More field move scripts and text.
Use labels in audio/sfx_pointers.asm
Use labels in audio/cry_pointers.asm
Include cries and sound effects in audio.asm
Empty cry headers (for slots 252-255).
Redump music for whitespace formatting changes
preprocessor: import commands `sound` and `noise`
Bump pokemontools for fixed audio dumps
Move includes into object bases instead of their version wrappers.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'kanzure/master' into nuke-globals
Merge pull request #229 from yenatch/nuke-globals
Merge remote-tracking branch 'kanzure/master' into nuke-globals
Use globals to implicitly define labels before passing them into BANK().
Merge pull request #228 from yenatch/nuke-globals
Move remaining constants into constants/{misc,pokemon_data}_constants.asm
Move rst constants into macros.asm
Clean up variable usage in the makefile.
Use :: to export labels between objects.
Merge pull request #227 from yenatch/master
preprocessor: actually call update_globals()
Merge remote-tracking branch 'kanzure/master'
MBC3 constants in some RTC-related functions
Assorted text and labels in banks 5 and A
Merge pull request #225 from froggestspirit/master
fixed bank 39 pointers, options menu commentary
Merge pull request #224 from yenatch/moves
use constants for berserk gene, kings rock, scope lens effects
explicitly define type categories
recomment hidden power calculation
move type constants into constants/type_constants.asm
Merge pull request #222 from yenatch/moves
comment and relabel more battle functions
rename Function0x{} labels to Function{} for consistency
clean up some labels in battle asm
rename CallBankF -> CallBattleCore
move the Moves label into battle/moves/moves.asm
use a macro to define move structs for percentage values
shorten SP_ATTACK and SP_DEFENSE move effect constants
Merge pull request #221 from yenatch/more-objects
bump pokemontools for sound macro changes
audio: note duration from 0-15 to 1-16 to match pokered
.gitignore: extras is a submodule
.gitignore: don't track output
clean up incbins in tileset animations
fix whirlpool animation pointers
null pointers in tileset animations
bump pokemontools for minor changes
preprocessor: rename macro class Wait to BattleAnimWait
label and move related asm into items/item_effects.asm
fix a mislabeled function in bank 3
moon ball uses red's moon stone id
evolution prerequisites and no more incbins in item effects
Merge remote-tracking branch 'kanzure/master' into more-objects
bump pokemontools for map editor fixes
overworld object struct constants
no more Public in joypad interface labels
split out poke seer special into event/poke_seer.asm
split gbc-only screen into misc/gbc_only.asm
move a palette map incbin into tilesets/palette_maps.asm
use pokemontools
null pointers back in object gfx
finish off object gfx pointers and dont use BANK() for null pointers
use RGB macros for palettes instead of binary chunks