ref: 4908ea43d7603c435038de6739dd4589585b071b
dir: /sys/src/cmd/jpg/jpg.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <draw.h> #include <event.h> #include "imagefile.h" int cflag = 0; int dflag = 0; int eflag = 0; int jflag = 0; int fflag = 0; int Fflag = 0; int nineflag = 0; int threeflag = 0; int colorspace = CYCbCr; /* default for 8-bit displays: combine color rotation with dither */ int output = 0; ulong outchan = CMAP8; Image *image; int defaultcolor = 1; enum{ Border = 2, Edge = 5 }; char *show(int, char*, int); Rectangle imager(Image *i) { Point p1, p2; p1 = addpt(divpt(subpt(i->r.max, i->r.min), 2), i->r.min); p2 = addpt(divpt(subpt(screen->clipr.max, screen->clipr.min), 2), screen->clipr.min); return rectaddpt(i->r, subpt(p2, p1)); } void eresized(int new) { Rectangle r; if(new && getwindow(display, Refnone) < 0){ fprint(2, "jpg: can't reattach to window\n"); exits("resize"); } if(image == nil) return; r = imager(image); border(screen, r, -Border, nil, ZP); drawop(screen, r, image, nil, image->r.min, S); flushimage(display, 1); } void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd, i, yflag; char *err; char buf[12+1]; yflag = 0; ARGBEGIN{ case 'c': /* produce encoded, compressed, bitmap file; no display by default */ cflag++; dflag++; output++; if(defaultcolor) outchan = CMAP8; break; case 'd': /* suppress display of image */ dflag++; break; case 'e': /* disable floyd-steinberg error diffusion */ eflag++; break; case 'F': Fflag++; /* make a movie */ fflag++; /* merge two fields per image */ break; case 'f': fflag++; /* merge two fields per image */ break; case 'J': /* decode jpeg only; no display or remap (for debugging, etc.) */ jflag++; break; case 'k': /* force black and white */ defaultcolor = 0; outchan = GREY8; break; case 'r': colorspace = CRGB; break; case '3': /* produce encoded, compressed, three-color bitmap file; no display by default */ threeflag++; /* fall through */ case 't': /* produce encoded, compressed, true-color bitmap file; no display by default */ cflag++; dflag++; output++; defaultcolor = 0; outchan = RGB24; break; case 'v': /* force RGBV */ defaultcolor = 0; outchan = CMAP8; break; case 'y': /* leave it in CYCbCr; for debugging only */ yflag = 1; colorspace = CYCbCr; break; case '9': /* produce plan 9, uncompressed, bitmap file; no display by default */ nineflag++; dflag++; output++; if(defaultcolor) outchan = CMAP8; break; default: fprint(2, "usage: jpg -39cdefFkJrtvy [file.jpg ...]\n"); exits("usage"); }ARGEND; if(yflag==0 && dflag==0 && colorspace==CYCbCr){ /* see if we should convert right to RGB */ fd = open("/dev/screen", OREAD); if(fd > 0){ buf[12] = '\0'; if(read(fd, buf, 12)==12 && chantodepth(strtochan(buf))>8) colorspace = CRGB; close(fd); } } err = nil; if(argc == 0) err = show(0, "<stdin>", outchan); else{ for(i=0; i<argc; i++){ fd = open(argv[i], OREAD); if(fd < 0){ fprint(2, "jpg: can't open %s: %r\n", argv[i]); err = "open"; }else{ err = show(fd, argv[i], outchan); close(fd); } if((nineflag || cflag) && argc>1 && err==nil){ fprint(2, "jpg: exiting after one file\n"); break; } } } exits(err); } Rawimage** vidmerge(Rawimage **aa1, Rawimage **aa2) { Rawimage **aao, *ao, *a1, *a2; int i, c, row, col; aao = nil; for (i = 0; aa1[i]; i++) { a1 = aa1[i]; a2 = aa2[i]; if (a2 == nil){ fprint(2, "jpg: vidmerge: unequal lengths\n"); return nil; } aao = realloc(aao, (i+2)*sizeof(Rawimage *)); if (aao == nil){ fprint(2, "jpg: vidmerge: realloc\n"); return nil; } aao[i+1] = nil; ao = aao[i] = malloc(sizeof(Rawimage)); if (ao == nil){ fprint(2, "jpg: vidmerge: malloc\n"); return nil; } memcpy(ao, a1, sizeof(Rawimage)); if (!eqrect(a1->r , a2->r)){ fprint(2, "jpg: vidmerge: rects different in img %d\n", i); return nil; } if (a1->cmaplen != a2->cmaplen){ fprint(2, "jpg: vidmerge: cmaplen different in img %d\n", i); return nil; } if (a1->nchans != a2->nchans){ fprint(2, "jpg: vidmerge: nchans different in img %d\n", i); return nil; } if (a1->fields != a2->fields){ fprint(2, "jpg: vidmerge: fields different in img %d\n", i); return nil; } ao->r.max.y += Dy(ao->r); ao->chanlen += ao->chanlen; if (ao->chanlen != Dx(ao->r)*Dy(ao->r)){ fprint(2, "jpg: vidmerge: chanlen wrong %d != %d*%d\n", ao->chanlen, Dx(ao->r), Dy(ao->r)); return nil; } row = Dx(a1->r); for (c = 0; c < ao->nchans; c++) { uchar *po, *p1, *p2; ao->chans[c] = malloc(ao->chanlen); if (ao->chans[c] == nil){ fprint(2, "jpg: vidmerge: malloc chan\n"); return nil; } po = ao->chans[c]; p1 = a1->chans[c]; p2 = a2->chans[c]; for (col = 0; col < Dy(a1->r); col++) { memcpy(po, p1, row); po += row, p1 += row; memcpy(po, p2, row); po += row, p2 += row; } free(a1->chans[c]); free(a2->chans[c]); } if(a2->cmap != nil) free(a2->cmap); free(a1); free(a2); } if (aa2[i] != nil) fprint(2, "jpg: vidmerge: unequal lengths\n"); free(aa1); free(aa2); return aao; } char* show(int fd, char *name, int outc) { Rawimage **array, *r, *c; static int inited; Image *i; int j, ch, outchan; Biobuf b; char buf[32]; if(Binit(&b, fd, OREAD) < 0) return nil; outchan = outc; rpt: array = Breadjpg(&b, colorspace); if(array == nil || array[0]==nil){ fprint(2, "jpg: decode %s failed: %r\n", name); return "decode"; } if (fflag) { Rawimage **a; a = Breadjpg(&b, colorspace); if(a == nil || a[0]==nil){ fprint(2, "jpg: decode %s-2 failed: %r\n", name); return "decode"; } array = vidmerge(a, array); } else Bterm(&b); r = array[0]; c = nil; if(jflag) goto Return; if(!dflag){ if (!inited) { if(initdraw(0, 0, 0) < 0){ fprint(2, "jpg: initdraw failed: %r\n"); return "initdraw"; } if(Fflag == 0) einit(Ekeyboard|Emouse); inited++; } if(defaultcolor && screen->depth>8 && outchan==CMAP8) outchan = RGB24; } if(outchan == CMAP8) c = torgbv(r, !eflag); else{ if(outchan==GREY8 || (r->chandesc==CY && threeflag==0)){ c = totruecolor(r, CY); outchan = GREY8; }else c = totruecolor(r, CRGB24); } if(c == nil){ fprint(2, "jpg: conversion of %s failed: %r\n", name); return "torgbv"; } if(!dflag){ if(c->chandesc == CY) i = allocimage(display, c->r, GREY8, 0, 0); else i = allocimage(display, c->r, outchan, 0, 0); if(i == nil){ fprint(2, "jpg: allocimage %s failed: %r\n", name); return "allocimage"; } if(loadimage(i, i->r, c->chans[0], c->chanlen) < 0){ fprint(2, "jpg: loadimage %s failed: %r\n", name); return "loadimage"; } image = i; eresized(0); if (Fflag) { freeimage(i); for(j=0; j<r->nchans; j++) free(r->chans[j]); free(r->cmap); free(r); free(array); goto rpt; } if((ch=ekbd())=='q' || ch==0x7F || ch==0x04) exits(nil); draw(screen, screen->clipr, display->white, nil, ZP); image = nil; freeimage(i); } if(nineflag){ chantostr(buf, outchan); print("%11s %11d %11d %11d %11d ", buf, c->r.min.x, c->r.min.y, c->r.max.x, c->r.max.y); if(write(1, c->chans[0], c->chanlen) != c->chanlen){ fprint(2, "jpg: %s: write error %r\n", name); return "write"; } }else if(cflag){ if(writerawimage(1, c) < 0){ fprint(2, "jpg: %s: write error: %r\n", name); return "write"; } } Return: for(j=0; j<r->nchans; j++) free(r->chans[j]); free(r->cmap); free(r); free(array); if(c){ free(c->chans[0]); free(c); } if (Fflag) goto rpt; return nil; }