	text "I heard, I heard,"
	line "I heard!"

	para "You smashed TEAM"
	line "ROCKET's hideout!"

	para "You're like a"
	line "movie hero, even!"

	para "But um… What was"
	line "TEAM ROCKET?"
; 0x641e8

UnknownText_0x641e8: ; 0x641e8
	text "I heard, I heard,"
	line "I heard!"

	para "About your heroic"
	line "liberation of the"

	para "RADIO TOWER! You"
	line "rock so hard!"
; 0x64247

UnknownText_0x64247: ; 0x64247
	text "I saw, I saw!"

	para "I saw you go into"
	line "the DRAGON'S DEN!"

	para "I'm certain you"
	line "passed! Aww, no"

	para "need to be modest!"
	line "You can't fail!"
; 0x642bb

UnknownText_0x642bb: ; 0x642bb
	text "Yesterday, I went"
	line "out to NEW BARK"

	para "TOWN.  There was a"
	line "lady who looked a"

	para "lot like you,"
	line "<PLAY_G>."

	para "What? That lady"
	line "was your mom?"

	para "Aww, I should've"
	line "introduced myself!"

	para "I bet your mom's"
	line "really proud of"

	para "all that you've"
	line "accomplished."

	para "Heh, put it this"
	line "way. I'd be proud"

	para "if I were your"
	line "mom, believe me!"
; 0x643d4

UnknownText_0x643d4: ; 0x643d4
	text "I saw, I saw,"
	line "I saw!"

	para "You striding onto"
	line "a ship, <PLAY_G>!"

	para "I can't get over"
	line "how good you look"

	para "with the sea as"
	line "your backdrop!"
; 0x64448

UnknownText_0x64448: ; 0x64448
	text "I heard, I heard!"

	para "You got a MAGNET"
	line "TRAIN PASS!"

	para "When I saw you"
	line "departing on the"

	para "ship, I felt sad"
	line "that I wouldn't be"

	para "able to see you"
	line "for a while."

	para "But since you have"
	line "that PASS, you can"

	para "zip back anytime!"
	line "That's reassuring!"

	para "What? You can FLY"
	line "back anytime?"

	para "What do you mean"
	line "by FLY?"
; 0x6455b

UnknownText_0x6455b: ; 0x6455b
	text "I saw, I saw!"

	para "You waking up"
	line "SNORLAX!"

	para "I was watching you"
	line "from afar, so I"

	para "couldn't tell what"
	line "you did exactly."

	para "Did you play a"
	line "flute to wake it?"

	para "Wow! That's like"
	line "magic!"
; 0x645ff

UnknownText_0x645ff: ; 0x645ff
	text "I hear rumors"
	line "about you all over"
	cont "the place."

	para "It just makes me"
	line "sigh, <PLAY_G>."

	para "How did you get so"
	line "strong?"

	para "Go for the world"
	line "championship now!"

	para "I'll always be"
	line "cheering you on!"
; 0x646a3

UnknownText_0x646a3: ; 0x646a3
	text "Hehe, I called"
	line "right away!"

	para "I think we can be"
	line "good friends!"
; 0x646df

UnknownText_0x646df: ; 0x646df
	text "I saw, I heard!"

	para "You beat MORTY of"

	para "Th-that's just"
	line "incredible!"

	para "I actually went to"
	line "the GYM's entrance"

	para "to cheer you on."
	line "Did you know that?"

	para "But everyone was"
	line "floating, and"

	para "there were ghosts"
	line "all over! So I"

	para "chickened out and"
	line "took off for home…"
; 0x647d8

UnknownText_0x647d8: ; 0x647d8
	text "<PLAY_G>, I heard!"

	para "You're kicking up"
	line "a mighty ruckus"

	para "over in KANTO!"
	line "What a glorious"

	para "rampage it must"
	line "be!"

	para "You so rock!"
; 0x64846

UnknownText_0x64846: ; 0x64846
	text "Hearing about your"
	line "escapades rocks my"

	para "soul!"
	line "It sure does!"
; 0x64881

UnknownText_0x64881: ; 0x64881
	text "I'm so glad you"
	line "called!"

	para "I was just about"
	line "to call you too!"

	para "I guess we must be"
	line "a good match!"
; 0x648dc

UnknownText_0x648dc: ; 0x648dc
	text "How are you?"

	para "What are you"
	line "doing?"

	para "Where are you?"

	para "How many BADGES do"
	line "you have now?"

	para "How much money"
	line "have you saved?"

	para "How's your mom?"

	para "Have you got lots"
	line "of #MON?"

	para "Is it going to be"
	line "sunny tomorrow?"

	para "Arrgh, there's so"
	line "much I want to"

	para "chat about! This"
	line "is going nowhere!"
; 0x649dc

UnknownText_0x649dc: ; 0x649dc
	text "I'm always with my"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "!"

	para "It's so cute!"
	line "I just love it!"
; 0x64a13

UnknownText_0x64a13: ; 0x64a13
	text "Changing the topic"
	line "here, I saw this"

	para "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text " for the"
	line "first time."

	para "It was easy to"
	line "beat, actually."
; 0x64a71

UnknownText_0x64a71: ; 0x64a71
	text "I was wondering,"
	line "do you happen to"
	cont "have @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "?"

	para "I can't seem to"
	line "catch one. What is"

	para "its weakness, I"
	line "wonder."
; 0x64ada

UnknownText_0x64ada: ; 0x64ada
	text "Hey, let's battle"
	line "our #MON!"

	para "I won't lose to"
	line "you battling or in"

	para "the Bug-Catching"
	line "Contest!"

	para "I'll be here on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "!"
; 0x64b48

UnknownText_0x64b48: ; 0x64b48
	text "Let's talk again,"
	line "huh?"
; 0x64b5f

UnknownText_0x64b5f: ; 0x64b5f
	text "Boy, am I glad I"
	line "caught you!"

	para "A whole bunch of"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text " have"

	para "appeared around"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "!"

	para "You have to see"
	line "this!"
; 0x64bc6

UnknownText_0x64bc6: ; 0x64bc6
	text "I haven't had any"
	line "luck seeing rare"
	cont "#MON lately…"

	para "But I know they're"
	line "out there!"
; 0x64c13

UnknownText_0x64c13: ; 0x64c13
	text "Hey, where are you"
	line "now?"

	para "Let's battle. I'll"
	line "be waiting for you"
	cont "on @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "!"
; 0x64c5a

UnknownText_0x64c5a: ; 0x64c5a
	text "Hello? Are you"
	line "coming or what?"

	para "You're missing out"
	line "on seeing YANMA!"

	para "Get down to ROUTE"
	line "35 right now!"
; 0x64cbd

UnknownText_0x64cbd: ; 0x64cbd
	text "My @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "'s"
	line "getting stronger,"

	para "exactly as I"
	line "calculated!"
; 0x64cf3

UnknownText_0x64cf3: ; 0x64cf3
	text "By the way, we"
	line "knocked out a wild"

	para "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text " just"
	line "the other day."

	para "Studying up in"
	line "advance worked!"
; 0x64d4f

UnknownText_0x64d4f: ; 0x64d4f
	text "By the way, a wild"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text " escaped"
	cont "on me yesterday."

	para "A computational"
	line "error on my part…"
; 0x64da4

UnknownText_0x64da4: ; 0x64da4
	text "I've studied quite"
	line "a bit since then,"

	para "and I've gotten a"
	line "lot better!"

	para "I'm hanging out on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "."

	para "Can you come down"
	line "for a battle?"
; 0x64e1f

UnknownText_0x64e1f: ; 0x64e1f
	text "See you later!"
; 0x64e2f

UnknownText_0x64e2f: ; 0x64e2f
	text "Hehehe, I picked"
	line "up something nice!"

	para "You can have it!"
	line "Why don't you come"

	para "to @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text ""
	line "and pick it up?"
; 0x64e90

UnknownText_0x64e90: ; 0x64e90
	text "I haven't picked"
	line "up anything yet."

	para "I'll call you if I"
	line "find something."
; 0x64ed4

UnknownText_0x64ed4: ; 0x64ed4
	text "If we don't battle"
	line "soon, I'll forget"
	cont "my strategy!"

	para "I'm waiting on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "!"
; 0x64f1a

UnknownText_0x64f1a: ; 0x64f1a
	text "I have to do my"
	line "homework, so can"

	para "you come get your"
	line "gift right away?"

	para "I'm waiting on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "!"
; 0x64f74

UnknownText_0x64f74: ; 0x64f74
	text "My @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text " is"
	line "getting prettier!"

	para "I've been taking"
	line "photos galore!"
; 0x64fb2

UnknownText_0x64fb2: ; 0x64fb2
	text "It took only an"
	line "instant to KO a"
	cont "wild @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "."

	para "It must be because"
	line "you gave me some"

	para "battling tips last"
	line "time."
; 0x6501c

UnknownText_0x6501c: ; 0x6501c
	text "You know what?"
	line "A wild @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text ""
	para "got away from me"
	line "again."

	para "It was so close!"
	line "Really, just a"

	para "little bit more,"
	line "and I would've…"
; 0x65091

UnknownText_0x65091: ; 0x65091
	text "Right now, I'm on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "."

	para "If you're close"
	line "by, let's battle!"

	para "I'll be waiting"
	line "for you!"
; 0x650e2

UnknownText_0x650e2: ; 0x650e2
	text "See you!"
; 0x650ec

UnknownText_0x650ec: ; 0x650ec
	text "You know what?"
	line "I got a good gift!"

	para "As I promised,"
	line "it's yours!"

	para "I'm sure you'd"
	line "like it. Come get"

	para "it! I'm waiting on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "!"
; 0x65161

UnknownText_0x65161: ; 0x65161
	text "Oh! You wanted a"
	line "gift, right?"

	para "I got one, but I"
	line "want to keep this."

	para "Can you wait a bit"
	line "longer?"
; 0x651bf

UnknownText_0x651bf: ; 0x651bf
	text "Hi! You haven't"
	line "forgotten about"

	para "your promise to"
	line "battle me?"

	para "I'm waiting on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "!"
; 0x6520f

UnknownText_0x6520f: ; 0x6520f
	text "Hello?"

	para "If you don't come"
	line "get your present"

	para "soon, I'll give it"
	line "to someone else."

	para "I'm waiting on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "!"
; 0x65271

UnknownText_0x65271: ; 0x65271
	text "I recently began"
	line "observing wild"
	cont "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "."

	para "I've been learning"
	line "all sorts of new"

	para "things through my"
	line "observations."

	para "I wish I could"
	line "become a #MON"

	para "researcher like"
	line "PROF.OAK soon."
; 0x65318

UnknownText_0x65318: ; 0x65318
	text "Oh yes, I managed"
	line "to knock out a"

	para "wild @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text " a"
	line "while back."

	para "Well, considering"
	line "all the studying I"

	para "do every day, it"
	line "was inevitable."
; 0x65399

UnknownText_0x65399: ; 0x65399
	text "Oh yes, I came"
	line "close to catching"

	para "a wild @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text ","
	line "but it got away."

	para "For the longest"
	line "time, I've been"

	para "wanting to observe"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text ". Rats…"
; 0x65419

UnknownText_0x65419: ; 0x65419
	text "Want to battle?"
	line "I have to battle"

	para "every so often to"
	line "avoid rusting out."

	para "I'll be on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "!"
; 0x65471

UnknownText_0x65471: ; 0x65471
	text "See you later!"
; 0x65481

UnknownText_0x65481: ; 0x65481
	text "Do you know BLUE?"

	para "He's PROF.OAK's"
	line "grandson and a"

	para "former #MON"

	para "He's one super"
	line "#MON trainer!"
; 0x654ea

UnknownText_0x654ea: ; 0x654ea
	text "PROF.OAK has a"
	line "granddaughter"
	cont "named DAISY."

	para "When she's around,"
	line "even the most"

	para "ferocious #MON"
	line "calm right down."
; 0x65555

UnknownText_0x65555: ; 0x65555
	text "Everyone's talking"
	line "about PROF.ELM."

	para "He used to be an"
	line "assistant to the"
	cont "great PROF.OAK!"

	para "That is so cool!"
	line "I envy him!"
; 0x655c7

UnknownText_0x655c7: ; 0x655c7
	text "PROF.OAK's dream"
	line "is to compile a"

	para "comprehensive"
	line "#DEX."

	para "I envy you for"
	line "taking part in"
	cont "that project…"
; 0x65628

UnknownText_0x65628: ; 0x65628
	text "Do you know KURT,"
	line "the BALL creator?"

	para "He and PROF.OAK go"
	line "back a long way."

	para "I guess great"
	line "people attract one"
	cont "another!"
; 0x6569b

UnknownText_0x6569b: ; 0x6569b
	text "#MON LEAGUE is"
	line "the great gather-"
	cont "ing place for all"

	para "trainers who wish"
	line "to become CHAMP."

	para "PROF.OAK acts as"
	line "an advisor to the"

	para "#MON LEAGUE's"
	line "headquarters."

	para "He really is a"
	line "great man."
; 0x6574a

UnknownText_0x6574a: ; 0x6574a
	text "PROF.OAK'S #MON"
	line "TALK is a popular"
	cont "radio show, right?"

	para "Did you know that"
	line "he was going to"

	para "turn down the show"
	line "at first?"

	para "But MARY's energy"
	line "and persistence"
	cont "wore him down."

	para "So we have MARY to"
	line "thank for it!"
; 0x65810

UnknownText_0x65810: ; 0x65810
	text "PROF.OAK used to"
	line "be a trainer a"
	cont "long time ago."

	para "But rather than"
	line "battling, he found"

	para "#MON themselves"
	line "to be interesting."

	para "So he abandoned"
	line "his training to"

	para "focus on becoming"
	line "a researcher."
; 0x658c6

UnknownText_0x658c6: ; 0x658c6
	text "PROF.OAK has a"
	line "granddaughter"
	cont "named DAISY."

	para "She has tea every"
	line "day for an hour"

	para "from three in the"
	line "afternoon."

	para "I wish I could"
	line "join her for tea"

	para "and chat about"
	line "PROF.OAK."
; 0x65969

UnknownText_0x65969: ; 0x65969
	text "Did you know?"
	line "PROF.OAK traveled"

	para "all over the world"
	line "when he was young."

	para "While traveling,"
	line "he must've learned"

	para "about #MON"
	line "naturally."

	para "I envy him…"
	line "I'd like to travel"

	para "and learn about"
	line "things too…"
; 0x65a23

UnknownText_0x65a23: ; 0x65a23
	text "I'm going to study"
	line "hard so PROF.OAK"

	para "will make me his"
	line "assistant!"
; 0x65a63

UnknownText_0x65a63: ; 0x65a63
	text "Do you remember"
	line "about our battle?"

	para "The place is"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "."

	para "Hurry over--I'm"
	line "waiting."
; 0x65ab2

UnknownText_0x65ab2: ; 0x65ab2
	text "Listen to this."
	line "My @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text ""
	para "grins happily when"
	line "I pinch its cheek."

	para "But it never grins"
	line "for anyone else."

	para "I must be special."
; 0x65b29

UnknownText_0x65b29: ; 0x65b29
	text "Oh, and recently,"
	line "my PIKACHU beat a"
	cont "wild @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "!"

	para "A wild @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text ","
	line "I tell you!"

	para "Don't you think"
	line "that's astounding?"

	para "My PIKACHU is"
	line "awesome!"

	para "My PIKACHU is the"
	line "greatest!"
; 0x65bc8

UnknownText_0x65bc8: ; 0x65bc8
	text "Oh, and I saw a"
	line "wild @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text " a"
	cont "little while ago."

	para "But it wasn't very"
	line "cute, so I left"

	para "it…"
	line "#MON have to be"

	para "cute. They're no"
	line "good otherwise."
; 0x65c4e

UnknownText_0x65c4e: ; 0x65c4e
	text "Well, let's talk"
	line "again!"
; 0x65c66

UnknownText_0x65c66: ; 0x65c66
	text "Did you remember?"
	line "The Bug-Catching"
	cont "Contest is today."

	para "You're going to"
	line "go, aren't you?"

	para "I think I'll"
	line "participate with"

	para "PIKACHU to show"
	line "off its cuteness."
; 0x65cf9

UnknownText_0x65cf9: ; 0x65cf9
	text "I'd like you to"
	line "have a NUGGET."

	para "My PIKACHU just"
	line "loves it."

	para "I'm certain your"
	line "PIKACHU will love"
	cont "it too!"
; 0x65d5c

UnknownText_0x65d5c: ; 0x65d5c
	text "How is your"
	line "PIKACHU doing?"

	para "Let's get together"
	line "and brag about our"
	cont "PIKACHU!"
; 0x65da6

UnknownText_0x65da6: ; 0x65da6
	text "What's wrong?"

	para "I'm waiting on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "."

	para "Come pick this up"
	line "anytime."
; 0x65de4

UnknownText_0x65de4: ; 0x65de4
	text "My @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text " has"
	line "grown again."

	para "It was only about"
	line "so big when I"

	para "caught it, but now"
	line "it's way bigger."
; 0x65e42

UnknownText_0x65e42: ; 0x65e42
	text "Oh yeah, I KO'd a"
	line "wild @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "."

	para "It was huge, like"
	line "this big even."

	para "Heh, I guess you"
	line "can't tell over"
	cont "the phone…"
; 0x65eac

UnknownText_0x65eac: ; 0x65eac
	text "Oh yeah, I lost a"
	line "wild @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "."

	para "It was huge, like"
	line "this big even."

	para "Heh, I guess you"
	line "can't tell over"
	cont "the phone…"
; 0x65f17

UnknownText_0x65f17: ; 0x65f17
	text "We should get a"
	line "battle going!"

	para "I'll be fishing on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "."

	para "Swing by if you"
	line "have the time."
; 0x65f6e

UnknownText_0x65f6e: ; 0x65f6e
	text "Well, I'll be"
	line "seeing you."
; 0x65f88

UnknownText_0x65f88: ; 0x65f88
	text "I picked up a good"
	line "little thing at"
	cont "the water's edge."

	para "Like I promised,"
	line "it's yours."

	para "I'll be waiting on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "."
; 0x65ff2

UnknownText_0x65ff2: ; 0x65ff2
	text "Have I found"
	line "anything good?"

	para "Nope, not yet."

	para "It's like fishing,"
	line "you need patience."
; 0x66043

UnknownText_0x66043: ; 0x66043
	text "Yup, TULLY here…"

	para "<PLAY_G>? What?"
	line "You're lost?"

	para "Our battle will be"
	line "on @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "."
; 0x66087

UnknownText_0x66087: ; 0x66087
	text "I've got something"
	line "good for you."

	para "Hustle over to"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "."
; 0x660be

UnknownText_0x660be: ; 0x660be
	text "Oh yeah, I got an"
	line "extremely rare"

	para "#MON in a trade"
	line "a while back."

	para "Do you want to"
	line "know what it is?"

	para "Hehe, I'm keeping"
	line "it a secret!"
; 0x6613c

UnknownText_0x6613c: ; 0x6613c
	text "Oh yeah, I took"
	line "down this wild"

	para "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "."
	line "It wasn't rare"

	para "enough to bother"
	line "catching."
; 0x6618c

UnknownText_0x6618c: ; 0x6618c
	text "Oh yeah, I saw a"
	line "rare #MON about"
	cont "an hour ago."

	para "It was my first"
	line "sighting. But I"

	para "didn't have any"
	line "# BALLS…"

	para "Would BILL laugh"
	line "at my mistakes?"
; 0x66214

UnknownText_0x66214: ; 0x66214
	text "You've got time"
	line "like usual, right?"

	para "Feel like having a"
	line "battle?"

	para "It'll be a chance"
	line "to see my rare"

	para "#MON. It'll be"
	line "worth your time!"

	para "You know where--"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "."
; 0x662a9

UnknownText_0x662a9: ; 0x662a9
	text "So that's it then."
; 0x662bc

UnknownText_0x662bc: ; 0x662bc
	text "Did you know…?"
	line "BILL's father is"

	para "supposed to be a"
	line "great #MANIAC."
; 0x662fc

UnknownText_0x662fc: ; 0x662fc
	text "Did you know…?"
	line "Apparently BILL's"

	para "grandpa isn't a"
	line "#MANIAC."
; 0x66335

UnknownText_0x66335: ; 0x66335
	text "Did you know…?"
	line "BILL's originally"
	cont "from GOLDENROD."
; 0x66366

UnknownText_0x66366: ; 0x66366
	text "Did you know…?"
	line "BILL evidently"

	para "lives on ROUTE 25"
	line "in KANTO."
; 0x663a1

UnknownText_0x663a1: ; 0x663a1
	text "Did you know…?"
	line "ABRA was the first"

	para "#MON that BILL"
	line "ostensibly caught."
; 0x663e6

UnknownText_0x663e6: ; 0x663e6
	text "Did you know…?"
	line "BILL's younger"

	para "sister apparently"
	line "can't wink."
; 0x66421

UnknownText_0x66421: ; 0x66421
	text "Did you know…?"
	line "BILL supposedly"

	para "hates milk and"
	line "can't drink it."
; 0x6645f

UnknownText_0x6645f: ; 0x6645f
	text "Did you know…?"
	line "Evidently, BILL"

	para "isn't very good at"
	line "battling."
; 0x6649b

UnknownText_0x6649b: ; 0x6649b
	text "Did you know…?"
	line "BILL appears to"

	para "like the lady at"
	line "the FLOWER SHOP."
; 0x664dd

UnknownText_0x664dd: ; 0x664dd
	text "Did you know…?"
	line "BILL's mother is"

	para "said to have been"
	line "a KIMONO GIRL."
; 0x6651e

UnknownText_0x6651e: ; 0x6651e
	text "You wanted to hear"
	line "about BILL?"

	para "Sorry, but I'm too"
	line "busy for you."

	para "I'll call when I"
	line "have time."
; 0x66579

UnknownText_0x66579: ; 0x66579
	text "You want to see my"
	line "rare #MON."

	para "Hurry over to"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "."
; 0x665ad

UnknownText_0x665ad: ; 0x665ad
	text "My @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "'s"
	line "adorable, don't"

	para "you think so?"
	line "I always sleep"

	para "with it--it's so"
	line "fluffy and warm!"
; 0x66605

UnknownText_0x66605: ; 0x66605
	text "Oh, and we had to"
	line "battle a wild"

	para "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text " a while"
	line "ago…"

	para "My CLEFAIRY came"
	line "close to fainting!"

	para "Isn't that awful?"

	para "I hate those nasty"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "!"
; 0x66688

UnknownText_0x66688: ; 0x66688
	text "Oh, and we had to"
	line "battle a wild"

	para "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text " a while"
	line "ago…"

	para "My CLEFAIRY got"
	line "frightened, so we"

	para "ran away as fast"
	line "as we could!"

	para "I just can't help"
	line "feeling protective"
	cont "of my CLEFAIRY."
; 0x66730

UnknownText_0x66730: ; 0x66730
	text "I know this might"
	line "surprise you, but"

	para "would you like to"
	line "battle?"

	para "I'll be waiting"
	line "with CLEFAIRY on"
	cont "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "."
; 0x66796

UnknownText_0x66796: ; 0x66796
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "!"

	para "It's awful."
	line "My CLEFAIRY…"

	para "Huh? <PLAY_G>?"

	para "Oh, sorry! I was"
	line "in a hurry, and I…"

	para "I have to go!"
	line "Bye-bye!"
; 0x667f7

UnknownText_0x667f7: ; 0x667f7
	text "Bye-bye!"
; 0x66801

UnknownText_0x66801: ; 0x66801
	text "I bought some PINK"

	para "DEPT.STORE for my"
	line "CLEFAIRY."

	para "I got too many, so"
	line "I'll give you one!"

	para "Come collect it on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "."
; 0x66882

UnknownText_0x66882: ; 0x66882
	text "I love dressing up"
	line "my CLEFAIRY!"
; 0x668a3

UnknownText_0x668a3: ; 0x668a3
	text "What's wrong?"
	line "Can't you visit?"

	para "CLEFAIRY got tired"
	line "and fell asleep."

	para "I'm not sure if I"
	line "can wake it up…"

	para "Please hurry to"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "!"
; 0x6691d

UnknownText_0x6691d: ; 0x6691d
	text "What's wrong?"
	line "Can't you visit?"

	para "I'm sure this will"
	line "look good on your"
	cont "CLEFAIRY."

	para "Please hurry to"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "!"
; 0x66980

UnknownText_0x66980: ; 0x66980
	text "My @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "'s"
	line "become tougher."

	para "We've achieved"
	line "liftoff!"
; 0x669b2

UnknownText_0x669b2: ; 0x669b2
	text "We can easily beat"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "!"

	para "…Huh? You too?"
	line "Isn't that great?"
; 0x669ed

UnknownText_0x669ed: ; 0x669ed
	text "But get this, a"
	line "wild @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text ""
	para "just barely eluded"
	line "us."

	para "I wanted to FLY"
	line "after it…"
; 0x66a3a

UnknownText_0x66a3a: ; 0x66a3a
	text "Right now, I'm on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "."

	para "You know, where I"
	line "first met you?"

	para "Want to battle?"
	line "I'll wait here."
; 0x66a93

UnknownText_0x66a93: ; 0x66a93
	text "OK, bye for now!"
; 0x66aa5

UnknownText_0x66aa5: ; 0x66aa5
	text "I'll be looking"
	line "forward to our"
	cont "next battle!"
; 0x66ad1

UnknownText_0x66ad1: ; 0x66ad1
	text "Oh, <PLAY_G>!"
	line "Hurry, hurry!"

	para "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "!"
	line "FLY over now!"
; 0x66afc

UnknownText_0x66afc: ; 0x66afc
	text "My @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "'s"
	line "grown impressive!"

	para "My fishing skills"
	line "have improved too!"
; 0x66b3e

UnknownText_0x66b3e: ; 0x66b3e
	text "We beat a wild"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "…"

	para "You know, I have"
	line "more fun fishing"

	para "than beating wild"
	line "#MON."
; 0x66b8f

UnknownText_0x66b8f: ; 0x66b8f
	text "But a while back,"
	line "we came this close"

	para "to landing a wild"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "."

	para "I tell you, it was"
	line "huge. Believe me."
; 0x66bf3

UnknownText_0x66bf3: ; 0x66bf3
	text "I'm fishing on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text ","

	para "but nothing's"
	line "biting today."

	para "Help me while my"
	line "time away, come"
	cont "over for a battle."
; 0x66c58

UnknownText_0x66c58: ; 0x66c58
	text "All right, later."
; 0x66c6b

UnknownText_0x66c6b: ; 0x66c6b
	text "I snagged an item"
	line "while fishing."

	para "Come pick it up on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "."
; 0x66ca7

UnknownText_0x66ca7: ; 0x66ca7
	text "Nah, I haven't"
	line "found anything"

	para "that's worth your"
	line "time."

	para "You have to have"
	line "patience."
; 0x66cf7

UnknownText_0x66cf7: ; 0x66cf7
	text "Sigh…"
	line "They're not biting"

	para "like before on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "…"

	para "You have to come"
	line "for a battle!"
; 0x66d45

UnknownText_0x66d45: ; 0x66d45
	text "Don't you want"
	line "this item?"

	para "Hah? You don't"
	line "know where?"

	para "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "…"
	line "Just head from"

	para "MAHOGANY toward"
; 0x66dab

UnknownText_0x66dab: ; 0x66dab
	text "Anyway, we'll chat"
	line "again!"
; 0x66dc5

UnknownText_0x66dc5: ; 0x66dc5
	text "Are you still on"
	line "your journey?"

	para "I remain dedicated"
	line "to my training."

	para "Oooooaaarrrgh!"
; 0x66e17

UnknownText_0x66e17: ; 0x66e17
	text "I'm in training"
	line "now. I apologize,"

	para "but call me back"
	line "another time."

	para "Oooooaaarrrgh!"
; 0x66e67

UnknownText_0x66e67: ; 0x66e67
	text "I apologize, but I"
	line "don't have time to"

	para "chat while I am in"
	line "training!"

	para "I'll have time to"
	line "chat tomorrow!"

	para "Yiiihah!"
; 0x66ed3

UnknownText_0x66ed3: ; 0x66ed3
	text "I plan to take a"
	line "lunch break, so"

	para "come see me then!"
	line "Ayiiiyah!"
; 0x66f11

UnknownText_0x66f11: ; 0x66f11
	text "I'm taking a break"
	line "on ROUTE 45!"

	para "Why not drop by if"
	line "you are free?"
; 0x66f52

UnknownText_0x66f52: ; 0x66f52
	text "I rested up over"
	line "my lunch break."

	para "Now it's time to"
	line "resume training!"

	para "Oooryaah!"
; 0x66f9f

UnknownText_0x66f9f: ; 0x66f9f
	text "Nothing can match"
	line "my @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text " now."
; 0x66fc0

UnknownText_0x66fc0: ; 0x66fc0
	text "Yeah, we KO'd a"
	line "wild @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "!"

	para "That was OK, but I"
	line "wanted to get it…"
; 0x67001

UnknownText_0x67001: ; 0x67001
	text "And yesterday, we"
	line "spotted a wild"

	para "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "."
	line "We were debating"

	para "whether to catch"
	line "it or beat it."

	para "When along came"
	line "another guy who"

	para "caught it!"
	line "How about that!"
; 0x67096

UnknownText_0x67096: ; 0x67096
	text "You're thinking"
	line "you'd like to"

	para "battle me. Am I"
	line "right or what?"

	para "Yep! We'll meet on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "!"
; 0x670eb

UnknownText_0x670eb: ; 0x670eb
	text "OK, give me a call"
	line "again!"
; 0x67106

UnknownText_0x67106: ; 0x67106
	text "You'll battle with"
	line "me again, right?"
; 0x6712a

UnknownText_0x6712a: ; 0x6712a
	text "Haven't you gotten"
	line "to @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "?"

	para "Waiting here isn't"
	line "bad, but I'd sure"
	cont "like to battle!"
; 0x6717a

UnknownText_0x6717a: ; 0x6717a
	text_from_ram StringBuffer3
	text "'s @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text ""
	line "is much stronger"
	cont "than before!"
; 0x671a4

UnknownText_0x671a4: ; 0x671a4
	text "And, and…"
	line "I just battled and"
	cont "beat @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text "!"

	para "I've raised my"
	line "#MON properly!"
; 0x671eb

UnknownText_0x671eb: ; 0x671eb
	text "But, but…"

	para "A wild @"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
	text ""
	line "got away from me"

	para "again. It's just"
	line "not fair!"
; 0x6722e

UnknownText_0x6722e: ; 0x6722e
	text "I'm ERIN. Want to"
	line "battle me again?"

	para "I won't lose this"
	line "time!"

	para "I'll be waiting on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "!"
; 0x67281

UnknownText_0x67281: ; 0x67281
	text "See you. Bye-bye!"
; 0x67294

UnknownText_0x67294: ; 0x67294
	text "I'm working hard"
	line "to raise my"
	cont "#MON!"

	para "Come back for"
	line "another battle!"
; 0x672d5

UnknownText_0x672d5: ; 0x672d5
	text "Oh, <PLAY_G>!"
	line "Come battle ERIN!"

	para "I'll be waiting on"
	line "@"
	text_from_ram StringBuffer5
	text "!"
; 0x67308