ref: 8ef27e2fe652a8b29a8b57589863f2f2b45f9425
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:- module(repl, []). repl(Args) :- write('Welcome to p-prolog version 1'), nl, write('Started with args: '), write(Args), nl, repl_loop. repl_loop :- catch(read_eval_print, E, print_exception(E)), '$collect_garbage', repl_loop. read_eval_print :- write('?- '), asserta(found_a_solution :- (!, fail)), read_term(Term, [variable_names(Vars)]), '$choicestack_size'(Choicecount), eval_and_print(Term, Vars, Choicecount), !, abolish(found_a_solution/0). eval_and_print(Goal, Vars, Choicecount) :- user:call(Goal), abolish(found_a_solution/0), asserta(found_a_solution :- !), '$choicestack_size'(ChoicecountNew), ( ChoicecountNew > Choicecount + 1 -> write_result(Vars, more), get_raw_char(Char), ( Char = ';' -> put_char(Char), nl, '$collect_garbage', asserta(found_a_solution :- (!, fail)), fail % backtrack and call G again ; put_char('.'), nl ) ; write_result(Vars, end) ). eval_and_print(Goal, _, _) :- \+ found_a_solution, write('false.'), nl. write_state(end) :- write('.'), nl. write_state(more). write_result([], State) :- write('true'), write_state(State). write_result([B|Bs], State) :- write_bindings([B|Bs]), write_state(State). write_bindings([]). write_bindings([B|Bs]) :- write(B), ( Bs = [] -> true ; put_char(','), nl ), write_bindings(Bs). print_exception(E) :- write('Unhandled exception: '), write(E), nl. whitespace(' '). whitespace(' '). whitespace(' '). get_raw_char(Char) :- open('/dev/consctl', write, S), write(S, rawon), get_one_char(Char), write(S, rawoff), close(S). get_one_char(Char) :- get_char(C), ( whitespace(C) -> get_one_char(Char) ; Char = C ).