ref: caa83c08a76c5b6ffa0546f395d8c3d5f10643b4
dir: /engine/options_menu.asm/
_OptionsMenu: ; e41d0 ld hl, hInMenu ld a, [hl] push af ld [hl], $1 call ClearBGPalettes hlcoord 0, 0 ld b, $10 ld c, $12 call TextBox hlcoord 2, 2 ld de, StringOptions call PlaceString xor a ld [wJumptableIndex], a ld c, $6 ; number of items on the menu minus 1 (for cancel) .print_text_loop ; this next will display the settings of each option when the menu is opened push bc xor a ld [hJoyLast], a call GetOptionPointer pop bc ld hl, wJumptableIndex inc [hl] dec c jr nz, .print_text_loop call UpdateFrame xor a ld [wJumptableIndex], a inc a ld [hBGMapMode], a call WaitBGMap ld b, SCGB_08 call GetSGBLayout call SetPalettes .joypad_loop call JoyTextDelay ld a, [hJoyPressed] and START | B_BUTTON jr nz, .ExitOptions call OptionsControl jr c, .dpad call GetOptionPointer jr c, .ExitOptions .dpad call Options_UpdateCursorPosition ld c, 3 call DelayFrames jr .joypad_loop .ExitOptions ld de, SFX_TRANSACTION call PlaySFX call WaitSFX pop af ld [hInMenu], a ret ; e4241 StringOptions: ; e4241 db "TEXT SPEED<LNBRK>" db " :<LNBRK>" db "BATTLE SCENE<LNBRK>" db " :<LNBRK>" db "BATTLE STYLE<LNBRK>" db " :<LNBRK>" db "SOUND<LNBRK>" db " :<LNBRK>" db "PRINT<LNBRK>" db " :<LNBRK>" db "MENU ACCOUNT<LNBRK>" db " :<LNBRK>" db "FRAME<LNBRK>" db " :TYPE<LNBRK>" db "CANCEL@" ; e42d6 GetOptionPointer: ; e42d6 ld a, [wJumptableIndex] ; load the cursor position to a ld e, a ; copy it to de ld d, 0 ld hl, .Pointers rept 2 add hl, de endr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp [hl] ; jump to the code of the current highlighted item ; e42e5 .Pointers dw Options_TextSpeed dw Options_BattleScene dw Options_BattleStyle dw Options_Sound dw Options_Print dw Options_MenuAccount dw Options_Frame dw Options_Cancel ; e42f5 Options_TextSpeed: ; e42f5 call GetTextSpeed ld a, [hJoyPressed] bit D_LEFT_F, a jr nz, .LeftPressed bit D_RIGHT_F, a jr z, .NonePressed ld a, c ; right pressed cp SLOW_TEXT jr c, .Increase ld c, FAST_TEXT +- 1 .Increase inc c ld a, e jr .Save .LeftPressed ld a, c and a jr nz, .Decrease ld c, SLOW_TEXT + 1 .Decrease dec c ld a, d .Save ld b, a ld a, [Options] and $f0 or b ld [Options], a .NonePressed ld b, 0 ld hl, .Strings rept 2 add hl, bc endr ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] hlcoord 11, 3 call PlaceString and a ret ; e4331 .Strings dw .Fast dw .Mid dw .Slow .Fast db "FAST@" .Mid db "MID @" .Slow db "SLOW@" ; e4346 GetTextSpeed: ; e4346 ld a, [Options] ; This converts the number of frames, to 0, 1, 2 representing speed and 7 cp 5 ; 5 frames of delay is slow jr z, .slow cp 1 ; 1 frame of delay is fast jr z, .fast ld c, MED_TEXT ; set it to mid if not one of the above lb de, 1, 5 ret .slow ld c, SLOW_TEXT lb de, 3, 1 ret .fast ld c, FAST_TEXT lb de, 5, 3 ret ; e4365 Options_BattleScene: ; e4365 ld hl, Options ld a, [hJoyPressed] bit D_LEFT_F, a jr nz, .LeftPressed bit D_RIGHT_F, a jr z, .NonePressed bit BATTLE_SCENE, [hl] jr nz, .ToggleOn jr .ToggleOff .LeftPressed bit BATTLE_SCENE, [hl] jr z, .ToggleOff jr .ToggleOn .NonePressed bit BATTLE_SCENE, [hl] jr z, .ToggleOn jr .ToggleOff .ToggleOn res BATTLE_SCENE, [hl] ld de, .On jr .Display .ToggleOff set BATTLE_SCENE, [hl] ld de, .Off .Display hlcoord 11, 5 call PlaceString and a ret ; e4398 .On db "ON @" .Off db "OFF@" ; e43a0 Options_BattleStyle: ; e43a0 ld hl, Options ld a, [hJoyPressed] bit D_LEFT_F, a jr nz, .LeftPressed bit D_RIGHT_F, a jr z, .NonePressed bit BATTLE_SHIFT, [hl] jr nz, .ToggleShift jr .ToggleSet .LeftPressed bit BATTLE_SHIFT, [hl] jr z, .ToggleSet jr .ToggleShift .NonePressed bit BATTLE_SHIFT, [hl] jr nz, .ToggleSet .ToggleShift res BATTLE_SHIFT, [hl] ld de, .Shift jr .Display .ToggleSet set BATTLE_SHIFT, [hl] ld de, .Set .Display hlcoord 11, 7 call PlaceString and a ret ; e43d1 .Shift db "SHIFT@" .Set db "SET @" ; e43dd Options_Sound: ; e43dd ld hl, Options ld a, [hJoyPressed] bit D_LEFT_F, a jr nz, .LeftPressed bit D_RIGHT_F, a jr z, .NonePressed bit STEREO, [hl] jr nz, .SetMono jr .SetStereo .LeftPressed bit STEREO, [hl] jr z, .SetStereo jr .SetMono .NonePressed bit STEREO, [hl] jr nz, .ToggleStereo jr .ToggleMono .SetMono res STEREO, [hl] call RestartMapMusic .ToggleMono ld de, .Mono jr .Display .SetStereo set STEREO, [hl] call RestartMapMusic .ToggleStereo ld de, .Stereo .Display hlcoord 11, 9 call PlaceString and a ret ; e4416 .Mono db "MONO @" .Stereo db "STEREO@" ; e4424 Options_Print: ; e4424 call GetPrinterSetting ld a, [hJoyPressed] bit D_LEFT_F, a jr nz, .LeftPressed bit D_RIGHT_F, a jr z, .NonePressed ld a, c cp 4 jr c, .Increase ld c, -1 .Increase inc c ld a, e jr .Save .LeftPressed ld a, c and a jr nz, .Decrease ld c, 5 .Decrease dec c ld a, d .Save ld b, a ld [GBPrinter], a .NonePressed ld b, $0 ld hl, .Strings rept 2 add hl, bc endr ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] hlcoord 11, 11 call PlaceString and a ret ; e445a .Strings dw .Lightest dw .Lighter dw .Normal dw .Darker dw .Darkest .Lightest db "LIGHTEST@" .Lighter db "LIGHTER @" .Normal db "NORMAL @" .Darker db "DARKER @" .Darkest db "DARKEST @" ; e4491 GetPrinterSetting: ; e4491 ld a, [GBPrinter] ; converts from the stored printer setting to 0,1,2,3,4 and a jr z, .IsLightest cp PRINT_LIGHTER jr z, .IsLight cp PRINT_DARKER jr z, .IsDark cp PRINT_DARKEST jr z, .IsDarkest ld c, 2 ; normal if none of the above lb de, PRINT_LIGHTER, PRINT_DARKER ; the 2 values next to this setting ret .IsLightest ld c, 0 lb de, PRINT_DARKEST, PRINT_LIGHTER ; the 2 values next to this setting ret .IsLight ld c, 1 lb de, PRINT_LIGHTEST, PRINT_NORMAL ; the 2 values next to this setting ret .IsDark ld c, 3 lb de, PRINT_NORMAL, PRINT_DARKEST ; the 2 values next to this setting ret .IsDarkest ld c, 4 lb de, PRINT_DARKER, PRINT_LIGHTEST ; the 2 values next to this setting ret ; e44c1 Options_MenuAccount: ; e44c1 ld hl, Options2 ld a, [hJoyPressed] bit D_LEFT_F, a jr nz, .LeftPressed bit D_RIGHT_F, a jr z, .NonePressed bit MENU_ACCOUNT, [hl] jr nz, .ToggleOff jr .ToggleOn .LeftPressed bit MENU_ACCOUNT, [hl] jr z, .ToggleOn jr .ToggleOff .NonePressed bit MENU_ACCOUNT, [hl] jr nz, .ToggleOn .ToggleOff res MENU_ACCOUNT, [hl] ld de, .Off jr .Display .ToggleOn set MENU_ACCOUNT, [hl] ld de, .On .Display hlcoord 11, 13 call PlaceString and a ret ; e44f2 .Off db "OFF@" .On db "ON @" ; e44fa Options_Frame: ; e44fa ld hl, TextBoxFrame ld a, [hJoyPressed] bit D_LEFT_F, a jr nz, .LeftPressed bit D_RIGHT_F, a jr nz, .RightPressed and a ret .RightPressed ld a, [hl] inc a jr .Save .LeftPressed ld a, [hl] dec a .Save and $7 ld [hl], a UpdateFrame: ; e4512 ld a, [TextBoxFrame] hlcoord 16, 15 ; where on the screen the number is drawn add "1" ld [hl], a call LoadFontsExtra and a ret ; e4520 Options_Cancel: ; e4520 ld a, [hJoyPressed] and A_BUTTON jr nz, .Exit and a ret .Exit scf ret ; e452a OptionsControl: ; e452a ld hl, wJumptableIndex ld a, [hJoyLast] cp D_DOWN jr z, .DownPressed cp D_UP jr z, .UpPressed and a ret .DownPressed ld a, [hl] ; load the cursor position to a cp $7 ; maximum number of items in option menu jr nz, .CheckFive ld [hl], $0 scf ret .CheckFive ; I have no idea why this exists... cp $5 jr nz, .Increase ld [hl], $5 .Increase inc [hl] scf ret .UpPressed ld a, [hl] cp $6 jr nz, .NotSix ld [hl], $5 ; Another thing where I'm not sure why it exists scf ret .NotSix and a jr nz, .Decrease ld [hl], $8 ; number of option items +1 .Decrease dec [hl] scf ret ; e455c Options_UpdateCursorPosition: ; e455c hlcoord 1, 1 ld de, SCREEN_WIDTH ld c, $10 .loop ld [hl], " " add hl, de dec c jr nz, .loop hlcoord 1, 2 ld bc, 2 * SCREEN_WIDTH ld a, [wJumptableIndex] call AddNTimes ld [hl], "▶" ret ; e4579