ref: e1bb660ef2d15d9f53638d60c9e15aaa8579b9bf
dir: /sys/src/cmd/hg/mercurial/commands.pyc/
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The files will be added to the repository at the next commit. To undo an add before that, see hg forget. If no names are given, add all files to the repository. cs�i|�p �||�S((tappend(txty(tbadtoldbad(s./mercurial/commands.pyt<lambda>&ss adding %s tdry_runii(tcmdutiltmatchRtwalktexacttdirstateRtverbosetstatusRtreltgettaddtfiles( tuitrepotpatstoptstexactstnamestmtfRt_[1]((RRs./mercurial/commands.pyRs ,Ic Os�y t|id�pd�}Wn(tj otitd���nX|djp |djotitd���nti|||d|d�S(s|add all new files, delete all missing files Add all new files and remove all missing files from the repository. New files are ignored if they match any of the patterns in .hgignore. As with add, these changes take effect at the next commit. Use the -s/--similarity option to detect renamed files. With a parameter greater than 0, this compares every removed file with every added file and records those similar enough as renames. This option takes a percentage between 0 (disabled) and 100 (files must be identical) as its parameter. Detecting renamed files this way can be expensive. t similarityissimilarity must be a numberids$similarity must be between 0 and 100gY@(tfloatRt ValueErrortutiltAbortRRt addremove(RRRRtsim((s./mercurial/commands.pyR(2s cs^�io tipti�ti�fd��}|ptitd���nd�fd�fdd�fdd�fd |fd d�fg}|id�oA|id�o0|id �o|id �od|d<n|id �dj }|o;|id�o*|id�otitd���ng}|D]'\}} |i|�o|| qNqN~} |o!| d��fd�| d<n||id�}t i |||�}x�|i|�D]x} || }|id�oKti|i ��o5�itd�|o|i| �p| �q�n|id |id �d|�}g}x�| D]�}g}|D]\}}|||�q�~}|oKttt|��}|ig}|D]}|d||fq�~�qxqxW|oNxKtt|�|�D]0\}}�iddi|�|df�qWq�q�WdS(s�show changeset information by line for each file List changes in files, showing the revision id responsible for each line This command is useful for discovering when a change was made and by whom. Without the -a/--text option, annotate will avoid processing files it detects as binary. With -a, annotate will annotate the file anyway, although the results will probably be neither useful nor desirable. cs�|di��S(i(tdate(R (tdatefunc(s./mercurial/commands.pyR Zss,at least one filename or pattern is requiredtusercs�i|di��S(i(t shortuserR,(R (R(s./mercurial/commands.pyR _stnumbercSst|di��S(i(tstrtrev(R ((s./mercurial/commands.pyR `st changesetcSst|di��S(i(Rtnode(R ((s./mercurial/commands.pyR asR*tfollowcSs|di�S(i(tpath(R ((s./mercurial/commands.pyR csitline_numbers(at least one of -n/-c is required for -li����csd�|�|dfS(s%s:%si((R (tlastfunc(s./mercurial/commands.pyR qsR0ttexts%s: binary file t linenumbers%*ss%s: %st N(tquietR&t shortdatetdatestrt cachefuncR'RRtNoneRRRtbinarytdatatwriteRtannotatetmaxtmaptlenRtziptjoin(RRRRtgetdatetopmapR8R"toptfunctfuncmaptctxR tabstfctxtlinestpiecesR!t_[2]tntdummytltmlt_[3]R tp((R6RR+s./mercurial/commands.pyRBKsP 3); '. -:c Ksi||id�}|ptitd���n|i�}ti|||�}tii |�|i jotitd���nti|g|�}|id�pd}|id�}|djoW|djotitd���nti }|ptii|i �d }q'nti|||�}ti|||||id �||�dS(s|create an unversioned archive of a repository revision By default, the revision used is the parent of the working directory; use -r/--rev to specify a different revision. To specify the type of archive to create, use -t/--type. Valid types are:: "files" (default): a directory full of files "tar": tar archive, uncompressed "tbz2": tar archive, compressed using bzip2 "tgz": tar archive, compressed using gzip "uzip": zip archive, uncompressed "zip": zip archive, compressed using deflate The exact name of the destination archive or directory is given using a format string; see 'hg help export' for details. Each member added to an archive file has a directory prefix prepended. Use -p/--prefix to specify a format string for the prefix. The default is the basename of the archive, with suffixes removed. R0s/no working directory: please specify a revisions%repository root cannot be destinationttypeRtprefixt-s$cannot archive plain files to stdouts-%ht no_decodeN(RR&R'RR2Rt make_filenametosR4trealpathtrootRtsyststdouttbasenametarchivaltarchive( RRtdestRRMR2tmatchfntkindRZ((s./mercurial/commands.pyRe�s$ (cs�|o |otitd���n|p |}n|ptitd���n|id�}|oti|�|d<nti���i|�}�ii �\}}�i i||�}||jotitd���n�i i |�\} } | tjotitd���n| tjo�|id�ptitd���n�i|d�}|| | fjo/titd�t |�t |�f��n|}n0|id�otitd ���n| }�ii�} ti�|d t��ii| �|i�}d|d<t|d<t|�|d<d|d <t|�|�|i�}t|d<|do.|do"dt |�|d<t|d<nt|�|��fd�}|itd�|�i i��||�f�||jo�ti�|d t�|id�oI|itd�|�i i���ti�t�i i���q�|itd��|itd��ndS(s�reverse effect of earlier changeset Commit the backed out changes as a new changeset. The new changeset is a child of the backed out changeset. If you backout a changeset other than the tip, a new head is created. This head will be the new tip and you should merge this backout changeset with another head. The --merge option remembers the parent of the working directory before starting the backout, then merges the new head with that changeset afterwards. This saves you from doing the merge by hand. The result of this merge is not committed, as with a normal merge. See 'hg help dates' for a list of formats valid for -d/--date. s please specify just one revisions$please specify a revision to backoutR*s+cannot backout change on a different branchs'cannot backout a change with no parentstparents1cannot backout a merge changeset without --parents%s is not a parent of %ss*cannot use --parent on non-merge changesett show_statstallR0t no_backupR(tmessagetlogfilesBacked out changeset %stforce_editorcs d�ii|�t|�fS(Ns%d:%s(t changelogR0R(R2(R(s./mercurial/commands.pytnice�ss$changeset %s backs out changeset %s tmergesmerging with changeset %s s=the backout changeset is a new head - do not forget to merge s2(use "backout --merge" if you want to auto-merge) N(R&R'RRt parsedateRtbail_if_changedtlookupRtparentsRptancestorRRtbranchthgtcleantFalset setbranchtcopyR>tTrueRtreverttcommitRttipRr(RRR2R0RR*top1top2tatp1tp2RXRiRxtrevert_optstcommit_optsRq((Rs./mercurial/commands.pytbackout�sl # &#c su��fd�} t����fd�}|di�jo_�itd��||d }}}|djo t�q�|djo t�q�t�nD|p#����t|�djotitd���n�o;�id �} t i i| �ot i| �nd Snt i��}|o�ti|�}|d jotitd�|��nd}zJxC|o;ti|g�}|djo d }nr|djo d}n[|djotitd�|��n1|djotitd�|��nd}�|pd}||i|i���itd�|||f�||dt�t i�i|�\}}�ti��ti�|ddt�qWWd t i�|�X| ||�Sn�i|pd�}�o|di|�n9�o|di|�n�o|d i|�nt i�|�||�pd Snt i�i|�\}}�|djo| |��n�t|�djpt�|d}d\}}x'||jo|d|d}}q�W�ii |�}�i!td�|t"|�||f�| p!ti��ti�|�Snd S(s�subdivision search of changesets This command helps to find changesets which introduce problems. To use, mark the earliest changeset you know exhibits the problem as bad, then mark the latest changeset which is free from the problem as good. Bisect will update your working directory to a revision for testing (unless the -U/--noupdate option is specified). Once you have performed tests, mark the working directory as good or bad, and bisect will either update to another candidate changeset or announce that it has found the bad revision. As a shortcut, you can also use the revision argument to mark a revision as good or bad without checking it out first. If you supply a command, it will be used for automatic bisection. Its exit status will be used to mark revisions as good or bad: status 0 means good, 125 means to skip the revision, 127 (command not found) will abort the bisection, and any other non-zero exit status means the revision is bad. cs�ti��h�}t|�djoJ|o�itd��n�itd��|i�|d�nT|o�itd��n�itd��x|D]}|i�|�q�WdS(NisThe first good revision is: sThe first bad revision is: isCDue to skipped revisions, the first good revision could be any of: sBDue to skipped revisions, the first bad revision could be any of: (Rtshow_changesetRERARtshow(tnodestgoodt displayerRS(RR(s./mercurial/commands.pytprint_result#scs�|dp|doh�p�p�p�o|odSn|dptitd���q�titd���ntS(NR�Rs'cannot bisect (no known good revisions)s&cannot bisect (no known bad revisions)(R&R'RR~(tstatetinteractive(tresetR�tskipR(s./mercurial/commands.pytcheck_state7s#sgood bad reset inits)(use of 'hg bisect <cmd>' is deprecated) R�Risincompatible argumentssbisect.stateNscannot find executable: %si}R�iisfailed to execute %ss %s killedt.sChangeset %d:%s: %s R�Rjis=Testing changeset %d:%s (%d changesets remaining, ~%d tests) (ii(#R~tsplittwarnRR>tboolR&R'RGR^R4texiststunlinkthbisectt load_statetfind_exet subprocesstcallRR2RR{tbisectRpRRtRyRzt save_stateRuREtAssertionErrorR0RAR(RRR0textratcommandR�R�RR�tnoupdateR�R�tcmdRXR�tcommandpatht changesetsRt transitionRMR�R2tteststsize((R�R�R�RRRs./mercurial/commands.pyR� s� * # cKs,|id�oE|di�di�}|ii|�|itd�|�n�|o�|id�od||i�joQ|g}|i�D]}||i�q�~jot i td���q�n|iiti|��|itd�|�n$|i dti|ii���dS( s�set or show the current branch name With no argument, show the current branch name. With one argument, set the working directory branch name (the branch will not exist in the repository until the next commit). Standard practice recommends that primary development take place on the 'default' branch. Unless -f/--force is specified, branch will not let you set a branch name that already exists, even if it's inactive. Use -C/--clean to reset the working directory branch to that of the parent of the working directory, negating a previous branch change. Use the command 'hg update' to switch to an existing branch. Use 'hg commit --close-branch' to mark this branch as closed. Rzis%reset working directory to branch %s tforcesBa branch of the same name already exists (use --force to override)s&marked working directory as branch %s s%s N(RR>RvRxRR|RRt branchtagsR&R'tencodingt fromlocalRAttolocal(RRtlabelRR"RX((s./mercurial/commands.pyRx�s$4cs�|iotpt}g}�i�D] }|ti�|i��q(~���fd�}tg}�i�i �D]1\} } ||| | ��i i| �| fq}~dt�}x�|D]�\}} } |p|o�|i o|id| �q��i| �} |o d}n;| �i| dt�jo|pq�nd}nd}t| �idti| ��}| ||| �|f}|id |�q�q�Wd S(s�list repository named branches List the repository's named branches, indicating which ones are inactive. If -c/--closed is specified, also list branches which have been marked closed (see hg commit --close-branch). If -a/--active is specified, only show active branches. A branch is considered active if it contains repository heads. Use the command 'hg update' to switch to an existing branch. cs2|�j}|�i|dt�j}|o|S(Ntclosed(tbranchheadsR{(ttagR2trealheadtopen(tactivebranchesR(s./mercurial/commands.pyt testactive�streverses%s tR�s (closed)s (inactive)is%s %s:%s%s N(t debugflagRRtheadsR�R�RxtsortedR�titemsRpR0R~R:RARuR�R{R/trjusttcolwidth(RRtactiveR�thexfuncR"RSR�RRR�R2tbranchestisactivethntnoticeR0R@((RR�s./mercurial/commands.pyR��s. 3 J "cKs|id�pd}|o.g}|D]}||i|�q(~}n|id�o dg}n|id�}|ou|otitd���ng} |D]}| |i|�q�~ }g} ttf�}x'|D]}|i|i i |��q�W|ot|�} n|i i�} h}x.| o�| i d�}g}|i i|�D]}||jo||qcqc~}t|�djo| id|�q6x6|D].}||jod||<| i|�q�q�Wq6Wnrti|i|pd|pd �|�\}}}titi||�|�}|i|d |id ��} |o|i| |d�}n|i| d�}|idd �i�}hdd<dd <dd<}|i|�}|tijotitd���nti|||�dS(s�create a changegroup file Generate a compressed changegroup file collecting changesets not known to be in another repository. If no destination repository is specified the destination is assumed to have all the nodes specified by one or more --base parameters. To create a bundle containing all changesets, use -a/--all (or --base null). You can change compression method with the -t/--type option. The available compression methods are: none, bzip2, and gzip (by default, bundles are compressed using bzip2). The bundle file can then be transferred using conventional means and applied to another repository with the unbundle or pull command. This is useful when direct push and pull are not available or when exporting an entire repository is undesirable. Applying bundles preserves all changeset contents including permissions, copy/rename information, and revision history. R0Rktnulltbases4--base is incompatible with specifying a destinationiisdefault-pushtdefaultR�tbundleRYtbzip2tHG10UNtnonetHG10BZtHG10GZtgzips)unknown bundle type specified with --typeN(RR>RuR&R'RtsetRtupdateRpt reachabletlistR�tpopRvREtinsertRRytparseurlt expandpatht repositoryRtremoteuitfindoutgoingtchangegroupsubsettchangegrouptlowertbundletypestwritebundle(RRtfnameRfRtrevsR"R0R�RRtothasRStvisittseenRWRXRvtcheckouttothertcgt bundletypetbtypes((s./mercurial/commands.pyR��sT. * > /!cOs�||id�}d}ti||f||�}x�|i|�D]y}ti||id�|i�d|�} ||i�} |id�o|i|| �} n| i| �d}qEW|S(sYoutput the current or given revision of files Print the specified files as they were at the given revision. If no revision is given, the parent of the working directory is used, or tip if no revision is checked out. Output may be to a file, in which case the name of the file is given using a format string. The formatting rules are the same as for the export command, with the following additions:: %s basename of file being printed %d dirname of file being printed, or '.' if in repository root %p root-relative path name of file being printed R0itoutputtpathnametdecodei( RRRRt make_fileR2R@t wwritedataRA(RRtfile1RRRMterrR RNtfpR@((s./mercurial/commands.pytcat/s* c Ks`titi||�||d|id�d|id�d|id�d|id��dS(s�make a copy of an existing repository Create a copy of an existing repository in a new directory. If no destination directory name is specified, it defaults to the basename of the source. The location of the source is added to the new repository's .hg/hgrc file, as the default to be used for future pulls. If you use the -r/--rev option to clone up to a specific revision, no subsequent revisions (including subsequent tags) will be present in the cloned repository. This option implies --pull, even on local repositories. By default, clone will check out the head of the 'default' branch. If the -U/--noupdate option is used, the new clone will contain only a repository (.hg) and no working copy (the working copy parent is the null revision). See 'hg help urls' for valid source format details. It is possible to specify an ssh:// URL as the destination, but no .hg/hgrc and working directory will be created on the remote side. Please see 'hg help urls' for important details about ssh:// URLs. For efficiency, hardlinks are used for cloning whenever the source and destination are on the same filesystem (note this applies only to the repository data, not to the checked out files). Some filesystems, such as AFS, implement hardlinking incorrectly, but do not report errors. In these cases, use the --pull option to avoid hardlinking. In some cases, you can clone repositories and checked out files using full hardlinks with :: $ cp -al REPO REPOCLONE This is the fastest way to clone, but it is not always safe. The operation is not atomic (making sure REPO is not modified during the operation is up to you) and you have to make sure your editor breaks hardlinks (Emacs and most Linux Kernel tools do so). Also, this is not compatible with certain extensions that place their metadata under the .hg directory, such as mq. tpulltstreamtuncompressedR0R�R�N(RytcloneRR�R(RtsourceRfR((s./mercurial/commands.pyR�Js .c s�h�|id�od�d<nti�|id�o ti�n��fd�}ti|||||�}|p|itd��dSn|i}|i|�}|i |�}|d|jon�|t t fjpct|i|i |d���djoQ|dt jp)t|i|i |d���djo|itd ��n|io'|itd �|t|�f�n2|io'|itd �|t|�f�ndS(sjcommit the specified files or all outstanding changes Commit changes to the given files into the repository. Unlike a centralized RCS, this operation is a local operation. See hg push for a way to actively distribute your changes. If a list of files is omitted, all changes reported by "hg status" will be committed. If you are committing the result of a merge, do not provide any filenames or -I/-X filters. If no commit message is specified, the configured editor is started to prompt you for a message. See 'hg help dates' for a list of formats valid for -d/--date. tclose_branchitcloseRoc s4|i||id�|id�|d�d��S(NR,R*teditorR�(R�R(RRRmRR(teR�(s./mercurial/commands.pyt commitfunc�s'snothing changed Niscreated new head scommitted changeset %d:%s (RRtcommiteditortcommitforceeditorR�RRRpR0t parentrevsRRER�R2R�RARRR( RRRRR�R2tclR0Rv((R�R�s./mercurial/commands.pyR�~s0 ): ' cOs;|it�}zti||||�SWd|i�XdS(s�mark files as copied for the next commit Mark dest as having copies of source files. If dest is a directory, copies are put in that directory. If dest is a file, the source must be a single file. By default, this command copies the contents of files as they exist in the working directory. If invoked with -A/--after, the operation is recorded, but no copying is performed. This command takes effect with the next commit. To undo a copy before that, see hg revert. N(twlockR{RR}R(RRRRR((s./mercurial/commands.pyR}�sc Gst|�djoC|\}}}tititi�dt�|�}|i}nkt|�djoB|ptit d���n|\}}|i }|i}ntit d���|i||�||��}|id|i |�t|�f�dS(s<find the ancestor revision of two revisions in a given indexitauditis5There is no Mercurial repository here (.hg not found)s&either two or three arguments requireds%d:%s N(REtrevlogR&topenerR^tgetcwdR{RuR'RRpRwRAR0R( RRtargstindextrev1trev2trRuR�((s./mercurial/commands.pyt debugancestor�s' R�cGs�x�tti��D]q\}}|id�did�}dig}|dD]}||dqP~�}|id||f�qWdS(Nt|it^s, is%s: %s (R�ttablet iteritemsR�tstripRGRA(RR�RtvalsR"tiR((s./mercurial/commands.pyt debugcommands�s 2c KsK|id�o�g}tg}|o0ti|tt�\}}|i|d�nxX|D]P}xG|D]?}|do|id|d�n|id|d�qjWq]W|iddi|��dSnti |t�} |i o8g} | i�D]}| d i|d�q~ } n|iddit| ���dS( s=returns the completion list associated with the given commandtoptionsiis-%ss--%ss%s s NR9( Rt globaloptsRtfindcmdRR{RRARGtfindpossibleRtvaluesR�(RR�RRtotablestaliasestentryttR�tcmdlistR"tc((s./mercurial/commands.pyt debugcomplete�s& 8R�cCs�tdd�id�|idti|�odpd�|idti|�odpd�|idtid�odpd�tid�dS( Ns.debugfsinfotwR�s exec: %s tyestnossymlink: %s scase-sensitive: %s (R�RAR&t checkexect checklinkt checkcaseR^R�(RR4((s./mercurial/commands.pytdebugfsinfo�s((R�cCsK||}|i�}z#|ii|i�|i��Wd|i�XdS(sArebuild the dirstate as it would look like for the given revisionN(RRtrebuildR2tmanifestR(RRR0RMR((s./mercurial/commands.pytdebugrebuildstate�s #c Cs�|ii�\}}||i�}||i�}d}x�|iD]�}|i|}|djo8||jo+|itd�||f�|d7}n|djo8||jo+|itd�||f�|d7}n|djoE||jo8||jo+|itd�||f�|d7}qEqEWxS|D]K}|i|}|d jo+|itd �||f�|d7}q?q?W|otd�} ti| ��ndS( s0validate the correctness of the current dirstateitnrs%%s in state %s, but not in manifest1 iR�s&%s in state %s, but also in manifest1 R s+%s in state %s, but not in either manifest tnrms'%s in manifest1, but listed as state %ss8.hg/dirstate inconsistent with current parent's manifestN(RRvR*R�RR&R'( RRtparent1tparent2tm1tm2terrorsR!R�terror((s./mercurial/commands.pytdebugcheckstates4 ' c Os�t|id��}|o\tg}|D]}d|jo||q*q*~�djotitd���qxnx |id|�D]�\}}} |d|} |o�x�|D]�}||jo;|id|i|||��|i d| | f�q�|| jo4|id|i|||��|i | d�q�q�Wq�|id|i|||��|i d| | f�q�WdS( s�show combined config settings from all hgrc files With no arguments, print names and values of all config items. With one argument of the form, print just the value of that config item. With multiple arguments, print names and values of all config items with matching section names. With --debug, the source (filename and line number) is printed for each config item. t untrustedR�isonly one config item permitteds%s: s%s=%s s N( R�RRER&R'Rt walkconfigtdebugtconfigsourceRA(RRRRR5R"tvtsectiontnametvaluetsectname((s./mercurial/commands.pyt showconfigs*? cCs^|ptt�}n|i�}z)|ii|i|�|i|��Wd|i�XdS(s�manually set the parents of the current working directory This is useful for writing repository conversion tools, but should be used with care. N(RRRRt setparentsRuR(RRR RR((s./mercurial/commands.pytdebugsetparentsAs)c CsRd}|}x�t|iii��D]�\}}|o{|ddjoGttidtid���}d}|| d|t|�}q�tidti|d��}n|dd @o d }nd|dd@}|id |d||d||f�q&Wx@|ii �D]/} |it d�|ii| �| f�qWdS(s)show the contents of the current dirstateR�ii����s%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S itunsetR9ii tlnks%3oi�s%c %s %10d %s%s iscopy: %s -> %s N(R�Rt_mapRREttimetstrftimet localtimeRAtcopiesRtcopied( RRtnodatesttimestrtshowdatetfile_tentt locale_lentmodeR!((s./mercurial/commands.pyt debugstateQs"! # ,cCs�|djo d}nxbt||ii��D]G\}}|id|�|id|d�|id|d�q1WdS(NR�spath %s s source %s is revision %s i(R>R�tsubstateR�RA(RRR0tkR9((s./mercurial/commands.pytdebugsubfs cCs�tititi�dt�|d d�}y#|i|i|i|���Wn,t j o ti td�|��nXdS(s)dump the contents of a data file revisionRi����s.isinvalid revision identifier %sN(RR&RR^RR{RAtrevisionRutKeyErrorR'R(RRLR0R((s./mercurial/commands.pyt debugdatans /#cKs�|doti|ti�}nti|�}|id|�|idti|��|o.ti|�}|id||d��ndS(sparse and display a datetextendedsinternal: %s %s s standard: %s s match: %s iN(R&RstextendeddateformatsRAR<t matchdate(RR*trangeRtdR ((s./mercurial/commands.pyt debugdatevscCs�tititi�dt�|�}|id�x�|D]�}|i|�}y|i|�}Wnt t g}nX|id||i |�|i|�|i|�|i |�t|�t|d�t|d�f�q;WdS(s"dump the contents of an index fileRsE rev offset length base linkrev nodeid p1 p2 s"% 6d % 9d % 7d % 6d % 7d %s %s %s iiN(RR&RR^RR{RAR2RvRtstarttlengthR�tlinkrevR(RRLRRR2tpp((s./mercurial/commands.pyt debugindex�s' 3cCs�tititi�dt�|�}|id�x�|D]�}|i|�}|i|�}|id|i |d�|f�|dt jo(|id|i |d�|f�q;q;W|id�dS(s(dump an index DAG as a graphviz dot fileRsdigraph G { s %d -> %d iis} N(RR&RR^RR{RAR2RvR0R(RRLRRR2R`((s./mercurial/commands.pyt debugindexdot�s' $,cCsd�}d}|itd�ti�ytid�WnFtij o7}|id|�|itd��|d7}nX|itd��y(d d k}d d k}d d k }WnVt j oJ}|id|�|itd��|itd��|d7}nX|itd ��y&d d k}|i|id��WnCt j o7}|id|�|itd��|d7}nX|itd��d}d} d} || �}t i| d | d tii|�tii|��}||�} h}y,ti| |dtii|�d|�WnPtij oA}|itd��|idt|�d�|d7}n�Xt|�tii|�gjo!|itd��|d7}nt|�i�} | | jo!|itd��|d7}n|oA|idd�o|itd��qY|itd��n||7}ti|�ti| �|itd��|i�}ti|�pti|i�d�}|po|djo*|itd ��|itd!��q;|itd"�|�|itd!��|d7}n|itd#��tiid$�}|d jo|idd%�}n|d jotiid&�}n|p.|i d�|i!�|itd'��n|p|itd(��n|itd)�|�|S(*stest Mercurial installationcSsEtidd�\}}ti|d�}|i|�|i�|S(NRZshg-debuginstall-twb(ttempfiletmkstempR^tfdopenRAR�(tcontentstfdR;R!((s./mercurial/commands.pyt writetemp�s isChecking encoding (%s)... ttests %s s* (check that your locale is properly set) isChecking extensions... i����Ns* One or more extensions could not be founds* (check that you compiled the extensions) sChecking templates... smap-cmdline.defaults5 (templates seem to have been installed incorrectly) sChecking patch... s1 2 3 4 s1 2 3 insert 4 tcwdRs patch call failed: R9s s unexpected patch output! s patch test failed! Rtpatchse (Current patch tool may be incompatible with patch, or misconfigured. Please check your .hgrc file) sY Internal patcher failure, please report this error to sChecking commit editor... tvis0 No commit editor set and can't find vi in PATH s. (specify a commit editor in your .hgrc file) s Can't find editor '%s' in PATH sChecking username... tHGUSERtusernametEMAILs) (specify a username in your .hgrc file) sNo problems detected s1%s problems detected, please check your install! ("RRR�R�R&R'RAtbdifftmpatchtbase85t Exceptiont templaterttemplatepathtmdifftunidiffR>R^R4RcRltdirnameR/R�R�treadtconfigR�t geteditorR�R�tenvironRR�Ro(RRitproblemstinstRqRrRsRut patchproblemsR�tbtfaR[RhRR�R�tcmdpathR,((s./mercurial/commands.pytdebuginstall�s� (!," ) cOs�||id�}ti||f||�}x�|i|�D]�}||}|i�i|i��} |i|�} | o2|it d�| | dt | d�f�q?|it d�| �q?WdS(sdump rename informationR0s%s renamed from %s:%s iis%s not renamed N(RRRRtfilelogtrenamedtfilenodeRRARR(RRR�RRRMR RNROR�R((s./mercurial/commands.pytdebugrename s 2cOs�ti|||�}t|i|��}|pdSndtg}|D]}|t|�qJ~�tg}|D]}|t|i|��qt~�f} xX|D]P}| ||i|�|i|�odpdf} |id| i ��q�WdS(s&show how files match on given patternsNsf %%-%ds %%-%ds %%sRR�s%s ( RRR�RRCRERRRAtrstrip(RRRRR R�R"RNRRtfmttline((s./mercurial/commands.pyt debugwalks*:3c Os�|id�}|id�}|o&|otd�}ti|��nM|o-|i|�}||i�di�}nti||�\}}ti |||�} t i|||d| dt i||��} x| D]}|i |�q�WdS(s�diff repository (or selected files) Show differences between revisions for the specified files. Differences between files are shown using the unified diff format. NOTE: diff may generate unexpected results for merges, as it will default to comparing against the working directory's first parent changeset if no revisions are specified. When two revision arguments are given, then changes are shown between those revisions. If only one revision is specified then that revision is compared to the working directory, and, when no revisions are specified, the working directory files are compared to its parent. Without the -a/--text option, diff will avoid generating diffs of files it detects as binary. With -a, diff will generate a diff anyway, probably with undesirable results. Use the -g/--git option to generate diffs in the git extended diff format. For more information, read 'hg help diffs'. R0tchanges2cannot specify --rev and --change at the same timeiRRN(RRR&R'RuRvR2RtrevpairRRltdifftdiffoptsRA(RRRRR�R�tmsgtnode2tnode1R tittchunk((s./mercurial/commands.pyR�(s-cOs�|ptitd���nti||�}t|�djo|itd��n|itd��ti||d|i d�d|i d�dti ||��d S( sGdump the header and diffs for one or more changesets Print the changeset header and diffs for one or more revisions. The information shown in the changeset header is: author, changeset hash, parent(s) and commit comment. NOTE: export may generate unexpected diff output for merge changesets, as it will compare the merge changeset against its first parent only. Output may be to a file, in which case the name of the file is given using a format string. The formatting rules are as follows:: %% literal "%" character %H changeset hash (40 bytes of hexadecimal) %N number of patches being generated %R changeset revision number %b basename of the exporting repository %h short-form changeset hash (12 bytes of hexadecimal) %n zero-padded sequence number, starting at 1 %r zero-padded changeset revision number Without the -a/--text option, export will avoid generating diffs of files it detects as binary. With -a, export will generate a diff anyway, probably with undesirable results. Use the -g/--git option to generate diffs in the git extended diff format. See 'hg help diffs' for more information. With the --switch-parent option, the diff will be against the second parent. It can be useful to review a merge. s&export requires at least one changesetisexporting patches: sexporting patch: ttemplateR�t switch_parentRN(R&R'RRtrevrangeREtnoteRltexportRR�(RRR�RR�((s./mercurial/commands.pyR�Rs"cOsD|ptitd���nti|||�}|id|dt�}t|d|d|d|d�}xe|i�D]W}||i joAt ii|i |��o$|itd�|i |��q�q�WxM|D]E}|ip|i|�o$|itd �|i |��q�q�W|i|d t�dS(sbforget the specified files on the next commit Mark the specified files so they will no longer be tracked after the next commit. This only removes files from the current branch, not from the entire project history, and it does not delete them from the working directory. To undo a forget before the next commit, see hg add. sno files specifiedRRziiiis+not removing %s: file is already untracked sremoving %s R�N(R&R'RRRRR~R�RRR^R4tisdirRR�RRtremoveR{(RRRRR tstforgetR!((s./mercurial/commands.pyR�s ( -(c!s�d}� id�o|tiO}nyti||��Wn0tj o$}� itd�|�dSnXd\��� id�od��nti �i �}�fd��d tfd ��Y�h�h}���fd�} d������� � fd �} h}h}ti�fd���t i� �|�� �\} }t}� id�}x>| D]6\}}}|djo�i�|i�qz|djo��|}|i�d}|i�}�i|h��i|h�|i|g�}x�|D]Z}||�}y|i|�}Wntij o qnX|i|�}|o|o|d}|o||i|h�|<n||jo|ot||<qqn|i|��|i|�p| |||i|��n|p|}�|i|�pIy,|i|�}| |||i|��Wqttij oqtXqqWqz|djo'�|i�di�}x t|i|g��D]�}�||}|i|h�i|�}||jo|ot||<q�q�n�i|h�i|p|g�}|p|oa| ||||�} |p| }| o4� id�o#t||<|ot||<q�q�q�q�WqzqzWdS(ssearch for a pattern in specified files and revisions Search revisions of files for a regular expression. This command behaves differently than Unix grep. It only accepts Python/Perl regexps. It searches repository history, not the working directory. It always prints the revision number in which a match appears. By default, grep only prints output for the first revision of a file in which it finds a match. To get it to print every revision that contains a change in match status ("-" for a match that becomes a non-match, or "+" for a non-match that becomes a match), use the --all flag. itignore_cases grep: invalid match pattern: %s t:s tprint0tc3s�d}d}x�to��i||�}|pPn|i�\}}||id||�d7}|id||�dp|}|id|�dp t|�}|d}||||||||!fVqWdS(Nis i(R~tsearchtspantcounttrfindtfindRE(tbodytbegintlinenumRtmstarttmendtlstarttlend(tregexp(s./mercurial/commands.pyt matchlines�s # t linestatecBs#eZd�Zd�Zd�ZRS(cSs(||_||_||_||_dS(N(R�R�tcolstarttcolend(tselfR�R�R�R�((s./mercurial/commands.pyt__init__�s cSst|i|if�S(N(thashR�R�(R�((s./mercurial/commands.pyt__hash__�scSs|i|ijS(N(R�(R�R�((s./mercurial/commands.pyt__eq__�s(t__name__t __module__R�R�R�(((s./mercurial/commands.pyR��s c sk�|i|g��||}xB�|�D]4\}}}}�||||�}|i|�q/WdS(N(t setdefaultR( tfnR0R�R tlnumtcstarttcendR�R�(tmatchesR�R�(s./mercurial/commands.pytgrepbody�s c sstid||�}x�|i�D]�\}}}}}|djo-x�t||�D]}d||fVqTWq"|djo-x�t||�D]}d||fVq�Wq"|djoVx&t||�D]}d||fVq�Wx*t||�D]}d||fVq�Wq"q"WdS(NR�t+tdeleteR[treplace(tdifflibtSequenceMatcherR>tget_opcodestxrange( R�R�tsmR�talotahitblotbhiR((s./mercurial/commands.pytdifflinestates�s$ c s��io tipti}t}h}�id�o�||�}n(g}|D]} |d| fqW~}xC|D];\} } |t|�g}�id�o|it| i��n�id�o|i| �n�id�o$|i�i �|�d��n�id�o!|i|�|�d��n�id�o.||f}||joqznd||<n|i| i ��i�i|���t }qzW|S( NRkR�R5R,iR*itfiles_with_matches(R:R&R;R<R{RR/RR�R-R�RARGR~( R�RtpstateststatesR+tfoundtfilerevmatchestiterR"RUR�tcolsR (tsepR�RteolRR(s./mercurial/commands.pytdisplay�s4'$! cs�|i�S((R1(R(R(s./mercurial/commands.pyR sR3twindowRR�RkN(R�s (RtretItcompileRtR�RR>R&tlrucachefunctfiletobjectR=RtwalkchangerevsR{tclearRvR0R�R�R3tLookupErrorR�R~Rthas_keyRzR�(!RRtpatternRRtreflagsRtgetfileRGR�R�R�trevfilest changeiterRgR�R3tstR0tfnsRMtpctxRiRR�tflogtfnodeRHR}tpfnR�R�R((R�R�R�R�RR�R�RR�RRs./mercurial/commands.pytgrep�s� ! % cOs9|id�o|i|d�}nd }|id�}|id�d }}|p3|otitd���n|i|�}nd|o|i|�}ng}t�} x7|D]/} || i�}|| joq�n| i |�|i ||d|�}|p�|id�p|itd�|�q�|| jo-|itd�|| |id�f�q�|itd�||id�f�n|o6g} |D]}||jo| |q�q�~ }n|i|�q�W|pdSnt i|||�}x|D]}|i||�qWd S( s show current repository heads or show branch heads With no arguments, show all repository head changesets. Repository "heads" are changesets that don't have child changesets. They are where development generally takes place and are the usual targets for update and merge operations. If one or more REV is given, the "branch heads" will be shown for the named branch associated with that revision. The name of the branch is called the revision's branch tag. Branch heads are revisions on a given named branch that do not have any descendants on the same branch. A branch head could be a true head or it could be the last changeset on a branch before a new branch was created. If none of the branch heads are true heads, the branch is considered inactive. If -c/--closed is specified, also show branch heads marked closed (see hg commit --close-branch). If STARTREV is specified only those heads (or branch heads) that are descendants of STARTREV will be displayed. R0R�R�s)you must specify a branch to use --closeds"no open branch heads on branch %s s<no changes on branch %s containing %s are reachable from %s changes on branch %s are reachable from %s iN(RRuR>R3R'RR�R�RxRR�R�textendRR�R�(RRt branchrevsRR]R�thideinactivet_headsR�t visitedsett branchrevRxtbheadsR"tbheadR�RS((s./mercurial/commands.pyR�JsJ 6cs�g�ti�d����fd��������fd�}d����fd����fd�}���fd�}�ox�djokd}xM|||fD]<}y|��d}PWq�tij o}|}q�Xq�W|o |�q|ns�ip�ot��n�itd���id ��djotd �} n td�} �| �g} x��D]�\}}| i d|df�x�|D]�\} }}}d |jo�ioq�n| i d| od| |od|fd||otd�|pdff�q�Wq�W�p��i td��g}xmtiD]b\}} }g}|D]�|t ���fq�~}|i�|i |dd| f�qkWtg}|D]}|t |d�q�~�}x2|D]&\}}�i d|||f�q Wn| o�tg}| D]&}|do|t |d�qLqL~pdg�}xd| D]X\}}|o4ti||d�}�i d|||f�q��i d|�q�WndS(s�show help for a given topic or a help overview With no arguments, print a list of commands with short help messages. Given a topic, extension, or command name, print help for that topic.ics��ioG�itd�tf��djo�itd�d f�q�nn�djotd�}n>|o&td��od�pd}ntd��}�i|d f�dS(Nsglobal options:t shortlists+use "hg help" for the full list of commandssBuse "hg help" for the full list of commands or "hg -v" for detailss5use "hg -v help%s" to show aliases and global optionsR9R�s*use "hg -v help %s" to show global options(((RRRR(RR�(R;toption_listsR(s./mercurial/commands.pyt addglobalopts�s c s��ot���id�nyti|tt�\}}WnKtij o<}|id��fd�}�t d�|�dSnXt |�djoP|did�o�id|d�q�id|d|df�n�id |d��io;t |�d jo(�it d�di |d ��nt|di�}|pt d �}n�io|i�d}n�idti|����ip:|d o!�it d�|d f�n�t�ndS(Ns ics|id�i��S(R(tlstript startswith(R (RZ(s./mercurial/commands.pyR �sslist of commands: iRys%s s hg %s %s shg %s is aliases: %s s, s(no help text available)s %s s options: (tversion_RARRRR{R3tAmbiguousCommandRRRER�R:RGRt__doc__t splitlinestminirsttformatR(R;RRRtselecttdoc(t textwidthR�twith_versionR�thelplistR(RZs./mercurial/commands.pythelpcmd�s6 #( !cs�h}h}xUti�D]G\}}|idd�d}|o||�oqn|o(�djo|ditjoqn�djo|id�oqn|id�}�io|id�oqn|di}|od|jo�i oqnt |�}|ptd�}n|i�di �||<|id�||<qW|p�itd ��dSn�i|�t|�}ttt|��} x{|D]s}�i o5||idd �} �id| ||f�q��id| |ti||| d �f�q�W�djoYti�\}}titd�||�} | o!�idti| ���q�n�ip�t�ndS(NRiiR�RR7t DEPRECATEDs(no help text available)sno commands defined s, s %s: %s s %-*s %s isenabled extensions:s %s (RRR�R�R�R�R�R�R�RRRRR�RR�RCRDRER�RAR&twrapt extensionstenabledthelptlistextsRRR:R~(theaderRthtcmdsR R�R!RR�R tcommandstextst maxlengthR7(RR�R;R(s./mercurial/commands.pyR�sT 2 % cs�x;tiD]!\}}}||joPq q Wti|��|ptd�}nt|d�o |�}n�id|��idti|���dS(Ns(no help text available)t__call__s%s s%s ( R t helptableR3tUnknownCommandRthasattrRARR(R;RRR(RR(s./mercurial/commands.pyt helptopic�s c s_yti|�}Wn"tj oti|��nXt|i�p td�}d|jo|d}}n|idd�\}}�i td�|id�d|f�|o*�i t i|����id�ny |i }Wntj o h}nXtg}|D]}||id d�d q~�}�td�|i�dS(Nsno help text availables R�is%s extension - %s R�i����s Rislist of commands: (RR�RUR3RRR�RR�RARRRtcmdtabletAttributeErrorR�t__contains__( R;tmodRtheadttailtctR"R tmodcmds(RRR(s./mercurial/commands.pythelpexts$ * 7R�sMercurial Distributed SCM s sbasic commands: slist of commands: s %sR s%2s%ss-%ss --%ss%s%ss (default: %s)R�s additional help topics: iis %-*s %s is%s N(R&t termwidthR>R3RRR�RRRRAR RREtsortRCR (RR;RRRR"RR!RRt opt_outputttitleRtshortopttlongoptR�tdescttopicsRRR"RRR�t topics_lenRRWR�topts_lentfirsttsecond((RR�RR�RR;Rs./mercurial/commands.pythelp_�sx+/ . 1"Jc Cs�|o!|otitd���n|iotpt}|p|p|p|} g} g}|o:ti|i|�g�\}}}ti ||�}n|i �pr|o|o|d}n|p d}n|p|p|otid��n||i|��g} no|p|d } | i �}t}| p|p|o| i�| i�}n| p|oUddig}|D]}|||i��q�~�|odpdfg} n|oY| iddig}|D]}|t|i��q�~�|odpdf�q�nV||} | p|o|| i��g} n|o| it| i���n|i �oz| os|iohti| i��}|djo| id |�nd i| i��}|o| i|�qn|o | iti| i���n|o| i| i��n|iddi| ��d S(sidentify the working copy or specified revision With no revision, print a summary of the current state of the repository. Specifying a path to a repository root or Mercurial bundle will cause lookup to operate on that repository/bundle. This summary identifies the repository state using one or two parent hash identifiers, followed by a "+" if there are uncommitted changes in the working directory, a list of tags for this revision and a branch name for non-default branches. s5There is no Mercurial repository here (.hg not found)iR�s3can't query remote revision number, branch, or tagss%s%sR�R�R�s(%s)t/s%s R9N(R&R'RR�RRRyR�R�R�tlocalRuR>RvR{RtdeletedRGR2RR/R0R:R�R�RxttagsR�RA(RRR�R0tnumtidRxR3R�R�R�R�R�RMRvtchangedR"RXRRR�R((s./mercurial/commands.pytidentifyds^$ 6<! cOs�|f|}|id�}|oti|�|d<ny t|id�pd�}Wn(tj otitd���nX|djp |djotitd���n|id�p|id�oti|�n|d }|d }d} } z�|i �} |i�} x�|D]�}ti i||�}|djo |itd��ti}n*|itd �|�ti||�}ti||�} | \}}}}}}}}|djotitd���nz�ti|�}|o |}n|o|i�}nd}|itd�|�|i�}|id�o�|p|otitd���n|i|�}|i|p tt��}||di�joti||�n|i i!||�nu|omyP|i|�}|i|�}||di�jo|i i!||�nWqnt"i#j oqnXn|id�p|id�o|i i$|pd�nh}z/ti||d |d|i%d|dd�Wdti&|||d|d�}X|id�p�ti'||pg�}|i(||id�p||id�p|d|dti)�}|id�o:t|�|jo#|i*�titd���q�n|i i+�nWdti,|�Xq*WWdt-| | �XdS(s�import an ordered set of patches Import a list of patches and commit them individually. If there are outstanding changes in the working directory, import will abort unless given the -f/--force flag. You can import a patch straight from a mail message. Even patches as attachments work (to use the body part, it must have type text/plain or text/x-patch). From and Subject headers of email message are used as default committer and commit message. All text/plain body parts before first diff are added to commit message. If the imported patch was generated by hg export, user and description from patch override values from message headers and body. Values given on command line with -m/--message and -u/--user override these. If --exact is specified, import will set the working directory to the parent of each patch before applying it, and will abort if the resulting changeset has a different ID than the one recorded in the patch. This may happen due to character set problems or other deficiencies in the text patch format. With -s/--similarity, hg will attempt to discover renames and copies in the patch in the same way as 'addremove'. To read a patch from standard input, use "-" as the patch name. If a URL is specified, the patch will be downloaded from it. See 'hg help dates' for a list of formats valid for -d/--date. R*R#issimilarity must be a numberids$similarity must be between 0 and 100RR�R�RR[sapplying patch from stdin sapplying %s sno diffs foundsmessage: %s snot a Mercurial patcht import_branchR�RkRteolmodeNgY@t no_commitR,RR�s%patch is damaged or loses information(.RR&RsR$R%R'RRRtR>RtlockR^R4RGRRatstdinturlR�Rltextractt logmessageRR7RvRuRRR2RyRzRR?R3t RepoErrorR|R`t updatedirt matchfilesR�R�trollbackRAR�R(RRtpatch1tpatchesRR*R)R[RRR;RXtpfR@ttmpnameRmR,RxtnodeidR�R�tcmdline_messagetwpRR RS((s./mercurial/commands.pytimport_�s�! ! R�cKsKti|�}ti|i|�|id��\}}}titi||�|�}|it d�t i|��|o.g}|D]} ||i| �q�~}n|i |d|d|d�\} }}|p:yti|d�WnnX|it d��dSnd} z�|d}|p|i�o�|djo|id�o |}n|djo|i|d �}n|i||d �}|i�od pd}ti|||�}} |do d} n|i�pti||i|�}qn|ii||�d}|id �o|i�nti|||�}d}x�|D]�}||joPng}|ii|�D]}|tjo||q�q�~}|id�ot|�djoqmn|d7}|i ||�qmWWdt!|d�o|i"�n| oti| �nXdS(s�show new changesets found in source Show new changesets found in the specified path/URL or the default pull location. These are the changesets that would have been pulled if a pull at the time you issued this command. For remote repository, using --bundle avoids downloading the changesets twice if the incoming is followed by a pull. See pull for valid source format details. R0scomparing with %s R�R�R�sno changes found iR�tincomingR�R�itnewest_firstt no_mergesiNR�(#RtloglimitRyR�R�RR�R�RRR=thidepasswordRutfindcommonincomingR^R�R>R1tcapableR�R�R�t bundlerepotbundlerepositoryR`RptnodesbetweenR�R�RvRRER�RR�(RRR�RtlimitR�R�R�R"R0tcommonRLtrheadstcleanupR�R�R�R�R�R�RSRRRXRv((s./mercurial/commands.pyRL/s`- . ># cKs&titi||�|dd�dS(sWcreate a new repository in the given directory Initialize a new repository in the given directory. If the given directory does not exist, it will be created. If no directory is given, the current directory is used. It is possible to specify an ssh:// URL as the destination. See 'hg help urls' for more information. tcreateiN(RyR�RR�(RRfR((s./mercurial/commands.pytinittsc Os�|id�odpd}|id�pd}d}ti|||dd�}d�|_x�||i|�D]}|o||ijoqtn|id �o|i|i|�|�n(|i|o|i |�p||�d }qtW|S(s�locate files matching specific patterns Print files under Mercurial control in the working directory whose names match the given patterns. By default, this command searches all directories in the working directory. To search just the current directory and its subdirectories, use "--include .". If no patterns are given to match, this command prints the names of all files under Mercurial control in the working directory. If you want to feed the output of this command into the "xargs" command, use the -0 option to both this command and "xargs". This will avoid the problem of "xargs" treating single filenames that contain whitespace as multiple filenames. R�R�s R0iR�trelglobcSstS((R{(R R ((s./mercurial/commands.pyR �stfullpathiN( RR>RRRRRRAtwjoinR( RRRRtendR0tretR RN((s./mercurial/commands.pytlocate�s' cs-ti�fd��}ti|�|||�\}}ti|�}d}|id�o9|id�o)tti�|id���d�n t���h�h�����fd�} t } |doti |d�} n|id�}ti|�|t|�}x |D]\} }}| d jo�g}�i i|�D]}|tjo||qSqS~}|id �ot|�djoq n|id�ot|�djoq n|o,||�d d}||joq qn| o,||�}| |dd�pq q4n|id�o�||�}d}x�g}|dD]}||i�qh~D]_}||di�jp4||di�jp|di|d�i�jpd}Pq�q�W|oq q�n|doR||�}g}|dD]"}||djo||qq~pq qTng}|id�oW|oPxM||�dD]7}| ||�}|o|i||df�q�q�Wn|iti�|�d|�q | djo4||joPn|i|�o|d7}q%q q WdS(s�show revision history of entire repository or files Print the revision history of the specified files or the entire project. File history is shown without following rename or copy history of files. Use -f/--follow with a filename to follow history across renames and copies. --follow without a filename will only show ancestors or descendants of the starting revision. --follow-first only follows the first parent of merge revisions. If no revision range is specified, the default is tip:0 unless --follow is set, in which case the working directory parent is used as the starting revision. See 'hg help dates' for a list of formats valid for -d/--date. By default this command prints revision number and changeset id, tags, non-trivial parents, user, date and time, and a summary for each commit. When the -v/--verbose switch is used, the list of changed files and full commit message are shown. NOTE: log -p/--patch may generate unexpected diff output for merge changesets, as it will only compare the merge changeset against its first parent. Also, only files different from BOTH parents will appear in files:. cs�|i�S((R1(R(R(s./mercurial/commands.pyR �siRGR0ics�|�jo�h�|<h�|<�i|�}xx|D]l}|i|�}|i|�}|i|�}|�||<|o|�||<n|�joPq7q7Wn|�|jo�||Sny�||i�SWntij onXdS(s�looks up all renames for a file (up to endrev) the first time the file is given. It indexes on the changerev and only parses the manifest if linkrev != changerev. Returns rename info for fn at changerev rev.N(R�R2R_R�R3R�R>(R�R0tflRR2tlrR�(tendrevtrcachetncacheR(s./mercurial/commands.pyt getrenamed�s* R*tonly_branchRRNitonly_mergesiRxtkeywordiR9iR,R�N(R&R=RR�RORRCR�RER{RYR�R~RpRRR�RGRR�tcontextt changectxtflush(RRRRRR�RgRVR�Rgtdft only_branchesR�R�R0R�R"RXRvt revbranchtchangestmissRRtkwRRRWRGR�trename((RdReRRfs./mercurial/commands.pytlog�sx! ) !## , ;## cCs�|o |otitd���n|p |}nhdd<dd<dd<}||}xv|D]n}|io%|idt|i�|��n|io|i||i|��n|id |�qjWd S(s�output the current or given revision of the project manifest Print a list of version controlled files for the given revision. If no revision is given, the first parent of the working directory is used, or the null revision if no revision is checked out. With -v, print file permissions, symlink and executable bits. With --debug, print file revision hashes. s please specify just one revisions644 @ RUs755 * R s644 R�s%40s s%s N( R&R'RR�RARR*Rtflags(RRR2R0tdecorRMR!((s./mercurial/commands.pyR*"s ! % cKsy|id�o |otitd���n|p|id�}n|p_|id�i�}|i|�}t|�djo)titd�|t|�f��n|i i �d}t|�djo�t|i��djotitd�|��ntd�}||i|di��jotd �|}nti|��n||jotitd ���n||djo|dp|d}n|id�o�|d }||} |i | �} | i�g| i�g}}ti|||�} x8|iid|d|�dD]}| i||�q7WdSnti||d|id��S(s�merge working directory with another revision The current working directory is updated with all changes made in the requested revision since the last common predecessor revision. Files that changed between either parent are marked as changed for the next commit and a commit must be performed before any further updates to the repository are allowed. The next commit will have two parents. If no revision is specified, the working directory's parent is a head revision, and the current branch contains exactly one other head, the other head is merged with by default. Otherwise, an explicit revision with which to merge with must be provided. R0s please specify just one revisionis<branch '%s' has %d heads - please merge with an explicit reviis<branch '%s' has one head - please merge with an explicit revsthere is nothing to merges%s - use "hg update" insteadsMworking dir not at a head rev - use "hg update" or merge with an explicit revi����tpreviewR�trootsR�R�N(RR&R'RRlR>RxR�RERRvR�RuRwR2RR�RpRUR�RyRr(RRR2RRxR�RiR�R�R�RWRyR�R�((s./mercurial/commands.pyRr<sB * cKs�ti|�}ti|i|pd|pd�|id��\}}}|o.g}|D]}||i|�q_~}ntiti||�|�} |i t d�ti|��|i | d|id��} | p|i t d��dSn|ii| |�d} |id �o| i�nti|||�}d}x�| D]�} ||joPng}|ii| �D]}|tjo||q�q�~}|id �ot|�djoqYn|d7}|i|| �qYWdS( sshow changesets not found in destination Show changesets not found in the specified destination repository or the default push location. These are the changesets that would be pushed if a push was requested. See pull for valid destination format details. sdefault-pushR�R0scomparing with %s R�sno changes found iiRMRNiN(RRORyR�R�RRuR�R�RRR=RPR�RpRUR�R�RvRRER�(RRRfRRVR�R�R"R0R�R�R�R�RSRRRXRv((s./mercurial/commands.pytoutgoingvs2 8. ># c Ks�|id�}|o||}n|d}|o8ti||f|�}|i�pt|i��djotit d���n|i�d}g}xU|i �D]G}|pq�ny|i|i|��Wq�t ij oq�Xq�W|ptit d�|��n|i|�} g} |D](}| |i| i| i|���q8~ }n.g} |i �D]}| |i�q~~ }ti|||�}x0|D](}|tjo|i||�q�q�WdS(stshow the parents of the working directory or revision Print the working directory's parent revisions. If a revision is given via -r/--rev, the parent of that revision will be printed. If a file argument is given, the revision in which the file was last changed (before the working directory revision or the argument to --rev if given) is printed. R0is%can only specify an explicit filenameis'%s' not found in manifest!N(RR>RRtanypatsRERR&R'RRvRR�R3R�R�RuR_R0R2R�RR�(RRRLRR0RMR t filenodestcpRbR"R�RXRRR�RS((s./mercurial/commands.pyRv�s8 & @- cCs�|ojxL|id�D];\}}||jo"|idti|��dSqqW|itd��dSnAx=|id�D],\}}|id|ti|�f�q�WdS(s[show aliases for remote repositories Show definition of symbolic path name NAME. If no name is given, show definition of all available names. Path names are defined in the [paths] section of /etc/mercurial/hgrc and $HOME/.hgrc. If run inside a repository, .hg/hgrc is used, too. See 'hg help urls' for more information. tpathss%s Nsnot found! is%s = %s (tconfigitemsRAR=RPR�R(RRR�R;R4((s./mercurial/commands.pyR~�s cCs�|djodSn|oX|djpt|i��djp|oti||�Sqt|itd��n|djo|itd��n|itd��dS(Niis$not updating, since new heads added s3(run 'hg heads' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge) s((run 'hg update' to get a working copy) (RER�RyR�RR(RRtmodheadst optupdateR�((s./mercurial/commands.pytpostincoming�s - cKsti|i|�|id��\}}}titi||�|�}|itd�t i |��|ofy.g}|D]}||i|�q�~}Wq�ti j o"td�} ti| ��q�Xn|i|d|d|id��} t||| |id�|�S(s�pull changes from the specified source Pull changes from a remote repository to a local one. This finds all changes from the repository at the specified path or URL and adds them to a local repository (the current one unless -R is specified). By default, this does not update the copy of the project in the working directory. Use hg incoming if you want to see what would have been added by a pull at the time you issued this command. If you then decide to added those changes to the repository, you should use pull -r X where X is the last changeset listed by hg incoming. If SOURCE is omitted, the 'default' path will be used. See 'hg help urls' for more information. R0spulling from %s sOOther repository doesn't support revision lookup, so a rev cannot be specified.R�R�R�(RyR�R�RR�RR�RRR=RPRuR3tCapabilityErrorR&R'R�R�(RRR�RR�R�R�R"R0R�R�((s./mercurial/commands.pyR��s- .$c Ks%ti|i|pd|pd�|id��\}}}titi||�|�}|itd�t i |��|o.g}|D]}||i|�q�~}n|d} | i} x3t | �D]%}| i|�i|id��q�W|i||id�d|�}|djS( spush changes to the specified destination Push changes from the local repository to the given destination. This is the symmetrical operation for pull. It moves changes from the current repository to a different one. If the destination is local this is identical to a pull in that directory from the current one. By default, push will refuse to run if it detects the result would increase the number of remote heads. This generally indicates the user forgot to pull and merge before pushing. If -r/--rev is used, the named revision and all its ancestors will be pushed to the remote repository. Please see 'hg help urls' for important details about ssh:// URLs. If DESTINATION is omitted, a default path will be used. sdefault-pushR�R0spushing to %s R�R�R�i(RyR�R�RR�RR�RRR=RPRuRQR�tsubtpush( RRRfRR�R�R�R"R0R tsubsR�R((s./mercurial/commands.pyR� s8 . #!cCs"|i�oti|�SndS(s�roll back an interrupted transaction Recover from an interrupted commit or pull. This command tries to fix the repository status after an interrupted operation. It should only be necessary when Mercurial suggests it. i(trecoverRytverify(RR((s./mercurial/commands.pyR�( s c s&|id�|id�}}|o!|otitd���nti|||��|id�dt�}|d|d|d|d f\}}} } xe�i�D]W}||i joAt ii�i |��o$�itd ��i |��q�q�W��fd�}|o|| | |} }nk|o,| g} }|||| td��n8| | g} }||td ��||td��xWt| |�D]E}�ip�i|�o$�itd��i |��q�q�W|i|�|i| d|�dS(s�remove the specified files on the next commit Schedule the indicated files for removal from the repository. This only removes files from the current branch, not from the entire project history. -A/--after can be used to remove only files that have already been deleted, -f/--force can be used to force deletion, and -Af can be used to remove files from the next revision without deleting them from the working directory. The following table details the behavior of remove for different file states (columns) and option combinations (rows). The file states are Added [A], Clean [C], Modified [M] and Missing [!] (as reported by hg status). The actions are Warn, Remove (from branch) and Delete (from disk):: A C M ! none W RD W R -f R RD RD R -A W W W R -Af R R R R This command schedules the files to be removed at the next commit. To undo a remove before that, see hg revert. tafterR�sno files specifiedRRziiiis#not removing %s: file is untracked cs;x4|D],}�itd��i|�|f�qWdS(Ns3not removing %s: file %s (use -f to force removal) (R�RR(RtreasonR!(R R(s./mercurial/commands.pyR�\ ssstill existssis modifiedshas been marked for addsremoving %s R�N(RR&R'RRRRR~RRR^R4R�RR�R�RRR�R�(RRRRR�R�R�tmodifiedtaddedR2RzR!R�R�R�((R Rs./mercurial/commands.pyR�5 s2. -( ( c OsA|it�}z ti||||dt�SWd|i�XdS(srename files; equivalent of copy + remove Mark dest as copies of sources; mark sources for deletion. If dest is a directory, copies are put in that directory. If dest is a file, there can only be one source. By default, this command copies the contents of files as they exist in the working directory. If invoked with -A/--after, the operation is recorded, but no copying is performed. This command takes effect at the next commit. To undo a rename before that, see hg revert. RtN(RR{RR}R~R(RRRRR((s./mercurial/commands.pyRtr s cOs�g}di�D]}||i|�q~\}}}} | o|p|p|o |otitd���n|o |otitd���n|p|p| p|p|ptitd���nti|�} ti|||�}x�| D]�}||�o�| o%|i d| |i �|f�q�|o| i|d�q�|o| i|d�q�|d} | i �d}|i|�}ti||d �| i|| |�ti|d |d �qqWdS(s�retry file merges from a merge or update This command will cleanly retry unresolved file merges using file revisions preserved from the last update or merge. To attempt to resolve all unresolved files, use the -a/--all switch. If a conflict is resolved manually, please note that the changes will be overwritten if the merge is retried with resolve. The -m/--mark switch should be used to mark the file as resolved. This command also allows listing resolved files and manually indicating whether or not files are resolved. All files must be marked as resolved before a commit is permitted. The codes used to show the status of files are:: U = unresolved R = resolved sall mark unmark liststoo many options specifieds can't specify --all and patternssAno files or directories specified; use --all to remerge all filess%s %s Rtui����s.resolves.origN(R�RR&R'Rtmerge_t mergestateRRRAtuppertmarkR>RvR^tcopyfiletresolveRt(RRRRR"R�RkR�tunmarkR�tmsR R!twctxtmctxR�((s./mercurial/commands.pyR�� s0<## % c#s+� doE� dotitd���nti��� d�� d<n|o*� id�otitd���n�ii�\}}� id�o&|tjotitd���n�� id���i �}�i �}||jo |}nd}h��i�} z�ti �|� ��d��_x9�i��D](��i���i��f��<q\W���fd�} ti �|� ��| �_xN�|i��D]9���jo&�i���i��f��<q�q�Wti�����id ��d }tt|�\}} }}�i�}xu| D]m}�ii|�}|oN|�joA�i|djo-|i|��i||�tf�|<qbqbW�fd�}gtd �f}gtd�f}g|f}gtd�f}|||ttf| ||ttf||dttf|||ttff}x�t�i��D]�\�\��|i��}�i�������� �fd�}xz|D]`\}}}}}�|joq�n|o|||�n|dj o|||�nPq�W��ijoA|o||t�q��o�itd���q�q�n||jo)�o�itd���q�q�n|djo�|i �}n�|jo]|oE|�|jp|i ��|i ��jo||t�qLqP||t�q�q�W� id�p���fd�} ti!�i"�}!x�|dD]{}�i|djo�ii#|�q�n|!|�yti$�i|��Wnt%j onX�ii&|�q�Wd}"||jo-|tjo�ii'}"qR�ii(}"nx1|dD]%}| |�|"o|"|�q]q]Wx,|dD] }| |��ii|�q�W�ii'}"||jo|tjo�ii(}"nx*|dD]}| |�|"|�q�WnWd| i)�XdS(s�restore individual files or directories to an earlier state (Use update -r to check out earlier revisions, revert does not change the working directory parents.) With no revision specified, revert the named files or directories to the contents they had in the parent of the working directory. This restores the contents of the affected files to an unmodified state and unschedules adds, removes, copies, and renames. If the working directory has two parents, you must explicitly specify the revision to revert to. Using the -r/--rev option, revert the given files or directories to their contents as of a specific revision. This can be helpful to "roll back" some or all of an earlier change. See 'hg help dates' for a list of formats valid for -d/--date. Revert modifies the working directory. It does not commit any changes, or change the parent of the working directory. If you revert to a revision other than the parent of the working directory, the reverted files will thus appear modified afterwards. If a file has been deleted, it is restored. If the executable mode of a file was changed, it is reset. If names are given, all files matching the names are reverted. If no arguments are given, no files are reverted. Modified files are saved with a .orig suffix before reverting. To disable these backups, use --no-backup. R*R0s'you can't specify a revision and a dateRksEno files or directories specified; use --all to revert the whole repos6uncommitted merge - please provide a specific revisioncSstS((R{(R R ((s./mercurial/commands.pyR scsl|�jodSn|d}x&�D]}|i|�odSq&q&W�id�i|�|f�dS(NR0s%s: %s (R�R�R(R4R�tpath_R!(R RR(s./mercurial/commands.pytbadfn s RiRcs,�i|djotd�Sntd�S(NR�sforgetting %s sremoving %s (RR(RN(R(s./mercurial/commands.pytremoveforget! ss reverting %s s adding %s sundeleting %s cs�|di��|op�id�o_ti��oOd�}�itd��|f��id�pti�|�q�n�ip�o?|d}t|t �p|��}n�i |��ndS(NiRls%s.origs#saving current version of %s as %s Ri(RRR&tlexistsR�RR�Rt isinstancet basestringR(txlisttdobackuptbaknameR�(RNRRRRttarget(s./mercurial/commands.pythandle; s( sfile not managed: %s sno changes needed to %s Rcs-�|}�i||i�|i��dS(N(twwriteR@Rv(R!tfc(RRM(s./mercurial/commands.pyR�j s iR�N(*R&R'RRtfinddateRRRvRR2R*R>RRRRRRRBRRDR�RRHRtpathtoR~R{R�R�R^R�Rvtpath_auditorR`R�R�tOSErrorR�tnormallookuptnormalR(#RRRRRiR�R2tmftpmfRR�RqR�R�tremovedR2RkR!tsrcR�RRR�tundeletet disptabletmfentryR�Rthitlisttmisslistt backuphitt backupmissR�t audit_pathR�(( RMRRNRRRR�R RRs./mercurial/commands.pyR� s�"! & *( $ " cCs|i�dS(s?roll back the last transaction This command should be used with care. There is only one level of rollback, and there is no way to undo a rollback. It will also restore the dirstate at the time of the last transaction, losing any dirstate changes since that time. This command does not alter the working directory. Transactions are used to encapsulate the effects of all commands that create new changesets or propagate existing changesets into a repository. For example, the following commands are transactional, and their effects can be rolled back:: commit import pull push (with this repository as destination) unbundle This command is not intended for use on public repositories. Once changes are visible for pull by other users, rolling a transaction back locally is ineffective (someone else may already have pulled the changes). Furthermore, a race is possible with readers of the repository; for example an in-progress pull from the repository may fail if a rollback is performed. N(RC(RR((s./mercurial/commands.pyRC� scCs|i|id�dS(ssprint the root (top) of the current working directory Print the root directory of the current repository. s N(RAR`(RR((s./mercurial/commands.pyR`� sc s�|doF�d jotitd���nti���}|i�n�o �ip��d}x�|i�D]{}|i|d �ob�i d|t ||���d j o4�i�jo$�ii d|t ||��q�q{q{W�d jo-�idd�otitd���ndt f���fd��Y}|�}ti|d|id |i�d S(s�export the repository via HTTP Start a local HTTP repository browser and pull server. By default, the server logs accesses to stdout and errors to stderr. Use the -A/--accesslog and -E/--errorlog options to log to files. tstdios5There is no Mercurial repository here (.hg not found)saname templates style address port prefix ipv6 accesslog errorlog webdir_conf certificate encodingtwebtwebdir_conftservicecs&eZ���fd�Zd�ZRS(csti�ti���|_�ipdSn|iio|iiid�d}nd}d|ii}|djo d}n|ii }|djo d}nd|jod|}n|ii }d|jod|}n�itd �|||||iif�dS( NR0R�s:%ds:80s0.0.0.0t*R�s[%s]s-listening at http://%s%s/%s (bound to %s:%d) ( R&tset_signal_handlerRt create_serverthttpdRRZRtporttaddrtfqaddrRR(R�RZR�tbindaddrR�(RRtbaseui(s./mercurial/commands.pyR[� s& cSs|ii�dS(N(R�t serve_forever(R�((s./mercurial/commands.pytrun� s(R�R�R[R�((RRR�(s./mercurial/commands.pyR�� stinitfntrunfnN(R>R3R@Rt sshserverR�R�R�Rt setconfigR/RR{R�RR�R[R�(RRRR�toptlistR�R�((RRR�s./mercurial/commands.pytserve� s$ ,!" cOsti||id��\}}|o |i�pd}|id�odpd}h}di�} g} | D]!}|i|�o| |ququ~ }|id�o*||io| d d gp| 7}n|p#|io| d p| d }n|i||ti|||�d|jd |jd|j�} t| d | �}|id�p|id�o�|id�o�|t }||}||}| d}|djo| d| d}nxjti||||�di�D]B\}}||jo|||<q�||jo|||<q�q�Wnx�|D]�\}}}||jo�d||f}|id�od|}nxg|D][}|i ||i||��||jo+|i d|i|||�|f�q�q�WqDqDWdS(s�show changed files in the working directory Show status of files in the repository. If names are given, only files that match are shown. Files that are clean or ignored or the source of a copy/move operation, are not listed unless -c/--clean, -i/--ignored, -C/--copies or -A/--all are given. Unless options described with "show only ..." are given, the options -mardu are used. Option -q/--quiet hides untracked (unknown and ignored) files unless explicitly requested with -u/--unknown or -i/--ignored. NOTE: status may appear to disagree with diff if permissions have changed or a merge has occurred. The standard diff format does not report permission changes and diff only reports changes relative to one merge parent. If one revision is given, it is used as the base revision. If two revisions are given, the differences between them are shown. The codes used to show the status of files are:: M = modified A = added R = removed C = clean ! = missing (deleted by non-hg command, but still tracked) ? = not tracked I = ignored = origin of the previous file listed as A (added) R0R�R�R�s s4modified added removed deleted unknown ignored cleanRkiRzitignoredtunknownsMAR!?ICRGt no_statusiis%s %%s%ss%%s%ss %s%sN(RR�RRR�R:RRRFRR>RGRRAR�(RRRRR�R�RkR_R}R�R"RRR�tstattchangestatestctxntctx1tctx2R�R9R�tcharRRR!((s./mercurial/commands.pyR� sJ"!5*#!1 # cOsd}|f|}t|�tt|��jotitd���nx8|D]0}|djotitd�|��qRqRW|id�o)|id�otitd���n|id�o|d}n|id �}|id�o�|id �od pd}x�|D]�}|i|�ptitd�|��n|i|�|joG|djotitd �|��q�titd�|��q q Wt}|pddi|�}q1nV|id�pExB|D]6}||i �jotitd�|��q�q�Wn|o3|i i�dtjotitd���n||i�} |p#ddi|�t | �f}n|id�} | oti| �} n|i|| ||id �|id�| �dS(sadd one or more tags for the current or given revision Name a particular revision using <name>. Tags are used to name particular revisions of the repository and are very useful to compare different revisions, to go back to significant earlier versions or to mark branch points as releases, etc. If no revision is given, the parent of the working directory is used, or tip if no revision is checked out. To facilitate version control, distribution, and merging of tags, they are stored as a file named ".hgtags" which is managed similarly to other project files and can be hand-edited if necessary. The file '.hg/localtags' is used for local tags (not shared among repositories). See 'hg help dates' for a list of formats valid for -d/--date. R�stag names must be uniqueR�R�sthe name '%s' is reservedR0R�s#--rev and --remove are incompatibleRmR1tglobalstag '%s' does not existstag '%s' is not a global tagstag '%s' is not a local tagsRemoved tag %ss, R�s)tag '%s' already exists (use -f to force)is6uncommitted merge - please provide a specific revisionsAdded tag %s for changeset %sR*R,N(stipR�snull(RER�R&R'RRttagtypeRRGR3RRvR2RRsR�(RRtname1RRtrev_RSRmtexpectedtypeRR*((s./mercurial/commands.pyR�EsT ! !" c Cs|iotpt}d}x�t|i��D]�\}}|io|id|�q0ny,||�}d|ii|�|f}Wn t i j od|}q0Xddti|�}|i o*|i|�djo d}q�d}n|id ||||f�q0Wd S(s�list repository tags This lists both regular and local tags. When the -v/--verbose switch is used, a third column "local" is printed for local tags. R�s%s s%5d:%ss ?:%sR9iR1s locals %s%s %s%s N(R�RRtreversedttagslistR:RARpR0R3R�R�R�RR�( RRR�R�RRSR�Rtspaces((s./mercurial/commands.pyR3�s$ cKs.ti|||�i|t|�d�dS(s�show the tip revision The tip revision (usually just called the tip) is the changeset most recently added to the repository (and therefore the most recently changed head). If you have just made a commit, that commit will be the tip. If you have just pulled changes from another repository, the tip of that repository becomes the current tip. The "tip" tag is special and cannot be renamed or assigned to a different changeset. iN(RR�R�RE(RRR((s./mercurial/commands.pyR��sc Os�|f|}|i�}zRxK|D]C}ti||�}ti||�}|i|dd|�} q#WWd|i�Xt||| |id�d�S(s�apply one or more changegroup files Apply one or more compressed changegroup files generated by the bundle command. tunbundlesbundle:NR�( R;R=R�R�t readbundletaddchangegroupRR�RR>( RRtfname1tfnamesRR;R�R!tgenR�((s./mercurial/commands.pyR��s !cCs|o |otitd���n|p |}n|oU|oN|d}|i�p|i�p |i�otitd���q�n|o9|otitd���nti|||�}n|p|ot i ||�Snt i||�SdS(supdate working directory Update the repository's working directory to the specified revision, or the tip of the current branch if none is specified. Use null as the revision to remove the working copy (like 'hg clone -U'). When the working directory contains no uncommitted changes, it will be replaced by the state of the requested revision from the repository. When the requested revision is on a different branch, the working directory will additionally be switched to that branch. When there are uncommitted changes, use option -C/--clean to discard them, forcibly replacing the state of the working directory with the requested revision. Alternately, use -c/--check to abort. When there are uncommitted changes and option -C/--clean is not used, and the parent revision and requested revision are on the same branch, and one of them is an ancestor of the other, then the new working directory will contain the requested revision merged with the uncommitted changes. Otherwise, the update will fail with a suggestion to use 'merge' or 'update -C' instead. If you want to update just one file to an older revision, use revert. See 'hg help dates' for a list of formats valid for -d/--date. s please specify just one revisionsuncommitted local changess'you can't specify a revision and a dateN(R&R'RR>R�R�R�RR�RyRzR�(RRR2R0RzR*tcheckR ((s./mercurial/commands.pyR��s 'cCs ti|�S(sPverify the integrity of the repository Verify the integrity of the current repository. This will perform an extensive check of the repository's integrity, validating the hashes and checksums of each entry in the changelog, manifest, and tracked files, as well as the integrity of their crosslinks and indices. (RyR�(RR((s./mercurial/commands.pyR��s cCs4|itd�ti��|itd��dS(s(output version and copyright informations'Mercurial Distributed SCM (version %s) s� Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Matt Mackall <[email protected]> and others This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. N(RARR&tversionR(R((s./mercurial/commands.pyR�s tRR�s/repository root directory or symbolic path nameRkschange working directoryR tnoninteractives4do not prompt, assume 'yes' for any required answerstqR:ssuppress outputR9Rsenable additional outputR{sset/override config optionR7senable debugging outputtdebuggersstart debuggerR�sset the charset encodingtencodingmodesset the charset encoding modet tracebacksprint traceback on exceptionRDstime how long the command takestprofilesprint command execution profileR�s#output version information and exitRR sdisplay help and exitRSsdry-runs)do not perform actions, just print outputR�tsshsspecify ssh command to uset remotecmds,specify hg command to run on the remote sideR�tincludes)include names matching the given patternstXtexcludes)exclude names matching the given patternsR Rmsuse <text> as commit messageRURnsread commit message from <file>R[R*srecord datecode as commit dateR�R,s&record the specified user as committertstylesdisplay using template map fileR�sdisplay with templateRXRls show patchtgtgitsuse git extended diff formatRVs!limit number of changes displayedtMs no-mergessdo not show mergesR�R7streat all files as textRIs#don't include dates in diff headerss show-functions%show which function each change is inR"signore-all-spaces'ignore white space when comparing linesR�signore-space-changes+ignore changes in the amount of white spacetBsignore-blank-liness(ignore changes whose lines are all blanktUtunifieds"number of lines of context to showR�R#s-guess renamed files by similarity (0<=s<=100)s[OPTION]... [FILE]...s^addR(RR0sannotate the specified revisionR!R3sfollow file copies and renamesslist the author (long with -v)slist the date (short with -q)R.s"list the revision number (default)R R1slist the changesetsline-numbers(show line number at the first appearances3[-r REV] [-f] [-a] [-u] [-d] [-n] [-c] [-l] FILE...s^annotate|blames no-decodes"do not pass files through decodersRZs%directory prefix for files in archivesrevision to distributeRRYstype of distribution to creates[OPTION]... DESTReRrs,merge with old dirstate parent after backoutRis'parent to choose when backing out mergesrevision to backouts[OPTION]... [-r] REVR�R�sreset bisect stateR�smark changeset goodRsmark changeset badR�sskip testing changesetR�s$use command to check changeset stateR�sdo not update to targets[-gbsr] [-c CMD] [REV]R�R�s5set branch name even if it shadows an existing branchtCRzs'reset branch name to parent branch names[-fC] [NAME]RxR�s+show only branches that have unmerged headsR�sshow normal and closed branchess[-a]R�s,run even when remote repository is unrelateds0a changeset up to which you would like to bundleR�s4a base changeset to specify instead of a destinationRks'bundle all changesets in the repositoryR�sbundle compression type to uses1[-f] [-a] [-r REV]... [--base REV]... FILE [DEST]R�R�R�s(print output to file with formatted namesprint the given revisionR�s apply any matching decode filters[OPTION]... FILE...R�s:the clone will only contain a repository (no working copy)s0a changeset you would like to have after cloningR�s"use pull protocol to copy metadataR�s)use uncompressed transfer (fast over LAN)s[OPTION]... SOURCE [DEST]s^clonetAs9mark new/missing files as added/removed before committingsclose-branchs7mark a branch as closed, hiding it from the branch lists ^commit|ciR�s'record a copy that has already occurreds+forcibly copy over an existing managed files[OPTION]... [SOURCE]... DESTscopy|cps[INDEX] REV1 REV2R R4s [COMMAND]RRsshow the command optionss[-o] CMDR!RWstry extended date formatss[-e] DATE [RANGE]R\sFILE REVRVs[PATH]R(tFILERaRbR�srevision to rebuild tos[-r REV] [REV]R+srevision to debugs [-r REV] FILER�sREV1 [REV2]R@sdo not display the saved mtimes[OPTION]...RPsrevision to checkRSR�RTR�schange made by revisions)[OPTION]... [-r REV1 [-r REV2]] [FILE]...s^diffs switch-parentsdiff against the second parents#[OPTION]... [-o OUTFILESPEC] REV...s^exports^forgett0R�send fields with NULsprint all revisions that matchsCfollow changeset history, or file history across copies and renamesRsignore-casesignore case when matchingsfiles-with-matchess-print only filenames and revisions that matchsprint matching line numbersssearch in given revision ranges[OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...R�s,show only heads which are descendants of REVs4show only the active branch heads from open branchess#show normal and closed branch headss[-r STARTREV] [REV]...R�s[TOPIC]sidentify the specified revisionR4sshow local revision numberR5sshow global revision idsshow branchR3s show tagss[-nibt] [-r REV] [SOURCE]sidentify|idRis]directory strip option for patch. This has the same meaning as the corresponding patch options base paths.skip check for outstanding uncommitted changess no-commits/don't commit, just update the working directoryRs4apply patch to the nodes from which it was generateds import-branchs8use any branch information in patch (implied by --exact)s[OPTION]... PATCH...simport|patchsnewest-firstsshow newest record firstsfile to store the bundles intos6a specific revision up to which you would like to pulls<[-p] [-n] [-M] [-f] [-r REV]... [--bundle FILENAME] [SOURCE]sincoming|ins![-e CMD] [--remotecmd CMD] [DEST]s^inits(search the repository as it stood at REVs*end filenames with NUL, for use with xargsR]s-print complete paths from the filesystem roots[OPTION]... [PATTERN]...Rasfollow-firsts0only follow the first parent of merge changesetss!show revisions matching date specRGsshow copied filesRRRjs(do case-insensitive search for a keywords$show the specified revision or rangeR�s*include revisions where files were removedsonly-mergessshow only mergessrevisions committed by usersonly-branchs2show only changesets within the given named branchtPtprunes/do not display revision or any of its ancestorss[OPTION]... [FILE]s^log|historysrevision to displays[-r REV]R*s&force a merge with outstanding changessrevision to mergeRxs1review revisions to merge (no merge is performed)s[-f] [[-r] REV]s^merges6a specific revision up to which you would like to pushs&[-M] [-p] [-n] [-f] [-r REV]... [DEST]soutgoing|outs(show parents from the specified revisions[-r REV] [FILE]s^parentss[NAME]R~R�s+update to new tip if changesets were pulleds9[-u] [-f] [-r REV]... [-e CMD] [--remotecmd CMD] [SOURCE]s^pulls force pushs2[-f] [-r REV]... [-e CMD] [--remotecmd CMD] [DEST]s^pushR�srecord delete for missing filess2remove (and delete) file even if added or modifieds ^remove|rms)record a rename that has already occurreds[OPTION]... SOURCE... DESTs rename|mvsremerge all unresolved filesR�s!list state of files needing mergeR�smark files as resolvedR�sunmark files as resolvedR�s*revert all changes when no arguments givenstipmost revision matching datesrevision to revert tos no-backups"do not save backup copies of filess[OPTION]... [-r REV] [NAME]...RRCR`t accesslogs#name of access log file to write totdaemonsrun server in backgroundsdaemon-pipefdssused internally by daemon modetEterrorlogs"name of error log file to write toR�is!port to listen on (default: 8000)taddresss.address to listen on (default: all interfaces)s0prefix path to serve from (default: server root)R;s6name to show in web pages (default: working directory)swebdir-confs?name of the webdir config file (serve more than one repository)spid-files#name of file to write process ID toR�sfor remote clientst templatessweb templates to usestemplate style to uset6tipv6suse IPv6 in addition to IPv4tcertificatesSSL certificate files^serveR5s$show untrusted configuration optionss[-u] [NAME]...sshowconfig|debugconfigsshow status of all filesR�sshow only modified filesR�sshow only added filessshow only removed filesR2s%show only deleted (but tracked) filessshow only files without changesR�s%show only unknown (not tracked) filesR�sshow only ignored filess no-statusshide status prefixsshow source of copied filessshow difference from revisions ^status|stsreplace existing tagR1smake the tag localsrevision to tagR�sremove a tags3[-l] [-m TEXT] [-d DATE] [-u USER] [-r REV] NAME...R�s[-p]s.update to new tip if changesets were unbundleds[-u] FILE...R�s,overwrite locally modified files (no backup)R�scheck for uncommitted changess[-C] [-d DATE] [[-r] REV]s^update|up|checkout|coR�syclone init version help debugcommands debugcomplete debugdata debugindex debugindexdot debugdate debuginstall debugfsinfos-identify paths serve showconfig debugancestor(zR2RRRRR;Rti18nRRR^R�RaR�R�RDRdRyR&RRSRRGRkR3RlR RwR=R�RdR�RR�R�thgwebRRrR�RRR(RBReR>R�R�RxR{R�R�R�R�R�R}R RR!R(R+R4R>R@RPRSRVR\RaRbR�R�R�R�R�R�R�R�R/R7RKRLR[RaRuR*RzRvR~R�R�R�R�R�RtR�RRCR`R�RR�R3R�R�R�R�R�R�Rt dryrunoptst remoteoptstwalkoptst commitoptstcommitopts2ttemplateoptstlogoptsR�t diffopts2tsimilarityoptsRtnorepotoptionalrepo(((s./mercurial/commands.pys<module>s6"T`<< ? ,W �"*K 4 1 $ p * - � @�J �E # ~:#( $ = 8 � A J D 5 N 959 �_ � J 5_