implemented perspective projection and a new rendering procedure (flag2).
got rid of unused code. implemented memsetd for double sized filling.
show the rendering as it happens, with the option of visualizing the z-buffer.
add some shaping function experiments.
remove unnecessary cbuf2 variable.
add mk rule to pull dependencies (libobj for now).
Lesson 2: Hidden faces removal (z-buffer)
Lesson 1: Triangle rasterization and back-face culling—Flat shading render
adapted to the new libobj element format.
add support for OBJ models (triangles only).
correct the fb's rframe and use another Memimage for fragments.
experiments with triangle and circle shaders.
track nanosec.c and fix some things.
Lesson 1: Triangle rasterization and back-face culling—Triangle shader
Lesson 1: Triangle rasterization and back-face culling—First attempt
Lesson 1: Triangle rasterization and back-face culling—Preparation
Lesson 0: Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm—Fifth attempt
Lesson 0: Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm—Third attempt
Lesson 0: Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm—First attempt