ref: 37069678c8a822cf43703ae627cdaa9768431e15
dir: /src/pt2_header.h/
#pragma once #include <SDL2/SDL.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <assert.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_MEAN_AND_LEAN #include <windows.h> #else #include <limits.h> // PATH_MAX #endif #include <stdint.h> #include "pt2_unicode.h" #define PROG_VER_STR "1.05" #ifdef _WIN32 #define DIR_DELIMITER '\\' #define PATH_MAX MAX_PATH #else #define DIR_DELIMITER '/' #endif #include "pt2_config.h" // this must be included after PATH_MAX definition #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4244) // disable 'conversion from' warings #pragma warning(disable:4820) // disable struct padding warnings #pragma warning(disable:4996) // disable deprecated POSIX warnings #pragma warning(disable:4127) // disable while (true) warnings #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #define _stricmp strcasecmp #define _strnicmp strncasecmp #endif #define SAMPLE_VIEW_HEIGHT 64 #define SAMPLE_AREA_WIDTH 314 #define SCREEN_W 320 #define SCREEN_H 255 /* "60Hz" ranges everywhere from 59..61Hz depending on the monitor, so with ** no vsync we will get stuttering because the rate is not perfect... */ #define VBLANK_HZ 60 /* Scopes are clocked at 64Hz instead of 60Hz to prevent +/- interference ** from monitors not being exactly 60Hz (and unstable non-vsync mode). ** Sadly the scopes might midly flicker from this. */ #define SCOPE_HZ 64 #define AMIGA_PAL_VBLANK_HZ 50 #define FONT_CHAR_W 8 // actual data length is 7, includes right spacing (1px column) #define FONT_CHAR_H 5 #define MOD_ROWS 64 #define MOD_SAMPLES 31 #define MOD_ORDERS 128 #define MAX_PATTERNS 100 #define MAX_SAMPLE_LEN 65534 #define RESERVED_SAMPLE_OFFSET (31 * MAX_SAMPLE_LEN) #define AMIGA_VOICES 4 #define SCOPE_WIDTH 40 #define SCOPE_HEIGHT 33 #define SPECTRUM_BAR_NUM 23 #define SPECTRUM_BAR_HEIGHT 36 #define SPECTRUM_BAR_WIDTH 6 #define POSED_LIST_SIZE 12 // main crystal oscillator #define AMIGA_PAL_XTAL_HZ 28375160 #define PAULA_PAL_CLK (AMIGA_PAL_XTAL_HZ / 8) #define CIA_PAL_CLK (AMIGA_PAL_XTAL_HZ / 40) #define FILTERS_BASE_FREQ (PAULA_PAL_CLK / 214.0) #define KEYB_REPEAT_DELAY 17 // .MOD types enum { FORMAT_MK, // ProTracker or compatible FORMAT_FLT, // Startrekker (4 channels) FORMAT_FT2, // FT2 (or other trackers, multichannel) FORMAT_STK, // The Ultimate SoundTracker (15 samples) FORMAT_NT, // NoiseTracker FORMAT_HMNT, // His Master's NoiseTracker (special one) FORMAT_UNKNOWN // may be The Ultimate Soundtracker (set to FORMAT_STK later) }; enum { FLAG_NOTE = 1, FLAG_SAMPLE = 2, FLAG_NEWSAMPLE = 4, TEMPFLAG_START = 1, TEMPFLAG_DELAY = 2, FILTER_A500 = 1, FILTER_LED_ENABLED = 2, NO_CARRY = 0, DO_CARRY = 1, INCREMENT_SLOW = 0, INCREMENT_FAST = 1, NO_SAMPLE_CUT = 0, SAMPLE_CUT = 1, EDIT_SPECIAL = 0, EDIT_NORMAL = 1, EDIT_TEXT_NO_UPDATE = 0, EDIT_TEXT_UPDATE = 1, TRANSPOSE_ALL = 1, MOUSE_BUTTON_NOT_HELD = 0, MOUSE_BUTTON_HELD = 1, DONT_SET_ORDER = -1, DONT_SET_PATTERN = -1, DONT_SET_ROW = -1, REMOVE_SAMPLE_MARKING = 0, KEEP_SAMPLE_MARKING = 1, MOD_NOT_MODIFIED = 0, MOD_IS_MODIFIED = 1, DONT_CHECK_IF_FILE_EXIST = 0, CHECK_IF_FILE_EXIST = 1, DONT_GIVE_NEW_FILENAME = 0, GIVE_NEW_FILENAME = 1, DONT_DOWNSAMPLE = 0, DO_DOWNSAMPLE = 1, SCREEN_ALL = 0, SCREEN_MAINSCREEN = 1, SCREEN_DISKOP = 2, SCREEN_SAMPLER = 4, SCREEN_QUIT = 8, SCREEN_CLEAR = 16, VISUAL_QUADRASCOPE = 0, VISUAL_SPECTRUM = 1, MODE_IDLE = 0, MODE_EDIT = 1, MODE_PLAY = 2, MODE_RECORD = 3, RECORD_PATT = 0, RECORD_SONG = 1, CURSOR_NOTE = 0, CURSOR_SAMPLE1 = 1, CURSOR_SAMPLE2 = 2, CURSOR_CMD = 3, CURSOR_PARAM1 = 4, CURSOR_PARAM2 = 5, PLAY_MODE_NORMAL = 0, PLAY_MODE_PATTERN = 1, OCTAVE_HIGH = 0, OCTAVE_LOW = 1, DISKOP_MODE_MOD = 0, DISKOP_MODE_SMP = 1, DISKOP_SMP_WAV = 0, DISKOP_SMP_IFF = 1, DISKOP_SMP_RAW = 2, ASK_QUIT = 0, ASK_SAVE_MODULE = 1, ASK_SAVE_SONG = 2, ASK_SAVE_SAMPLE = 3, ASK_MOD2WAV = 4, ASK_MOD2WAV_OVERWRITE = 5, ASK_SAVEMOD_OVERWRITE = 6, ASK_SAVESMP_OVERWRITE = 7, ASK_DOWNSAMPLING = 8, ASK_RESAMPLE = 9, ASK_KILL_SAMPLE = 10, ASK_UPSAMPLE = 11, ASK_DOWNSAMPLE = 12, ASK_FILTER_ALL_SAMPLES = 13, ASK_BOOST_ALL_SAMPLES = 14, ASK_MAKE_CHORD = 15, ASK_SAVE_ALL_SAMPLES = 16, ASK_PAT2SMP = 17, ASK_RESTORE_SAMPLE = 18, ASK_DISCARD_SONG = 19, ASK_DISCARD_SONG_DRAGNDROP = 20, TEMPO_MODE_CIA = 0, TEMPO_MODE_VBLANK = 1, TEXT_EDIT_STRING = 0, TEXT_EDIT_DECIMAL = 1, TEXT_EDIT_HEX = 2 }; typedef struct wavHeader_t { uint32_t chunkID, chunkSize, format, subchunk1ID, subchunk1Size; uint16_t audioFormat, numChannels; uint32_t sampleRate, byteRate; uint16_t blockAlign, bitsPerSample; uint32_t subchunk2ID, subchunk2Size; } wavHeader_t; typedef struct sampleLoop_t { uint32_t dwIdentifier, dwType, dwStart; uint32_t dwEnd, dwFraction, dwPlayCount; } sampleLoop_t; typedef struct samplerChunk_t { uint32_t chunkID, chunkSize, dwManufacturer, dwProduct; uint32_t dwSamplePeriod, dwMIDIUnityNote, wMIDIPitchFraction; uint32_t dwSMPTEFormat, dwSMPTEOffset, cSampleLoops, cbSamplerData; sampleLoop_t loop; } samplerChunk_t; typedef struct note_t { uint8_t param, sample, command; uint16_t period; } note_t; typedef struct moduleHeader_t { char moduleTitle[20 + 1]; uint16_t order[MOD_ORDERS], orderCount; uint16_t initialTempo; // used for STK/UST modules after module is loaded } moduleHeader_t; typedef struct moduleSample_t { volatile int8_t *volumeDisp; volatile uint16_t *lengthDisp, *loopStartDisp, *loopLengthDisp; char text[22 + 1]; int8_t volume; uint8_t fineTune; uint16_t length, loopStart, loopLength; int32_t offset; } moduleSample_t; typedef struct moduleChannel_t { int8_t *n_start, *n_wavestart, *n_loopstart, n_chanindex, n_volume; int8_t n_toneportdirec, n_vibratopos, n_tremolopos, n_pattpos, n_loopcount; uint8_t n_wavecontrol, n_glissfunk, n_sampleoffset, n_toneportspeed; uint8_t n_vibratocmd, n_tremolocmd, n_finetune, n_funkoffset, n_samplenum; int16_t n_period, n_note, n_wantedperiod; uint16_t n_cmd; uint32_t n_scopedelta, n_length, n_replen; } moduleChannel_t; typedef struct module_t { int8_t *sampleData, currRow, modified, row; uint8_t currSpeed, moduleLoaded; uint16_t currOrder, currPattern, currBPM; uint32_t rowsCounter, rowsInTotal; moduleHeader_t head; moduleSample_t samples[MOD_SAMPLES]; moduleChannel_t channels[AMIGA_VOICES]; note_t *patterns[MAX_PATTERNS]; } module_t; struct cpu_t { bool hasSSE, hasSSE2; } cpu; struct audio_t { uint16_t bpmTab[256-32], bpmTab28kHz[256-32], bpmTab22kHz[256-32]; uint32_t audioFreq, audioBufferSize; double dAudioFreq, dPeriodToDeltaDiv; } audio; struct input_t { struct keyb_t { bool repeatKey, delayKey; bool shiftPressed, leftCtrlPressed, leftAltPressed; bool leftCommandPressed, leftAmigaPressed, keypadEnterPressed; uint8_t repeatCounter, delayCounter; uint64_t repeatFrac; SDL_Scancode lastRepKey, lastKey; } keyb; struct mouse_t { volatile bool setPosFlag; bool buttonWaiting, leftButtonPressed, rightButtonPressed; uint8_t repeatCounter, buttonWaitCounter; int32_t setPosX, setPosY, lastGUIButton, lastSmpFilterButton, prevX, prevY; int16_t x, y, lastMouseX; } mouse; } input; // this is massive... struct editor_t { volatile int8_t vuMeterVolumes[AMIGA_VOICES], spectrumVolumes[SPECTRUM_BAR_NUM]; volatile int8_t *sampleFromDisp, *sampleToDisp, *currSampleDisp, realVuMeterVolumes[AMIGA_VOICES]; volatile bool songPlaying, programRunning, isWAVRendering, isSMPRendering, smpRenderingDone; volatile uint8_t modTick, modSpeed; volatile uint16_t *quantizeValueDisp, *metroSpeedDisp, *metroChannelDisp, *sampleVolDisp; volatile uint16_t *vol1Disp, *vol2Disp, *currEditPatternDisp, *currPosDisp, *currPatternDisp; volatile uint16_t *currPosEdPattDisp, *currLengthDisp, *lpCutOffDisp, *hpCutOffDisp; volatile uint16_t *samplePosDisp, *chordLengthDisp; char mixText[16]; char *entryNameTmp, *currPath, *dropTempFileName; UNICHAR *fileNameTmpU, *currPathU, *modulesPathU, *samplesPathU; bool errorMsgActive, errorMsgBlock, multiFlag, metroFlag, keypadToggle8CFlag, normalizeFiltersFlag; bool sampleAllFlag, halfClipFlag, newOldFlag, pat2SmpHQ, mixFlag, useLEDFilter; bool modLoaded, fullscreen, autoInsFlag, repeatKeyFlag, sampleZero, tuningFlag; bool stepPlayEnabled, stepPlayBackwards, blockBufferFlag, blockMarkFlag, didQuantize; bool swapChannelFlag, configFound, abortMod2Wav, chordLengthMin, rowVisitTable[MOD_ORDERS * MOD_ROWS]; bool muted[AMIGA_VOICES]; int8_t smpRedoFinetunes[MOD_SAMPLES], smpRedoVolumes[MOD_SAMPLES], multiModeNext[4], trackPattFlag; int8_t *smpRedoBuffer[MOD_SAMPLES], *tempSample, currSample, recordMode, sampleFrom, sampleTo, autoInsSlot; int8_t keypadSampleOffset, note1, note2, note3, note4, oldNote1, oldNote2, oldNote3, oldNote4; uint8_t playMode, currMode, tuningChan, tuningVol, errorMsgCounter, buffFromPos, buffToPos; uint8_t blockFromPos, blockToPos, timingMode, f6Pos, f7Pos, f8Pos, f9Pos, f10Pos, keyOctave, pNoteFlag; uint8_t tuningNote, resampleNote, initialTempo, initialSpeed, editMoveAdd; int16_t *mod2WavBuffer, *pat2SmpBuf, modulateSpeed; uint16_t metroSpeed, metroChannel, sampleVol, samplePos, chordLength; uint16_t effectMacros[10], oldTempo, currPlayNote, vol1, vol2, lpCutOff, hpCutOff; int32_t smpRedoLoopStarts[MOD_SAMPLES], smpRedoLoopLengths[MOD_SAMPLES], smpRedoLengths[MOD_SAMPLES]; int32_t modulatePos, modulateOffset, markStartOfs, markEndOfs; uint32_t musicTime, vblankTimeLen, vblankTimeLenFrac, pat2SmpPos; double dPerfFreq, dPerfFreqMulMicro; note_t trackBuffer[MOD_ROWS], cmdsBuffer[MOD_ROWS], blockBuffer[MOD_ROWS]; note_t patternBuffer[MOD_ROWS * AMIGA_VOICES], undoBuffer[MOD_ROWS * AMIGA_VOICES]; SDL_Thread *mod2WavThread, *pat2SmpThread; struct diskop_t { volatile bool cached, isFilling, forceStopReading; bool modPackFlg; int8_t mode, smpSaveType; int32_t numEntries, scrollOffset; SDL_Thread *fillThread; } diskop; struct cursor_t { uint8_t lastPos, pos, mode, channel; uint32_t bgBuffer[11 * 14]; } cursor; struct text_offsets_t { uint16_t diskOpPath; } textofs; struct ui_t { char statusMessage[18], prevStatusMessage[18]; char *dstPtr, *editPos, *textEndPtr, *showTextPtr; bool answerNo, answerYes, throwExit, editTextFlag, askScreenShown, samplerScreenShown; bool leftLoopPinMoving, rightLoopPinMoving, changingSmpResample, changingDrumPadNote; bool forceSampleDrag, forceSampleEdit, introScreenShown; bool aboutScreenShown, clearScreenShown, posEdScreenShown, diskOpScreenShown; bool samplerVolBoxShown, samplerFiltersBoxShown, editOpScreenShown; int8_t *numPtr8, tmpDisp8, pointerMode, editOpScreen, editTextType, askScreenType; int8_t visualizerMode, previousPointerMode, forceVolDrag, changingChordNote; uint8_t numLen, numBits; // render/update flags bool updateStatusText, updatePatternData; bool updateSongName, updateMod2WavDialog, mod2WavFinished; // edit op. #2 bool updateRecordText, updateQuantizeText, updateMetro1Text, updateMetro2Text; bool updateFromText, updateKeysText, updateToText; // edit op. #3 bool updateMixText, updatePosText, updateModText, updateVolText; // edit op. #4 (sample chord editor) bool updateLengthText, updateNote1Text, updateNote2Text; bool updateNote3Text, updateNote4Text; //sampler bool updateResampleNote, updateVolFromText, updateVolToText, updateLPText; bool updateHPText, updateNormFlag, update9xxPos; // general bool updateSongPos, updateSongPattern, updateSongLength, updateCurrSampleFineTune; bool updateCurrSampleNum, updateCurrSampleVolume, updateCurrSampleLength; bool updateCurrSampleRepeat, updateCurrSampleReplen, updateCurrSampleName; bool updateSongSize, updateSongTiming, updateSongBPM; bool updateCurrPattText, updateTrackerFlags, pat2SmpDialogShown; // disk op. bool updateLoadMode, updatePackText, updateSaveFormatText, updateDiskOpPathText; // pos ed. bool updatePosEd, updateDiskOpFileList; // these are used when things are drawn on top, for example clear/ask dialogs bool disablePosEd, disableVisualizer; bool vsync60HzPresent; int16_t lineCurX, lineCurY, editObject, sampleMarkingPos; uint16_t *numPtr16, tmpDisp16, *dstOffset, dstPos, textLength, editTextPos; uint16_t dstOffsetEnd, lastSampleOffset; int32_t askTempData, renderX, renderY, renderW, renderH, displayW, displayH; int32_t xScale, yScale; double dMouseXMul, dMouseYMul; SDL_PixelFormat *pixelFormat; #ifdef _WIN32 HWND hWnd; #endif } ui; struct sampler_t { const int8_t *samStart; int8_t *blankSample, *copyBuf; int16_t loopStartPos, loopEndPos; uint16_t dragStart, dragEnd, saveMouseX, lastSamPos; int32_t samPointWidth, samOffset, samDisplay, samLength; int32_t lastMouseX, lastMouseY, tmpLoopStart, tmpLoopLength; uint32_t copyBufSize, samDrawStart, samDrawEnd; } sampler; } editor; void restartSong(void); void resetSong(void); void incPatt(void); void decPatt(void); void modSetPos(int16_t order, int16_t row); void modStop(void); void doStopIt(void); void playPattern(int8_t startRow); void modPlay(int16_t patt, int16_t order, int8_t row); void modSetSpeed(uint8_t speed); void modSetTempo(uint16_t bpm); void modFree(void); bool setupAudio(void); void audioClose(void); void clearSong(void); void clearSamples(void); void clearAll(void); void modSetPattern(uint8_t pattern); extern module_t *modEntry; // pt_main.c