ref: 86c1e0feea0ba487b020b801835aa19b221edb4d
dir: /maps/EarlsPokemonAcademy.asm/
EarlsPokemonAcademy_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x68a5a ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 0 ; 0x68a5c FisherScript_0x68a5c: ; 0x68a5c applymovement $2, MovementData_0x68b2d faceplayer loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x68b3b yesorno iffalse UnknownScript_0x68a70 2writetext UnknownText_0x68bbd yesorno iffalse UnknownScript_0x68a7d UnknownScript_0x68a70: ; 0x68a70 2writetext UnknownText_0x68c51 yesorno iffalse UnknownScript_0x68a7d 2writetext UnknownText_0x68c7b closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x68a7d UnknownScript_0x68a7d: ; 0x68a7d 2writetext UnknownText_0x68d31 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x68a83 YoungsterScript_0x68a83: ; 0x68a83 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x68d80 ; 0x68a86 GameboyKidScript_0x68a86: ; 0x68a86 faceplayer loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x68dda closetext loadmovesprites spriteface $4, $0 end ; 0x68a91 GameboyKidScript_0x68a91: ; 0x68a91 faceplayer loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x68e07 closetext loadmovesprites spriteface $5, $0 end ; 0x68a9c YoungsterScript_0x68a9c: ; 0x68a9c jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x68e39 ; 0x68a9f MapEarlsPokemonAcademySignpost3Script: ; 0x68a9f loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x68eb2 UnknownScript_0x68aa3: ; 0x68aa3 loadmenudata MenuDataHeader_0x68ae1 interpretmenu writebackup if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0x68abe if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0x68ac5 if_equal $3, UnknownScript_0x68acc if_equal $4, UnknownScript_0x68ad3 if_equal $5, UnknownScript_0x68ada loadmovesprites end ; 0x68abe UnknownScript_0x68abe: ; 0x68abe 2writetext UnknownText_0x68efe closetext 2jump UnknownScript_0x68aa3 ; 0x68ac5 UnknownScript_0x68ac5: ; 0x68ac5 2writetext UnknownText_0x68f80 closetext 2jump UnknownScript_0x68aa3 ; 0x68acc UnknownScript_0x68acc: ; 0x68acc 2writetext UnknownText_0x68fe2 closetext 2jump UnknownScript_0x68aa3 ; 0x68ad3 UnknownScript_0x68ad3: ; 0x68ad3 2writetext UnknownText_0x69055 closetext 2jump UnknownScript_0x68aa3 ; 0x68ada UnknownScript_0x68ada: ; 0x68ada 2writetext UnknownText_0x690cb closetext 2jump UnknownScript_0x68aa3 ; 0x68ae1 MenuDataHeader_0x68ae1: ; 0x68ae1 db $40 ; flags db 00, 00 ; start coords db 08, 11 ; end coords dw MenuData2_0x68ae9 db 1 ; default option ; 0x68ae9 MenuData2_0x68ae9: ; 0x68ae9 db $80 ; flags dn 3, 2 ; rows, columns db 5 ; spacing dbw BANK(UnknownText_0x68af2), UnknownText_0x68af2 dbw $1a, $0000 ; 0x68af2 UnknownText_0x68af2: ; 0x68af2 db "PSN@" db "PAR@" db "SLP@" db "BRN@" db "FRZ@" db "QUIT@" ; 0x68b0b PokedexScript_0x68b0b: ; 0x68b0b loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x69136 yesorno iffalse UnknownScript_0x68b25 2writetext UnknownText_0x69197 yesorno iffalse UnknownScript_0x68b25 2writetext UnknownText_0x69207 yesorno iffalse UnknownScript_0x68b25 2writetext UnknownText_0x69287 closetext UnknownScript_0x68b25: ; 0x68b25 loadmovesprites end ; 0x68b27 UnknownScript_0x68b27: ; 0x68b27 jumptext UnknownText_0x69344 ; 0x68b2a MapEarlsPokemonAcademySignpost1Script: ; 0x68b2a jumpstd $0001 ; 0x68b2d MovementData_0x68b2d: ; 0x68b2d turn_head_down turn_head_left turn_head_up turn_head_right turn_head_down turn_head_left turn_head_up turn_head_right turn_head_down turn_head_left turn_head_up turn_head_right turn_head_down step_end ; 0x68b3b UnknownText_0x68b3b: ; 0x68b3b text "EARL, I am!" para "Wonderful are" line "#MON, yes!" para "Teach you I will" line "to be a better" cont "trainer!" para "What you want to" line "know? Want to be" cont "a winner is you?" done ; 0x68bbd UnknownText_0x68bbd: ; 0x68bbd text "Good! Teach you," line "I will!" para "In battle, #MON" line "top on list jump" cont "out first!" para "Change order in" line "list, make battle" cont "easy, maybe!" para "More from me you" line "want to hear?" done ; 0x68c51 UnknownText_0x68c51: ; 0x68c51 text "So, want to know" line "how to raise" cont "#MON well?" done ; 0x68c7b UnknownText_0x68c7b: ; 0x68c7b text "Fine! Teach you," line "I will!" para "If #MON come" line "out in battle even" para "briefly, some EXP." line "Points it gets." para "At top of list put" line "weak #MON." para "Switch in battle" line "quick!" para "This way, weak" line "#MON strong" cont "become!" done ; 0x68d31 UnknownText_0x68d31: ; 0x68d31 text "Oh! Smart student" line "you are! Nothing" cont "more do I teach!" para "Good to #MON" line "you must be!" done ; 0x68d80 UnknownText_0x68d80: ; 0x68d80 text "I'm taking notes" line "of the teacher's" cont "lecture." para "I'd better copy" line "the stuff on the" cont "blackboard too." done ; 0x68dda UnknownText_0x68dda: ; 0x68dda text "I traded my best" line "#MON to the" cont "guy beside me." done ; 0x68e07 UnknownText_0x68e07: ; 0x68e07 text "Huh? The #MON I" line "just got is hold-" cont "ing something!" done ; 0x68e39 UnknownText_0x68e39: ; 0x68e39 text "A #MON holding" line "a BERRY will heal" cont "itself in battle." para "Many other items" line "can be held by" cont "#MON…" para "It sure is tough" line "taking notes…" done ; 0x68eb2 UnknownText_0x68eb2: ; 0x68eb2 text "The blackboard" line "describes #MON" para "status changes in" line "battle." done ; 0x68eeb UnknownText_0x68eeb: ; 0x68eeb text "Read which topic?" done ; 0x68efe UnknownText_0x68efe: ; 0x68efe text "If poisoned, a" line "#MON steadily" cont "loses HP." para "Poison lingers" line "after the battle," para "and HP is lost as" line "you walk." para "To cure it, use an" line "ANTIDOTE." done ; 0x68f80 UnknownText_0x68f80: ; 0x68f80 text "Paralysis reduces" line "speed and may" cont "prevent movement." para "It remains after" line "battle, so use" cont "a PARLYZ HEAL." done ; 0x68fe2 UnknownText_0x68fe2: ; 0x68fe2 text "If asleep, your" line "#MON can't make" cont "a move." para "A sleeping #MON" line "doesn't wake up" cont "after battle." para "Wake it up with" line "an AWAKENING." done ; 0x69055 UnknownText_0x69055: ; 0x69055 text "A burn steadily" line "consumes HP." para "It also reduces" line "attack power." para "A burn lingers" line "after battle." para "Use a BURN HEAL as" line "the cure." done ; 0x690cb UnknownText_0x690cb: ; 0x690cb text "If your #MON is" line "frozen, it can't" cont "do a thing." para "It remains frozen" line "after battle." para "Thaw it out with" line "an ICE HEAL." done ; 0x69136 UnknownText_0x69136: ; 0x69136 text "It's this kid's" line "notebook…" para "Catch #MON" line "using # BALLS." para "Up to six can be" line "in your party." para "Keep reading?" done ; 0x69197 UnknownText_0x69197: ; 0x69197 text "Before throwing a" line "# BALL, weaken" cont "the target first." para "A poisoned or" line "burned #MON is" cont "easier to catch." para "Keep reading?" done ; 0x69207 UnknownText_0x69207: ; 0x69207 text "Some moves may" line "cause confusion." para "Confusion may make" line "a #MON attack" cont "itself." para "Leaving battle" line "clears up any" cont "confusion." para "Keep reading?" done ; 0x69287 UnknownText_0x69287: ; 0x69287 text "People who catch" line "and use #MON" para "in battle are" line "#MON trainers." para "They are expected" line "to visit #MON" para "GYMS and defeat" line "other trainers." para "The next page" line "is… Blank!" para "Boy: E-he-he…" para "I haven't written" line "anymore…" done ; 0x69344 UnknownText_0x69344: ; 0x69344 text "This super machine" line "prints data out as" para "stickers!" done ; 0x69375 EarlsPokemonAcademy_MapEventHeader: ; 0x69375 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 2 warp_def $f, $3, 3, GROUP_VIOLET_CITY, MAP_VIOLET_CITY warp_def $f, $4, 3, GROUP_VIOLET_CITY, MAP_VIOLET_CITY ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 4 signpost 1, 0, $0, MapEarlsPokemonAcademySignpost1Script signpost 1, 1, $0, MapEarlsPokemonAcademySignpost1Script signpost 0, 3, $0, MapEarlsPokemonAcademySignpost3Script signpost 0, 4, $0, MapEarlsPokemonAcademySignpost3Script ; people-events db 6 person_event SPRITE_FISHER, 6, 8, $6, $0, 255, 255, $a0, 0, FisherScript_0x68a5c, $06cb person_event SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, 9, 6, $7, $0, 255, 255, $80, 0, YoungsterScript_0x68a83, $ffff person_event SPRITE_GAMEBOY_KID, 15, 7, $6, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, GameboyKidScript_0x68a86, $ffff person_event SPRITE_GAMEBOY_KID, 15, 8, $8, $0, 255, 255, $80, 0, GameboyKidScript_0x68a91, $ffff person_event SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, 11, 8, $7, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, YoungsterScript_0x68a9c, $ffff person_event SPRITE_POKEDEX, 8, 6, $1, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, PokedexScript_0x68b0b, $ffff ; 0x693e7